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Coming back from a libido killing drug in PeachPlus
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"Yeah," Hannah says. "Ice cream." 

She feels a little fond of this girl. She's nice.


One month later...


Aria parks the Prius in the three-floor hospital parkade, undoes her seatbelt, and gets out. Her sunflower-pattern one-piece dress swishes in the sun.

"It'll be interesting to meet one of your therapists in person," she says.


Nix gets out of the back seat of the car as well, her black-dyed hair matching her lipstick and nails. She wears a small purse, a lycra miniskirt, black leggings, and a t-shirt, along with some seriously heavy Doc Martens.

She bounces up on her toes, then lets herself back down again. 

"Kind of cool to see the place," she says. "I know it probably brings back bad memories for you, though, Hannah..."


"I guess it can be cool, yeah." 

It's nice to be with her girlfriends together like this. She feels... safe. 

She makes for the bridge across to the hospital main floor at a sedate pace.


And her girlfriends follow.


It's a different office, this time. On the ground floor rather than the third, and a deeper-in building. There's a little internal garden by the door with some ferns and shrubs.

She gets the clinic door and steps inside.


"Hello, who are you here to see?" says the receptionist as the three of then come in the door. 




"And your last name is...?"




"Ah, I have you here for 1 PM. Can I please see your health card and ID?"


Hannah digs in her scarlet purse and forks over the necessary documents.


"Thank you very much." The receptionist barely glances at the pair of cards. "Take a seat, and Clematis will be with you shortly."


Hannah goes and sits on one of the low chairs, bringing her girlfriends with her. The small room is nice enough, if obviously a government building; there's a selection of pamphlets on the right wall, including one on "Asexuality and you!", and a window out onto the outside gardens.


Nix goes and picks up an asexuality pamphlet, then takes a seat as well.


And all three of the women settle in to wait.


A few minutes later, a dark-haired woman in a squashy-looking sweater and a knee-length white skirt comes out of the offices. 

"Hannah Ashford, and her girlfriends Aria and Nix?"


"That would be us."


"Come on in, there's space for all of you in my office." 

Clematis leads the group into a medium-sized room with three large squashy chairs, a double-wide bed with fresh white sheets, and a large desk with a computer. 

She takes the chair by the desk. "Sorry," she says. "One of you three is going to have to take the bed, there's not enough room in here for four chairs."


Aria sits on the bed before anyone else can gainsay her. "No trouble," she says. "I don't mind."


Hannah takes the closer patient chair to Clematis.


Leaving Nix as the last to sit. 


"So," Clematis says. Her voice is warm and a little husky. "I've read your file and I have an idea of the bare bones of your situation, but I want to hear it in your own words. Why are you here today, Hannah?"


"Because lithium's killed my libido, along with most of my other emotions." 

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