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While it might seem strange for an afterlife to have its own religion, the power of mythology is only enhanced when it is not corrupted into justifications and excuses for judgement, oppression, or bigotry. The power of mythology is only enhanced when it is not corrupted into a substitute for curiosity, investigation, and scientific inquiry.

In the Starheart Lodge, the Mythos of the Five-Pointed Star serves as both a shared conceptual language for expressing oneself, as well as a common ground for creativity and fetishistic inspiration. It is a religion that holds sacred the fundamental message that its gods welcome every willing soul as their equal.


That night, everyone in the tribe stepped into the beautiful forest, and the skies were kind, and the trees loved you and all gave fruit that was good to eat and didn't have seeds that stuck in your teeth, and the moss underfoot was always soft and friendly, and the night air was always warm enough but not so hot you would sweat, and the only watching eyes or hungry mouths found lurking in the leaves were those of a new lover waiting to pounce, and you were always safe, and they all lived happily ever after.

Lilith, the Innocent Seducer, is the goddess of soft hearts and natural joys. She is the wish for the world to be forgiving and kind. She is lust unrestrained by shame. She is for when 'knowing better' isn't actually better.

Her holy symbol is a snake eating an apple, and her divine realm is called Salvus Weald, the safe woods. It is not a place, but rather a nature any place can take on.


They spoke to the wind in verse and images, and so raised great mountains into the sky and hung them on the rush of standing above everything on the highest pinnacle of the highest house with the wind in your face, and on those mountains their children and their children's children built beautiful houses made of the generosity of trees and the hardness of thought, and in them loved and lived and thought high thoughts, and they lived happily ever after.

Venus, the Thoughtful Romantic, is the goddess of enduring passion and ambitious planning. She is the wish for the world to yield to cleverness and effort. She is forethought and anticipation. She is for when perfection is less perfect than your imperfect ideal.

Her holy symbol is a stairway into clouds, and her divine realm is called Venereum Consilium, the romantic plan. It is not a place, but rather a nature any place can take on.


They confessed to each other the darkness in their hearts, and the things they would do and the wishes they carried. The truths that would send their lovers running in terror or recoiling in disgust. The desires they nursed in secret, curling in terror from their own reflections. And by doing so they found in each other the beautiful reflections of that darkness. They found in each fear, another's wish. They found that in love, every nightmare can become a dream.

United by the miracle of darkness welcomed and open hearts healed, they dove deeper and deeper into the depths of their truths, until they had come to their home, and there among the loving monstrosities, they played and played and lived happily ever after.

Sade, the Beautiful Monster, is the goddess of dangerous kinks. She is the wish for the world to restore, or never take in the first place, what may be destroyed in the pursuit of desire. She is the scene and the safeword. She is for when you struggle to imagine that the extreme is compatible with the good.

Her holy symbol is churning waters, and her divine realm is called Mare Veritatis, the sea of truth. It is not a place, but rather a nature any place can take on.


They flew high, high into the air and hurled the fury of their hearts down into the center of the highest mountain where it lit the peak with the fires of exhilaration. Each dared the next, and they went to play among the snow and molten stone. They lived happily ever after.

Valkyr, the Valiant Challenger, is the goddess of bravery and competition. She is the wish for the world to be unforgiving, unyielding, and unaccommodating... but only when that's more fun than the alternative. She is the venture and the high-stakes gamble. She is for when you chafe at safety and wish to discover your true limits.

Her holy symbol is an erupting volcano, and her divine realm is called Virtus Apicem, the peak of bravery. It is not a place, but rather a nature any place can take on.


You are the fifth point of the star. Within every soul is the power to be the god(dess) of their own inner world, to define their own ideals and craft their own concepts.

Your holy symbol, be it holy only to you, lays nestled in your heart, and your own divine realm is the web that connects all of your dreams and wishes. It is not a place, but rather a lens that you carry with you everywhere you go.




Much of the native life in the Starheart Lodge is neither flora nor fauna in the traditional sense. Each of the three realms is a spiritual dynamo, a metaphysical engine powered by the collective lusts of its inhabitants. The fuel that powers that engine has had eons to flow into every niche and gap in every ecosystem, and transubstantiate there into new forms of life. Indeed, the majority of the ecosystems of the three realms are made up of such beings.

The technical term for such a being is an erotroph.

Erotrophs are divided into erosynthites and orgasmophages.
- Erosynthites are organisms that passively take in ambient lust in spiritual form and convert that energy into biological calories. The realms themselves as well as the majority of lesser plant-life do this.
- Orgasmophages are organisms that actively generate the spiritual lust-energy that they need by seeking out and stimulating other beings capable of generating sexual energy from physical stimulation, and usually, but not always, prefer to consume physical fluid imbued with meaning rather than being satisfied with mere memetic proximity to the lust they caused.

These words are rarely heard outside of scholarly intellectual discourse, however. In casual conversation, erosynthesizing plants and fungi are simply plants and fungi, and orgasmophages are known best by their individual names, since the most popular colloquial term for the category as a whole is simply 'sex mobs' or 'tentacle mobs' if they happen to have tentacles, which many do.

A given species of mob may come in one of up to five theic variants. A theic variant has both a cosmetic and mechanical effect:

Pure - 'Pure' variants usually have higher ability scores and may mechanically declare temperaments like a player.

Green - 'Green' variants are usually green and/or more plant-y and have the mechanical effect of perpetually declaring Innocent every turn.

Blue - 'Blue' variants are usually light blue or white and more sleek or elegant and have the mechanical effect of perpetually declaring Thoughtful every turn.

Violet - 'Violet' variants are usually violet, purple, or black, and have extra tentacles, and have the mechanical effect of perpetually declaring Perverse every turn.

Gold - 'Gold' variants are usually golden and adorned and more imposing, and have the mechanical effect of perpetually declaring Valiant every turn.

Lube Slime

Fitness: 4
Grace: 4
Ardor: 3
Sanity: 2
Prowess: 2
Moxie: 3

Gelatinous Mass [CS][CG][CP][CE] | [IS][IP] (Contour: 12 | Erogeny: 2)
- Appendage/pairing number equal to Fitness Score.

- Caress / Rub / Stroke
- Probe
- Squeeze

A globule of slippery gel that has gained the power of mobility. It will move mindlessly toward the nearest, greatest source of lust-or-orgasmic-potential and try to Stimulate it regardless of whatever else is happening.


Fitness: 6
Grace: 6
Ardor: 2
Sanity: 2
Prowess: 3
Moxie: 2

Slender Branching Bulk [IG] (Contour: 1 | Erogeny: 1)

Knotwood Heart [IS] (Contour: 2 | Erogeny: 12)

Phallus Vine Curtain [CG][CP] | [IG] (Contour: 2 | Erogeny: 2)
- Upper (x5), Outer (x9), Lower (x7)
- Gains [IE] if and only if it is already in a [Grip] Pairing with the owner of the acting Organ.

Distal Floral Yonis [CS][CG][CE] | [IS][IG] (Contour: 2 | Erogeny: 2)
- Upper (x4), Outer (x8), Lower (x6)
- Gains [IP] if and only if it is already in a [Grip] Pairing with the owner of the acting Organ.

Lickly Leaf Shroud [CS] | [IS] (Contour: 6 | Erogeny: 1)
- Squishy Tongueleaf (x100~)

- ?

A tree-like ambush predator that poses as an inanimate leaved plant until suitable prey comes close. It then springs to life and seizes all of it's target's [IG] Organs at once, before holding them in place and pleasuring every Organ it can until they have no lust left to give. It violently resists all Unpairing attempts during an Encounter.

Tentacle Titan

Fitness: 20
Grace: 20
Ardor: 20
Sanity: 20
Prowess: 20
Moxie: 20

(Organ List redacted, overflow error.)

- Yes

With eons, enough Ichor, and enough disregard for the charms of the humanoid body plan, a denizen of the three realms might transcend their former form and become something else entirely. Tentacle Titans are former welcomed souls, people, who have sublimated themselves into the growth of a vast and ever-growing assemblage of custom Organs that break from the ordinary limits of physiology and sexual reward to produce infinite Ichor with which to sustain their titanic eldritch body-plans.

While still sapient and intelligent and feeling, their minds are as inhuman as their bodies and each one unique.




In the Starheart Lodge, every fluid produced by a sexual ejaculation has some kind of useful extranormal property. While there are many ways to use those properties, the alchemical womb of a Flower does all the work for you in an instant, though some fluids are easier to get into the womb of a Flower than others.


The property of an ejaculate depends on the source it came from. That is to say, it takes on it's alchemical properties based on that source, rather than having those properties intrinsically. An ejaculate is typically an innocuous fluid made of innocuous atoms but one that is imbued with a spiritual meaning based on the spiritual energy of the lust that produced it.

|    EJACULATE    |   PROPERTY   |     BIOMEME      |       INTENT      |
|    Ambrosia     |   Animating  |   ----- Butterfly's Ambrosia -----   |
|    Clearspurt   |   Cleansing  |     Silence      |      Masochism    |
|    Deepseed     |   Stilling   |  Wings or Fins   |      Perverse     |
|    Eroplasm     |   Bounding   | Fleshy Tentacles |      Abstract     |
|    Hearthseed   |    Fusing    |   Luminescence   |      Valiant      |
|    Loamseed     |   Cleansing  |   Leafy Vines    |      Innocent     |
|     Magicka     |  Generating  |  ----- Buck's White Fountain -----   |
|    Milklight    |   Stilling   |     Breasts      |        Pure       |
|    Steamseed    |   Animating  |     Machine      |     Thoughtful    |

The biomeme should be thought of not as something that the source has or is, but as something that the source is doing or using during their ejaculatory orgasm.

~ Biomeme Example: Deepseed ~

A Butterfly may ejaculate deepseed if, and only if:
- She has the Fairy Flight feature but not the Ambrosia feature.
- She is fully airborne and in motion, or fully submerged and using her wings to swim.
- She is feeling Perverse when her orgasm begins.

~ Biomeme Example: Steamseed ~

To ejaculate steamseed, one must be milked to orgasm by a mechanical contraption that one built or summoned themselves, a machine that at no point in the causality of the Stimulation it deals is powered by muscles, while maintaining a Thoughtful mental state until the orgasm is under way.

Ambrosia and White Fountain both override any other ejaculates that may be sourced thereby.


The alchemical womb of a Flower instantly synthesizes a complete set of three alchemical ingredients into the delivery mechanism of a birthed egg. Other non-egg items with similar esoteric effects can be crafted the long way, using the same ingredients, but the very act of lewdly birthing the egg adds a spiritual lust charge to the finished product that can improve its quality in subtle and sometimes not-so-subtle ways.

There are two-hundred and sixteen (216) possible alchemic outputs, as the order in which the ingredients are added affects the outcome. The full list will not be shown here.

Bouncy Ooze
(Bounding) + (Stilling) + (Bounding)

This rubbery ooze coats inanimate surfaces in a five-foot radius.

Out of an Encounter, it reflects falls or impacts of unlimited speed without harm to the bounced entity.

In an Encounter, it refunds Stamina after every thrust Move you use, equal to your Prowess. This cannot refund Stamina that wasn't spent in the first place.


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