When the narrative leads into the initiation of sexual play, an Encounter begins.
During an Encounter, the participants primarily take turns spending Stamina to use Sex Moves, Repositioning Maneuvers, Toys, or Special Features, but there is no strict action economy for individual actions. Narrative flow rules here, but in general, when it is your turn, you can continue taking actions so long as you have the Stamina to pay for those actions.
Signed Difference
The concept of signed difference will come up often while resolving rolls. Flowerbound uses the concept in several places, so signed difference will be explained here to make sure all players are on the same page.
Signed difference is simply a fancy short hand term for the results of subtracting one number from another with the order of the numbers preserved. For example, the difference between 2 and 4 is 2, but 2 minus 4 is negative two (-2), the signed difference. It simply means that we care about the minus sign; that the presence or absence of the minus sign matters.
The first and most fundamental thing that affects sexual activities is how you feel about them. During an Encounter, both player characters and NPCs may decide on the fly how they're reacting to what's happening, by freely applying any one of these Temperaments to the next round.
Innocent: You are living in the moment and not worrying about the past or future. You feel safe, happy, and unquestioning.
- Upon declaration, roll a Moxie Check. While the result remains greater than your Craving value, you may transfer points from your Sensitivity to your Craving.
Thoughtful: You are dwelling on the emotions and emotional implications and the shape of your future.
- Upon declaration, roll a Moxie Check. While the result remains greater than your Craving value, you may transfer points from your Satiation to your Craving.
Perverse: You are excited on a conceptual, kinky level, captivated and compelled.
- Upon declaration, roll a Moxie Check. While the result remains greater than your Arousal value, you may transfer points from your Craving to your Arousal.
Valiant: You are proud of yourself for enduring, but you are enduring rather than enjoying.
- Upon declaration, roll a Moxie Check. While the result is greater than your Stamina value, add your Stamina value to your Orgasm Threshold as a Modifier.
To declare a Temperament, simply announce, "I am going to feel [Innocent/Thoughtful/Perverse/Valiant] about this."
A declaration can be made at any time, but once you have declared a Temperament, it lasts until the next time your turn ends and you cannot declare another one until then.
At the beginning of an Encounter, set your Stamina Die to (5 + Fitness + Level Bonus).
At the beginning of every subsequent turn, increase the value on your Stamina Die by adding your Fitness to the current value. This is your Stamina Regeneration.
At the end of every turn, if you have not spent any Stamina during that turn, gain Stamina equal to half of your Fitness rounded down. This is called a Restful Turn. This is in addition to normal Stamina Regeneration.
At the beginning of your turn, you determine whether or not you are Having An Orgasm during that round.
To determine if you are Having An Orgasm you first determine your Orgasm Threshold by adding your Sensitivity to your Satiation and then also adding Modifiers if there are any.
Once you know your Orgasm Threshold, you simply compare it to your Arousal. If your Arousal is greater than your Orgasm Threshold, you are Having An Orgasm.
If you are Having An Orgasm this round, that has several effects that will be detailed in the following sections.
When you are Having An Orgasm, that Orgasm also has an Intensity, and the Intensity of your Orgasm at any given moment is determined by how many tokens you have in your pool of Intensity Points.
Any action you wish to take while Having An Orgasm must first pass a Sanity Check. If the result of the Sanity Check is greater than the number of Intensity Points you've accumulated, you may act as normal. If the result is equal or lower, you are Incapacitated and flub that action and it has no effect. Any Stamina you spent is still spent. You may, however, make repeated attempts.
If you are not Having An Orgasm, clear your pool of Intensity Points to 0.
If you are Having An Orgasm, any Intensity Points you gain during the following round add on to what you already have with no upper limit.
During your turn, you may attempt to Pair one of your Organs to another Organ it can reach. There are three options for doing so, called Escalations.
Gentle Maneuver - No cost. Join an unpaired Organ to an unpaired Organ with a compatible Pairing Attribute.
- If the owner of the target Organ chooses to resist, they automatically succeed and the Pairing change fails.
If a Gentle Maneuver fails or is expected to fail, you may instead spend 1 Stamina to escalate to a contested Maneuver. A contested Maneuver may also target Organs that are already joined in other Pairings. If the owner of the target Organ or the displaced Organ chooses to resist, both you and them roll a contested Grace Check. You each then decide if you will spend Stamina to increase the result of that Check.
Firm Maneuver - At most one side of the contested Grace Check, typically but not necessarily the losing side, chooses to spend additional Stamina to increase the result of their Grace Check by the amount of Stamina spent.
Violent Maneuver - Both sides of the contested Grace Check choose to spend Stamina to increase the result of their Grace check. If this happens, compare the available Stamina values of both sides. Both sides must then spend at least as much Stamina as whichever value is lower, on increasing the results of their Grace Checks.
If and only if the final result of the Grace Check + Spent Stamina for the attempted Pairing change is greater than the final result for the resistance to the Pairing change, the Pairing change succeeds.
Unpairing works the same way as Pairing, and can be done Gentle, Firm, or Violent. Simply replace "target" or "displaced" Organ with "released" Organ, and apply the same rules.
One Organ can be in multiple Pairings at once, but only if it makes physical sense. In addition:
- An Organ can only Squish or Grip or Penetrate one Organ at a time, but may Ensheathe multiple.
- An Organ can be Squished or be Gripped or be Penetrated by multiple Organs at once, but may not be Ensheathed by multiple.
If you do not have at least one Unpaired and Unoccupied [CanGrip] Organ Appendage available when you attempt to resist a Pairing change, you have disadvantage on the Grace Check.
Organs can also be Paired with Toys.
Toys follow most of the same Pairing rules as Organs. Some Toys, however, can be used as Organs when able to Pair with multiple Organs. For example, a dildo Gripped in a hand and then also Ensheathed in a vagina, or two different limbs both Gripped by the same bondage. When an Organ is Paired with a Toy, it can take actions on behalf of that Toy in addition to or instead of itself.
Often, some of your Organs will be Occupied with something other than being Paired with another Organ or a Toy.
An Occupied Organ is one that is busy maintaining a state. For example, standing, sitting or doing a handstand all Occupy different Organs. An Occupied Organ may not Pair or use Moves, but may still be Paired to and have Moves used upon it.
Environment With Gravity:
If you have fewer than two Organ Appendages that are Occupied with a floor or other solid (or soft) surface, you have disadvantage on Fitness Checks, Grace Checks, Sanity Checks, and Prowess Checks.
If only your hips and chest are in contact with a floor or other solid (or soft) surface, and considered Occupied, that is sufficient to avoid this penalty. However, "both breasts" does not count as two Appendages for this purpose. Anal penetration and a seat or other hip-confinement, however, does. As do Occupying or being Paired with a Partner's [CanGrip] Appendages.
You cannot ever have fewer than one Organ Appendage that is Occupied somehow to support your weight.
Environment Without Gravity:
If you have fewer than two Organ Appendages with [CanGrip] that are Occupied with holding on to your partner's non-Organ body in a stabilizing way, and fewer than one Organ Appendage Occupied securely with a solid (or soft) surface:
- You cannot use Moves of the Thrust or Grind elements at all.
- You have disadvantage on Fitness Checks, Grace Checks, Sanity Checks, and Prowess Checks.
- All Stamina costs are doubled.
Other Interactions:
Headpats are a free action.
Moves are the heart of the sex system in Flowerbound.
To use a Move, first choose the Move you wish to use from your Move List. You may only choose a Move if you have an existing Pairing for which both joined Organs have the relevant Attribute matching the Attribute of the Move.
--> You may only use one Move per Organ per turn. <--
Next, apply the effect(s) of the Move as described in the Move's text.
Then, choose how much Stimulation you want the Move to attempt to deliver. Narratively, this represents how many times or for how long you perform the Move. Once you have made this choice, you then make a Prowess Roll.
A Prowess Roll is made using two dice with the same number of faces but of different colors. Designate one color your "Ardent Die", designate the other your "Timid Die". Roll both dice, take the signed difference between your Ardent Die and your Timid Die, then move that number toward zero by an amount equal to your Prowess.
Consult this table to determine which specific dice to roll:
| 1 | 2 | N/A |
| 2 | 4 | d4 |
| 3 | 6 | d6 |
| 4 | 8 | d8 |
| 5 | 10 | d10 |
| 6 | 12 | d12 |
| 7 | 14 | d10 and d4 |
| 8 | 16 | d10 and d6 |
| 9 | 18 | d10 and d8 |
| 10 | 20 | d10 and d10 |
| 11 | 22 | d12 and d10 |
| 12 | 24 | d12 and d12 |
| 13 | 26 | d10 and d10 and d6 |
| 14 | 28 | d10 and d10 and d8 |
| 15 | 30 | d10 and d10 and d10 |
| 16 | 32 | d12 and d10 and d10 |
| 17 | 34 | d12 and d12 and d10 |
| 18 | 36 | d12 and d12 and d12 |
When rolling beyond 12, cumulate the multiple signed difference rolls into one total first, then move toward zero by Prowess to get your final Prowess Roll result.
If you are rolling with advantage or with disadvantage, make the full cumulated signed difference roll, take the total, then make another separate full cumulated signed difference roll, take the total, and compare the two totals.
- Advantage: Take the total with the smaller unsigned absolute-value. The value closer to 0.
- Disadvantage: Take the total with the larger unsigned absolute-value. The value further from 0.
Apply your final Prowess Roll result to your chosen Stimulation amount to get the final value of Stimulation that is dealt.
A Prowess Roll result of 0 is ideal, meaning that you deliver exactly the Stimulation you intended to. When moving toward zero, you cannot overshoot. Prowess moves toward zero and never away from zero. A higher Prowess score creates a larger "zero zone" in the range of possible rolls.
Finally, in some narrative circumstances you may wish to inflict pain rather than pleasure. To do so, simply flip the chosen Stimulation value negative.
When you receive Stimulation, the first step is to determine how much, if any, Understimulation or Overstimulation you are receiving. Your Optimal Stimulation is calculated by adding the Erogeny of your receiving Organ to your Ardor. If the Stimulation you receive is less than that number, the difference is how much you are Understimulated by. If the Stimulation you receive is greater than that number, the difference is how much you are Overstimulated.
- If your Optimal Stimulation is 6 and you receive 8 Stimulation, you are Overstimulated by 2.
- If your Optimal Stimulation is 6 and you receive 4 Stimulation, you are Understimulated by 2.
- Overstimulation from negative Stimulation is always the unsigned absolute value of the negative Stimulation. So -8 Stimulation is 8 Overstimulation.
- Understimulation from negative Stimulation is always 0.
Gain Sensitivity equal to the Overstimulation minus the acting Organ's Contour value. This cannot reduce Sensitivity.
Gain Intensity Points by rolling an Ardor Check and seeing how many of these conditions you meet:
- If the received Stimulation value is not 0, Gain Intensity Points equal to your Level Bonus (LB).
- If the received Stimulation is further from zero than your base Ardor, gain 2 additional Intensity Points for a total of LB + 2.
- If the received Stimulation is further from zero than the result of the Ardor Check, gain 2 additional Intensity Points for a total of LB + 4.
- if the received Stimulation is further from zero than (10 + ARDOR), gain 2 additional Intensity Points for a total of LB + 6.
Next, the remaining rules for resolving Stimulation depend on if you are Having An Orgasm.
No Orgasm:
Compare your Optimal Stimulation with your received Stimulation. Gain Arousal equal to whichever number is smaller.
Compare your receiving Organ's Erogeny to the Understimulation.
If, and only if, the Understimulation is less than or equal to the Erogeny, gain Craving equal to the Understimulation.
If the Understimulation is greater than your receiving Organ's Erogeny, gain nothing.
An Orgasm:
Gain Satiation equal to the received Stimulation value (if and only if that value is positive).
Gain additional Sensitivity equal to half the (unsigned absolute value of the) received Stimulation value, rounded down.
When you deal positive Stimulation using a Move, this logically also stimulates the Organ doing the Move-ing.
After resolving the positive Stimulation you've dealt, compare that Stimulation number to your acting Organ's Erogeny. Apply Stimulation back onto yourself equal to whichever number is smaller. Do not apply Understimulation rules to this.
A Move with the reaction trait may be used to contest another player's Move.
--> The Stamina expended on a reaction Move must be equal to the Stamina expended by the Move it is contesting, or the reaction cannot be used. <--
After another player chooses the attempted Stimulation of their Move, if you have sufficient Stamina to match that amount, you may use a reaction to contest that Move. Contested Moves do not cause Reciprocal Stimulation unless the Move being contested is indulgent. Instead, both Moves each deal their own full Stimulation in either direction simultaneously.
If both Moves are of the same elemental type, the mutual Stimulation is resolved as any normal Stimulation would be. However, if the contested Moves are of different elemental types, a type interaction results:
Elemental Interaction:
- Tease overcomes Thrust and yields to Grind.
- Thrust overcomes Grind and yields to Tease.
- Grind overcomes Tease and yields to Thrust.
If Your Move Overcomes:
The result of your Prowess Roll is halved, moving closer to zero.
You may choose to limit the Stimulation you receive from the contested Move to no more than your Optimal Stimulation. This does not refund any Stamina to the other player.
If the yielding contested Move is indulgent, you may roll a Prowess Check and then increase or decrease the Stimulation dealt by the indulgent Move by up to the result of that Check.
If Your Move Yields:
The result of your Prowess Roll is doubled, moving further from zero.
Your Move does not do anything other than cause Stimulation. Even if the conditions are otherwise met, your Move's special behaviors are ignored and it does not apply any Effects.
Reciprocal Stimulation is not generated by masturbatory actions unless the Erogeny of the acting Organ is greater than the Erogeny of the Organ being acted upon. When using an Indulgent Move to perform a masturbatory action, no Reciprocal Stimulation is generated, period.
At the end of your turn, compare your Craving to your Satiation.
- If your Craving is greater, gain LB Arousal and drain LB Satiation.
- If you Satiation is greater, drain LB Arousal and drain LB Craving.
At the end of your turn, if you spent that turn Having An Orgasm, gain an additional LB + 2 Sensitivity.
Apply any Periodic status effects that are in play.