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Mahao’li shivers at the whine that movement had elicited from his partner, his cock twitching again with arousal at the pleasure emanating from Rhaefi’a. He curls his fingers more, pressing into the spot that had been indicated, moving his hand faster. Beneath him, he feels a bead of his own pre drip onto Rhaefi’a’s thigh where it was pinned beneath him, and he slowly starts grinding against it. “Reiqoh~” He murmurs as he works.


The feeling of the hunter grinding on him comes as such a shock that he pulls his hands from his face and looks up at Mahao'li, eyes heavy-lidded and breath shallow. His ears twitch forward as a renewed swell of arousal blooms across his belly. He's enjoying this, too!

Well, of course he is. A sterner, more collected voice in his head replied. That's the point, is it not?

The meeker attitude was stronger, though. He searched the hunter's eyes and begged confirmation, too hopeful to take the first assertion at face value. "Xoansa reiqoh'on?" he chirped nervously, a heavy quaver interfering with his words. "You are... enjoying?"


Mahao'li beams at the keeper, a sweet smile of reassurance. He uses the moment of vulnerability and exposure to lean down and steal another kiss from the nekhucte's lips, tongue sliding between them to confirm his enjoyment. After a moment, he pulls away, just far enough to meet Rhaefia's gaze, continuing to grind against his thigh. "Why wouldn't I? It's been a while since I got to enjoy the company of such a cute lover." 

He gives Rhaefi'a one more quick kiss before leaning back up and reaching over to where he had set the nuru oil. "And while the sounds you're making tell me you're enjoying this, some extra stimulation never hurts - especially since this is your reward." He winks, holding up the wooden plug he had brought along with him from the change room.


Rhaefi's eyes widen, but another squirt of pre from his tip makes clear how he feels about this revelation. "I don't recognize that one," he says. "It is yours?" His tail flicks against the ground almost impatiently as he stares, transfixed.


Mahao'li smiles and nods, holding it closer for the nekhucte to inspect. The shape is reminiscent of a wishbone, or an Eorzean y - the part to be inserted rests an ilm or so above the base of the outer potion, leaving enough flare to keep it safe. The inner arm is thicker, curving inwards, while at the other end of the outer arm, a bulge was crafted. .

"Yes, it's mine. I figured it would free my hands up to better tend to you. If it fits you well, it sould be an excellent replacement for where my fingers are pressing." He gives the spot one last jab before removing his fingers from Rhaefi'a's entrance. 


The nekhucte giggles at that and helpfully grabs his ass to make access easier. "A gift, then. I'll be sure to thank you with as much oah as I can produce." Somehow, knowing the hunter had such a toy made eagerness to take such a toy much easier to express. "Did you make it yourself? The shape is a bit unusual. We should show the pravnjate—the, oh, what is the word." He shrugs helplessly. "The other type of person here. Not a nekhucte. Anyway, they'll be especially interested in it—once I'm done, anyway." He grins mischievously and wiggles.


Mahao'li grins conspiratorially and covers the end with more of the nuru oil. He spends some time teasingly rubbing the head up along the nechukte's entrance and crack while he answers. "In part - I had assistance from a Tayuun aoqh I encountered a few years ago. He did the wood carving, and I made the sealant. And some lube to go with it, but that has long since be used up." 


He scowls and reaches a hand back, grabbing Mahao'li's and pressing harder until the toy pops in. He shudders happily. "I'm already warmed up; don't tease," he complains with a smirk. "Or did you think I couldn't handle it?"


Mahao'li smirks and pushes the toy the rest of the way in, pressing it into Rhaefi'a's prostate. "Oh, I had no doubts you could take it- Maybe I just enjoy teasing you, though~" 


He shudders and blinks slowly as the toy connects. He had sort of hoped taking the toy quickly would impress the hunter—it took lots of practice—but the teasing tone and the powerful sensations made it hard to tell if it had worked. He volunteered tentatively, “it used to take a lot longer to get anything in there. Relaxing and all was difficult. But now I can manage it in a few seconds.”


Mahao’li beams at the keeper, wiggling the toy a bit to ensure it’s properly in place. “You took it wonderfully. I’m impressed - your practice has really paid off. I’ll keep that in mind.~” He smirks and grinds his cock against Rhaefi’a’s thigh once more to accentuate his point; next time, he’d be taking more than a toy. “How does it feel?”


He moans plaintively and looks down at the cock grinding on his thigh. “Not as good as that will…” he says with a confident grin that gives way to a malm-wide tremolo. “Fiwjah indhoriu! That’s se-e-ensitive…” he says, lifting his leg a little higher and panting slightly. “Do that again.”


“Awww, did I find the hunter’s weakness?” Mahao’li purrs as he repeats the motion several times in quick succession, grinding against Rhaefi’a with each movement. He watches in delight as each thrust of him and the toy milked a fresh bead of pre from the nekhucte beneath him. “As for this one, you can have it whenever you want it.”


He smiles lazily and his balls flex. “I’d take it now if I weren’t a few seconds from cumming already. Unless you don’t mind if it’s only for a moment that you’re inside…” He nods toward the hand on his cock. “Move the dish so I don’t cum into it, would you? *Oah* is used separately from seed.”


Mahao'li shakes his head, leaning in to kiss the miqo'te as he moves the pan away. "I don't think I've had enough time to recover after how thoroughly you drained me to give you a proper breeding. You'll just have to make do with the grinding until I can give you a proper load~" He kisses Rhaefi'a deeply for a few more minutes, slowly stroking him as he continues to grind against his lover's thigh, relishing the sounds the keeper is making. When he's satisfied that Rhaefi'a is about to burst, he pulls himself away, kissing down the nekhucte's body to take his cock between his lips, purring at the taste of his pre clinging to the tip.


Rhaefi'a had closed his eyes, and his brows knit as Mahao'li pulls away. "Wait," he says softly, "I was enjoying you doing tha-ah-AH!" He howls at the sensation of lips around his cock and thrashes as he cums suddenly and violently.

"Fiwjah indhoriu," he moans weakly as the final shots drains into Mahao'li's mouth, panting desperately. "Well," he says after a moment, "maybe more like bholj indhoriu, but still." He heaves a sigh. "That was—I think I almost passed out!" His delirious smile under wide, adoring eyes quivers as the sensations still wash through him. "You really caught me by surprise."


Mahao'li purrs as he feels Rhaefi'a blow his load, eagerly wrapping his tongue around his head to lap up every drop of he load that he can. He continues to grind against Rhaefi'a, coating his thigh in a fine gloss of pre. He stays suckling him until he's certain that he'd been drained, before pulling off his cock with a pop. "Guroh~!" he exclaims before returning to kiss him.  

"Well, this was a reward after all, and would be a shame to waste the cute nekhucte's load after the wonderful greeting he gave me.~" 


Rhaefi'a doesn't respond other than kissing the hunter back and swishing his languid tail. He stares up at the hunter as his breathing slowly returns to normal. "Welcome to the shrine," he giggles weakly, nearly a minute after Mahao'li's comment.

After another while, he stretches, gets up, and looks over at the collection dish. "I will tell the ruunte that you definitely earned your shrine-visit bead," he says. "That was a lot you managed to get out of me. Looks like it was good quality, too." He picks the dish up carefully. "I should run this inside and get a bottle and see if I can find the ruunte," he says, before a voice cuts in from the hot bath.


"I'm over here," the bespectacled man sitting on the edge of the hot bath says. "I won't object to you telling me what you thought of his efforts, but I did get a pretty good sense of them myself." He laughs gently as Rhaefi'a stammers in surprise, then looks at the new guest. "I am the shrine's ruunte, Qana'to of the Amariyo. Nae'te, xoansa satihr," he says with a nod. "Welcome. Feel free to soak for a while if you aren't inclined to chat just yet, but I'm eager to meet you once you have recovered."


Mahao'li smiles, dipping his torso into a half-bow as he sits up. "Nae'te, Ruunte Qana'to. I am Mahao'li of the Moui. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." He scoots back across the flagstones to slide back into the soothing waters of the hotspring, closing his eyes and sighing happily. "Some more time to soak is always welcome, but company is never a bad thing either - come join me when you're free." He sinks lower into the water until it's to his neck, leaning back against the edge of the bath and closing his eyes. Further down, the tip of his cock still pokes from the water, still hard from the recent encounter.


Qana'to lets him sit for a while and finishes his conversation before slowly rising and ambling over to the cooler bath. "Rhaefi'a told me you were looking for me earlier, though I thought it best to wait for business until you'd had a chance to relax," he says as he approaches, He stands in an unbothered contrapposto despite being half-hard, courtesy of the aetherically fortified bath he was soaking in. "Might I sit while I chat with you about what brings you here?"


Mahao'li cracks open his eyes, staring up at the miqo'te towering above him, the angle immediately drawing his eye to the Ruunte's length. "Aenoh gworjaa horai" he mutters, in that fake whisper of innocence,  before smiling up ant the keeper and gesturing to the water beside him. "I would be honoured if you would." He grins wider as Qana'to settles into the water before continuing. "I also appreciate the chance to relax - such a warm welcome as Rhaefi'a gave would have been sorely missed had I rushed right into business. He is a good ambassador for your bhenah, Ruunte Qana'to."


The ruunte chuckles and looks away as he sits, the standard polite reaction to a compliment. "I am glad you are enjoying the waters," he says with a slight hiss as the cooler water hits his thighs, "as well as the nekhucte, and the views. Though really, I should be thanking you. It sounds like you gave Rhaefi'a quite the ride, and I suspect the shrine got a healthy amount of bholj'a oah out of him as a result." He flicks his ears happily as he looks off where Rhaefi'a had disappeared. "You've certainly earned a your bead. An oah for oah is certainly a fair trade," he said, punning the meanings of bead and drop of precum.

"You can collect it once you head inside, though—and forgive me for the presumption—I do hope you might be convinced to stay a day or two before you head out with it. You certainly seem a natural match for the shrine."


Mahao’li blushes at the compliment, shaking his head slightly, pink tinting his cheeks as he looks away. “Like I told him, it was the least he deserved for giving me such a warm welcome. No thanks required on your part.” 

He turns back to Qana’to at the second comment, tilting his head as he debated how to respond. “While I thank you for the compliment, I don’t feel like I’m quite made for serving in a bhenah” . He doesn’t elaborate, instead latching onto the rest of the sentence. “That is actually why I had wanted to speak with you directly. While I know that it’s…..unorthodox, I would still ask if an exception can be made….”


Mahao’li holds up his wrist to the Ruunte. Upon it, previously unnoticed by Rhaefi’a, dangled a pair of orbit bands, each missing a bead of amber, and one looking far more charred and worse for wear than the other.


"Goodness, what happened there? Did you lose one in a fight?"

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