Daily Report - Aug 19, 2024
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Complete New seeking lodgings
the monastary is only hosting female delegates
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 126 8 10:59 PM
Has Warnings nature, nurture, heaven and home
SithDusk's story continues
Sandboxes 1448 10 10:03 PM
Has Warnings it isn't the fall that kills you
miko's fucking pissed (wrath of the righteous/order of the stick)
primrose sun 549 8 9:45 PM
Has Warnings room to breathe
an oswald is a mary sue
Sandboxes 223 4 9:09 PM
Complete Religious: Nuria Tosta
romance novel smuggling
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 12 1 8:52 PM
Complete New The Sound of Your Voice
Claire talks to Tom
Through The Looking Goggles 44 29 8:37 PM
Complete New "Election": Dewbloom
a great wyrm nudges the political process with draconic unsubtlety
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 18 13 6:53 PM
Complete cock worship Sandboxes 13 1 2:51 PM
Has Warnings some godsforsaken cave in the middle of the desert
Sunset Tones 687 17 2:37 PM
Has Warnings Getting into a rhythm!
The first day is over - you're a real student now!
Sunset Tones 117 42 2:30 PM
Complete "Religious": Ravounel Forest
The Old Faith, defiant
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 34 1 2:11 PM
Complete Has Warnings New "Religious": Bright Morning Feather
The delegate from Ravounel Forest
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 35 10 2:11 PM
Has Warnings presentation!!!
it is a truth universally acknowledged that a supervillain in possession of good taste must be in want of a nemesis (or, meguca Ruby cross drops on Worm)
Fulmination 727 7 12:36 PM
Has Warnings no good at goodbyes
aloy!eridani in horizon zero dawn
Fulmination 989 4 12:35 PM
give claws to the weak between adventures 261 2 11:45 AM
[Open] Ethical and Political Philosophy Consultation
unfortunately the person here who understands Chaotic Good best is a gnome
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 124 12 11:09 AM
New [OPEN] Completely Altruistic Legal Help
perplexed about "constitution"? inquire within
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 59 22 5:59 AM
Complete Has Warnings Sortition: Korva The Chelish Constitutional Convention 26 14 12:59 AM
Janeway Lambda Two
William Laurence on Voyager
Sandboxes 497 12 12:13 AM
Complete Has Warnings Sortition: Taís Espaillat
you can't run and you can't hide
The Chelish Constitutional Convention 21 13 12:05 AM
Has Warnings One for all and all for prosperity
Sid isekai to Iwami in order to try to develop Iwami as a setting
Sandboxes 358 40 12:00 AM
Total: 21