smol avalor in early valinor
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She does something that might vaguely be characterized as nodding.


" - and it appears," Finwë says, "that while we cannot resurrect your dead we can ourselves still be retrieved with no trouble should we come to harm in your world, so with your permission some of my citizens could return with you to speak to your people and learn of any problems of theirs which might not have risen to the attention of their government, or not been possible for you to address, but which we can address. While they're there they can solicit principled ways of setting the borders and once apprised of safety measures some can speak to the unclean."


"We'd benefit from a few weeks to prepare for a visit like that." Tell the reds to behave and they can have a planet, make sure nobody freaks out in general, find them some escorts.


"Of course."


Kahago smiles. "Of course, there are billions of us, so speaking to everyone would be impossible. What are your priorities?"


"Representatives of all your world's governments, naturally. It is a shame there are so few survivors of the Voan conquest to provide their perspective, but if any older than Avalor could be found we should speak to them. People from every caste and occupation and walk of life, of course. If there are groups that have split off from the Empire, or persons designing or planning or in the process of getting approval for such groups, we'll prioritize those. If there are people who think they'd like to come be Noldor with us, we should of course speak with them even if there is as yet no process to arrange that."


"We can arrange introductions to foreign nations' representatives but can't schedule visits there on their behalf. There are several adult blue survivors of the conquest, although none who held very important positions. I'm - not sure you understand how many different occupations there are, though perhaps you construe them very broadly." Getting approval to secede yeah right. "I'm not aware of anyone organizing to depart the Empire. You should probably have a clear idea of how many immigrants you could handle before issuing invitations."


"I am - astonished and concerned there is no one organizing to depart the Empire. Does your species simply not possess - much diversity of minds or interests or desires?"


"Oh, we do, but we don't form countries over it. A society on Amenta needs variety within itself to succeed."


"I see. So it's too difficult to arrange an independent society?"


"And there's been no desirable territory to spare."


- nod. "I suppose those movements might not really get their footing until there's somewhere for them to go."


"It'll be fascinating to see what happens to our politics with more space."


"I am looking forward to it."


"So are we." Smile.


Maitimo listens from all the way in Valimar and tells Avalor. "We are insisting the Emperor stop killing people and they said yes they are so happy they can do that."


She nods solemnly. "But of course they will probably not say 'no we are evil and like killing people.'."


"Yes of course but my grandfather is optimistic anyway because if people are trying to believe they are good then it might be easier to make them actually be good? Without just treeing them? I am not sure if he is right about that. And I am not sure if they are trying to believe they are good or just trying to pretend they are good."


"I don't know."


"Anyway all the killing being stopped is good. I don't know what happens after that. If the Emperor never did another evil thing again and let you have Voa back but kept Emperoring would you be sad about that?"


"It isn't fair."


"It isn't fair at all."


"What else are they saying?"


"Uh, my grandfather wants to have our liaisons talk to the reds instead of your liaisons - because we can read minds but he's not saying that's the reason - and they don't want to but conceded. My grandfather says Voa and other places that want to be independent should and she is saying that is really complicated and there'd be more killing over it so he said it can wait a few weeks. The Emperor is going to apologize but I don't think anyone thinks he will mean it."


"You don't have to get near the reds to read their minds. They're not very smart though."

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