smol avalor in early valinor
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"Tons," says Scholar Gerina. "We're told you don't have electricity but we rely on it heavily to run our civilization and generating it is expensive and messy. We have diseases in a way that doesn't seem to trouble you and were told that you might also be able to end aging - intractable if we were confined to one planet but potentially a great blessing if we have room to expand. There's unclean jobs you seem to have bypassed the need for so that you needn't harbor any unclean people to do them."


He nods. "The fountains, and an end to decay and death, would that solve the uncleanliness concern in its entirety?"


"The unclean caste also handle garbage but that's not as serious a problem necessarily, since obviously clean people handle garbage before the point at which it's thrown out."


"We will talk at once with the unclean caste about how magic can best be employed to supplant their labor."


"It's not advisable to interact with them directly; we have liaisons for the purpose who are accustomed to decontaminating afterwards."


"Interaction with them requires decontamination?"


"In person, yes."


"Why is that?"


"They can spread their pollution."


"It sounds important for us to know the mechanisms by which pollution is transferred or handled. We will certainly need to interact with them face-to-face and want a good understanding first of what risks we are incurring, how to mitigate them, and how to ensure they do not affect your population."


"I can get you the international standards," Kahago says. "I don't see why face to face interaction would be necessary."


"...does your species have the concept of body language, or tone, or subtext?"


"Yes, but when it's necessary, concepts can be articulated verbally."


"I am not confident alien interpreters would capture all the nuances of interest to us."


"I think you're underestimating them."


"Perhaps alien interpreters can bring my questions to an unclean caste representative and my own interpreters can do the same; if I learn nothing new from having my own people on the job I will acknowledge again the wisdom you've learned through experience."


Kahago really does not want reds talking to these bleeding hearts, she just rescued the situation from them having talked to a Voan two year old. Maybe they'll just put them all on their own planet? That would be fine if they didn't need them any more, good riddance. "I see."


Disease we can probably handle. Aging trivially so - I can see it. I might be able to see uncleanliness, too, I would presumably need to see an unclean person to tell.


"That would be interesting and potentially useful."


"," Finwë says, "an end to all the killing people, the Valar get you and the other nations portals to worlds that you can test for habitability - hopefully the grieving survivors of the tragically necessary massacres will be soothed by the sincere apology from the Emperor -"


They don't know about the death penalty do they. Shit. That's going to be a way harder sell to the Emperor if they want it abolished. "We'll be as happy to see an end to warfare as everyone else. The Emperor avoids making personal appearances among people likely to be hostile, for his safety."


We can serve to broadcast his comments to his whole population.


"Oh, if that will suffice he can issue a written statement or a recorded speech." He's not going to grovel, there is no way they can get him to grovel, but he can announce they're done and express vague sorrow.


We could also shield the Emperor from harm but it is not obvious that we ought to be doing that. 


"It seems simpler for him to use ways of making announcements familiar to our people."

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