Despite its prime location, descending into the quiet of the Novoincarnium's interior feels like discovering a secluded hide-away where the blush and bustle of the city can't reach you.
While the steps of the descent are a polished white timber, and the outer form of the Novoincarnium is a sleek layered dome of glossy enamel, the interior is a living womb. Firm, springy flesh squishes beneath your feet, while the glistening red walls pulse and writhe, rippling and squirming with the effusive sensuality of a sleepy, lust-drunk lover. The soft squelch of slippery flesh slowly sliding against slippery flesh salves the silence, allowing it to comfort rather than oppress.
Tucked away in the deep crevices that radiate away from the central cavity, you catch glimpses of glistening skin groped and shivering limbs and holes plundered by tentacles. Your skin tingles in anticipation, but that's not what you're here for.
Webbed strings of large black beads drape in swoops and curtains around the very center of the chamber, obscuring the figure that lays within. As you approach, you can't tell what she used to be. This incarnatrix has given everything she is to her craft, and you suspect you are already inside her body. That the entirety of these fleshy environs are her, and only her, eternally pleasuring herself, eternally swelling with a vast wealth of Ichor. Some distant day, perhaps she will even become a Tentacle Titan.
But today, she is the one who can sell you a Dream Phantom of that fluffy kitsune tail you've always wanted. She notices you quickly, despite her constant state of carnal distraction, and you approach closer to ask after her services.
In the ontology of Flowerbound, Ichor is the distilled essence of a power that makes a body reflect the soul that inhabits it. Contrary to popular euphemism, this is not nearly as nice as it sounds. On a technical level, Ichor operates by flowing into the gap between what your brain's proprioception expects and the feedback your body's nerves actually provide. This makes the process of healing incredibly fast and simple, while at the same time creating numerous complications in the process of body-modification.
Every soul lured into the Starheart Lodge incarnates through a one-time gift of power upon their arrival, into whichever of the six ideal body-plans best matches their yearning. Every denizen of the Lodge begins their post-mortal life on a level playing field, but that is not the primary reason for the limited selection of only six body-plans. Rather, those six body-plans are the only refined eigenvectors in the space of possible incarnate morphology for which the imprinting process is sufficiently perfected. After the Starheart Lodge lost contact with the wider multiverse, it also lost much of the stabilizing influence that allowed Ichor to plug safely into any neurology more malleable and value-aligned than the sense of proprioception. Giving the yearning in the heart of each rescued soul a choice with six options is the best it could do.
Once a body-plan is chosen, the incarnation process begins with and depends on a complete wipe of the imprinted phantom body carried by your soul. That imprint is then replaced with a new phantom body as one of the six eigenforms is written into your neural weights. This operation requires the equivalent of thousands of Ichor Points, most of which is provided by the Starheart Lodge itself, and each of the Gendertropes experiences it in a way optimized for their unique nature.
Post-incarnation, modifying or customizing your Organs is in essence a reverse-engineering of the incarnation process to create smaller, more localized changes.
Alleviating Dysphoria by Inducing Dysmorphia
"Dysphoria" is the distress felt by a soul when their body is other than they desire it to be. It is a terminal value.
"Dysmorphia" is the sensory glitch that results when the body is other than the brain expects it to be, and is also known as "Phantom Limb Syndrome". It is a symptom of the same neural phenomenon that triggers Ichor-based healing.
Glad we could clear that up!
By expending 100 Ichor Points during a Full Recovery, you may create a blank Dream Phantom, which manifests as a small black mirrored sphere.
Once you have a blank in your possession, you may use it during an Encounter as if it were a Toy with all the Pairing Attributes. It can Pair with any Organ without restriction, though it is still subject to the Maneuver rules. Once Paired, the glassy sphere dissolves into a shadowy mist that sinks into the flesh of the targeted Organ, leaving that Organ unimpeded.
If your blank Dream Phantom remains Paired with an Organ while that Organ is used to perform a Move, or has a Move used on it, you may expend 10 Ichor to create an Imprinting Charge that records the Pairing Attribute that interacted with the Move.
To convert the blank Dream Phantom into a fully-composed Dream Phantom, containing an imprint of a viable Organ, you must create an Imprinting Charge for each of the desired Organ's Pairing Attributes. It must record a Move having been used for each individual "Can" Attribute and each individual "Is" Attribute, separately. As such, the total cost for creating a completed Imprint is 10, times the number of Pairing Attributes that the Organ possesses, times the number of Appendages with those Attributes.
You do not need a separate set of Imprint Charges for each additional Appendage. You can simply turn one Appendage with the desired Attributes into multiple by multiplying the Ichor cost.
Unpairing the Dream Phantom will restore it to its physical small-black-sphere form. Imprinting Charges, which represent the Pairing Attributes of the new Organ, are permanent, and may be collected in any order over any length of time. A fully composed Dream Phantom will display an illusion of its Imprint inside the black sphere.
Originating Novel Organs:
A Dream Phantom is not limited to acquiring Imprinting Charges from only one Organ. By sampling from multiple different Organs, a composition may be created with any combination of Pairing Attributes. However, the final composition can only belong to one Organ Category at a time (from which it gets its starting Contour and starting Erogeny) and only to an Organ Category matching one of the source Organs. A novel Organ may also be vetoed by the GM at the GM's discretion if you cannot justify it making physical sense without active shape-shifting.
Once you have a fully-composed Dream Phantom in your possession, it can be used to Imprint its phantom Organ onto anyone's soul.
Imprinting the phantom Organ on your soul requires requires a partial re-creation of your Origin Experience. It does not need to be exact or particularly immersive. It merely needs to be similar enough to allow your mind to enter the Trance.
Make a d10 signed difference roll and add your Sanity Score or your Prowess Score. If the total is negative, you fail to enter the Trance and have to wait until you have completed a Full Recovery before you can try again. If the total is positive, the result is the number of hours you must remain in the Trance for the Imprint to succeed.
After a successful Imprint, the Dream Phantom is used up and destroyed.
Once Imprinted, the recipient only needs to expend 1 Ichor to "heal" and materialize the change. By doing so, the recipient obtains the new Organ as a permanent part of their body-plan. If the new Organ is intended to replace an existing Organ, the existing Organ is removed from the body-plan and ceases to exist.
A body-plan cannot have two different Organs that are both in the same Category and have identical Pairing Attributes. Instead, the two Organs combine into one, with twice as many Appendages.
This rule exists to place a hard limit on the number of different Moves that may be used during a single Encounter turn, even for a Tentacle Titan.