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The Flowerbound Role-Playing Game takes place in a set of fictional outer planes collectively referred to as the Starheart Lodge.  There was a time when the Lodge visited the material plane to trade knowledge, goods, and opportunity with other realms, but long, long ago, beyond even immortal memory, a great calamity struck the material plane and all means of travel and trade were lost; all contact between the Lodge and the material plane was seemingly cut off from the rest of Creation.

One hope still existed. Souls, cast into the timeless void by the now-entropic material universe could sometimes be detected and rescued. It was a difficult process, but it was the only hope those souls had, as well as the only means by which the Starheart Lodge could grow it's population.

Each of the Starheart Lodge's planes compete to find and rescue those lost souls who ended their mortal lives with deep longings for the extremity of erotic fulfillment offered to those who dwell within. For that has always been the nature of the Starheart Lodge and the planes it binds together, and the realm of desires in which it is best at calling souls back from oblivion.

As a player of Flowerbound, you are a soul that has answered this call.


Character Creation

Character Progression

How To Play

Gendertrope Documentorium

Status Effect Documentorium

Learnable Moves Documentorium

Toys and Toyboxes

World Guide

Womb Alchemy Crafting Supplement

Total: 29
Posts Per Page:



Each player will need:


At least:

- 1 d20.
- 2 d4 of different colors.
- 2 d6 of different colors.
- 2 d8 of different colors.
- 2 d10 of different colors.
- 2 d12 of different colors.


- At least 10 Blank Index Cards.
- Erasable pencil.



- At least 30 small, easily countable tokens of some form.




In Flowerbound, your character sheet takes the form of one Persona Card and a separate Organ Card for each of your character's interaction-relevant body parts. We begin by filling out your Persona Card.


Begin with a blank index card in 'landscape' orientation, and write your character's name across the top.

This card is where you will track your Ability Scores, your Status Meters, and your Progression Points. Leave a small area at the bottom for Progression Points. Divide the remaining area into two columns. In the left column, write your Ability Scores. In the right column, write your Status Meters. Also leave space under your name for your Level Bonus, and leave space below the card itself for your Intensity Tokens.

|               "YOUR NAME HERE"              |
|                Level Bonus: 1               |
| Fitness (FIT): 2  | Stamina --------------> |
| Grace   (GRC): 2  |                         |
| Ardor   (ARD): 2  | Satiation:   [   / 24 ] |
| Sanity  (SAN): 2  | Craving:     [   / 24 ] |
| Prowess (PRW): 2  | Arousal:     [   / 24 ] |
| Moxie   (MOX): 2  | Sensitivity: [   / 24 ] |
|               PROGRESSION TALLY             |
| EP:              IP:               NP:      |
|               \/ INTENSITY \/               |


A character begins with 2 in every ability score by default. Take an additional 6 points and allocate them as you wish.

Fitness - Your ability to regenerate Stamina.

Ardor - Your ideal amount of received stimulation.

Prowess - Your precision in giving stimulation.

Grace - Your adeptness at positioning.

Sanity - Your ability to remain aware and volitional during intense experiences.

Moxie - Your tolerance for unaccustomed experiences.


In another game you'd have hit points, representing your overall health. In Flowerbound, you have an interplay between four separate Status Meters. For each of these four Status Meters, write down their maximum capacity. Stamina works a bit differently. We'll get to that in a moment.

Satiation - Represents overall how much of a character's lust has been fulfilled.
Capacity: 20 + (2 * ARDOR)

Craving - Represents mental arousal.
Capacity: 20 + (2 * SANITY)

Arousal - Represents physical arousal.
Capacity: 20 + (2 * PROWESS)

Sensitivity - Represents erogenous fatigue.
Capacity: 20 + (2 * MOXIE)


Once you have added your meter maximums to your Persona Card, select a d20 of your choice. This is now your Stamina Die and should be kept with your Persona Card. Unlike the other four Status Meters, Stamina has a fixed cap of 20, and is tracked using the Stamina Die rather than by writing down the current value. During play, your Stamina Regeneration is equal to your FIT score plus any modifiers.


Sex is fundamentally more complicated than combat. As such, there are multiple conditions that may end a Flowerbound encounter, and within those, multiple forms of success. Players earn a separate type of experience point for each 'success' condition they achieve. It is possible for multiple conditions to be met in a single round, in which case all that apply, apply. However, as soon as any of these conditions are met, a sexual encounter ends and Progression Points are awarded.

Euphoria Points (EP) - You are awarded 1 Euphoria Point when you end an encounter by making your partner meet the Satisfied condition.

Ichor Points (IP) - You are awarded 1 Ichor Point when you end an encounter by receiving the Satisfied condition yourself.

Numinous Points (NP) - You are awarded 1 Numinous Point when you and your partner achieve the Satisfied condition simultaneously.

Progression Points are intended to be tracked via hash marks in the available horizontal space at the bottom of your Persona Card.


In Flowerbound, you don't have a traditional "level" in the sense you may be used to. What you do have, is a Bonus based on your progression that will be used in various ways.

To find your Level Bonus, first add your highest Ability Score to your second-highest Ability Score, then divide the result by 20 (erase the right-hand digit, then halve what's left).

Then, count how many Gendertrope Features you have unlocked. This is the number of Features, not the Level of those Features. Take half of that number, rounded down. Add those numbers together to get your total Level Bonus. A new character will get 0, but your Level Bonus is always at least 1 and can't go lower than that.

LEVEL BONUS = max(1, (SCORE1 + SCORE2) / 20  +  FEATURE COUNT / 2)




There are six canonical Gendertropes to choose from in the Starheart Lodge. You may choose one or homebrew your own using the canon six as examples.

Flip over your Persona Card. On the back of your Persona Card, write the name of your Gendertrope across the top.


She is a creature of monstrous beauty and merciful power. Her amorous desires violate boundaries and overwhelm all resistance, rapacious and indomitable. But she is a nest-builder, a nurturer, one who cares for and cultivates that which her appetites have claimed as hers.

Body-Plan: (7)

Shiny Thirsting Lips       ( [  ] [  ] [  ] [  ] | [  ] [  ] [  ] [  ] )
Sinuous Tentacle Tongue    ( [  ] [CG] [CP] [  ] | [  ] [IG] [  ] [  ] )
Slender Elegant Hands      ( [CS] [CG] [CP] [  ] | [  ] [IG] [  ] [IE] )
Perky Marshmallow Tits     ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [  ] | [IS] [IG] [  ] [  ] )
Tight Supple Ass           ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [CE] | [IS] [IG] [IP] [  ] )
Veiny Futa Phallus         ( [  ] [  ] [CP] [  ] | [  ] [IG] [  ] [IE] )
Long Shapely Legs          ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [  ] | [  ] [IG] [  ] [  ] )

Level 1 Feature: Prehensile Proficiency. When using an Organ in the "Prehensile" Category to make a Prowess Roll, you may make the roll with advantage.


She is an object of tempting beauty and creative growth, decorative and useful in equal measure. Her body is offered freely to any who would take her, for her longing to be plucked and kept and tended by a worthy gardener runs deep. But she is fearless, and is not one who trades herself for safety. Only for joy.

Body-Plan: (6)

Soft Rosen Lips            ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [CE] | [IS] [  ] [IP] [  ] )
Delicate Girly Hands       ( [CS] [CG] [CP] [  ] | [  ] [IG] [  ] [IE] )
Soft Succulent Boobies     ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [  ] | [IS] [IG] [  ] [  ] )
Plush Bubble Butt          ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [CE] | [IS] [IG] [IP] [  ] )
Yielding Silken Quim       ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [CE] | [IS] [  ] [IP] [  ] )
Cute Limber Legs           ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [  ] | [  ] [IG] [  ] [  ] )

Level 1 Feature: Sinful Nectar. When a partner's Organ is paired with an Organ belonging to this Flower that [IsPenetrable], that partner's Organ receives a bonus to Erogeny equal to this Flower's Ardor.


She is one who embodies the predator, the explorer, and the protector all at once. Her whims and her primal hungers drive her to hunt and slake, to frolic and play, to guard and comfort, forever seeking excitement. But her mercurial heart is innocent and soft, gentle and always welcoming... just like her bosom.

Body-Plan: (6)

Hot Hungry Maw             ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [CE] | [IS] [  ] [IP] [  ] )
Deft Nimble Hands          ( [CS] [CG] [CP] [  ] | [  ] [IG] [  ] [IE] )
Mamerous Milk Melons       ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [  ] | [IS] [IG] [  ] [  ] )
Bouncy Runner Rump         ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [CE] | [IS] [IG] [IP] [  ] )
Juicy Nether Cleft         ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [CE] | [IS] [  ] [IP] [  ] )
Beastly Hunter Legs        ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [  ] | [  ] [IG] [  ] [  ] )

Level 1 Feature: Milk Mommy. You lactate during your orgasms. If your partner's mouth is paired with either or both of your Mamerous Milk Melons at the time, they imbibe the resulting milk and become more compliant. As a consequence, your next Repositioning Maneuver succeeds automatically at 0 Stamina cost and cannot be resisted. Once used, this cannot be used again until your current orgasm ends and your next orgasm begins.


He is one who lives in the moment and is captivated by passion. His earnest whimsy and innocent fascinations lead to carefree nights and a fondness for the unexpected, even for the dangerous, ever delighted by the thrill. But he yearns most deeply to be safe in the arms of someone stronger and kinder than himself.

Body-Plan: (5)

Pretty Princely Pout       ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [CE] | [IS] [  ] [IP] [  ] )
Clever Flexible Fingers    ( [CS] [CG] [CP] [  ] | [  ] [IG] [  ] [IE] )
Bitable Boy Butt           ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [CE] | [IS] [IG] [IP] [  ] )
Throbbing Meat Pole        ( [  ] [  ] [CP] [  ] | [  ] [IG] [  ] [IE] )
Quick Springy Legs         ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [  ] | [  ] [IG] [  ] [  ] )

Level 1 Feature: Insatiable. Your Arousal can never drop below your Ardor Score.


He is a cruel being of meticulous obsession and exacting desires. His esoteric pleasures are often strange or abstract, and he will craft them himself if he must, or if he prefers. But his implacable single-minded pursuit of his strange joys is intrinsically entwined with the intense empathy and fascination he feels for his living toys.

Body-Plan: (5)

Sensuous Knowing Lips      ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [CE] | [IS] [  ] [IP] [  ] )
Steady Dexterous Hands     ( [CS] [CG] [CP] [  ] | [  ] [IG] [  ] [IE] )
Chiseled Stately Ass       ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [CE] | [IS] [IG] [IP] [  ] )
Darkly Dreaming Dick       ( [  ] [  ] [CP] [  ] | [  ] [IG] [  ] [IE] )
Fit Flexible Legs          ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [  ] | [  ] [IG] [  ] [  ] )

Level 1 Feature: Dildonic Semblance. Choose one Toy that has a Summoner Rank of 10 or less, and which is not a Fixture. You are now able to summon that Toy freely, at no cost, without access to a Toybox.


She is a blissful being of peaceful passivity and masochistic fatalism. Her only wish is to be treasured and tormented, teased and tantalized, in the hands of one worthy to own her, or even remake her. But her selfless wish to gratify her demanding master is tempered by her selfish wish for a life of mindless ecstasy.

Body-Plan: (5-9)

Large Face Socket          ( --> (Choose any Organ.)                   )
Small Shoulder Sockets     ( --> (Choose any Organ(s).)                )
Medium Chest Sockets       ( --> (Choose any Organ(s).)                )
Pliable Femme Hips         ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [CE] | [IS] [IG] [IP] [  ] )
Medium Groin Socket        ( --> (Choose any Organ.)                   )
Large Hip Sockets          ( --> (Choose any Organ(s).)                )

Level 1 Feature: Plug And Play. Despite being (mostly) made of flesh, your Organs may be seamlessly, painlessly, and bloodlessly detached and swapped out for different ones.

Write the Level 1 Gendertrope Feature of your Gendertrope on the first available line. Try to fit all the necessary information on one line to conserve space for later.

Next prepare a number of blank index cards equal to the number of organs in the base body-plan associated with your chosen Gendertrope.




To keep track of your Organs, you will create one Organ Card for each of the Organs in your Body Plan. These cards are where you will track each Organ's Category, Contour score, Erogeny score, Appendages, and Pairing Attributes. You will then use these cards to keep track of Organ Pairing during play.

Begin with a blank index card in 'portrait' orientation and write the name of your Organ across the top.

|        ("Category")        |
| Contour: 1  |  Erogeny: 1  |
|                            |
| Appendages: "",            |
|                            |
|--> [IS]            [CS] -->|
|--> [IG]            [CG] -->|
|--> [IP]            [CP] -->|
|--> [IE]            [CE] -->|

Leave space for Contour, Erogeny, and Appendages. At the bottom of the card, write the "Is" Pairing Attributes the Organ possesses along the left edge, then write the "Can" Pairing Attributes the Organ possesses along the right edge. If your Organ does not have a particular Attribute, leave that space blank.


An Organ's Category is a label assigned to specific Organs that by default serve a mostly narrative purpose rather than a mechanical purpose, but may be used by other mechanics to specify special effects that do not fit into the Pairing Attribute system.

An Organ in the "Mouth" Category provides a means of breathing, a means of talking, and a means of ingestion to its owner.

An Organ in the "Hips" Category will often provide a center of mass for its owner, and includes the entire pelvic region including the anal orifice. In exceptionally strange body-plans with multiple Hips, this may not hold true. However, in all cases, the Appendages of a set of Hips cannot be Repositioned independently.

An Organ in the "Hands", "Legs", or "Prehensile" Category always has Appendages that can be Repositioned independently.

An Organ's Category is further important in determining that Organ's starting Contour and Erogeny.


An Organ's Contour score abstracts the property of how pleasing the Organ is to the sense of touch. The higher the score, the better-optimized the Organ's physicality is for sexual purposes and the more vigorously it may be used without causing Overstimulation. An Organ's starting Contour value can be a matter of negotiation with the GM, but in most cases should be determined according to this table:

| Mouth           |        1         |
| Hands           |        0         |
| Breasts         |        5         |
| Hips            |        1         |
| Legs            |        0         |
| Phallic Genital |        2         |
| Yonic Genital   |        3         |
| Prehensile      |        4         |


An Organ's Erogeny score describes how much of an erogenous zone that Organ is. The higher the score, the more Stimulation may be effectively dealt to you through that Organ. An Organ's starting Erogeny value can be a matter of negotiation with the GM, but in most cases should be determined according to this table:

| Mouth           |        2         |
| Hands           |        1         |
| Breasts         |        4         |
| Hips            |        4         |
| Legs            |        1         |
| Phallic Genital |        7         |
| Yonic Genital   |        6         |
| Prehensile      |        2         |


Some Organs are an abstraction of more than one actual body-part. This is represented by Appendages.

Take any blank left-over index cards and cut them into smaller strips. You will use these to keep track of Appendages and help track Organ Pairing during play.

For Organs with only one Appendage, itself, simply write the name of the Organ once more, upon the Appendage Strip.

For hands and legs and breasts, and anything bilateral, by default the Appendages are simply "Left" and "Right".

Hips are slightly more complicated in that its Appendages are associated with specific Pairing Attributes. There is the anal orifice itself and also the outer cheeks and flanks. To keep these clear, they can be written on the Appendage Strips as "Orifice >[IP] [CE]>"  and "Flanks >[IS]>[IG] [CS]>".

During play, use the Appendage Strips as needed, but prefer to move the Organ cards themselves around to represent Pairings where possible.

Temporary (or 'Virtual') Appendages:

Keep a few blank Appendage Strips on hand.

Some Organs come with special conditions, that if met, produce the existence of a temporary Appendage. While they exist, these temporary Appendages may be used like any other Appendage. However, if the special condition ceases being met, the Appendage is immediately removed from play.

Appendage Strips representing these temporary Appendages should be marked clearly and kept separate from the rest. It would also be a good idea to write on them the condition(s) for their existence.


An Organ's Pairing Attributes determine which other Organs it can interact with and which Moves it can be used to perform.

Can Squish [CS] - This Organ can apply steady even pressure to an area and may pair with any Organ with the Is Squishable [IS] Attribute.

Can Grip [CG] - This Organ can grab, grip, or grasp an object and may pair with any Organ with the Is Grippable [IG] Attribute.

Can Penetrate [CP] - This Organ is rigid and phallic and can be inserted into orifices. It may pair with any Organ with the Is Penetrable [IP] Attribute.

Can Ensheathe [CE] - This Organ is slippery and yonic and can swallow things. It may pair with any Organ with the Is Ensheatheable [IE] Attribute.

If an Organ is acting, only its "Can" Attribute matters. If an Organ is being acted upon, only its "Is" Attribute matters.




In Flowerbound, there are three elemental types of Stimulation: Tease, Grind, and Thrust. Every character starts with the three base Moves on their Move List. Take one last blank index card, and write your character's name + "Move List" at the top. It is not necessary, but recommended, to make three columns, one for each Stimulation type.

Caress (Tease) [Squishes/Grips] | CT: 0 |

A light touch with no other effects.

Rub (Grind) [Squishes/Grips/Penetrates/Ensheathes] | CT: 0 |

A massaging motion with no other effects.

Stroke (Thrust) [Grips/Penetrates/Ensheathes] | CT: 0 |

A back-and-forth movement with no other effects.

Every Move in Flowerbound has:
- It's (Stimulation Type), written in parentheses.
- It's [Attribute Compatibility], written in brackets.
- It's | Craving Threshold |, written between pipe bars.

To use a Move, you must:
- Have an Organ with the compatible "Can" Attribute successfully Paired with an Organ with the compatible "Is" Attribute.
- Have a value in Craving equal to or greater than the Move's Craving Threshold. Craving is not spent or expended.
- Choose the amount of Stamina you will spend on that Move, which also determines how much Stimulation the Move deals. More on that in a later section.

Review the list of Learnable Moves. After selecting your Gendertrope, you will choose three Moves from the Learnable Moves List and add those Moves to your own Move List.




There are four different ways a Flowerbound character may be advanced after accumulating enough Progression Points.


During a Full Recovery, you may spend 1 Numinous Point to permanently increase one of your Ability Scores by 1.

Ability Scores are capped at 20 and cannot be increased beyond than that.

After doing so, be sure to update any affected Meter Capacities or your Level Bonus on your Persona Card to reflect the change.


During a Full Recovery, you may spend 10 Ichor Points to permanently increase either the Contour score or Erogeny score of an Organ by 1.


During a Full Recovery, you may spend (10 + Feature Level) Euphoria Points to unlock any one Gendertrope Feature from your Gendertrope. Gendertrope Features may be unlocked in any order.

After doing so, be sure to update your Level Bonus on your Persona Card.


During a Full Recovery, you may expend 1 Numinous Point, 1 Ichor Point, and 1 Euphoria Point to create a Summoner Mark. Summoner Marks can be spent at Toyboxes to gain the ability to summon Toys during encounters.

~ Learning Additional Learnable Moves ~

A character may also be advanced by acquiring additional Learnable Moves. During an Encounter, you may attempt to study a Learnable Move that is being used by a partner.

When a partner uses a Move during an Encounter that is on the Learnable Moves list, you may declare that you are attempting to learn that Move from them. This Studious state follows the same rules as declaring a Temperament, acting as an alternative to the four core Temperaments described in the How To Play section.

Upon declaration, roll a Sanity Check. If the result is greater than 10, you gain 1 point of understanding. You may only make this roll once per declaration, meaning that you may only gain a maximum of 1 point per round.

All understanding is lost if and when an Encounter ends. It does not persist beyond the Encounter in which it is gained. Likewise, you may only accumulate understanding about one Move at a time. If you declare Studious for a different Move than the one you've already gained a partial understanding of, that previous understanding is lost.

Upon the accumulation of 3 points of understanding, you may immediately and permanently add the studied Move to your Move List.

If, during an Encounter, you have succeeded in learning a Move, you can no longer declare Studious nor attempt to study any other Moves during that Encounter. You must wait until that Encounter ends and a new Encounter begins before you may attempt to learn a Move again.




Life in the Starheart Lodge is primal, simple, and intrinsically sexual. Owning or wearing clothing is considered a niche hobby, and keeping sexual things private is an entirely alien concept. Outsider ontobiologies do not suffer from any negative biological consequences, with every body physically ready and able at all times. However, there is a lot more to do in the Starheart Lodge that just constantly have sex.

When it comes to activities and narrative actions outside of Sexual Encounters, your capabilities are governed by your Ability Scores though a system of Basic Competencies and Ability Checks. Your Basic Competencies are those limits within which you will, narrative permitting, always succeed at what you are attempting to do, while rolling an Ability Check determines whether or not you succeed when you are attempting something that is beyond your Basic Competency.


Fitness: Actions which involve physical strength, combat strength, endurance or durability are governed by FIT.
- You may exert a number of pounds of lifting, pulling, or pushing force equal to your number of unoccupied (or braced) limbs times 10 times your Fitness Score.
- You may maintain continuous physical activity as represented by a heartrate of up to 100 bpm plus 10 times your Fitness Score for a number of minutes up to 10 times your Fitness Score.
- You may meet a physical impact with the environment at a number of feet per second up to 10 plus 10 times your Fitness Score without risk of becoming injured.
- You may hold your breath for a number of minutes up to your Fitness Score.

Grace: Actions which involve dexterity, nimbleness, speed, or performance are governed by GRC.
- You may perform a delicate and precise feat of manual manipulation that involves a number of steps up to your Grace Score.
- You may meet a physical impact with the environment at a number of feet per second up to 10 plus 10 times your Grace Score without risk of becoming injured.
- You may parkour or navigate zero-gravity at a number of feet per second up to your number of unoccupied limbs times 5 times your Grace Score.
- You may run unencumbered at a number of feet per second up to 10 times your Grace Score.
- You may perform an art or do a craft for a number of hours up to your Grace Score without making a significant (relative to your narrative skill level) mistake.

Ardor: Actions which involve libido are governed by ARD.
- Pornographic Thrill: When you encounter a sexual spectacle, you may increase your Craving to be equal to your Ardor Score.
- You may experience a Pornographic Thrill a number of times per hour equal to your Ardor Score.

Sanity: Actions which involve perception, investigation, insight, presence of mind, and the like are governed by SAN.
- You notice what is relevant to you even while a number of other things up to your Sanity Score are competing for your attention.
- You can infer a number of non-obvious observations about an object or person you examine up to your Sanity Score.
- You can have a number of seconds of inner monologue up to your Sanity Score as a free action that does not take up any actual time.

Prowess: Actions which involve sexual volition are governed by PRW.
- In The Mood: You may instantly increase your Arousal to be equal to either your Prowess Score or your Craving, whichever is less.
- You may put yourself In The Mood a number of times per day equal to your Prowess Score.
- You may not put yourself In The Mood if your Craving is 0.

Moxie: Actions which involve persuasion, deception, stealth, or willpower are governed by MOX.
- You may pit your Moxie Score against a being you are attempting to persuade or deceive or evade, reducing their effective Sanity Score by your Moxie Score.
- You may habitually indulge in a number of temptations, compulsions, or altered-states up to your Moxie Score, without risking non-volitional changes to your priorities.
- You can endure actual torture for a continuous number of hours equal to your Moxie Score without breaking.

As long as you have at least 1 Arousal, you are considered erect, or wet, or otherwise able to use your genitals sexually. Only if your Arousal is 0 are your genitals mechanically inhibited.


Based on the above metrics, the GM may determine what Ability Score value is necessary for you to succeed at whatever it is you are attempting to do. This threshold value is called the Difficulty Class (DC). As stated above, if the DC is less than your base Score in the relevant Ability, you succeed automatically. If the DC is equal or greater, however, you may roll a d10 and increase that Ability Score by the number on the die for the purposes of attempting that specific action.

Increasing your effective Ability Score by the number rolled on a d10 is called an Ability Check.
(Ability Score + d10)

Outside of a Sexual Encounter, you may choose to use your base Ability Score or roll a d10 for an Ability Check, interchangeably. The d10 is always available and always optional.

However, in a Sexual Encounter, if the rule does not say "Check" you must use only your base Ability Score.

Unless otherwise specified, if a rule uses the word "Check", you must roll and add the d10.

Equal to the Task:

If your Ability Score (or Ability Check result) is neither less, nor more, than the Difficulty Class of what you are attempting, then you only just barely succeed and the GM is encouraged to get creative with some mix of partial success and partial failure or other consequence, where this makes narrative sense and is not otherwise specified.

Keep in mind that the Starheart Lodge is a friendly plane that will make things easier for denizens who feel strongly about something, or are trying to do something really awesome. The 'Rule of Cool' is an actual force on these planes, nudging down the DC on certain actions wherever something nifty or narratively satisfying is trying to happen. The GM should keep this in mind when determining the Difficulty Class of an action.


When rolling an Ability Check, you may if you so choose expend 1 Euphoria Point to make that roll with advantage.

You may wait until you've already rolled normally and failed, to decide to use a Euphoria Point on an Inspiration. You do not have to declare it in advance.

Advantage and Disadvantage

When rolling with advantage, you roll whatever roll you're rolling, twice, and take the superior result.

When rolling with disadvantage, you roll whatever roll you're rolling, twice, and take the inferior result.


In Flowerbound, being injured is a binary state. Either you are injured or you are not.

If something happens that causes you to be in the injured state, you have disadvantage on all dice rolls.

At any time while in the injured state, you may spend 1 Ichor Point to completely heal immediately and no longer be injured. You may also heal for free by spending one full day (24 hours) asleep.


During play, if you find yourself in a situation where the narrative is that you are holding your breath or otherwise unable to breathe, that has the following consequences:

You can go a number of minutes without breathing equal to your Fitness score, without ill effect. Once you have been deprived of breath for longer than that, you pass out and become unconscious, then comatose, then inert. Denizens of the Starheart Lodge cannot die of suffocation, but instead enter a state of suspended animation that persists stably until air is once more available.

Due to an Encounter Round representing a highly variable amount of time, and due to the effect physical exertion has on how long one can go without breathing, suffocation during an Encounter is not measured in rounds or turns, but instead in Stamina spent.

While unable to breathe, each point of Stamina you spend represents six seconds of held or restricted breath. At this rate, ten points of Stamina spent equals one minute, so the total amount of Stamina you can spend while suffocating, before passing out, is ten times your Fitness Score.

Suffocation does not interfere with Stamina Regeneration or Stamina gain from a Restful Turn, but note that taking a Restful Turn costs you six seconds of your air supply anyway.




When the narrative leads into the initiation of sexual play, an Encounter begins.

During an Encounter, the participants primarily take turns spending Stamina to use Sex Moves, Repositioning Maneuvers, Toys, or Special Features, but there is no strict action economy for individual actions. Narrative flow rules here, but in general, when it is your turn, you can continue taking actions so long as you have the Stamina to pay for those actions.

Signed Difference

The concept of signed difference will come up often while resolving rolls. Flowerbound uses the concept in several places, so signed difference will be explained here to make sure all players are on the same page.

Signed difference is simply a fancy short hand term for the results of subtracting one number from another with the order of the numbers preserved. For example, the difference between 2 and 4 is 2, but 2 minus 4 is negative two (-2), the signed difference. It simply means that we care about the minus sign; that the presence or absence of the minus sign matters.


The first and most fundamental thing that affects sexual activities is how you feel about them. During an Encounter, both player characters and NPCs may decide on the fly how they're reacting to what's happening, by freely applying any one of these Temperaments to the next round.

Innocent: You are living in the moment and not worrying about the past or future. You feel safe, happy, and unquestioning.
- Upon declaration, roll a Moxie Check. While the result remains greater than your Craving value, you may transfer points from your Sensitivity to your Craving.

Thoughtful: You are dwelling on the emotions and emotional implications and the shape of your future.
- Upon declaration, roll a Moxie Check. While the result remains greater than your Craving value, you may transfer points from your Satiation to your Craving.

Perverse: You are excited on a conceptual, kinky level, captivated and compelled.
- Upon declaration, roll a Moxie Check. While the result remains greater than your Arousal value, you may transfer points from your Craving to your Arousal.

Valiant: You are proud of yourself for enduring, but you are enduring rather than enjoying.
- Upon declaration, roll a Moxie Check. While the result is greater than your Stamina value, add your Stamina value to your Orgasm Threshold as a Modifier.

To declare a Temperament, simply announce, "I am going to feel [Innocent/Thoughtful/Perverse/Valiant] about this."

A declaration can be made at any time, but once you have declared a Temperament, it lasts until the next time your turn ends and you cannot declare another one until then.


At the beginning of an Encounter, set your Stamina Die to (5 + Fitness + Level Bonus).

At the beginning of every subsequent turn, increase the value on your Stamina Die by adding your Fitness to the current value. This is your Stamina Regeneration.

At the end of every turn, if you have not spent any Stamina during that turn, gain Stamina equal to half of your Fitness rounded down. This is called a Restful Turn. This is in addition to normal Stamina Regeneration.


At the beginning of your turn, you determine whether or not you are Having An Orgasm during that round.

To determine if you are Having An Orgasm you first determine your Orgasm Threshold by adding your Sensitivity to your Satiation and then also adding Modifiers if there are any.

Once you know your Orgasm Threshold, you simply compare it to your Arousal. If your Arousal is greater than your Orgasm Threshold, you are Having An Orgasm.

If you are Having An Orgasm this round, that has several effects that will be detailed in the following sections.

When you are Having An Orgasm, that Orgasm also has an Intensity, and the Intensity of your Orgasm at any given moment is determined by how many tokens you have in your pool of Intensity Points.

Any action you wish to take while Having An Orgasm must first pass a Sanity Check. If the result of the Sanity Check is greater than the number of Intensity Points you've accumulated, you may act as normal. If the result is equal or lower, you are Incapacitated and flub that action and it has no effect. Any Stamina you spent is still spent. You may, however, make repeated attempts.

If you are not Having An Orgasm, clear your pool of Intensity Points to 0.

If you are Having An Orgasm, any Intensity Points you gain during the following round add on to what you already have with no upper limit.


During your turn, you may attempt to Pair one of your Organs to another Organ it can reach. There are three options for doing so, called Escalations.

Gentle Maneuver - No cost. Join an unpaired Organ to an unpaired Organ with a compatible Pairing Attribute.
- If the owner of the target Organ chooses to resist, they automatically succeed and the Pairing change fails.

If a Gentle Maneuver fails or is expected to fail, you may instead spend 1 Stamina to escalate to a contested Maneuver. A contested Maneuver may also target Organs that are already joined in other Pairings. If the owner of the target Organ or the displaced Organ chooses to resist, both you and them roll a contested Grace Check. You each then decide if you will spend Stamina to increase the result of that Check.

Firm Maneuver - At most one side of the contested Grace Check, typically but not necessarily the losing side, chooses to spend additional Stamina to increase the result of their Grace Check by the amount of Stamina spent.

Violent Maneuver - Both sides of the contested Grace Check choose to spend Stamina to increase the result of their Grace check. If this happens, compare the available Stamina values of both sides. Both sides must then spend at least as much Stamina as whichever value is lower, on increasing the results of their Grace Checks.

If and only if the final result of the Grace Check + Spent Stamina for the attempted Pairing change is greater than the final result for the resistance to the Pairing change, the Pairing change succeeds.

Unpairing works the same way as Pairing, and can be done Gentle, Firm, or Violent. Simply replace "target" or "displaced" Organ with "released" Organ, and apply the same rules.

One Organ can be in multiple Pairings at once, but only if it makes physical sense. In addition:
- An Organ can only Squish or Grip or Penetrate one Organ at a time, but may Ensheathe multiple.
- An Organ can be Squished or be Gripped or be Penetrated by multiple Organs at once, but may not be Ensheathed by multiple.

If you do not have at least one Unpaired and Unoccupied [CanGrip] Organ Appendage available when you attempt to resist a Pairing change, you have disadvantage on the Grace Check.

Organs can also be Paired with Toys.

Toys follow most of the same Pairing rules as Organs. Some Toys, however, can be used as Organs when able to Pair with multiple Organs. For example, a dildo Gripped in a hand and then also Ensheathed in a vagina, or two different limbs both Gripped by the same bondage. When an Organ is Paired with a Toy, it can take actions on behalf of that Toy in addition to or instead of itself.


Often, some of your Organs will be Occupied with something other than being Paired with another Organ or a Toy.

An Occupied Organ is one that is busy maintaining a state. For example, standing, sitting or doing a handstand all Occupy different Organs. An Occupied Organ may not Pair or use Moves, but may still be Paired to and have Moves used upon it.

Environment With Gravity:

If you have fewer than two Organ Appendages that are Occupied with a floor or other solid (or soft) surface, you have disadvantage on Fitness Checks, Grace Checks, Sanity Checks, and Prowess Checks.

If only your hips and chest are in contact with a floor or other solid (or soft) surface, and considered Occupied, that is sufficient to avoid this penalty. However, "both breasts" does not count as two Appendages for this purpose. Anal penetration and a seat or other hip-confinement, however, does. As do Occupying or being Paired with a Partner's [CanGrip] Appendages.

You cannot ever have fewer than one Organ Appendage that is Occupied somehow to support your weight.

Environment Without Gravity:

If you have fewer than two Organ Appendages with [CanGrip] that are Occupied with holding on to your partner's non-Organ body in a stabilizing way, and fewer than one Organ Appendage Occupied securely with a solid (or soft) surface:
- You cannot use Moves of the Thrust or Grind elements at all.
- You have disadvantage on Fitness Checks, Grace Checks, Sanity Checks, and Prowess Checks.
- All Stamina costs are doubled.

Other Interactions:

Headpats are a free action.


Moves are the heart of the sex system in Flowerbound.

To use a Move, first choose the Move you wish to use from your Move List. You may only choose a Move if you have an existing Pairing for which both joined Organs have the relevant Attribute matching the Attribute of the Move.

--> You may only use one Move per Organ per turn. <--

Next, apply the effect(s) of the Move as described in the Move's text.

Then, choose how much Stimulation you want the Move to attempt to deliver. Narratively, this represents how many times or for how long you perform the Move. Once you have made this choice, you then make a Prowess Roll.

A Prowess Roll is made using two dice with the same number of faces but of different colors. Designate one color your "Ardent Die", designate the other your "Timid Die". Roll both dice, take the signed difference between your Ardent Die and your Timid Die, then move that number toward zero by an amount equal to your Prowess.

Consult this table to determine which specific dice to roll:

|      1       |      2      |         N/A         |
|      2       |      4      |          d4         |
|      3       |      6      |          d6         |
|      4       |      8      |          d8         |
|      5       |     10      |         d10         |
|      6       |     12      |         d12         |
|      7       |     14      |     d10 and d4      |
|      8       |     16      |     d10 and d6      |
|      9       |     18      |     d10 and d8      |
|     10       |     20      |     d10 and d10     |
|     11       |     22      |     d12 and d10     |
|     12       |     24      |     d12 and d12     |
|     13       |     26      | d10 and d10 and d6  |
|     14       |     28      | d10 and d10 and d8  |
|     15       |     30      | d10 and d10 and d10 |
|     16       |     32      | d12 and d10 and d10 |
|     17       |     34      | d12 and d12 and d10 |
|     18       |     36      | d12 and d12 and d12 |

When rolling beyond 12, cumulate the multiple signed difference rolls into one total first, then move toward zero by Prowess to get your final Prowess Roll result.

If you are rolling with advantage or with disadvantage, make the full cumulated signed difference roll, take the total, then make another separate full cumulated signed difference roll, take the total, and compare the two totals.
- Advantage:  Take the total with the smaller unsigned absolute-value. The value closer to 0.
- Disadvantage: Take the total with the larger unsigned absolute-value. The value further from 0.

Apply your final Prowess Roll result to your chosen Stimulation amount to get the final value of Stimulation that is dealt.

A Prowess Roll result of 0 is ideal, meaning that you deliver exactly the Stimulation you intended to. When moving toward zero, you cannot overshoot. Prowess moves toward zero and never away from zero. A higher Prowess score creates a larger "zero zone" in the range of possible rolls.

Finally, in some narrative circumstances you may wish to inflict pain rather than pleasure. To do so, simply flip the chosen Stimulation value negative.


When you receive Stimulation, the first step is to determine how much, if any, Understimulation or Overstimulation you are receiving. Your Optimal Stimulation is calculated by adding the Erogeny of your receiving Organ to your Ardor. If the Stimulation you receive is less than that number, the difference is how much you are Understimulated by. If the Stimulation you receive is greater than that number, the difference is how much you are Overstimulated.

- If your Optimal Stimulation is 6 and you receive 8 Stimulation, you are Overstimulated by 2.
- If your Optimal Stimulation is 6 and you receive 4 Stimulation, you are Understimulated by 2.
- Overstimulation from negative Stimulation is always the unsigned absolute value of the negative Stimulation. So -8 Stimulation is 8 Overstimulation.
- Understimulation from negative Stimulation is always 0.

Gain Sensitivity equal to the Overstimulation minus the acting Organ's Contour value. This cannot reduce Sensitivity.

Gain Intensity Points by rolling an Ardor Check and seeing how many of these conditions you meet:
- If the received Stimulation value is not 0, Gain Intensity Points equal to your Level Bonus (LB).
- If the received Stimulation is further from zero than your base Ardor, gain 2 additional Intensity Points for a total of LB + 2.
- If the received Stimulation is further from zero than the result of the Ardor Check, gain 2 additional Intensity Points for a total of LB + 4.
- if the received Stimulation is further from zero than (10 + ARDOR), gain 2 additional Intensity Points for a total of LB + 6.

Next, the remaining rules for resolving Stimulation depend on if you are Having An Orgasm.

No Orgasm:

Compare your Optimal Stimulation with your received Stimulation. Gain Arousal equal to whichever number is smaller.

Compare your receiving Organ's Erogeny to the Understimulation.
If, and only if, the Understimulation is less than or equal to the Erogeny, gain Craving equal to the Understimulation.
If the Understimulation is greater than your receiving Organ's Erogeny, gain nothing.

An Orgasm: 

Gain Satiation equal to the received Stimulation value (if and only if that value is positive).

Gain additional Sensitivity equal to half the (unsigned absolute value of the) received Stimulation value, rounded down.


When you deal positive Stimulation using a Move, this logically also stimulates the Organ doing the Move-ing.

After resolving the positive Stimulation you've dealt, compare that Stimulation number to your acting Organ's Erogeny. Apply Stimulation back onto yourself equal to whichever number is smaller. Do not apply Understimulation rules to this.


A Move with the reaction trait may be used to contest another player's Move.

--> The Stamina expended on a reaction Move must be equal to the Stamina expended by the Move it is contesting, or the reaction cannot be used. <--

After another player chooses the attempted Stimulation of their Move, if you have sufficient Stamina to match that amount, you may use a reaction to contest that Move. Contested Moves do not cause Reciprocal Stimulation unless the Move being contested is indulgent. Instead, both Moves each deal their own full Stimulation in either direction simultaneously.

If both Moves are of the same elemental type, the mutual Stimulation is resolved as any normal Stimulation would be. However, if the contested Moves are of different elemental types, a type interaction results:

Elemental Interaction:
- Tease overcomes Thrust and yields to Grind.
- Thrust overcomes Grind and yields to Tease.
- Grind overcomes Tease and yields to Thrust.

If Your Move Overcomes:

The result of your Prowess Roll is halved, moving closer to zero.

You may choose to limit the Stimulation you receive from the contested Move to no more than your Optimal Stimulation. This does not refund any Stamina to the other player.

If the yielding contested Move is indulgent, you may roll a Prowess Check and then increase or decrease the Stimulation dealt by the indulgent Move by up to the result of that Check.

If Your Move Yields:

The result of your Prowess Roll is doubled, moving further from zero.

Your Move does not do anything other than cause Stimulation. Even if the conditions are otherwise met, your Move's special behaviors are ignored and it does not apply any Effects.

Reciprocal Stimulation is not generated by masturbatory actions unless the Erogeny of the acting Organ is greater than the Erogeny of the Organ being acted upon. When using an Indulgent Move to perform a masturbatory action, no Reciprocal Stimulation is generated, period.


At the end of your turn, compare your Craving to your Satiation.
- If your Craving is greater, gain LB Arousal and drain LB Satiation.
- If you Satiation is greater, drain LB Arousal and drain LB Craving.

At the end of your turn, if you spent that turn Having An Orgasm, gain an additional LB + 2 Sensitivity.

Apply any Periodic status effects that are in play.




To reiterate the point, sex is far more complicated than combat. As such, concluding an Encounter is also somewhat complex, and whether or not you achieved your goal in that Encounter is between you and the narrative. There is no one set "win" condition.

An Encounter ends when any of the following conditions are met:

Done - If both participants agree to stop, the "Done" condition is met and the Encounter ends.

Shutdown - If only one participant wishes to stop, and no Organ Pairings between participants currently exist, the "Shutdown" condition is met and the Encounter ends.

Satisfied - If a participant's Satiation reaches maximum capacity, that participant meets the "Satisfied" condition and the Encounter ends.

Numb - If a participant's Sensitivity reaches maximum capacity, that participant meets the "Numb" condition and the Encounter ends.

Bed Death - If all participants' Arousal is at 0 simultaneously, the "Bed Death" condition is met and the Encounter ends.

You evaluate whether or not any of these conditions have been met at the end of every turn, once per turn.

Meeting a condition does not interrupt a turn in progress. Whether or not meeting a condition may interrupt a round in progress is a situational call that yields to the narrative and to the GM's preference. However, once you meet a condition, you do not get any more turns within that Encounter.


At the GM's discretion, when the narrative calls for it, a participant who has met the Satisfied or Numb conditions may continue to be present in an on-going Encounter, especially if that Encounter has more that two participants.

A participant in this circumstance may not spend Stamina themselves, and may not be the target of Moves by the other participants. They may still take actions that do not cost any Stamina.




When you are Satisfied, that condition persists for no longer than 100 Minutes minus twice your Ardor Score, even if you are not resting.
(100 - Ardor*2) Minutes

When you are Numb, that condition persists for no longer than 100 Minutes minus twice your Moxie Score, even if you are not resting.
(100 - Moxie*2) Minutes

Satiation, Arousal, Craving, and Sensitivity all also persist between Encounters, but are also affected by the passage of time.


While you are not Satisfied, if your Satiation is greater than your Ardor Score, it decreases by 1 every Minute.

Spontaneous Orgasm

In the event that your Arousal exceeds your Orgasm Threshold when you are not in an Encounter, apply the Aftermath step of an Encounter turn to yourself (once every six seconds) as many times as necessary to stop Having An Orgasm.

Should the narrative allow, you may interrupt your Spontaneous Orgasm with the beginning of an actual Encounter, solo or otherwise.


If you settle down and Rest for any length of time longer than 1 Hour, that is sufficient for a Full Recovery. When you spend sufficient time for a Full Recovery, make a signed difference roll between a pair of d8. This is called a Recovery Roll.

-> Set your Satiation to equal the result of the Recovery Roll plus your Ardor Score plus 8.

-> Set your Craving to equal the value on one of the d8. You may choose which d8.

-> Set your Arousal to equal the value on the other d8.

-> Set your Sensitivity to 0.

Clear away all (non-permanent) Status Effects and all Conditions.




She is a creature of monstrous beauty and merciful power. Her amorous desires violate boundaries and overwhelm all resistance, rapacious and indomitable. But she is a nest-builder, a nurturer, one who cares for and cultivates that which her appetites have claimed as hers.


Shiny Thirsting Lips       ( [  ] [  ] [  ] [  ] | [  ] [  ] [  ] [  ] )  (Mouth)
Sinuous Tentacle Tongue    ( [  ] [CG] [CP] [  ] | [  ] [IG] [  ] [  ] )  (Prehensile)
Slender Elegant Hands      ( [CS] [CG] [CP] [  ] | [  ] [IG] [  ] [IE] )  (Hands)
Perky Marshmallow Tits     ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [  ] | [IS] [IG] [  ] [  ] )  (Breasts)
Tight Supple Ass           ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [CE] | [IS] [IG] [IP] [  ] )  (Hips)
Veiny Futa Phallus         ( [  ] [  ] [CP] [  ] | [  ] [IG] [  ] [IE] )  (Phallic Genital)
Long Shapely Legs          ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [  ] | [  ] [IG] [  ] [  ] )  (Legs)

Shiny Thirsting Lips Special Condition(s):

Condition: Your Sinuous Tentacle Tongue is Unpaired and Unoccupied.
Manifests Appendage: Shiny Kissable Lips [CS][CE]|[IS][IP]

Perky Marshmallow Tits Special Condition(s):

Condition: At least two of this Organ's Appendages are Paired with an Organ Appendage that [CanGrip].
Manifests Appendage: Cleavage Cleft [CS][CE]|[IP]

Veiny Futa Phallus Special Condition(s):

Condition: The current Arousal of this Organ's owner is 0.
Penalty: This Organ cannot attempt new Pairings nor use Moves that Penetrate, and its Erogeny is 0.

Long Shapely Legs Special Condition(s):

Condition: At least two of this Organ's Appendages are Occupied with each other.
Manifests Appendage: Tight Thighgap [CE][CG]|[IP]
Manifests Appendage: Linked Feet [CS][CG]|[IG]

Level 1 Feature: Prehensile Proficiency.

When using an Organ in the "Prehensile" Category to make a Prowess Roll, you may make the roll with advantage.

Level 2 Feature: Dominant Exemplar.

You now have a pool of Dominance Points with capacity: 3. Dominance Points do not persist between Encounters and begin at 0.

You also permanently gain access to these three Moves:

Assertive Grope (Tease) [Grips] | CT 5 |

If, and only if, the Stimulation dealt by this Move is ideal, causing 0 Understimulation and 0 Overstimulation, apply the Subspace effect to the target of this Move.

Wrecking Rut (Thrust) [Penetrates] | CT 20 |

If this Move deals Stimulation equal to or greater than the target's Sanity score, and if the target of this Move has the Subspace effect, gain 1 Dominance Point.

Plundering Plunge (Thrust) [Penetrates] | CT 0 |

If the Organ using this Move is your Sinuous Tentacle Tongue, add +1 to this Move's attempted Stimulation, and also gain (LB) Craving.

During your partner's turn, you may spend 1 Dominance Point to force them to take an action, or not take an action, of your choice. You may only do this once per turn.


You have disadvantage on all Grace Checks and Sanity Checks. You have advantage on all Ardor Checks and Moxie Checks.

At the beginning of your turn, if you are not Having An Orgasm, you may roll a Moxie Check. If the result of the Check is greater than your Craving value, you may remove this effect.

Level 3 Feature: Ambrosia.

If a Pairing between your Veiny Futa Phallus and an Organ not owned by you that is in the "Mouth" Category exists at any point during your turn, and that turn is one in which you are Having An Orgasm, then at the moment your ejaculate enters their mouth, they compulsively swallow it and acquire the Fixation effect.


You have disadvantage on all actions that do not target the Organ that inflicted this effect. You cannot volitionally Unpair from the Organ that inflicted this effect.

At the beginning of your turn, you may roll a Sanity Check. If the result of the Check is greater than your Craving value, you may remove this effect.

While the one who swallows your Ambrosia remains Fixated, you gain an extrasensory perception of their body and sexual state.

If, at the beginning of their turn, they fail their Sanity Check to remove the Fixation effect, or do not attempt to remove the Fixation effect, they must give you access to all of the information on their Persona Card and Organ Cards for a full round, until the start of their next turn.

Level 4 Feature: Garden Keeper.

At the beginning of your turn, you may optionally Regenerate Stamina in an amount equal to the result of a Fitness Check instead of your base Fitness Score. If you elect to roll, drain a number of points equal to the number on the d10 from your Craving.

You also permanently gain access to these two Moves:

Hunger of Inspiration (Grind) [Squishes/Grips/Penetrates] | CT: 0 |

If the target of this move has the Subspace effect, gain Craving equal to the Stamina spent on the Move that this Move is contesting.

Pleasing Arrangement (Tease) [Penetrates] | CT: 20 |

If you have at least 1 Dominance Point, expend 1 Dominance Point to force the target of this Move to use an available reaction Move of your choice, provided the target has the necessary Stamina.

If the target has no reaction Moves available, ignore this.

Level 5 Feature: Fairy Flight.

Manifest at will ethereal butterfly wings that give you +5 on all Grace Checks, both within and outside sexual encounters.

These wings count as two Occupied Appendages that support your weight and stabilize you, while they exist.

These wings also allow you to fly for a number of minutes equal to your Fitness Score multiplied by 10. You recover flight-time at a rate of (1 + Fitness) minutes per minute of rest.




She is an object of tempting beauty and creative growth, decorative and useful in equal measure. Her body is offered freely to any who would take her, for her longing to be plucked and kept and tended by a worthy gardener runs deep. But she is fearless, and is not one who trades herself for safety. Only for joy.


Soft Rosen Lips            ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [CE] | [IS] [  ] [IP] [  ] )  (Mouth)
Delicate Girly Hands       ( [CS] [CG] [CP] [  ] | [  ] [IG] [  ] [IE] )  (Hands)
Soft Succulent Boobies     ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [  ] | [IS] [IG] [  ] [  ] )  (Breasts)
Plush Bubble Butt          ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [CE] | [IS] [IG] [IP] [  ] )  (Hips)
Yielding Silken Quim       ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [CE] | [IS] [  ] [IP] [  ] )  (Yonic Genital)
Cute Limber Legs           ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [  ] | [  ] [IG] [  ] [  ] )  (Legs)

Soft Succulent Boobies Special Condition(s):

Condition: At least two of this Organ's Appendages are Paired with an Organ Appendage that [CanGrip].
Manifests Appendage: Cleavage Valley [CS][CE]|[IP]

Yielding Silken Quim Special Condition(s):

Condition: The current Arousal of this Organ's owner is 0.
Penalty: This Organ cannot attempt new Pairings nor use Moves that Ensheathe, and its Erogeny is 0, and it has a -5 Penalty to its Contour.

Cute Limber Legs Special Condition(s):

Condition: At least two of this Organ's Appendages are Occupied with each other.
Manifests Appendage: Thicc Thighgap [CE][CG]|[IP]
Manifests Appendage: Linked Feet [CS][CG]|[IG]

Level 1 Feature: Sinful Nectar.

When a partner's Organ is paired with an Organ belonging to this Flower that [IsPenetrable], that partner's Organ receives a bonus to Erogeny equal to this Flower's Ardor.

Level 2 Feature: Precious Object.

You permanently gain access to these two Moves:

Irresistible Squirm (Tease) [Squishes] | CT: 20 |

If you have the Subspace effect, you may drain 10 Craving from yourself to apply the Shiver effect to the target of this Move.

Kegel Quiver (Grind) [Ensheathes] | CT: 0 |

If you have the Fixation effect, add +1 to this Move's attempted Stimulation.

If this Move deals Stimulation equal or greater than the Erogeny of the Organ using this Move, gain LB Craving.

Kegel Quiver does not require you to target the Organ you are Fixated on, or use the Organ that is Paired to said Fixation target.


You have disadvantage on Prowess Rolls (but not Prowess Checks). When using a Move, you must spend all of your available Stamina on the attempted Stimulation for that Move.

At the beginning of your turn, you may roll a Prowess Check. If the result of the Check is greater than your Craving value, you may remove this effect.

Level 3 Feature: Alchemical Womb.

Your womb now possesses three (3) Seed Caches.

Once per Encounter, if your Yielding Silken Quim is Paired with an Organ in the "Phallic Genital" Category while the owner of that Organ is Having An Orgasm, you may fill one of your empty Seed Caches with their ejaculated fluid. Note the alchemical property of each fluid, in the order those fluids are received, since that will be important later. Consult the Womb Alchemy Crafting section to determine a fluid's alchemical property.

Once per Encounter, if you have at least 1 Seed Cache filled, you may empty 1 Seed Cache, destroying the contents, to give an Ability Score of your choice a +10 bonus. This bonus ends when the Encounter ends.

Once you have filled all three of your womb's Seed Caches, those contents combine to germinate and gestate an Egg. This takes one full round, from the start of your turn to the start of your following turn. See the Womb Alchemy Crafting section for the Egg's possible alchemical effect(s).

Once you have gestated an Egg, it remains in your womb until the next time you are Having An Orgasm while your Yielding Silken Quim is Unpaired. Once it emerges from your vagina, it can be interacted with as a plain [CS][IG][IE] Toy. It will not break unless it's alchemical effect is triggered deliberately.

Level 4 Feature: Honeypot.

When a partner successfully Pairs one of their Organs to one of your Organs with a Firm Maneuver or a Violent Maneuver, you gain Craving equal to your Level Bonus.

You also permanently gain access to these Moves:

Melting Tremble (Thrust) [Squishes/Ensheathes] | CT: 15 |

If you are Having An Orgasm (and pass your Orgasm Sanity Check), inflict the Heartburst effect on the owner of the Organ this Move is targeting.

Savoring Slide (Grind) [Ensheathes] | CT: 5 |

If you do not have the Subspace effect, drain 5 Craving from yourself.

Level 5 Feature: Rooted Petals.

Manifest a bushel of lush, slippery, floral vines from the nearest solid inanimate surface. These Root vines function as one Organ with a compatible Appendage for each of your bilateral Organ Appendages, and 10 Contour.

Upon summoning, the vines attempt to bind all of your bilateral Organs in inescapable coils of twisting floral color. However, if any of those Organs have pre-existing Pairings at the time of summoning, the Roots will falter and fail to finish manifesting. To Take Root, you must first Unpair all Organs with 'Left' and 'Right' Appendages.

Should the manifestation complete, you become bound into the presentation of a literal flower, with your body as the petals. When you unlock this Feature, choose and write down the specific pose in which your Roots will bind you.

While you are bound in your Roots, you cannot resist any Pairing changes to those of your Organs that are not already Paired to the Root vines, and you cannot make any Pairing changes yourself, but you are also completely immune to any status effect(s) that you do not wish to affect you. In addition, the Root vines will resist any attempt to displace its Pairings, with Violent Maneuvers that use your Ability Scores and rolls but do not cost you any Stamina.

The limbs bound by your Roots count as Occupied.

You may dismiss your Roots at the end of your turn, freeing yourself and allowing the Root vines to vanish.

Outside an Encounter, these Roots can be summoned at any distance within line of sight, and will reach across the intervening distance to grab their petals and pull you through space to wherever they spawned from. This can be done a number of times per minute equal to your Moxie score.




She is one who embodies the predator, the explorer, and the protector all at once. Her whims and her primal hungers drive her to hunt and slake, to frolic and play, to guard and comfort, forever seeking excitement. But her mercurial heart is innocent and soft, gentle and always welcoming... just like her bosom.


Hot Hungry Maw             ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [CE] | [IS] [  ] [IP] [  ] )  (Mouth)
Deft Nimble Hands          ( [CS] [CG] [CP] [  ] | [  ] [IG] [  ] [IE] )  (Hands)
Mamerous Milk Melons       ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [  ] | [IS] [IG] [  ] [  ] )  (Breasts)
Bouncy Runner Rump         ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [CE] | [IS] [IG] [IP] [  ] )  (Hips)
Juicy Nether Cleft         ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [CE] | [IS] [  ] [IP] [  ] )  (Yonic Genital)
Beastly Hunter Legs        ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [  ] | [  ] [IG] [  ] [  ] )  (Legs)

Mamerous Milk Melons Special Condition(s):

Condition: At least two of this Organ's Appendages are Paired with an Organ Appendage that [CanGrip].
Manifests Appendage: Cleavage Valley [CS][CE]|[IP]
Manifests Appendage: Two Nipples At Once [IS][IG]

Juicy Nether Cleft Special Condition(s):

Condition: The current Arousal of this Organ's owner is 0.
Penalty: This Organ cannot attempt new Pairings nor use Moves that Ensheathe, its Erogeny is 0, and it has a -5 Penalty to its Contour.

Beastly Hunter Legs Special Condition(s):

Condition: At least two of this Organ's Appendages are Occupied with each other.
Manifests Appendage: Tight Thighgap [CE][CG]|[IP]
Manifests Appendage: Linked Feet [CS][CG]|[IG]

Level 1 Feature: Milk Mommy.

You lactate during your orgasms.

If your partner's mouth is paired with either or both of your Mamerous Milk Melons at the time, they imbibe the resulting milk and become more compliant.

As a consequence, your next Repositioning Maneuver succeeds automatically at 0 Stamina cost and cannot be resisted. Once used, this cannot be used again until your current orgasm ends and your next orgasm begins.

Level 2 Feature: Savage Ravisher.

You permanently gain access to these three Moves:

Suckling Slam (Thrust) [Ensheathes] | CT: 0  |

If the target of this Move is Having An Orgasm, they gain a number of additional Intensity Points equal to either your Fitness, or the Erogeny of the Organ this move is targeting, whichever is less. And you gain (LB) Craving.

Nurturing Nuzzle (Grind) [Squishes] | CT: 10 |

Roll a Moxie Check. The Sensitivity of the target of this Move is immediately reduced by the result of the Check.

Fey Tickle (Tease) [Grips] | CT: 20 |

You may drain 5 Craving from yourself to demand to know the current Sensitivity of the target of this Move.

If this Move is used to inflict pleasure (positive Stimulation), and if the attempted Stimulation is greater than or equal to the target's Sensitivity, add +1 to the attempted Stimulation.

If this Move is used to inflict pain (negative Stimulation), and if the (unsigned absolute value of the) attempted Stimulation is less than the target's Sensitivity, drain 5 Craving from yourself to apply the Heartburst effect to the target of this Move.

In addition, while you are Having An Orgasm, you may roll a Fitness Check instead of a Moxie Check or a Moxie Check instead of a Fitness Check, interchangeably.


If you go from not Having An Orgasm to Having An Orgasm, immediately gain an additional 1d8 Intensity Points.

This effect is removed after triggering 1 time.

Level 3 Feature: Fluffy Tale.

Once per Encounter, you may choose one of your partner's Organs.

You may Occupy your Hot Hungry Maw each turn with moaning and murmuring lustful and desirous compliments about that Organ into your partner's ear. Count each turn you do and have done this, and keep track of that number.

If ever the owner of the chosen Organ attempts to Unpair that Organ from one of your Organs, they must first roll a Sanity Check. If the result of the Sanity Check is less than that number, they cannot make the attempt, and must if able immediately make a Move with the chosen Organ instead.

Level 4 Feature: Wild Abandon.

At the beginning of your turn, you may roll an Ardor Check. You may drain up to that many points of Satiation and add those points to your Arousal if and only if your Arousal is not at maximum capacity.

You also permanently gain access to these Moves:

Discordant Wriggle (Tease) [Grips/Ensheathes] | CT: 5 |

The Satiation of the owner of the Organ this Move is targeting is drained by an amount equal to the Erogeny of the Organ this Move is targeting. 

Rapacious Ride (Grind) [Ensheathes] | CT: 5 |

Roll a Moxie Check. If the result is greater than the Stimulation dealt by this Move, the owner of the Organ that this Move is targeting is affected by the Fixation effect.

Level 5 Feature: Titty Physics.

Once per turn, you may transform your Mamerous Milk Melons into Mamerous Mana Melons or back again.

Your breasts become conduits and reservoirs of magical energy instead of milk, expanding to three times their previous size and granting you varokinesis, mental control over the inertial mass of your breast flesh.

The connective tissue inside your breasts and the skin of your breasts is protected by the concentrated mana. Reduce any pain inflicted on your breasts by (10 + Fitness). Reduce any Overstimulation inflicted on your breasts by your Fitness.

Your Mamerous Mana Melons have an additional +10 bonus to Contour.

Pairing attempts made by your Mamerous Mana Melons have disadvantage. However, if your Mamerous Milk Melons are already Paired with another Organ at the time of transformation into Mamerous Mana Melons, the owner of that Organ gains 2 Craving and must make a Prowess Check. If the result of their Prowess Check is less than your (5 + Fitness), then until the end of their turn their Moves can target only your Mamerous Mana Melons.

Outside an Encounter, you may use the shiftable inertial mass of your breasts to double-jump, dash, and slow-fall.




He is one who lives in the moment and is captivated by passion. His earnest whimsy and innocent fascinations lead to carefree nights and a fondness for the unexpected, even for the dangerous, ever delighted by the thrill. But he yearns most deeply to be safe in the arms of someone stronger and kinder than himself.


Pretty Princely Pout       ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [CE] | [IS] [  ] [IP] [  ] )  (Mouth)
Clever Flexible Fingers    ( [CS] [CG] [CP] [  ] | [  ] [IG] [  ] [IE] )  (Hands)
Slim Boyish Chest          ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [  ] | [IS] [  ] [  ] [  ] )  (C: 0 | E: 1)
Bitable Boy Butt           ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [CE] | [IS] [IG] [IP] [  ] )  (Hips)
Throbbing Meat Pole        ( [  ] [  ] [CP] [  ] | [  ] [IG] [  ] [IE] )  (Phallic Genital)
Quick Springy Legs         ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [  ] | [  ] [IG] [  ] [  ] )  (Legs)

Quick Springy Legs Special Condition(s):

Condition: At least two of this Organ's Appendages are Occupied with each other.
Manifests AppendageTight Thighgap [CE][CG]|[IP]
Manifests AppendageLinked Feet [CS][CG]|[IG]

Level 1 Feature: Insatiable.

You permanently gain the Insatiable effect, which cannot be removed.


Your Arousal cannot drain to less than your Ardor Score.

Your erection is eternal, and you suffer no negative effects as a result of having a permanent erection.

Level 2 Feature: Reckless Fool.

You permanently gain access to these two Moves:

Starving Tongue-Kiss (Thrust) [Squishes] | CT: 5 |

If this Move causes any Overstimulation, you may drain 5 Craving from yourself to grant yourself the Lucid Fugue effect.

Reckless Railing (Thrust) [Penetrates] | CT: 0 |

Roll an Ardor Check.
- If the result is greater than the Stimulation dealt by this Move, you gain additional Arousal equal to the result.
- If the result is less than or equal to the Stimulation dealt by this Move, the target of this move gains additional Arousal equal to the result.

In addition, you may add half of your Craving value to the result of any Grace Checks. If you do so, but fail the Grace Check anyway, you immediately acquire the Shiver effect.

Lucid Fugue

If you roll a standard Orgasm Sanity Check, and if you fail that Check, remove a number of Intensity Points equal to the result of the Check and add that many points to your Craving. This does not alter the outcome of the Check.

This effect is removed after triggering 1 time.

Level 3 Feature: White Fountain.

While your Bitable Boy Butt is Paired with an Organ that [CanPenetrate], you have a -10 Modifier to your Orgasm Threshold and a +10 bonus to the Erogeny of your Throbbing Meat Pole. In addition, your semen becomes magically-charged:

At the beginning of your turn, if you are Having An Orgasm, any Organ paired with your Throbbing Meat Pole is soaked in your magically-charged semen, applying the Epiphany effect both to the owner of that Organ as well as yourself.


If you have this effect when you end an Encounter by satisfying your partner, you gain 2 Euphoria Points instead of 1.

Level 4 Feature: Eager Prey.

When you gain Intensity Point(s), you may convert those points in an amount up to your Level Bonus directly into Arousal instead.

You also permanently gain access to these Moves:

Rigid Repose (Thrust) [Penetrates] | CT: 20 |

If and only if your Arousal is at maximum capacity, then at no additional cost, double the total Stimulation dealt to the Organ this Move is targeting, both by this Move and by the Move this Move is a reaction to.

Needy Plunder (Thrust) [Penetrates] | CT: 15 |

If you are Having An Orgasm, add your current Arousal to the result of your Orgasm Sanity Check for this Move.

Level 5 Feature: Captivated Heart.

You may form a number of Love Bonds with other beings equal to your Level Bonus.

When someone confesses their strong positive feelings about you, to you, a spiritual attachment may form in your heart if the confession is sincere.

You and any individual you share a Love Bond with may draw strength from each other by sharing Ability Scores: when one of you rolls an Ability Check, either of you may use your Bonded's Ability Score instead of your own when determining the result of the Check.

Outside of an Encounter, those that share a Love Bond will be able to sense each other's location at all times.

If you already have as many Love Bonds as your Level Bonus when you receive a confession, you may break one of the existing Bonds to make room for the new one.

If you wish to break a Love Bond yourself, you may break one Love Bond per day, during a restful sleep. If you choose to do this, you may not also spend any Progression Points during that restful sleep.

Breaking a Love Bond has no on-going negative consequences. A repeated confession may (re)create a Love Bond as effectively as a first confession, given that the confession remains sincere.




He is a cruel being of meticulous obsession and exacting desires. His esoteric pleasures are often strange or abstract, and he will craft them himself if he must, or if he prefers. But his implacable single-minded pursuit of his strange joys is intrinsically entwined with the intense empathy and fascination he feels for his living toys.


Sensuous Knowing Lips      ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [CE] | [IS] [  ] [IP] [  ] )  (Mouth)
Steady Dexterous Hands     ( [CS] [CG] [CP] [  ] | [  ] [IG] [  ] [IE] )  (Hands)
Firm Slender Pectorals     ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [  ] | [IS] [  ] [  ] [  ] )  (C: 0 | E: 1)
Chiseled Stately Ass       ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [CE] | [IS] [IG] [IP] [  ] )  (Hips)
Darkly Dreaming Dick       ( [  ] [  ] [CP] [  ] | [  ] [IG] [  ] [IE] )  (Phallic Genital)
Fit Flexible Legs          ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [  ] | [  ] [IG] [  ] [  ] )  (Legs)

Darkly Dreaming Dick Special Condition(s):

Condition: The current Arousal of this Organ's owner is 0.
Penalty: This Organ cannot attempt new Pairings nor use Moves that Penetrate, and its Erogeny is 0.

Fit Flexible Legs Special Condition(s):

Condition: At least two of this Organ's Appendages are Occupied with each other.
Manifests AppendageTight Thighgap [CE][CG]|[IP]
Manifests AppendageLinked Feet [CS][CG]|[IG]

Level 1 Feature: Dildonic Semblance.

Choose one Toy that has a Summoner Rank of 10 or less, and which is not a Fixture.

You are now able to summon that Toy freely, at no cost, without access to a Toybox.

Level 2 Feature: Devilish Dominator.

You permanently gain access to these three Moves:

Coaxing Curl (Grind) [Grips/Penetrates] | CT: 10 |

You may immediately view the state of all Status Meters on the owner of, as well as all information on the Organ Card of, the Organ this Move is targeting. You may do this before deciding how much attempted Stimulation this Move will deal.

Pernicious Pump (Thrust) [Penetrates] | CT : 5 |

You have advantage on the Prowess Roll for this Move if this Move is used to inflict pain (negative Stimulation).

If the 'Organ' using this Move is not one of your Feature-granted Toys, drain 5 Craving from yourself.

Taste of Perfection (Tease) [Squishes] | CT: 20 |

Apply the Perfectionism effect to yourself.

Drain Stamina from yourself equal to your Level Bonus in addition to whatever you spend on Stimulation.

In addition, once per turn, if and only if you have the Perfectionism effect, you may roll a Prowess Check. If the result is greater than the Summoning Rank of any of your Marked Toys from a Toybox, you may Summon that Toy at 0 cost. This does trigger and consume the Perfectionism effect.


Your next Prowess Roll or Prowess Check acts as though your Prowess Score is twice its current value.

This effect is removed after triggering 1 time.

Level 3 Feature: Bondage Artisan.

Choose another Toy with no restrictions. You are now also able to summon that Toy freely, at no cost, without access to a Toybox.

Both this Toy and the Toy granted by Dildonic Semblance now have an additional effect:

If the owner of the Organ(s) that are Paired with either or both Toys is Having An Orgasm, and that owner is not you, roll a Sanity Check. Gain Satiation equal to the result.

Level 4 Feature: Master Collector.

At the beginning of your turn, you may roll a Prowess Check. You may move a number of points up to the result of the Check from your Arousal to your Craving.

You also permanently gain access to these Moves:

Arresting Rhythm (Thrust) [Squishes/Grips/Penetrates] | CT: 15 |

You may immediately view the Craving of the target of this Move.

If your Craving is greater than the Craving of the target of this Move, you may move an amount of points up to the amount of Stamina you spend on this Move, from your Craving to their Craving.

Implacable Focus (Grind) [Penetrates] | CT: 10 |

You may choose any one Status Effect that is currently affecting you and immediately remove that Status Effect.

If, and only if, the Stimulation you deal to yourself with this Move is not ideal, if it would cause any Overstimulation or any Understimulation, drain 10 Craving from yourself.

Level 5 Feature: The Voice.

Once per round, refreshing at the end of your turn, you may inflict disadvantage on any one Ability Check rolled by anyone within the reach of your voice.

Both inside and outside of an Encounter, you may issue a one-word command to an inanimate object or a subsapient being. If the GM allows, if physically able, the target of this command will obey it.




She is a blissful being of peaceful passivity and masochistic fatalism. Her only wish is to be treasured and tormented, teased and tantalized, in the hands of one worthy to own her, or even remake her. But her selfless wish to gratify her demanding master is tempered by her selfish wish for a life of mindless ecstasy.


Large Face Socket          ( --> (Choose any Organ.)                   )
Small Shoulder Sockets     ( --> (Choose any Organ(s).)                )
Medium Chest Sockets       ( --> (Choose any Organ(s).)                )
Pliable Femme Hips         ( [CS] [  ] [  ] [CE] | [IS] [IG] [IP] [  ] )  (Hips)
Medium Groin Socket        ( --> (Choose any Organ.)                   )
Large Hip Sockets          ( --> (Choose any Organ(s).)                )

Special Condition(s):

The Doll's Organs obey whatever conditions for temporary Appendages come with the chosen Organ.

Level 1 Feature: Plug And Play.

Despite being (mostly) made of flesh, your Organs may be seamlessly, painlessly, and bloodlessly detached and swapped out for different ones.


The rules for Sockets go by what makes sense physically. In general:
- Any Organ that is Small can fit in any Socket.
- Any Organ that is Medium can fit in Medium and Large Sockets.
- Any Organ that is Large can only fit in in Large Sockets.

Determining the size of an Organ bends to the narrative and what makes physical sense therein, but in general:
- Mouths, Arms, and Genitals are Small.
- Breasts are Medium.
- Legs are Large.
- Additional Hips/Butts are larger than Large and thus too Large to attach to any of your Sockets.

You are not limited to bilateral Appendages in bilateral Sockets.

Face Socket:

You are not limited to Small Organs on your face.

However, if you attach a Medium Organ to your face Socket, you lose the ability to breathe and must have some kind of narrative justification for why you can remain conscious. Suffocation is not deadly, in the Starheart Lodge, but it is usually entirely incapacitating.

If you attach a Large Organ to your face Socket, you lose both the ability to breathe and the ability to see. There are no mechanical rules for blindness, but narratively you do not have eyes.

Swapping out an Organ during an Encounter costs Stamina equal to your Level Bonus. A detached Organ follows the same rules as a Toy.

Level 2 Feature: Proud Plaything.

You permanently gain access to these two Moves:

Blissful Service (Tease) [Squishes/Ensheathes] | CT: 0 |

If the Understimulation dealt by this move is non-zero but less than your Ardor, you may grant yourself the Subspace effect.

Slavish Worship (Grind) [Squishes/Grips] | CT: 15 |

If you have the Subspace effect, and if this move deals non-zero positive Stimulation, you regain Stamina equal to the Erogeny of the Organ that this move is targeting.

In addition, if, at the end of your turn, you have the Subspace effect, you gain Satiation equal to your Level Bonus in addition to the results of your Aftermath.

Level 3 Feature: Exalted Painslut.

You permanently gain the Masochism effect, which cannot be removed.


Take the absolute value, instead of the signed value, for any Stimulation you receive.

Negative Stimulation you receive still counts as pain for any conditions that specify pain.

When you receive pain, roll a Moxie Check. If the result is greater than the unsigned absolute value of the pain, you are granted the Subspace effect.

Level 4 Feature: Eternal Devotion.

While you have the Subspace effect, your Craving can no longer fall lower than your Satiation. Keep your Craving filled such that it at least equals your Satiation.

You also gain access to these two Moves:

Tearful Tremble (Tease) [Squishes/Grips/Ensheathes] | CT: 5 |

If you have the Subspace effect, apply the Lubed effect to the target of this Move.

Existential Emptiness (Tease) [Squishes/Ensheathes] | CT: 20 |

This Move cannot deal reciprocal Stimulation to the target.

For each point of Stamina you spend on this Move, drain one point of Sensitivity, one point of Satiation, and one point of Craving.

Level 5 Feature: Wireless Anima.

When you detach an Organ, you retain a connection to that Organ that allows you to continue feeling and acting through it.

A detached Organ:
- Keeps its Erogeny score and may receive Stimulation.
- May not attempt Pairings (unless held and used like a Toy).
- May resist attempted Pairings with disadvantage on the contested Grace Check and doubling of any Stamina costs.
- May, if Paired, use Moves at twice the non-detached Stamina cost.

If you do not at the time have the Subspace effect, you may spend 1 Ichor Point to sever your connection to one of your detached Organs.




Many possible actions in Flowerbound apply Status Effects that add temporary rules to other actions.

These effects come in, Passive, Periodic, and Trigger categories. An effect's category will always be written directly under its name in underlined text.

Passive - These effects simply add or alter a rule and apply whenever that rule comes up in the course of play, and usually persist until some condition for removal is met. Only one copy of a Passive effect may apply at once; Passive effects cannot stack.

Periodic - These effects carry out an action at the end of your turn. Periodic effects cannot stack unless specified otherwise.

Trigger - These effects carry out an action the each time you meet their specific condition. They also remove themselves upon meeting a secondary condition. If granted or inflicted more than once, Trigger effects may 'save up' multiple triggerings; Trigger effects may stack unless stated otherwise.

~ Passive Effects ~

Burning Throb

Your Intensity Points persist through turns even if you are not Having An Orgasm.

At the beginning of your turn, roll a Prowess Check. If the result of the Check is greater than your accumulated Intensity Points, you may remove this effect.

This effect is also removed if you are Having An Orgasm.

Eager Release

Subtract your Craving from the total when calculating your Orgasm Threshold.

At the beginning of your turn, if you are Having An Orgasm, remove this effect.


You have disadvantage on all actions other than using an Indulgent Move.

If you use any other kind of Move or action anyway, gain the Edging effect.

At the beginning of your turn, if you are Having An Orgasm, remove this effect.

Fascination (Thrust/Grind/Tease)

You have advantage on your Orgasm Sanity Check when attempting to use a Move that is of the Thrust, Grind, or Tease Stimulation Type.


Add your Level Bonus and your Sanity to your Orgasm Threshold as a modifier.

At the beginning of your turn, if your Craving is greater than your modified Orgasm Threshold total with this effect, ignore this effect when determining if you are Having An Orgasm.

This effect is removed when you become Satisfied.


You have disadvantage on all actions that do not target the Organ that inflicted this effect. You cannot volitionally Unpair from the Organ that inflicted this effect.

At the beginning of your turn, you may roll a Sanity Check. If the result of the Check is greater than your Craving value, you may remove this effect.


Your Arousal cannot drain to less than your Ardor Score.

This effect is removed when, and only when, you successfully pass an Orgasm Sanity Check while your number of Intensity Points is greater than your Craving.

Liquid Bliss (Thrust/Grind/Tease)

You cannot gain Sensitivity from Overstimulation of the Thrust, Grind, or Tease Stimulation Type.

At the beginning of your turn, remove this effect.


The Organ targeted by the Pairing action that inflicted this effect, and any Organ that is Paired with that Organ, has a +5 Bonus to Contour.


Take the absolute value, instead of the signed value, for any Stimulation you receive.

Negative Stimulation you receive still counts as pain for any conditions that specify pain.

At the beginning of your turn, you may roll a Moxie Check. If the result of the Check is greater than your Craving value, you may remove this effect.


You have disadvantage on Prowess Rolls (but not Prowess Checks). When using a Move, you must spend all of your available Stamina on the attempted Stimulation for that Move.

At the beginning of your turn, you may roll a Prowess Check. If the result of the Check is greater than your Craving value, you may remove this effect.


You have disadvantage on all Grace Checks and Sanity Checks. You have advantage on all Ardor Checks and Moxie Checks.

At the beginning of your turn, if you are not Having An Orgasm, you may roll a Moxie Check. If the result of the Check is greater than your Craving value, you may remove this effect.

~ Periodic Effects ~


Roll an Ardor Check. Move a number of points equal to the result from your Satiation to your Sensitivity.

Lasts until you are Having An Orgasm or until you go a full round without receiving any Stimulation.

Feverish Need

Gain 1d12 Arousal. If this would put your Arousal beyond your Arousal Capacity, you immediately take Pain stimulation equal to the amount overshot.

Lasts until the end of the encounter.


Drain 1d6 Arousal. If, and only if, you spent Stamina during this turn, drain an additional 1d6 Arousal.

Lasts until your Arousal hits maximum capacity.

~ Trigger Effects ~


When you roll an Orgasm Sanity Check, you automatically fail.

If you would have succeeded, you may remove 1 Stack of this effect. This effect may stack without limit.


If you spend any Stamina while unable to breathe, and your Arousal is less than your Craving, gain Arousal equal to the Stamina you spent. This cannot increase your Arousal value beyond your current Craving value.

This effect is removed if you breathe or if you pass out from lack of air. This effect cannot stack.


If your Arousal decreases for any reason, gain Craving and drain Satiation equal to the unsigned absolute value of the decrease, and gain the Edged effect.

This effect is removed after triggering 1 time, or removed at the beginning of your turn if you are Having An Orgasm.


If you end an Encounter by satisfying your partner, you gain 2 Euphoria Points instead of 1.

This effect is removed after triggering 1 time. This effect cannot stack.


If you go from not Having An Orgasm to Having An Orgasm, immediately gain an additional 1d8 Intensity Points.

This effect is removed after triggering 1 time.


When your Stamina Regenerates or increases for any other reason, make a d6 signed difference roll.

If the result is negative, drain that much Stamina from yourself.

If the result is not negative, increase your Sensitivity by the result.

This effect is removed if your Stamina is 20.

Lucid Fugue

If you roll a standard Orgasm Sanity Check, and if you fail that Check, remove a number of Intensity Points equal to the result of the Check and add that many points to your Craving. This does not alter the outcome of the Check.

This effect is removed after triggering 1 time.


Your next Prowess Roll or Prowess Check acts as though your Prowess Score is twice its current value.

This effect is removed after triggering 1 time.





Many of the Moves in Flowerbound are not special expressions of your gendertrope but simply skills that anyone can learn.

A Move's (Stimulation Type) is written in parentheses.
A Move's [Attribute Compatibility] is written in brackets.
A Move's | Craving Threshold | is written between pipe bars.

Some particular Moves also have one of two special traits that change the way they are resolved or when they can be used.

Abstract - One of these Moves cannot be used to deliver conventional Stimulation, and therefore additional Stamina cannot be spent to increase that Stimulation. A Move with this property is a nonphysical action that skips the Stimulation resolution step.

Indulgent - When resolving one of these Moves, the application of the results is inverted. The full Stimulation is dealt to the user of the Move, while the target of the Move receives only the Reciprocal Stimulation.

Reaction - These Moves may be used during your partner's turn. If a Reaction Move's other requirements are met, you may 'react' to an incoming Move by contesting it with one of these Moves.

Ardent Abandon (Thrust) [Penetrates/Ensheathes] | CT: 0 |

The amount of Stamina you may spend on the attempted Stimulation of this Move cannot be greater than the Erogeny of the Organ that is using this Move.

Body Reader (Grind) [Squishes] | CT: 5 |

Roll a Sanity Check. If the result is greater than the (unsigned) Stimulation dealt by this Move, you may know the current Orgasm Threshold of the target of this Move.

Brace (Tease) [Grips] | CT: 5 |

The Organ that is using this Move may be treated as though it [IsPenetrable] by the Move that this Move is contesting.

This reaction may be declared pre-emptively, or in response to the other player's request, allowing the other player to use a Move that [Penetrates] even if the Organ that is using this Move does not normally have [IsPenetrable]. This Move does not grant [CanPenetrate] to the contested Organ.

Edge Chaser (Tease) [Squishes/Grips/Penetrates/Ensheathes] | CT: 5 |

If the target of this Move has the Edged effect, you and them roll a contested Prowess Check. If your result is greater, inflict the Fixation effect on the target of this Move. If your result is not greater, the target of this Move immediately gains 1d6 Arousal.

Edge Seeker (Grind) [Squishes/Grips] | CT: 5 |

If, after the Stimulation from this Move is resolved, the Arousal of the target of this Move is equal to the Orgasm Threshold of the target of this Move, the target of this Move gains the Edge effect.

Edge Rider (Thrust) [Penetrates/Ensheathes] | CT: 5 |

If, after the Stimulation from this Move is resolved, your Arousal is equal to your Orgasm Threshold, you gain the Edge effect.

If the Arousal of the target of this Move is equal to the Orgasm Threshold of the target of this Move, the target of this Move gains the Edge effect.

Fantasy Surge (Tease) [No Pairing Requirement] | CT: 10 |

You immediately drain all of your Stamina to 0. Gain one of the following effects:
- Asphyxiophilia.
- Masochism.
- Subspace.

Lay On Hands (Grind) [Squishes] | CT: 20 |

Drain 10 Craving from yourself.

Reduce the Sensitivity of the target of this Move by LBd6 (roll a number of d6 equal to your Level Bonus).

Probe (Thrust) [Grips/Penetrates] | CT: 0 |

Roll a Sanity Check. If the result is greater than the (unsigned) Stimulation dealt by this Move, you may know the current Arousal of the target of this Move.

Squeeze (Grind) [Grips/Ensheathes] | CT: 0 |

Compare the Erogeny of the Organ using this Move with the Erogeny of the Organ this Move is targeting. The owner of the Organ with the greater Erogeny gains LB Stamina.

Sweet Nothing (Tease) [No Pairing Requirement] | CT: 5 |

Using this Move will Occupy whichever Organ is your mouth or source of verbal communicative ability for an entire turn. That Organ must be Unpaired. That Organ must not have been used for any other Moves during this turn, and cannot be used for any other Moves until your next turn.

You also must have at least one Pairing between any one of your other Organs and an Organ owned by the target.

Roll a Moxie Check. The target of this Move will transfer a number of points equal to the result from their Satiation to their Arousal. However, this Move cannot increase the target's Arousal beyond the target's current Craving value, and will transfer only the number of points needed to reach that value if that number is less than the result of the Check.





It is dark, and it is only thanks to that darkness that the subtle hues of cyan and magenta---so different from the golden honeyshine you are using to navigate---catch your eye, gleaming faintly off the glossy white-barked wood stretching ahead.

The soft moss under your bare feet is a more natural shade of cyan, and as you prowl forward, you push aside a pink leaf bigger than you are. In a daylight, you never would've noticed. In the darkness, you bound with confidence into a hollow in the foliage and there you see it: A virgin, untapped Toybox.

You see a large black cube. Its stark right-angles cut a perfect hard-edged void from your view of the world tree's limbs. It's surface is polished to a perfect mirror finish, reflecting the colors of the magical structure that holds it aloft. Strands of shining cyan and magenta light hold the cube suspended in the air, twisting and twining around itself and the cube, like the stem of a neon chalice with the black cube sitting in the cup.

This is a moment of incredible fortune. Communities, villages, sometimes entire cities form themselves around Toyboxes. You are standing at the origin point for countless new stories.

You hold out your hand, palm up, and call up the energy inside yourself. Ichor. Euphoria. Numinosity. You blend a portion of each, and a shadow wreathed in those same cyan and magenta threads coalesces on your palm, then solidifies into a small five-pointed star.

With the newly-forged summoner-mark in hand, you approach the cube. It makes no difference which face of the cube you approach. All six lead to the same place.

As you get closer, the face of the cube---the face, but not the edges---seems to receed, failing to get closer as quickly as it should. At the border, the full face of the cube has become the entrance to a square tunnel. Climbing into the tunnel is easy. As your body passes the threshold, it becomes weightless.

You push yourself along and glide silently down the tunnel. In only a few seconds, you emerge into a huge cubic chamber. Still weightless, you float among a grid of cubic cells, of magenta and cyan light, each occupied by a material object. A sex toy or tool. From the smallest fingertip vibrator to clothing to bondage for tentacle titans.

The tunnel through which you entered occupies only a single one of these cells, and as you look ahead, you see an identical tunnel entrance sixty-four cells away in a straight line, and another one thirty-two cells forward and thirty-two cells up. As you look beyond, you see the cells continue into the vastly deep distance, continuing beyond sight in all six directions.

You know that you could travel for days, for years, in here, then exit through a tunnel hundreds of thousands of miles from the one through which you entered, and you would emerge from that same Toybox, in that same clearing, having traveled no distance at all. You can explore to your heart's content, and never fear getting lost.

It is impossible to remove any of the items inside a Toybox from their cells. It is impossible to move them at all. Instead, you choose a cell containing something that looks fun and place your own summoner-mark(s) into the cell, where only you can ever remove them. Two, three, four, five, and then for this particular toy, it clicks. You feel that what you have offered is sufficient. You have Marked this Toy, and so long as the summoner-marks remain, you can summon a convincing phantasmal copy of the toy whenever and wherever you want.

Entire civilizations have been built on less.

Toys, Tools, and Items, which are interchangeable and only differ by flavor, can exist in both summoned and material form, but behave the same mechanically in either case. Individual Toys in this list are meant to represent a classification or natural category that cover a range of specific toy designs. These are frameworks and canvases for narrative flavoring.

A Toy's Summoning Rank is the number of summoner-marks that must be placed on that Toy in a Toybox to grant you the ability to summon a phantasmal copy of that Toy. A Toy's Summoning Rank also represents amount of Stamina that must be expended to summon that Toy.

In addition to ordinary Pairing behavior, any Toy that [IsGrippable] may my Occupy and thereby replace, for the purposes of taking actions, an Organ that [CanGrip]. Likewise, when a Toy has multiple Appendages, Pairing with one of those Appendages makes the other(s) available to use like Organs, where applicable.

Some Toys have a special property that alters how they behave during play:

Fixture - A Toy with this property is immobile and cannot be used as a surrogate Organ, though if it has Appendages those may sometimes be used as surrogate Organs in limited ways. Any Organs Paired with a Toy with this property likewise must remain in the same physical location.

Consumable - A Toy with this property ceases to exist upon successfully Pairing with an Organ, causing some change or imbuing the owner of that Organ with an effect.

Some Toys also have a Bondage Rating. This is the Difficulty Class (DC), the number your Grace Check result must be greater than to successfully Unpair from the Toy once Paired. Note that, unless stated otherwise, Bondage Rating only applies when the Toy is the acting (surrogate) Organ initiating the Pairing.

Basic Dildo [CP][IG][IE] | SR: 2 | BR: 0 |

An inanimate phallus.

Basic Cuffs [IG] | SR: 2 | BR: 10 |

A simple pair of encircling bands that are firmly attached. Any two appendages Paired with these Cuffs are Occupied with each other.

- x2 Sturdy Cuff [CG][IG]

Bottle of Lube [CS][IG] | SR: 2 | BR: 0 |

Apply the Lubed effect.

Inflatable Hole [CS][CE][IG][IP] | SR: 2 | BR: 0 |

An air-filled shape with a yonic orifice.

Limb Binder [CG*][IG] | SR: 4 | BR: 14 |

A confining sheathe that constrains most of a "Hands", "Legs", or "Prehensile" Organ's full length.

This Toy cannot Pair with individual Appendages (though individual Appendages may Pair with it), nor can it Pair with Organs that have Appendages with varying Pairing Attributes. When this Toy attempts to Pair, that Pairing is between this Toy and all of the target Organ's Appendages at once.

When this Toy successfully Pairs, the Organ it is Paired with functionally has 1 and only 1 of whatever Appendages it had.

Machine Rack [-->] | SR: 20 | BR: 18 |

A large device that can confine a body securely in a given pose and deliver stimulation to said secured body with machine action.

- x8 Sturdy Leather Strap(s) [CG][IG]
- x2 Piston-Powered Dildo(s) [CP][IG][IE]

Piercing Rings [CS][IG] | SR: 1 | BR: 20* |

When this Toy Pairs to an Organ that [IsSquishable], it grants that Organ [IsGrippable] and becomes attached to that Organ.

Attempting to Unpair this Toy requires an Organ that [CanGrip], other than the attached Organ, to be Paired with this Toy. The owner of that other Organ may succeed at Unpairing this Toy from its attached Organ even if the Grace Check does not beat this Toy's Bondage Rating, but if the Grace Check does not beat the Bondage Rating, the owner of the attached Organ becomes Injured.

Powered Plug [CP][IG] | SR: 2 | BR: 4 |

A bulbous insertable that keeps itself in place once Paired.

--> Choose 1 Stimulation Type (Tease, Grind, or Thrust) at the time you place your summoner-marks upon this Toy within a Toybox. <--

At the start of its owner's turn, the Organ this Toy is Paired with receives 1d4+4 Stimulation of the chosen Type.

Slender Fang [IG] | SR: 5 | BR: 0 |

A dart or needle that is used to inject a chemical into flesh.

--> Choose 1 Periodic Status Effect at the time you place your summoner-marks upon this Toy within a Toybox. <--

Your phantasmal copies of this Toy may apply that Status Effect, and only that Status Effect. To change the chosen Status Effect, you must revisit the Toybox and re-place your summoner-marks.

You may use this Toy to Pair even while out of standard Pairing reach or range, throwing it to strike a target. If Pairing from a distance, you have disadvantage on any Grace Checks while resolving the Pairing attempt, and the target has advantage on any Grace Checks while resolving the Pairing attempt, and neither side may escalate to spending additional Stamina.

Spreader Bar [IG] | SR: 4 | BR: 10 |

A pair of encircling bands at either end of a rigid rod.

- x2 Sturdy Cuff [CG][IG]

Unchastity Belt [IG] | SR: 8 | BR: 12 |

A locking strap that holds a stimulating object in place.

--> Choose 1 Stimulation Type (Tease, Grind, or Thrust) at the time you place your summoner-marks upon this Toy within a Toybox. <--

At the start of its owner's turn, the Organ this Toy's Slippery Phallic Plug is Paired with receives 10 Stimulation of the chosen Type.

- Sturdy Leather Strap [CS][CG][IG]
- Slippery Phallic Plug [CP][IE]




Three worlds, three realms, three faceted reflections of fascination with sexual predation. Three celestial embodiments circle each other in the starry night, dancing their endless dance. Their endless mutual seduction. Three voices, calling out into the timeless void, an eternal invitation, a welcome, an embrace, for lost souls who share in this fascination.

This is what lies in the heart of the four-faced inferno.


Like the tips of three extradimensional icebergs, the Fairy Garden, the Dark Forest, and the Last Revel each extrude a great piece of themselves into the Void Cradle, to sup on the life-giving light and warmth provided by the Starstorm Sea.

In that space, the three planes orbit each other in a stable three-body configuration, subtly extruding mass from and swallowing mass back into each of their own private folded spaces to keep their pseudo-chaotic orbits stable. The paths they trace through the Void Cradle have become an instantly-recognizable symbol, an emblem, by which the Starheart Lodge knows itself.

An eternal cosmic storm or raging waters, cracking ice, lightning, and roiling steam protects the Void Cradle from a cosmos filled with endless light and heat. The storm forms a shell, a protected vacuum. Glittering points of light are ever shining through swirling gaps in the storm-shell, creating an ever-shifting starscape. Often, larger gaps in the storm-shell will form and last for a dozen hours or so, bathing the innards of the Void Cradle in blazing rays. This is called a daylight, and they do not happen on anything like a predictable schedule.


The perfect sphere of the portal hovers above three blocks of carved obsidian, each glowing an eerie indigo with channeled planar energies. Your newling Flower flits around the small portal in fascination. It appears to both you and her as a perfect circle cut into the air, but as the newling is demonstrating, one cannot touch the edge of the portal no matter how one tries. As you watch, she thrusts her arm into the boundary, only to yelp in surprise when her own hand curves through the folded space to poke her in her own butt.

Travel between the three realms can be done by crossing the void between the extrusions, but the three planes are also extradimensionally coterminous and more easily connected by portals. A portal opened in one location in one of the realms will always open onto the same corresponding location in either of the other realms. Most travel is done this way. Only the most valiant dare to brave crossing the void.


Will you go into the light?

You fall as though dreaming, you mind clouded, eroding. You know you died, though there is only fog when you try to remember how. You know that you are slowly losing yourself to oblivion. You are not afraid. You are not awake enough to be afraid. But you are still enough of you to want. You are still enough of you to hear the call.

Six lights. Three couplets. Thoughts of your darkest desires bubble up within your drifting mind. Yes, this is what the lights are calling out for. You have something to offer- No. You have something to treasure. To be treasured. One of the lights, the shadow it casts is your dark desire in stark relief. It is a lock, and you are the key.

Will you go into the light?

The canonical gendertropes of of the Starheart Lodge serve as sets of paired templates for social and sexual roles that are well-mated to each of the realms' preferred genre.

Souls that best fit in the roles of Butterfly or Flower are drawn to the Fairy Garden.

Souls that best fit in the roles of Vixen or Buck are drawn to the Dark Forest.

Souls that best fit in the roles of Fiend or Doll are drawn to the Last Revel.




Even with a daylight bathing the meadow---waves of cyan blue moss and grass, decorated in the brilliant reds, greens, and purples of mushrooms and sprouts---in it's brilliant golden glow, it would be difficult to tell if this is the true trunk of the world, or just one of the greatest branches, if you did not already know the sight before you. That tower is the only one of its kind. A vast black shaft rising from behind the cyan horizon, hazy and dark in the shaded distance. Its three great prism blades curl up and out from the peak of the tower, petals of glittering diamond and rainbow hues spearing up out of the shadow. The tower rests against a backdrop of dappled pink and white, the milky braid of thousands of strands of worldwood fused into an arc that blocks out the sky.

This is the Pillowshade Cultivar. This is the city. This is home.

Beside you, the newling Butterfly you've loaned yourself to stares in awe, and your heart fills with warmth, because she looked at you the same way, when first she opened her new eyes and you were the first thing she saw. It is your joy to be a small part of the beauty, of the pleasure, that this realm has to offer. It is your pride.

Below, as the daylight plays across the meadow, Flowers like yourself emerge and appear, come to frolic in the light. Many of them, hundreds, pick a spot and Take Root there, their nude bodies rising on lush vines, bound and displayed in the light, their skin complimenting and contrasting the vivid colors of the daylit meadow.

Arriving right after, dozens of figures held aloft by vibrant blue butterfly wings glide around in the air, drawn by the Flowers. Many land and mate with the bound Flowers, whose pleased moans are lost on the breeze. Your newest lover and temporary tender shudders beside you, and her prior satisfaction gives way to new arousal as her gaze turns upon you.


It would not be inaccurate to say of the Starheart Lodge that any particular slice of it is one layer of a nested fractal of orgies within orgies within orgies. It is less accurate to say that there are places outside or beyond the layers of orgy, than to say that there are merely individuals and groups of individuals within the orgy who happen to be taking a break when you see them. It is a difficult mindset for some souls to adapt to: the mindset that everyone you see, friend and stranger, is a willing participant in the same orgy as you.

But the Fairy Garden does not lure in souls who cannot thrive in a culture where assumed consent is the dominant norm. The Fairy Garden itself protects and cultivates the idyllic live-action rape-play feel-good hentai that the souls within it take such joy in living.

It is in the nature of Butterflies to cherish and tend to their gardens of Flowers, and it is in the nature of Flowers to be thrilled and aroused by the lustful attentions of a rapacious gardener. Together, they have made a civilization for those souls who find great fulfillment in a sexual dynamic that has a shape like that of the dynamic between artist and art.


The world tree's sinuous white braids of vastness do have a core, central trunk, but it is a long and sinuous thing with many, many branches just as big as itself, and all of these curl back around themselves in a tangled knot.

The large portion of this world tree that extrudes into the Void Cradle has slightly more structure.

It resembles a pink and white galaxy of leaves and wood a thousand miles across, slowly rotating in a stable spin. It's saucer-esque shape causes dramatic tidal forces when its orbit brings it close to either of the other realms. For many dozens of hours, entire regions can be balanced between gravitational forces and experience weightlessness.

To this, the Fairy Garden's denizens have adapted well.


Captain Ouroua - An iconic Butterfly who sails the boughs of the world tree in a handmade airship with her crew of Flowers, searching the wilderness for newling incarnates who have for whatever reason not yet found explanation or companionship.


Pillowshade Cultivar - The oldest and largest city in the Fairy Garden, built around the site of the First Toybox, and home to the largest set of portals in the realm.

Radiant Hollow - A field of flowers in a secluded tree-hollow, that is one of several places where lured souls settle and begin to incarnate. This one, where a newling Flower often finds herself, is ancient and well-known. It is watched over and tended to by a volunteer order of Butterflies who are into newlings.

Silkweb Polypore - A secluded mushroom forest in a dense, enclosed worldbough, that is one of several places where lured souls settle and begin to incarnate. This one, where a newling Butterflies often finds herself, is ancient and well-known. It is watched and cared for by a volunteer order of Flowers who are into newlings.

Sylvan Meadow - A meadow deep within the Fairy Garden, on the surface of the core trunk itself. Famous for it's perfect alignment with the thousand miles of boughs above that lets it bathe in well-timed daylights despite everything around it being in shade.


Honeyshine - A goopy glowing substance that is popular as a source of illumination and is produced several different varieties of erotic life native to the Fairy Garden.

Ambershade Latex - A glossy nonporous black rubber that is easily made from the world tree's sap. It is much like mundane latex, except for several exotic shock-absorbing properties and an improved scent. Those exotic properties as well as its ease of production make it a popular building material in a way rubber normally wouldn't be.

~ Origin: Butterfly ~

You go into the light. You pass into and through it, suffused with welcoming warmth and promise.

Then that dreamlike feeling is drowned out by a sudden and very real sensation. The first real sensation you've felt since your death. The sensation of air on your exposed shaft and glans. There is nothing else. No sense of your body beyond the phallus that ought to hang between your legs, no sensation or awareness of a body beyond that. That vivid whisper of exposure to air on your erect penis is your entire sensorium.

You are a dick in the darkness.

And you are desperately horny.

You flex the phallus that is you, waggling it, making it jump and bounce. You could almost get yourself off this way, but much to your fortune, you don't have to. Touch comes promptly.

You have no way of knowing what is touching you or why. You have no way of communicating, and few options for acting. As you are touched, you can only drink in the pleasure as your due. You can feel fingers, lips, then what can only be a hot, wet pussy. Parting, engulfing, ensheathing. Giving you exactly what you're craving.

Your only real choice at the moment, is how you are going to feel about this.

Making that decision has weight. More even than you know.

And one way or the other, however you decided to feel about it, you can't hold back. You cum, and you cum. You rest, then the touch, the hot slippery sheath, the fucking, continues. You cum and cum more, orgasm after orgasm until the craving in your cock is satisfied.

It builds slowly, bit by bit, but you can't fail to notice it. There is a power in you, growing each time your orgasms are powerful enough to sate your urges for a time.

The revelation comes all at once as that power spills from your soul and suddenly you are an order of magnitude more. More than just a cock. You are an entire set of hips! You have a butt! You have a waist!

It comes to you then, as your anonymous benefactor continues to milk orgasm after orgasm out of your cock. You are held, swaddled, wrapped. There is something soft clinging to every bit of you behind the root of your shaft. You grow as you feed that power of satisfaction back into your body, feeling the wrappings grow more and more cramped.

You know, suddenly and fully. You are complete. Your body matches your soul.

Your cock spasms in aftershock one last time, inside the wet embrace surrounding it, before you erupt from your silken cocoon, tearing free in an explosion of effort. Your tongue, so new and strange, and yet so right, burst from your mouth, long, thick, and powerful. It hits soft flesh, and you seize that flesh, tasting skin, tasting fresh feminine sweat.

And you open your eyes.

~ Origin: Flower ~

You go into the light. You pass into and through it, suffused in welcoming warmth and comfort.

Then that dreamlike feeling is drowned out by a sudden and very real sensation. The first real sensation you've felt since your death. The sensation of air on your exposed vulva. There is nothing else. No sense of your body beyond the lips that ought to sit between your legs, no sensation or even awareness of a body beyond that. That vivid whisper of exposure to air on your labia is your entire sensorium.

You are a pussy in the darkness.

And you are desperately horny.

Touch comes swiftly. You have no way of knowing what is touching you or why. You have no way of communicating, no way of acting. You are totally and fundamentally helpless as you are touched. The pleasure in the touch is powerful; you can feel fingers, a tongue, then what can only be a hard cock. Penetrating, filling. Giving you exactly what you're craving.

Your only choice at the moment, is how you are going to feel about this.

Making that decision has weight. More even than you know.

And one way or the other, however you decided to feel about it, it continues. You cum, and you cum. You rest, then the touch, the penetration, the fucking, continues. You cum and cum more, orgasm after orgasm until the craving in your quim is satisfied.

It builds slowly, bit by bit, but you can't fail to notice it. There is a power in you, growing each time your orgasms are powerful enough to sate your urges for a time.

The revelation comes all at once as that power spills from your soul and suddenly you are an order of magnitude more. More than just a pussy. You are an entire set of hips! You have a butt, and a second hole to go with it! You have a waist!

All the more to feel the touch, the sex, the ravishing ardor in anonymity.

You are fucked, and cum until you can't anymore, and in the satiated afterglow, you feed that power back into your body. From hips to torso. From torso to limbs. And finally. Your head.

You know, suddenly and fully. You are complete. Your body matches your soul.

Your pussy flutters in aftershock around the thick dick that is still inside you.

And you open your eyes.




You stalk through the trees like a ghost, gently pushing aside the gnarled branches that block your path as you try to tread without sound. The young Buck is oblivious to your presence, clambering loudly over smoothed stones and through hanging vines. You have not yet taken him, because you don't know if you are the only cock-hungry Vixen watching, and if you aren't the only one, whoever moves first will expose themselves.

As you creep closer, starlight casts spidery shadows on the soft green-brown loam under your bare feet, tangling pale silhouettes across the twisted dark gray bark and arcing roots. Lush green leaves appear black in the dull red glow of a pyreblood mushroom, which threatens to cast your own shadow stark against the branches. You know this ground, and that is the only reason you are able to prowl silently here.

A rustle. Movement.

Another Vixen leaps out of the shadows, her nude body gleaming in the starlight, and the young Buck yelps in scaroused shock. She knocks him to the ground, muffles his face with her juicy nethers, and slurps his cock into her throat, urgent, but radiating smugness. That isn't fair. You saw him first. She should've waited her turn.

You leap, bounding from trunk to branch and into the air. You come down with both feet on the other Vixen's head, smashing her nose into the young Buck's balls and jolting her with enough force to flip her bottom half up and off of the young Buck's head. You use her disorientation to throw her off, spin around, and slam your own hips down, impaling your own juicy nethers on the young Buck's adrenaline-hardened meat pole with a cry of triumph. But the other Vixen slams into you from behind, grabbing your jiggly titty-flesh harshly as she tries to displace you and reclaim her prize.

The young Buck watches you fight over him with a wide-eyed flush on his face, and his cock spasms inside you.


If there is one thing the Starheart Lodge is good for, it is freeing the connections between people of the need for caution. Freeing one's most primitive and primal self to be ruled by one's base lusts and impulses, because those lusts and impulses just so happen to match up perfectly with the rules of a kinky sex game that everyone you see, friend and stranger, happens to be playing as eagerly as you are. It is difficult for some souls to adapt to the mindset that you can play that hard without ruining the fun.

But the Dark Forest does not lure in souls who cannot thrive in a culture where consent is itself taboo... and irrelevant. The Dark Forest itself protects and facilitates the thrilling live-action rape-play dark fairy tale that the souls within it take such joy in acting out.

It is in the nature of Vixens to compete for the right to protect those sensitive Bucks and to show off for each other, and it is in the nature of those Bucks to be intrigued and aroused by that pulse-pounding conflict and to be moved to soothe the tender hearts that beat within and drive forward those boobalicious chests. Together, they have forged a civility without a civilization for those souls who find great fulfillment in a sexual dynamic reminiscent of that between predator and prey.


Like a raft on a river at the scale of a continent, the great valley hurtles around the equator of the Void Cradle. Indomitable stone worn glass-smooth by the passing of eons blooms open unto the interior of the Starstorm Sea, riding the currents, endlessly circling around its two dancing companions. The surface it exposes to the sky receives only the faintest daylights, from across the entire diameter of the Void Cradle.

That surface is an overgrown, ancient, lush jungle, concealing a vast network of equally-lush caves that extend deep into the Dark Forest's own folded space. The surface jungle has the most stable gravity of anywhere in the three realms, though gravity within the caves is far less reliable. Occasionally, the Starstorm spills over the edges of the valley and thrashes the surface jungle in harsh weather.

To all of this, the Dark Forest's denizens have adapted well.


Floedsormr - Less a player in the game than a proxy for the will of the Dark Forest itself, she is an ancient tentacle titan who rides the leading bow of the great valley like the figurehead of a ship. She serves as guardian and early-warning system to safeguard the realm against true natural disaster.


Suncircle Oasis - One of the realm's few truly permanent artificial constructions, this great stone temple is the one concession to genuine civilization that the denizens of the Dark Forest maintain. It is notable for being well-lit, by imported honeyshine, and for being favored by those who have fallen into stable polycules and wish to spend time together in a place of easy creature comforts.


Amnioter - The juice of the womb-fruits that incarnate this realm's new souls has the unique property of completely neutralizing all effects of suffocation on one when one is submerged in it, and mitigating those effects somewhat on mere contact.

Obsidian - From the Starstorm Sea come raging forces intense enough to melt rock and stone. Scoured and tempered by those forces, this otherwise mundane material is a perfect channel for planar energies and powering portals. It often breaks away from the great valley to wander through the Void Cradle on chaotic paths, but it just as often remains, or falls back to the surface, where it can be collected easily.

Pyreblood - The glowing red life-liquid of a common waist-high mushroom that grows all throughout the realm. It is a source of heat, more than light, refusing to cool down after being spilled. It is not hot enough to burn flesh, but food coated in it will cook to perfection in moments.

~ Origin: Vixen ~

You go into the light. You pass into and through it, suffused in welcoming warmth and comfort.

Then that dreamlike feeling is drowned out by a sudden and very real sensation. The first real sensation you've felt since your death. The sensation of floating in a warm bath, vivid and blissful as it wafts against your skin. It is the most relaxed and comfortable you've ever been, and it takes you a while to notice that you don't feel any urge to breathe, and in fact aren't breathing.

If that is not enough to rouse you, then the slowly building heat between your legs quickly does the job, growing from the pleasant comfort of the bath to a powerful urge, to a desperate need. A need you can't relieve, because you cannot move your body.

You cum, orgasm spilling you over your edge, and suddenly your clenching juicy vagina snaps into focus as it quivers and clenches. It isn't much, that part of you, but you flex and squeeze those muscles now. It is yours.

The urge begins building again, filling you with desperation, and you can only barely help your next climax along by flexing your pelvic muscles. It isn't any more satisfying than the first one, but you get the hint this time. Your control expands into your torso, and though they don't move the way muscles do, the massive wobbly breasts on your chest are now yours as well, as they spray milk into the bath. Your next ruined, agonizing orgasm rips away the control you've regained as you squirm and try to stimulate yourself, but you can seize it back, now.

The frustration grows with each spontaneous convulsion, but each orgasm is helped along a little more by a newly conquered piece of your body. And finally, at long last, your hand moves. It churns the milk-and-squirt-stained bath as it flies from its resting place to plunge fingers between your juicy cleft. You thrust, and stroke yourself, and your next orgasm erupts like a shattering dam, releasing all that built-up need in one big flood.

It goes on, and on, and on, until, with a startling rush, the bath around you bursts outwards. You fall into cold darkness, instinctively twisting to land on your feet on ground that is soft but not as soft as your own skin. Your eyes snap open and you find yourself crouching naked in a gooey puddle, under the remains of a torn-open human-sized apple.

And your pussy is still hungry.

~ Origin: Buck ~

You go into the light. You pass into and through it, suffused in welcoming warmth and comfort.

Then that dreamlike feeling is drowned out by a sudden and very real sensation. The first real sensation you've felt since your death. The sensation of floating in a warm bath, vivid and blissful as it wafts against your skin. It is the most relaxed and comfortable you've ever been, and it takes you a while to notice that you don't feel any urge to breathe, and in fact aren't breathing.

If that is not enough to rouse you, then the slowly building heat between your legs quickly does the job, growing from the pleasant comfort of the bath to a powerful urge, to a desperate need. A need you can't relieve, because you cannot move your body.

You cum, orgasm spilling you over your edge, and suddenly your throbbing erect penis snaps into focus as it pumps your boy-juice into the bath. It isn't much, that part of you, you can flex it and not much else, but it is yours now.

The urge begins building again, eclipsing desperation, and you can only barely help your next release along by flexing your pelvic muscles. It isn't any more satisfying than the first one, but you see the pattern now. Muscles ripple up and down your torso, entering your control only for the next ruined, agonizing orgasm to rip that control away, but you can fight for it, now.

The frustration grows with each spontaneous ejaculation, but each is helped along a little more by a newly discovered piece of your body. And finally, at long last, your hand moves. It churns the cum-stained bath as it leaps from its resting place to grip your throbbing meat pole. You grasp, and stroke yourself, and your next orgasm erupts like a volcano, all that built-up need surging out of you.

It goes on, and on, and on, until, with a startling burst, the bath around you explodes outwards. You fall into cold darkness and hit ground that is soft but nothing like the comfort of the bath. You wipe the fluids from your face and open your eyes to find yourself sitting naked in a gooey puddle, under the remains of a torn-open human-sized peach.

And you feel like you are being watched.




The faux gaslamps flicker gently, casting their soft glow over red satin benches and the finery adorning the mostly-bare figures that lounge upon them. It is one of those semi-enclosed spaces, so common in these labyrinthine passages, that cannot quite decide if it is an indoor space or an outdoor space. It could be an overly-spacious and oddly-shaped public lounge. It could be a tucked-away city street with far too much upholstery.

You sit in the corner, the only corner in the space, dozing lightly on one of those satin benches. Your heavy iron collar, engraved with your name, is fastened to the raised hands of a pornographic statue of dark stone, that holds up the velvet awning-roof above you, by a chain long enough to let you reposition yourself or lay down, but short enough to choke you if you reached for the set of limbs mounted on the wall beside you.

Your slutty mouth, your succulent breasts, and your yielding quim are are attached to your body where they usually go, but your shoulders and your hips are simply blank expanses of light-gray skin; your arms and your legs have been detached and strapped to a large plaque that hangs beside you. There is a key, that hangs from a hook on that plaque, the key to your collar, and beside it a note that simply reads: "1 Doll, free to a good home. Try her holes first if you aren't sure."

You've been here for several dozens of hours, but you don't mind. It's peaceful, and when passing Fiends pause to use you, pleasurable.

One such Fiend approaches you now. Unlike those before, he's tentative, with the wide-eyed longing hunger, not to mention the lack of adornment, of a fresh initiate. He clearly wants you, and just as clearly, has never owned a Doll before. You don't smile, at the thought of being his first, but it is rather endearing.

He freezes when you meet his eyes, but you don't speak, you don't emote, and after a moment he unfreezes and reaches out. His fingertips trace their way from your neck, over your breasts, down your belly, and linger where your legless hips display your silken vulva so prominently. Your eyes flutter, half-lidding in response to the pleasure of his touch, and your pussy grows wetter rapidly.

As his fingers slide inside you, his other hand grasps your neck. He meets your eyes, staring intently at your face, and squeezes until you can't breathe. You stare back at him, relaxed, not struggling, feeling no fear and no desire to stop him even as your vision darkens around the edges.

You cum, your limbless body trembling and jerking in his hands. You can tell he is fascinated with you, with what you are, with your nature as a Doll. You think he would be a good master. You smile at him.

He reaches for the key.


One who dwells in the Starheart Lodge knows that anywhere you look, you are looking at but one layer of a nested fractal of orgies within orgies within orgies. Regardless of one's mood, there is an orgy to meet that mood, and while some may simply rest or distract themselves between carnal engagements, others prefer to savor those moments with due ceremony. It is a difficult mindset for some souls to adapt to: that everyone you see, friend and stranger, is dancing to a sexual music you may not be able to hear. Sex can be anything and anything can be sex, should the right object of desire happen by at the right time.

But the Last Revel does not lure in souls who cannot thrive in a culture where objectification reigns supreme. The Last Revel itself guards and guides the ominous live-action rape-play horror movie that the souls within it take such joy in experiencing.

It is in the nature of Fiends to find sexual fascination in experimentally exploring every foible, flinch, and sigh of their Dolls, and it is in the nature of Dolls to find sexual fascination in being stripped of all autonomy and played with like objects. Together, they have synergized into a civilization for those souls who find great fulfillment in a sexual dynamic that takes master-and-slave to the extreme.


The eternal monument is memory come alive. Countless pornographic statues and dioramas wrought of dark stone, from the gargantuan to the merely life-sized, but not one hand ever carved any of them. It grows, feeding on memory, immortalizing moments of greatest passion, and then shapes itself to the needs of the denizens it hosts. A statue becomes hollow, full of bedrooms. A diorama shapes itself into a sheltered plaza or spacious dungeon. Conventional construction exists, but is only a tiny fraction of the vast mass of the eternal monument.

The large portion of the eternal monument that extrudes into the Void Cradle dances through its orbit with the Fairy Garden's world tree, and they often loom large in each other's sky. However, gravity within the eternal monument is specific to each preserved memory, maintained by the will of the realm.

Seen from a properly astronomical distance, the extrusion of the eternal monument takes the rough shape of an extruded vesica. A black eye with an iris of red embers.


Doctor Anatoly - Not even he remembers if he might have been the first Fiend, so long has he dwelled in the Factory. Also known as the Dollmaker, he makes it his personal obsession to complete the work of initiating new Dolls, leaving none to languish.


The Factory - A great clockwork-and-flesh orb that pulsates at the very center of the eternal monument, where lured souls settle and begin to incarnate.


Ore - The eternal monument often depicts fluids using gemstone or metal, which slowly grows back if harvested. This is often the only source of such raw materials.

~ Origin: Fiend ~

You go into the light. You pass into and through it, suffused in welcoming warmth and comfort.

Then that dreamlike feeling is drowned out by a sudden and very real sensation. The first real sensation you've felt since your death. The sensation of light stinging your eyes. There is nothing else. No sense of your body beyond the eyelids that close and open and the swiveling lenses behind them. Your eyes and the light shining into them is your entire sensorium.

You adjust. You see dark stone statues of naked women, with articulated clockwork joints, looming over you. They don't have faces.

As you watch dispassionately, they reach into your field of vision with strange tools that could almost be living creatures. Sensation suddenly spreads from your eyes to the rest of your head, then down your neck and a ways further. You lick your lips and work your jaw, but your passive curiosity is stronger than your desire to speak.

An unfamiliar symbol appears in burning red on the faceless heads of the clockwork statues, before being replaced by words you can read: "Stage one complete. Testing."

A large, disembodied breast lowers on a mechanical arm. It looms over your face and then squishes down, its nipple poking right between your lips. The boobflesh feels startlingly alive, soft and warm. You let the nipple into your mouth and bite down.

The pained gasp of a cute girl echoes from out of your sight. Intrigued, you bite again. The same voice whimpers and moans in a way stirs the inside of your head. The mechanical arm retracts, puling the boob from your mouth. The clockwork statues loom over you once more, again bringing their tools to bear.

Sensation spreads downward from your ribs. Torso. Waist. Hips. Your dick. You're suddenly aware of it, erect and already on edge. The statues stop, and you again see the testing message on the faceless heads, and a different mechanical arm descends from above, carrying an oddly shaped mass of flesh with a very recognizable set of lips and folds at its nadir. It's a disembodied vagina.

It descends with a faint mechanical whirr, and your dick slides into its slippery warmth with ease. There is a soft hissing sound as the machine goes to work. It pistons the disembodied vagina up and down your shaft, and you can feel it fluttering, squeezing you as it slides. The panting of a girl's pleasure echoes from out of your sight.

It takes as long as it takes, but sooner or later, you cum, and cum hard, erupting into the disembodied vagina, pumping load after load out of your dick.

Satisfied with their test, the clockwork statues continue. Sensation spreads from your shoulders. Biceps, forearms, wrists, fingers. And from your hips. Thighs, knees, ankles, feet. This time, you watch, propping yourself up on your elbows as bone, blood, muscle, sinew, and skin is woven onto your limbs like thread.

The testing message appears one final time, and this time the table on which you were assembled tilts sharply, pitching your feet toward the smooth stone floor. You catch your own weight for the first time, finding easy strength in your new body, but before you can do more than catch your balance, a hatch opens in front of you and the table pistons forward to shove you through it.

You find yourself out in space, unsupported over a grand and truly gorgeous pornographic doompunk vista. You do not fall. You are drifting, weightless. In your mind, you hear those out-of-sight moans again, and your curiosity burns.

~ Origin: Doll ~

You go into the light. You pass into and through it, suffused in welcoming warmth and comfort.

Then that dreamlike feeling is drowned out by a sudden and very real sensation. The first real sensation you've felt since your death. The sensation of cold metal forcing its way into your ass.

The sudden violation drives you to full awareness in an instant, but the only sound you make is the hiss of air through your nose. You have no voice in your throat, and there is no mouth, nothing below your nose. More cold metal clamps around your neck and even the passage of air is briefly denied to you as you are lifted, by your neck and your rectum, from a macabre pile of naked gray torsos.

You are turned upright and moved to see yourself in a set of three lighted mirrors, and what you see, is simply another of those gray torsos. No mouth, blank chest, blank crotch, no arms or legs. You see yourself, held aloft by the ass-hook and neck-clamp, and you find that having no mouth is oddly soothing, when you need to scream.

As the initial shock passes, you finally notice that you aren't alone. There is a figure, male, red skin, nude, gorgeous. He does not acknowledge you. Instead, he pokes you, he prods you, and he runs his hands over you. For as much as your missing, your skin is still your skin and his hands explore every inch of it. It is intrusive, intimate, and you crave more of it.

He opens drawers, slides out shelves, and you see flesh, organs, limbs, bodyparts, disembodied penises and vaginas, even, all neatly arranged. He picks up a pair of breasts, palms them in either hand, then reaches around from behind you to press the soft, warm flesh to your blank chest. Something inside you shifts in response, and with an oddly pleasant skin-crawling sensation, you watch in macabre fascination as the skin of your chest unravels and opens up, red viscera reaching out like a thousand tiny hands or tentacles. Those are met by counterparts from the breasts, and the two interleave, connect, and pull.

Your skin re-seals, and air hisses through your nose as the sensation of warm strong hands groping your tits hits you all at once.

He steps away and picks up one of the strangely shaped disembodied vaginas, which you only recognize by the obvious and gorgeous vulva on the end of it. Like with the breasts, he holds the bulbous back end to your crotch, and something in you changes state, opens, unlocks, accepts. Again, the pleasant crawling sensation as the two fleshes open up and reach for each other with a thousand tiny strands of meat that pull together as your pelvis swallows the bulbous shape and pulls the vulva into place. Again, your skin re-seals.

You are instantly struck by a thunderbolt of sensation, of throbbing arousal that floods into your vagina the moment it is connected and yours, revealing something you already, to some extent, knew: that, as this is happening to you, you are incredibly turned on.

The strange silent beautiful nude red-skinned man repeats the same process with your legs, your arms, and finally, left for last, your mouth.

You moisten your lips and get a feel for your tongue, but before you can think of anything to say, the man steps out of the light and hits a switch that sends you, still hanging by ass-hook and neck-clamp, up and along a mechanical track and into darkness.

That darkness gives way as you are carried through a hatch into a compartment, nearly pressed up against the glass. You can see outside, now. A grand and truly gorgeous pornographic doompunk vista. You are on display in a glass case, in a row of other class cases, some of them occupied like yours. You are not restrained. You could in theory free yourself and break out.

Instead you merely wait, intensely curious about what more might happen to you.

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