Daily Report - Aug 20, 2024
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Nobility: Alfonso Antoninus Iomedae [redacted] i Blanxart The Chelish Constitutional Convention 91 19 10:19 PM
Complete New and the sun in the morning is waiting to rise
narcis soler can channel positive energy
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 31 18 10:15 PM
Hiatused A Virtuous Betrayal
Alecto inherits a mysterious tome
Sandboxes 77 2 9:02 PM
Complete The Sound of Your Voice
Claire talks to Tom
Through The Looking Goggles 44 15 8:40 PM
Hiatused points are the only things that extend and spar Sandboxes 12 2 8:10 PM
Hiatused New [OPEN] Blossoming Friendship
the flowergirl arrives in Westcrown
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 34 11 7:55 PM
give claws to the weak between adventures 261 2 7:16 PM
Has Warnings FLOWERBOUND - Tabletop Core Rulebook Flowerbound 28 1 5:53 PM
Complete "Election": Dewbloom
a great wyrm nudges the political process with draconic unsubtlety
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 18 5 5:45 PM
the great and the good between adventures 1328 56 5:15 PM
Volunteer: Kicharchu
kobolds favor high variance strategies
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 50 1 3:44 PM
Has Warnings it isn't the fall that kills you
miko's fucking pissed (wrath of the righteous/order of the stick)
primrose sun 549 9 1:11 PM
Извините, а вы точно человек?
Ведьма, святая дева и некромант в мире магик
шкатулки и паладины 915 6 12:45 PM
Complete Has Warnings "Religious": Bright Morning Feather
The delegate from Ravounel Forest
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 35 3 11:50 AM
Has Warnings presentation!!!
it is a truth universally acknowledged that a supervillain in possession of good taste must be in want of a nemesis (or, meguca Ruby cross drops on Worm)
Fulmination 727 6 11:39 AM
Has Warnings no good at goodbyes
aloy!eridani in horizon zero dawn
Fulmination 989 4 11:38 AM
Has Warnings One for all and all for prosperity
Sid isekai to Iwami in order to try to develop Iwami as a setting
Sandboxes 358 44 10:53 AM
Has Warnings for she on honeydew hath fed
Weeping Cherry visits the darkest galaxy
Sandboxes 328 14 8:09 AM
Janeway Lambda Two
William Laurence on Voyager
Sandboxes 497 38 7:18 AM
Hiatused Has Warnings rise up to the stars and say
tomorrow can involve 100% more snowglobe/golarion crossovers than today
Sandboxes 198 2 3:45 AM
Hiatused the parable of lightning
thor meets the honestverse (no relation to marvel)
Sandboxes 169 2 3:42 AM
Has Warnings New Sortition: Enric Porras
This is totally the Age of Glory, right?
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 12 2 1:46 AM
Has Warnings New Sortition: Purificació The Chelish Constitutional Convention 49 18 1:13 AM
Has Warnings A Second Bead of Amber Sandboxes 137 1 1:11 AM
[OPEN] Completely Altruistic Legal Help
perplexed about "constitution"? inquire within
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 59 13 12:42 AM
Total: 29