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Coming back from a libido killing drug in PeachPlus
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"Do you want it back?"


"Yes. I mean... I want to be able to satisfy my girlfriends, and it's frustrating to not be able to... reach something I used to enjoy. I don't want sex, but I want to want it. I've tried to roleplay, tried to have sex, but because my emotions are so dead I'm just... completely not into it. I can get a little bit out of playing with power still but it has to be taken to such absurd lengths that it isn't fun for my partners."


"Alright. You said power can still get you horny? Anything else?"


"It doesn't get me horny exactly. It's more like I get a very faint sense of satisfaction out of having power. Which is more than I have emotionally a lot of the time."


"Can you still feel emotional closeness?"


Hannah looks from Nix to Aria, then slowly nods. "A little. It's very dulled, but I loved both Nix and Aria a lot before this happened. I'm still... fond." 


"That's good to hear. Are you still able to experience pleasure?"


"Again, it's very dulled. I can experience the physical sensation, but I feel no impetus to experience more of it. And I can't reach orgasm. I've stopped trying."


"You're anorgasmic under what conditions?"


"Using my own toys on myself. I own a standard wand-type vibrator and a few dildoes. I haven't tried partnered sex because the want isn't there and it's emotionally exhausting, and similarly for seeing an erogenologist."


"Hmmm. Let's make sure to talk about that option before the end of the session." 

Clematis picks up a notepad. "What would you say were your most common fantasies before this occurred?"


"Um..." Hannah pauses. "Mostly negative-emotion driven sexuality. Pain, shame, humiliation, sacrifice..." She trails off. "I don't remember it all clearly, it's been so long."


"Also positive emotions. Confidence, worship, power, status. She has a tendency to absorb kinks from people she plays with, she's very experimentalist. But if I have to pick her core set... she seems to enjoy multiple partner play a lot, as well as chastity and hypnosis. She pleats as a goddess, maid, demoness, hypnodomme, and pet."


Aria confirms with a nod. "Mostly she's been trying to reach goddess again, because I really miss that role of hers and I want to be at her feet, but... I feel it might be healthier for her to try something a little less ambitious while she's recovering."


Clematis flips through Hannah's file. 

"And when did you and Hannah meet, Aria?"


"About a month before she went to the hospital. I believed in her spiritual guidance, but her spiritual beliefs turned out to be delusions brought on by psychosis..."


A twinge of discomfort goes through Hannah. She wishes she had been a better goddess...


Clematis raises an eyebrow. "It sounds like attempting to recover the goddess pleat may be contributing to the difficulty in re-finding Hannah's libido."


"I want to, though. I miss being powerful. I'm so small these days. And I want to be who my girlfriends want."


"Nix, do you want Hannah to be your goddess?"


"She already is, and no amount of psychosis will ever change that. I don't want her to struggle to reclaim that, though; she's fragile enough already that I feel she might shatter again if she tries to reach that high."


"So, Hannah. It's clear both your girlfriends see you as a goddess, that much is true... But I think it's also clear that both of them want you to pace yourself and take your time in recovering rather than leap to the hardest goal right out of the starting gate. Does that make sense?"


"Yeah. It feels like giving up, a little, but it does."


"Have you attempted to reclaim other pleats? Pet, perhaps?"


Hannah looks down at herself. "I..." She bites her lip. "I haven't really tried, no."

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