The Distinguished Delegates
Character introductions to the delegates and their friends.
Thread Authors Replies Last Updated
Complete Religious: Laia Solandra 0 by Alicorn
Nobility: Duchess Arodea Carlota Guiomar de Chelam 0 by lintamande
Complete Religious: Blai Artigas 5 by Alicorn
Complete 'Attendant': Tibex Escriva 0 by JiSK
Complete Election: Alicia Rivera 4 by QTesseract
Nobility: Condesa Lucía Velacruz i Montemayor 1 by girllich
Nobility: Archduke Narikopolus 3 by apprenticebard
Complete Nobility: Archduchess Jilia Bainilus 1 by JiSK
Complete Has Warnings Religious: Victòria Ferrer 14 by Arete/Stars
Has Warnings Religious: Molochio 13 by Pevensie
Complete Religious: Llúcian Toset 1 by Fay
Complete Sortition: Karrag 2 by apprenticebard
Complete [Election] Roger Texidor 1 by JiSK
Religious: Xènia Solé 0 by apprenticebard
Nobility: Eloi Count Aneto 0 by DDF
Has Warnings Religious: Valentí Amengual 0 by apprenticebard
Complete Sortition: Lluc Llorente 0 by Alicorn
Complete Sorition: Arlet Ginel 0 by Alicorn
Sortition: Higini Cua 0 by Alicorn
Complete Has Warnings Sortition: Livi Barro 0 by Arete/Stars
Complete Sortition: Dolor Rado 1 by QTesseract
Election: Séfora 0 by girllich
Sortition: Iker 0 by lux
Complete "Nobility": Coro Leptus Sabinus 4 by Vaniver
Complete Sortition: Margarida 1 by Nscruiser