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a great wyrm nudges the political process with draconic unsubtlety
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Athervox has somewhat mixed feelings about the recent change in government. Certainly, it is to her advantage that House Thrune has fallen; it saves her the considerable trouble it would've taken to properly extract her vengeance from that rather large family of powerful sorcerers, one of whom had, in fact, been the mortal leader of one of the more powerful nations in the world, which incidentally happened to the be the nation whose borders extended around Athervox's own lair. Since one does not grow to become a Great Wyrm by taking serious risks, her plotting had been slow and calculated... too slow, as it turns out, since with the change in government, she had lost her chance. This may mean that she won't need to risk herself in a dangerous and tedious campaign to retrieve her stolen property... but with what seems to be a cabal of archmages now in charge of the country, she knows better than to be optimistic about the chances that they'll just politely hand over the books that were stolen from her.

Accordingly, she had spent much of the last year considering how best to approach the new government with her demands... a task which had at first been hindered by the somewhat confusing stance of said government as to what its plans were, and the general failure of agents of said government to appoint a replacement for the presumably-dead Mayor of Senara, who hadn't been seen since the Four-Day War (and good riddance). But when one of her usual Dominated agents reports on the announcement of a "constitutional convention"... well, that's obviously an opportunity worth investigating! With the right move, she ought to be able to both gather intelligence as to the disposition of the new government and it's intentions regarding her own stolen property. Indeed, she might potentially even insert one or more of her own minions into the newly-forming power structure!

Apparently, there were three sorts of person invited to participate in the convention; pre-existing 'nobility', the chosen agents of various gods, some large number of people chosen "randomly" by a magical spell... and one person "elected" from the population of each of a long list of settlements and regions. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Senara is large enough to make it onto that list... but the local tieflings seem to consider the thing an obvious trap, and what political hints she is able to extract from her minions suggest that the main political factions in town are attempting to elect each other, under the assumption that this will neatly clear the board for their own takeover. Well, she can certainly work with that! All that's needed is to insert an agent of her own into the process... and after some consideration, Athervox finds that she doesn't particularly like the idea of attempting to maintain a Dominate on a representative sent to attend an event sponsored by a cabal of archmages. Even if no one notices and Dispels the effect, there was no telling how long the thing might go on for, and figuring out how to reapply the Dominate was tricky without knowing exactly what precautions would be taken. No, this situation calls for the use of a more valuable piece... one which would retain its loyalty to her even without an ongoing magical effect...

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"You want me to do what?"


"Just handle this little errand for me. You owe me that much."


"It doesn't sound like a little errand. It sounds like you want me to singlehandedly infiltrate the new human government for you."


"Well, yes... but that ought to be well within your abilities!"


"There is a reason we didn't try this before! Someone is going to notice that a beautiful flower like me has no business being in a big ugly human city! And then that someone will tell someone else, and word will make its way to someone clever enough to figure things out, and then someone will set me on fire!"


"Oh, this won't be like that at all. You'll have an invitation, and your safety will even be guaranteed by the new government."


"You can't seriously expect me to believe that! I've eaten more than enough humans to know that isn't the way their governments work!"


"The new government at least claims to be experimenting with some republican ideas. It won't be very hard for you to convince the locals to choose you as their representative. By the time anyone powerful enough to resist you shows up, you'll officially be the elected delegate for Senara... and whatever the intentions behind this 'convention', the new government will harm their position quite a bit if they openly go back on their word."


"...I'll want some assurances, and payment in advance. And you'll owe me a favour afterwards, regardless of how things go."


"I suppose I can part with a few trinkets to help make your mission more successful... and you're certainly more than useful enough for to me to have you Resurrected if anything does go wrong. Beyond that, if anyone sufficiently powerful objects to what you're doing, you have my permission to reveal that you're acting on my instructions."


"Alright, then. I'll want a better headband, something to protect against fire, and an escape option of some kind..."


After some haggling, Dewbloom finds herself in possession of a few shiny new items... most of which are explicitly only being loaned to her, unless things do in fact go very well... but that's a problem to consider later.



That next day, a large and bright red flower has mysteriously bloomed in the main square of Senara, with a beautiful green-skinned woman apparently sitting inside it like a throne. The usual alarm this would cause is strangely muted by the flower's strangely intoxicating perfume-like scent, and everyone who passes instead finds themselves charmed by Dewbloom's at-will spell like ability beauty. As Athervox suggested, it really isn't all that hard to convince the disorganized and fractions locals that they should elect her to be their representative to the Constitutional Convention. No one really wanted the position anyways, and the marginal use of the spot as a weapon against their usual rivals was insufficient in the face of her mind control persuasive suggestions.

A higher-level Tiefling gangster, powerful and well-equipped enough to resist her charms, has a brief and extremely polite discussion with the feared maneating horror of the Whisperwood pretty flowergirl, only to hear her reference an even scarier threat who has made her lair not too far outside the town since before the modern Chelish state existed. After that, the word is discreetly passed around in the circles that matter... and by the end of the day, 87% of those who deign to cast votes in Senara have voted for Dewbloom, securing her the town's nomination by a very healthy margin.


Of course, getting proof that this just happened is the tricky part. Fortunately, everyone around her is very mind-controlled helpful and cooperative in assisting with this! One of her first charm victims new friends had helpfully fetched a bunch of ink and paper, and she'd proceeded to take signatures from everyone who'd voted for her... which had, by the end of the day, amounted to nearly two thousand signatures across both sides of several dozen pages, which had been neatly stored away as an organized record of the event. She'd also gotten both rival candidates (each of whom had been campaigning for the other) to write a short concession letter declining the position (in flowery Asmodean euphemisms whose careful reading will reveal the more subtle meaning of "no way in Hell did I actually want this deathtrap of a job, so I'm quite pleased to have pawned the responsibility off on this pretty idiot").

That accomplished, she directs a her most useful-seeming new minions friends to pack for the trip, and meets up with them again by the town gates around sunset. Now accompanied by the most-powerful wizard who was dumb helpful enough to vote (only 3rd-circle, unfortunately, but he'd do), and the most dangerous-seeming combatant she'd managed to trick convince to help her (a mercenary-type who'd been acting as a merchant's bodyguard), she felt slightly more comfortable with the next part of the plan, and the three left town together.


Not too far outside town, the trio meet up with what appears to be an elven woman, wearing odd robes of a long-outdated style.


Dewbloom bids the wizard to pull out the (blank) scroll as they'd discussed, all the while coiling some vines around her new minions friends in a possessive friendly hug.


The 'elf' grabs at a vine herself, before casting a half-dozen spells one after another... and vanishing from sight.

The words of one final cast are then heard, before...



...the others also vanish.

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