the flowergirl arrives in Westcrown
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"- I swear, Joan, it's a walking plant-woman - everyone near it is acting like nothing's wrong -"


Joan-Pau Ardiaca has just hit fifth circle after spending the last two decades of his life in very exciting ways. Given just who Molthune is usually fighting, this involved picking up a basic description of every horrible, terrifyingly-powerful plant or fey that druids can get to fight for them.

He casts Vanish, ducks in enough to get a good look, and then he's back three moments later and cancels the spell. "Alarune." Significantly above his weight tier. "Feliu, any of your Crusader's Fort friends around -"


"Not in my pocket, no."


"- Then we'd better get to work."


And, about a minute and a half later, about a dozen invisible flying adventurers will show up at a few hundred feet distance to discover that, actually, their queen appears to have it under control and there's no urgent problems to settle.)


Athervox, of course, notices the invisible flying adventurers, her gaze flicking in their direction briefly, before returning to the real threat.


Dewbloom, having vastly less impressive senses, remains ignorant of the potential ambush.


Athervox nods slowly at the queen's words, somewhat mollified by the positive response, although the conditionals are admittedly less than reassuring.

"I shall give you a chance to prove your word, then. My agent will provide you with the full list of what was stolen. I will note that the most vexing theft was of my father's books, and I must insist on their return. Should your searches otherwise fail in any part, I will be satisfied with an equivalent repayment for any 'missing' items."


Ha. No.

"While We desire your goodwill, We do not so greatly desire it as to venture into Erebus in pursuit of your stolen property. We intend no duplicity here; If your goods are found they will be returned. But our generosity has limits. There will be no restitution for items we cannot find. We will attempt to right the wrong that the Thrunes have done you, as We desire to undo all of their works that We are able, but there are a hundred million such wrongs and We cannot accept a duty to fix each one. If the specific items stolen from you are not found, We will not put your need for restitution above that of any of our citizens."

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