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Coming back from a libido killing drug in PeachPlus
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"That's okay, Hannah. I want to emphasize that you don't have to try anything you're not comfortable with. But in general, after this kind of event it's usually easier to reclaim submissive pleats than dominant ones, since the state of being in recovery is naturally a vulnerable one where organizing and directing scenes is hard."


"I guess that makes sense."


"Hannah, I'd like you to try an experiment for me. Why don't you lay down on that bed and have one of your girlfriends pet your hair?"



Hannah gets up and flops onto the bed, not bothering to be dignified. She curls up on her side and presses back against where Aria is sitting.


"Good girl," Aria says softly. "Very good girl." 

And she reaches down and strokes her hand slowly through Hannah's hair.


It feels... good.


"I'd like you to notice your emotions while she's doing that," Clematis says. "How do you feel? Try and be as specific about the emotions as you can be."


"I feel..."

Hannah curls into herself a little more. 

"Small. Comfortable. A little fond. Vulnerable. Kind of distantly sad. Empty."


Aria grins.

"That is more emotions in one go than I have heard from her in months."


"Repeat the process, but pet her back this time?"



Aria moves her petting hand downward to trace across Hannah's shoulders and spine.


"... less warm. Put your hand back where it was, please."


Aria moves her hand back up and returns to petting Hannah's hair.


"Would you look at that. A preference for a certain kind of touch."


"... Yeah..."


A small smile comes to Hannah's lips. "Yeah."


"She still has preferences and emotions, they're just very muted. I expect that fears around performance and filling the role her partners want have been adversely affecting her, and made her hesitate to go to a proper erogenologist when someone with proper training might be able to coax an orgasm from her. Just imagine what could happen if that was possible."



Hannah's voice is slightly slurred, and very warm.


"Now, I don't want to get your hopes up. It's possible that her body still won't be able to reach orgasm. Regardless of whether that's the case or not, I'd like to see all three of you back in my office in a month."

She looks at Hannah. 

"Additionally... Have either of you tried to give her an orgasm as a service?"


"Once, earlier on. It didn't go well. I've stopped pushing."


"What exactly went wrong?"


"I exhausted myself trying to get her to reach orgasm, and both of us regretted trying."


"How were you attempting to get her off?"


"With my mouth. Cunnilingus."


"Given that she's not getting orgasms out of application of a standard vibrator, I don't think it's worth trying to wring an orgasm from her right at this moment as amateurs. But I see in her chart that her dose is scheduled to be titrated down by a quarter in another two weeks. That's likely to assist in her recovery. Even before then, I strongly recommend going to an erogenologist, and can get you a referral to one within the week. It's up to Hannah to make the final call, though."

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