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Well he's going to be visible and pop out into the courtyard after her!! 


Naima teleports into the kitchen as Elie is running out, and runs out after him.

She has none of Elie's compunctions about mind reading strangers. She focuses her earrings on the young woman with the bad eye and the knife.


Purificació retreats to the fountain, where all the women but the youngest girl have left their washing to get out of the way. There are other servants about, still, peeking out of windows and around corners, but now that the courtyard is full of screaming and Purificació brandishing a knife at the air, and then at Elie, none of them want to enter. The youngest girl stands frozen, her pot still in her hands.


Naima stops running, assessing the situation and Purificació's thoughts.

Give her space. Do you know where Vinyet is?


She should be coming here. I sent her to fetch someone who might help the girl calm herself.


Naima walks forward, calmly. Purificació does not stab her. She does begin sobbing harder as Naima draws near. 

Naima reaches out with one hand to take the knife. With the other, she reaches out to catch Purificació as she collapses into Naima's arms, asleep. Naima isn't actually strong enough to hold her up, so she kneels, cradling the other woman to herself as well as she can.

She hands the knife to Elie. "Get rid of this. Find the woman who left and send her back here, but don't return yourself. We only have two minutes."


He can do that. Vinyet's not hard to find. 


Naima hexes Purificació in her sleep, regenerating the useless eye and fixing the scarring along one side of her face. This may fix half the problem - it's possible that a bad injury to the eye may have extended into the brain, and Naima can fix that. But only that half. Vinyet arrives with the halfling woman in tow, apologizing profusely. Naima shakes her head.

"Later. Help me get her inside. She's sleeping, not injured, she'll wake up in a moment."

She can hear someone loudly questioning someone else about what's happening in the courtyard, and recognizes the tone, though not the voice.

Please explain to the lord, or whatever agent of his that is, that we would like to be left alone right now.



The lord, or whichever agent of the lord that is – Élie very profoundly doesn't care – can be summarily dismissed. 


Naima wishes, briefly, that she were as strong as Varanthe. It's probably better to be Naima than Varanthe in this situation, even if it means she can't just scoop the girl up and carry her back to her room, which is what she would really like to do. Instead, she and Vinyet half-carry and half-drag her to the servant's quarters. Naima instructs the younger girl and the halfling to follow her, and tries not to think about how terrified she's making everyone else. She lays the woman out on one of the bedrolls, as Purificació begins to stir and sob again. Her thoughts seem no less jumbled, but it's hard to tell for sure. She ignores the crying baby, for the moment.

"I'm sorry the messenger scared you." A flash of terror from Purificació. "He's gone now. You, get her some water," she tells the youngest girl, who scurries out of the room. Naima turns back to Purificació. "You, rest. I'm going to talk to your friends."

The conversation is enlightening, if mostly because Naima is reading Vinyet's mind. Vinyet refuses to do much more than apologize for Purificació's insane violent behavior, explain that Purificació is very slow, and repeat several times that of course the government messenger did nothing wrong. On the bed, Purificació takes deep breaths, then unties and nurses her infant on her own, without being told to. Naima watches her. The infant is obviously in poor health, but not diseased. Purificació doesn't look desperately incompetent at feeding it, at least.

"When did she receive the injury to her eye?"

     "Last year." No elaboration, but Naima catches the memory behind it.

"Was she slow before that, or always?"

     "Always. The girl has never had more than half a thought in her head at once."

Naima sighs. Nods.

I have an unfinished picture. I don't think I can fix the underlying condition, but I don't think she's quite as insane as she appears. She believes you wanted to rape her. Has past experience that led her to this conclusion, I think.


That – isn't even remotely surprising, is it? 


No. She considers Vinyet's thoughts. The son, I think, not the lord., both of them.

"She wasn't afraid of Elie because he was a wizard," she observes. There's no question in her voice, so no one answers the unasked question aloud. She gets what she needs from them anyway.

More than that. She expects it of everyone. Only feels safe around women, I think.


That does make things complicated. We can't very well set up the convention with a women's gallery, it sends entirely the wrong message. 


I suppose not. We can assign seats, but I'm not sure if that's enough. I can talk to her, though if course I don't know if that's enough, either. But she was surprised, this time. It might be different if she's expecting it.


Do you think it would help if she was allowed to bring a companion?


Definitely one of the other things I'm considering. I have half a mind to conscript all four of these people, honestly.


The housekeeper concerns me. Too much used to ordering her about, I think. 


She eyes the other people in the room. The youngest girl brings the water, then tries to disappear. The halfling helps Purificació drink, though it isn't especially evident that she needs the help. Purificació looks to Vinyet, checking how she feels to determine whether Naima is safe, and deciding on a moderate simmer of worry.

The cook, I think, but I don't disagree. Even so, Purificació trusts her. I suppose we could assign the halfling to accompany her into the chamber directly, and bring Vinyet into the city to help maintain her housing. She'll need someone to watch the newborn, anyway, and I can't put it all on the little one. Of course, I don't have much read on the halfling either way.


Whatever you think is best. I don't suppose she has family?


I can ask.

"Purificació, do you have family outside the house? A mother, a father, siblings?"


Purificació gestures to her baby.

     "She's one of the orphan girls," says Vinyet. "Most indentures are."


"I see. How long is her contract for?"


"Nine years, when she came here," says Vinyet. "She's been here eight, but they set you back one every time you have a baby. She still has six left."

     Purificació knows that this is not how time ought to pass, but she doesn't bother trying to explain this. Counting is more complicated than it ought to be, whenever important people do it and the number matters at all.



The cook says her contract sets her back a year whenever she gives birth. Five children since she started. She can't be older than Dahab.

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