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Coming back from a libido killing drug in PeachPlus
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"Well," Dr. Morning-Glory says. "That's largely up to you. The goal today is to assess the depth of your anorgasmia and see if we can't overcome it with the right tools, but if at any point you become uncomfortable or need time we can take it. The appointment can stretch to up to three hours if necessary."


"And might not be the only thing that's stretching a little, if you're willing to try some of my devices out." She spreads her hands then taps her fingertips together. "I pleat scientist, so this is really a dream job for me."


Hannah takes a slow breath. 

She feels... a little fluttery, in her heart, now. She's not sure if that's fear or hope. 

"Okay," she says. "What do you need to know?"


Dr. Morning-Glory goes over to her laptop and scrolls through a file of medical records. "So, the referrer said you were experiencing anorgasmia even with a standard vibrator. That's a broad-head model, right? How were you applying it?"


"Directly to my clit. The three lower settings are too gentle to get me there and the highest one is just unpleasant."


"Have you tried broadening and softening the vibrations with a muffler of some form?"


"Yes, a pillow. It was too diffuse."


"Professional attachments can often give better results than improvising, but I think it's possible it's a headspace issue to some extent. Some testing might give us the way forward there. If the physical arousal response is suppressed then there's medication that can help restore it. If it's a nervous interpretation issue then we might be able to get you there today with some fiddling." 

Dr. Morning-Glory stretches and gets up. "I think it's time for me to show you the stimmer." She beckons over her shoulder and leads Hannah deeper into the clinic.


Hannah follows, a small flicker of uncertainty going through her. 

It'd be good if this works, but medical procedures are always a little...


The "stimmer" turns out to be a chair with glossy black vinyl cushions and several metal arms. The seat is bifurcated with a clear hole in the middle, more of a saddle-style seat, and there's a pair of footrests with stirrups. Currently it's in an upright position, but it seems clear that it reclines and brings the legs apart when you sit in it. 


"A little intimidating-looking, isn't it?" December runs a hand along one of the armrests. "Don't worry, it's super comfortable, it just needs to be like this so it can be sterilized easily. It was never going to look super cozy without much fabric, so the manufacturers decided to pleat it as something more in the mistress-slave spectrum." 


It is a little intimidating-looking...

She feels kind of vulnerable, and she hasn't even taken her clothes off yet.

"Not really my pleat, usually," she says. "That's more Nix's thing..." 

She takes a breath. "I guess this is where I disrobe?"


Dr. Morning-Glory pauses for a moment, then assents with a nod. "As long as you're comfortable with that, yes."


"I'd be lying if I said I was totally comfortable with it, but I think it's a good idea anyway."

She sets her purse aside on a small desk and starts to disrobe, starting with her blouse and her bra. Her shoes, socks, skirt and underwear follow, leaving her nude and vulnerable. 


It's a little scary...


... but part of her is also responding to being put in this vulnerable position with distinct interest.

Could she really get an orgasm today...? It's been months...


"Now that's a nice face to see. Good pet."  Dr. Morning-Glory winks. "Get in the chair, please." 


Whuff, that's a breath of domme energy right there. That "please" was totally an afterthought. 

She gets in the chair. 


"Alright, I'm going to lean you back now." Dr. Morning-Glory reclines the chair, and the stirrups come up and spread out in a smooth motion, leaving Hannah in a half-reclined position with her pussy fully on display. 

Dr. Morning-Glory pulls on a black latex glove with a snap and looks Hannah in the eye. "I'm going to stimulate a little to check if you have full feeling. We're not going for an orgasm right now but I'm going to get up in your business. Alright?"


Hannah takes a breath and suddenly a smile comes to her face. 

"Yeah, okay. Green." 


Dr. Morning-Glory presses her latex-clad hand in and starts to stroke gently along Hannah's folds. Her touch is neat, precise, like she's been trained on this. Which Hannah supposes she has been; after all, she is a professional. 

"You can feel that?" she asks. "And this?"


"Yeah," she takes a small hitching breath as the doctor's finger slips across her clit. "Yeah, definitely!" 


She tests her depth and lubrication, then withdraws. "Still feeling positively? Color?"


"I, um, uh — green." 


"Alright. Your arousal response seems to be normal. You're producing fluids. I think it's time we tried to give you an orgasm."

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