smol avalor in early valinor
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Elves wouldn't know! Though they mention the Valar can probably improve them if they're close. Or even if they're not that close, though it'll take longer.


Finwë wants to know what will go wrong if all the countries in Amenta stop executing people.


Well, they'd have to do something else with those people, who are dangerous, often for mental health reasons, and prison is expensive and not fully secure.


If the Elves give them to Lórien he can fix them.


That would be interesting, how exactly does that work?


Uh, it depends what is wrong with them but mental illness he can typically cure and if someone just, like, wants to murder people, he can just make them not want that.


That might work, especially if he's up for doing that for free indefinitely.


He would not want anything in exchange, the Valar can pretty much make or get anything they want anyway. And because they're not really like people it wouldn't really distract them from other things to do that full time.


Cool, they can definitely at least do a pilot study, see if there are side effects or anything.


They're so pleased!


They will still have to make sure that the victims of crimes feel like justice was done but they should be able to dispense with the death penalty if this works as described!


That makes sense and Elves are very happy.




How goes the communicating to everyone that all the wars need to promptly stop?


It's going! The Empire is trying to get the attention of the appropriate parties in all the countries for a nice simultaneous explanation. Meanwhile they are making no new conquests.

The scholars perform their examination of the planet.


If the Valar can terraform as readily as they say they can the planet could be made to work.


They present the Valar with specs.


Yavanna goes off and has so much fun. She is not fantastic at sticking to specs but the place will be habitable.


They don't need it exact. They send some surveyors.

They have now told all of the other nations of the world that they have a way to exoplanets, FTL, and are claiming this one! The other nations were so excited and one of them wants to volunteer to join the Empire presumably the Elves won't mind.


Well there was an argument made about the only place to reasonably draw the line.


Sure, where violence is concerned. They can tell Rivik that it's not welcome but they asked nicely. Nobody got shot.


Will countries that want to leave the empire be similarly permitted if they ask nicely?


They could say that Rivik can?


This is starting to sound less like a principled way to draw the line!


Maitimo reports this to Avalor. "Why would they want to join the empire."


"Maybe they made it sound like that was how they could get part of the planet for their people."

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