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Mahao'li chuckles and beams at Qana'to, blushing slightly at the compliment. "Why, thank you Ruunte Qana'to - I'm glad you think so." He quickly casts his gaze back out towards the sky at the end of the way, judging the time. "Shoes would be good; Of course, those can't be as easily adjusted or resized as these can, so we'll need to find a leatherworker or cobbler with decent stock, or who is taking commissions for custom made." 


"That is true, and I unfortunately don't know any of those in the area," he said. "I know a little of working with leather to care for my armor, as certainly must at least Naoh'li or one of the others. Perhaps we can get you what you need, or at least find someone else who could, if you could stay a while before your departure."


Mahao’li nods at the other man. “That seems reasonable, and I’d be most thankful for that assistance. I only landed in Limsa today, so I will be patronizing the shrine for at least a few more days before I depart.”


"Well, then, if you like what you've found, let's stop by the mongers for some fish to bring back to the shrine for dinner!" He swishes his tail and bounds toward the ramp down to the fisherman's guild. "Oh, the sights from the upper decks are worth a gander, too, if you aren't too tired for the climb."


Mahao'li giggles and bounds after the errant Miqo'te, slowing to fall into step beside him as they left the throngs crowding the Hawker's Alley. "Fresh fish sounds wonderful. I have some ingredients - I could make a stew, if you would like. A thank you for your assistance." He turned to the other man, flicking his ears playfully before continuing. "If my memory serves, the Upper decks connect to Lower La Noscea, and thence to the Bhenah, correct? We took the ferry here - why don't we make the climb, then take the land route home?"


Qana'to regards him with raised eyebrows. "It took me nigh on a month to get straight that the Lower Decks don't connect to Lower La Noscea," he laughs. "But you have the right of it before you even set foot there." He nods. "We can do that, yes. I think that would be a nice way to see the area, too. I like the ferry, but the walk will be a nice change of pace." He slows as they approach their destination and wrinkles his nose. "I was raised close to the ocean, and yet," he shakes his head, "I still find the smell of this much fresh fish a little stomach-churning. Did you eat much fish when you were younger?"


Mahao'li chuckles, bumping shoulder's with the other man. "If it makes you feel better, I've spent the better part of the past decade mapping the Lost City, so knowing what areas connect where is child's play. Now, knowing where specific places are in Limsa or La Noscea, on the other hand..." He trails off and shrugs, before turning to regard the tables before them. The salt scent was stronger here, but still masked by the smells of over 50 varieties of fish being sold, and his nose mirrors Qana'to's, the odor forcing him to take a step back, shaking his head. "Fish wasn't much of a staple for us - While we could fish the river, the schools weren't bountiful enough to make fish more than a casual fare. Antelope and boar were far more common." 


"See, those at least have the manners to smell decent after we hunt them," Qana'to joked before approaching the monger and haggling briefly, exchanging a few coins and then delicately taking the wrapped package and holding it under his arm. "I'm going to smell like fish myself for the next few hours," he grumbles, before smiling at Mahao'li. "I hope you enjoy the taste of halibut, since that is what was plentiful today. Up the steps now?" he confirms before they set off for the stairwell.


"Right up until Elder Aliapoh gets her hands on them!" Mahao'li chuckles. "As wonderful as the elder is, she cannot cook to save her life." He shoots a smile at his companion, moving to pull the fish out from beneath his arm. "Nothing says you can't take another bath when we return - the stew will take a while to prepare, you'd have time to."


"No, no, I can carry it. You just enjoy the view," he says as they come out of the stairwell and onto the walkway in the Upper Decks. "I think over here is one of my favorite spots. You can see Middle La Noscea over that way, and Lower off to the right, over there."

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