all you have to do is get most of the people who vote, to vote for you, right?
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She notices the building!

"Have been to places with other tribes...but...even if six hundred people in one place, only the queens it is important can talk. Not know how talk to six hundred people."


"Well, my... friend, said he thinks most people won't talk much. A lot will be afraid to be there and trying not to be noticed."


"Then why there?"


"Because someone who didn't like them elected them, or they were chosen by lot to attend, or they're scared to offend the queen by not attending. He doesn't think they're - you're - actually in danger, but, well, they're used to living with bad men in charge."


"...Bad men hurt other humans?"


"Always. Good men still hurt other humans too. And halflings, and dogs, and orcs, and whatever is in their way when they're angry."


"What is 'halflings' and 'orcs'?"


"Halflings are the short ones like me, who don't have pudgy baby faces like human children. Orcs are... bigger than humans, and skin that's grayer and greener, with tusks and pointed ears and usually more scars. Halflings and orcs are almost all slaves, though there are a few of us who are free."


"Never seen human children. Itarii babies have soft faces--not know 'pudgy'--did not assume human children also do. Think maybe seen orcs? Thought they were humans." 


"Humans never have tusks, so if you saw human-looking tall folk with tusks they were probably orcs, or maybe half-breeds. Pudgy is mostly the same as soft."

He envies her ignorance of the differences. Oh, probably being a tribal rube is awful in a dozen ways, but no fear of masters or need to tell the difference must be nice. Not that he'll let that on, he's too Chelish.


"Tusks is...?" she makes an imitation of orc teeth with her fingers over her mouth.


"Yes, that. They're very strong, and like to fight."


"...I am very glad I came here now. Even if they do not let me be delegate, now I know about orcs and halflings; can tell tribes that orcs and halflings are not human, humans are bad to them like humans are bad to Itarii." 


"And I am glad you found me to guide you; a lot of humans are... well, they wouldn't think to mention it." He actually smiles when he says that, and it's mostly genuine.


Emphatic nod. 

"Eavesdropped on human many time. Why speak Chelish. Why know convention. Never hear halflings and orcs." 


"If they talked about people and called them 'slips'," he says, grimacing, "That means the same as halflings. But we wouldn't use it for each other... Like, I think humans don't call you 'itarii', they say 'sterx'* or something."

*He's very educated for a halfling but that's not a high bar.


"Bad men say strix," she says, grimacing. "Slips is like strix. Understand." 


"Exactly. ...This is the right building. I'm pleased to have met you, Liushna. If you want to speak again, my name is Tibex."


"Very pleased to have met you Tibex! Will stay until get coins, so can give coin?"


"Right, of course." He'd almost forgotten, that conversation was unexpectedly interesting.


And she walks up to the big building. 

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