Genet Hranni is yet young, by the standards of storm giants.

If you'd asked him last century--before Aroden died, and the world convulsed--, the odds he'd find himself patriarch of his family at the tender age of three-hundred and twenty-five, he'd have said zero. His father was in perfect health--and his father's father, and, in fact, his father's father's father. 

But the Hranni fought in the Civil War, and lost.


Before the death of Aroden and the Chellish civil war, Genet Hranni lived on East Thuryan, off what's now called the Hellcoast. The seizure of their property scattered the Hranni to the four corners of Golarion, and Genet spent the next seventy-five years sailing and walking a post-Aroden world, solving problems for the locals but laying few roots, always keeping half an eye on land where he was born. He didn't fight the Red Revolution, because he didn't think it would work. Shamed by its success, he did fight in the People's Revolt. These days he owns a house in Andoran, but it doesn't feel like home.

Now all of Cheliax is free of the Thrunes. There are a number of Hranni giants interested in returning to the country--and a larger number of them who are interested in Hranni giants returning to the country, but not to doing so themselves (or at least not until there are relatives to stay with and castles at which to stay). 

There's pressure on him to travel, and he's easily convinced to. He's hoping to find a wizard who can do the route, because it's a long swim and while there are human vessels which can transport him there aren't many as can do so comfortably.