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the flowergirl arrives in Westcrown
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Dewbloom, an invisible elf, her bodyguard, and her wizard appear in an open square near the Trivardium in Westcrown. Despite the late hour, this is still one of the busiest parts of the city, so the mind-affecting* delightfully calming scent of her perfume is likely to draw some attention, entirely beyond any that might arise from the unexpected presence of a large ambulatory plant!

*: Anyone within a 60 foot radius of Dewbloom must make Will save each round or be affected by Calm Emotions, and so unable to perform aggressive acts. The save is DC 29 for those attracted to females, DC 25 for those who are not.

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Remei hangs out in the square a lot in the days while she's waiting for the convention to start, people-watching, sometimes reading a book or taking a her dinner there. She notices the plant thing. It's surprising, but... not startling exactly? Of course if you search the entire country as strangely as the Queen's archmages are doing, you will find some strange beings, and she supposes this is one of them. She congratulates herself on her equanimity.

"Good evening," she says.


With the nearest person reacting in a pleasantly social manner, Dewbloom's petals unfold to better reveal the green-skinned humanoid within. She gives Remei a charming... no, a radiant smile, full of pure charisma but without any mind control, since that seems unwise to casually deploy in this more dangerous and unknown area.

"Good evening," she replies cheerfully, pitching her voice to be easily overheard, "I'm here as Senara's delegate to the Constitutional Convention!"

(meanwhile, her wizard is stuffing a blank scroll back into its case, her bodyguard is scanning the crowd for potential threats, and an invisible 'elf' takes a few steps away from the trio and watches for a bit)


"Oh, where's Senara?"


"It's in the middle of the Whisperwood!"


"I suppose that explains how you're so... leafy."


"That's one reason, yes! Although most of the people there are actually part-devil."


"I have a tiefling cousin, on my father's side."


"Yes, the previous government encouraged that sort of thing. Especially in Senara!"


"It doesn't breed out too quickly, so I'd expect there'll go on being some for a while yet."


"Probably, yes!"

Dewbloom pauses for a moment, taking a deep breath as she assesses the crowd. No one seems to be considering anything violent yet (which speaks volumes for the extra effectiveness that pretty headband is giving her). Still, that's not to say that the situation couldn't change quickly, or that some of the people who are quietly walking on their way might be going to report her presence to... someone more threatening. Still, it's at least worth trying to continue the soft social play for now... so she leans in closer and extends a hand.

"Ah, but I should introduce myself properly! My name is Dewbloom! What's your name?"


"I'm Reimi Petit! I was elected too, for the county of Canejan." Is it safe to touch this thing's hand?? Well, she's talking to it so she'll know things about it to repeat to interested parties, so it might be worth it - and they're fully in public.... shake.


Dewbloom beams at Reimi's acceptance of the gesture, and releases her hand after a polite shake.

"Ah, how fortunate that the first person I met here was a fellow delegate!"

Specifically, how fortunate that she didn't open with mind control on one of the people most likely to be checked for that sort of thing!

"Could you please direct me to wherever the delegates need to go to officially register their attendance?"


"Ah, that way, just five minutes' walk. It's the grandest building there, it was once competing with a church but the church is now all over scaffolding as they put a new mural on it. Sarenrite, I think."


"Thank you! You've been very helpful!"


"You're welcome!"


With a smile and a pleasant nod, Dewbloom begins to head in the indicated direction, a dozen root-tendrils conveying her along with more grace than might be expected from the strange arrangement, accompanied by her minions friends.



The queen, of all people, is waiting in front of the door, arms crossed in front of her chest with her hands well away from her weapon. For now. From the look on her face that might not be a permanent state of affairs. She had just received a panicked message that a plant monster was advancing on the building selected for the convention and that nobody in the chain of command could identify it; That's not surprising, because you really do not see an Alraune in urban environments very often.

Her glare slips past the flower to the empty space behind and to its right. "Who are you and what are you doing in my city?"


Dewbloom opens her mouth to respond... before tracking the queen's gaze and closing it again, doing her best to look pretty and harmless while the people who could easily kill her have a chat.


Athervox, for her part, had been uncertain as to exactly how long was prudent to keep watch for. She had, in fact, been just about to leave... but having been noticed by a peer in strength, it would be both impolite and a show of weakness to simply flee.

Instead, she dispels her invisibility with a snap of her fingers in acknowledgement of the end of the ruse's usefulness... a gesture intended to provide some minimal distraction from the position of her other hand, which remains where it's been since the instant she arrived; resting casually on a rod sheathed at her belt instead of its usual place strapped around her forelimb.

Her revealed elven form is likely unknown to anyone here, having been drawn from a portrait of one of her father's more worthwhile non-dragon colleagues (and wearing robes of a style hailing back to that era to match), but you never can quite tell what a powerful wizard might pick up on. More to the point, it's beneath her dignity to make up a lie now that she's been explicitly called out.

The 'elf' fixes a careful gaze on the queen, and bares her teeth as she simply responds, "Athervox. You have something of mine."



"Ah. A pleasure to make your aquaintance. And do you expect to find your lost possessions here?"


She snorts at the phrasing.

"No. My stolen possessions evade my detection, which rather implies that they are not here. Do you intend to return what your predecessor stole from me?"


"If We or our agents find your property, it will of course be returned. We have no wish to earn your animosity if you do not give it freely. We do ask, however, that you send an agent - " No need to return in person " - with a list, so that We may know your property if it is found. And We make no promises that it will be found, given how thoroughly it seems to be hidden. We hope that you find this satisfactory."


(Meanwhile - 

Cheliax is a country that is used to nonhumanoids with terrifying magical powers coming out of the forests and into the inhabited-by-humanoids-who-are-mostly-farmers regions of the country in rather the same way that is used to being invaded - that is to say, there are quite a lot of procedures in place to make sure it never happens and the reaction is usually one involving attempting overwhelming and terrifying brutality to the plausibly-hostile entities that are where it thinks they shouldn't be. You can liken it to an immune response, really.

If Dewbloom had approached overland, the immune response would have been slow. Assuming she evaded the sentinels placed on the borders of the forest - the Order of the Pike, formerly bolstered by elite army units - the news would have been spread by fleeing peasants or petty landed knights, approaching on horseback to alert their superiors. The superiors would consult their wizards and either make some doomed attempts to assassinate her, or report it up the chain of command.

- Cheliax is not, to be clear, a country that seriously considers the possibility that nonhumanoids with terrifying magical powers coming out of the forests are ever benevolent. People who panic at a ten percent chance of danger tell their grandchildren more horror stories than people who don't, and after two thousand years of an extremely vigorous immune response the chance of danger is usually quite a lot more than ten percent.

This slow immune response would nonetheless have triggered a response, should she not return to the forest before the sluggish command chain of the Chelish state organized a reaction. Flying scouts - familiars, air elementals, summoned or bound devils, since this is Cheliax - under Scries would have surveyed her, the experts on forest monsters would have confirmed her an alarune, and an invisible and heavily enchanted adventuring party with a solid number of archers would have teleported either four hundred feet above her and peppered her and her allies with arrows and spells, or right into hand-to-hand combat if they were heavy on the sword-and-polearm troops. She probably would not have ever had a serious fight between leaving the forest and her statistically probable death, which is why alarunes are rarely powerful wizards or veteran warriors - either they win, or they die.


She did not, however, walk into Cheliax from the forest, she was teleported into the middle of one of the largest cities in the country.

The country's immune response is therefore very, very fast, though not, perhaps, as fast as its queen's.

People sixty feet away are lulled into feeling this is normal and reasonable. People seventy feet away panic. They flee to the local churches; they tell the priest there's a monster in the streets, the priest may check or may just start ringing bells to spread word of the crisis, depending on how sober the citizen telling them about the plant-monster is. Adventurers hear the bells or see the running men and run towards the problem; the vast majority of them either turn into tourists, lulled into watching the fascinating plant-woman by her aura, or discover that this is above their pay grade and start fleeing themselves.


One of them - 

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