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Coming back from a libido killing drug in PeachPlus
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"Second floor on the far side from the hospital, left corner."


"Alright, I'll be there."

She shuts off her phone, slips it back in her dress pocket, and starts walking. 

There's a little glassed-in entryway across the street, then two flights of stairs and she's almost on top of Nix. The blue Prius is nestled into a corner of the parkade; she'd know it anywhere. 

She lets herself into the car and takes Nix's hand.

"It all worked out," she says. "They've prescribed me a better vibrator. A floor-mounted model, I think. I've kind of always wanted one, so it's convenient to get one for cheap through the medical system." 


Nix squeezes Hannah's hand back. "I'm sure Aria will love to hear all the details. Home straight away, or do you want to pick up your prescription on the way?"


Hannah tilts her head. "I think we should probably pick it up on the way home. But it's your call; I'm satisfied for the moment."


"Alright. We could also drop by that place that does nice danishes on the way, if you wanted a treat."


"I think the session is its own reward in this case, but I won't say no to a danish." Hannah's mouth curves up in a small smile. 


"Call it training. Good old positive reinforcement." 

She squeezes Hannah's hand again. "It's good to see you smile again."


"It's good to smile again."

Hannah settles herself back into her seat. 

"Alright, let's get going."


"Whatever my good girl wants." Nix gives Hannah a smile back, then starts the engine and backs the car out of the parkade stall.

A couple ramps down, and they're on their way to the store.

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