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"Are you alright?" he asks, earnestly at first, and then with a chuckle. "Cold, are you? Poor boy—I'm sorry to laugh," he says. Seeing his handsome guest level with his cock has his starting to harden almost immediately, and he clears his throat gently. The erection would be more welcome after he had made his guest comfortable. "Um, perhaps I can get you a towel or a blanket or something?" he asks, though his legs remain rooted in place, unwilling to pull his thickening member further from the man's face. "There are some in these cubbies you could use."


Mahao’li gazes back up at his host, smiling up at him around the cock quickly filling his field of vision. “Ahhh, just a bit - as you can imagine, hot baths are few and far between in the depths of the Lost City, and I wasn’t quite ready for the temperature change. I’ll be okay in a moment.” He shifts his gaze back down, chuckling at how quickly Qana’to was gardening before him. “I’m most flattered you reacted so quickly to me being down here, though.” 


"What can I say? A handsome guy that close to it, it naturally wants to introduce itself," he says with a laugh before darting away to grab a towel. He returns, fully hard, and unfurls the towel to drape it over Mahao'li's shoulders. "There you go," he says, cock once again in his guest's face as he move in to wrap the towel around him. "Much better like this, yeah?"


"Well, it's a pleasure to meet it~" Mahao'li replies, flicking his ear's playfully as Qana'to darts away. He purrs in appreciation as Qana'to returns with the towel, leaning forward slightly to allow him easier access to drape it across his shoulders. This, in turn, moves his face closer to Qana'to's now fully hard member, and he admires it for a moment, breathing in the man's scent with pleasure. "Yes, this is much better." He replies, leaving it to Qana'to's imagination of he mean's the position of his face, or the towel around his shoulders. 


“Well, you’re welcome to it whenever you want, as my guest,” he replies with a warm smile. Two can play the game of strategic ambiguity.


Mahao’li casts his gaze back up to the keeper above him, not moving from his position the man’s cock, shooting a smirk up towards him. “Whenever I want, eh? You’re most generous, Ruunte Qana’to.”


"Hardly. It's my job here," he says with a pleasant chuckle. "You are my guest and it is my hope that you will be comfortable and happy, with all your needs met while you are in my care."


“Well, you’re doing an excellent job, then” Mahao’li replies with a wink. He leans into Qana’to’s groin, nuzzling against him and enjoying his scent, offering his shaft and balls each a playful kiss before pulling away and gazing one more at his companion. “Shall we to Limsa, Ruunte Qana’to?”


Nng, that felt good. Qana’to makes a plaintive growl as Mahao’li pulls away, but crosses his arms and takes a deep breath. “Of course, at your leisure,” he says with a slightly tight smile that screams your throat is getting wrecked later for that.


Mahao’li smirks in reply, repeating the action before slowly rising to his feet and levelling Qana’to with another wink. Going to Limsa first was your idea, was it not? Don’t blame me for this. “If you’d rather not, I can find another guide.”


Don't snark at me. He grunts in irritation and reaches down with a hand to arrest Mahao'li's rise just long enough to jams his balls back into Mahao'li's face, grinding on his cheek before letting him stand up again. "As I said earlier, I would be more than happy to help you with whatever you need." His cocktip trails along Mahao'li's abs, and he doesn't move to pull it away. He smiles playfully. "Someone needs to teach you the rules of this place, after all, so you don't get yourself in trouble."


Mahao'li lets out a noise of surprise as Qana'to forces him back into his crotch, the noise quickly shifting to purrs of pleasure as the man's scent once more envelopes his senses. He nuzzles into the other's grinding, purring as he is released and rises to his feet. His own now fully hard cock bounces lightly against the underside of Qana'to's where it rests pressed against his abs, and he playfully flexes his muscles against it. "I'm sure there's plenty you can help me with, bholj'a" He smiles back at Qana'to, likewise not pulling away. "Learning the rules would be good, yes - but I've spent enough time around the Grahdan  that I can avoid trouble fairly easily~"



"Clearly not," he retorts, leaning in to kiss the man on the nose, "or you wouldn't bait tigers before trying to go to market." He smiles and looks down, speaking quietly. "I get a feeling someone rather enjoys bholj qoulthiu, huh? You got harder from a faceful of it than Veom'ra does. Here I thought you were just being nice when you swallowed Rhaefi'a."


"Maybe I just enjoy the thrill of the hunt~" Mahao'li chuckles and returns the kiss, pressing closer to squeeze their lengths between their abs, blushing at Qana'to's words before following his gaze. "Heh...I do. You have a very lovely scent, down there. As did Rhaefi'a - and a lovely flavour to go with it."


“Do I?” he says with a gentle grin. “I’ll be very eager to hear how I compare to my nekhucte in taste, then. Although,” he looks up at the sky, “if you are eager to get your clothes, it would be best to go before nightfall. Your second meal will have to wait. Unless you would rather just go tomorrow.”


Mahao’li purrs and follows Qana’to’s gaze upwards, gazing at the sky and gauging the time. “While I’m not in a rush for them, per se, I think it would be a good idea to at least visit the market today - I can always go for a more thorough trip tomorrow, but the handsome guide is free now, and it would a shame to to miss out on his offered hospitality.” Mahao’li lowers his gaze back between them, playfully fondling Qana’to a moment before stepping back. “I will just have to tend to this when we return as thanks - a favour for a favour.”


With only the hint of remorse, Qana’to pulls away and trots to where his garments are stored. Like the nekhucte, his uniform is black and includes a short apron to obscure his groin without violating the shrine’s proscription on wrapped coverings. It was a sort of practical compromise with the city—while Limsa Lominsa had no strong proscriptions on nudity, inherited from the laissez-faire attitudes of their piratical founders, they still seemed to find it startling when men walked up fully exposed and tried to trade. Though such squeamishness usually annoyed him, the fact that they declined to enforce a real ban softened him considerably, and he was satisfied to meet them halfway.

With their clothes on, all that remains is to go into the city center, bustling as it usually was at this time in the afternoon.


Mahao'li smiles and follows after Qana'to, storing his toy once more in his bag. He pulls the proffered tunic over his head, shifting it into place, admiring how well it both fits and is made. "This is a really lovely tunic - are you sure it's alright for me to borrow? It's not a uniform or anything?" he admires himself in it, before frowning at the large gap in the side, through which his still hard dick was clearly visible. "It does leave me kind of exposed, though, I may have to wear my kojndu to ensure I don't get in trouble"


"Eh, I've never gotten complaints," he says with a smile, "but you are probably right that it is prudent. Limsa Lominsa is a fairly relaxed city when it comes to things like public nudity, but it is worth playing it safe even so, I suppose." He nods and lets his eyes roam a bit as Mahao'li slips on a codpiece before offering his hand. "Shall we depart, then?"


Mahao'li makes a show of donning the codpiece, flagging his tail as he feels Qana'to's eyes upon him. Satisfied the Lominsan's would not gaol him for indecent exposure, he beams at his host, taking the proffered hand and falling into step beside the other man. "We shall. Lead on, Ruunte Qana'to, the market awaits."


The journey is not long, but the bustling plaza threatens to separate the two in the crowd before they make it to the other side. The Ruunte does not appear to be noteworthy among the throng despite his slightly unusual attire; hardly anyone even glances their way except as they push through toward the market in Hawker's Alley. "It's a good bit louder than Gridania," Qana'to practically shouts as he guides his charge to the clothes stall, "so keep close!" His grip on the man's hand is iron, only relenting once they have arrived at their destination. "Tell me if you see anything you care for," he says, leaning in close to be heard even this far out from the main square, "and we can help you make arrangements if you don't have gil of your own."


Mahao'li tails along behind Qana'to, casting his eyes around the city in awe as they make their way to the market. Having taken the ferry to the housing district, he had not explored much of the city, and the sights , sounds, and smells were far more plentiful and exotic than anything he had encountered in Gridania. He let's his companion lead him by the hand to a vendor, keeping a tight grip on his hand as they weave through the bodies and stalls of wares. he leans towards Qana'to to reply, voice raised to be heard over the hubbub of the street. "I did bring my own gil, but thank you!" He flicks his ears appreciatively, before turning to the table before him, casting his eyes over the wares. "Any suggestions? Having met all of....three Sharlayan scholars in my life, I'm not sure what might be appropriate wear..."


"None whatsoever," Qana'to giggles. "The Sharlayans I know best were always... very sympathetic to our culture's dress code." He laughs. "But I suppose you could do worse than a tunic and overcoat. I myself often wear a blouse with a vest when I'm in the area." He points toward a rack with a green vest on it. "That particular color is easy to match with and probably would look good on you, too."


Mahao'li giggles in response, wandering over to the rack and pulling the vest off of it, admiring the material and cut. "You'll have to introduce me to them, then." He slings the vest over his arm, followed by a white shirt and black pants, before wandering back over to Qana'to. "Thoughts?" he inquires, holding the items out for inspection.


"I think it is an affront to nature and good sense," he says with a broad smile. "But the Sharlayans will like it, and I'm sure you'll cut a dashing figure even so. We'll have to get you shoes, too, if you don't have any, unless you want to just wear your sandals."

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