smol avalor in early valinor
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"Okay." Pause. "Are the magic fountains portable."


" - no. People dig a hole in the ground, when they're camping. Is that disallowed somehow?"


"...I don't know. I've never been camping."


"...okay. Well, we could take you all the way to Valimar where there are fountains?"




He sighs. 


They get a wagon with horses and trot off. Elves pay attention to the appearance of any minds at the entrance to the wardrobe.


Horses are not exactly like any animals on Amenta but they are similar to some.

A diplomatic contingent appears at the wardrobe!


They will find a note in Oahk. The note says that Elves are delighted to make contact with other societies but are concerned that such contact could rapidly devolve into a very destructive war, and as part of measures to avoid that war they are inviting the Valar to be present for further contact with the Oakh Empire. Their arrival is expected within two days' time and the visitors are welcome to explore in the meantime.


(Fëanáro listens to the visitors' thoughts).


...diplomats wander the city.


It is an astonishingly pretty and totally empty city! Everything is handmade! They only recently got to glassblowing and that note is among the only evidence they have invented writing. There are magic water features in every house in the place of indoor plumbing. The lights go from golden to white to silver while they wander. 


The diplomats take a lot of pictures and look at lots of things and do not stomp around destructively at all.


And after two days the Valar can be scrounged up and Finwë and entourage ride into their city to meet the diplomats.


There are diplomats! Blues greens a yellow two grey guards a few purple servants.


All Elves present have black hair and Varda's hair is kind of hard to classify. Shimmery. She stays back of the Elves.


Finwë has been diligently learning Oahkar from his son. "Hello, and welcome to Tirion. We regret the delay."


"Hello!" says a blue. "I'm Agent Kahago and this is my staff. We're delighted to make your acquaintance and apologize if your initial exposure to our planet was disconcerting or frightening in any way."


"We're likewise delighted. Please do consider it an abundance of caution rather than pessimism."


"Of course," says Agent Kahago. "This is my colleague Agent Cherjoi, our green attachés Scholars Ajenk and Gerina, and our secretary and servants. To whom am I speaking?"


"I am Finwë, King of the Noldor; these are my advisors Rúmil and Ohtatyarë, and Varda - " gesture -"is the Queen of the Valar and of all of Arda, presently in physical form loosely resembling ours."


Kahago is impressed with his Oahkar. Fits with the polymath's guess that they're telepaths. Agent Cherjoi is freaked out by Varda but will totally be able to get a child permission for next year if she does well here. Ajenk thinks it's weird they look so much like Amentans and Gerina is trying to match up her observations to the polymath's report. Some of the purples wish they could go home. "Can you explain what it means that you have a king of a subgroup and a higher tier of queen?" asks Kahago.


"We are different species. There are three populations of Elves living in Valinor, each with our own ruler, who handles internal concerns and relations among Elven societies; but all Elves in Valinor reside here by the grace of the Valar, who made this world, and while they seldom see fit to interfere in the rule of our nations, and in fact prefer usually to teach us, invent magic for us, and protect us, it is by the law of the Valar that Valinor is ultimately governed."


"We're very curious about magic," says Scholar Gerina.


"We would be delighted to show you and teach you. We have songs that make crops grow faster; we would see them distributed all across your world, so that no one goes hungry. The same is true of songs for healing, and for rest, and for joy and contentment."


"It's all music?" she asks.


"No, but the rest is harder to teach and may be impossible for your species to do."


"Can we see a demonstration?" asks Agent Kahago.

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