smol avalor in early valinor
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"I suppose they still hear all the same stories and songs about it."




Elsewhere Finwë shows them around and tells the whole history of the Elves and explains that one reason for all the strict rules about violence in Valinor is all of the people who think they are still being horribly tortured and that the cracks will start showing any minute. "This wouldn't excuse an overreaction on the Valar's part but it's the reason we feared one."


Wow that's pretty fucking horrifying. The diplomats offer to just avoid those people if they can be told where they are, if they are in some place.


They will probably leave them moved out of Tirion and let Tirion play a role in extradimensional excitement. It does seem like concerns that the Emperor might try attacking this place were wholly misguided, though! Even if the Valar hadn't been here to protect them, this place was not threatening anywhere on Amenta with population irresponsibility.


Nope, they seem to be plenty responsible and have lots of room for however many kids their kind of alien would like to have and they are not going to invade over Avalor having disappeared. (Also they seem kind of magical and defensible and stuff, but they don't say that part.)


Maybe sometimes a society that is starting as many wars as the Empire gets carried away and is tempted to start wars even where they are not needed but luckily that did not come up here. If it maybe came up occasionally on Amenta the important thing is that no one dies from here forward.


Previous Emperors and Empresses have conquered things just to have more territory, which they think is defensible when you are responsible to your people and they are miserable and crowded and not responsible to those other people over there, but this particular Emperor is about the population control thing.


Then Elves are so glad to help. If diseases and aging are fixed will that end death or are there other things people die of?


Accidents and murders and suicides and poison and genetic problems (if those don't count as diseases) and stuff.


Oh no. Perhaps they can list them all and then Elves can dedicate teams to each one.


They can have somebody do that sure.


"My grandfather is trying to get them to talk about the executions but they won't. It's silly because if it came up now we would just say they have to stop but I think if it comes up later he will say that the Emperor is hiding things and not trustworthy. And make them stop."


"Why doesn't he just ask about it?"


"Would have to admit he's reading their minds. Elves don't have executions and would never even think of them as an idea, they are obviously a terrible one."


"Most places have executions for if people do really bad things."


"The science guy thought the King would kill my father if my father explained about osanwë when he'd been told not to."


"That could be how you thought of it," Avalor points out.


" - oh yeah -"


"The scientist who arrived in my grandson's bedroom was under the impression that I'd behead people who ignored the precautions we were taking with first contact," says Finwë. "Is that how misbehavior is corrected in Amenta?"


Kahago blinks. "The death penalty is nearly universal on Amenta for serious crimes, although I don't know why it would be the honored polymath's first idea upon hearing that you were being cautious. It's typically reserved for things like serial killing, torture, treason, particularly toxic sexual crimes..."


"You didn't have the resources to rehabilitate people, or you were worried about discouraging others..."


"The treason is mostly a matter of discouragement, the others we aren't sure rehabilitation is even possible."


"Lórien can do it. Would lots of people commit treason if not discouraged?"

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