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The delegate from Ravounel Forest
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If you're too busy to talk to answer questions, you really need to let a druid study you until they can understand you enough to become you and then they'll teach others and there'll be lots of archmages to answer questions - Feather stomps down hard on her ambition.

"I'm going to fly so I can visit Barrowood on the way!" She absolutely doesn't want to be teleported out of her chance to finally see the great Barrowood. "Who should I talk to? I can get to Westcrown weeks before the convention starts."


"Oh, I don't know, the people at the temples, I suppose?" She'd normally recommend Erastil's, but the fact that its symbol is the bow and arrow due to the god's interest in hunting suddenly makes her worry that it would be impolite to suggest. "Desna's, maybe, I think there's a small one with a butterfly on it. But you can talk to anyone you like, I'm sure you'll find your way."

She offers a letter, before she leaves. "Take this with you, so they know that you're a real delegate at the convention hall, all right? I'll sort things out if you lose it, but it'll be simpler this way."


Feather solemnly takes the letter. "Thank you for coming to invite us! I hope we can meet again and that you're - less busy in the future?" Hopefully this comes across as well-wishing and not just selfish interest.


"Thank you," Violet echoes. "It is good to know that Feather will be welcomed at the convention." Probably.


"You're welcome. I look forward to seeing her there."

And, with that, she leaves. Places to go. Masses to save.


Well that was mildly terrifying but hopefully a good thing?


(The watchers in the background disperse to make sure she hasn't teleported anywhere else inside the Forest. The border is going to be on heightened alert for days, now.) 


"I can't wait to get there," Feather sighs. Also, she's still a bit annoyed that the druids are sending her, or rather that they're sending only her, and not also someone more senior and experienced and Wise who'd be better at talking to the outsiders, like Violet Dahlia.


"Look on the bright side," Violet suggests. "They're expecting you. They probably wouldn't bother doing all that if they didn't actually want to talk."


"Oh yeah. That is good! And that archmage seemed very - um. Competent? Like she knew exactly what she was doing. If the outsiders are gathering wise people like that then - I hope the convention will work out fine!" Unlike what would probably happen if they gathered the kind of people Feather has met in the human villages around the Forest.

Hoot, Greystripe agrees.

And so, Feather departs, with a little more hope in heart and a spring in her step (because her wings are gone for today, ugh, when will she finally learn to speak as an owl?), back to the hurried extra lessons she's getting in outsider affairs before she leaves - accompanied by a few others, in case of more teleporting wizards on the way - towards the Barrowood, and then the Outsider city of Westcrown.

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