a supervillain kidnaps a girl to fatten her up
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basking robin: fuck you all

That seems like as good a time as any to log off. Off she goes to Mo's booth.


There's a goon at it, who has a breakfast bento for Katie, but no Monoceros.


Ooh, what shall be thickening her waist today?


A generous sushi assortment - one of the goons along on this trip must be Monoceros's itamae - with handrolls and nigiri and maki drizzled with sauces and dotted with truffle paste and stuffed with real wasabi. There is also an Indonesian food, a kind of giant pancake thick enough to become a sandwich full of chocolate and sprinkles and butter and sesame seeds and sweetened condensed milk.


Oooh. Katie likey. She immediately snaps a picture to gloat to her friends about later. She's anxious about getting rice and sauce on her sick outfit as she digs in. She's not the biggest fan of the real wasabi but it's not nearly as rancid as the green horseradish stuff. 


The goon glances at her occasionally, maybe to make sure she's eating it all, but does not interrupt her breakfeast.


She takes note of this. Hot. She wonders what they'll do if she doesn't finish it.


Does she want to find out experimentally?


What the hell, why not? She deliberately stops eating with some left, much as it pains her. Hopefully Mo will appreciate her commitment to experimentation.


"Miss, do you need the boss to get you a shot of something?"


"I, um, no, I'm good." Awkward. She goes back to eating. Mo's portions still make her a tad queasy but after a week of practice she's able to get them down without the pink stuff now.


When she has finished her bento the goon takes care of her dishes for her. "The boss is attending a panel on lymphocytes but will be back at around eleven," he says.


"Thank you." She posts the sushi pic in her groupchat and checks the time.




Guys help me decide, should I look around the con more, take a nap, or do some working out

No is gonna be gone for another hour and 45 minutes

unicorn:maybe if you used her full supervillain name autocorrupt wouldn't getcha

God damnit

Anyways thinking about it more there isn't really enough time for a nap and I really do not want a repeat of yesterday so I think I'll see if I can work out

Fuck I wonder if they have, like, an actual gym here

grape_fruit: is it at like a hotel? is that where supes have cons?

I guess not but maybe there's one in the ceasefire zone I can go to?

wait shit I would need a membership and also Mo might not want me to

idk I'll just do pushups on the floor or something

or wait I should do squats instead

been neglecting those

gonna be hard with my gut all full but I must endure

pithy: *holding starbucks* k is doing squats now??

oh hey pithy how long were you in a coma for

pithy: seven long years

no but seriously i need to know how much i need to catch you up on

pithy: I don't need the details and if I did I could read backscroll
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