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"Bholbhenah'zi Nae'te, xoansa satihr!" the man by the door chirped in the singsong tones of a formalized and oft-repeated greeting. His garb, a black tunic with a wide embroidered apron extending barely to the upper thigh, picked him out immediately as one of the inhabitants of this place.

He opened his arms and smiled with his teeth. "Welcome to the Shrine of the Waxing Moon, honored traveler," he repeated in Eorzean, just in case. The person who had just emerged through the arbor at the entry to the sacred grounds certainly looked like a fellow Keeper of the Moon: he was dressed like a hunter from one of the western tribes and the ears and tail were nearly dispositive. Still, one shouldn't assume, in a city this big, that any given person would talk any given way. It was a slower afternoon today, though, so Rhaefi'a padded toward the new guest with the interest born of boredom as well as duty.

"Taasal'sae varrai'zae nekhuc siithi'zae qoulrethio poro?" It took him a moment to remember all the relevant words in the local tongue. "Would you tarry in the hot-springs or light a votive?"

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Mahao’li flicked his ears towards the sound of his mother tongue, both familiar and foreign in these far flung lands. He smiled as his gaze landed on the young miqo'te who had moved to join him, and raised a hand in greeting, better to hide the slight panic that had overcome him at the man's words.

Ah, shoot, right, I need to speak kiipahgo. Oh, by the twelve what the heck did he say?? 

After a moment of considering, he managed another smile as the man blessed him with the Eorzean translation. He let his hand drift to rub his shoulder beneath his leather armour as he replied, offering only the greeting in his tongue before switching to that which was more familiar. "Nae'te! A soak in the hot-springs sounds most welcome after weeks on the road, thank you." He gives the man another once over, taking in his clothes, before continuing. "You wouldn't happen to the the head priest - uhh, Ruun'te around here, would you? I have business with him."


"Coh, coh," the man said, shaking his head clasping his hands modestly behind his back. "Nekhucte Raefi'a Jinjahl faeto." He licks his lips. "I do not know the right name for nekhucte in Eorzean. But my name is Raefi'a Jinjahl. Pleased to meet you." He gestures toward the door. "The ruunte is inside the shrine at the moment, but you can go to the hot-springs first and I can tell him to meet you." He smiles and swishes his tail, and starts to speak faster, running on memory of the script. "The one on the left is the warmer spring so we recommend you begin in the other basin to acclimate yourself. You can undress in the antechamber and store your things in the cubs." He probably means cubbies. "I can help you as you need."


Mahao'li nods and gives the nekhucte  another smile, dipping into a slight half bow as he does so. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Raefi'a. I am Mahao'li of the Moui. I will take your recommendation to heart, as well as your offer for assistance. Starting with this..." He straightens up, reaching behind him and removing the spear from his back, holding it out palm up towards the other Keeper. "While my memory on Bhenah etiquette is lacking, I do remember that weaponry is not permitted on shrine grounds, but did not see a rack for it by the entrance. While I would also appreciate some help with my armour, getting this stored would be my first request of you." He smiles in thanks as Raefi'a takes the lance from his grip, turning towards where the man had indicated the hot-springs to be, stretching as he does so. "Shall I wait for you, or will you join me there?" 


“Ah, taasal’zi Ruunte’li dolthi pi rediunho’on?” he asks as he takes the spear, then after a moment: “Do you want to speak in the hot spring to the ruunte? Or after?” Despite the distance of the inquiry, the switch in his tail betrays some enthusiasm for accompanying the new guest into the baths. Nonetheless, service first. If the man needs to speak with the ruunte, then he would see it happen… with only slight disappointment.


Mahao'li shakes his head slightly, humming softly at the enthusiasm present in the keeper's body language, even if his formality did not betray it. He let his own tail swish as he replied, Rhaefi'a's excitement contagious. "No, no, it is no rush. Unless he plans to leave never to return, it can wait the hour or so I'll be soaking. Besides..." He moved to sniff beneath his arm, face scrunching in response to the scent that met him " wouldn't to to smell like morbol guts while begging a favour off of him. No, the Ruun'te can wait until I'm clean and presentable."


The nekhucte wrinkles his nose gently. "I will get you some oils, as well, so to neutralize the smell." He scampers off, nearly tripping over the spear in his hands as he catches the butt on the flagstone beneath his feet. His tunic bunches as he steadies himself, revealing, very briefly, a semi forming beneath the thick embroidered apron that was barely long enough to cover when the man was standing still. He glances backward with embarrassment—not for the flash, but for the indelicate treatment of the guest's personal property—and then rounds the corner of the building and disappearing into it. The sun beats down on the now-empty courtyard area, and the smell of salt from the nearby ocean barely overtaken by the equally faint whiff of sulfur from the hotspring.


Mahao'li feels his own cock stir beneath his apron at the sight, letting his gaze linger a moment as Rhaefi'a straightens himself out. He waves him off with another smile, reassurance that he need not be embarrassed for the incident, before turning back towards the hot-springs. He moves towards them slowly, taking in the sights and sounds around him; So focused had he been on the journey there, he'd scarcely stopped a moment to enjoy the sea air. He allowed himself a moment to do so now, savouring the new scent as he took in the surroundings. Bar Rhaefi'a and himself, the bhenah appeared to be empty, or at least the courtyard did; a cackling fire in the corner the only indication that anyone else had been there recently. He allowed himself another moment to enjoy the solitude, before stepping into the vestibule to begin undressing, his cock still twitching as he does so.


It takes Rhaefi'a several minutes to return. The front courtyard's firepit is among the nekhucte's duties, and he stops in front of it on his way back out to poke at it quickly before hurrying to the vestibule. In the rear, the warmer bath has a few people in it, quietly enjoying the steam, but the cooler bath, which adjoins the vestibule, is empty. Rhaefi'a stops to greet the other guests cheerily as well before ducking into the changing area and—with shocking alacrity—shedding his hat, sandals, and jewelry. Only the tunic remains when he crinkles his nose again and grins sheepishly. "You are right about the morbol," he says, nodding to a small ampoule he had set down atop the storage cubbies. "That oil will soak up the scent better than water alone will. We can pour it on your arms before we go in." He cuts off speaking to tug the tunic off, leaving him totally naked alongside Mahao'li.


By the time Rhaefi'a has rejoined him, Mahao'li has removed most of his clothing, bar the leather harness, some buckles of which continue to give him trouble, stiff as they are from weeks of travel and dust. A proper oiling and cleaning was in order after the bath, that was for certain. He smiles sheepishly at the other miqo'te as he joins him and comments once more about the scent. "My apologies - proper bathing is a luxury not found often on the road, and morbol is a terrible scent to get rid of. The oil would be most appreciated." He gives the now naked man another smile, before letting his glaze trail down his body, admiring his nude form. His fingers stop working on his last buckle as he does so, letting himself enjoy the sight for a moment. Between his legs, he feels his cock twitch again, and he smiles slightly to himself before resuming tugging at the most stubborn buckle. 


Rhaefi'a's uncovered ears flick and he flashes a smile before gently grabbing the buckle and twisting to help release it. "It is the leather, I think. Not you," the man says with the gentle quaver of embarrassment. He had meant to banter playfully, but this new hunter was too sincere—or maybe his Eorzean common speech wasn't good enough. Well, at least the man's eyes were still traveling, so he couldn't be too offended. "I think faasindhte'ir'te gassel'ra bil nelhi poro." In his anxiousness to seem welcoming, he reverts to his mother tongue, chattering so quietly that he seems to be talking to himself as much as to his guest. "I mean, uh, leathers-oil. One of the guards has." He gently lays the leather aside, picks up the ampoule, and steps out to the warm bath. "Come, come, revarriaro poro!" He points to the waters and smiles broadly as he sets a foot within.


"Thank you, Rhaefi'a. And I'll make sure to track one down after the two of us are done here." Mahao'li grins at him and flicks his ears in appreciation at the assistance, and reassurance that he had not taken the comments offensively. He stretches a moment, savouring the freedom his nudity allowed him, before padding quietly behind the nekhucte into the warm embrace of the hot-spring. He lets a soft sigh as the water surrounds his feet and calves, closing his eyes. "Oh, that feels wonderful...." Reopening them, he turns to his companion, smiling playfully. "I think the Ruun'te may be waiting much more than an hour at this rate; and I've barely gotten in!" he jokes as he motions towards the ampoule. "Let alone gotten started with the oil." He moves closer to the other man, holding his arms aloft so he can begin applying the concoction. As he does, he pays close attention to the qualities of the oil, his inner alchemist insisting on deriving it's ingredients. 

I wonder if this is something I can make for myself.... Olive oil base, and lavender...sage, maybe? There's something else here, though, I can't quite place...


Rhaefi'a drizzles a small amount of the oil over Mahao'li's arms and then sets the ampoule on the ground beside them, just outside the water. He takes both hands and encircles the hunter's forearm, sliding them up and down and smearing the oil over the skin. His tail undulates slowly behind him as he concentrates, pulsing his thumbs to give a gentle massage. "You have a scar here," he exclaims quietly, running his thumb over the outside of one forearm. "Just a little one."

Working his way up to the man's chest, he purrs gently as his hands pass along the shoulders and down the pecs. "The oil catches the scent, so sit for a few minutes in the heat and let it work." He himself sits as well, demonstratively, his ears perked and eyes bright as he watches the hunter for a reactions.


Mahao'li closes his eyes, purring softly in reply as Rhaefi'a massages along his arms and shoulders, his gentle ministrations soothing the aches of his long trip, his own tail swaying in time with the other's. He chuckles at Rhae'fi's exclamation, opening one eye to regard his companion. "Yes - my first one, actually. Fell out of a tree when I was 7 or so, directly into a blackberry bush." He closes his eyes again, purring louder as Rhaefi'a moves to his chest and pecs, letting his tail swish more as he relaxed into the keeper's touch. "My elder sister was supposed to be keeping an eye on me; the look on her face when I came back home bloody and scratched up- you'd think she's seen a voidsent."

He chuckled quietly to himself, his purring subsiding as Rhaefi'a pulled away, and nodding at his instruction, settles himself further into the into the water beside the other keeper, until he was sitting fully, the water lapping just below his navel. "Ahhh, that feels wonderful." He flicks his ears, and turns to beam at the other man, "Thank you." 


"That is a cute story," Rhaefi'a said, scooting to be closer to Mahoa'li. "I got the one on my lip similarly. I was playing in the woods and found a hawk's nest. Mama bird flew into my face and scratched me here," he said, indicating the spot on left side of his mouth where a vertical gash rose from his upper lip. He grins. "Though sometimes I tell people I got it from a very bad kiss."


Mahao'li mirrors the nekhucte's movement, inching closer to gaze at the spot Rhaefi'a had indicated, their shoulders bumping together as he leaned in to admire the tiny mark. "A bad kiss, eh?" He chuckes and flashes a toothy grin at the other man, baring his incisors playfully. "I guess that's risk of kissing Keepers, isn't it?. These teeth aren't for show, after all. Usually, the reward is worth the risk of a tiny scar, though." 


Rhaefi'a giggles and flashes his own fanged smile. "Yaen qoul nelha?" In his starry eyes and playful grin, it would be hard to find a less appropriate example of the yaen qoul, what Keepers called that mesmeric attraction to dangerous things young people sometimes fall prey to. "I suppose a strong hunter should. How else do you get so strong?" He runs his hand down Mahao'li's arm, still covered in oil. "The ruunte has me learning some combat magic alongside my main studies, so maybe someday I'll hunt with you."


Mahao'li nods and giggles in reply. "Yaen qoul nelha!"

The waters of the spring had done wonders for his mood and body already, the perpetual traces of lightning aether that infused it both relaxing his muscles and invigorating his blood as they soaked; beneath the waterline, he felt himself stirring. He leaned into the other man's touch as he felt his fingers trail along his arm. “If you were to pose that question to Elder Jakkya, she’d tell you it was by eating everything that was put in front of you.” He winked playfully at his companion before continuing. “I’ve never had the chance to hunt with a mage before - I think it would be a very enjoyable learning experience.”


"Everything in front of me?" the nekhucte replied, looking down pointedly. Through the water, the outline of an erection was clearly visible—the waters were only the slightest bit turbid, as their aetherial properties tended to consume pollutants. "Well, I cannot turn down advice on how to hunt from a Bough Elder, surely." He twisted sideways and put a hand on the hunter's inner thigh. "I only really hunted with a bow, back before I came here. Perhaps you can tell me a little about how to do it in melee?"


Mahao'li blushed slightly as he followed the nekhucte's gaze. While he'd been aware of the growing pressure in his loins, he hadn't noticed how hard he'd gotten. He shivered slightly at Rhaefi's touch, despite the warmth of the water, and shifted his legs farther apart, letting the miqo'te have easier access. "I'd be happy to share what I know." He moved a hand to Rhaefi'a's shoulder, slowly trailing it down his arm and side as he replied. "First off, unlike archers or mages, we struggle at range. To be any good at melee, you have to be an expert at closing the distance to your target." As if to accentuate the point, Mahao'li hooked his hand around the keeper's back, tugging him closer.


He smirks confidently and slides deeper into the water, spinning around to face his mock prey. Both hands slide to the base of the hunter’s cock, and he looks up with a playful chuckle once he has him well and truly in hand. “Like this, right?”


Mahao'li purrs in reply, another shiver running along his body as the nekhucte's hands wrap around the base of him. He smirks at the mock hunter, nodding his approval. "Just like that - you're a quick learner, Rhaefi'a." He reaches a hand out to cup the man's chin, running a thumb along the tiny scar at this lip. "Once you're in range, you want to make quick and decisive actions - the longer you stay close the higher the chance your prey will catch wind and flee.....or attack you himself~" With a taunting smirk, he pulls the keeper in for a kiss, playfully nipping at his lips before resealing him.


Rhaefi'a makes a startled noise as Mahao'li pulls him into a kiss, high-pitched and excited. He looks slightly dazed when the two come apart, but under the water his hands are already set to work. "Rizul'ya xoi" he mumbles to himself: you are good at kisses. He tips his head upward to indicate that Mahao'li should scoot back a bit, further out of the water. "I cannot let my successful pounce be wasted," he says by way of explanation. He shrugs without letting go of his prize under the water and strokes faster. "I must use my advantage."


Mahao’li nods, his breath catching slightly as Rhaefi’a begins to stroke him. “It’s a good advantage… a perfect opening to pounce” he mutters as he scoots backwards, lifting himself out of the water to sit on the edge of the bath. He shivers as the cool air hits his cock, sending it twitching in Rhaefi’as grasp. 


The tip of Rhaefi'a's tail flicks back and forth just above the waterline as he settles on his side. One hand leaves the hunter's cock and disappears between his legs as he leans down, mouth open, and takes the whole head into his mouth immediately. He closes his eyes and bobs merrily for several seconds before glancing up just long enough to see Mahao'li's reaction. From the pace at which he is blowing, he'd been looking forward to this.


Mahao'i moaned softly as he felt Rhaefi's lips wrap around his tip, and it was all he could do to stop himself from thrusting into him. Instead, he let his hand drift to the keeper's head, tangling in his hair as the man eagerly took his length, eliciting more moans from Mahao'li. He leaned back on his free elbow, letting his eyes slide closed as he bathed in the sensations coming from his cock. "Ahhh....fuck..."

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