The Distinguished Delegates
Character introductions to the delegates and their friends.
Thread Authors Replies Last Updated
Complete Nobility: Quirze Zacarías Espino y Aspramunt 7 by Nscruiser
Complete Religious: Voshrelka 0 by Aestrix
Complete Nobility: Sergi Noguera i Mata de Roda-Mar 2 by JiSK
Academy Representative: Senior Professor Coeliaris of the Wizarding College of Westcrown 1 by girllich
Sortition: Rubèn Oriol 0 by Rockeye
Complete Has Warnings Other: Imperia Caballè 0 by apprenticebard
Academy Representative: Carme Bonaventura 0 by Alicorn
Sortition: Albert 0 by Vaniver
“mysterious wizard” : Lisandro 1 by lux
Complete Has Warnings Nobility: Heloisa Gaudi-Bittner 0 by apprenticebard
Complete Election: Alonso Grey-Eye 1 by Vaniver
Total: 86