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Rhaefi’a is totally adrift in his own world, eyes closed as he enjoys feasting on his new lover. Between his legs and in the pit of his stomach, the familiar throb of yearning crackles to life. He purrs and his tail switches faster, back and forth. He grabs his balls and pulls down gently, making his own cock bob beneath the water. Devotion to the goddess aside, this was the foremost draw of his work here. Any shrine would praise the goddess; only a bholbhenah would do it through the delights of the body. He dipped lower, until his nose touched Mahao’li’s stomach, and purred again.


Maho'li shivered as he felt Rhaefi'a's purring resonate along his cock, purring in kind as he guided him along his shaft. He had missed this; the intimate meeting of two keepers becoming lovers. As secluded as his life had been, lovers had been few and far between, and he was insistent on enjoying this new one while he could. He maneuvered his own tail to rest beside the other keepers, flicking it gently in time with Rhaefi'a's movements. Purring louder, he began to roll his hips slightly, letting himself enjoy the warmth and wetness of his lover's mouth.


Rhaefi'a pulls off for a moment to breathe. "He's thrashing now," he says playfully. "I must have almost won." With his spare hand, he pumps with rapid, sure gestures to give himself a moment to breathe a bit more. "Think I can clinch the kill?" he asks as he leans back down and opens his mouth. "Let us see."


Mahao'li opens his eyes and gazes down at the miqo'te working away at his cock, rolling his hips faster to thrust into Rhaefi'a's hand, voice heavy with lust as he responded. "You're....proving to be an excellent hunter...I have no doubt you can land your killing blow." He shudders as the keeper returns his lips and tongue to his head, pre leaking into the waiting hole as Rhaefi'a licked and teased him.


"No holding out on me, now," the nekhucte says between gulps. His hand pumps as fast as he can as he sucks on the head. His own cock is leaking profusely into the cool bath; a good thing, by the reckoning of the bholbhenah. He gasps and nearly chokes as the pleasure sings from his shaft up into his abdomen, but scrunches his face in concentration and swallows more of Mahao'li's dick. This was the best part of living here.


"I wasn't....planning to..." Mahao'li manages to gasp out, breath heavy as he neared his climax. He tightened his grip on the nekhucte's hair as he picked up the pace of his thrusting, body shuddering in bliss with each movement. He felt the pressure building in his abdomen as Rhaefi'a eagerly took his length, and with a gasp, he felt himself release. "Ahh.... Gossi, kelhorte!~" Mahao'li moaned, sliding his cock balls deep into the eager keepers mouth, holding him in place as he emptied his warm load into his new lover. 


Rhaefi'a closes his eyes and relaxes, keeping his throat open and enjoying the splash of salty success in his mouth. When the hunter finally finishes releasing his load and releases him in turn, he pops up to a seated position immediately and grins. "Bholbhenah'zi Nae'te for real, now," he says. "You just about drowned me in that cum. You must have been pent up over the last few days." He lips scoots to sit next to Mahao'li. Between his legs, his own cock still bounces at attention, but he seems perfectly delighted and content. "Or were you just saving up to offer me a surprise when you arrived?"


Still breathing heavily after his release, Mahao'li chuckles lowly and leans his shoulder against his companion's. "Congratulations on the hunt~ You're a natural." He smiles and leans in to steal another kiss, letting his hand drift to the nekhucte's cock, stroking it gently as he pulls away. He lets his tongue dance across his lips, smiling at his own taste, before replying. "Who says it can't be both? Not much privacy for release on the road, and I knew there would be cute keepers to welcome me when I arrived.~" He smiles again and shifts his gaze down to Rhaefi's cock. "Would be a shame to let this go to waste - Do you need assistance, rikelhor?" He asks, playfully winking at his new lover.


He pulls his head backward slightly shyly. "Oh, you don't have to. I'm happy to have helped." All his confidence seems to have evaporated the moment his own arousal was mentioned, and he splutters in confusion. "You are tired, surely! You should relax. I can take care of it later." His cock bobs and quivers between his thighs, though, and his breath is shallow with arousal. "I really ought to get the pan for a minute or two before I let it release, anyway..."


Mahao’li shakes his head, smirking at his lover’s sudden shyness. “I don’t have to, no - but neither did you. Like I said, it would be a waste to not use it, and you deserve proper thanks and congratulations for a successful hunt.” He accents his point with another stroke of the man length, letting his thumb rub circles beneath his tip. “Besides, it sounds like you’re rather enjoying this. Not sure why you need a pan, but feel free to go fetch it; I can relax while I wait.”


Rhaefi'a shudders violently at the touch and takes a deep breath to try to focus through the pleasure. "Ah, well, you want to make oah for your bead, don't you?" He looked at the blank expression on Mahao'li's face and continued after a moment. "Pre is an alchemical reagent that we use. The aetheric properties are easy to manipulate. It's one of the things you could," he gives a polite cough, "help us procure, if you wanted. Since bodies only make so much of it without help, usually." He grins with a slightly weary look. "I actually would love if you returned the favor, but if you need oah your last bead for that," he points to the bracelet on Mahao'li's wrist, "maybe you would rather get it by helping me produce it now?"


Mahao’li mouth forms into a little “o” of understanding as he pieces together Rhaefi’a’s suggestion. Smiling, he leans in to steal another kiss, stroking the keeper a few more times before withdrawing his hand from the other’s arousal. “Ahh, I think that is an excellent suggestion. As tempting as getting you off now is, if the Ruunte is going to require I collect oah, well, having done so before meeting him will can only help with my request. Will also give me a bit more time to recover.” He chuckles and glances down, his own cock once more semi-hard now that he has had some time to recover. “Tell me what I must do.”


Rhaefi'a nods and stands up quickly. "I'll be right back," he says hurriedly, scampering away and leaving the hunter in the bath by himself for a moment. The three people in the warmer bath's voices drift over to him, undiscernible but calm and unworried. Apparently this happens enough in these baths to be unworthy of comment. One of them is a western accent, much like Mahao'li's hometown. Anyone could hear the distinctive cadence and the way they hiss their H's more than the other two, even when the words themselves are largely garbled. "Piina... ammah... horai... zenhah." The words bubble up with the steam and then float away into the night.

The door closes audibly from around the corner, and Rhaefi'a appears, though he is hailed by the other bath and pauses for a moment to respond in light, playful tones. "haha, gossi! Qogou guroh iwai." His voice carries more loudly, or perhaps just being used to listening for it makes it easier to understand. "Yes! It was very tasty." He pads back toward the colder bath where Mahao'li is sitting with a laugh.


Mahao'li's ears perk up as the sounds of the other bathers reach him, and he debated for a moment moving to go join them; the West Shroud accent was unmistakable, and thoughts of home flooded his mind as he listened. It had been many years since he had last seen his kin, and though the likelihood of that voice belonging to a neighbor was slim, it was possible he may have news of his kin. He half rose from his seat, before shaking his head and settling back down, sliding back into the water while he waited on Rhaefia. There would be time enough to confront those memories when his bath was over. For now, rest was the more important need.

He opens his eyes and grins at Rhaefi'a, chuckling as the nekhucte returns to him. "Bragging about your hunt, rikelhor?"


Rhaefi'a's feigns a confident sneer, though the way he shuffles his feet betrays the slightest embarrassment. "Hunters are always boasting about their kills. I should do the same," he says defiantly as he sets the pan down on the side of the bath and sits awkwardly next to it. "So, well, um. I have to have my tip over the plate to catch it, so either I can lay beside it to jack off like this—" he lays on his side to demonstrate, "or I straddle it on my hands and knees if someone's," he clears his throat suddenly, "mounting me." He blinked back a blush and shook his head. The hunter was handsome, sure, but why did it shake him so whenever the man looked at him? Something in the kind, attentive eyes just left his insides water. Granted, this was also the first time he'd handled a new visitor totally on his own. Maybe that was some of it. Most of them talked the ruunte first, or else the senior neckhuc, and he only worked with the ones who were already familiar with the place and its traditions. Explaining everything like this, out loud, explicitly, made his stomach clench, excited and nervous. "So, uh, if you're offering to help, I guess I'll shift around based on what you want?"


Mahao'li beamed at Rhaefi'a, nodding in agreement at his claim about hunters. "True, and it was a very successful hunt; you should be boasting." He watches attentively as the nekhucte demonstrates the ways that he could gather his oah, eyes tracing his form in admiration as he does. Despite having just cum, he could already feel his cock hardening between his thighs once more at the keeper's shy and unsure, but eager demeanor. Something about him was tantalizing; Mahao'li couldn't be certain if it was merely that this was his first lover in nearly a year, or something more. Regardless of the cause, though, Mahao'li couldn't shake the desire to satisfy him. "What I want? Did I not say I was going to reward you for a hunt well done? Surely it should be your choice on how I milk you."


He didn't reply to that statement immediately, instead just staring, frozen except for a twitch in his tail. After a very long moment, he finally cracked a tiny smile that crept reluctantly into his eyes. "There's a small phial up in the changing area," he said slowly. He had himself propped up on one forearm, and the other crept to his shaft to gently tug on it. "If you would wet your hands with the nuru oil in it and then sit by my legs, you could use one hand on my shaft and balls and the other on my hole." His tail relaxed, like the suggestion had drained all the nerves from him. "Jaa'zi reiqoh'wan poro" he says with an audible sigh of yearning. That would be wonderful.


“Jaa'zi reiqoh'wan poro” Mahao’li echoed as he stood, running a hand along the keeper’s side and rear as he did so, giving the latter a firm and playful squeeze. “Was that so hard?” He flicked his tail playfully, cock twitching at the evident yearning in Rhaefi’a’s voice. Without waiting for an answer, he padded over to the changing rooms, tail swishing happily behind him as he went to go find the oil.


"Coh..." the man moaned with a heaving sigh that bubbled turbulently from his chest. He laid his head down on his arm and closed his eyes as Mahao'li went into the antechamber, one leg still pulled upward to expose his taint in preparation for the hunter's return. A gentle, playful taunt wafted through the steam from the other bath, but Rhaefi'a ignored it as he waited, focused on the turbulent pulse of excitement buried in his abdomen.


Mahao'li returned a short moment later, cock bouncing with each step as he returned to his new lover, tail swishing behind him. In one hand, he carried the vial of oil Rhaefi'a had sent him for; in the other, a dark shape mostly obscured by his hand. He went and sat behind the keeper's spread legs, and setting the items down with the distinct clack of wood on stone. "Still in position~ I hope you weren't waiting long." He teasingly ran a finger down the man's crack before applying the oil, coating the both his fingers and the keepr's hole with a generous layer of it before moving his digits into position. "Are you ready?" 


“Arissooooo,” the plaintive nekhucte whines, the sort of forceful “please” that is more petulant demand than gracious request. “Ziaro!” Having been instructed to voice his desires, they now stampeded out of him without care. Give, give, give. He squeezed his eyes shut and wiggled his hips so violently it might have been mistaken for a shiver.


"My my, much less shy now that you're beside your tail~" He teases. He'd forgotten the keepa'go words, but remembered the meaning well enough. He leans over the nekhucte, catching his lips in a deep kiss as he slides a pair of fingers into Rhaefi'a's waiting entrance. his free and trails down Rhaefi'a's chest, stopping to tease a nipple a moment before continuing down to wrap around his length. He strokes him gently as he works his fingers in and out of the keeper, moving both hands in time.  "Better?"


"Gossi," he avers as an actual shudder ripples through him. He covers his face reflexively as he starts to buck back and forth into both hands with an incoherent murmur of pleasure. Before he totally dissolves, he summons one last coherent sentence: "keep the lube away from my tip so the bholj'a oah isn't mixed with it." His bright red cheeks peek through his hands as he yowls happily, a steady drip of pre forming on his tip.


"Awww, and he's back to being shy~" Mahao'li chuckles, placing another kiss on the keeper's cheek. He nods at Rhaefi'a's request, sliding his hand farther down the shaft. He wraps his thumb and forefinger around the base, letting his remaining fingers curl beneath the nekhucte's balls, massaging them as he watches the pre bead and drip from his lover's tip. "Don't worry, I won't let it mix."


"I'm not being shy," he protested through his fingers. "It just is a very strong sensa-a-tion!" He rocked his hips back further, as though enthusiasm would disprove the hunter's assertion. "A little deeper, it's almost right on the spot—oh, men'a bhabal," he moaned, before looking around to make sure the ruunte was not nearby. He was known to dislike that particular exclamation, though he never said anything about it to guests who used it. As one of the shrine's caretakers though, he was supposed to hold a higher st—ahhhh, fuck, that's the spot. "Yes, there, there!" he exclaimed. "Just that!"

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