Eumenes Davian died at the age of seven. There was a civil war going on at the time, which is when lots of grownups who ought to be friends instead decide to kill one another to see who they all ought to listen to. Eumenes's grandfather wanted very badly to be the man who everyone else listened to, and Eumenes was told that it would probably happen very soon. 

He's learned now that it did not happen; that his grandfather was killed, and all of his sons with him. And the daughters, and the son's wives for good measure, and of course all the grandchildren. Some were burnt to ashes and scattered. Some were turned to statues and ground into powder. All were left without bodies, and you can't very well resurrect someone without a body, not unless perhaps you're the high priest of Aroden himself.

But none of that happened to Eumenes. This is because Eumenes was already dead when House Davian was defeated. Eumenes was visiting the coast on holiday, when a fever came on so suddenly and so violently that by the time the local priest could be fetched, Eumenes was already dead. Perhaps, in another year, Eumenes might have been raised - but not this one, with his grandfather locked in combat with the forces of hell itself. All of the diamonds in a year like that go to soldiers, not to little boys. Eumenes was buried quite peacefully under an olive tree, and there his body stayed for the next eighty years.

It was decided at his trial that Eumenes was quite an ordinary little boy, and ought to go where almost all dead little boys do. So he wandered around the boneyard for a while, lonely but unable to have any time or space to himself. He used to pick up the littlest babies that crawled at his feet, and carry them around so they could see what was happening. At some point he noticed that the tiniest babies only barely had eyes, and he began to worry that they couldn't see no matter how high he lifted them, so he took to narrating the world around him for whoever was traveling with him that day.

Eumenes spent many years in the boneyard, as is typical for children - more years, in fact, than it would normally take a little boy to grow up. But eventually he was called before a judge again, and this time, Eumenes was sent to heaven.

It was in heaven that Eumenes finally got the childhood he had been cheated out of before. He was adopted by a childless couple in the Summerlands, and he stayed with them for many long years. In the Summerlands, if you were seven when you died, you can go on being seven just as long as you want, chasing frogs and planting gardens and swimming in the river. What you can't do is be eight, or nine, or ten. When you're ready to grow up, you go about it differently. And after thirty or so years of being seven, Eumenes told his parents that he was all done being seven, and was ready to be something else.

When the archmage Naima came to ask Eumenes if he would come back to Golarion and be a noble again, Eumenes had been a full-fledged lantern archon for almost sixteen years. He liked being a lantern archon quite a lot, and didn't especially want to go back to being seven. But then Naima told him how sad his grandfather's people were, and that none of them remembered how to be good, after having been ruled by hell for so long. She said that they had only just been freed, and that now they needed good people like him quite a lot. And they needed him not just because he was good, but because he was his grandfather's heir. House Davian had once been very important, so people might listen to him if he came back, much more than they would listen to someone else.

Eumenes talked it over with his superiors. In the end, they told him that it was a worthy goal, and very likely better for Heaven's goals than the work that he was doing as an archon. But ultimately, the choice was his. There are some things your superiors in heaven can order you to do, but coming back to life isn't usually one of them. So Eumenes listened to the heavenly light that came glowing from inside him, and thought how sad it would be, not to know what it was like when things were good. And he knew that he had to go back, and explain it to his people.


Officially, Eumenes Davian is eighty-seven years old, and allowed to rule his lands in his own right, without a regent. So when the invitations go out for the constitutional convention, he doesn't send anyone to speak for him. He sets out himself, and knows that he goes with heaven's blessing.