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Coming back from a libido killing drug in PeachPlus
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... she's actually kind of looking forward to this. 



Doctor Morning-Glory taps a control panel, and a chunky-looking arm comes up from below the machine. There's a soft silicone nub on it, and the base is shrouded in a soft plastic sheet. 

She pulls a sealed sterile package with a short but chubby dildo in it out of a small cupboard by her control panel, and fits it over the soft nub. Then she brings the arm in, and settles the dildo slowly into Hannah.

"Comfortable? Is the sizing right?"


It's an almost-exact copy of her favorite dildo at home. It fits perfectly. The bulge of it grinds against her g-spot too, from the angle of the arm.

"Yeah," she says. "It seems just about right." 


"Alright. I'm going to turn on the stimulation now. This could be a little intense since it's likely a form of stimulation you have less experience with. That may help to pierce things. Ready?"


Hannah takes a deep breath. "Yeah, ready." 


December minutely adjusts the setup, pressing a firm nub at the base of the device into Hannah's clitoris, then once everything is perfectly positioned she thumbs a control. 

The machine lets out a heavy buzz.


And soft, sweet lightning runs through Hannah's sex, the vibrations pressed in perfectly against her g-spot and clit simultaneously. She's completely helpless to escape it — the angle of the seat means she'd be fighting gravity to squirm away — and it feels good.

It feels really, really, really good.

"Oh," she says softly. And then a moment later. "Ooooooooooooooooooh..." 

She closes her eyes and just basks.


"That sounds like a positive noise. Shall I turn it up a little?"


Hannah nods. "Please."


December turns the machine up very slowly, adjusting the level of the vibrations precisely with a small dial. 

"Tell me when."


"— There. Right there —" 

Heat builds between her legs. With the more finely-tuned vibrations deep inside her she's getting there. 


Dr. Morning-Glory doesn't touch the control dial.


Hannah's breath starts to hitch and rush, her sex clenching hard around the dildo inside her. She tosses her head against the black vinyl and holds on for dear life on the armrests. 

"Oh, holy shit, holyshit holyshit —" 

She comes apart, her body overwhelmed, and tips over the edge into a panting, moaning, deeply immodest orgasm.


Dr. Morning-glory precisely dials down the stimmer as her orgasm crashes over her, expertly compensating for the overstimulation response. 


It's a long orgasm. It rolls on, and on, and on... 


But eventually Dr. Morning-Glory shuts down the machine and gives Hannah a soft smile. 

"Seems like we got there." 


"Hell yes we did." 

She's honestly blown away. She hasn't felt this alive in months. 


Dr. Morning-Glory laughs. "Yeah, we certainly did. Alright, so. It turns out your anorgasmia isn't as deep as you might have thought; this level of stimulation should be reachable with a prescription for a higher-end sex machine. Your health insurance will cover the price out of pocket. Congratulations." 

She slips the dildo out of Hannah and disposes of it in a biohazard receptacle, then sits up the chair and helps Hannah to her feet. 

"Have a fun time with your partners." She smiles.


Hannah cleans herself up a little with a provided pack of wipes, then slips her clothes back on and shakes Dr. Morning-Glory's hand. 

"Thanks so much," she says brightly. "I — this was really — thank you." 


"Don't mention it. The reward for me is knowing you'll be happy." 

Dr. Morning-Glory leads Hannah back out to the reception. "Feel free to register another appointment with my office whenever you like. The reception will handle it."


She feels... warm. A little happy, still. Something good happened. 

"Thank you, Doctor. I'll register a follow up for a month out and we'll see how things are going then."

She checks in with the front desk, gets an appointment card, and heads back out to the bare-leafed garden outside. 


It's a calm day. Fewer people are coming and going than usual. A bicyclist passes on one of the footpaths down towards the river.

Snow is falling, soft and light and fluffy.


She gets out her phone and calls Nix. 

"Hey," she says. Her voice is warm and has a natural cadence. "It worked."


"That's wonderful to hear. I'm in the parkade, so I'll be by in just a moment!"


"Thanks for believing in me," Hannah says. "This was... really good." 

She nestles the phone into the crook of her shoulder. "Actually, if you're in the parkade it'll probably be faster for me to come to you. Which floor?"

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