His family only kept the bastard alive because they knew they would need to give someone up for conscription eventually and it was an easy way to keep all the human sons. He heard that basically every day, and one day it made him feel coming-up-with-an-idea angry instead of hit-somebody-angry. 

The recruiting sergeant was a bit confused at first, they didn't really get volunteers. Didn't have a surname either, wouldn't say which family to count him from. A bit young, but a young half orc still fits the height and weight requirements. 

A couple years later, Iker has decent armor, a cold iron sword, and a spot on a the squad that actually fights instead of just standing in a pike wall. A couple more years later, he has scars, a reputation for surviving situations that really shouldn't have survivors, and that thing some soldiers have where getting hit by a fireball is survivable. (a fireball from behind, what the fuck Paulin, you useless jumped-up laundry wizard, hope the demons get you while you sleep) A couple more years later, he has a new commander because there's a new queen or something. 

Wizard teleports in, says he's being stationed in the city for some kind of convention. No demons to kill, but the pay is decent and there's going to be nobles. Iker doesn't expect anyone to listen to him, they'll probably kick him out for fighting once he starts a fight, but hopefully he can impress a noble and get one of those cushy retainer jobs.