smol avalor in early valinor
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"Greens are smart, and blues are smart differently, and yellows are pretty smart, and some oranges are a bit smart, and greys and purples aren't very, and reds aren't at all."


"How do you know that?"


"It's just how it works."


" - if it were not how it worked - Father -"


"Imagine reds were as smart as blues, what would be different about the world that you would have noticed?"


"The same way as blues?"


"I think it would be more obvious if they were smart the way greens are, it's different. ...I think maybe if they were blue smart, and also very bad people, like the Emperor, they would pretend they weren't red and go do something else, but we wouldn't notice that, if they were smart and evil."


" - I think I'd do that. If I were red. I would hate everyone hating me, it would be the worst thing in the world."


"But if a red did that they'd be polluting everything and everybody they touched, all the time, it would be awful, I hope they haven't done that."


"Probably not most of them but if there are so many people there might be some like me. What would you do if you were red -"


She shudders. "I don't want to think about that."


"- okay. Now they are talking about who they want to meet when they go visit your world. Can I go -"


"People might be upset by your hair."


"I could be one of the people who goes and talks to reds."


"The hair isn't really important, because you are aliens and we wouldn't really expect aliens to necessarily even have hair. Please don't go talk to reds that's gross."


"Yes I know you said. But I don't know if I will notice they are gross. And if we can't notice then we should talk to them lots even if we have to wash after."


"You can telepath at them! Then you wouldn't have to go near."


" - it's for them. If we can't tell they are gross then we are the only people who don't think they are gross and they should get to meet people like that, even though objectively they are gross. It will probably make them happy."


"There are lots of other reds for them to be around," Avalor says.


"Oh, reds don't think reds are gross?"


"I'm not sure but they are around each other all the time so at least they are used to it and probably aren't always thinking about it."


"That seems different but maybe it's good enough. I will start by telepathing at them and then I can find out if it would make them happy if I went and talked to them. And before I come see you I will do all of the washing things so so so carefully."



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