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Coming back from a libido killing drug in PeachPlus
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Nix gives Hannah a Look. 


A twinge of fear goes through Hannah, but she pushes it aside. 

"Yeah," she says. "I think that would be a good idea."


"Good girl!" Aria gives Hannah a firm scritch along the back of her head for her pronouncement. 


"Good girl indeed." Clematis smiles. "I will be eagerly awaiting you three's updates a month from now. And if the erogenologist cracks her, call me and I'll schedule her in my next available timeslot. Alright?"


"Alright." Aria smiles. "Thank you for your time."


"The session got a little away from me today, so you may have to do some more intake paperwork when you come in next, but I think that is, if anything, a good sign." 

She gets up and opens the door to her office. "Have a nice time, all of you."


Hannah gets up from the bed, and heads out the door along with Aria and Nix.

"We'll try."

She registers her erogenologist appointment for four days away with the receptionist at the front desk, and then moves on down the hallway, heading back towards the parkade.


"So," Nix says. "What do we think?"


"I didn't like how she started talking to me like Hannah wasn't in the room. She's the patient, not me."


"Agreed. But she did have some good points, and Hannah has been extremely brave and accepted an erogenologist appointment, so I think I can forgive her a little."


Hannah flushes just slightly.

"Can we go get ice cream now?"




Four days later...


"Good luck and have fun!" Nix flashes a smile at Hannah as she pulls the blue Prius up to the curb of the hospital loading zone.


"I'll try." 

Hannah gets out of the car and rolls her shoulders. 

This could be great, or it could be a mess, and she's still not really sure which it's going to be. 

Usually she'd be able to muster a little trepidation, but her deadened emotions don't seem to be responding well today. 

Might as well get this done with.

She takes the elevator up to the third floor and heads into the erogenologist's office. 


There's a receptionist, as ever. 

"Hello, you're here to see...?"


"Doctor Morning-Glory."


"Alright. Please take a seat."


She sits by the window. 

It's a slightly cheerier office than usual. It's got extra peach-shaped cushions for the chairs and a nice view of the city. It's still a hospital building, but it feels less... antiseptic... than the rest of the place. There's a selection of erocore magazines to read while you wait.

She's not really in a horny mood, but there's a small flicker of simple interest: she pounces on it and takes a maid-pleat magazine.  


I Love Peaches: a collection of easy-make recipes for mixing hungers.

You know how it is - you're in the middle of a scene and you suddenly realize that you don't have a recipe for your maid to make. It's happened to all of us. Here's a list of simple dishes that are easy enough for even beginner maids to make with a little supervision... or that you can embarrass an experienced maid with by making very difficult to complete! 


A couple of these are kind of decent, honestly. She's been getting into cooking a little more recently to kill time. It seems to be just about at the limits of what she can do...

She takes a picture of the article with her phone.


"Morning!" chirps a woman in a doctor's labcoat. She wears a locked steel collar and a short, spider-web pattern dress beneath. "Hannah Ashford?"


Hannah sets the magazine aside, puts her phone back in her purse, and stands. "That's me." 


"Lovely! Please come on back with me and I'll walk you through the procedure we're going to be trying today." She gives Hannah a small wink.


Hannah follows into Doctor Morning-Glory's office. It's not too dissimilar from Clematis' setup; a white-sheeted bed and three squashy chairs. It's a little less clinical though; incandescent fairylights shed a soft glow, and the computer is a laptop on a smaller desk rather than a full setup.

"So," she says. "How does this work?"

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