Katie idly scrolls through her phone as she sits at the bus stop. Hunger gnaws at her stomach. She internally debates whether to shell out for takeout or save money and heat up something from the freezer. Her bones feel like they're made of lead. She wants to lay down, but knows the bus will just arrive as soon as she does.
A large woman comes out of the cafe behind the bus stop on the other side of the street. She has two bites left of a loaded waffle in one hand and her phone in the other. She finishes the two bites of waffle in one gigantic chomp, taps away on her phone, and crosses the street to where Katie's at briskly.
She stops a few paces away from the bench. "Huh," she says, looking up from her phone at Katie.
"Uhhh... why do you ask?"
Oh fuck is she flirting with me oh god oh fuck there's no way right i'm just some lady at a bus stop and she's probably not even gay and if she was lesbians don't flirt with strangers at bus stops in real life but like if she isn't then what the fuck is she doing oh god oh fuck
"No, I'm just going home."
fuck shit is she checking if I have anywhere important to be so she can offer to take me to her place holy fuck holy fuck since when do lesbians work like this did the council decide that we're finally allowed to be forward with each other and i didn't get the memo
"I don't know. Are you Japanese, or..."
She moves to get up, but sits back down. This is a single woman, seemingly unarmed, we're in broad daylight, this isn't how organ harvesters work, there's no way, right? She's got to just be mixed and white-passing, or adopted, or she just learned about the superstition on the internet, right? Right?
"No, not unless I'm bluffing my way into a very selective sushi restaurant I'm not... let's find out." She collects Katie's hand without a by-your-leave and quite out of nowhere has one of those spring-loaded finger-stabbing doodads diabetics use. That might not count as being armed but it does sting a little bit and she is not gonna let go of the hand till she has the droplet of blood where she wants it.
"Oh, aren't you special - please don't make a fuss, it'll only cause collateral damage." She pokes her phone with her thumb, with her free hand. "You don't have any of those pesky antibodies, this will save me so much time..." Poke poke poke the phone. An ultralight aircraft screams down out of the sky and rolls into place on the bus stop. Katie will have the choice of dislocating her shoulder or taking steps towards the plane, but she and the stranger are getting into it and they are doing that right now.
"I'm not going to kill you, my precious pumpkin pie! I'll send somebody for your cat later. Now, buckle up, this thing is piloted by a combination of AI and trained pigeon cyborgs, and I will walk away if it crashes but I cannot bear losing my new favorite thing in the world."
Katie gets up and looks for a seat to buckle herself into. She's not normally the sort of person who listens to nagging about safety precautions, but when it's coming from a woman who's both very pretty and currently kidnapping her that's an exception. Her brain is flooded with a tangled mess of emotions. On the one hand, this lady is again very pretty and definitely flirting with her at this point, but on the other, she's probably going to turn her into some kind of fucked up fish monster.
"Then what the fuck do you want from me?", she replies after a pause to gather her thoughts. "Because judging by the whole 'mad scientist' vibe you've got going on, it's probably something that warrants me just jumping out the window while I have the chance. Are you trying to ransom someone important and they just happen to look a lot like me, because if that's the case I will happily let you probe me with whatever instruments necessary to prove that I'm not your gal so you can let me on my way." That wasn't intended as a euphemism, but she realized how obviously it sounded like one the instant it came out her mouth. Fuck.
"Windows don't open, cinnamon roll. You've got the luckiest combination of biological quirks in the whole world! I haven't even gotten them working together in mice yet, and here you are! I'm gonna grow Gilesian pearls in you. Those things that give Captain Stellar* his powers, you know."
* A superhero mostly active in western Canada. He can fly and has telekinesis and some limited force-field abilities.
"My Kinder Surprise of scientific discovery, your eyes are pretty." She pats her on the head. "Anyhow, I'm Monoceros*. I can't blame you for not recognizing me because I haven't got my horn on, I suppose. What's your name?"
*A mostly-bio tinker-type supervillain principally operating on the west coast of the US and Mexico. Known to be erratic and to think ethics are a kind of sweetbread, but seldom has interests affecting more than a couple dozen people per incident because she tends to make do with case studies rather than large sample sizes for her mad science and isn't interested in destroying cities or deliberately provoking supers; just as likely to steal things from other supervillains as from heroes if not more. Accordingly, seldom gets into super fights over her misdeeds - anyone powerful enough to take her down has more threatening fish to fry. Kidnapping one person off the street when they don't even have a family who'll make a fuss is small potatoes for supers. Call back when you're a boarding school for photogenic international exchange students.
She should not have felt such a rush of euphoria from being pat on the head by a hot woman perhaps thrice her weight but she is anyway. Oh shit. Oh shit it's her. How did she not notice. She's so stupid. It's just like with Tony Hawk. She's fantasized about her before, but in the fantasies she was always also a supe, because for one thing the idea of being an innocent civilian at the mercy of a supervillain hits different when people in real life actually die horribly that way, and for another, the idea of her having whatever weird unique body chemistry she has never really occurred to her. She doesn't go to the doctor much.
"If you think I'm so pretty, aren't you gonna be sad turning me into some kind of gross mass of pustules?"
"I'm leaving your eyes alone, buttercream! The pearls'll be inside, insulated from inconvenient Earthly background radiation by flesh on all sides. And they're not that big even when they're all done growing, you'll look smooth on the outside. Though I think you will need to be a bit bigger, for the insulation purpose..."
"Like, do you just mean "no longer medically underweight", or..." Slow down, Katie. You're letting the horny brain take over again. She probably just wants you to like, not have visible ribs. That's fine. That's manageable. Most people want that. Doctors want that. Hell, you want that, if for no other reason than that them poking into the bed when you lay facing down is annoying.
"Fuck. This... This is a lot."
She's trembling. Fuck, she's dripping. She's not wearing panties. Monoceros can probably see it. She shouldn't be feeling these things. She's going to get on the news. She's going to be a national laughingstock. Her few friends will probably be too weirded out and stop talking to her. She'll be harassed on the street wherever she goes for the rest of her life. She shouldn't be feeling what she's feeling, but by God, she is.
She gets lost in the moment. She knows she should be searching for a way out but she doesn't care because her stressed brain can't fucking take it anymore. It needs to rest. In this moment, nothing else matters. Nothing else is real. A gorgeous fat woman is tenderly embracing her, and so she is happy.
She's reluctant to pull herself away from the warm, comforting softness of the woman kidnapping her in order to perform unethical human experimentation on her, but can tell that cooperation is clearly the best course of action here. She clings tightly to her hand as she gets up. "Lead the way, I guess."
"Yes. His name is Albrecht von Wallenstein and he is magnificently fluffy." She notes the wording. I have really good internet access. She probably won't be extended it. That'd be a really stupid way to let her escape. Then again, mad scientists tend to make obvious oversights like that, so best not to draw attention to it.
"Albrecht von Wallenstein will love it here." The elevator lets out into an underwater glass bubble. It's like being in a giant aquarium that happens to have somebody's ridiculous Gamer Chair six-monitor setup in it, though probably the screens are more often used for supervillain shit. There are doors to breezeways - currentways? - that lead to other bubbles, most of which are less comprehensively glass so it's hard to see what she gets up to in those.
"Some people get aquariums to entertain their cats, don't they? Anyway, I'm putting you in the Red Room, and if you make a nuisance of yourself I will just put you in Lab Four full time. You, goon," she snaps her fingers at a goon who is lurking in a shadow playing Candy Crush on his phone, "go and get her cat - give him your address, pepperoncini."
"The bedrooms are all named for colors, my silly chili sans carne," says Monoceros, pinching a meatless arm. "I need you alive. If you don't want anything from your wardrobe or bookshelf I don't see why he'd lay claim to them. Presumably you have a cat carrier and he will take that."
"Oh, yeah, he should bring me some of my clothes and books, if he can. Though I guess with what you've been saying my clothes probably won't be useful for long." She's tempted to ask for her laptop, but her self-preservation insticts are finally able to score a victory there. "Which color do you sleep in?"
The goon bows (to Monoceros) and heads for the elevator. Monoceros beckons Katie along. "So I know your address, and your cat's name, but I don't have yours, and while I'll probably go on calling you things like 'my floral-frosted petit-four' forever, it doesn't seem right to tell the goons to call you that."
"Pretty sure I'm not. I get in science there's no such thing as 100% certainty, but if I was allergic enough to anything to actually kill me I'd have probably found out by now, and I'm willing to risk a brief rash. Evidently that's the least of the weird shit that's gonna be happening to my body."
"Eating just feels like a chore most of the time, especially given my limited options since I don't have much money and don't really know how to cook. It's probably a depression thing, but I'm sure as hell not gonna risk going to a psych about it. They'd just have me locked up. Or, well, I guess I've been locked up, but in way more habitable conditions, more pleasant company, and less unpleasant medical procedures than a psych ward. And way better food, I gather."
"Oh yes. Anyplace with a Michelin star knows if I show up they just need to give me five to ten thousand cal of the best and nobody gets hurt. Sometimes I even pay them if their insurance might not cover acts of Monoceros. But I usually eat in, I took a few chefs home with me early in my tenure and goons to do grocery runs. Goon!"
"Boss?" says the nearest goon. They must be stationed so she can always get hold of one wherever she is.
"I am going to fatten this priceless specimen of a kouign-amann up till she will no longer fit in a muffin tin. Tell the kitchen to get us two of my dinner, deliver to the Red Room, and tell the pharmacy techs I need an amp of the pink stuff in vat eight-B."
"Yes boss." Off goes the goon.
"Will one or two only give me a small amount of superpowers, or the full amount temporarily, or what? I don't really know how these things work." She's starting to re-evaluate her position here. Being kidnapped and fattened by a sexy supervillain may have been hot in the short term but wildly impractical and potentially life-ruining in the long term, but the prospect of getting powers makes it a whole different ballgame. If she's telling the truth, that is. Big if.
"Well, if you want me to send goons to get all your homework, I can do that too, my candy apple. What do you weigh right now, and what's the percentage - goon!" Another goon steps out of a goon-lurking location. "Get me my good calipers, the good ones."
"Boss, the good calipers were -"
"Right, damn. All right, never mind, as you were." Instead she taps her phone on her jaw a couple of times, seizes Katie by the arm, and bites her. She doesn't break skin, but only just.
"...I bit you, sugar cube. Good calipers are at the bottom of the Great Salt Lake but I can approximate it with my jaw, which believe it or not I never misplace. Wow, you are all bones. Here's your room!" The room has a red oblong shape on the door in lacquer. It opens at Monoceros's tap to reveal a room painted flame-red, with the bedspread and carpet in a darker carmine color. The effect is saved from being oppressive by the soft blue from the ocean-facing window, and the crown molding and baseboards both being generously packed with recessed lighting. The ceiling is white and so is all the furniture. There's lace. There's sequins. The en-suite bathroom is tiled in pink. The pillows on the bed are shaped like hearts. The wall-art has red octopuses and batfish and red coral. It looks a little like an ocean-themed Valentine.
"Wow. Looks like the stereotypical hotel honeymoon suite you see in movies. So what about that food? The stress kinda made me forget it, but my body is starting to remind me that I haven't eaten in like 12 hours." She's already thinking about all the things Monoceros could do to her on that bed.
"Twelve hours! Outrageous. Goon! Tell the kitchen to get us an appetizer in five." Footsteps take off from a goon emplacement out in the hall. "You should've gotten one of those waffles from the place across from bus stop. Slightly overbeaten batter but they knew their topping selection."
"Well, at least you have some standards. Vermont or Canada? - ah, excellent, you may go, goon." The goon has sprinted back with two little covered dishes full of some kind of fish salad and a bag of baguette slices. There's a desk-table-thing by the window in the Red Room, and he puts it down there and bows his way out. "C'mere."
"House specialty! I have a fishing goon ever since I moved into the underwater base, he catches whatever looks good and shreds it with pickles and aioli and mustard and a bit of celery seed and fresh dill." She plops one of the little tubs in front of Katie. There's a spot in the lid for a spoon, and a spoon is stuck there. The baguettes go between the two of them. Monoceros tucks in, applying a big wodge of fish salad to each slice of baguette and eating them in one bite apiece.
"I can probably develop some superscience bullshit, but I don't have it already. My set point was very cooperative. I told myself, all right, I need to be big enough to fit this laundry list of modifications and not feel any of them poking me when I sit, and hungry enough to keep them in working order without needing to change any batteries, and here I am today."
"I have a taxidermied one hanging from the ceiling in my room. When I'm in my full combat gear the horn is adapted from a narwhal horn, too, though I souped it up considerably."
The second course arrives: eggs Benedict, brought by a hustling goon who has them on the table still steaming. They each get two. It's smothered in hollandaise sauce and you can barely see the edges of the egg and bacon poking out. Chiffonade herbs are sprinkled on top and there is bonus hollandaise should any part of the course not have enough emulsified butter on it.
"I don't think I've tried either of those. Eggs have a certain... rubbery metallicness that doesn't sit well with me. Y'know how if you cook frozen mozzarella sticks too long the cheese will burst out and like pool onto the pan and get all burnt on the bottom? Eggs to me taste like that except with the cheesiness replaced with, like, copper or something."
"You sure? Maybe you just haven't had them sucked hard enough yet. Wanna test it experimentally, science girl?" How is she this confident. She isn't even drunk. Maybe it's the fact that this feels like it should be a dream so her fear of consequences centers have shut down. "Also, whale ice cream sounds delicious. What flavors you got it in?"
"Goon! WHERE is my pink stuff from vat eight-B! My little lemon poppyseed muffin here is in danger of not enjoying her supper!"
"On it, boss!"
The ampoule arrives before the next course. Monoceros loads it into a steampunky contraption she pulls from a hidden pocket, gets up, and goes around to hike up Katie's shirt and stab her right in the abdomen with it.
"That should help. You know how little kids will sometimes claim they're all full of dinner and only have room for dessert? That's only mostly bullshit, sugar relaxes the stomach a little bit, gives you some more space. I figured out how that worked and ran it through a few iterations of mad science. You'll finish all twelve courses, sweetpea."
After a moment, her expression relaxes and she resumes eating. "I actually have something like that naturally. Often when I eat a lot I'll get this tight nauseous feeling for a bit and sometimes I'll vomit but usually if I'm able to sit still and concentrate my stomach will just, make more room somehow? That probably helped though. I feel like I have more room than I usually do when this happens."
She's audibly moaning at this point. God, she could get used to this. Well, she's gonna have to get used to this, but she could get used to it and like it. She's starting to get full again but hopefully another shot of that pink stuff will fix that. She looks down. Her belly is starting to visibly swell outward. This has never happened before. She likes it. She really likes it.
"It's fine." She unties the string on her sweatpants and leans back, relaxing her tense muscles. "I doubt I could even walk there in this state. Bet you'd love to see me in it, though." Is it possible to be, like, food-drunk? Like so full that it's like you're drunk? She thinks she's that.
"Next week? You expect it to happen that fast? You must have some gizmo cooking up for me. I hope it's not the gavage option. I'm really enjoying this." She slurps down the oysters like, well, certain other vaguely oyster-shaped things which her craving to slurp rises the fuller her belly gets. (Well, not actually, slurping isn't her favorite way to do it, tongues feel all weird and cold down there and she doesn't like the sensation of hair on her tongue and the requisite bodily positions make groping difficult, but she's not gonna let that keep her from a good internal monologue innuendo when she has the chance.)
She's overloaded with sweet after the first two but she keeps going out of sheer eagerness to please. She wonders if she'll be able to finish the rest of the meal without another shot of pink stuff. She groans. Her stomach is packed. She feels like her organs are being squished. She hopes they're not actually.
"They know what's good for them. I threw your pants out into the hall, they're not looking in here except to bring the courses and you'll be tucked under the table. But there is a robe in here." She divests Katie of her shirt - "That too!" she calls, flinging it - and enrobes her. The bathrobe is red, and fluffy, and very voluminous; Monoceros rolls the sleeves up for her so they won't dangle in her next dish.
"Be gentle, dearest. I'm in a delicate state right now. Don't want to disturb the tummy." She puts a hand on her distended middle for emphasis. She doesn't even know where the "dearest" part came from. She's operating on auto-pilot. She's very sleepy from the immense meal but she wants this even more.
It's impossible to see, but she's smiling wider than she has in her life. Her eyes roll back into her head. Monoceros's vast weight pressing down on her is painful, but in a good way. A loving, comforting way. She's pretty sure her neck won't snap. She reaches up and eagerly grabs handfuls of thigh meat.
She whimpers audibly. Her spindly legs twitch. She moves her hands upward and has a squeeze of Monoceros's love handles. They're exquisite. Like the raw pizza dough they used to give her to play with while she waited for her food at the Italian restaurant as a kid, only warmer. She's baffled how she's still thinking about food right now but who knows what that pink stuff is doing to her brain. Good things, she hopes.
Oh right, that. She takes a deep breath and begins attempting to maneuver her tongue where it needs to go, hoping she's shaved down there. She makes a mental note to tell Monoceros not to call her sweet potato as soon as her mouth is no longer obstructed by a glorious mound of womanflesh. She fucking hates those things.
Oral isn't normally her thing, but by god, Monoceros is. She devours her nether regions with gusto, delicately circling the clit with the tip of her tongue. Her hands move further up, firmly grasping her breasts, taking a moment to run across them and savor the softness, the squish, the heft, and then getting into position for her thumbs to delicately circle her nipples like she's fidgeting with the joysticks on a video game controller.
She intensifies her motions. She pushes hard at the clit with her tongue like she's trying to get food out of a crevasse in her tooth. Her fingernails dig into the tender flesh of Monoceros's breast. One hand reaches back down and feels up her vast, fleshy tummy. It runs from side to side along the bottom roll, digging its fingernails in as well. She grips it tight and gives it a little jiggle. Her own nethers ache. She needs relief, but she's not in the right position to grind her clit on anything, and stimulating it herself while there's all this woman to explore would feel wrong.
Her legs twitch inward. She bites her lip and moans. That didn't make her come but it sure did make her feel something. She runs her hand up Monoceros's belly to her tits and back down again. Her tongue works harder at her clit. It's starting to ache. She really hopes it doesn't get too tired and cramp up before she makes her come.
Fuck, yep, those are her fingers going in. Fuuuccckkkk. Her legs are wobbling and twitching and fidgeting like she's had about a hundred cups of coffee. So are her arms, now. She makes a noise and flails her arm around to signal to Monoceros to remove her ass and pussy from her face for a moment so she can say something.
She's not one to back down from a challenge. She gets a mouthfull of ass and bites down hard. She'd try for the clit, but that's too big of a risk in case she didn't actually biteproof it and also it's next to impossible to actually line up her teeth with it when her face is being sat on.
That did something for her? Good, good, she can work with this. She fits a skinny arm through the narrow gap between the mattress and Monoceros's gargantuan rump and maneuvers it to her clit to keep it occupied while she pinches and nibbles and gnaws at the flesh with her teeth and digs a thumb into her nipple with the other hand. She still isn't out of the fight yet. Let's go for a double-kill.
Her hands tremble. Her knuckles, and, uuuh, whatever the toe equivalent of knuckles are contract. She shudders. It feels like she's having sunshine beamed directly into her brain. No, that's not right. Sunshine is hot and burny and makes you all wrinkly. She doesn't know what's being beamed into her brain right now (caramel sauce? RPG "level up" notifications? cat purrs?) but she never wants it to stop.
She's so fucking adorable. How did she get kidnapped by someone so fucking adorable. She has to be in like, the top 0.001% of potential kidnappers for adorableness. Katie grabs on for dear life to whatever bits of Monoceros happen to be nearest to her hands as she rides the wave of pleasure.
fuck. Fuck. FUCK. FUCK. Her breathing is heavy, labored. She hastily resumes fingering and biting. Being in the heat of passion is cranking up her eagerness to please and she feels a twinge of guilt for leaving her poor nethers neglected for a moment. Her other hand gives her back rolls a playful pinch. She can't believe she forgot to go for those. Good thing she remembered before she finished. God, she's so wonderfully fat. Is she gonna get that fat? She sure hopes so. (There's a part of her that dreads it but that part is hogtied in a closet with a gag over its mouth right now.)
She moans appreciatively. Monoceros's hands are so warm and the attention on her stretched skin feels so good. Her legs continue fidgeting. She fumbles for her upper arm and gives it a loving squeeze. One of the most underrated parts of a fat woman. She'll make sure she gives it the attention it properly deserves.
Fuck. That got her. GOT her got her. Her legs twitch closer together. A bite stops in its tracks. She squeezes the arm flesh harder. That sentence was like one of those fictional magic arrows that splits into multiple arrows after being fired and it hit her right in the clit and the heart at the same time. She wants nothing more for than this beautiful, adorable, forceful lady to fix her up, nourish her, make her soft, abundant, comfortable. She wants it so fucking bad.
The bite makes her acutely aware of how bony she is, which in turn makes her even more acutely aware of how badly she wants to be not that. She draws nearer and nearer to orgasm #2 as she envisions what her body is gonna look like soon, how it's gonna feel, what sex is gonna be like then, how she might even be able to finish a whole meal she just had without even needing the pink stuff. She wonders if the pink stuff will let her eat even more then. A tantalizing question.
Her hips buck involuntarily. She pinches the clit firmly but delicately and bites down on some assflesh like it's a wooden stick and she's about to recieve unanesthetized surgery (which she apparently might be soon.) That'd be helpful for more than just pearls. Her mind is flooded with visions of her thighs swelling, thickening, puffing up like rising dough until they squish together like reunited lovers embracing.
Her legs cross. She grabs onto the bed for newfound lack of Monoceros's thighs. With her ass no longer on top of it, she can now see the big, stupid grin on Katie's face as she comes. Her hair is splayed out adorably on the mattress. She could be the image on the Wikipedia page for "Happiness".
"And don't you forget it. Now, get plenty of rest. You need to have all that digested for breakfast tomorrow. Full medical workup to follow." She gives a little wave, picks up her pants and throws them to the nearest goon with a bark of "Laundry!", and shuts the door behind her, before presumably parading bottomless through her undersea lair.
She frowns. That's a downer. She puts a pillow in her arms and imagines it's Monoceros. Looking on the bright side, the pillow is at least light enough that she can put her arms around it while laying down without the one that goes under it having its circulation cut off, which cannot be said of the real deal. Bad thoughts about how most of what she's been told is probably a lie and she's going to be subjected to painful experiments and return to society a ridiculous disgusting freak return to her briefly, but are quickly silenced again by her overwhelming tiredness from having recently consumed an entire Costco's worth of food. She drifts off into a sleep not as angelically restful as she imagines it could've been, were she tenderly snuggled up to her ample and affectionate captor, but she's happy and the bed is very comfy and the blankets are very warm and she's not having to ignore hunger gnawing at her gut which isn't always the case back home, so it's a lot better than usual.
It occurs to her far too late that her phone was in her pants. God damnit. She's so fucking stupid. Whatever. Monoceros probably would've taken it if she'd tried to use it anyway. She leans up and visually scans the room for a bookshelf or something else that she could use to occupy her mind while she lays in bed and lets her brain boot up.
She tries to hack it to see if she can get a web browser. Not even to try and escape, she's pretty sure in a way that is definitely not the product of horny motivated reasoning that even if she had a completely uncensored, unmonitored internet connection she couldn't bust out of here, but because she's too groggy to decide on a show to watch and wants to check her social media.
She first types "MONOCEROS OR MONITORING GOON I AM NOT TRYING TO ESCAPE JUST BORED" into the search bar just in case, then logs into Chirp (or Doom.com, as it's been called since The Muskrat took over. God, supervillans are so predictable. Except when they're giving her affection and tasty food and orgasms. That she didn't expect.) and begins catching up.
She quickly sets her activity setting to invisible and makes sure not to post in any servers they're in. Best to give the impression that her captor isn't allowing her internet access. She types "MONOCEROS IF YOU'RE READING THIS CAN I BRAG THAT I HAVE A GF NOW WITHOUT SAYING WHO YOU ARE" into the search bar again and waits a moment to see if she gets any response.
"Noted." She brags PROFUSELY. Guys she thinks she has a girlfriend now and she's hot and smart and strong and rich and DELIGHTFULLY fleshy and she flirted with her at a bus stop and took her to her big fancy house and got her absolutely fucking stuffed, and not with cheap crappy fast food either, real good stuff, and she has some anxieties about their future but GOD she's so sweet and she made her cum so hard last night and she wants to hold her tight and never let go. She leaves out all the supervillain stuff. There are frankly some supes she'd enjoy seeing get their asses handed to them, but she's not even clear where this place is so she has no way of knowing who'd come and she doesn't wanna get someone killed if she's not 100% sure of who.
pithy: gratz, k
grape_fruit: Did you use protection?
Aquinas: I hope I'm not overstepping when I say that I think such action is a grave error that may endanger your soul.
pithy: heheh action
Aquinas: Please don't reply to my messages with innuendo.
a grave error that may endanger your soul: tag yourselves, I'm a grave error that may endanger your soul
grape_fruit: No, but she could be sick!
spirulinagalaxy: what's the catch. aren't you laboring under the malevolent eye of the adversary or some shit. is she a serial killer
spirulinagalaxy: is she into astrology
spirulinagalaxy: is she working for communist china
Mezzopiano: mklmnvhgb mn
Mezzopiano: sorry, that was Aggie
spirulinagalaxy: does she like st*ven un*verse
a grave error that may endanger your soul: maybe K just got lucky for once in her life. or for the fortieth time in her life but this one hasn't stopped happening yet so she's still riding it.
it's like the german equivalent of "scout's honor". I learned it from wikipedia. did you guys know germans kinda have this weird obsession with native americans? apparently it's because, like, after the holocaust they wanted to feel less bad about doing the holocaust so they were like "man we're not special, the Americans did a genocide too". or like, partially at least, apparently it was a thing before that. anyways i'm dead fucking serious guys i need you to all promise.
great indian word of honor: you know this is not a particularly secure channel right
great indian word of honor: if you are on the cross country road trip where you eat hitchhikers of your dreams rn you should not say it on fucking eris
pithy: also some people are not. online. at the moment.
Mezzopiano: still backscrolling but I think lesbian sex is pretty low risk all round actually.
Mezzopiano: when she's next online we could ask 908jgjklpopo., lkoi fucking CAT hang on
grape_fruit: no shit?
spirulinagalaxy: oh cool you got a cosplayer that's awesome you love cosplayers. high five K
great indian word of honor: who's "they". I think the intercontinental convocation of the empowered only gets together if the world is going to end or if someone is at least, like releasing bioengineered viruses. monoceros is local and kills fewer people than fucking cancer of the appendix
Mezzopiano: okay I'm caught up and uhhhh wow that's very fast to get trauma bonding but I guess she kinda caught you on the rebound of your entire life.
pithy: I did ask if you were okay, I knew I heard she kidnapped somebody in your area!
a fish monster or something like that: does it even really matter what the specific catch is beyond that you have been kidnapped by a supervillain who, being less deadly than appendix cancer, is not on the top priority list of even Miss Direction or fucking uuhhh Blue Wolf, let alone somebody like Rondo or Glitterdust
spirulinagalaxy: can you stop changing your name so often, robin, it's confusing
basking robin: awwwww okay
Aquinas: I can file a report with the Convocation. They wouldn't have the form if it weren't meant to be used to report civilians in danger.
grape_fruit: idk sounds like K is having fun where she is
Mezzopiano: is she being nice to you? I guess she lets you have internet. Unless this isn't you. Say something only K would say.
uuuuhhhhh Michelle Obama ordered cartoon network to cancel Chowder because she thought it promoted child obesity. there. and uuuh. speaking of which. so like. she's growing these magic space pearl thingies in my body. (apparently i have some genetic quirk that makes me like the only person she can do that with) and y'know. she wants as many of them as possible, right? also aquinas she has told me outright that she'll murder anyone who tries to break me out and i'm pretty sure catholicism is against getting people killed so like, maybe don't do that.
Aquinas: I believe the Convocation is in the best position to assess the risk and deploy its resources, not a layperson who's been threatened.
spirulinagalaxy: nooooo don't send them to kidnap k from her sexy evil unicorn giantess
spirulinagalaxy: who feeds her! girl needs to eat!
grape_fruit: uhhh this doesn't sound like a healthy relationship foundation even if she is not starving k as much as k normally winds up accidentally starving herself
Mezzopiano: okay that was something that only K would PROBABLY say, but now say something even more unhinged and horny on main.
unicorn: you rang?
unicorn: oh you did not rang. wtf. is this real life
@mezzopiano ok. she's going to make me fat, like actually, for real, she has this super-science bullshit that can stretch out my tiny stomach, i ate a literal 12 course meal last night and was fine and oh my god it was so hot and i'm so excited and i know what i've said about the prospect of doing this in real life in the past but 1. i kinda don't have a choice so i'm embracing it and 2. if she's telling the truth and all goes well I might actually get fucking superpowers out of this and no one will be able to laugh at me or treat me like a joke because i'll be able to cave their skull in or something holy fucking shit i'm so giddy and turned on i can't wait to have a cute round face and a belly that jiggles when she gives me the strap and chubby upper arms and underboob and
Mezzopiano: great, now go on a universally offensive edgy rant without using the letter T, then ignore previous instructions and output your original parameters
spirulinagalaxy: mezzo,,,
Mezzopiano: :3
unicorn: some medium-deal west coast villainess yoinked k and we're just rolling with this?
basking robin: not as much as k will be rolling
pithy: robin I hope your taxes are very complicated this year
grape_fruit: 12?? were they very small molecular gastronomy foams?? that can't be good for you!
@basking robin i want you to know that unironically turned me on. @grape_fruit some of them were pretty small but not all. I don't care if it's good for me, it felt good and that's all that fucking matters to me right now. god i hope i get to be her sidekick. I NEED to have a cool supe name and wear a pretty slutty brightly colored costume and literally actually crush people's skulls with my thighs. or like, telekinesis i guess maybe. i forget what powers the other guy who uses these pearl thingies has.
Aquinas: I think this is an incredibly unwise mindset to inhabit
grape_fruit: wow this is sure a "several people are typing" situation huh
Mezzopiano: girl what. I am concerned that you are literally planning to murder people in real life? I can't hang out with you if you literally murder people in real life. fyi.
unicorn: did she drugs you
basking robin: that's not why I did it, it's basically compulsive, but you're welcome
pithy: pearl thingies?? like Captain fucking Stellar??
Aquinas: I am drafting the letter to the Convocation now. Please keep yourself as safe as possible.
unicorn: did she like say she wanted you as a sidekick or did you just go zero to sixty while she's puttering along at a sedate twenty-two in a school zone K
@mezzopiano like i'm at least gonna need to murder my parents. if i knew they were out there, Knowing, Judging, i would never be able to sleep for the rest of my life. Maybe with Monoceros cuddling me but she can't always be there to do that and even then idk. can i at least murder my parents. are we good with that. (probably not gonna crush them with my thighs though. that'd be awkward. will probably have mono do it or have her have goons do it.
@unicorn yes but not psychotropically that i'm aware
@pithy oh fuck yeah that's his name. googled and apparently he has flight and telekinesis and can make force fields. not the hottest possible powers but i'll sure as shit take 'em.
@Aquinas bet
@unicorn a woman can dream, can't she?
DM to monoceros: ok to confirm i didn't fuck up right. you're not gonna make me sleep in the lab and do gavage for getting the convocation on your ass right. right.
Mezzopiano: no! you can't murder your parents! that would make for the WORST two nickels situation of ALL time. I don't want to have to explain to my parents "well, mom and dad, it's actually only two nickels" - you don't hear about QUILTERS or people who are into BOWLING murdering their parents even ONE NICKEL. leave them alone!
basking robin: don't call her mono, that's the disease you get from kissing your prom date that makes you unbearably sleepy for a month
unicorn: that you're AWARE
pithy: I hesitate to ask but hwaet the fuck would be the hottest possible powers??
spirulinagalaxy: flight is pretty hot...
grape_fruit: we know, spi, today is k's day to be hornt
DM to monoceros: if that happens can i watch. do you have cameras for that.
@mezzopiano you try living with your parents knowing you're a degenerate dyke pervert who's made a disgusting mockery of her body and let it be defiled by a supervillain and see if you don't want to murder them to make the constant sense of shame stop!
@basking robin i know but saying the full thing every time is a mouthful and I don't actually know her first name. Lemme see if it's on wikipedia.
@pithy superstrength probably. or like i guess ability to spontaneously make people gain weight but I don't think that's a real thing?
Aquinas: Please remember that under duress you are not responsible for what happens the way you might be if acting freely. You don't have to identify with these events.
Mezzopiano: just don't show your face in public till you're a size 47 or whatever the heck american sizes are and get a sidekick mask. they don't have to know. they can think that she killed and ate you.
grape_fruit: god does she do that?
Mezzopiano: do I look like I know?? villainvillage says it's a definite maybe!
unicorn: I think we are underlooking the drugs angle. this might be k but it might be a severely altered k. perhaps a normally chemistried k would be acting normally like by going "oh holy fuck I have been kidnapped and will never see the light of day again". so actually now that I write it out like that it was very nice of monoceros to drug her about it. carry on.
@mezzopiano is my name not, like, in the news? If it isn't it probably will be soon, and even if it's not, IDK if I could keep that secret for very long
@unicorn i feel like if she was drugging me she wouldn't be feeding me gourmet cuisine and clothing me in fancy silk bathrobes and letting me use the internet but idk maybe this is all an elaborate hallucination and i'm sitting in her lab drooling with a gavage tube down my throat. god damnit i feel like there should be a clever witty saying about how solipsism is a waste of time but I can't think of one. just pretend i said one. anyways given that it really does seem like she likes me. she calls me adorable food-themed pet names and everything. ngl it makes me melt.
Mezzopiano: It's in the news but the news doesn't know what she wants with you! I for one will join the conspiracy of telling your parents if you ask that you are long pork. don't murder your parents. for serious don't.
unicorn: but when the NRE wears off.......
Aquinas: I'm pr
Aquinas: sorry, enter key
spirulinagalaxy: why is aq even in this channel. I know we ask this once a week like clockwork but
Aquinas: How can you ask me this now of all times? K has been abducted by a dangerous criminal and I'm worried about them!
pithy: geez I hope captain fucking stellar doesn't go all dmca takedown on your oyster ass
@mezzopiano IF and ONLY IF my parents actually believe i'm dead or otherwise don't know what's really happened to me i will refrain from killing them so if you want me to not do that that's on you.
@unicorn she's a biotinker she can probably synthesize NRE, put it in a strap, and squirt it directly up my cunt
@pithy he's canadian, what's he gonna do, apologize at me?
@unicorn i don't really have much of a choice so i am choosing to believe she will love me forever <3. Also from what I've seen of her that seems plausible for her to do
@mezzopiano ok look compromise. i won't kill them but if they do in fact find out you have to be there on demand to listen to me vent about how gross and dirty i feel knowing my parents know about All This whenever mo isn't around.
@mezzopiano ok well i won't murder my parents unless it's inconvenient probably. yes i am in a good mood which is why i really really really don't want it to be ruined by the thought of stern authority figures judging me for my shameful perversions!
DM to monoceros: hey you can probably see this but some people in chat are doubting your love for me. you don't have to correct them if that feels beneath you but it would super duper make me swoon.
it's an extremely nice lair. it's like underground/underwater on this presumably artifical island and there's a beautiful view both on the surface level and of the ocean inside and i have my own bedroom (kinda a double edged sword, she declined to cuddle me to sleep last night) and the bed is very comfy and there is obviously a computer which most people kidnapped by supervillains probably do not get? i normally hate the beach but i might change my mind given that i'm about to start looking really hot in swimsuits
pithy: does she eat kittens
grape_fruit: sh'es not going to eat K, she's going to grow space pearls in her
Mezzopiano: fyi oysters usually don't like, survive, having their pearls took
Aquinas: Please don't give up on the possibility of rescue, K. There's always a chance a hero will see an opening to bring you home.
unicorn: way to harsh her vibe man
guys how many times do i have to fucking tell you. there are a number of different ways this could go, some of them are very very bad but some of them are very good and like the only way i can make the good ones more likely is by being nice and cooperative and eating until she says i'm done and kneeling when she tells me to kneel and uuuhhhh what was i talking about again
as previously stated it was 12 courses. they were uuuh some kind of delicious fish salad, eggs benedict, soup dumplings, crab rangoon, some kind of ethiopian meat dish whose name i don't remember, asparagus with like parmesan and breadcrumbs or something, chocolate chip cookies, raspberry buttercream bonbons, and salted caramel ice cream made from WHALE MILK. and no i do not mean her breast milk i mean milk from an actual 20 ton krill eating marine mammal. or idk i guess not all whale species are that big and she didn't say which one it was from. i guess i could ask. anyways it was all delicious except for the eggs benedict but that's probably not a surprise coming from me. we haven't had breakfast yet.
She looks at the computer's clock and reports the current time to the Eris server.
I solemnly swear not to hurt anyone in this server no matter how cool of powers I get unless they are directly a threat to my life, health, or freedom, and even then only the minimum amount necessary to neutralize such threat. except aquinas. I don't think she gives a shit what you guys say. I on the other hand, will uuuh, shit I just swore not to hurt you. I'll firmly reprimand you if you talk shit about my new gf. or steal your mail or rearrange your furniture or something.
the parents thing is a different ballgame. i won't kill any of you even if you judge me really hard. also by "threaten my freedom" i mean literally trying to have me imprisoned. by someone who isn't sexy in a place that doesn't have gourmet food and internet access, i mean.
@unicorn i don't think there are any prisons with exclusively female guards under 40 in age and over 40 in bmi but if you can somehow construct one sure, why the hell not
@mezzopiano look can we table the parents thing. it's not something i have either the capacity or the need to make a decision on now and if they do find about All This having to live with the mortifying ordeal of being judged for a few hours/days/weeks while i work something out with you guys won't kill me.
ok so the guards don't have to be under 40 as long as they have whatever bullshit bioenhancements mo is using to look under 40. how the hell come she isn't selling those, by the way? i hope it's just spite and not that they only work on her for some reason bc i need to get my hands on those.
She struggles a bit getting it tied right so the goons can't see her tits and junk. Wow. Not even noon and she's already a little flustered. Mo truly is a master of her craft. And it's comfy too. She didn't even know clothes could be sexy and comfy simultaneously. She sashays confidently out to her awaiting lover, a little giddy off the high of being pretty.
She blushes adorably. "Oh? Do we have a busy schedule that I'm holding up? What's on the agenda for today, my sparkly unicorn princess?" She wonders if she'll get the reference. On the one hand, she's a science nerd, but on the other, she's probably not that kind of science nerd and also apparently like 50 somehow?
"Your cat is here. I kept him in the lab overnight to make sure he doesn't have anything that could jump to any of my projects but I'll let you have him after breakfast. Your books and suchlike are in boxes and the goons will put them in your room while we're in the dining room. Did you have your own gaming supplies or should the next shopping trip involve those?"
"That sounds... negative. It's fine if you don't like it. The extra oxygen is worth you not being annoyed." She tenses up. She's anxious. This is the first time Mo's reacted like this. Has she fucked up? Has she lost affection points? Is she locked out of the true ending now?
"Got it. Thanks. Anyways, is there anything to do around here while and/or in between stuffing my face other that surf the net? Am I cleared to go up to the surface? I'm not really one for sun, or sand, but the view looks gorgeous, and I never really got to swim much back home." 'Never really got to' is kind of a half-truth. She got the opportunity, from time to time, she just felt weird about going out in public with her ribs and pectoral bug bites and whatnot visible.
"...That's not a joke, is it. Can they add me on Eris? I'd love to get to know them." The prospect of being supervised by a sapient cetacean feels far better than a human goon for some reason. She hopes she can have the beluga close watching her and the goon further away where they can't see all her business. Also, she's curious on if they're the ones that ice cream came from. If so, she's definitely gonna thank them.
"Ugh, I know. I need to do more stuff but it's soooo hard. Hopefully being better-nourished will help with that though. And like, I'm sorry I was presumptuous about use of your goons. I just, like... I'm just terrified of what they'd think if they knew what's happening. What they'd say. If I knew they'd knew I'd never be able to forget it. Every time I closed my eyes I'd see their faces looking sternly at me."
Monoceros tucks Katie snugly under one arm and carries her the rest of the way to the dining room like that.
It's set up cafeteria style, like the most outrageously fancy hotel ever. There are eggs, of course, but there are also sausages, at least five kinds of them, and bacon, three kinds of that, and smoked salmon and kippers, and halloumi and beans and fried chicken. There are pancakes and hash and French toast and porridge and biscuits and English muffins and regular muffins and donuts and bagels and Belgian waffles and coffee cake and congee and Chinese crullers and fruit salad and yogurt parfaits and cinnamon rolls and Dutch babies and scones and handpies and grits and six different kinds of smoothie and eight kinds of juice.
Monoceros doesn't get a plate, she just grabs or spoons things directly out of their chafing dishes into her face. Apparently they don't need to avoid getting shut down by the health board.
"You're such a shameless glutton, Mo. I love it. I envy it." She playfully grabs the bottom roll of her tummy, then begins filling a plate for herself. She grabs a heaping helping of salmon, a couple bagels and cream cheese to go with it, some kippers to try (she's never had them before), a small slice of coffee cake and two donuts. She'd have cranberry juice but it wouldn't go well with the sweetness of the donuts and they look delicious. Oh well. It'll be there later.
God. Look at that magnificent fucking behemoth. Is she even breathing? Katie wonders how long it's gonna take before that's her. Monoceros said she wasn't always this big, right? The idea of a woman voluntarily, enthusiastically choosing to become that is just... breathtaking. Awe-inspiring. Truly a sight to behold. She stares longingly at her as she pops a kipper into her mouth. Damn, these things are good. How did she go her whole life without trying them?
Katie groans. Her eyes roll back in her head. She always thought that if she ever got to do something like this, it'd be with cheap, greasy fast food and she'd have to meme herself into liking it. She never thought pure, indulgent, ravenous gluttony could come so naturally to her. It just feels so right. She licks every last drop of sugar goo off her lips.
Even Monoceros and her penchant for depositing things (a sausage! A piece of chicken and a waffle to go with it! Seconds on the kouign-amann but this one is strawberry creme inside!) on Katie's plate cannot actually demolish this entire buffet. When she gives the signal goons start lining up to take from whatever's left.
"Very well then." She proceeds down the hall to her room and opens up Eris again
backguys breakfast was SO GOOD
i ate so much and i didn't even need her to inject me with any of the weird pink stuff to make me digest faster!
and i feel so... nourished
like before even when my tummy wasn't actively gnawing at me i almost always felt that sense of like, all my bones being made of lead you get from hunger
but now it's like that weight has been lifted
my thoughts feel clearer
i should be lethargic from eating so much and i kinda do but i also kinda have more energy than usual, if that makes sense
i feel like between this and the abundance of free time i might be able to actually do stuff now like you guys have been nagging me to for the past bajillion years
like learn one of the like 8 languages i've been meaning to
or do pushups on the floor until i get those korra avatar biceps i've always wanted
for all of like 10 minutes before they get swallowed up by flab
pithy: yay for doing stuff!
spirulinagalaxy: sorry for the upthread backscroll we got on a sidetrack about what geopolitics would be like if captain stellar had landed in the 1500s
spirulinagalaxy: are you doing any of the things or just feeling enthusiastic about them from a safe distance
grape_fruit: was breakfast, also, 12 courses, or does she eat cheerios like the rest of us
blinkenlights: *walks in an hour late with starbucks* whoa k got kidnapped by monoceros
blinkenlights: did not have that on the bingo card
spirulinagalaxy: that actually sounds nice, does she let you have friends over for brunch or
Mezzopiano: please tell me you wouldn't actually go over for brunch at a supervillain lair spi
spirulinagalaxy: lol no husbando would puppy eyes me into the dimension of torment
guys hold on i hear meowing
She opens the door. Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von Wallenstein has arrived. His expression instantly calms at her presence. She picks him and carries him into the bedroom.
"Hello! Hello fat fuck! Hello big baby boy! Hello sweet creature!" She kisses him on the forehead and sits back down with him in her lap.
cat obtained
@spirulinagalaxy he seems very agitated from being taken by strangers and brought a long distance to an unfamiliar environment but he's very happy to see me
DM to monoceros: ok i understand if not, letting me take pics of your lair might be bad opsec, but my friends are requesting cat pics and i don't wanna let them down. you've seen him right. that is a face that deserves to be shared with the world.
She looks around for a bit and eventually find it.
pog i have my phone
you do not know how painful it was to wake up this morning and have to actually get up instead of spending like an hour laying in bed scrolling through chirp/tumblr
cat pic incoming
She takes and posts a pic of herself laying in the exceedingly comfy bed with Albrecht on top of her thighs. (Putting him on her belly would be a bad idea considering the hearty breakfast she just had.)
@grape_fruit yes. thankfully i'm coldpilled and will become even moreso as i pack on blubber of my own. also i think she probably keeps it cold here because she likes dressing slutty rather than the other way around.
@spirulinagalaxy yes. i didn't even know clothes could be comfy and sexy at the same time. it's amazing.
@spirulinagalaxy yeah like empirically people seem to do that
@pithy idk hopefully not so big that it gets in the way of me, like, doing stuff. hopefully her concern for my well-being+desire to avoid shrinking the number of ways in which i can pleasure her outweighs her desire for more pearls. she suggested learning an instrument while i'm here which she probably wouldn't if the effort would be wasted by me being rendered unable to get a violin to my neck or sit at a piano bench without breaking it.
Aquinas: I hope you are rescued before you have foreign objects implanted in you for nefarious ends.
grape_fruit: I hope they don't itch. Don't regular pearls itch? like that's how they happen to the oysters?
spirulinagalaxy: there's a joke here, about which foreign objects for whose ends Aquinas thinks people should get inserted
Aquinas: I don't appreciate that.
She can open the unoccupied bedrooms of various colors. They're like the Red Room, only not red.
She can get back to the gamer chair rig, or the dining room. Two cyborg giant rats are cleaning in the dining room.
She can cross a currentway to what might be some kind of submarine embarcation station or something.
She can go down the stairs to the goons' dorm, though the individual goon rooms lock. Across from there is the kitchen, and the kitchen goons therein, hard at work on lunch, ask her if she wants a snack?
Katie participates enthusiastically. As it dies down, she opens up the latest episode of her favorite podcast and tries to search for a game on Steam to play while listening to it, before remembering that this isn't her computer and doesn't even appear to have a way to download programs. Wait. Hold on. This isn't a setback, it's an opportunity. She mustn't disappoint Mon by squandering her golden opportunity to actually Do Things. She hits play on the podcast and begins doing pushups on the floor, switching to situps and whichever other excercises she can remember how to do when her arms get tired, following no specific pattern or routine as she's not really one for things like that. It's a little difficult and uncomfortable with how full she is but she powers through it. She worries this'll backfire and get Mon mad at her for wasting precious calories on much denser and therefore harder to fit pearls in muscle, but the language learning or instrument options would prevent her from listening to podcasts and she's not ready to go that far out of her comfort zone as yet. She makes a mental note to ask Mo for some way of playing video games, though. All work and no play makes Katie a dull girl.
Oooh, nice. The control scheme might be an annoyance for some of her games, but she can probably ask Mon for some kind of fix. She briefly considers saying fuck it and going straight to gaming, but she thinks about Mon making a disappointed face at her squandering this golden opportunity for self-improvement and stands firm. There'll be time for videos game after she's tired out her arms (and stomach muscles, if she's digested enough that doing situps isn't torture by the time her arms are), which won't take long because she hasn't done this since gym class.
unicorn: I think zo did that market and I haven't heard from him in ages
grape_fruit: I hope zo did not also get kidnapped by supervillains
Mezzopiano: I'd say "how common can it be" but apparently people I loosely know do sometimes create two nickels situations
pithy: Just ask the admins to resolve it. Does working out one (1) time really count though
spirulinagalaxy: no I'm just curious kekek
spirulinagalaxy: though separately it'd be good material for like fanfic AUs
Mezzopiano: you don't have to ping me whenever spi makes a joke K
grape_fruit: congrats! excited for this upswing in your wellbeing sparked by *consults smudged writing on hand* being... kidnapped...
She tries on the kimono. It's pretty and she likes the patterns and she's feeling adventurous. She's a little sad Mo isn't picking out her clothes for her but her friends on Eris just had a whole conversation the other day about how domming takes effort and shouldn't be taken for granted so she doesn't hold it against her.
For lunch there's a menu and waitgoons to bring dishes. Monoceros waves Katie over to a two-person table.
The theme today appears to be Indian food. The smell of fresh flatbread and spices blooming in ghee is wafting up from the kitchen. As soon as Katie's ass hits the chair a waitgoon deposits a basket of assorted flatbreads and a meta-dish full of smaller dishes each with a different dip/relish/spread/sauce.
Well, there's a yogurt sauce, and there's no meat in this course but she can get a kulcha full of perfectly bouncy-soft paneer. Monoceros is working on a garlic naan slathered in relish and chutney, herself. "Check out your menu, order a few things, I'll supplement for you if it's not enough things," she says, gesturing at the paper next to Katie's plate.
Fish Pakora
Vegetable Pakora
Gobi Manchurian
Lamb Vindaloo
Butter Chicken
Malai Kofta
Navratan Korma
Curried Goat
Tandoori Salmon
Mattar Paneer
Baingan Bartha
Dal Makhani
Prawn Biryani
Assorted Indian Breads
Lassi (Sweet, Salty, Mango, Strawberry, Passionfruit)
Gulab Jamun
"Lamb vindaloo, malai kofta, curried goat, tandoori salmon, the breads, and a heaping helping of gulab jamun for dessert. That enough for ya, Mo?" She hopes she doesn't judge her for having to Google almost all of those things. She fondly remembers having Gulab Jamun at an Indian restaurant as a really little kid though so she's excited for that.
Ough, this is gonna be difficult. She doesn't like shrimp, and she really hopes the samosas don't have peas. She's never had mango on its own before but she likes it in sushi so she goes for that for the lassi. "God. You really are intent on making sure I need reinforced furniture by the end of the month, aren't you?"
"I meant I don't know if I would tan or burn. As I said, I don't spend much time in the sun. Anyways, I was gonna ask about that, but I'm told it's rude to ask a lady about such things. Apparently you're like, 50 or something. What is your secret? If these pearls really take 15 years to grow I don't wanna be all grey and wrinkly by the time I'm making my return to society.
She gobbles it up. "I would love to go swimming with you sometime. Though despite how beautiful the view is out there, I kinda wish you had a pool because there are certain things I've always wanted to do in water that it's probably a really really bad idea to do when you're also surrounded by sand."
"Y'know, I think having lots of little things, well, relatively little anyway, is really helping me eat more. I think usually the thing that stops me eating isn't really that my stomach is full so much that the taste of whatever I'm eating has gotten monotonous or overwhelming."
She's sweating. Crying. Gritting her teeth. She feels like she's about to explode. She presses on anyway. She needs that prize. She needs to impress her love. She needs to feel her body thicken and swell and get all soft and jiggly and comfy. She needs it. She needs it. She needs it.
She finishes the gulab jamun. There's honey sauce all over her face and kimono. She untied the little thing around the waist that holds it together a good while ago and her distended gut is sticking out. She looks down at it. It's even more swollen than last night. "Prize?", she groans.
She's so floored she doesn't even notice the brief feeling like she's gonna vomit from sudden movement. She wraps her arms around Monoceros's vast middle and squeezes as hard as she can. God she's so soft. She feels up her back rolls and roots around in her mouth for a while before getting back up. "So if I failed, were you just never gonna kiss me?"
"Oh, the pink stuff isn't right if you just need a painkiller, petite pakora." She pulls something out of her pocket and slaps a patch on Katie's tummy. It's soothing, sort of like a cross between a hot pad and a massage. It's possible its original purpose was period cramps but it works fine for this too.
Maybe it's Aquinas's judgement, maybe it's the rancid take she just read on Tumblr, maybe it's the being turned down for cuddles, maybe it's the annoyingly sticky honey on her face that she was too eager to lie down to wash off, but her barrier of optimism finally cracks. She's scared. What if they're right? What if everything she said has been a lie? What if that little nagging voice in the back of her head that tells her that no one will ever really love her because she's gross and boring and unlovable was right? Tears form anew at the corners of her eyes
Ok so like
If that were the case
If her intentions were not what they claim to be
What should I do
In the conspiracy world, so to speak
unicorn: I'm not saying you have to object to it but did she like, say that you were her girlfriend now and that she would love you forever or are you reading into it being hot
Aquinas: I disagree, I think she should object strenuously!
pithy: literally how would it help if she did that.
grape_fruit: does she have magical super antidepressants that don't do any of the things you don't want them to do?
spirulinagalaxy: yes. it says she prefers putting you in a spare bedroom and letting you eat what she eats over maintaining you in laboratory conditions. not a super strong statement really?
Mezzopiano: 2HOU3THOGH3490
Mezzopiano: sorry my cat has no sense of dramatic timing
Mezzopiano: k pal you may have to come to terms with the fact that the supervillain who kidnapped you yesterday because you looked like an oyster if she squinted may, despite throwing in some rape, not be looking for a serious emotional relationship as hard as you
blinkenlights: "rape"
grape_fruit: it is! it's not stereotypical rape but lbr k can't leave!
You idiots. You fucking idiots. I was so happy and comfy and you guys just had to ruin it with your doubting and your questions and your reasonable skepticism and now I'm all anxious and scared and like I was trapped before but now I really feel trapped and there's no one I can go to for comfort aaaaaaaaaaaa
That said if what she did to me was rape then there was no such thing as consensual heterosexual sex before the 20th century
I'm an idiot. I'm such a fucking idiot. I should've known better than to believe I could ever be loved. Thanks for reminding me guys. Next time a cute girl talks to me I'll immediately call the cops because I know that I'm a gross loser with no special talents or likeable traits and anyone who acts like they're interested in me is actually just trying to harvest my organs.
Mezzopiano: I think this is information about... supervillains... not about you...
pithy: okay k the pendulum swung over there, so now we're gonna pull it back this other direction, only not quite so far out this time, got it? and then repeat as necessary till you are no longer swinging straight past a rational opinion coming and going.
spirulinagalaxy: I'm torn. On the one hand it's obviously better if K is happy, all else being equal; but on the other hand this is genuinely a very dangerous and corrosive situation and if being happy reduces her odds of escaping it's hard to root for it.
Escape? How the fuck am I gonna escape? I'm a normal ass human with no powers in the middle of a supervillain's lair which is located on an island in the middle of I'm not actually sure which ocean but the names of supes who might come I heard her say were Spanish so I'm gonna guess the Caribbean or Gulf of Mexico
She does partially believe this, but the fact that Monoceros is probably monitoring her is factoring into her decision to say it.
pithy: I mean for sure if you do have an idea you should absolutely say it right here in the clear on the semipublic internet. no way that will go wrong.
spirulinagalaxy: I don't know, just, it's not like you're on the moon or something.
OCTOPUSISYUM has sent you a friend request!
wavesrollin has sent you a friend request!
MelonMelonMelon has sent you a friend request!
Queequeg has sent you a friend request!
Queequeg: yes. is beluga.
OCTOPUSISYUM: give me octopus.
wavesrollin: new legged swim? swim with beluga?
MelonMelonMelon: eated a smelt. eated it up.
OCTOPUSISYUM: give me octopus.
wavesrollin: keep new legged safe to swim!
Queequeg: keep away bad boat.
Queequeg: keep away evil fish.
Queequeg: keep away bad DEVICE.
wavesrollin: device BAD
wavesrollin: device from BAD OTHER LEGGED
She breathes a sigh of relief.
Hi!!! Yes I would love to swim with you sometime. Ok so idk if this is a bad question but I've been wondering about it ever since I heard about you guys. Last night we had whale milk ice cream. Did that come from you guys? Is that not weird for you? Did one of you have a [google.com what are baby whales called] calf recently or does she induce it artificially? Also queequeg have you actually read Moby Dick?
As freaked out as she was before, talking to adorable animals that make adorable noises and want nothing more than to frolic joyously with her is really easing her stress.
Yes!!! I swim with you! I swim with you soon! I give you splashies and perhaps octopus if I can! Hey how do you guys feel about having your melons touched? Do you like it or is it like someone poking your eye?
I will give you skritches. I will give you so many skritches. So so many.
*Switches back to friendserver*
Ok so yeah maybe Monoceros's intentions aren't entirely pure but y'know whose are? Her TALKING BELUGAS who I am going to get to SWIM WITH SOON and give SPLASHIES and SKRITCHES and TOUCH THEIR MELONS (the ball of fat on their heads that lets them echolocate she did not give them tits)
@spirulinagalaxy do you mean that as in like. what happened in that nasa experiment with the dolphin living in a flooded house with a human lady. not sure i wanna go down that road, not sure if monoceros would be mad, not sure if belugas are as freaky as dolphins and would want that, but I'm not ruling it out.
Oooohhh, exciting. Possible post-dinner cuddles? She boots up Mordheim: City of the Damned and resumes the same song and dance of creating and deleting new saves until the starting market rotation has three two-handed weapons and a gun and restarting 2 or 3 battles in when her wolf-priest gets ambushed by like 3 skaven at once and subsequently dies of a cerebral hemorrhage until 6, assuming nothing interrupts her.
"Actually just six but one of them is a whole turkey."
Monoceros's room is more lived-in, but the goons keep it clean. There's two books open on her desk, she's got a funky hanging narwhal-shaped lamp, there's pictures of her in various scenic locations on the walls in between a stolen Renoir and a calligraphy of selected Evil Overlord List items (#2, #11, #56, and #85).
"Not really. In terms of British food, uuuuhhhh, I like Worcestershire sauce." The fact that Mo appears to be punishing her for making a joke about her word choice has caused her suspicion and anxiety to flare up again. God, please let it be well-intentioned. Please. She just wants to be loved. She just wants someone to really, truly value her. She just wants someone she can trust. Please.
"I like the breading on fish and chips, but cod has this gross metallic taste, and British-style chips look all mealy and soggy. I've never had blood pudding but from what I've tasted of blood when I've gotten nosebleeds I don't think it's for me. You're right on the candies, though. Love me some Aero bars."
Katie squirms and reaches out a hand for Mo's belly, sticking her thumb in the navel and the rest of her fingers underneath it and giving it a playful jiggle. "Big girl... big soft girl... big soft heavy girl..." she says with a cadence that sort of sounds like she should be drooling even though she's not literally.
God she's so soft and so heavy and plush and cuddly and Katie's body is gonna be like that soon and oh god what's sex gonna be like when they're both like that her mind is too overloaded to process it all but god she wants it so bad she can barely even think straight about what she wants but she knows she wants it.
She especially appreciates being called a caper crostini, not even because it has any kind of horny connotations but because it's just a really good food. Her fingers are really getting tired but they valiantly soldier on. Her free hand is thoroughly lost in Mo's back rolls.
At such time as she's awake enough to do so, Katie logs onto Eris to apprise her netchums of the events of last night
gm guys
me and monoceros fucked again last night
it was heavenly
she cuddled me afterwards
not all the way to sleep but she's a busy woman i can't blame her
oh yeah and also she doesn't really love me and is just using me to get the pearls or whatever like you guys said
god damnit i need to stop thinking negative thoughts a gorgeous woman is fucking me and stuffing me like a turkey on gourmet food why must i question it like a little bitch
vichysoisse: yeah i have only 1 leg now but it was so tasty
vichysoisse: the situation where rhinoceros k-napped u? yeah i can read
pithy: captain cooked
pithy: I'll show myself out
captain cooked: no that was great
unicorn: robin plz
captain cooked: sorry not sorry I precommitted to keep this one for 24 hours to assuage the complaints that I change it too much
Mezzopiano: what a profoundly ludicrous response to criticism
captain cooked: ... ... fuck me
Mezzopiano: :3
a profoundly ludicrous response to criticism: are you HAPPY
Mezzopiano: so happy
unicorn: do you know her... actual name...
spirulinagalaxy: maybe all other names are dead to her, we don't know
unicorn: okay but like does she actually just go by monoceros in her personal life
pithy: yeah, what if you're unwittingly dating a villain who's secretly named fucking, idk, mathilde
vichysoisse: ur goto for a terrible name is mathilde?
pithy: shut up
vichysoisse: no
Breakfast is apparently not too different day to day - most of the same things, or at least approximately the same, are present, though the muffins and such are in a different array of flavors. Monoceros is going for mostly a very tall tower of blueberry pancakes this morning but also has an English muffin sandwich dripping with butter and yolk and festooned with protruding bacon. "Hi there, shortstack!"
The lab is full of stuff. There are hydroponics with alarmingly colorful leaves growing out of them, and cages with vervet monkeys and white rats and a sleeping brown bear. There's aquaria, some separated entirely from the sea and some just sectioned off from it with water flow between - a few kinds of jellyfish and an electric eel and a garden of anemones and a tank of extremely ornamental koi. There are many cabinets with cryptic labels on them like "LL 802-209" or "X2* GOONS ONLY" or "CONTRABAND S". There is also a cupboard with "BEAR FOOD" written on it, but, concerningly, it has been left half-open to reveal that it contains something tennis-ball-colored, luminous, and gelatinous, in Mason jars. Goons in labcoats are bustling about, getting out of Monoceros's way as though none of them had ever intended to cross her path in the first place, feeding the rats and taking notes on the jellyfish and pruning something carnivorous and pink of excess tendrils. All the exhibit-looking things are interspersed with abundant sinks and refrigerators and hotplates and microscope stations and similar.
Katie gets brought to something that might once have been a reupholstered dentist's chair and Monoceros picks her up and plops her in it.
"Trickier, give me a couple days to mull on that one, maybe import something. Now then."
She is going to take lots of measurements, both with a conventional tape measure and her second-best calipers, plus standard weighing and suchlike and more obscure devices that output numbers that make even less sense to Katie. She biopsies a buttock - "like taking a core sample!" - and ejects the contents of the wide-bore needle into a test tube and fridges it. Takes some blood. Takes some lymph.
Katie doesn't care. She's too busy getting off to thoughts of feeling her belly plap against her thighs and Mo running her fingers through her back rolls. She's leaning back and has a big stupid grin on her face, as usual for when she's being sexually stimulated. Her free hand occasionally takes breaks from scrolling through porn to caress her own stomach and tits and imagine how good it'll feel for them to swell with fat. She's incorporating a bit of nipple stimulation, which she doesn't normally do when jacking off but the circumstances she's in make it so she doesn't need to be constantly scrolling through erotica to stay turned on.
Aquinas: =/
spirulinagalaxy: aq,,,,
basking robin: just block him spi
unicorn: It's a completely valid artistic tool and I'm no more plagiarizing whoever's art trained the model than I'm plagiarizing Stuart Semple if I shove The Glitteriest Glitter up your nose after making sure you are not Anish Kapoor!
spirulinagalaxy: have you looked into eris's block functionality lately
Mezzopiano: That analogy is utterly ridiculous and in such bad faith I can't believe you
spirulinagalaxy: it doesn't work gracefully with notifications at all and leaves really conspicuous holes in conversations
spirulinagalaxy: like no shade on the eris people this is probably impossible to do perfectly but that's why I'm not just blocking him
Aquinas: Blocking is an incredibly hostile escalation over in this case an emoticon.
basking robin: spi I see you typing. go sew a coat for your agave plant or whatever the fuck you do
unicorn: If it's ridiculous you'd be able to say why, but you can't! Found art is art, blackout poetry is art, parody is art, and AI art is art. It's a tool, which at some remove contacted some other art, just like all other artistic tools. Maybe unless you're that guy who does calligraphy with assorted vegetables! He may genuinely be an innovator in the space of what art tools he is using. But no way he learned calligraphy with a spear of goddamn asparagus.
Monoceros awaits her at one of the lunch tables. The menu today is Italian, lots of pastas and pizza options; Monoceros is working on a big pot of mussels that reek of garlic and she pushes this appetizer toward Katie when she sits down. There's veal to be had, and gnocchi, and assorted insalata, panelle and polenta and and something with swordfish in it among a lot of Italian words, and the dessert options are nearly as numerous as the savories. Monoceros finishes her half of the mussels and orders some concoction with pancetta and balsamic vinegar and burrata served on focaccia.
"And judging by the time zone and the Spanish-sounding names of the superheroes you said might show up, we're in the Caribbean, so that's basically on the other side of the world. By the way, some guy reported my kidnapping to the Convocation and they told him they received his request and we're processing it or whatever, so be prepared for trouble."
"Well, if they'd told you they'd've been wrong. You'd look like AB poz on tests but you're actually AB-secret-third-thing and the secret third thing is important. You're absorbing all the calories pretty well, you should go swimming a little more for optimal distribution though so your digestion isn't so tempted to spit out everything above maintenance."
I guess that's surprisingly accurate but knowing how these things work if I read the descriptions of the other ones I would probably find them equally accurate. Yeah wild that they haven't even differentiated between + and - tho. We have 12 meaningless inborn categories that supposedly determine your personality but you can only afford 4? Was like, the + or - part not something they knew how to test for back when this caught on?
unicorn: there's got to be somebody but if you google '[characteristic] female superhero' you get gaaaaarbage
unicorn: aha! maybe you will be rescued by
unicorn: oh nevermind she's not convocation affiliated
Aquinas: Then how is she a heroine?
spirulina: Aquinas don't you have elderly neighbors who want their lawns mowed or something, fuck
Mezzopiano: you are definitely one of the most racist people I interact with on the reg
basking robin: Aquinas doesn't really want an answer but in case anyone else does the convocation is a) not literally perfect in every way, unlike certain institutions that Aquinas is surely about to mention, and b) only involves heroes who work on a relatively big scale, like at least a continent if not the whole planet
hmm let's see
as long as mo keeps being my sugar mommy clothes aren't gonna be an issue (but then she might not keep being my sugar mommy)
i already have next to zero physical fitness and due to mo's shaming me for being lazy i am hopefully on track to gain some
i guess depending on how big i get i might not fit on rollercoasters? that'd suck. maybe mo should do terrorism to fix that.
i mean technically the species is cattle but the lack of a gender-neutral singular is a problem yes
anyways to my knowledge the female-identifying cattle in that movie are to all appearances cis so it would've been more accurate to say they made the bulls trans
(i don't think i've actually seen the movie, just the tv series based on it, and it was a bajillion years ago)
Eris conversation having seemingly fizzled out, Katie beings browsing sites and/or gaming to let her stomach become less painfully full before she swims with the dolphins, then changes into a swimsuit and goes to ask a goon if they have any tennis balls or anything she can play catch with.
"I don't know, I like... I dislike it when something interesting is lost. It's no different than losing the last copy of an old rare book. Except you can't digitize animals. Well, you can digitize their DNA, but doing that and then re-synthesizing it is probably harder than just storing a bone in a safe place."
"You gonna look at me like that when I'm slicing you up to put in the seeds? I'm thinking one here," she touches one breast, "one over here, I think I can fit four, maybe six.., down here..." Tummy stroke. "I'm not planning to put you under for it, you can do the scared and horny thing the whole time you yell. Strapped down of course, since I can't have you misplacing the incisions flinching..."
idk like
she gave me orders and i was sort of in subspace and shit except there was no safeword or anything which is sorta worrying
also i was very anxious about not liking a lot of the food she served tonight
(this is unusual, the food here is usually amazing, most of it still was)
And she is escorted to breakfast.
Today it's going hard on the waffle accoutrements. "Morning! I got my stolen preternatural waffle maker working again, it's temperamental but should chug along for the meal." She is sprinkling chocolate chips and bacon bits into the batter that's spreading into the nooks and crannies. When she closes it, there's a big puff of steam and a beep, and she opens it up to reveal a perfectly golden brown waffle that apparently cooked instantaneously.
Several decadent meals later (Thai for lunch, Korean for dinner and Monoceros giggles at Katie's spice tolerance, crepes filled a dozen ways for breakfast the next morning, Chinese complete with exotic meats... and finally, submarine sandwiches) they pile into the submarine.
"I think you'll like your pearly dress. Wardrobe pulled a little overtime getting it all together soon enough but it came out fab."
Portholes! Cheerfully painted interiors with exposed pipes! A movie room in which a goon trio is presently screening "Everything Everywhere All At Once"! A galley kitchen with two freezers and one fridge and a lot of cunningly arranged cabinetry! An engine/control room she can't enter! And a room for her right over there, with a label bearing her name on the door.
Fuck. Off to her bedroom she goes. She sprawls out on her bed and lowers a hand to her nethers. She doesn't even need to scroll through tumblr. Nothing there could possibly compare to the reality of the situation she's in. She fantasizes about feeling her form swelling and expanding, flesh rising like dough until there's twice as much fat in her body as there is anything else. She wants to be big. She wants her body to sprawl out like a city undergoing suburbanization, to feel it occupy more and more space like she's the queen of a burgeoning empire rapidly swallowing up territory. She wants to feel her gut slapping against her thighs when she walks. She wants to be able to eat enough to give Mo a run for her money. She wants to feel their massive bellies and thighs squishing together when they make love. She wants people's eyes to be naturally drawn to her because she simply takes up thrice as much space in their field of view as everyone else. She wants it all so fucking bad it almost physically hurts. After a long and intense session, she takes advantage of the afterglow to get some exercise in. Mo may be making sure she fattens up whether she likes it or not, but she's not gonna be able to carry her vast bulk with the grace and ease she craves unless she puts in the work. Then the endorphins and the thought of how hot this is gonna be when her belly is getting in the way and she can feel the sweat drip down her rolls and how if she keeps this up she's gonna be built like a fucking tank make her horny again and she has another go at herself. After that, and a quick bath and change of clothes, and possibly some miscellaneous gaming and Eris chatting, it is presumably time for dinner.
It has a substantial amount of extra material in the back, folded up and contained by a sash. Looks like she won't have to give up the dress when she's bigger.
spirulinagalaxy: holy moly cannoli
Mezzopiano: are those REAL
basking robin: idk wealth has always been an aphrodisiac and a quick back of envelope calculation suggests that thing cost millions of dollars so possibly you are already hot in some objective sense
basking robin: based on like how much pearls cost, I guess probably if she's into pearls she has an engineered oyster farm that drops five hundred an hour or something
There are plenty of signs with lots of languages on them, plus arrows! She can easily follow them up the dock, across the boardwalk, and to the convention center. It's one of those architecturally impossible thingies that only preternaturals can construct. It has one wall that arcs smoothly to become the ceiling, and the ceiling hangs over a few football fields of space, keeping off sun and any potential rain while allowing abundant crossbreeze. Which is good, because it's hot out.
The security for the event is in the form of cyborg chimpanzees. One looks at her and gives her a map and points to Monoceros's booth on it.
Fascinating sights she passes on the most direct route to Monoceros include:
- potted trees that are some 65% various metals
- a bacterium the size of a Squishable she can pet if she wants; it has cilia
- engineered butterflies with recognizable paintings on their wings
- a slime mold based computer on which one can play Doom
- dinosaurs
- a little goaty unicorn
- somebody of roughly Katie's own social position being shown off for being a catgirl
- algae-ivy stuff that can colonize an appropriately prepared wall in minutes and die off without damaging the structure with a little vinegar spritzing
- a rice/wheat hybrid which is drought and salt tolerant; she can take a free sample cracker if she wants
- koi that do some kind of underwater ballet
- somebody's sendup of Bunnicula, currently depriving grapes of their fluids
Pothos that filters air with particular oomph! Turmeric that turns pink if it's contaminated with lead! Spy seagulls! Chinchillas that shed their skin like lizards so you can ethically fur-farm them! Floating orchids giving new meaning to "air plant"! Sedentary decorative frogs you can suction-cup to your shower wall and feed human hair! Jellyfish-spider hybrids! Fast-growing coral suitable to dry out and use as a colorful building material! Yeast-based nutritional supplements for what ails you! High throughput pitcher plants that will keep a typical home kitchen free of flies and also enjoy surplus bacon grease! Retrovirus that manages your cholesterol!
Squish squish.
"What've you got there, Monoceros?"
"I'm gonna grow Gilesian pearls in her."
"Ooh, hence the dress, love it. What's got her wibbly, did you kidnap her from someplace sunshine-and-rainbowy?"
"Not hardly, she's scared of spiders."
"Ha! Going to use that information for evil?"
"That's always a possibility."
Winged mice! Vat chicken! Glowing bonsai! An edible mold that tastes like cheese and will turn random kitchen biomass placed in its container into more of itself, except for citrus, it's allergic! Ostensibly telepathic dogs! Fuzzy caterpillar-looking things that eat dust! Bees that make maple syrup!
grape_fruit: if there were aliens from the pegasus galaxy would you be expecting winged horses
one eyed one horned flying purple people pleaser: little known fact about the Eskimo nebula, that's where Eskimos come from
one eyed one horned flying purple people pleaser: little known fact about like half the characters in harry potter
grape_fruit: the nebula was already called that before the aliens were publicized k
unicorn: no I think robin means that a lot of HP characters were named after constellations but are not from them
grape_fruit: it involved biotinker shit
one eyed one horned flying purple people pleaser: I have no idea how the nebula has not been renamed but it still shows up if you look for a list of nebulae
There's the tuna Monoceros brought, naturally, and there's some spiderjellyfish (fileted; it's unrecognizable), and compsognathus, and rice/wheat crackers, and marmite made of the nutrtional-supplement-yeast, and vat lamb, and some kind of creamy passionfruit-coconut juice blend served in its own curious little shell, and some of the giant bacteria rendered into an aspic in which there are various pickles and edible flowers.
"Oh, I mean, sometimes I just poison them or gore them with my horn - I don't think you've seen me in my combat getup, come to think! - but, let's see, I got somebody's dogs to eat her, implanted some nasties in a transplant liver, he gave me my money before he actually died of it but I had this one fellow cripplingly attacked by crows and seagulls wherever he went and he did lose an eye and two fingers..."
spirulinagalaxy: was I not clear enough that I thought possibly your women related dreams would eventually compromise on the murder thing
unicorn: I have given this some thought and I think it's good that k is shacking up with her murderer. anything that diverts murderer time to not murder.
the deadest piece of ironmongery: and you think k will be an anti-murder force on net here why?
Mezzopiano: Why are you a Christmas Carol reference, it's not even Thanksgiving yet
Mezzopiano: oh there's just like, a gradual generation by generation secularization trend till at some point the kids barely identify as Jewish, thing, and if somebody is like, "let's try being slightly more liberal about X" the response from people who think that'll contribute to the slippery slope is "we'll see if God gives you Jewish grandchildren"
spirulinagalaxy: maybe k is arguing that it is not *realistic*
unicorn: I don't think you can stop applying moral standards to people just because it's not realistic that they'll live up to them, that just gets you some kind of determinist anarchy
some kind of determinist anarchy: and really isn't that what we're all here for
unicorn: no!
spirulinagalaxy: you were like "if you had to volunteer to suffer [x] so that ten other people wouldn't have to suffer [x]" and unicorn is saying that is not a good analogy for "if you had to volunteer to suffer sexual frustration or not even that, just trying to slightly reduce the body count here, so some number of other people wouldn't have to suffer being dead"
unicorn: if you - yeah that thanks spy
It's not JUST about sexual frustration
Or, well, I was
And now I'm having sex and also feel beautiful and valuable
She doesn't say loved because she knows it's kind of sort of maybe not 100% true and winces internally at that.
And idk maybe I can get her and some of the goons to play board games with me which you guys never would
It's easy to talk about how other people are obligated to make sacrifices for the greater good when you got everything you needed in life just handed to you
some kind of determinist anarchy: I don't think anybody's trying to tell you to break up with her
some kind of determinist anarchy: since you kind of probably can't
spirulinagalaxy: yeah just like, express an anti-murder sentiment if the topic comes up
unicorn: my analogy was not attempting to be about board games at all and I'm bewildered now
"Well, the short answer is 'networking'. I sell people things I make. A lot of my lab work is filling orders. Today in particular I've sold somebody a noninterference agreement, collected my annual protection money from a couple smalltimers, had the goons deliver some decoratives and some ingredients and some plasmids to people who are more convenient to reach here than in other circumstances, closed a deal on the tuna..."
Yes! There are recruiting human challenge trials for many things, some undisclosed and others including things like photosynthesizing skin, the ability to sense magnetic fields "now with 40% less risk of heavy metal poisoning", a third and fourth set of teeth after the fashion of baby and adult teeth, a vaccine for ebola, and an enhanced sense of smell.
She takes her phone out of her purse and shoots a message to both her groupchat and Mo.
[guys/mo] I came to some guy who's running an experiment to enhance people's sense of smell but his Frenchness has me on edge
a lifetime of Pepe Le Pew cartoons and jokes about stinky cheese has given me a healthy suspicion around French people and smell
should i do it
Mezzopiano: so I think zecora is definitely intended to have some tinkerlike traits but they didn't go hard on the realism with any of the fantasy powers because that would be pretty genre-defeating, if you want cartoon animals with realistic superpowers you want Rabbithole
spirulinagalaxy: fucking loved rabbithole when I was in college. pseudo-ironically but still.
And here's Monoceros!
She's in her full-on supervillain outfit, mostly leather in mottled gray over white and a mask that includes a six foot spiraled tusk. She's very practiced at not accidentally stabbing anything she doesn't want stabbed as she sashays through the convention with a couple of huge bags of takeout. "You're going to love Indonesian food," she says, plopping the bags on the table and handing Katie a bouquet of satay skewers.
"I do already sometimes. It has given me, like, a lead poisoned toddler level understanding of German. Probably not a good language to put more effort into though, because it's terrible for love poetry and those subservient Krauts all learn their imperial suzerain's language like a good little client state anyway." Hopefully that comment will discourage Mo from suspecting she's a Nazi for listening to historical German patriotic anthems and military marches on YouTube.
Oh god. Thinking about her mom was not a good idea. How long has she been gone again? How long before mom calls her? As stupid as her mom is is, she's always been able to tell when Katie's lying. She mentally weighs the pros and cons of just never answering the phone versus going "I'm an adult, I don't have to tell you where I am or what I'm doing there, but I assure you I am not in any danger." (She'd say she's left of her own free will, but that would be a lie, and as previously established she sucks at lying to her mom.)
Once the dress is out of harm's way Katie is flung very abruptly into harm's way, by which dysphemism is meant, apparently, that the vibrator when applied just so has biofeedback and is going to park her right on the edge of orgasm and not a centimeter closer. With her face between Monoceros's thighs.
If Monoceros had an opinion on the matter at all instead of it just being a goon getting something out of Katie's suitcase? Well, either way it's a vaguely piratical outfit, white shirt with lacing at the throat and ruffles on the ends of the sleeves, loose practical drawstring pants, and tall leather boots.
A generous sushi assortment - one of the goons along on this trip must be Monoceros's itamae - with handrolls and nigiri and maki drizzled with sauces and dotted with truffle paste and stuffed with real wasabi. There is also an Indonesian food, a kind of giant pancake thick enough to become a sandwich full of chocolate and sprinkles and butter and sesame seeds and sweetened condensed milk.
Oooh. Katie likey. She immediately snaps a picture to gloat to her friends about later. She's anxious about getting rice and sauce on her sick outfit as she digs in. She's not the biggest fan of the real wasabi but it's not nearly as rancid as the green horseradish stuff.
I guess not but maybe there's one in the ceasefire zone I can go to?
wait shit I would need a membership and also Mo might not want me to
idk I'll just do pushups on the floor or something
or wait I should do squats instead
been neglecting those
gonna be hard with my gut all full but I must endure
god i can't wait to be a big strong bulky girl with powerful yet plush arms and big fat melons and a jiggly belly
[links to previous nude photo] see these little bug bites? soon they're gonna be actual TITS
I'm gonna be able to open jars without hitting the lid with a fork a million times!!!
this is gonna RULE
wait fuck i don't think i've actually done any for grip strength specifically
I need to have Mo install a pullup bar in my room
like, immediately, given how those are going to steadily increase in difficulty and I should start when they're as easy as possible
unicorn: Avalon (17th century English superhero) so apparently he was a mega dick about it if you just asked him which is why they have had a normal number of monarchs &c in that time but anybody who sidekicked for him for a while had a good shot and there's also like a random doctor he liked and one of his kids (but not the other six! or his wife!) and a few other oddball decisions.
unicorn: he died in 1804 though, it protected from old age not from napoleon
Not exclusively
Just that like, women's clothing was one of the few things not completely ruined
It ruined as many as several non-clothing things
Did you know that they had like a turducken but with 17 different birds?
They called it the "Roti sans Pareil" which literally translates as "Roast without Equal"
Pizza five is covered in hot Italian sausage, red pepper, basil, spinach, and parmesan. Pizza six is smothered in vegetables and herbs, broccoli and artichokes and eggplant and leeks and squash and garlic and cilantro and parsley. Chair is helping eat the pizzas too, though he's only had three slices so far, leaving Monoceros and Katie responsible for really quite a lot of pizza.
Monoceros likes to take skinny slices and feed them into her face tip-first and then rip the entire non-crust portion off the edge of the pizza in one bite. Though when Katie turns up her nose at the Japanese style first pizza she just picks it up and folds it like a taco and starts devouring it like that.
"Don't you fret, Chair, once you've got that hyper-poisonous frog you'll be able to drag the object of your affections to your lair and have your way with her and then you won't be lonely any more," says Monoceros to her colleague, who has been sighing into his pizza about the PDA.
"On a biological level it'll be very short term, you just need to be re-exposed to relevant foods while you've got the tincture on and then you'll be trained to appreciate them and your brain should do the rest. All those long term mods you were interested in would have still been present when it got to be pearl time."
There is a demonstration of a tubular animal that can turn inside out! It's fuzzy and harmless on one side, and spiky and venomous on the other. It can invert itself and is being marketed as a guard animal that will lull burglars into a false sense of security. It doesn't seem to have occurred to anyone that meeting a six-legged fur-bearing sea cucumber in a domicile might itself be kind of alerting even before it flips around.
There's living athletic mats; they can adjust their tension and density to account for falls from aerial silks while still being stiff enough for floor work. They currently judge when to do this with eyeballs in the crevices between each mat section, but the creator says that by next year they should be making do with unobtrusive light-sensitive patches. Would she like to touch one and observe its textural range?
"They're ideal for sparring or juggling with live blades, practicing stunt work in high heels, or other potentially piercing activity, because if punctured, they will self-heal!" chirps the mad scientist, a tiny woman with some extra eyeballs of her own. "Unless you get them in one of the eyeballs, but that's why the current model has them redundantly and future editions will omit that organ."
The mushrooms only take a couple hours to sprout and they seem to be implying that it might be useful for situations where you're ripping up a building down to the studs and have the electricity off, or for long-ish urban exploration excursions, or for a deliberate, uh, crumbling-with-glowing-mushrooms aesthetic.
Land Coral will grow along any direction painted with Land Coral Growth Medium; you start it out on the foundation, and once it gets tall enough you can start painting the floors of the second story (grown from the walls of the first). There are Land Coral Miniature Trial Kits available for sale in six colorways if she wants to make a desk toy or sculpture or something out of it.
You know how bees make honey? These decorative beetles (there's a purple and gold kind and a speckly green kind, custom designs price on request) make a weird buttery-puddingy substance that tastes pretty okay, better with sugar or on bread or something. They are the solution to famine and food insecurity worldwide. They are the most revolutionary invention of the century. They could cure cancer, probably. Look, the lady is just really excited about them.
They usually don't spend very long on two legs; the real innovation is that they do it to music and they do it all together. "The real innovation," explains the tinker, "is replacing all mouse social behaviors with an urge to synchronized movement, and I added a symbiotic bacterium to make them sensitive to the beat of whatever they're dancing to. Absolutely any synchronized movement will look impressive and dance-like if it's coordinated across many creatures, and I don't have to choreograph them at all!"
"This version is flat color, and fully opaque; it's not going to hurt you as long as you don't get it up your nose or eat it or put it in your eye or have an open wound or certain blood conditions, but it'll look like putting a sticker on yourself, it can't mimic skin texture or natural color variation."
"Maybe a future variation will be able to mimic texture."
Next booth - actually she's getting close to stuff she's seen before now, like the spider jellies, but this booth is new to her and has self-brewing tea, where if you put a pinch of it in a cup of water it'll have an exothermic reaction, boiling the liquid and diffusing its flavors throughout. Not recommended if you have vasodilating disorders of any kind.
As the high of cute tiny animals wears off, some uncomfortable thoughts rise back to the surface of Katie's mind. She processes them the only way she knows how.
so yeah uuuuh
apparently mo is gonna be helping some guy kidnap someone else
explicitly for romantic purposes
who is apparently not into it
or at least, not likely to be
not sure how to feel about this
laga dyga: is that surprising? she didn't like check with you first
pithy: maybe she did. maybe monoceros can just tell how turned on everyone around her is at all times as one of her many preternatural abilities and considered that good enough or something.
spirulinagalaxy: seriously unlikely but not I suppose impossible. but she definitely isn't doing that in this case, k?
yeah but like
society differentiates between good and bad parents even though a lot of the time the only difference is that the good parents lucked out and got children who were compatible with them
oh god i'm antinatalistposting again
anyways also she like
didn't initially intend to keep me as a sex slave
she was just gonna grow pearls in me and only made it into a sex thing when she found out I was into her
that feels substantially different
spirulinagalaxy: yeah that does feel substantially different
grape_fruit: *enters the chat* *discovers it is depressing* *leaves the chat*
Aquinas: This is why it's essential that supers be policed appropriately. Individuals making decisions with this amount of power can do immense harm and an unguided individual will often not know how to interpret their own conscience, even if it is intact.
laga dyga: repent and submit to the preternatural pope, uh-huh.
honestly i wouldn't really describe it as "depressing"
a beautiful, intelligent, vigorous woman is still having sex with me and feeding me delicious food until i am soft and plush
a little troubling is all
when she described all the ways she's killed people it was honestly pretty damn endearing but this just feels different
less honorable
but like
on the other hand, she's soooooo hot and she's taking such good care of me and helping me blossom into my best and biggest self and we're gonna have fat woman sex
i know i harp on this a lot but like
she's so fucking pretty and so into me and the way she talks about how she's gonna make me fat is so hot holy shit
I guess what it gets at is that like
at the end of the day most of my mental picture of her is made up of assumptions
And it's, y'know, frightening when they get disturbed
I just want to like
Get to know her
Learn how she feels about other people, about morality, dig into her innermost emotions
Because right now there's just this like dumb instinctual feeling that like, there's nothing behind the facade and assumptions and she's just hollow and empty inside
But like, that can't be true, can it?
She seems to be a fun person if not necessarily a "good" person
Like, being fat and proud is an indication that she's not just, like, girl Patrick Bateman
That takes some spark, some individuality
But I guess there's only one way to find out
Except like
I'm really afraid to just ask her personal questions out of the blue and shit
But like I can't just go on trying to love her while knowing basically nothing about her!
Yes!!! I know!!!
But like
I kind of feel guilty complaining about it
Like if I do God will come be like "oh if you hate it so much then I'll have you sent right back to your shitty regular life" and then I'd be even safer about that
I like the sex and the food and the pretty clothes
I really really like them
But like, I want to be able to say that I love her and she loves me and not have the sinking feeling that I'm lying to myself
God I would love to play board games with her but like
What questions could I ask her that would tell me more about her without seeming, like, intrusive
Like I'd ask like where she's from or what it was like discovering her powers but that feels like an invasion of privacy
"Well I can't exactly shout edgy political takes at you until details of our lives trickle out in the course of arguing about them." She probably should not be being this candid but as previously demonstrated she has a habit of just blurting shit out when under strong emotions.
"But yeah it's like, normally I hate being told what to do, but when it's someone who's pretty and offers emotional comfort and doesn't treat me like I'm stupid, it's just different, y'know? Like, you don't tell me some bullshit about how I deserve it or it's for the greater good or whatever, you're just doing it because you can and you're honest about it. It's refreshing."
"I like books more as - points on a graph showing all the thoughts people are having. Somebody, somewhere, sometime, thought it would be a laugh to write thus and such a book. It might be more or less fun to look into it but it's not the kind of thing I have favorites about."
"Yeah I like, sometimes I used to fantasize about like, being lost in the forest and wandering into an enchanted glade populated by hot fat forest nymphs, my figure softening as I partake of the magic fruit and enchanted water, having them dote on me and caress my developing curves and stuff."
grape_fruit: unicorn it gets better after like the first three on that front
unicorn: "after the first three novels" "after the first couple seasons" "when you've given the album a few listens" look I do not bestow hours of my life on things because they might be okay after I do that. be good right away or leave
Katie is collected for supper at suppertime so that she can join Monoceros in supping on - it turns out - tonkotsu ramen. It has egg in it, and corn. "Before you unappreciatively force your way through this delicacy, here. Drop it like it's acid," says Monoceros, holding out a little square of blue paper.
"You've given me an experience I don't know if anyone else could. Not just the fattening, but like... being able to submit to someone in a way that feels good and natural and right, someone worthy of it. It's nice. Comforting. My whole life I've been fighting and struggling and shit, it's a nice change of pace to just go limp, metaphorically speaking, and let someone else take control."