Corentyn Academy was built with two dormitories, with the main school buildings between them. One for boys, one for girls. During the sack, the dorms made decisions independently, with only limited communication between them. The boys were led by the headmaster, who ordered an offensive into the city. The boys fought with cantrips and crossbows, and most were cut down by Rahadi soldiers. Most of the teachers either fell in other parts of the city, or fled in the chaos. Four hours later, the boys’ dorm was overrun, and the headmaster killed before he could prepare new spells.

But the girls held position, and held it for thirteen hours. After that, the girls' dorms, too, were overrun - but this without resistance. Despite the lightning bolts and fireballs that had rained out of the windows at the beginning of the night, the Rahadi soldiers found no one inside at all.

The girls were led by Professor Imperia Caballè, who had twenty years of experience in the army and twelve at Corentyn Academy. Twelve years of students had called her an Erinyes. She was known to whip students for the smallest infractions - fidgeting in class, imperfectly tied hair, sloppy handwriting. Once, a heavily pregnant girl had requested leniency because of her condition, and Caballé had cut her stomach open in front of everyone. After leaving the girl screaming for a moment, she drew out a vial of devil's blood, and closed the wound.

There, she said. The distraction is gone. Now do your work.

All this said - on the night of the sack, Caballé had marched nearly six hundred girls down into the dungeons below Corentyn academy. These dungeons were infested with undead, and had been out of use for at least a generation. Caballé had sealed up the entrance behind them with magic, leaving no trace. They had remained inside for five days, undiscovered.

What happened underground is now the stuff of tenth-grade legend. It is said that Caballé fought and killed a hydra. It is said that she led the oldest girls in sweeping through the zombies, letting them prepare spells from her own spellbook. It is said that they would have perished from thirst, had Caballé not summoned great spikes of ice, and let them drink. It is said that her familiar was killed, and that hell sent her an imp to replace it immediately, without her having to ask.

Thirteen deaths, among the girls. More than two hundred, among the boys.


The new headmaster is of the most radical breed in Andoran, ten years Caballé’s junior. When the call for academy delegates goes out, the headmaster puts it to a vote - not just among the staff, but among the whole student body.

Among the girls - a good sixty percent of the student body, this year - support for Caballé is nearly unanimous. The headmaster balks, but the vote is fair. No evidence of tampering, enchantment, bribery, or threat. 

You should have seen her, say the girls. Oh, to be an Erinyes.