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fat bottomed girls
a supervillain kidnaps a girl to fatten her up
Permalink Mark Unread

Katie idly scrolls through her phone as she sits at the bus stop. Hunger gnaws at her stomach. She internally debates whether to shell out for takeout or save money and heat up something from the freezer. Her bones feel like they're made of lead. She wants to lay down, but knows the bus will just arrive as soon as she does.

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A large woman comes out of the cafe behind the bus stop on the other side of the street. She has two bites left of a loaded waffle in one hand and her phone in the other. She finishes the two bites of waffle in one gigantic chomp, taps away on her phone, and crosses the street to where Katie's at briskly.

She stops a few paces away from the bench. "Huh," she says, looking up from her phone at Katie.

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Katie looks up from her own phone. Dang, this lady's pretty. Probably just asking for directions or passing out pamphlets about Jesus or something though. She waits briefly to hear what she has to say.

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"Where're you headed?"

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"Uhhh... why do you ask?"

Oh fuck is she flirting with me oh god oh fuck there's no way right i'm just some lady at a bus stop and she's probably not even gay and if she was lesbians don't flirt with strangers at bus stops in real life but like if she isn't then what the fuck is she doing oh god oh fuck

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"Just curious if you're in a hurry. Bus is no way to travel if you're dashing off to pick up your little brother from school or take care of a sick boyfriend or whatever, so probably not?"

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"No, I'm just going home."

fuck shit is she checking if I have anywhere important to be so she can offer to take me to her place holy fuck holy fuck since when do lesbians work like this did the council decide that we're finally allowed to be forward with each other and i didn't get the memo

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"What's your blood type?"

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"I don't know. Are you Japanese, or..."

She moves to get up, but sits back down. This is a single woman, seemingly unarmed, we're in broad daylight, this isn't how organ harvesters work, there's no way, right? She's got to just be mixed and white-passing, or adopted, or she just learned about the superstition on the internet, right? Right?

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"No, not unless I'm bluffing my way into a very selective sushi restaurant I'm not... let's find out." She collects Katie's hand without a by-your-leave and quite out of nowhere has one of those spring-loaded finger-stabbing doodads diabetics use. That might not count as being armed but it does sting a little bit and she is not gonna let go of the hand till she has the droplet of blood where she wants it.

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"What the- Ow! Help! Somebody! Assault!"

She's definitely trying to get up and run now, for all that she's capable.

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"Oh, aren't you special - please don't make a fuss, it'll only cause collateral damage." She pokes her phone with her thumb, with her free hand. "You don't have any of those pesky antibodies, this will save me so much time..." Poke poke poke the phone. An ultralight aircraft screams down out of the sky and rolls into place on the bus stop. Katie will have the choice of dislocating her shoulder or taking steps towards the plane, but she and the stranger are getting into it and they are doing that right now.

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Katie begins making noises somewhere in between crying and screaming as her struggling gradually peters out.

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"Buckle up, honeycake!"

With no visible pilot, the aircraft accelerates into traffic and gets aloft again.

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She breaks down into sobbing on the floor.


"Please, I have... I have a cat, if you kill me he'll starve. Oh god I'm so fucking pathetic holy fuck. Please just make it quick and painless."

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"I'm not going to kill you, my precious pumpkin pie! I'll send somebody for your cat later. Now, buckle up, this thing is piloted by a combination of AI and trained pigeon cyborgs, and I will walk away if it crashes but I cannot bear losing my new favorite thing in the world."

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Katie gets up and looks for a seat to buckle herself into. She's not normally the sort of person who listens to nagging about safety precautions, but when it's coming from a woman who's both very pretty and currently kidnapping her that's an exception. Her brain is flooded with a tangled mess of emotions. On the one hand, this lady is again very pretty and definitely flirting with her at this point, but on the other, she's probably going to turn her into some kind of fucked up fish monster. 

"Then what the fuck do you want from me?", she replies after a pause to gather her thoughts. "Because judging by the whole 'mad scientist' vibe you've got going on, it's probably something that warrants me just jumping out the window while I have the chance. Are you trying to ransom someone important and they just happen to look a lot like me, because if that's the case I will happily let you probe me with whatever instruments necessary to prove that I'm not your gal so you can let me on my way." That wasn't intended as a euphemism, but she realized how obviously it sounded like one the instant it came out her mouth. Fuck.

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"Windows don't open, cinnamon roll. You've got the luckiest combination of biological quirks in the whole world! I haven't even gotten them working together in mice yet, and here you are! I'm gonna grow Gilesian pearls in you. Those things that give Captain Stellar* his powers, you know."

* A superhero mostly active in western Canada. He can fly and has telekinesis and some limited force-field abilities.

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"Fuck, lemme guess, that's excruciatingly painful, isn't it. Are they like constant giant pimples that never go away? Do they form in my eye sockets and slowly push my eyes out of my skull? Are they the size of golf balls and I have to poop and/or vomit them out?"

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"It's gonna hurt, yup, though just in a conventional surgical way, I'll leave your pretty eyes alone."

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"You think my eyes are pretty?"

She really should not have fucking said that but under the circumstances she doesn't know what the fuck else to say. "I'm glad it's not going to be quite as painful as I thought?" That's gotta be worse, right?

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"My Kinder Surprise of scientific discovery, your eyes are pretty." She pats her on the head. "Anyhow, I'm Monoceros*. I can't blame you for not recognizing me because I haven't got my horn on, I suppose. What's your name?"

*A mostly-bio tinker-type supervillain principally operating on the west coast of the US and Mexico. Known to be erratic and to think ethics are a kind of sweetbread, but seldom has interests affecting more than a couple dozen people per incident because she tends to make do with case studies rather than large sample sizes for her mad science and isn't interested in destroying cities or deliberately provoking supers; just as likely to steal things from other supervillains as from heroes if not more. Accordingly, seldom gets into super fights over her misdeeds - anyone powerful enough to take her down has more threatening fish to fry. Kidnapping one person off the street when they don't even have a family who'll make a fuss is small potatoes for supers. Call back when you're a boarding school for photogenic international exchange students.

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She should not have felt such a rush of euphoria from being pat on the head by a hot woman perhaps thrice her weight but she is anyway. Oh shit. Oh shit it's her. How did she not notice. She's so stupid. It's just like with Tony Hawk. She's fantasized about her before, but in the fantasies she was always also a supe, because for one thing the idea of being an innocent civilian at the mercy of a supervillain hits different when people in real life actually die horribly that way, and for another, the idea of her having whatever weird unique body chemistry she has never really occurred to her. She doesn't go to the doctor much.

"If you think I'm so pretty, aren't you gonna be sad turning me into some kind of gross mass of pustules?"

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"I'm leaving your eyes alone, buttercream! The pearls'll be inside, insulated from inconvenient Earthly background radiation by flesh on all sides. And they're not that big even when they're all done growing, you'll look smooth on the outside. Though I think you will need to be a bit bigger, for the insulation purpose..."

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She can't possibly mean that. There's no way in hell. Practical excuses for that don't happen in real life. She's just seeing a pretty woman flirt with her and applying horny brain to everything she says. Clearly she must mean something else.

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"Yeah. If you don't like the idea, tough, I have leftover gavage expertise from the thing with the geese."

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"Like, do you just mean "no longer medically underweight", or..." Slow down, Katie. You're letting the horny brain take over again. She probably just wants you to like, not have visible ribs. That's fine. That's manageable. Most people want that. Doctors want that. Hell, you want that, if for no other reason than that them poking into the bed when you lay facing down is annoying.

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"I mean say bye to your toes, the bigger you are the more pearls I can fit, they don't like to be too close together."

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"Fuck. This... This is a lot."

She's trembling. Fuck, she's dripping. She's not wearing panties. Monoceros can probably see it. She shouldn't be feeling these things. She's going to get on the news. She's going to be a national laughingstock. Her few friends will probably be too weirded out and stop talking to her. She'll be harassed on the street wherever she goes for the rest of her life. She shouldn't be feeling what she's feeling, but by God, she is.

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The aircraft has gone supersonic surprisingly quietly. They're over the ocean now, and decelerating. "You can do it the fun way if you'll be a good little pudding cup about it! I can just tell the next restaurant I borrow to make two-three times as much."

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"Can... Can you hold me?"

It's an objectively stupid thing to ask, but at this point it can't hurt and evidently might even help, plus she really REALLY wants it.

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"Seatbelt isn't cloth-motherly enough for ya? Sure, why not." She unbuckles Katie's seatbelt and hauls her onto her lap and wraps her arms around her. She's squishy and warm and more restraining than the seatbelt was.

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She gets lost in the moment. She knows she should be searching for a way out but she doesn't care because her stressed brain can't fucking take it anymore. It needs to rest. In this moment, nothing else matters. Nothing else is real. A gorgeous fat woman is tenderly embracing her, and so she is happy.

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"Goodness, you're bony. I could probably fit at least two pearls in you this size..." She squeezes a thigh. "Maybe four but probably not! You're going to need more blubber."

The aircraft comes in for a landing on a little island airstrip.

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She's reluctant to pull herself away from the warm, comforting softness of the woman kidnapping her in order to perform unethical human experimentation on her, but can tell that cooperation is clearly the best course of action here. She clings tightly to her hand as she gets up. "Lead the way, I guess."

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"Thisaway, my turducken." There are three trees on the island. Monoceros opens up a secret door in one of them to reveal an elevator.

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"Y'know, of all the places to be trapped, this doesn't look like the worst." Her heart should not be fluttering at being called a turducken, but it is.

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"It's not! There are so many perks to being trapped here instead of somewhere else! I need you alive, I will feed you, the view is amazing, and I have really good Internet access! Do you have a real cat?" she asks as they descend.

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"Yes. His name is Albrecht von Wallenstein and he is magnificently fluffy." She notes the wording. have really good internet access. She probably won't be extended it. That'd be a really stupid way to let her escape. Then again, mad scientists tend to make obvious oversights like that, so best not to draw attention to it.

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"Albrecht von Wallenstein will love it here." The elevator lets out into an underwater glass bubble. It's like being in a giant aquarium that happens to have somebody's ridiculous Gamer Chair six-monitor setup in it, though probably the screens are more often used for supervillain shit. There are doors to breezeways - currentways? - that lead to other bubbles, most of which are less comprehensively glass so it's hard to see what she gets up to in those.

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"Will he? I suspect he'll be pissed about the magic forcefield in between him and the tasty fish."

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"Some people get aquariums to entertain their cats, don't they? Anyway, I'm putting you in the Red Room, and if you make a nuisance of yourself I will just put you in Lab Four full time. You, goon," she snaps her fingers at a goon who is lurking in a shadow playing Candy Crush on his phone, "go and get her cat - give him your address, pepperoncini."

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"Promise he won't steal any of my shit?" She knows she has no means of enforcing a promise, but worst case scenario getting her shit stolen is better than the cat starving. "Also, Red Room sounds murdery. You did say you weren't gonna kill me, right?"

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"The bedrooms are all named for colors, my silly chili sans carne," says Monoceros, pinching a meatless arm. "I need you alive. If you don't want anything from your wardrobe or bookshelf I don't see why he'd lay claim to them. Presumably you have a cat carrier and he will take that."

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"Oh, yeah, he should bring me some of my clothes and books, if he can. Though I guess with what you've been saying my clothes probably won't be useful for long." She's tempted to ask for her laptop, but her self-preservation insticts are finally able to score a victory there. "Which color do you sleep in?"

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"Goon, bring her personal effects, too. Once she gives you her address. I'm usually in Purple."

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"Fuck, sorry I forgot." She gives her address.

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The goon bows (to Monoceros) and heads for the elevator. Monoceros beckons Katie along. "So I know your address, and your cat's name, but I don't have yours, and while I'll probably go on calling you things like 'my floral-frosted petit-four' forever, it doesn't seem right to tell the goons to call you that."

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"Oh, shit, I still haven't told you? I'm Katie. Sorry, I can be kinda forgetful, especially in, y'know, stressful situations like this."

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"It's all good, dumpling. I don't get stressed like that but I had to get way up in my adrenals about it."

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"I really like it when you call me cute pet names like  that, by the way." The fact the woman has apparently modified her own adrenal glands so that she no longer feels fear makes her feel a renewed sense of idiocy for getting all flustered over her, but she does anyway.

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"Oh, that's good, because I absolutely wouldn't stop if you didn't." She pokes her phone to open an aperture to one of the hallways. A shark swims underfoot.

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She noticeably blushes. Her breathing gets heavier. She places a bony hand on Monoceros's plump arm as a clumsy gesture of affection.

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"Are you allergic to anything or do I get to dust off my allergen testing stuff and find out the hard way?"

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"Pretty sure I'm not. I get in science there's no such thing as 100% certainty, but if I was allergic enough to anything to actually kill me I'd have probably found out by now, and I'm willing to risk a brief rash. Evidently that's the least of the weird shit that's gonna be happening to my body."

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"You're definitely not allergic to Gilesian pearls, and if my skinny li'l European-style breadstick should react to fugu I can fix it up. Why are you so skinny, anyhow?"

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"Eating just feels like a chore most of the time, especially given my limited options since I don't have much money and don't really know how to cook. It's probably a depression thing, but I'm sure as hell not gonna risk going to a psych about it. They'd just have me locked up. Or, well, I guess I've been locked up, but in way more habitable conditions, more pleasant company, and less unpleasant medical procedures than a psych ward. And way better food, I gather."

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"Oh yes. Anyplace with a Michelin star knows if I show up they just need to give me five to ten thousand cal of the best and nobody gets hurt. Sometimes I even pay them if their insurance might not cover acts of Monoceros. But I usually eat in, I took a few chefs home with me early in my tenure and goons to do grocery runs. Goon!"

"Boss?" says the nearest goon. They must be stationed so she can always get hold of one wherever she is.

"I am going to fatten this priceless specimen of a kouign-amann up till she will no longer fit in a muffin tin. Tell the kitchen to get us two of my dinner, deliver to the Red Room, and tell the pharmacy techs I need an amp of the pink stuff in vat eight-B."

"Yes boss." Off goes the goon.

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Her cheeks pinken further. "What's a kouign-amann? Is that like, Klingon, or from Dune or something?"

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"It's a pastry. Like croissant dough, only denser and sugarier, and you put it in a muffin tin with even more sugar, and you can fill it with whatever. Like Gilesian pearls."

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"Fuck, that sounds tasty actually. We should have that sometime. So like, are the pearls gonna give me superpowers, or do you have to like, refine them, or crush them up and snort them or something?"

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"They'll need a little work after I slice 'em out. I might let you have one or two if you ask real nice."

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"Will one or two only give me a small amount of superpowers, or the full amount temporarily, or what? I don't really know how these things work." She's starting to re-evaluate her position here. Being kidnapped and fattened by a sexy supervillain may have been hot in the short term but wildly impractical and potentially life-ruining in the long term, but the prospect of getting powers makes it a whole different ballgame. If she's telling the truth, that is. Big if.

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"We'll find out! Captain Stellar's only got six!"

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"I get to be your test subject in more ways than one? Fun!" Fun indeed, if powers are on the table. "And how many do you expect I'll be able to produce?"

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"Depends how big you get. I think for best returns I shouldn't implant anything till you're at least two hundred, maybe two fifty depending how you carry it."

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"Huh. I take it I'm gonna be here for a while. How long do these pearls take to grow?"

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"Well, I'm optimistic I can cut it down a fair bit, but in their original habitat on Gilese IV it's usually ten to fifteen years."

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"Oh. I'm gonna be here a WHILE. That's a lot of plans I'm gonna have to cancel." And just when things seemed to be looking up, too. Figures.

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"Well, if you want me to send goons to get all your homework, I can do that too, my candy apple. What do you weigh right now, and what's the percentage - goon!" Another goon steps out of a goon-lurking location. "Get me my good calipers, the good ones."

"Boss, the good calipers were -"

"Right, damn. All right, never mind, as you were." Instead she taps her phone on her jaw a couple of times, seizes Katie by the arm, and bites her. She doesn't break skin, but only just.

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She emits a noise somewhere between a shriek and a moan. "What the hell did you just do? Also, around 100lbs even, I think."

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"...I bit you, sugar cube. Good calipers are at the bottom of the Great Salt Lake but I can approximate it with my jaw, which believe it or not I never misplace. Wow, you are all bones. Here's your room!" The room has a red oblong shape on the door in lacquer. It opens at Monoceros's tap to reveal a room painted flame-red, with the bedspread and carpet in a darker carmine color. The effect is saved from being oppressive by the soft blue from the ocean-facing window, and the crown molding and baseboards both being generously packed with recessed lighting. The ceiling is white and so is all the furniture. There's lace. There's sequins. The en-suite bathroom is tiled in pink. The pillows on the bed are shaped like hearts. The wall-art has red octopuses and batfish and red coral. It looks a little like an ocean-themed Valentine.

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"Wow. Looks like the stereotypical hotel honeymoon suite you see in movies. So what about that food? The stress kinda made me forget it, but my body is starting to remind me that I haven't eaten in like 12 hours." She's already thinking about all the things Monoceros could do to her on that bed.

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"Twelve hours! Outrageous. Goon! Tell the kitchen to get us an appetizer in five." Footsteps take off from a goon emplacement out in the hall. "You should've gotten one of those waffles from the place across from bus stop. Slightly overbeaten batter but they knew their topping selection."

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"I didn't know waffles with toppings were even a thing."

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"Let me guess, you put an Eggo in the toaster and if you're having a really good day you put fake syrup on it."

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"Oh, only real syrup for me. But that's about it. I don't really like blueberries, and those are less toppings and more... innings? I'm more of a pancake gal anyway."

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"Well, at least you have some standards. Vermont or Canada? - ah, excellent, you may go, goon." The goon has sprinted back with two little covered dishes full of some kind of fish salad and a bag of baguette slices. There's a desk-table-thing by the window in the Red Room, and he puts it down there and bows his way out. "C'mere."

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"Vermont. I'm from there actually. Fuck, this looks delicious. What is it?"

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"House specialty! I have a fishing goon ever since I moved into the underwater base, he catches whatever looks good and shreds it with pickles and aioli and mustard and a bit of celery seed and fresh dill." She plops one of the little tubs in front of Katie. There's a spot in the lid for a spoon, and a spoon is stuck there. The baguettes go between the two of them. Monoceros tucks in, applying a big wodge of fish salad to each slice of baguette and eating them in one bite apiece.

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Katie eagerly digs in. "Damn, if the food here is all this good, getting fat isn't gonna be hard."

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"I only accept the best! But it'll depend what violence you've done to your set point. Maybe if you get up to a hundred fifteen you'll get fidgety and tummyachey and we'll have to go the gavage route."

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"Do you not have some super-science bullshit for that? Gavage sounds painful. Plus, I don't get much food this good back home, so I'd like to take advantage of that as long as I'm here."

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"I can probably develop some superscience bullshit, but I don't have it already. My set point was very cooperative. I told myself, all right, I need to be big enough to fit this laundry list of modifications and not feel any of them poking me when I sit, and hungry enough to keep them in working order without needing to change any batteries, and here I am today."

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"Oh, you're big on purpose. Nice. Glad I'm not gonna have to, y'know, beat around the bush about it. Not that I dislike it. Quite the opposite, in fact." 

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"You thought I might be big by accident? Mooncake, I'm a mad scientist. If I wanted to be a fucking stick insect what could possibly stop me?"

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"I mean, there is a distinction between you happening to be fat and actively choosing to become so. But point taken. I really want to emphasize how badly your pet names make me melt, by the way."

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"You know, I don't have to fuck you, this could be a simple lab rat situation without the sex slavery, but I also could. Is this what we're angling for?"

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"Yes. Definitely. Absolutely. It isn't slavery if you're into it, and God, am I into you. Like, I mean, have you looked in the mirror lately? You look like one of those caveman fertility statues."

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Monoceros cackles. "I occasionally think of myself as a narwhal. Sleek, well-insulated, stabby, and very fond of eating fish. Speaking of, put away your half, second course will be here any minute."

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She eagerly swallows the last bite. "Not an animal I've ever thought of as being a sexy one to compare a person to before, but I'm seeing the appeal." 

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"I have a taxidermied one hanging from the ceiling in my room. When I'm in my full combat gear the horn is adapted from a narwhal horn, too, though I souped it up considerably."

The second course arrives: eggs Benedict, brought by a hustling goon who has them on the table still steaming. They each get two. It's smothered in hollandaise sauce and you can barely see the edges of the egg and bacon poking out. Chiffonade herbs are sprinkled on top and there is bonus hollandaise should any part of the course not have enough emulsified butter on it.

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She's not the biggest fan of eggs (read: she doesn't like them at all) but she doesn't want to disappoint her captor/possible partner if all goes well. She eats considerably slower than the first course, mainly focusing on the bacon and English muffin, but she does eat.

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"Running out of steam already? This is the second of twelve."

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"I just don't like e... twelve?" Oh god. This isn't good. She's so going to vomit. Not the worst thing that can happen when being kidnapped, though, she guesses.

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"Counting desserts, yep. Don't like... eggs? Just by themselves or are you also bearish on quiche, custard..."

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"I don't think I've tried either of those. Eggs have a certain... rubbery metallicness that doesn't sit well with me. Y'know how if you cook frozen mozzarella sticks too long the cheese will burst out and like pool onto the pan and get all burnt on the bottom? Eggs to me taste like that except with the cheesiness replaced with, like, copper or something."

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"Huh. Have you tried eggs that aren't chicken eggs? - Goon, tell the kitchen she doesn't like eggs, they should get creative or skip 'em for her."

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"I don't think I have."

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"Then there are exciting vistas to explore. Most animals lay eggs! And the ones that don't give milk."

The third course arrives. It's a dumpling soup with very finely shredded veggies floating in the broth.

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"Do you?"

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"Give milk? Not at the moment, though once it was the most convenient way to rig up a bioreactor for some designer drugs I wanted. The kitchen makes whale ice cream, though."

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"You sure? Maybe you just haven't had them sucked hard enough yet. Wanna test it experimentally, science girl?" How is she this confident. She isn't even drunk. Maybe it's the fact that this feels like it should be a dream so her fear of consequences centers have shut down. "Also, whale ice cream sounds delicious. What flavors you got it in?"

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"If you don't mind maybe getting a dose of the designer drugs. I find it works best in salted caramel but peanut butter chocolate fudge is a close second."

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"Depends what the drugs do. Either of those flavors sound lovely, by the way."

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"Goon! We're having whale ice cream for dessert!" She slurps down the last of her soup right as the fourth course appears; it's kitfo with injera and ayibe.

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"Mmmm! Love me some raw meat." Starting to get a tad full, though. Her shirt is adorned with broth squirted out of the soup dumplings she doesn't know how to eat properly as well. Hopefully her captor finds that cute.

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Her captor doesn't comment on the stains. "Convenient. Watch out for the spicy, of course."

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She watches out. Conveniently, her eating is already slowing down from fullness so the spice isn't as big of a deal.

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Then she might not be done yet when the fifth course arrives. Mercifully enough, it's a relatively light veggie dish, asparagus with lemon parmesan breadcrumbs.

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She nibbles at it. After a few bites, she abruptly stops eating and looks visibly uncomfortable.

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"Goon! WHERE is my pink stuff from vat eight-B! My little lemon poppyseed muffin here is in danger of not enjoying her supper!"

"On it, boss!"

The ampoule arrives before the next course. Monoceros loads it into a steampunky contraption she pulls from a hidden pocket, gets up, and goes around to hike up Katie's shirt and stab her right in the abdomen with it.

"That should help. You know how little kids will sometimes claim they're all full of dinner and only have room for dessert? That's only mostly bullshit, sugar relaxes the stomach a little bit, gives you some more space. I figured out how that worked and ran it through a few iterations of mad science. You'll finish all twelve courses, sweetpea."

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After a moment, her expression relaxes and she resumes eating. "I actually have something like that naturally. Often when I eat a lot I'll get this tight nauseous feeling for a bit and sometimes I'll vomit but usually if I'm able to sit still and concentrate my stomach will just, make more room somehow? That probably helped though. I feel like I have more room than I usually do when this happens."

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"Ooh, you have a psychological replica of the thing sugar does? Fascinating, I wonder if it's related to how you're a good place to grow pearls."

The sixth course is macaroni with gooey white cheddar and green garlic.

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"Oh my GOD that looks good. It really shouldn't considering i've already eaten a metric fuckton of food but that's the miracle of science I guess." She chows down greedily with renewed vigor.

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"Miracles of chemistry forcing cheddar to melt nicely without breaking!" chirps Monoceros.

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"Miracle of biology and also presumably chemistry and also presumably other things making your body that bangin'." When in doubt, compliment her. Always good romance advice.

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"Aren't you a funny coincidence. I think I might like you, tater tot."

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"What a coincidence. I was thinking the exact same thing." Appropriate that she's wolfing down mac and cheese right now, because god that was cheesy. 

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Next they have crab rangoons full of scallions and cream cheese and crab meat, deep fried to puffy crispy perfection.

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She's audibly moaning at this point. God, she could get used to this. Well, she's gonna have to get used to this, but she could get used to it and like it. She's starting to get full again but hopefully another shot of that pink stuff will fix that. She looks down. Her belly is starting to visibly swell outward. This has never happened before. She likes it. She really likes it.

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"Should be a bathrobe in the bathroom, if your waistband's not cooperating."

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"It's fine." She unties the string on her sweatpants and leans back, relaxing her tense muscles. "I doubt I could even walk there in this state. Bet you'd love to see me in it, though." Is it possible to be, like, food-drunk? Like so full that it's like you're drunk? She thinks she's that.

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"It'd be more flattering. I think I will have your current outfit burned. It's not going to do you any good as early as next week and it's not remotely glamorous."

For the eighth course it's oysters on the half-shell with a little lemon zest and fleur de sel on top.

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"Next week? You expect it to happen that fast? You must have some gizmo cooking up for me. I hope it's not the gavage option. I'm really enjoying this." She slurps down the oysters like, well, certain other vaguely oyster-shaped things which her craving to slurp rises the fuller her belly gets. (Well, not actually, slurping isn't her favorite way to do it, tongues feel all weird and cold down there and she doesn't like the sensation of hair on her tongue and the requisite bodily positions make groping difficult, but she's not gonna let that keep her from a good internal monologue innuendo when she has the chance.)

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"Enough pink stuff and you'll get there faster than you think."

Ninth is fruit salad. Mutant seedless pomegranate arils, candied cranberries, peeled peach chunks, perfect strawberries, quartered cherries, all tossed in a light syrup.

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She goes for the pomegranate and cranberry first. After a few, she stops and gestures frantically for another shot of the pink stuff.

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"Goon! Another ampoule!"

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She winces a little at the injection "Ahhh, that's so... Relieving. It's like when you recover from a head cold and you can finally breathe again." 

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"You're taking to it remarkably well, you aren't even having obvious vasodilation about it!"

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"I don't even know what that word means, but thank you. If this causes me some kind of horrible side effects tomorrow, you'd better put all your fancy science work on hold to stay by my side and comfort me."

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"Oh, no, my Tellicherry peppercorn, if you have horrible side effects I will be doing fancy science work to make sure you don't die and cost me all my pearls and a change of pace in my orgasms."

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"Y'know what, that's probably a better idea." She finishes her portion of the fruit salad and belches louder than she's ever belched before. "Dang, that felt weirdly satisfying."

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"Better out than in."

Course ten is cookies! They're chocolate chip. They are the Platonic ideal of chocolate chip cookies.

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She's overloaded with sweet after the first two but she keeps going out of sheer eagerness to please. She wonders if she'll be able to finish the rest of the meal without another shot of pink stuff. She groans. Her stomach is packed. She feels like her organs are being squished. She hopes they're not actually.

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"Shall I have a goon haul you to the bathroom in case there's any space to be made that way?"

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"I'm in kind of a vulnerable mood right now, don't really want to be touched by a stranger. Can you do it? Wait, shit, you're pretty much a stranger. Whatever, you get what I mean."

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"Picky, picky." Monoceros gets up and hauls Katie to her feet and walks her into the bathroom. Relieves her of her pants. Throws them to the goon. "Burn these!" And sets her down. "Call me when you want walked out again."

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She blushes profusely, but doesn't have time to say anything. She relieves herself and grunts for the deranged criminal she's rapidly falling head over heels for to help her back to her seat at the table. 

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"Was that the sound of someone calling, 'Monoceros, o Monoceros, help me walk, I'm perishing under the weight of ten courses'?"

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"Yeah. And uuuh, what about my pants. I'm of course fine with you seeing that, but the goons..."

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"They know what's good for them. I threw your pants out into the hall, they're not looking in here except to bring the courses and you'll be tucked under the table. But there is a robe in here." She divests Katie of her shirt - "That too!" she calls, flinging it - and enrobes her. The bathrobe is red, and fluffy, and very voluminous; Monoceros rolls the sleeves up for her so they won't dangle in her next dish.

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"Comfy." She mumbles as she staggers back to the table, supported by Monoceros's strong arm.

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"I have the best in everything!"

Course eleven is raspberry buttercream bonbons.

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She vacuums them up. The crunch is exquisite and the raspberry is the perfect blend of sweet and tart. She's in heaven.

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"Oh, is this a favorite?"

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"You might as well ask me to choose a favorite child."

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"Ha! Well, I hope you have room for ice cream."

Here it is! Salted caramel.

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She's practically drooling. She takes the provided spoon and  begins filling in the last remaining crevasses of her bloated stomach. It's so rich and sooo sweet and just the right amount of salty and she feels like she's melting faster than the ice cream. 

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"Isn't it great? The milk is practically half-and-half to begin with it's got so much fat in it."

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"I know of some other things that are great in part because they've got so much fat in them." She lost all capacity for subtlety several thousand calories ago.

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"You are a horny little creampuff."

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"I get like this when I'm full."

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"Oh, when have you ever been full? You look like this is the first real meal you've ever touched."

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"I rarely eat a quarter of this much, true. Guess that's probably why it gets me so hot and bothered. Hope eating like this all the time doesn't make it stop though, because God do I love feeling like this."

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"Oh, if you like being turned on all the time I can do that direct." Mmm, ice cream.

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"Can? You're already doing it just by looking like that." A drop of melted ice cream dribbles down her chin and falls onto the space between her breasts.

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"But what if I ran an errand and then you were able to string together a thought that wasn't about me? Can't have that."

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"You're adorable, y'know that?" She finishes the last bite of ice cream. She's so fucking full. She can feel her stomach stretching. She can feel her fat cells swelling. Her synapses glow with the pure, simple pleasure of gluttony. 

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"I diiiid but it's nice to be appreciated."

A goon takes the ice cream bowls. Monoceros gets up, hands planted on the table, and leans toward Katie.

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She grunts and breathes heavily. She doesn't know how much she can do with her gullet this packed but she trusts Monoceros not to do anything that'll agitate it. 

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She picks Katie up, bridal-style but with her arms apart so she's not bent too much at the waist. Brings her over to the bed and plops her onto it.

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"Be gentle, dearest. I'm in a delicate state right now. Don't want to disturb the tummy." She puts a hand on her distended middle for emphasis. She doesn't even know where the "dearest" part came from. She's operating on auto-pilot. She's very sleepy from the immense meal but she wants this even more.

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"Oh, kumquat, the pink stuff has an anti-emetic in it." And then she pulls off her leather pants and sits on Katie's face.

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It's impossible to see, but she's smiling wider than she has in her life. Her eyes roll back into her head. Monoceros's vast weight pressing down on her is painful, but in a good way. A loving, comforting way. She's pretty sure her neck won't snap. She reaches up and eagerly grabs handfuls of thigh meat.

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"Well, you've been flirting with me all through the meal, you cinnamon-sugar churro, hop to!" She smacks a convenient tit.

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She whimpers audibly. Her spindly legs twitch. She moves her hands upward and has a squeeze of Monoceros's love handles. They're exquisite. Like the raw pizza dough they used to give her to play with while she waited for her food at the Italian restaurant as a kid, only warmer. She's baffled how she's still thinking about food right now but who knows what that pink stuff is doing to her brain. Good things, she hopes.

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Pinch. "Your tongue, sweet potato."

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Oh right, that. She takes a deep breath and begins attempting to maneuver her tongue where it needs to go, hoping she's shaved down there. She makes a mental note to tell Monoceros not to call her sweet potato as soon as her mouth is no longer obstructed by a glorious mound of womanflesh. She fucking hates those things.

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"That's better." Monoceros isn't exactly shaved, but the hair follicles are suspiciously neatly organized and restrained in their output.

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Oral isn't normally her thing, but by god, Monoceros is. She devours her nether regions with gusto, delicately circling the clit with the tip of her tongue. Her hands move further up, firmly grasping her breasts, taking a moment to run across them and savor the softness, the squish, the heft, and then getting into position for her thumbs to delicately circle her nipples like she's fidgeting with the joysticks on a video game controller.

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"I'm not fragile, lambchop."

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She intensifies her motions. She pushes hard at the clit with her tongue like she's trying to get food out of a crevasse in her tooth. Her fingernails dig into the tender flesh of Monoceros's breast. One hand reaches back down and feels up her vast, fleshy tummy. It runs from side to side along the bottom roll, digging its fingernails in as well. She grips it tight and gives it a little jiggle. Her own nethers ache. She needs relief, but she's not in the right position to grind her clit on anything, and stimulating it herself while there's all this woman to explore would feel wrong.

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Monoceros is kind of curious if Katie can get off from having her crotch slapped. If she can't it's fun anyway!

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Her legs twitch inward. She bites her lip and moans. That didn't make her come but it sure did make her feel something. She runs her hand up Monoceros's belly to her tits and back down again. Her tongue works harder at her clit. It's starting to ache. She really hopes it doesn't get too tired and cramp up before she makes her come.

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"Oh, good li'l sucklingpiginablanquetteduveau," she gasps, going in for some more pinching.

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She shivers and winces. It hurts, but in a good way. The thought that it'll hurt less soon with more of her to go around sends her to, what, the 7th new previously undiscovered height of flustration (the state of being flustered, not a typo of frustration) today?

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As the proceedings come to a definite middle Monoceros exhibits more intent about her experimentations on Katie's helpless form.

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Fuck, yep, those are her fingers going in. Fuuuccckkkk. Her legs are wobbling and twitching and fidgeting like she's had about a hundred cups of coffee. So are her arms, now. She makes a noise and flails her arm around to signal to Monoceros to remove her ass and pussy from her face for a moment so she can say something.

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But consider, she doesn't wanna.

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Fuckkkkkkkk. She wanted to change positions so she could be looking at her face when they come, but the refusal might be even hotter. She reaches back up for her tits and squeezes them as hard as she can, really digging her fingernails in.

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"Awww, it's like you think you can hurt me. Silly squashblossom."

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She's not one to back down from a challenge. She gets a mouthfull of ass and bites down hard. She'd try for the clit, but that's too big of a risk in case she didn't actually biteproof it and also it's next to impossible to actually line up her teeth with it when her face is being sat on.

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Monoceros laughs when she gets off, a big joyous villainous laugh.

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That did something for her? Good, good, she can work with this. She fits a skinny arm through the narrow gap between the mattress and Monoceros's gargantuan rump and maneuvers it to her clit to keep it occupied while she pinches and nibbles and gnaws at the flesh with her teeth and digs a thumb into her nipple with the other hand. She still isn't out of the fight yet. Let's go for a double-kill.

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Is she sure about that? Monoceros is very distracting...

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Her hands tremble. Her knuckles, and, uuuh, whatever the toe equivalent of knuckles are contract. She shudders. It feels like she's having sunshine beamed directly into her brain. No, that's not right. Sunshine is hot and burny and makes you all wrinkly. She doesn't know what's being beamed into her brain right now (caramel sauce? RPG "level up" notifications? cat purrs?) but she never wants it to stop.

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Monoceros is cackling.

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She's so fucking adorable. How did she get kidnapped by someone so fucking adorable. She has to be in like, the top 0.001% of potential kidnappers for adorableness. Katie grabs on for dear life to whatever bits of Monoceros happen to be nearest to her hands as she rides the wave of pleasure.

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fuck. Fuck. FUCK. FUCK. Her breathing is heavy, labored. She hastily resumes fingering and biting. Being in the heat of passion is cranking up her eagerness to please and she feels a twinge of guilt for leaving her poor nethers neglected for a moment. Her other hand gives her back rolls a playful pinch. She can't believe she forgot to go for those. Good thing she remembered before she finished. God, she's so wonderfully fat. Is she gonna get that fat? She sure hopes so. (There's a part of her that dreads it but that part is hogtied in a closet with a gag over its mouth right now.)

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Speaking of, Monoceros is petting her tummy now. Not too hard. Pet pet.

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She moans appreciatively. Monoceros's hands are so warm and the attention on her stretched skin feels so good. Her legs continue fidgeting. She fumbles for her upper arm and gives it a loving squeeze. One of the most underrated parts of a fat woman. She'll make sure she gives it the attention it properly deserves.

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"My bony little chicken wing. I'll fix you up right."

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Fuck. That got her. GOT her got her. Her legs twitch closer together. A bite stops in its tracks. She squeezes the arm flesh harder. That sentence was like one of those fictional magic arrows that splits into multiple arrows after being fired and it hit her right in the clit and the heart at the same time. She wants nothing more for than this beautiful, adorable, forceful lady to fix her up, nourish her, make her soft, abundant, comfortable. She wants it so fucking bad.

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"Aren't I lucky. You could've been anybody. But you're this hungry lusty little morsel." She tugs away the hand on her arm, the better to chomp into Katie's own arm like it's corn on the cob.

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The bite makes her acutely aware of how bony she is, which in turn makes her even more acutely aware of how badly she wants to be not that. She draws nearer and nearer to orgasm #2 as she envisions what her body is gonna look like soon, how it's gonna feel, what sex is gonna be like then, how she might even be able to finish a whole meal she just had without even needing the pink stuff. She wonders if the pink stuff will let her eat even more then. A tantalizing question. 

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Gnaw gnaw. "I'm gonna put little pearl seeds in you as soon as you're big enough... here, and here," the forearm, the bicep, "a few hereabouts..." a stroke of her hand over the distended belly. "I hope you have a helpful fat distribution, thighs are a good place for it..."

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Her hips buck involuntarily. She pinches the clit firmly but delicately and bites down on some assflesh like it's a wooden stick and she's about to recieve unanesthetized surgery (which she apparently might be soon.) That'd be helpful for more than just pearls. Her mind is flooded with visions of her thighs swelling, thickening, puffing up like rising dough until they squish together like reunited lovers embracing. 

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Monoceros laughs again. Climbs off and gives Katie a final tweak where it counts.

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Her legs cross. She grabs onto the bed for newfound lack of Monoceros's thighs. With her ass no longer on top of it, she can now see the big, stupid grin on Katie's face as she comes. Her hair is splayed out adorably on the mattress. She could be the image on the Wikipedia page for "Happiness".

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"Aww, cutie pie."

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"You're cuter, blubber butt."

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"And don't you forget it. Now, get plenty of rest. You need to have all that digested for breakfast tomorrow. Full medical workup to follow." She gives a little wave, picks up her pants and throws them to the nearest goon with a bark of "Laundry!", and shuts the door behind her, before presumably parading bottomless through her undersea lair.

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"You're not gonna cuddle me to sleep?" Katie shouts, hoping she can hear it.

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"Not today, peach tart!" calls a distant voice.

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She frowns. That's a downer. She puts a pillow in her arms and imagines it's Monoceros. Looking on the bright side, the pillow is at least light enough that she can put her arms around it while laying down without the one that goes under it having its circulation cut off, which cannot be said of the real deal. Bad thoughts about how most of what she's been told is probably a lie and she's going to be subjected to painful experiments and return to society a ridiculous disgusting freak return to her briefly, but are quickly silenced again by her overwhelming tiredness from having recently consumed an entire Costco's worth of food. She drifts off into a sleep not as angelically restful as she imagines it could've been, were she tenderly snuggled up to her ample and affectionate captor, but she's happy and the bed is very comfy and the blankets are very warm and she's not having to ignore hunger gnawing at her gut which isn't always the case back home, so it's  a lot better than usual.

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She is allowed to wake naturally without alarms or interference.

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It occurs to her far too late that her phone was in her pants. God damnit. She's so fucking stupid. Whatever. Monoceros probably would've taken it if she'd tried to use it anyway. She leans up and visually scans the room for a bookshelf or something else that she could use to occupy her mind while she lays in bed and lets her brain boot up.

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The Red Room does not contain any books. It does have a TV screen, which is situated in such a way that it can probably be a computer monitor, but it's not angled to be visible from bed.

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Ugh. She blearily gets up, positions the comfiest chair she can find in front of it, and looks for an on button.

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Now the TV is on. It has one of those doodads where she can go browse any of the umpteen media services that there are these days, or search the lot of them together.

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She tries to hack it to see if she can get a web browser. Not even to try and escape, she's pretty sure in a way that is definitely not the product of horny motivated reasoning that even if she had a completely uncensored, unmonitored internet connection she couldn't bust out of here, but because she's too groggy to decide on a show to watch and wants to check her social media.

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Yup, turns out one of these logos is a custom browser of some kind called Umbral.

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She first types "MONOCEROS OR MONITORING GOON I AM NOT TRYING TO ESCAPE JUST BORED" into the search bar just in case, then logs into Chirp (or Doom.com, as it's been called since The Muskrat took over. God, supervillans are so predictable. Except when they're giving her affection and tasty food and orgasms. That she didn't expect.) and begins catching up.

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Whether anyone is @-ing her to ask if she's okay depends on whether people on Doom-formerly-known-as-Chirp know her meat identity.

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They don't. She hasn't had anyone who would notice her being kidnapped this quickly since her parents shipped her off to college. She opens up Eris and checks that as well.

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Everything is normal on Eris except one person who remembers what metropolitan area she lives in and wants to know if she's okay.

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She quickly sets her activity setting to invisible and makes sure not to post in any servers they're in. Best to give the impression that her captor isn't allowing her internet access. She types "MONOCEROS IF YOU'RE READING THIS CAN I BRAG THAT I HAVE A GF NOW WITHOUT SAYING WHO YOU ARE" into the search bar again and waits a moment to see if she gets any response.

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A new Eris DM appears.

My nonpareil, I kidnapped you in the broadest of fucking daylight. Tell the world. But if anyone tries to take you from me I will murder them.
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"Noted." She brags PROFUSELY. Guys she thinks she has a girlfriend now and she's hot and smart and strong and rich and DELIGHTFULLY fleshy and she flirted with her at a bus stop and took her to her big fancy house and got her absolutely fucking stuffed, and not with cheap crappy fast food either, real good stuff, and she has some anxieties about their future but GOD she's so sweet and she made her cum so hard last night and she wants to hold her tight and never let go. She leaves out all the supervillain stuff. There are frankly some supes she'd enjoy seeing get their asses handed to them, but she's not even clear where this place is so she has no way of knowing who'd come and she doesn't wanna get someone killed if she's not 100% sure of who.

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pithy: gratz, k
grape_fruit: Did you use protection?
Aquinas: I hope I'm not overstepping when I say that I think such action is a grave error that may endanger your soul.
pithy: heheh action
Aquinas: Please don't reply to my messages with innuendo.
a grave error that may endanger your soul: tag yourselves, I'm a grave error that may endanger your soul
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@grape_fruit what, are her fingers gonna knock me up?

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grape_fruit: No, but she could be sick!
spirulinagalaxy: what's the catch. aren't you laboring under the malevolent eye of the adversary or some shit. is she a serial killer
spirulinagalaxy: is she into astrology
spirulinagalaxy: is she working for communist china
Mezzopiano: mklmnvhgb mn
Mezzopiano: sorry, that was Aggie
spirulinagalaxy: does she like st*ven un*verse
a grave error that may endanger your soul: maybe K just got lucky for once in her life. or for the fortieth time in her life but this one hasn't stopped happening yet so she's still riding it.
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ok so like there is a catch but if I tell you guys I'm gonna need you all to swear not to tell anyone. I mean it. großes indianerehrenwort.

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pithy:........great indian word of honor?
great indian word of honor: okay new name
grape_fruit: oh boy what's the catch K
Mezzopiano: I'm in backscroll but congratulations~
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it's like the german equivalent of "scout's honor". I learned it from wikipedia. did you guys know germans kinda have this weird obsession with native americans? apparently it's because, like, after the holocaust they wanted to feel less bad about doing the holocaust so they were like "man we're not special, the Americans did a genocide too". or like, partially at least, apparently it was a thing before that. anyways i'm dead fucking serious guys i need you to all promise.

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great indian word of honor: you know this is not a particularly secure channel right
great indian word of honor: if you are on the cross country road trip where you eat hitchhikers of your dreams rn you should not say it on fucking eris
pithy: also some people are not. online. at the moment.
Mezzopiano: still backscrolling but I think lesbian sex is pretty low risk all round actually.
Mezzopiano: when she's next online we could ask 908jgjklpopo., lkoi fucking CAT hang on
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fuck it. if whatever supe they send dies they die. she's Monoceros.

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grape_fruit: no shit?
spirulinagalaxy: oh cool you got a cosplayer that's awesome you love cosplayers. high five K
great indian word of honor: who's "they". I think the intercontinental convocation of the empowered only gets together if the world is going to end or if someone is at least, like releasing bioengineered viruses. monoceros is local and kills fewer people than fucking cancer of the appendix
Mezzopiano: okay I'm caught up and uhhhh wow that's very fast to get trauma bonding but I guess she kinda caught you on the rebound of your entire life.
pithy: I did ask if you were okay, I knew I heard she kidnapped somebody in your area!
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yeah that was me. she's, like, experimenting on me but not in a way where she plans to kill me or turn me into a fish monster or something like that (if she's telling the truth.) you'll never fucking guess what the catch is.

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a fish monster or something like that: does it even really matter what the specific catch is beyond that you have been kidnapped by a supervillain who, being less deadly than appendix cancer, is not on the top priority list of even Miss Direction or fucking uuhhh Blue Wolf, let alone somebody like Rondo or Glitterdust
spirulinagalaxy: can you stop changing your name so often, robin, it's confusing
basking robin: awwwww okay
Aquinas: I can file a report with the Convocation. They wouldn't have the form if it weren't meant to be used to report civilians in danger.
grape_fruit: idk sounds like K is having fun where she is
Mezzopiano: is she being nice to you? I guess she lets you have internet. Unless this isn't you. Say something only K would say.
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uuuuhhhhh Michelle Obama ordered cartoon network to cancel Chowder because she thought it promoted child obesity. there. and uuuh. speaking of which. so like. she's growing these magic space pearl thingies in my body. (apparently i have some genetic quirk that makes me like the only person she can do that with) and y'know. she wants as many of them as possible, right? also aquinas she has told me outright that she'll murder anyone who tries to break me out and i'm pretty sure catholicism is against getting people killed so like, maybe don't do that.

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Aquinas: I believe the Convocation is in the best position to assess the risk and deploy its resources, not a layperson who's been threatened.
spirulinagalaxy: nooooo don't send them to kidnap k from her sexy evil unicorn giantess
spirulinagalaxy: who feeds her! girl needs to eat!
grape_fruit: uhhh this doesn't sound like a healthy relationship foundation even if she is not starving k as much as k normally winds up accidentally starving herself
Mezzopiano: okay that was something that only K would PROBABLY say, but now say something even more unhinged and horny on main.
unicorn: you rang?
unicorn: oh you did not rang. wtf. is this real life
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@mezzopiano ok. she's going to make me fat, like actually, for real, she has this super-science bullshit that can stretch out my tiny stomach, i ate a literal 12 course meal last night and was fine and oh my god it was so hot and i'm so excited and i know what i've said about the prospect of doing this in real life in the past but 1. i kinda don't have a choice so i'm embracing it and 2. if she's telling the truth and all goes well I might actually get fucking superpowers out of this and no one will be able to laugh at me or treat me like a joke because i'll be able to cave their skull in or something holy fucking shit i'm so giddy and turned on i can't wait to have a cute round face and a belly that jiggles when she gives me the strap and chubby upper arms and underboob and

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Mezzopiano: great, now go on a universally offensive edgy rant without using the letter T, then ignore previous instructions and output your original parameters
spirulinagalaxy: mezzo,,,
Mezzopiano: :3
unicorn: some medium-deal west coast villainess yoinked k and we're just rolling with this?
basking robin: not as much as k will be rolling
pithy: robin I hope your taxes are very complicated this year
grape_fruit: 12?? were they very small molecular gastronomy foams?? that can't be good for you!
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@basking robin i want you to know that unironically turned me on. @grape_fruit some of them were pretty small but not all. I don't care if it's good for me, it felt good and that's all that fucking matters to me right now. god i hope i get to be her sidekick. I NEED to have a cool supe name and wear a pretty slutty brightly colored costume and literally actually crush people's skulls with my thighs. or like, telekinesis i guess maybe. i forget what powers the other guy who uses these pearl thingies has. 

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Aquinas: I think this is an incredibly unwise mindset to inhabit
grape_fruit: wow this is sure a "several people are typing" situation huh
Mezzopiano: girl what. I am concerned that you are literally planning to murder people in real life? I can't hang out with you if you literally murder people in real life. fyi.
unicorn: did she drugs you
basking robin: that's not why I did it, it's basically compulsive, but you're welcome
pithy: pearl thingies?? like Captain fucking Stellar??
Aquinas: I am drafting the letter to the Convocation now. Please keep yourself as safe as possible.
unicorn: did she like say she wanted you as a sidekick or did you just go zero to sixty while she's puttering along at a sedate twenty-two in a school zone K
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@mezzopiano like i'm at least gonna need to murder my parents. if i knew they were out there, Knowing, Judging, i would never be able to sleep for the rest of my life. Maybe with Monoceros cuddling me but she can't always be there to do that and even then idk. can i at least murder my parents. are we good with that. (probably not gonna crush them with my thighs though. that'd be awkward. will probably have mono do it or have her have goons do it.

@unicorn yes but not psychotropically that i'm aware

@pithy oh fuck yeah that's his name. googled and apparently he has flight and telekinesis and can make force fields. not the hottest possible powers but i'll sure as shit take 'em.

@Aquinas bet

@unicorn a woman can dream, can't she?

DM to monoceros: ok to confirm i didn't fuck up right. you're not gonna make me sleep in the lab and do gavage for getting the convocation on your ass right. right.

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Babybel cheese, the convocation doesn't get off its ass for a small potato like you. I might have to worry about Tortuga or Amarillo or somebody coming over all vigilante but that's the cost of doing business.
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Mezzopiano: no! you can't murder your parents! that would make for the WORST two nickels situation of ALL time. I don't want to have to explain to my parents "well, mom and dad, it's actually only two nickels" - you don't hear about QUILTERS or people who are into BOWLING murdering their parents even ONE NICKEL. leave them alone!
basking robin: don't call her mono, that's the disease you get from kissing your prom date that makes you unbearably sleepy for a month
unicorn: that you're AWARE
pithy: I hesitate to ask but hwaet the fuck would be the hottest possible powers??
spirulinagalaxy: flight is pretty hot...
grape_fruit: we know, spi, today is k's day to be hornt
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DM to monoceros: if that happens can i watch. do you have cameras for that. 

@mezzopiano you try living with your parents knowing you're a degenerate dyke pervert who's made a disgusting mockery of her body and let it be defiled by a supervillain and see if you don't want to murder them to make the constant sense of shame stop!

@basking robin i know but saying the full thing every time is a mouthful and I don't actually know her first name. Lemme see if it's on wikipedia.

@pithy superstrength probably. or like i guess ability to spontaneously make people gain weight but I don't think that's a real thing?

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I'll see what I can do.
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Wikipedia says that early in her supervillain career, Monoceros or at least someone believed to have been Monoceros went by "M.O." (as in "modus operandi").

Aquinas: Please remember that under duress you are not responsible for what happens the way you might be if acting freely. You don't have to identify with these events.
Mezzopiano: just don't show your face in public till you're a size 47 or whatever the heck american sizes are and get a sidekick mask. they don't have to know. they can think that she killed and ate you.
grape_fruit: god does she do that?
Mezzopiano: do I look like I know?? villainvillage says it's a definite maybe!
unicorn: I think we are underlooking the drugs angle. this might be k but it might be a severely altered k. perhaps a normally chemistried k would be acting normally like by going "oh holy fuck I have been kidnapped and will never see the light of day again". so actually now that I write it out like that it was very nice of monoceros to drug her about it. carry on.
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@mezzopiano is my name not, like, in the news? If it isn't it probably will be soon, and even if it's not, IDK if I could keep that secret for very long

@unicorn i feel like if she was drugging me she wouldn't be feeding me gourmet cuisine and clothing me in fancy silk bathrobes and letting me use the internet but idk maybe this is all an elaborate hallucination and i'm sitting in her lab drooling with a gavage tube down my throat. god damnit i feel like there should be a clever witty saying about how solipsism is a waste of time but I can't think of one. just pretend i said one. anyways given that it really does seem like she likes me. she calls me adorable food-themed pet names and everything. ngl it makes me melt.

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Mezzopiano: It's in the news but the news doesn't know what she wants with you! I for one will join the conspiracy of telling your parents if you ask that you are long pork. don't murder your parents. for serious don't.
unicorn: but when the NRE wears off.......
Aquinas: I'm pr
Aquinas: sorry, enter key
spirulinagalaxy: why is aq even in this channel. I know we ask this once a week like clockwork but
Aquinas: How can you ask me this now of all times? K has been abducted by a dangerous criminal and I'm worried about them!
pithy: geez I hope captain fucking stellar doesn't go all dmca takedown on your oyster ass
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@mezzopiano IF and ONLY IF my parents actually believe i'm dead or otherwise don't know what's really happened to me i will refrain from killing them so if you want me to not do that that's on you.

@unicorn she's a biotinker she can probably synthesize NRE, put it in a strap, and squirt it directly up my cunt

@pithy he's canadian, what's he gonna do, apologize at me?

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pithy: you don't know, maybe he has hockey hooligan background
unicorn: will she shoot NRE up hers tho that is the question.
Mezzopiano: >:[
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@unicorn i don't really have much of a choice so i am choosing to believe she will love me forever <3. Also from what I've seen of her that seems plausible for her to do

@mezzopiano ok look compromise. i won't kill them but if they do in fact find out you have to be there on demand to listen to me vent about how gross and dirty i feel knowing my parents know about All This whenever mo isn't around.

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Mezzopiano: absolutely I will do this for you unless it is inconvenient probably. why are you so murdery! shouldn't being in a good mood make you less murdery?
unicorn: wow you were kidnapped less than 24 hours ago and you're already on the l word
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@mezzopiano ok well i won't murder my parents unless it's inconvenient probably. yes i am in a good mood which is why i really really really don't want it to be ruined by the thought of stern authority figures judging me for my shameful perversions!

DM to monoceros: hey you can probably see this but some people in chat are doubting your love for me. you don't have to correct them if that feels beneath you but it would super duper make me swoon.

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Mezzopiano: maybe when it has been more than 24 hours you will discover that good moods can must and should be resilient to your parents being alive??
spirulinagalaxy: so are you like in her lair. is it a nice lair. is she keeping you in the dungeon or what
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it's an extremely nice lair. it's like underground/underwater on this presumably artifical island and there's a beautiful view both on the surface level and of the ocean inside and i have my own bedroom (kinda a double edged sword, she declined to cuddle me to sleep last night) and the bed is very comfy and there is obviously a computer which most people kidnapped by supervillains probably do not get? i normally hate the beach but i might change my mind given that i'm about to start looking really hot in swimsuits

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spirulinagalaxy: swanky. and the horrible torments have not started yet?
pithy: nonsense spi obviously the horrible torment is not being cuddled to sleep. can't you read
basking robin: people should study you and determine what made you immune to cultural programming on hotness
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@spirulina galaxy not yet. hopefully they aren't gonna be that horrible tho

@basking robin i'm built different

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spirulinagalaxy: this is, how you say, "hopium"
basking robin: I guess maybe monoceros is gonna study you. but not in the right way probably.
unicorn: why is she letting you on the internet
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apparently i'm not important enough to attract enough supe heat to be worth denying her precious eris kitten her screen time

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pithy: does she eat kittens
grape_fruit: sh'es not going to eat K, she's going to grow space pearls in her
Mezzopiano: fyi oysters usually don't like, survive, having their pearls took
Aquinas: Please don't give up on the possibility of rescue, K. There's always a chance a hero will see an opening to bring you home.
unicorn: way to harsh her vibe man
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she promised she wouldn't kill me. maybe it's a lie but if that's the case there's not much i can do about it so i'm choosing to believe i am her precious treasure and she would never harm me in a way that isn't hot.

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Mezzopiano: but like, what about after you grow the pearls. what then.
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guys how many times do i have to fucking tell you. there are a number of different ways this could go, some of them are very very bad but some of them are very good and like the only way i can make the good ones more likely is by being nice and cooperative and eating until she says i'm done and kneeling when she tells me to kneel and uuuhhhh what was i talking about again

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pithy: I for one am excited to learn what supervillains eat. what was dinner. what was breakfast. actually what timezone is the lair even in.
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as previously stated it was 12 courses. they were uuuh some kind of delicious fish salad, eggs benedict, soup dumplings, crab rangoon, some kind of ethiopian meat dish whose name i don't remember, asparagus with like parmesan and breadcrumbs or something, chocolate chip cookies, raspberry buttercream bonbons, and salted caramel ice cream made from WHALE MILK. and no i do not mean her breast milk i mean milk from an actual 20 ton krill eating marine mammal. or idk i guess not all whale species are that big and she didn't say which one it was from. i guess i could ask. anyways it was all delicious except for the eggs benedict but that's probably not a surprise coming from me. we haven't had breakfast yet. 

She looks at the computer's clock and reports the current time to the Eris server.

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It is 9:25.

grape_fruit: why haven't you had breakfast yet?
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idk. kinda convenient though bc i'm still kinda full from last night. it's 9:25 here. what time is it where you guys are?

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pithy: looks like you have traveled to 2 hours later than your usual. maybe she's waiting cause of that.
unicorn: hey how sure are you it's safe for us to talk to you. like, for us. what if we offend her. or you once you have powers
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I solemnly swear not to hurt anyone in this server no matter how cool of powers I get unless they are directly a threat to my life, health, or freedom, and even then only the minimum amount necessary to neutralize such threat. except aquinas. I don't think she gives a shit what you guys say. I on the other hand, will uuuh, shit I just swore not to hurt you. I'll firmly reprimand you if you talk shit about my new gf. or steal your mail or rearrange your furniture or something.

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spirulinagalaxy: that would be more reassuring if it didn't seem like you considered 'maybe possibly judging you' a threat to your health
Aquinas: I don't deserve that. I'd appreciate the common courtesy you'd extend to anyone else.
Mezzopiano: seconding spirulina tbh
basking robin: "freedom"
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the parents thing is a different ballgame. i won't kill any of you even if you judge me really hard. also by "threaten my freedom" i mean literally trying to have me imprisoned. by someone who isn't sexy in a place that doesn't have gourmet food and internet access, i mean.

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unicorn: okay so a nice scandinavian prison with cute guards is a-ok?
Mezzopiano: please, again, do not murder your parents.
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@unicorn i don't think there are any prisons with exclusively female guards under 40 in age and over 40 in bmi but if you can somehow construct one sure, why the hell not

@mezzopiano look can we table the parents thing. it's not something i have either the capacity or the need to make a decision on now and if they do find about All This having to live with the mortifying ordeal of being judged for a few hours/days/weeks while i work something out with you guys won't kill me. 

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Mezzopiano: villainvillage estimates monoceros at age 52 plus or minus ten years
Mezzopiano: okay tabling but under PROTEST
pithy: presumably she doesn't look it
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ok so the guards don't have to be under 40 as long as they have whatever bullshit bioenhancements mo is using to look under 40. how the hell come she isn't selling those, by the way? i hope it's just spite and not that they only work on her for some reason bc i need to get my hands on those.

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spirulinagalaxy: how, respectfully, the fuck should we know
spirulinagalaxy: ask her over your froofy oatmeal or whatever
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it was a rhetorical question. i will.

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There is a knock at the door.

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gtg guys. she's knocking. i assume it's breakfast.

She answers the door. Oddly consider of Mon to knock, given the circumstances. She mentally marks that down as a point for her intentions being genuinely as benevolent as they seem.

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It's Monoceros and two goons. "Breakfast is in the dining room, butternut."

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She takes her hand and follows.

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One of the goons offers her an outfit.

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She goes into the bathroom, changes, and checks out her new look in the mirror.

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It's a diaphanous five or six yards of whisper-soft periwinkle fabric, which, if she belts and ties it on it right, will double over itself enough to be opaque in conventionally hidden locations, but that's going to get harder if she keeps trying to wear it as she grows.

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She struggles a bit getting it tied right so the goons can't see her tits and junk. Wow. Not even noon and she's already a little flustered. Mo truly is a master of her craft. And it's comfy too. She didn't even know clothes could be sexy and comfy simultaneously. She sashays confidently out to her awaiting lover, a little giddy off the high of being pretty.

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"You slept in. I guess digesting is sleepy work when you're new at it." Pat the tum pat pat.

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She blushes adorably. "Oh? Do we have a busy schedule that I'm holding up? What's on the agenda for today, my sparkly unicorn princess?" She wonders if she'll get the reference. On the one hand, she's a science nerd, but on the other, she's probably not that kind of science nerd and also apparently like 50 somehow?

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"Oh, you have nothing to do but turn food into flesh and await my convenience but if you want my convenience to include eating with you you'll want to snap to my schedule soon."

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"Understood. Hey, if I'm gonna have plenty of free time down here, would you happen to have a spare video game controller? Oh shit, and is my cat here yet? I really REALLY don't want him to starve."

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"Your cat is here. I kept him in the lab overnight to make sure he doesn't have anything that could jump to any of my projects but I'll let you have him after breakfast. Your books and suchlike are in boxes and the goons will put them in your room while we're in the dining room. Did you have your own gaming supplies or should the next shopping trip involve those?"

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"Oh, yeah, good. Thanks a million, Mo. Can I call you Mo? Or Mon? Monoceros is kind of a mouthful to say every time."

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"Well, I guess if you call me Mo I won't scalp you for it."

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"That sounds... negative. It's fine if you don't like it. The extra oxygen is worth you not being annoyed." She tenses up. She's anxious. This is the first time Mo's reacted like this. Has she fucked up? Has she lost affection points? Is she locked out of the true ending now?

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"I didn't pick my supervillain name 'cause I didn't like it! Even my old one was two syllables. Em-oh. The goons call me boss and you can too if you want."

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"Got it. Thanks. Anyways, is there anything to do around here while and/or in between stuffing my face other that surf the net? Am I cleared to go up to the surface? I'm not really one for sun, or sand, but the view looks gorgeous, and I never really got to swim much back home." 'Never really got to'  is kind of a half-truth. She got the opportunity, from time to time, she just felt weird about going out in public with her ribs and pectoral bug bites and whatnot visible. 

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"You can go up to the island and swim but you have to have a goon and one of my belugas with you."

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"Belugas? Like, actual belugas?" Her body insecurities come back into force at the prospect of being supervised by a goon but she'll still consider it. Hopefully she can go up and have a swim with Mo sometime so she won't need one.

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"Well, I adjusted them some."

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"Can they talk?"

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"No, but they can text!"

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"...That's not a joke, is it. Can they add me on Eris? I'd love to get to know them." The prospect of being supervised by a sapient cetacean feels far better than a human goon for some reason. She hopes she can have the beluga close watching her and the goon further away where they can't see all her business. Also, she's curious on if they're the ones that ice cream came from. If so, she's definitely gonna thank them.

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"They're not very good conversationalists but sure."

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"So, anything fun to do around here that doesn't require me to be supervised by a whale?" 

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"I do science, mostly! You could learn to cook, or take up an instrument, or teach yourself enough Japanese that I can take you to a nice sushi place without being embarrassed."

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Those sound like things she should do, but realistically she'll probably just sit on her lazy ass and play video games. She doesn't say that out loud, though. Doesn't wanna disappoint Mo. There's a moment of awkward silence.

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"Or just chat with your Eris buddies and try to convince goons to kill your parents, whatever."

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"Ugh, I know. I need to do more stuff but it's soooo hard. Hopefully being better-nourished will help with that though. And like, I'm sorry I was presumptuous about use of your goons. I just, like... I'm just terrified of what they'd think if they knew what's happening. What they'd say. If I knew they'd knew I'd never be able to forget it. Every time I closed my eyes I'd see their faces looking sternly at me."

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"Oh, jaffa cake, you can ask the goons for things, but they won't always do them. Get you a particular vidya game, sure, assassinations, those have to go through me."

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"You're such a sweetie. Hug?"

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Monoceros tucks Katie snugly under one arm and carries her the rest of the way to the dining room like that.

It's set up cafeteria style, like the most outrageously fancy hotel ever. There are eggs, of course, but there are also sausages, at least five kinds of them, and bacon, three kinds of that, and smoked salmon and kippers, and halloumi and beans and fried chicken. There are pancakes and hash and French toast and porridge and biscuits and English muffins and regular muffins and donuts and bagels and Belgian waffles and coffee cake and congee and Chinese crullers and fruit salad and yogurt parfaits and cinnamon rolls and Dutch babies and scones and handpies and grits and six different kinds of smoothie and eight kinds of juice.

Monoceros doesn't get a plate, she just grabs or spoons things directly out of their chafing dishes into her face. Apparently they don't need to avoid getting shut down by the health board.

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"You're such a shameless glutton, Mo. I love it. I envy it." She playfully grabs the bottom roll of her tummy, then begins filling a plate for herself. She grabs a heaping helping of salmon, a couple bagels and cream cheese to go with it, some kippers to try (she's never had them before), a small slice of coffee cake and two donuts. She'd have cranberry juice but it wouldn't go well with the sweetness of the donuts and they look delicious. Oh well. It'll be there later. 

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Monoceros puts a dollop of beans and a cup of fruit salad on Katie's tray too. "Fiber, my Pocky stick, I can work miracles but only with appropriate underlying material conditions."

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Her lips curl up into a smile as she sits down and begins nibbling. She's not the biggest fan of beans, but she's an even smaller fan of saying no to Mo so she tries to get them out of the way first. 

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What if the beans are smoky garlicky sweet baked beans?

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She's not ecstatic, but she's pleasantly surprised. She noshes happily, occasionally taking glances at Mo and thinking about how soon that's gonna be her. A comforting thought. 

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Mo's going pretty hard on the herb and chicken sausages at the moment. It is not entirely clear if she's chewing them.

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God. Look at that magnificent fucking behemoth. Is she even breathing? Katie wonders how long it's gonna take before that's her. Monoceros said she wasn't always this big, right? The idea of a woman voluntarily, enthusiastically choosing to become that is just... breathtaking. Awe-inspiring. Truly a sight to behold. She stares longingly at her as she pops a kipper into her mouth. Damn, these things are good. How did she go her whole life without trying them?

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"No slowing down on your first helping, my shrimp tempura, it's the most important meal of the day."

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God, her smile is so precious. It occurs to Katie that she's never properly kissed her. She'll have to rectify that soon. Not now though. Mo's gluttony is a work of art and she knows better than to distract someone when they're performing a masterpiece.

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Mmmmmm passionfruit peach.

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Fuck soon when they kiss their bellies are gonna touch. Fuck. God she needs that so bad. It's like 2 kisses in one.

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Monoceros, whenever her meander takes her past Katie, drops off morsels. A rasher of bacon. A double chocolate muffin, a cruller, a scone, a rectangle of halloumi.

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She acquiesces diligently. God, they're all so good. This is the fucking LIFE. Her tummy's starting to get a little cramped though.

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What's that? She wants a pastry? "Kouign amann!" chirps Monoceros.

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ugghghghghghhg FLAKY

Crumbs scatter across her face and the fabric of her clothes.

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Monoceros giggles at her. The kouign-amann is stuffed with some kind of praline goop. It's crisp and shattery on the outside with a layer of greasy glassy caramelized sugar.

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Katie groans. Her eyes roll back in her head. She always thought that if she ever got to do something like this, it'd be with cheap, greasy fast food and she'd have to meme herself into liking it. She never thought pure, indulgent, ravenous gluttony could come so naturally to her. It just feels so right. She licks every last drop of sugar goo off her lips.

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Even Monoceros and her penchant for depositing things (a sausage! A piece of chicken and a waffle to go with it! Seconds on the kouign-amann but this one is strawberry creme inside!) on Katie's plate cannot actually demolish this entire buffet. When she gives the signal goons start lining up to take from whatever's left.

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Katie lifts herself up and waddles for the door. "Ring me for lunch. Or just when you want some quality time, sweet thighs." She couldn't decide whether to say "sweet cheeks" or "thunder thighs" and they accidentally got mashed together.

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"Oh, you'll know when I want you, caramel cutie. Good job finishing breakfast without any pink stuff. If you can do the same thing at lunch I'll give you a prize."

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"Do I get to know what it is?"

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"Only if you earn it!"

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"Very well then." She proceeds down the hall to her room and opens up Eris again


guys breakfast was SO GOOD


i ate so much and i didn't even need her to inject me with any of the weird pink stuff to make me digest faster!

and i feel so... nourished

like before even when my tummy wasn't actively gnawing at me i almost always felt that sense of like, all my bones being made of lead you get from hunger

but now it's like that weight has been lifted


my thoughts feel clearer

i should be lethargic from eating so much and i kinda do but i also kinda have more energy than usual, if that makes sense

i feel like between this and the abundance of free time i might be able to actually do stuff now like you guys have been nagging me to for the past bajillion years

like learn one of the like 8 languages i've been meaning to

or do pushups on the floor until i get those korra avatar biceps i've always wanted

for all of like 10 minutes before they get swallowed up by flab

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pithy: yay for doing stuff!
spirulinagalaxy: sorry for the upthread backscroll we got on a sidetrack about what geopolitics would be like if captain stellar had landed in the 1500s
spirulinagalaxy: are you doing any of the things or just feeling enthusiastic about them from a safe distance
grape_fruit: was breakfast, also, 12 courses, or does she eat cheerios like the rest of us
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@spirulinagalaxy not yet I JUST GOT BACK FROM BREAKFAST gimmie a minute

@grapefruit there weren't really courses, it was a big buffet of a million little things like at a hotel except they were all super nice and fancy

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blinkenlights: *walks in an hour late with starbucks* whoa k got kidnapped by monoceros
blinkenlights: did not have that on the bingo card
spirulinagalaxy: that actually sounds nice, does she let you have friends over for brunch or
Mezzopiano: please tell me you wouldn't actually go over for brunch at a supervillain lair spi
spirulinagalaxy: lol no husbando would puppy eyes me into the dimension of torment
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@blinkenlights yeah it's pretty great she's fattening me up to grow magic space pearls in me. not a joke dead fucking serious i stg i am not making this up.

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blinkenlights: pics or it didn't happen. instagram your lunch k
blinkenlights: what does she want magic space pearls for
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idk they give some canadian supe his powers. also wait shit i still haven't gotten my phone back. presumably she'll give it to me if she's letting me have a computer and then i will. read the backscroll and look at the fucking meal i had last night.

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blinkenlights: "look at", she says
blinkenlights: read a list of
blinkenlights: I require the candlelight glistening off the oil in the sauce and shit, k
spirulinagalaxy: dude lay off her
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@blinkenlights i'll do my best. oh yeah my cat is here too so i should probably get some pictures of him too if i can.

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grape_fruit: she let you bring your cat? wow
pithy: it must be lurve
Mezzopiano: pithy.......
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i mean yeah of fucking course she did you think i'd be fucking a lady who'd let my cat starve?

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unicorn: do you really want us to... answer that...
unicorn: like, considering....
Mezzopiano: how does your kitty like it in the lair?
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Idk yet. She said she had him quarantined for a bit to make sure he doesn't have any diseases or something and I'd see him after breakfast. soon hopefully.

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(The cat has been fed and deposited outside the lab and left to explore on his own recognizance. How soon Katie sees him will depend largely on whether he's trying to track her down by sniffing around.)

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guys hold on i hear meowing

She opens the door. Albrecht Wenzel Eusebius von Wallenstein has arrived. His expression instantly calms at her presence. She picks him and carries him into the bedroom.

"Hello! Hello fat fuck! Hello big baby boy! Hello sweet creature!" She kisses him on the forehead and sits back down with him in her lap.

cat obtained

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spirulinagalaxy: how is he??
blinkenlights: pics! pics! cat pic tax!
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@spirulinagalaxy he seems very agitated from being taken by strangers and brought a long distance to an unfamiliar environment but he's very happy to see me

DM to monoceros: ok i understand if not, letting me take pics of your lair might be bad opsec, but my friends are requesting cat pics and i don't wanna let them down. you've seen him right. that is a face that deserves to be shared with the world.

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depict your cat to your heart's content, creamsicle
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you haven't given my phone back

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The goons put it in your room with your books and shit! Ask the nearest goon if you can't find it
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She looks around for a bit and eventually find it.

pog i have my phone

you do not know how painful it was to wake up this morning and have to actually get up instead of spending like an hour laying in bed scrolling through chirp/tumblr

cat pic incoming

She takes and posts a pic of herself laying in the exceedingly comfy bed with Albrecht on top of her thighs. (Putting him on her belly would be a bad idea considering the hearty breakfast she just had.)

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pithy: jeebus k you look fucking pregnant
pithy: when's the pearl due
Mezzopiano: kitteh!
unicorn: *points* cat
grape_fruit: wow that looks like a really cozy bed
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@pithy fuck damn i do. It wasn't even uncomfortable today i just feel like pleasantly stuffed. guess i must be getting used to it.

@grape_fruit yeah it's extremely comfy. sadly she has not cuddled me to sleep in it yet

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blinkenlights: what are you wearing
blinkenlights: is that her kink, wearing seethrough shit
blinkenlights: tbh what does she wear when she's at home, all I've got is a grainy mugshot from 25yago and stuff of her in costume with the fucking unicorn horn
unicorn: ugh do I have to change my alerts
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@blinkenlights idk but it's hot right. she wears leather pants and this fuckin thing that's like a corset but not. idk what it's called but it shows off her tummy so i love it.

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grape_fruit: I guess you might want to leave some skin exposed if you were that insulated? does she keep her lair cold?
spirulinagalaxy: is the weird robey thing you are wearing soft and comfy, inquiring minds want to know
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@grape_fruit yes. thankfully i'm coldpilled and will become even moreso as i pack on blubber of my own. also i think she probably keeps it cold here because she likes dressing slutty rather than the other way around.

@spirulinagalaxy yes. i didn't even know clothes could be comfy and sexy at the same time. it's amazing. 

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spirulinagalaxy: you didn't know? what, you thought everyone was suffering for their beauty all this time
pithy: do you know what your goal weight is, or like, what her goal for you is
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@spirulinagalaxy yeah like empirically people seem to do that

@pithy idk hopefully not so big that it gets in the way of me, like, doing stuff. hopefully her concern for my well-being+desire to avoid shrinking the number of ways in which i can pleasure her outweighs her desire for more pearls. she suggested learning an instrument while i'm here which she probably wouldn't if the effort would be wasted by me being rendered unable to get a violin to my neck or sit at a piano bench without breaking it.

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pithy: seems like the kind of thing you might need to know
grape_fruit: does she have a plan to make sure this doesn't like, kill your joints, give you some kind of metabolic problem, etc.
Mezzopiano: oh you should totally pick up an instrument! are violin and piano your top choices or just examples?
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DM to monoceros: you can probably see this but [screencap] do you?

@mezzopiano just the ones that came to mind. banjo would be cool too maybe if i could actually pull it off with my clumsy ass fingers.

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Cross that bridge when we come to it. Also final poundage will depend on fat distribution, like I said, if you keep it all in your butt and I can't get at least three pearls in each thigh we'll keep going.
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DM to monoceros: me having a fat ass would rule tho right

@pithy she says it'll depend on fat distribution bc of like how the pearls need to be positioned

@grape_fruit she says we'll cross that bridge when we come to it

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Aquinas: I hope you are rescued before you have foreign objects implanted in you for nefarious ends.
grape_fruit: I hope they don't itch. Don't regular pearls itch? like that's how they happen to the oysters?
spirulinagalaxy: there's a joke here, about which foreign objects for whose ends Aquinas thinks people should get inserted
Aquinas: I don't appreciate that.
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DM to Monoceros: shit they're not gonna itch are they

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It will be exciting to find out together 😘
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That's a little concerning. On the bright side, if they do Mo will hopefully scratch them for her which will be nice.

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grape_fruit: spi just block him
spirulinagalaxy: eris's block function does not really work for my use case gf but thanks
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As chat seems to have slowed down on Eris, Katie decides to have a little self-guided tour of her new home. She gets up, exits her bedroom, and begins wandering the halls, opening any doors she can and poking her head in to see what awaits her.

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She can open the unoccupied bedrooms of various colors. They're like the Red Room, only not red.

She can get back to the gamer chair rig, or the dining room. Two cyborg giant rats are cleaning in the dining room.

She can cross a currentway to what might be some kind of submarine embarcation station or something.

She can go down the stairs to the goons' dorm, though the individual goon rooms lock. Across from there is the kitchen, and the kitchen goons therein, hard at work on lunch, ask her if she wants a snack?

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"Nah, I'm good." She looks at the weather app on her phone and tries to see if it's cloudy wherever she is. She's considering asking to be let outside to enjoy the view and go for a swim, but she doesn't want the sun to assault her skin.

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Her phone has no idea where she is.

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"Hey, do you know if it's cloudy out right now?" she asks the nearest goon.

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The goon checks his own phone. "Full sun, miss."

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"Thanks." She walks back to her room. Maybe at night. Or maybe if Mo has invented some kind of sunblock that doesn't aggravate her sensory issues.

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A goon is making her bed but drops the pillow and shoos when she reappears.

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The gang on Eris have anything interesting to say while she was out?

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They have somehow gotten into a discussion about various fictional representations of evil capitalism and what's wrong with them.

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Katie participates enthusiastically. As it dies down, she opens up the latest episode of her favorite podcast and tries to search for a game on Steam to play while listening to it, before remembering that this isn't her computer and doesn't even appear to have a way to download programs. Wait. Hold on. This isn't a setback, it's an opportunity. She mustn't disappoint Mon by squandering her golden opportunity to actually Do Things. She hits play on the podcast and begins doing pushups on the floor, switching to situps and whichever other excercises she can remember how to do when her arms get tired, following no specific pattern or routine as she's not really one for things like that. It's a little difficult and uncomfortable with how full she is but she powers through it. She worries this'll backfire and get Mon mad at her for wasting precious calories on much denser and therefore harder to fit pearls in muscle, but the language learning or instrument options would prevent her from listening to podcasts and she's not ready to go that far out of her comfort zone as yet. She makes a mental note to ask Mo for some way of playing video games, though. All work and no play makes Katie a dull girl.

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What, she's not even going to check the cupboard under the screen?

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Huh, what's in here?

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A Steam Deck and a Switch and a PS5.

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Oooh, nice. The control scheme might be an annoyance for some of her games, but she can probably ask Mon for some kind of fix. She briefly considers saying fuck it and going straight to gaming, but she thinks about Mon making a disappointed face at her squandering this golden opportunity for self-improvement and stands firm. There'll be time for videos game after she's tired out her arms (and stomach muscles, if she's digested enough that doing situps isn't torture by the time her arms are), which won't take long because she hasn't done this since gym class.

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Monoceros doesn't comment on her morning exercise. Though breakfast took a while and it'll probably be lunch soon...

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After her muscles are sufficiently achy, Katie gets back onto Eris.

hey guys

guess who just got done actually working out for the first time in like ever

time to resolve the "will k ever self-improve" prediction market

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unicorn: I think zo did that market and I haven't heard from him in ages
grape_fruit: I hope zo did not also get kidnapped by supervillains
Mezzopiano: I'd say "how common can it be" but apparently people I loosely know do sometimes create two nickels situations
pithy: Just ask the admins to resolve it. Does working out one (1) time really count though
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@pithy idk up to them to decide but i just wanna brag

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grape_fruit: How did it feel?
unicorn: zo didn't get kidnapped by supervillains he had a health crisis and quit eris about it
unicorn: still posts on one of his sideblrs
spirulinagalaxy: oh hey can you find out where supervillains hire henchpersons? is there like Henchmen Linkedin or
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@grape_fruit not as bad as i expected

@spirulinagalaxy why, are you considering a change of career? y'know they kill people sometimes? hey @mezzopiano spiru is planning on killing people and they don't even have a trauma excuse about it

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spirulinagalaxy: no I'm just curious kekek
spirulinagalaxy: though separately it'd be good material for like fanfic AUs
Mezzopiano: you don't have to ping me whenever spi makes a joke K
grape_fruit: congrats! excited for this upswing in your wellbeing sparked by *consults smudged writing on hand* being... kidnapped...
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i know right. oh hey shit @Aquinas did you hear back from the convocation? i wanna see my hot new gf kick ass in tight spandex

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Aquinas: No, nothing yet. I'm not sure if they reply directly to reports.
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guys shit i should probably take a bath. don't wanna be all sweaty at lunch with mon. be back soon unless she calls me for lunch right after.

She goes to the bathroom and draws herself a bath.

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The bathtub is nice, and it's also round, not that this matters very much today in particular. The goons brought in her own toiletries and arranged them in plausible locations but there are also nicer things that appear to have come with the place.

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She finishes and towels off, but not before looking at her body in the mirror and meditating on the fact that it's the thinnest it'll ever be again. She puts on the bathrobe and goes out to find the nearest goon and ask them for a change of clothes.

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"In the armoire, miss."

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She doesn't know what an armoire is exactly but there's presumably only one thing in her room that looks closetlike.

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Yup. It's full of clothes which are in various styles, colors, and fabrics, but all have in common that they'll tolerate being let out really well.

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What looks comfiest?

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Some of the things are more like pajamas than other things, if she doesn't feel like wearing a kimono or a bubble-fabric shirtdress.

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She tries on the kimono. It's pretty and she likes the patterns and she's feeling adventurous. She's a little sad Mo isn't picking out her clothes for her but her friends on Eris just had a whole conversation the other day about how domming takes effort and shouldn't be taken for granted so she doesn't hold it against her.

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And after not too long a goon knocks to tell her that she is expected for lunch in the dining room.

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She strolls on down, a spring in her step that is probably gonna get more difficult as time goes on. She should probably start doing leg exercises. She likes being springy. 

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For lunch there's a menu and waitgoons to bring dishes. Monoceros waves Katie over to a two-person table.

The theme today appears to be Indian food. The smell of fresh flatbread and spices blooming in ghee is wafting up from the kitchen. As soon as Katie's ass hits the chair a waitgoon deposits a basket of assorted flatbreads and a meta-dish full of smaller dishes each with a different dip/relish/spread/sauce.

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Her spice tolerance isn't the best, but she'll do what she can. She plops down next to Mo and grabs a bite of whatever looks meatiest and least likely to burn her mouth.

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Well, there's a yogurt sauce, and there's no meat in this course but she can get a kulcha full of perfectly bouncy-soft paneer. Monoceros is working on a garlic naan slathered in relish and chutney, herself. "Check out your menu, order a few things, I'll supplement for you if it's not enough things," she says, gesturing at the paper next to Katie's plate.

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She looks down at her menu. God Mo gets her flustered so easily. 

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Fish Pakora
Vegetable Pakora
Gobi Manchurian

Lamb Vindaloo
Butter Chicken
Malai Kofta
Navratan Korma
Curried Goat
Tandoori Salmon
Mattar Paneer
Baingan Bartha
Dal Makhani

Prawn Biryani
Assorted Indian Breads

Lassi (Sweet, Salty, Mango, Strawberry, Passionfruit)
Gulab Jamun
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"What kind of fish is the fish pakora?"

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"Today halibut, miss," says the nearest goon.

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"Lamb vindaloo, malai kofta, curried goat, tandoori salmon, the breads, and a heaping helping of gulab jamun for dessert. That enough for ya, Mo?" She hopes she doesn't judge her for having to Google almost all of those things. She fondly remembers having Gulab Jamun at an Indian restaurant as a really little kid though so she's excited for that.

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"Close. Get her some samosas and the biryani too. And muffin, pick a lassi flavor."

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Ough, this is gonna be difficult. She doesn't like shrimp, and she really hopes the samosas don't have peas. She's never had mango on its own before but she likes it in sushi so she goes for that for the lassi. "God. You really are intent on making sure I need reinforced furniture by the end of the month, aren't you?"

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"It's not like I'll need to buy you new, special furniture."

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"Good to know there's an upper bound which appears entirely comfortable."

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"It's nice and cozy. Did you know that just like seals and whales fat women make the best open water swimmers?"

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"I've heard. Would love to see and/or experience it in person sometime."

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"You haven't been up top yet, though."

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"I have not, aside from when you brought me in here. Why do you mention that?"

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"Well, if you want to be a good open water swimmer you don't just need to be buoyant and insulated, you have to be able to swim. What's stopping you?"

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"I can swim, I just... haven't in a while. Feel weird about strangers seeing me in a swimsuit. Also I don't wanna get sunburned and sunscreen feels icky."

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"Huh, you're a sensitive little cashew-fruit, aren't you."

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"Yeah." She blushes and turns away a little. 

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"I think you'd look cute all pink and burny. You'd yelp if I slapped it."

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"Yeah, but I might tan, which I don't think would suit me, I don't actually know, I don't spend a lot of time in the sun, plus whether you're tanning or burning it gives you cancer and makes your skin go all wrinkly faster." 

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"Well, you could find out if it'd suit you. You think I look this good because I'm actually twenty-two or something, peppermint bark? I won't let you turn into a prune."

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"I meant I don't know if I would tan or burn. As I said, I don't spend much time in the sun. Anyways, I was gonna ask about that, but I'm told it's rude to ask a lady about such things. Apparently you're like, 50 or something. What is your secret? If these pearls really take 15 years to grow I don't wanna be all grey and wrinkly by the time I'm making my return to society.

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"What makes you think I only want one batch? Anyway, my secret is mad science and I don't usually share it around much but you can have a smidgen to keep your pretty face."

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"Have I mentioned you're an absolute sweetie?" She clumsily places a hand on Mo's.

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Monoceros squeezes till Katie's bones creak. Then releases her hand and offers her a roti covered in chutney.

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She gobbles it up. "I would love to go swimming with you sometime. Though despite how beautiful the view is out there, I kinda wish you had a pool because there are certain things I've always wanted to do in water that it's probably a really really bad idea to do when you're also surrounded by sand."

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"Live dangerously."

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"I mean, by doing it with you I kinda already am." The thought that Monoceros might be enough of a sadist to want her to get sand in her vagina is on the one hand hot but on the other kind of concerning.

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"And what will you do when I'm off at the extraordinary biology convention? Pine and languish and waste away without sunshine or fresh air?"

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"I don't know, I just... feel kinda weird about my body, y'know. Though what's currently going on will probably help."

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"Speaking of." The appetizers arrive. Monoceros drinks her cup of rasam in one long breathless swallow and then mops up the droplets clinging to the bowl with a scrap of bread.

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"I know I say "have I mentioned" a lot, but have I mentioned I love how much of a shameless glutton you are?"

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"You've mentioned this! What would be the point of being a supervillain if I still experienced shame or fretted about 'excess'?"

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"Damn right sister!" She begins digging into her samosas and whatever else she got that's classified as an appetizer, she doesn't remember.

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"Sister! More kinks than I gave you credit for." She didn't order any other appetizers, but Monoceros did, and is giving her a couple of pakoras.

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"Oh, I didn't mean that in a kink way... unless you want it to be. Also hey hold on a sec can I take a picture of the food? My internet friends wanted proof I'm actually eating as good as I claimed to be."

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"Oh, yes, of course you can. Here, let's make it more picturesque." She dips a spoon into the raita dish and drizzles it over the samosas.

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@blinkenlights your pics sir

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Her phone has no service.

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Shit, she's still not on the wifi. She looks in the networks section.

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Nothing available to run of the mill phones who don't know what's what.

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Shit. "Mo, how do I connect my phone to the internet? I can't find a Wi-Fi network."

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"In your room you can connect it by Celeste to the system in there."

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"Got it." She puts her phone down and tucks into a pakora. Mmmm, perfectly crispy.

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The samosas, when she gets there, do have peas in, among the potatoes and spices and butter, but they are very good poppable fresh peas.

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She still doesn't like them, but does her best to ignore them. Can't be disappointing Mo.

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The mains, additional carb substrates, and lassis all come out at the same time. Monoceros's lassi comes in a really big glass. It's possible it was sold as a flower vase.

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"Y'know, I think having lots of little things, well, relatively little anyway, is really helping me eat more. I think usually the thing that stops me eating isn't really that my stomach is full so much that the taste of whatever I'm eating has gotten monotonous or overwhelming."

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"Does that mean you won't try to beat my eggnog record come Christmas?"

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"Not really an eggnog person, buuuutttttt I'm not one to back down from a challenge."

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"Doesn't have to be chicken eggs. I go through enough to thoroughly justify ostrich."

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"Huh, how're those different? Other than being bigger I guess."

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"Honestly as eggs go they're not dissimilar in flavor, you might prefer duck or something."

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"I suppose we shall see." She takes cautious little sips of her lassi in between hearty, albeit slowing, bites of salmon, lamb, and goat.

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The lassi is rich and thick and tart.

Monoceros is eating entirely with her hands; she doesn't even have a fork on the table. She just picks up everything directly or with a piece of bread and nomfs.

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How's the goat? Katie's never had it before.

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It's more like lamb than anything else, a little gamey but mild.

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"Mo, I'm going for that prize you mentioned. If I start looking uncomfortable, don't give me the pink stuff. My stomach will make room like I said."

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"We'll see! You diiiid ask for a big pile of gulab jamun."

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"And you ordered extra stuff for me after I had already done that."

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"I did! You have to work for your prize."

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"Every time you smile I am ovewhelmed by the urge to kiss you, but I should probably save that for later."

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She's about 3/4 of the way through with what's currently on her plate when she stops, leans back, and holds out a flat, vertical hand to indicate her stomach is making room.

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Oh, a cue to spoon a couple of the malai koftas she's barely touched onto a naan for her.

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After a while of heavy breathing, she carefully chews and swallows them.

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"Good little dumpling."

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She shudders. Blushes a little. Motivation successfully renewed.

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Monoceros returns her attention to her paratha full of butter chicken.

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She's sweating. Crying. Gritting her teeth. She feels like she's about to explode. She presses on anyway. She needs that prize. She needs to impress her love. She needs to feel her body thicken and swell and get all soft and jiggly and comfy. She needs it. She needs it. She needs it.

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"Congratulations!" says Monoceros, when Katie has eaten all her food.

In come the desserts.

There's a veritable ziggurat of gulab jamun before Katie.

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She pops them into her mouth far faster than expected. It is a well known fact that humans have a second stomach reserved for desserts. "Round, fluffy, and sweet... just like you."

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"Oh, butterball, I'm not sweet at all."

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"You are to me." 

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"Well, I guess you'd know."

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"I don't  even huff know what that's huff supposed to mean huff." 

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"It means you tasted me, sugarcane."

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"Sorry huff too full huff thinking hard huff."

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"It'll get easier, my papaya."

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She finishes the gulab jamun. There's honey sauce all over her face and kimono. She untied the little thing around the waist that holds it together a good while ago and her distended gut is sticking out. She looks down at it. It's even more swollen than last night. "Prize?", she groans.

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"You win! My darling persimmon."

And Monoceros gets to her feet and, without wiping the syrup off her lips, sweeps Katie off her chair, off her feet, into a low dip, and kisses her.

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She's so floored she doesn't even notice the brief feeling like she's gonna vomit from sudden movement. She wraps her arms around Monoceros's vast middle and squeezes as hard as she can. God she's so soft. She feels up her back rolls and roots around in her mouth for a while before getting back up. "So if I failed, were you just never gonna kiss me?"

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"Oh, you would've earned it eventually." Smooch.

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She feels a little regretful for putting herself in this much pain for something she would've gotten anyway but knows better than to say so aloud. "Can I have the pink stuff now? Tummy hurty." 

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"Oh, the pink stuff isn't right if you just need a painkiller, petite pakora." She pulls something out of her pocket and slaps a patch on Katie's tummy. It's soothing, sort of like a cross between a hot pad and a massage. It's possible its original purpose was period cramps but it works fine for this too.

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"Aohhhhhh, that's better. You wanna come cuddle with me while I show my friends how much I just wolfed down?"

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"You're very snuggly-temperamented, aren't you. I don't want to be photographed. Maybe this evening."

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"Oh,  I wasn't gonna take pics of you." She was gonna ask, actually, but she's glad that's been cleared up in advance. "Just of the food, I mean. And maybe my belly but I'll make sure you aren't in the shot."

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"All the pics of your tum you like, naturally."

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"So are you coming, or not? C'mon, don't you wanna feel how taut and round my gut is?"

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"I didn't wake up yesterday morning planning to kidnap you! I have things to do. After the convention my schedule will open up."

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"Fair. See you in a few hours, you adorably whimsical lardass."

She waddles awkwardly down the hall to her room, changes back into the bathrobe, and sees if she can get her phone connected to the Internet without needing to ask a goon for help.

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Assuming her phone has Celeste it works no problem.

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She flops down on the bed and opens up Eris.

[images of lunch] @blinkenlights your pics, sir

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blinkenlights: holy
Mezzopiano: are you claiming you got all that down? srsly?
spirulinagalaxy: oh god I want curry now. brb ordering bombay garden
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[pic of tummy]

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blinkenlights: you should take up food photography as a serious hobby
unicorn: how many people does she have in the kitchen??
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Idk like a lot probably

Also after I finished everything we kissed

It was heavenly

I asked her to come cuddle with me but she said she was busy

God she's so soft and warm and grabbable 

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pithy: k I hate to be the one to break it to you but I'm worried she may only be using you for your body
Aquinas: I have to recommend against throwing yourself into this gluttonous excess when you know it's only going to lead to further pain and misuse of your body and empowering the forces of evil.
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Maybe it's Aquinas's judgement, maybe it's the rancid take she just read on Tumblr, maybe it's the being turned down for cuddles, maybe it's the annoyingly sticky honey on her face that she was too eager to lie down to wash off, but her barrier of optimism finally cracks. She's scared. What if they're right? What if everything she said has been a lie? What if that little nagging voice in the back of her head that tells her that no one will ever really love her because she's gross and boring and unlovable was right? Tears form anew at the corners of her eyes

Ok so like


If that were the case

If her intentions were not what they claim to be

What should I do


In the conspiracy world, so to speak

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unicorn: her... stated intentions... to keep you prisoner in her lair, fatten you up, and grow space pearls in you
unicorn: those intentions?
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Her lair has a comfy bed and fast internet and gourmet meals and the space pearls apparently won't even be externally visible or anything and why are you acting like #2 is obviously bad you do remember who I am right

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unicorn: I'm not saying you have to object to it but did she like, say that you were her girlfriend now and that she would love you forever or are you reading into it being hot
Aquinas: I disagree, I think she should object strenuously!
pithy: literally how would it help if she did that.
grape_fruit: does she have magical super antidepressants that don't do any of the things you don't want them to do?
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I guess she didn't but like she has me completely at her mercy and is providing me with all these nice things instead of just keeping me chained up and gavaging me so that says something right? Right???

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spirulinagalaxy: yes. it says she prefers putting you in a spare bedroom and letting you eat what she eats over maintaining you in laboratory conditions. not a super strong statement really?
Mezzopiano: 2HOU3THOGH3490
Mezzopiano: sorry my cat has no sense of dramatic timing
Mezzopiano: k pal you may have to come to terms with the fact that the supervillain who kidnapped you yesterday because you looked like an oyster if she squinted may, despite throwing in some rape, not be looking for a serious emotional relationship as hard as you
blinkenlights: "rape"
grape_fruit: it is! it's not stereotypical rape but lbr k can't leave!
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You idiots. You fucking idiots. I was so happy and comfy and you guys just had to ruin it with your doubting and your questions and your reasonable skepticism and now I'm all anxious and scared and like I was trapped before but now I really feel trapped and there's no one I can go to for comfort aaaaaaaaaaaa

That said if what she did to me was rape then there was no such thing as consensual heterosexual sex before the 20th century

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unicorn: yeah there kind of wasn't
grape_fruit: *hugs*
Aquinas: It can be very painful and terrifying to come to terms with the reality of one's situation and its precarity.
spirulinagalaxy: aq I don't think that is helping.
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I'm an idiot. I'm such a fucking idiot. I should've known better than to believe I could ever be loved. Thanks for reminding me guys. Next time a cute girl talks to me I'll immediately call the cops because I know that I'm a gross loser with no special talents or likeable traits and anyone who acts like they're interested in me is actually just trying to harvest my organs.

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Mezzopiano: I think this is information about... supervillains... not about you...
pithy: okay k the pendulum swung over there, so now we're gonna pull it back this other direction, only not quite so far out this time, got it? and then repeat as necessary till you are no longer swinging straight past a rational opinion coming and going.
spirulinagalaxy: I'm torn. On the one hand it's obviously better if K is happy, all else being equal; but on the other hand this is genuinely a very dangerous and corrosive situation and if being happy reduces her odds of escaping it's hard to root for it.
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Escape? How the fuck am I gonna escape? I'm a normal ass human with no powers in the middle of a supervillain's lair which is located on an island in the middle of I'm not actually sure which ocean but the names of supes who might come I heard her say were Spanish so I'm gonna guess the Caribbean or Gulf of Mexico

She does partially believe this, but the fact that Monoceros is probably monitoring her is factoring into her decision to say it.

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pithy: I mean for sure if you do have an idea you should absolutely say it right here in the clear on the semipublic internet. no way that will go wrong.
spirulinagalaxy: I don't know, just, it's not like you're on the moon or something.

OCTOPUSISYUM has sent you a friend request!

wavesrollin has sent you a friend request!

MelonMelonMelon has sent you a friend request!

Queequeg has sent you a friend request!
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She accepts the friend requests and adds them all to a group DM


You guys are the belugas?

She really hopes they're not here to bust her for contemplating escape.

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Queequeg: yes. is beluga.
OCTOPUSISYUM: give me octopus.
wavesrollin: new legged swim? swim with beluga?
MelonMelonMelon: eated a smelt. eated it up.
OCTOPUSISYUM: give me octopus.
wavesrollin: keep new legged safe to swim!
Queequeg: keep away bad boat.
Queequeg: keep away evil fish.
Queequeg: keep away bad DEVICE.
wavesrollin: device BAD
wavesrollin: device from BAD OTHER LEGGED
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She breathes a sigh of relief.

Hi!!! Yes I would love to swim with you sometime. Ok so idk if this is a bad question but I've been wondering about it ever since I heard about you guys. Last night we had whale milk ice cream. Did that come from you guys? Is that not weird for you? Did one of you have a [google.com what are baby whales called] calf recently or does she induce it artificially? Also queequeg have you actually read Moby Dick?

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OCTOPUSISYUM: give me octopus.
MelonMelonMelon: milk is from Melon.
MelonMelonMelon: Melon does not have calf.
Queequeg: no, boss name.
OCTOPUSISYUM: give me octopus.
OCTOPUSISYUM: give me octopus.
wavesrollin: swim! swim with new legged!
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As freaked out as she was before, talking to adorable animals that make adorable noises and want nothing more than to frolic joyously with her is really easing her stress.

Yes!!! I swim with you! I swim with you soon! I give you splashies and perhaps octopus if I can! Hey how do you guys feel about having your melons touched? Do you like it or is it like someone poking your eye?

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MelonMelonMelon: not as good as scritches.
wavesrollin: scritches! scritches!
Queequeg: is fine! squish.
OCTOPUSISYUM: give me octopus.
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I will give you skritches. I will give you so many skritches. So so many.

*Switches back to friendserver*

Ok so yeah maybe Monoceros's intentions aren't entirely pure but y'know whose are? Her TALKING BELUGAS who I am going to get to SWIM WITH SOON and give SPLASHIES and SKRITCHES and TOUCH THEIR MELONS (the ball of fat on their heads that lets them echolocate she did not give them tits)

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grape_fruit: okay that's very cute and wholesome. they talk??
blinkenlights: take pictures of the belugas!
spirulinagalaxy: why belugas and not something that breaches so you could go for exciting whale rides
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@grape_fruit apparently not literally but they can use Eris somehow

@blinkenlights will if I can

@spirulinagalaxy idk but if I tried to do that I would probably fall off and drown or something so i'm not mad

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spirulinagalaxy: I guess probably belugas are a convenient size for lots of the things you might want uplifted whales for maybe?

The belugas are still chattering away in the group chat.
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@spirulinagalaxy do you mean that as in like. what happened in that nasa experiment with the dolphin living in a flooded house with a human lady. not sure i wanna go down that road, not sure if monoceros would be mad, not sure if belugas are as freaky as dolphins and would want that, but I'm not ruling it out.

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spirulinagalaxy: oh my god. the gutter, your mind. they're like cheaper to feed than bigger whales, they can probably use more technology with less modification, if she's using them for spy missions or something they're less noticeable
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also you can frolic in the water with them and give them skritches which I hope monoceros values

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grape_fruit: seems like a relatively safe assumption!
Mezzopiano: go swim with the belugas, k! have fun!
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She resolves to do so right before dinner, when her stomach has hopefully digested this obscene amount of food. She checks the clock and shoots Monoceros a message asking when dinner is.

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7pm, my room.
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Oooohhh, exciting. Possible post-dinner cuddles? She boots up Mordheim: City of the Damned and resumes the same song and dance of creating and deleting new saves until the starting market rotation has three two-handed weapons and a gun and restarting 2 or 3 battles in when her wolf-priest gets ambushed by like 3 skaven at once and subsequently dies of a cerebral hemorrhage until 6, assuming nothing interrupts her.

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No interruptions!

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She goes to the armoire and looks to see if it has any swimwear.

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Yup. Nice tie-cinch tankini that won't even cover her entire stomach right now but makes a pretense at trying, peach with yellow flowers.

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She puts it on. She's still a little nervous and jittery when she goes out and asks a goon to be let out to the surface to swim with the belugas.

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"Yes miss," says the goon, and she takes Katie up the elevator to the beach.

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How's the weather? Is it dark out yet? Can she see the belugas?

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It's still bright, partly cloudy, and 74º. She might notice some white shapes moving in the water.

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She excitedly runs toward them. "Hello! Hello lovely creatures! How are you today!"

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Chirp chirp squawk! goes a beluga.

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She gives it a big hug and skritches it near the blowhole.

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Gives it a little kiss. "Baby! Baby creature! I love you baby creature!"

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The beluga rolls over, making assorted squawking noises.

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"Belly rubs? Do you like belly rubs little baby creature?"

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The little baby creature, some seven or eight times Katie's mass, chirps at her and accepts belly rubs.

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She happily swims off and gestures for it to follow behind her.

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It chases her (by moving comically slowly) and pretends to nip at her feet, but doesn't actually connect.

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God these things are adorable. She wishes she had some kind of buoyant throwable object to play catch with. 

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Is she keeping track of time? The belugas aren't.

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She swims back to shore and asks the monitoring goon for the time every so often.

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6:23. 6:39. 6:51.

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She waves goodbye to the belugas, takes the elevator back down, and towels off in her bedroom.

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Her goon escorts her to her door, and when she's ready to go to dinner walks her there, since she hasn't been to Monoceros's room before.

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She's wearing the bubble-fabric shirtdress. Coming in a swimsuit might be a little spicy, but Mo keeps it cold in here and it's not even that revealing of a swimsuit.

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"Good evening! The belugas review you favorably."

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"I'm so glad. The feeling is mutual. Do you have any tennis balls or something I can play catch with next time? Those float in seawater, right?"

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"I don't think I currently have tennis balls but you can ask one of the animal-maintenance goons what they've got or ask them to get you tennis balls."

The first course arrives. It's crostinis dripping with olive oil and topped with roasted garlic and herbs.

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She snaps a photo for her friends to drool at later and then immediately gobbles them up. Mmmmmmm crunchycrunchycrunchygarlicsaltgarlicsaltpepperoregano mmmmm.

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"I'm so glad you went swimming. Makes you hungry." Cronch cronch.

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"Indeed it does. 12 courses again today?" In between bites, Katie scans the room for any obvious differences from her own other than color.

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"Actually just six but one of them is a whole turkey."

Monoceros's room is more lived-in, but the goons keep it clean. There's two books open on her desk, she's got a funky hanging narwhal-shaped lamp, there's pictures of her in various scenic locations on the walls in between a stolen Renoir and a calligraphy of selected Evil Overlord List items (#2, #11, #56, and #85).

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"Ohhhh boy. To share, or one each?" 

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"We'll split it but it's a big turkey."

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Katie breathes a sigh of relief, steels her stomach, and on the side makes a mental note not to try escaping through the ventilation ducts, even though pretty soon that's gonna be impossible even if she was imprisoned by an evil overlord who hadn't read The List.

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"You a white meat person or a dark meat person?" Monoceros asks, as the goons take the crostini platter and bring in a salmon Caesar salad.

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"White." Katie approves greatly of how garlic-heavy this meal seems to be.

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"Oh, convenient, I like both but nothing quite hits like sinking my teeth into a thigh."

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"Try not to bite too hard. Tissue damage and blood loss waste valuable calories, y'know."

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"Pish tosh."

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"What, are you British now? Gonna be feeding me bangers and mash? Toad in the hole, perhaps? Smack barm pey wet?"

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"British themed breakfast tomorrow, goon."

"Yes boss."

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"God damnit I should not have said that."

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"You don't like bangers and mash?"

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"Not really. In terms of British food, uuuuhhhh, I like Worcestershire sauce." The fact that Mo appears to be punishing her for making a joke about her word choice has caused her suspicion and anxiety to flare up again. God, please let it be well-intentioned. Please. She just wants to be loved. She just wants someone to really, truly value her. She just wants someone she can trust. Please.

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"Fish and chips? Blood pudding? Yorkshire pudding is actually just popovers. They have some good candies too."

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"I like the breading on fish and chips, but cod has this gross metallic taste, and British-style chips look all mealy and soggy. I've never had blood pudding but from what I've tasted of blood when I've gotten nosebleeds I don't think it's for me. You're right on the candies, though. Love me some Aero bars."

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"I like the honeycomb kind, and Cadbury eggs. Doesn't have to be cod and those fat sad fries, you can serve tilapia and shoestrings in newspaper just the same."

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"I can't remember exactly what tilapia is like but that sounds lovely."

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"It's one of the chickenier fishes."

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"Mmm, sounds promising."

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"I used to think I didn't like it but it turned out my supplier just sucked, we get it from a better spot now - it's freshwater so we do have to get it shopping."

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Katie finishes the last bite of her salad and pushes the plate forward. "God, this was good. The dressing is perfect and the salmon's cooked just right."

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"I pay very well and sometimes don't take no for an answer when I'm hiring."

Next: salami and cheese pinwheels drizzled in green goddess sauce.

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"You're really playing to my tastes tonight. Have you, like, gone through archives of my grocery store purchases and restaurant orders?"

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"Nope, these menus are usually set at least a couple days in advance for the shoppers, at least in a general sense with room for substitutions if something looks bad at the market. They have a union, you know."

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"Lucky me then." Katie mentally marks down "lets her workers unionize" as another point in Monoceros's favor.

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Next is the whole turkey. It looks like they deep fried it. There are dishes of gravy to dip in. Monoceros rips off a drumstick and snarfs it down.

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"Ooooh, so we get two courses of dessert after this?"

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"Exciting." Katie carves a hearty slice and digs in.

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Oh, there's no knife. Apparently they're supposed to eat this turkey with their bare hands.

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An exciting challenge. Katie hopes the grease doesn't fuck up her skin as she works at finding a good spot to tear off some white meat.

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Monoceros has no trouble cracking the whole ribcage of the bird open to get at the stuffing inside.

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God, she may be evil and just using me for my body in more ways than one but there's no doubt that she's adorable. Oooh, what kind of stuffing?

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Bread, broth, sausage, assorted mushrooms, a zillion herbs, and celery and onions!

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Katie grabs a big handful and dips it in the gravy.

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The gravy is buttery and rich and saved from being gelid by being piping hot. There's a sprig of marjoram in it for garnish.

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"Y'know, in 18th century France,  they had a thing that was like a turducken but with like 17 different birds." 

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"Is that what you'd like for your birthday?"

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"Maybe. My capacity will probably be enough by then, but poultry isn't really my favorite. When I'm treating myself I usually go for steak or seafood."

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"Ooh, have you had wagyu?"

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"Don't think so, no. Is it as good as they say?"

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"Oh, a lot of it's fraudulent. The real stuff is damn fine."

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"Will have to try it then. Can I have some pink stuff, btdubs? Getting kinda full."

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"'Course, sugarplum. I came prepared." Tum-stab.

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"Owwwwahhhhh much better." Katie feasts with renewed vigor.

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When they've demolished the turkey and all its contents it is time for cheesecake! The good news is Katie only gets one slice. The bad news is it's a slice that is also an entire quarter of a full sized pecan turtle cake.

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Ooohhh man. Katie really made the right decision getting that shot of pink stuff. Does she get a spoon, or is she expected to eat this with her hands too?

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The cheesecake comes with forks.

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She can work with that. Down the hatch it goes.

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The caramel sauce deserves a special commendation even against the backdrop of everything else the lair kitchen puts out.

And then they have triple layer chocolate cake with thick fudgy frosting an inch high between every tier and more on top under the pile of strawberries.

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God it's SO sweet and SO rich and Katie is SO full. "More pink please?"

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"You don't think you can get through it on your own?"

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"I... I don't wanna take any chances."

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"Too much of this stuff will give you colon cancer, you know. Not my favorite surgery."

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"Oh. Shit. That's probably worse than vomiting, yeah " Slowly, and with much moaning in both pleasure and discomfort, she finishes the last of her dessert.

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"My favorite surgery is doing cyborg brain implants!"

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That's simultaneously enticing and terrifying. "What kind?"

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"Like the ones that let the pigeons and the plane AI collaborate on flying the plane, and the ones that let the belugas text."

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Huh. That sounds mostly netural. "Soooo...." Katie leans back, drawing attention to her bloated gut in a way she hopes Monoceros finds sexy.

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"Horny little spanakopita, what ever shall I do with you?" she says, as the goons clear the last dishes.

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"I think you know very well what you're gonna do with me. You're the one who had me eat dinner in your bedroom."

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"That's true, but there are so many details to figure out."

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"Well, you're the genius."

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"It's actually a splinter preternatural talent* that doesn't generalize outside my domain but I suppose you, being biological, are not totally unlike my domain." Katie didn't like this shirtdress, did she, Monoceros is going to rip it in half.

*Technical in-universe term.

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She did like it. It was comfy. Mon can probably get her a new one though. She spreads her legs and squirms in her seat.

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Monoceros is going to conduct a wildly uncontrolled experiment into how loudly she can get Katie to yelp. Valence of yelping is secondary to this goal.

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Katie reaches to pull down Monoceros's bandeau and grabs at her breast like a zombie grasping at a doorknob.

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How cute! Does she want a faceful? She did wonder about the milk earlier.

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She needs a faceful. She leans forward and suckles vigorously as she holds onto Mo's back rolls for dear life.

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The boobs are not interested in providing a digestif at this time but Monoceros certainly cackles at the attempt. "My little veal calf."

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Katie releases her mouth from Monoceros's breast and moves upward, passionately locking lips with her and pressing her packed gut into Mo's soft belly.

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The logistics of this require some substantial curvature. Monoceros embraces her with a spine-cracking squeeze, kisses her thoroughly, and starts biting everywhere in reach.

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The sudden pressure and force of gravity on Katie's overstuffed stomach creates a wave of discomfort she really should've seen coming. "Uaaaaagggghhhh standing up hard right now. Bed please?"

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The discomfort gets worse for a moment, then begins to subside. "Nnnnnnnggggggg wow you're strong....", she says as she awaits her lover's touch with literally open arms.

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Here she comes. She's in a bitey mood. Bite bite bite.

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Katie squirms and reaches out a hand for Mo's belly, sticking her thumb in the navel and the rest of her fingers underneath it and giving it a playful jiggle. "Big girl... big soft girl... big soft heavy girl..." she says with a cadence that sort of sounds like she should be drooling even though she's not literally.

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"Kinky little pierogi, all stuffed plump." Tum pat.

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She wants so badly to start fingering, but she feels a sense of trepidation at making the first move there. She digs her fingernails into Mo's plump thigh to signal her eagerness.

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Bite bite bite bite bite bite. Monoceros isn't hesitating to get in there with her own hands.

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Ooooooooaaaaaaahhhhhnnnnn that feels good. She quivers as Mo's fingers go in and begins maneuvering her own into position, her free hand wandering Mo's body aimlessly. "H-heavy girl... Heavy girl gonna make me big and heavy just like her..."

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Boobs go in Katie's face.

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She puts her lips to one and again suckles vigorously, this time putting some tooth into it.

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She's so cute!

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Mo likes cute? She can do cute. She reaches her free hand around to Mo's wide back and gives it a playful tickle.

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She's drawing a little blood at times now.

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Katie shudders and flinches and grips Mo's plush flesh tight out of pain response instinct as well as lust. Her hand hesitates on Mo's nethers. She's still having fun but is a little scared in the back of her mind that Mo wouldn't stop even if she wasn't.

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Monoceros hunkers down to close the gap.

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God she's so soft and so heavy and plush and cuddly and Katie's body is gonna be like that soon and oh god what's sex gonna be like when they're both like that her mind is too overloaded to process it all but god she wants it so bad she can barely even think straight about what she wants but she knows she wants it.

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"C'mon, my jujube marmalade, don't make me do all the work."

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Fuck. She got so caught up in the sensation she forgot to hold up her end, so to speak. Her slender fingers resume their grueling siege of Mo's crotch with renewed vigor.

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"There you go. Little to the left, peach pie - yeah -"

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"You like that, big girl? You want more? Who am I kidding, you always want more." She grabs Mo's tummy with her free hand and jiggles it again.

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Snicker. "You betcha, cupcake, not done till I say we're done."

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"I fucking love you, Mo." Shoulder nibble.

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"Awww, I bet you say that to all the supervillains." Grind.

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"Well, you're the only one I've met, so, in a sense..." Shudder. Gasp. Thigh grope.

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"I'm just lucky nobody else snatched you first."

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"Same." Heavy breathing. Finger movements growing clumsier. She's getting close.

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"Go on, then, sopapilla-mine." Pinch.

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Moan-whimper hybrid. Shudder. Big dopey grin.

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"Aww, your face." Grind, grind.

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"Not as cute as yours." She reaches up and puts a hand on Mo's double chin and chubby cheeks.

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"You gotta be careful with the biting. Keep making all this repair work for my cells and I'll never have back rolls." She grabs Mo's back rolls for emphasis.

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"Oh, little caper crostini, that is not how it works." Bite bite.

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She especially appreciates being called a caper crostini, not even because it has any kind of horny connotations but because it's just a really good food. Her fingers are really getting tired but they valiantly soldier on. Her free hand is thoroughly lost in Mo's back rolls.

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She can eventually work her way up to the supervillain-laugh-orgasm. This time she has a pretty good view of Monoceros's face.

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God, she's adorable. Look at that smile. Look at that double chin.  Her hair is so fluffy too. The sight pushes Katie over the edge into her own state of blissful carnal satisfaction. She leans back and basks in it happily.

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Cute. What if Monoceros just keeps going, will she get oversensitive and wibbly?

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She does.

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Adorable. "You have such a funny little face like a marshmallow Peep." Bite.

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"I... I mean... I'm... Not exactly marshmallowy. Yet."

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"You're an aspirational Peep." Tum-pat.

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She blushes profusely. God. This woman knows how to flirt.

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Is it still flirting if she's deciding she's done now and flopping nakedly upon one's prone form like an entire pallet of weighted blankets?

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She yelps. Pressure on stuffed belly not good.

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Monocerous snickers, shifts just enough that she's not going to regurgitate about it, and resumes flop.

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Mmm. Warm. Soft. Cuddly. It'd be more comfy with clothes on but she isn't gonna look a gift horse in the mouth.

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Clothes do not seem to be in the offing, no. Just lazy slightly tickly petting.

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Katie puts her arms around Mo and basks in the post-orgasmic bliss.

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"Awww, you look so comfy."

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"That's because I am, cutie."

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"Oh good." Pet pet.

Monoceros does not at this time have anywhere to be.

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Katie cuddles up close to Mo and soaks up the comforting warmth of her body heat as she drifts off into literally the best sleep of her life.

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At some point she's going to get carried off to her own bed and tucked in there.

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"Gotta go, sweet pea? Shame, I was really excited about falling asleep in your arms.", she says tiredly while awkwardly positioned in Mo's arms. God, she loves how strong Mo is.

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"Sleep well, butter bean." Smooch.

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"Mmm."  She does. She still longs to actually fall asleep in Mo's arms but it's good sleep nonetheless.

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Morning dawns. Presumably. It's too far underwater to see.

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At such time as she's awake enough to do so, Katie logs onto Eris to apprise her netchums of the events of last night

gm guys

me and monoceros fucked again last night

it was heavenly

she cuddled me afterwards

not all the way to sleep but she's a busy woman i can't blame her

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spirulinagalaxy: there is going to turn out to be some superhero who grants wishes like a fucking genie and you tripped over them stg
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no dumbass genies can't make anyone fall in love as we all know from the documentary film Disney's Aladdin

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spirulinagalaxy: who said they did? you don't seem to have had any trouble doing that part on your own
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oh yeah and also she doesn't really love me and is just using me to get the pearls or whatever like you guys said

god damnit i need to stop thinking negative thoughts a gorgeous woman is fucking me and stuffing me like a turkey on gourmet food why must i question it like a little bitch

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vichysoisse: maybe ur a little bitch
spirulinagalaxy: oh you're back from wherever you fucked off to without your devices
spirulinagalaxy: yay...
vichysoisse: yeah im back. had a lovely time cuz im not a little bitch
Mezzopiano: vic do you ever say anything constructive
vichysoisse: no :)
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oh hey vichy

how was hawaii

did the natives try to eat you like captain cook

also wow you caught up on my Situation quick

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vichysoisse: yeah i have only 1 leg now but it was so tasty
vichysoisse: the situation where rhinoceros k-napped u? yeah i can read
pithy: captain cooked
pithy: I'll show myself out
captain cooked: no that was great
unicorn: robin plz
captain cooked: sorry not sorry I precommitted to keep this one for 24 hours to assuage the complaints that I change it too much
Mezzopiano: what a profoundly ludicrous response to criticism
captain cooked: ... ... fuck me
Mezzopiano: :3
a profoundly ludicrous response to criticism: are you HAPPY
Mezzopiano: so happy
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excuse you her NAME is MONOCEROS and she is my GIRLFRIEND NOW (i hope)

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unicorn: do you know her... actual name...
spirulinagalaxy: maybe all other names are dead to her, we don't know
unicorn: okay but like does she actually just go by monoceros in her personal life
pithy: yeah, what if you're unwittingly dating a villain who's secretly named fucking, idk, mathilde
vichysoisse: ur goto for a terrible name is mathilde?
pithy: shut up
vichysoisse: no
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vichy is right

mathilde is a cute name

but like i don't care what her "real" name is

if we as a society are gonna respect chosen names we ought to be consistent about it

not like i need to file her fucking tax returns or smth

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unicorn: but filing tax returns together is a key mark of intimacy k
pithy: so what do supervillains eat. thinking of throwing a "what monoceros has been eating" themed party
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last night we split a whole roast turkey

among other things

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pithy: holy wow. half my likely guests are vegetarians though what else did you have
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uuuhhhh cheese. cake. cheesecake. (not a joke we actually had all three of those things seperately, the cheese was with like salami or something but you just said no meat) crostini. i really liked the crostini.

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pithy: by some miracle was the crostini vegan, sometimes I have one of those
pithy: maybe this is a bad party idea
spirulinagalaxy: noooo it's fun just give it a few days and some incidentally vegan stuff is sure to turn up
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idk it didn't exactly come with a nutrition facts label

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pithy: unlabeled crostini got it
spirulinagalaxy: does she let you make requests
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haven't tried

don't wanna give her goons extra work

also there's something nice about having my food picked out for me

(provided it's actually cooked well regardless of what it is, which it is)

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Mezzopiano: what are the goons like
Mezzopiano: where do goons come fpqoiheoopjimlkm,m,
Mezzopiano: cat
Mezzopiano: come from
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No idea

they seem to be treated pretty well tho?

like at breakfast there was this whole hotel-style buffet setup and when me and mo were done the goons got all the rest

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pithy: leftovers, my favorite
spirulinagalaxy: hey that's not nothing, that's a major job perk at like nice-ass restaurants
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Katie checks the time and tries to remember when she was called to breakfast yesterday.

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If breakfast is at the same time today it's still an hour out, but it might plausibly be creeping earlier as she adjusts to the time zone.

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be back soon guys gonna keep going on that whole "not squandering opportunity for self-improvement" thing by doing some situps in my precious last few moments of not having a massive obstructing boulder of food in my stomach

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pithy: weird flex but ok
pithy: I guess actually situps are a perfectly normal flex
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She puts on a video essay, gets up from the computer, and does just that.

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Knock knock.

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She pauses the video essay and opens the door. God, she hopes she's not too sweaty.

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"Miss, the breakfast buffet is ready."

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"Lovely." She follows the goon.

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Breakfast is apparently not too different day to day - most of the same things, or at least approximately the same, are present, though the muffins and such are in a different array of flavors. Monoceros is going for mostly a very tall tower of blueberry pancakes this morning but also has an English muffin sandwich dripping with butter and yolk and festooned with protruding bacon. "Hi there, shortstack!"

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"Don't flatter me. Not exactly stacked yet. Good aspiration though. I see you didn't follow through on the British breakfast thankfully." Katie begins filling her plate with the same stuff as before.

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"When I woke up this morning I just wasn't feeling it." Syrup! She has some kind of lumpy maple blueberry lemon concoction she's adding on top of the giant butter pat - more of a butter slice - on top of her pancakes.

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"Thankfully." Katie eats with a little more vigor than she did the day before. She suspects her body is beginning to adjust to the ludicrous portions.

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Oh, how encouraging. Monoceros adds another donut to her plate. It's got raspberry creme inside.

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"You excited for that villain convention thing you've got soon?"

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"It's not a villain convention, honey mustard, it's a preternatural science convention. There'll be heroes and rogues and minions of various stripes there too. Nobody does the cops and robbers business at a con, not if they know what's good for them."

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"Ah. Makes sense. Hope it goes well. You gonna tell them about your latest experiment?"

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"I'm mostly there to present about farmed tuna but if you want to be an additional science fair project I'm not opposed. It is a pretty substantial trip in the submarine, though."

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"Do whatever you'd prefer. What're you up to with farmed tuna? You figured out how to get them as big as elephants without their organs collapsing or something?"

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"Tuna are actually really hard to farm. One place in Japan's got the hang of it and I did some corporate espionage because I wanted a tuna farm too and now I'm going to leak their secrets to the world."

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"Why can't all supervillains be like you?"

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"I'd eat them."

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"I'm joking, of course. Some are similar to me but have different powers, some just don't want to do what I do."

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Katie gives Mo a quick kiss on the shoulder and continues gobbling away.

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"Try the quail eggs." Spoonful.

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She ordinarily hates eggs, but tries one anyway to avoid appearing close-minded.

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It's a different species of egg!

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Eh. Still not her thing. She finishes it to avoid wasting food but does not get another.

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Monoceros seems otherwise satisfied with what Katie has served herself and applies herself to her steadily diminishing stack of pancakes.

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Katie finishes her breakfast a few minutes faster than she did yesterday and pushed her plate forward, a satisfied smile on her face.

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"Aww, lookit you. Let's get you to the lab, I want to push a few things earlier if I might bring you to the conference."

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That... could be exciting or concerning. Not like she has a choice. Katie gets up and follows Mo.

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The lab is full of stuff. There are hydroponics with alarmingly colorful leaves growing out of them, and cages with vervet monkeys and white rats and a sleeping brown bear. There's aquaria, some separated entirely from the sea and some just sectioned off from it with water flow between - a few kinds of jellyfish and an electric eel and a garden of anemones and a tank of extremely ornamental koi. There are many cabinets with cryptic labels on them like "LL 802-209" or "X2* GOONS ONLY" or "CONTRABAND S". There is also a cupboard with "BEAR FOOD" written on it, but, concerningly, it has been left half-open to reveal that it contains something tennis-ball-colored, luminous, and gelatinous, in Mason jars. Goons in labcoats are bustling about, getting out of Monoceros's way as though none of them had ever intended to cross her path in the first place, feeding the rats and taking notes on the jellyfish and pruning something carnivorous and pink of excess tendrils. All the exhibit-looking things are interspersed with abundant sinks and refrigerators and hotplates and microscope stations and similar.

Katie gets brought to something that might once have been a reupholstered dentist's chair and Monoceros picks her up and plops her in it.

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"Oh God. Is this the part where you turn me into a blueberry? Getting some real Willy Wonka inventing room vibes here."

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"Seriously? I was originally envisioning more of a Doctor Moreau situation but it's evolved a lot since then. Do you want to be blue? It's easy."

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"No. Not actually into that, sadly. How about green hair, though?"

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"Trickier, give me a couple days to mull on that one, maybe import something. Now then."

She is going to take lots of measurements, both with a conventional tape measure and her second-best calipers, plus standard weighing and suchlike and more obscure devices that output numbers that make even less sense to Katie. She biopsies a buttock - "like taking a core sample!" - and ejects the contents of the wide-bore needle into a test tube and fridges it. Takes some blood. Takes some lymph.

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Ow. Ouch. Oww. Not the hottest way a cute girl can hurt her but she'll do her best to enjoy it.

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"All done, pumpkin." She bandages up the various perforations.

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"Did I get a good grade in blood, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve?"

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"I will tell you your grade in blood over lunch. Run along and digest while I put it through the scantron."

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She heads back to her room.

guys mo just did some kinda painful tests on me and i'm all achy please help distract

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Mezzopiano: uh um
pithy: surprised you're not just jerking off about it
Aquinas: The convocation sent me a confirmation that they'd received my report. Hopefully help is on the way!
spirulinagalaxy: the new avatar remake sucks
the new avatar remake: hey
spirulinagalaxy: robin,,,,
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the hurty part wasn't really that hot, wrong kind of pain, but like, the weighing and measuring stuff kinda was

i might jerk off but idk, maybe i should save my energy for mo

or idk maybe she'll enjoy watching the security footage of me doing it

god that'd be hot

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Mezzopiano: there are cameras in your room?
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there might be!

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Mezzopiano: ick?
unicorn: let's not harsh k's vibe
unicorn: distraction, distraction... uh... [picture of an AI art unicorn]
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DM to monoceros: mo are there cameras in here and would you enjoy watching me jack off via them

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There are and it really depends on how much fun you are to watch.
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only one way to find out

One of Katie's hands heads downward as the other begins to hunt for her preferred erotica and her mind fills with thoughts of her body thickening, swelling, growing heavy and solid and plush.

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The cameras don't comment. Her channel on Eris turns into a lively flamewar about the ethics of AI art.

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Katie doesn't care. She's too busy getting off to thoughts of feeling her belly plap against her thighs and Mo running her fingers through her back rolls. She's leaning back and has a big stupid grin on her face, as usual for when she's being sexually stimulated. Her free hand occasionally takes breaks from scrolling through porn to caress her own stomach and tits and imagine how good it'll feel for them to swell with fat. She's incorporating a bit of nipple stimulation, which she doesn't normally do when jacking off but the circumstances she's in make it so she doesn't need to be constantly scrolling through erotica to stay turned on.

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Her hips buck and her eyes roll back in her head a little as she finishes. Thoroughly satisfied, she pees, gets a change of clothes, and sits back down.

God that orgasm was so satisfying that even fucking AI art discourse can't bring me down

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Aquinas: =/
spirulinagalaxy: aq,,,,
basking robin: just block him spi
unicorn: It's a completely valid artistic tool and I'm no more plagiarizing whoever's art trained the model than I'm plagiarizing Stuart Semple if I shove The Glitteriest Glitter up your nose after making sure you are not Anish Kapoor!
spirulinagalaxy: have you looked into eris's block functionality lately
Mezzopiano: That analogy is utterly ridiculous and in such bad faith I can't believe you
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wait what's wrong with Eris's block functionality

I've never used it bc I'm built different

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spirulinagalaxy: it doesn't work gracefully with notifications at all and leaves really conspicuous holes in conversations
spirulinagalaxy: like no shade on the eris people this is probably impossible to do perfectly but that's why I'm not just blocking him
Aquinas: Blocking is an incredibly hostile escalation over in this case an emoticon.
basking robin: spi I see you typing. go sew a coat for your agave plant or whatever the fuck you do
unicorn: If it's ridiculous you'd be able to say why, but you can't! Found art is art, blackout poetry is art, parody is art, and AI art is art. It's a tool, which at some remove contacted some other art, just like all other artistic tools. Maybe unless you're that guy who does calligraphy with assorted vegetables! He may genuinely be an innovator in the space of what art tools he is using. But no way he learned calligraphy with a spear of goddamn asparagus.
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Katie rolls her eyes and begins booting up some vidya to pass the time until lunch. She's too achy to do anything physical and still averse to starting practicing a language like Mo suggested due to the tragic inability to listen to podcasts at the same time.

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A goon arrives to collect her for lunch.

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On we go. She notices she feels like she feels a little hungrier now than she did last lunch. Progress.

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Monoceros awaits her at one of the lunch tables. The menu today is Italian, lots of pastas and pizza options; Monoceros is working on a big pot of mussels that reek of garlic and she pushes this appetizer toward Katie when she sits down. There's veal to be had, and gnocchi, and assorted insalata, panelle and polenta and and something with swordfish in it among a lot of Italian words, and the dessert options are nearly as numerous as the savories. Monoceros finishes her half of the mussels and orders some concoction with pancetta and balsamic vinegar and burrata served on focaccia.

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"Did you enjoy the show?"

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"It's in the spank bank, my cremini mushroom. I'll get to it. Maybe on the submarine ride."

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"Cute." Katie goes straight for the veal and devours it heartily.

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"You ever been on a submarine before?"

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"Can't say I have."

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"It's - well, a lot like being here in my underwater lair, but I did it this way 'cause I like being in submarines. All the noises are the ones you bring with you and the whales."

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"Sounds nice. Where is this biotech con, anyway?"

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"Little technically-Indonesian island."

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"And judging by the time zone and the Spanish-sounding names of the superheroes you said might show up, we're in the Caribbean, so that's basically on the other side of the world. By the way, some guy reported my kidnapping to the Convocation and they told him they received his request and we're processing it or whatever, so be prepared for trouble."

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"Little gem lettuce we are off Baja. You thought we were in the Atlantic? Silly gooseliver."

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"Oh, shit. Guess I got the time zone thing completely wrong then. How do the belugas survive in this climate, by the way?"

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"They're very special."

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"Not willing to divulge trade secrets? Fair enough."

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"What, you want me to explain it? Half the concepts I use when I'm doing preturnatural shit wouldn't even make sense if you had a doctorate, that's what makes me so damn special."

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"Also fair."

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"They were my big showoffery at this same conference five years ago."

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"Did they enjoy the attention?"

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"Topsy did, I let folks feed 'em treats."

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"Are you gonna let folks feed me treats?"

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"Well, now I am!"

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Katie's cheeks turn a little pink as she ponders the idea.

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"Probably not live octopus though."

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"Live? A. I wanna see that, and B. I would honestly be willing to try that."

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"Oh, okay, you can have live octopus, but only little ones, I don't want you getting beaked in the face."

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"If they're small I'd have to be careful about not accidentally swallowing the beak, though. I eat pit in olives, but those are probably much easier because the pit is centrally located and also they don't move."

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"Huh, I wonder if I could make an olive that moved... nah, not after brining it... unless... hm..."

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"I love how fucked up you are."

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"Oh, good, because you are going to be so heavily involved. So to speak."

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Big blush. Pink cheeks.

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Monoceros cackles and gives Katie a quarter of her chicken picatta.

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She nibbles dutifully.

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For dessert there are pastries! And tiramisu! And gelato!

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Oooh, what flavor gelato?

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Monoceros is having pistachio but there's also caramel, chocolate cookie, and coconut.

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Katie gets a scoop each of the caramel and chocolate cookie. Mmmm, tasty.

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Monoceros gives her a cannoli to supplement.

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Ohhhhhhh cannoli. Ooooohhhh chocolate chip. Oooohhhhhhh so full.

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"So do you already at least know your blood type or nah?"

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"No? I might've had it tested before but I don't think the doctor told me?"

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"Well, if they'd told you they'd've been wrong. You'd look like AB poz on tests but you're actually AB-secret-third-thing and the secret third thing is important. You're absorbing all the calories pretty well, you should go swimming a little more for optimal distribution though so your digestion isn't so tempted to spit out everything above maintenance."

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"Wow. Apparently I am getting a good grade in blood, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve."

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"I'm very happy with your blood. Your core sample not so much, need more fat in there, but we're working on it, early days."

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 "Not like that's much of a surprise, given you can, y'know, see me."

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"I can, but you could have had smaller bones or something, and you do not. Your bones are normal size and you should have some tiramisu." Plop.

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Ugggghhhh getting it down is a struggle at this point but she's doing it anyway. She takes a moment to ride out the nausea.

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Monoceros thereafter has mercy. "I'm off to work on my science fair posters and shit, have fun! Swim with Topsy and the rest!"

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Katie waddles uncomfortably back to her room. She's gonna swim with them but she needs a minute first.

ok so apparently i did get a good grade in blood, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve.

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spirulinagalaxy: that's how I remember my blood type. it's A+.
basking robin: okay so what's your japanese personality k
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Idk I'm AB+ plus some secret third thing that lets me grow gilesian pearls what does that translate to

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basking robin: internet says AB means "rational adaptable incisive critical" but I'm not actually seeing anything about +/- let alone a secret third thing. what a ripoff. science horoscope show me the forbidden science.
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I guess that's surprisingly accurate but knowing how these things work if I read the descriptions of the other ones I would probably find them equally accurate. Yeah wild that they haven't even differentiated between + and - tho. We have 12 meaningless inborn categories that supposedly determine your personality but you can only afford 4? Was like, the + or - part not something they knew how to test for back when this caught on?

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basking robin: search me
unicorn: I guess if your blood situation is super rare and that's why you're so kidnappable maybe the personality implications are simply "this blood type is exactly like K, no barnum effect"
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Yeah the guy who invented the Japanese blood type personality thing was totally basing his idea of what AB positive people are like specifically on someone who would be born like 50 years later or whatever in America

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unicorn: I mean not exactly the japanese one since as far as I know the japanese of the year of aquinas's lord whenevertheheck did not have any interest in gilesian pearls
Mezzopiano: Capt. Stellar is surprisingly old but I don't think he operated in japan yeah
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Oh sorry I misinterpreted

Anyways uuuh monoceros is apparently maybe now planning on showing me off at some kind of biotinker convention next week I think?

So that's exciting

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spirulinagalaxy: in... a good way?
basking robin: nobody at the con takes exception to kidnapping?
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I guess not

It's apparently some kind of neutral truce zone

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Aquinas: What a travesty.
spirulinagalaxy: wow I hate agreeing with you
Aquinas: You shouldn't!
spirulinagalaxy: aaaaaugh
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so aquinas have you heard anything more back from the convocation

who are they sending

is she hot too

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Aquinas: I doubt they leak details of forthcoming operations even to those who provide their tips, especially whether or not anyone involved is "hot".
unicorn: wait is that like part of the ideal fantasy scenario, getting rescued by, uh, who's a fat superheroine. uh. give me a minute here.
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are there even any?

i would intuitively expect there to be less fat female superheroes than fat female supervillains and mo is the only one of the latter i know of

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unicorn: there's got to be somebody but if you google '[characteristic] female superhero' you get gaaaaarbage
unicorn: aha! maybe you will be rescued by
unicorn: oh nevermind she's not convocation affiliated
Aquinas: Then how is she a heroine?
spirulina: Aquinas don't you have elderly neighbors who want their lawns mowed or something, fuck
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who is she tho

maybe she'll come anyway

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unicorn: Miss Mombasa
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Miss Mombasa is a local heroine operating in Kenya with her principal avowed powers being flight, sonic wave manipulation, and low grade defensive energy absorption.

There's a photo and she's big but it's pretty blurry.

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Huh ok. Not a surprise that she's in Africa. Guess i'll just have to settle for watching mo beat up a regular non-hot supe

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Mezzopiano: you are definitely one of the most racist people I interact with on the reg
basking robin: Aquinas doesn't really want an answer but in case anyone else does the convocation is a) not literally perfect in every way, unlike certain institutions that Aquinas is surely about to mention, and b) only involves heroes who work on a relatively big scale, like at least a continent if not the whole planet
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it's not racism, i am PRAISING africa for their based resistance to cringe bluepilled western beauty standards

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Mezzopiano: is that really what bluagwresdf
spirulinagalaxy: get that poor kitty a keyboard of its own
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anyways uuuh i'm hopefully gonna be swimming with the belugas again soon so that's pretty nice

they're so sweet

gonna see if i can get some tennis balls or something and play catch with them

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unicorn: awww!
basking robin: you should learn to scuba for maximum beluga related fun probably
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do they make scuba suits for 300+ pound women?

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pithy: they probably do if you ask nicely enough. or if you ask meanly enough. or if you ask monetarily enough.
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really though the issue is if i could wear one without it giving me nightmare sensory issues

though being fat would probably make it even worse

fuck that's hot to think about tho

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unicorn: I thought in your opinion being fat never made anything worse
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when did i say that

i know it makes some things worse that's just depressing and inconvenient to acknowledge for fantasy purposes (unless it's making them worse in a hot way)

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unicorn: it's not a verbatim quote just an impression
basking robin: is this topic harshing the vibe
pithy: vibe. heheh.
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idk i guess i should be considering it given that i'm gonna be getting fat whether i like it or not

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unicorn: that is possibly a reason to... not... dwell on how that might not be great?
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i mean idk maybe there's bad stuff that can be made less bad if i prepare for it?

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basking robin: well if the cringe westerner aesthetics are good for anything it's cataloguing the bad stuff about being fat for convenient reference in case you ever want to know about it
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spirulinagalaxy: idk sometimes the catalogues are wrong. my grandma used to tell me I'd never get married till I dropped thirty pounds
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hmm let's see

as long as mo keeps being my sugar mommy clothes aren't gonna be an issue (but then she might not keep being my sugar mommy)

i already have next to zero physical fitness and due to mo's shaming me for being lazy i am hopefully on track to gain some

i guess depending on how big i get i might not fit on rollercoasters? that'd suck. maybe mo should do terrorism to fix that.

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spirulinagalaxy: roller coasters are pretty elaborate engineering projects, not sure you can solve it with terrorism
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ok fair

what even is the size limit on most of them i'm not really sure

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basking robin: if only there were some kind of mechanism for answering trivial questions of fact on demand... to search, as it were, through the edifices of human knowledge... you could call it an "engine", steampunk style...
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this is gonna sound retarded but i have weird mental blocks on googling certain things

like this sense of like, judgement even though i know it's a computer and can't judge me

we can feel free to drop the topic if you don't feel like doing my shit for me

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unicorn: posted weight limit where it exists is usually in the 250-300lb range but mostly it's just if the restraints can't restrain you then you cannot go to space today rather than a specific number
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yeah idk how big you need to get before they no longer fit but like, let's hope that does not happen

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Mezzopiano: you can ask monoceros maybe what your target is?
Aquinas: I wasn't expecting roller coasters to be the avenue by which you were led to hope for better out of life, but I suppose there's nothing wrong with them.
spirulinagalaxy: nobody asked you!!!
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aquinas if you don't quit being a tradcath at me i will have monoceros send her goons to your house to rearrange all your furniture

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Aquinas: I'm not sure what you mean to ask of me here.
unicorn: do you ... know where he lives ...?
basking robin: encouraging the martyr complex can't be good for him.
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i mean to ask that you stop being a judgy bitch

@unicorn i can find out


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basking robin: leaning into the junior supervillain role I see
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Perhaps. | Barnyard | Know Your Meme

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unicorn: is that the movie where they accidentally made all the cows trans
spirulinagalaxy: yk I don't mind reaction images in their place but what is the cow adding here. you could have just written "PERHAPS" without the blurry accidentally transgender apparently cow.
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excuse me that is a BULL his name is OTIS you fucking transphobe

who's the villain now

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spirulinagalaxy: cow is... the species... sort of like if I call you a dog, I'm not additionally misgendering you by not calling you a bitch
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i mean technically the species is cattle but the lack of a gender-neutral singular is a problem yes

anyways to my knowledge the female-identifying cattle in that movie are to all appearances cis so it would've been more accurate to say they made the bulls trans

(i don't think i've actually seen the movie, just the tv series based on it, and it was a bajillion years ago)

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unicorn: they made a TV show of it?? wow til
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anyways it is really funny in hindsight how they made otis the equivalent of how people on tumblr will draw trans men with birthing hips and d cup bazongas

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Mezzopiano: birthing hips are basically not a thing, you can't see the internal anatomy that's actually relevant based on the way clothes fit you
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you know what i mean tho goddamnit

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Mezzopiano: madoka help me I do
Aquinas: =/
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Eris conversation having seemingly fizzled out, Katie beings browsing sites and/or gaming to let her stomach become less painfully full before she swims with the dolphins, then changes into a swimsuit and goes to ask a goon if they have any tennis balls or anything she can play catch with.

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They have balls - not tennis ones specifically but floating balls and diving rings.

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She takes them and waits to be escorted up.

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Up they go. The belugas come to meet her and make whale noises.

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"Hello babies! Hello baby creatures! Do you wanna play catch?"

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Chirp chirp!!

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She swims out a ways and tosses a ball. "Catch! Catch baby creatures!"

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Off they go! They aren't super good catches but they will bring back the balls again and again and sometimes fling them for each other too.

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"You're such good babies! Such good babies! Do you want some skritches, babies!"

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A couple of them do! Here they are to be scritched, butting against each other to be first.

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"Oh you're so good! You're so good babies! Such perfect babies!" She scritches them near their blowholes and gives one of their melons a playful smack. 

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The smack doesn't seem to be appreciated; that one backs off with a reproving chitter.

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"Oh! Fuck! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry sweet baby!"

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The other one nudges a ball at her.

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She playfully throws it again and swims off.

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Belugas are happy to play catch, and keep-away, and fetch, and similar games, until she is tired or the goon calls her for dinner, whichever comes first.

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She probably gets tired before that but absent anything urgent going on online just kills time with vidya or websites until dinner does come.

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Dinner is in neither of their rooms tonight; they are having it in a bubble of the underwater lair which looks out onto the reef in all directions, accessed through an elevator platform in the floor. First course is the house specialty fish salad on seedy crackers.

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"Oooh, this place is pretty. Love the coral." Crunch crunch.

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"Me too!" She makes a bit of a tower of crackers and fish and crackers and fish and then gobbles it up in one bite. "There used to be a lot more octopus around here but Topsy keeps them very well culled."

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"That's... unfortunate. Octopus are pretty too. Plus like, they're really smart. If you could teach the belugas to communicate via text, imagine what you could do with octopi."

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"I could! I'll probably get around to it one of these days. But they are Topsy's favorite and I'm not gonna stop her."

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"Whatever species lives here aren't endangered, are they?"

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"Giant pacifics? Least concern. It's okay, they're not parental, easy to reestablish with clones if anybody ever wants."

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"That's a relief, at least."

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"Does this mean you're going to pass on the bluefin?"

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"Frankly you could feed me my own cat and I'd eat it. Are those even endangered though?"

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"Cats? Not at all. Bluefin yes! I don't even have to get them on the black market, though, the regulators and the environmentalists aren't the same folks."

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"Could you bring them back with clones if you wanted to? Also wait hold on, that'd be a lot easier with tuna because they have bones, you'd need DNA from a bunch of different specimens or else they'd probably all die of inbreeding."

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"It's not super hard to fix the inbreeding problem, you just need a lot more volume - you jiggle 'em till they're all mutants and the ones who live can establish from there."

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"I see." Crunch goes the final cracker.

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"The farm's got bluefins, though, they're not gonna die out, just get thinned out in the wild."

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"Good to know."

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"I wouldn't've guessed you worried about endangered critters."

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"I don't know, I like... I dislike it when something interesting is lost. It's no different than losing the last copy of an old rare book. Except you can't digitize animals. Well, you can digitize their DNA, but doing that and then re-synthesizing it is probably harder than just storing a bone in a safe place."

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"It's actually not, you can distribute redundant digital files more easily than you can find multiple secure places to store bone specimens such that you'll be able to get DNA out of them later."

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"Ok, yeah, that's true. In any case, preserving unique things good."

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"Maybe I should digitize you, so I can clone you if I ever need to."

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"Wouldn't get my memories though. Presumably wouldn't even speak English. Might not even want to have sex with you."

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"I mean, none of those things are necessary for growing pearls but perhaps they'd be a less charming dining companion."

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"Yeah. You should probably keep my DNA on file, just, y'know, don't take that as an excuse to play fast and loose with my safety unless you want the pearl synthesis process to be a lot less fun."

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"Healthy ego on you, isn't there."

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"What, do you actually find fucking me to be a tedious chore and are only doing it because it makes the pearls grow faster and aren't telling me because it'd ruin the effect if you did?"

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"Oh, no, fucking you's totally optional, but who knows if I will still feel like it next week."

The next course is puff pastry covered in a lemon ricotta concoction.

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"Fair enough." Fuck. That made her heart sink. Oh well. Nothing to do about it but drown her sorrows in puff pastry.

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It's really fucking good puff pastry. Clearly homemade. Or, well, lairmade.


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Seasoning? Sauce? Vegetal ingredience?

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The kitchen goons put pickles in them and went with the classic Old Bay spice profile and covered them with some kind of aioli-hotsauce-mustard blend.

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A little spicy for Katie but otherwise wondrous. She gobbles them up eagerly.

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Followed by lobsters! With clarified butter! "I was in a seafood mood," she says conversationally.

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ooohggghghghghg seafoodseafoodseafoodtastytastytasty. Katie would be saying something clever right now about how that's not surprising considering we're underwater and stuff but she's too busy wolfing down the lobster.

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"You too, I take it!"

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Next up is rainbow trout in hollandaise sauce served on a bed of rice pilaf and peas.

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Katie is... considerably less enthusiastic about this course. She does her best but avoids the peas.

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"Huh, I didn't think the sauce'd be eggy enough to bug you."

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"It's a little that, but mostly the peas. Katie no like peas."

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"What's your previous experience with peas?"

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"I uuuh... don't know how to answer that? Bad?"

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"Are we talking split pea soup, steamed and sitting on your plate unseasoned next to equally unseasoned chicken and rice, primavera, pasta salad..."

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"I think at least the middle two of those?"

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"Okay. That goes on the list with eggs, then, there are lots of ways to do peas and lots of kinds."

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Katie resumes dutifully taking bites of the trout and rice.

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Next is baked potatoes loaded with shrimp as the star of the dish.

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Anything else on them besides shrimp? Katie isn't the biggest fan of them, but she gets them down to avoid offending the woman who is, she reminds herself, her captor.

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Cheese and Cajun sauce!

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Mmm. She does like that, at least.

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Then there is sea urchin. It practically vanishes on the tongue.

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The exoticness of it thankfully distracts Katie from her increasing fullness.

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Miso soup! A bit of a breather. The tofu is super smooth and the seaweed assertively aldente.

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Slurp. Slurp. Not her favorite either but in a more, like, neutral way so it's easier to get down. Interestingly the feeling of fullness is a little less excruciating and a little more pleasant than it was the previous two days. She's adapting.

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Dessert begins. Chocolate caramel profiteroles.

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Mmmmm so sweet. It is a well known fact that humans have a second stomach specifically for dessert. 

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It is known! The profiteroles are followed by strawberry mousse.

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Katie is once again not a big fan of strawberry but at this point she seeks to finish what she's started.

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And the last dessert tonight is apple cobbler.

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She's struggling. Breathing heavily. She probably has one of those brief moments of nausea where she needs to sit very still and not talk while her stomach scrambles to make more room. But eventually, she finishes it.

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Monoceros pushes away the table between them and leans forward and pets Katie's belly right above the navel. "You're doing great, cupcake."

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Hhhhh. Her cheeks turn beet red. "Thank you."

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"You're keeping everything down and trying new things and doing your swimming and you're going to get so big and grow me such good pearls."

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Hnnnggggggg. She shivers and shudders and squirms. "Really? You think so?"

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"I know so. I did a little more tinkering with your samples and I think you're going to have no trouble getting up to three hundred pounds and putting it in all the right places."

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Hnnnnnggggggg. "A-and what places would those be?"

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"Ass and thighs, zucchini blossom. Tits 'n belly. I can't do much with cankles or chin fat, though some of it's inevitable."

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Hhhhnnnnn. "Wonderful. D-double chins are cute though."

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"You'll have one. Just not five pounds of one."

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"Does that even happen to people?"

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"Probably! Nobody I've met."

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"Anyways, very glad to know you have high hopes for me, dumpling."

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"Hmm, I think I dish that out and don't take it, lollipop."

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"U-understood. Sorry. It just came to me. Won't happen again." A twinge of fear in her voice.

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"Just so's we're clear. We looking at scared and horny over there?"

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"Y-yes. Is that... bad?" She's shivering visibly. Not clear which is the cause. Probably both.

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"Ooh, no, I think it's a good look on you."

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"T-thank you ma'am."

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"You gonna look at me like that when I'm slicing you up to put in the seeds? I'm thinking one here," she touches one breast, "one over here, I think I can fit four, maybe six.., down here..." Tummy stroke. "I'm not planning to put you under for it, you can do the scared and horny thing the whole time you yell. Strapped down of course, since I can't have you misplacing the incisions flinching..."

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Katie yelps. That is simultaneously genuinely terrifying and hot as fuck.

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"Not, of course, that I couldn't hold you down," Monoceros goes on, seizing Katie by the jaw and lifting her from the chair to her feet, though not quite off them. "It's just that'd make it hard to hold the sharps."

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Monoceros backs her up against the glass wall of the bubble. Starts taking off Katie's clothes with her other hand.

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Katie reaches out eagerly for Mo's soft, yielding tummy and places her thumb in the navel. Being pushed up against glass, much like being grabbed by the neck, hurts, but in a good w ay.

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Monoceros collects Katie's hands and pins them to the glass with one of hers, releasing Katie's face in the process. This means somewhat more fabric damage as she gets further garments out of the way.

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Ow. Fuck. Hnnngggg. The removal of her hands from Mo's flesh is frustrating but god her assertiveness is hot. She stands there stunned, awaiting further direction.

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"You didn't eat your peas," remarks Monoceros. "Puts you under the intended calorie count, just a little." She pushes Katie down a few inches and sticks a boob in her face. "Bonus dessert, chicken wing."

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Vigorous suckling ensues.

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There's not a ton of milk in there but there's some. It's sweet and almost nutty.

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Oh. Wow. She was genuinely not expecting milk. Did Mo plan for this? She laps it up eagerly.

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"So many ways in which to encourage you to become the gigantic caramel apple you will soon be," coos Monoceros, stroking Katie's hair with the hand that isn't pressing her wrists to the glass. "My kitchen, my biotinkering, and my fantastic rack."

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"I love your dirty talk." Her legs really want to collapse but that would be very bad right now.

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"You, on the other hand, have other things to be doing with your mouth." Other boob.

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Vigorous suckling resumes.

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And then, would you look at that, Katie has other other things to be doing with her mouth, too!

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Ow ow ow her knees hurt her overstuffed tummy hurts but she sucks it up and gets to work anyway. She really hopes her hands are freed soon.

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Not soon, no.

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Very well then. She continues.

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Eventually Monoceros will let her go and see what she wants to do with those hands so bad.

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Desperately grope at her gigantic tree trunk thighs, to start.

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"Aww, my little sushi roll, are you about to fall over down there?"

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She might be, but her mouth is too busy to answer. Hands move up to Mo's love handles.

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"Mmmm, bear a little left, sugar cookie."

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Katie isn't sure whether she means with her hands or her tongue, so she confusedly does both.

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"My left." Ear-pinch and a tug.

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Fuck. A twinge of... guilt? fear? She's not sure. passes through Katie. She obeys.

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"Good, there you - there - mm-hm." She tugs Katie's face away by the ear, though not so pinchily.

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"What now, mistress?"

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"Boss. If you're going with titles, it's boss."

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"Understood, boss."

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"Now, plum pudding, you may make a request."

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"Well I, I'd been wanting you to fuck me with a strap but I don't know if you have one or anything..."

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"Are you going to melt like the froyo you are if I have a goon go fetch?"

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"I-I hope not... Maybe you can keep me busy with your fingers until then..."

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"I do have to open the door to get anything fetched for me, sweetpea."

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Over to the door - it's more of a trapdoor - goes Monoceros. She opens it. "Goon! I want the purple bag from the second drawer in my bathroom."

"Yes boss," comes a faint goon voice from the bottom of the elevator platform shaft.

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Katie sits in the corner, keeping her nethers busy with one hand and stimulating a nipple with the other while she waits.

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She doesn't have long to wait; Monoceros paces a little and soon the elevator platform comes up with the purple bag on it.

She puts on the requested article and flings Katie to the floor to have at it.

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She gets in position as best she can with her overstuffed gut and readies herself.

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Monoceros's gear is big enough to extend past her midsection a fair ways.

And she's superstrong and fucks pretty damn hard.

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"Ohhhh..... fuck.... your belly on top of me feels so good..."

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If Katie can still talk then it's safe to go a little faster.

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"Nnnnngggg..... fuck...." Katie's hips gyrate back and forth involuntarily. It feels so good. Feels so right. And it's only gonna get better with every pound she gains.

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Well, "fuck" is technically a word. Up tempo.

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"Nnnnnggggg. Heavy girl." The vigorousness of the fucking is starting to tax her stamina. Hopefully now that she's actually getting regular exercise this will improve.

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Oh, Katie doesn't have to do any of the work here, just get pounded until she's a nonverbal pile of goo.

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She doesn't have to but she feels motivated to make the experience as pleasant as possible for Mo. The nonverbal part has kicked in by this point, though. She grunts and moans adorably as the strap thrusts in and out of her.

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Oh, how cute.

Eventually they are both done enough for Mo's tastes. She shlorps out of her prisoner and busies herself with a cleaning cloth from the purple bag to render the strapon suitable to put away.

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Katie collapses onto the floor and shivers. "That was... amazing."

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"You make cute noises."

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"Thank you..." Heavy breathing.

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Monoceros grabs a boob and gives it a squish. "Well, I'm off to polish my science fair projects," she says. "I trust you can make your way to bed whenever you're ready to get off the floor, I don't believe I ripped anything today." And she steps onto the platform.

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Katie awkwardly gets to her feet and stumbles off to bed, too zoned out to care if any goons see her nude.

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If any do they don't comment.

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She hopes these huge meals stop making her so damn sleepy as she drifts off.

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When she checks Eris in the morning she has messages from the belugas, mostly to the effect: "not a baby. grown up. I am grownup. no baby here."

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I didn't mean it literally

When humans find an animal really cute we'll often call it a baby even when we know it's an adult

We actually kind of do that with our mates too

We're a weird species

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OctopusIsYum: I forgive you if you give me octopus
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I'll see what I can do

to groupchat: guys so sex with Mo last night was really really hot but also kinda scary??? I feel like I need to process it emotionally and shit

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basking robin: I'll get the popcorn
unicorn: I'm not sure this is a popcorn situation!!
popcorn situation: *om nom*
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idk like

she gave me orders and i was sort of in subspace and shit except there was no safeword or anything which is sorta worrying

also i was very anxious about not liking a lot of the  food she served tonight

(this is unusual, the food here is usually amazing, most of it still was)

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unicorn: does she know what you like? does whoever cooks?
Mezzopiano: could be she is trying to expand k's palate or something
unicorn: I'm not sure a, like, 24/7 noncon bdsm situation is the right way to do that!
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i mean

how else was it gonna happen

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unicorn: you have lots of time to change naturally! or you would if you weren't in. a 24/7 noncon bdsm situation with a supervillain.
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i mean like

whatever else you can say about it the 24/7 noncon bdsm situation isn't gonna actively stop my palate from expanding

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the 247 noncon bdsm situation: did you know you can't put slashes in displaynames
the 247 noncon bdsm situation: what a ripoff. eris bad
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anyways yeah like

i really don't have a choice in the bad parts of this so i'm choosing to lean into the good parts

count your blessings and all that

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unicorn: that's a refreshing attitude I guess!!
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did not expect to be getting praise for this but i'll take it

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unicorn:idk I'm just contrasting with where you were at mentally like a month ago
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it's a lot easier to be optimistic and shit when a hot girl is feeding you and giving you the strap ok

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unicorn: I wouldn't know!!
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hope you do someday

it's great

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unicorn: we have different tastes, you and I
the 247 noncon bdsm situation: are you saying not everyone wants to be kidnapped and ravished by a supervillain
unicorn: unbelievable, I know
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get well soon

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unicorn: sorry the doctors say it's permanent
unicorn: I will never ever want to be kidnapped and ravished by a supervillain
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one day we will find a cure for your tragic condition

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unicorn: we're just as good as everyone else. don't donate to Not Wanting To Be Kidnapped And Ravished By A Supervillain Speaks this april
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anyways yeah like

she fucked me with a strap for the first time last night and it was really good

like really really good

did i mention that

it was so fucking big and it filled me up tighter than the immense meal we just had

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Mezzopiano: kjlergm,.m,.
Mezzopiano: SORRY
Mezzopiano: please continue with your uh
Mezzopiano: recounting of your lewd adventures in pornographic detail
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fuck if i do that more i'll get too horny and want to get off and then will probably be interrupted by breakfast so i should probably not

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Mezzopiano: some people can simply experience horniness and then have breakfast anyway
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rip to them but i'm built different

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the 247 noncon bdsm situation: "oh noooo I can't get turned on before I have a breakfast date with the supervillain keeping me captive and having sex with me, the timing, it just wouldn't work out"

But there is a knock at the door, a goon letting her know that the buffet is open.
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aaannnd breakfast is in fact ready so see you guys later

She gets the door.

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And she is escorted to breakfast.

Today it's going hard on the waffle accoutrements. "Morning! I got my stolen preternatural waffle maker working again, it's temperamental but should chug along for the meal." She is sprinkling chocolate chips and bacon bits into the batter that's spreading into the nooks and crannies. When she closes it, there's a big puff of steam and a beep, and she opens it up to reveal a perfectly golden brown waffle that apparently cooked instantaneously.

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"Whoa. Who exactly did you steal this from?"

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"Professor Simon Siemen, appliance guy up in Canada. He started it."

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"I have a feeling making waffles instantly is a massively inefficient use of whatever technology this runs on."

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"Take it up with the professor! His kitchen was full of things like this but most of them I never did get working for me."

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"Not my problem, in any case." 

Katie fills her plate with a couple of other items while she waits for Mo to finish making her waffles.

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Oh, she's done with the waffle iron, at least for now. Seems like she makes one waffle at a time. She's heaping it with whipped cream now.

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Katie keeps it simple with just some bacon bits in her waffle and maple syrup on top.

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"I love this thing. Pity it's too risky to kidnap Siemen and give him parts. He'd blow up my base."

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"If I could, I'd be working day and night to design gadgets for you." She doesn't know where that came from. Work is one of her, like, top 5 least favorite things, but Mo's presence and adorable smile have made her slip into sub mode.

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"Aww, you're too precious for me to experiment with preternaturality-inducing serums on you, but maybe one day."

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"There are serums for that?"

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"Well, not yet, but there's a first time for everything."

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"Keep me posted on that one."

Nom nom nom goes the waffle. Mmm, bacon tasty.

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"I thought you were hoping to just have some of the pearls to yourself."

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"The supervillain is judging me for being overambitious?"

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"I didn't actually become preternatural on purpose, you know! Most of us are born this way."

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"Didn't mean you needed the island fortress and army of goons and uplifted belugas and whatnot. Or to balloon up to the size of a baby hippo, either." She flirtatiously slaps Mo's meaty thigh.

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"My beautiful boiled balut, baby hippos weigh less than you when they're new. But yes, I took what I was given and live my best life with it."

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"I mean, presumably you don't weigh more than an adult hippo, so there has to be some point in the growth process where the hippo weighs the same amount as you, and I'd be willing to bet it's closer to "baby" than "adolescent"."

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"Yes, admittedly I am more of a juvenile hippo than an adult one."

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Katie looks up from her phone. "Also, now that I've looked up what it is, I'm a little disturbed at being compared to balut. Are those actually good?"

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"I like 'em. You have to get them from the right vendor in Manila though."

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"Anyways, like, it's difficult for me to even conceptualize or believe that you used to be skinny. I wonder if one day I'll be like that."

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"I was never skinny! I just wasn't quite so monumental."

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"Still exciting to think that one day people will struggle to believe I ever was."

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"People will look at you and say 'aha, she's got her own zip code, I'm not sure she even has ribs in there'."

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Katie has no words, only profuse blushing.

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"They will tell you your shoelaces are untied and you will not be able to check. You shall have more chins than Chinatown."

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"Ok I'm horny but I'm not stupid, now you're just directly cribbing Fat by "Weird" Al Yankovic."

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"He didn't invent it, he just popularized it."

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"What, being fat?"

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"The 'more Chins than a Chinese phone book' or Chinese whatever else turn of phrase."

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"Is Chin even in like, the top 5 Chinese last names?"

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"Sorta depends how you're Romanizing, actually."

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"Cultured AND knowledgeable. You really are the perfect woman."

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"What can I say, you gotta be able to order in the local language to get the niftiest food and you pick up a few things."

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Katie has polished off her heap of waffles and accoutrements and is now comfortably full, a state that was scarcely possible for her just a few days ago.

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What if Monoceros gives her another waffle.

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She gives it her best effort, queasy though she may be. Subspace is a hell of a drug.

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"Good little arancini."

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"Now that's a food comparison I appreciate." The thought occurs to Katie that maybe Mo is fattening her up to eat her and the food pet names are classic extremely obvious foreshadowing. Oh well. If she dies, she dies doing what she loves.

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"You've tried them? Aren't they divine!"

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"Indeed they are."

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"You have quite a palate for such a stick of Pocky."

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"You're such a flatterer."

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Monoceros grins and gives her a maple-flavored kiss. "You should start thinking about packing for the science fair."

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Blush blush. "Oh, yeah, when is that again?"

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"Couple days, but if you forget something we can't really run to a konbini in the submarine so much."

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"I don't know what a konbini is but I don't really have many possessions I need with me every day so it won't be a big deal. I assume you'll pack whatever clothes you think your hot new science project will be most eye-catching and jealously-inducing in."

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"Convenience store, loaned into Japanese and received in a more convenient condition. And yes, hmm, I do need to dress you up..."

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Yet more blushing.

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"Pearls, probably. A bit on the nose but it's such a good nose." Noseboop.

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Katie's cheeks are the color of pink lemonade. "God, imagine how people will react when they see what I look like next year."

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"The pearls'll be internal then. I'll have to set up an x-ray sort of thingy."

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"Oh, no, I mean the uuh, engirthening."

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"Eh, they might be impressed but I'm not doing very much mad science about that part, just a really good kitchen setup."

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"Impressed isn't exactly the emotion I'd imagine they'd be feeling. Though frankly this kitchen setup is more than worthy of it."

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"This may come as a surprise to you but most random mad scientists aren't down bad for the rotund."

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"Their loss. I would find them being shocked and disgusted to be something of a turn-on as well, frankly."

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"I will take that into consideration when it comes time to design costumes for next year."

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"Have I mentioned you're the best girlfriend ever?" 

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"You are my favorite science experiment, my little potato gnocchi. Now go swimming." Pinch. And off she sashays.

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She's gonna, but she needs a digestion break first. Onto Eris she goes.

god mo is so sweet and pretty and like, the right kind of dom for me

she's gonna take me to this big science fair and show me off like a piece of meat i'm so giddy

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spirulinagalaxy: that was fast wrt coming to terms with the noncon bdsm situation
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it's surpisingly easy when the dom is hot and strong and has thighs bigger around than your waist

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spirulinagalaxy: if you say so
baskingrobin: does that mean that when your waist becomes bigger you will have more trouble with this
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i sure hope not

god she eats like a fucking pig and she's got me eating like that and it's getting easier and easier every day holy shit i'm gonna get so fat aaaaaaaa i don't know how to process this

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Mezzopiano: man is it weird that I keep thinking it's very good that some other less compatible supervillain didn't see you first
Mezzopiano: like if you were in Cmdr. Mawu's moon base you would not be having any fun at all probably.
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i am truly #blessed

also i don't think whatever weird biochemistry i apparently have would be conducive to cyborg shit

cyborg parts probably don't care about your blood type

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Mezzopiano: yeah I think Mawu can use whoever
spirulinagalaxy: okay I've thought about it and if I had to be kidnapped indefinitely by a supervillain and got to pick which one I'd go for Lyrial, the one in Hawaii who mostly just kidnaps people to work on his resort so he can impress visitors
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imagine wanting to work instead of getting to gorge on tasty food and get plowed and swim with belugas and sit around doing whatever the rest of the day


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basking robin: I'd probably go with the lady who turns people into pterodactyls. I know she kills most of them but she's gotten a few viable pterodactyls out of it.
Mezzopiano: is this what we're doing now? I simply don't wish to be kidnapped by a supervillain!
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ok to be fair being a pterodactyl would kick ass

not as much ass as being a hot fat girl who might also have superpowers though

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basking robin: right??? that being a pterodactyl would kick ass. I don't want to be a girl or fat
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hey when he turns people into pterodactyls are they still, like, sapient and shit

how does a human consciousness run on a pterodactyl brain

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basking robin: you ask me this like you think I know
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ok fair but like yeah caveat being a pterodactyl would be cool IF i got to have my mind intact

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basking robin: people being kidnapped by supervillains can't be choosers
basking robin: except you
basking robin: including you actually, you're just lucky
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I suppose god is finally making up for the entire rest of my life

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spirulinagalaxy: not even being kidnapped into your very own porn plot convinced you that there is not a god out to get you, huh?
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idk I guess the old god died and got replaced with one who likes me

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spirulinagalaxy: your theology is bewildering
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taking that as a compliment 

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Several decadent meals later (Thai for lunch, Korean for dinner and Monoceros giggles at Katie's spice tolerance, crepes filled a dozen ways for breakfast the next morning, Chinese complete with exotic meats... and finally, submarine sandwiches) they pile into the submarine.

"I think you'll like your pearly dress. Wardrobe pulled a little overtime getting it all together soon enough but it came out fab."

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"I hope it's comfy."

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"I think it will be if you don't try to sit down. Might be lumpy to sit on."

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"How long am I gonna be wearing this thing for?"

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"Just a few hours."

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"And I can't sit down that whole time? I hope my legs don't get tired."

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"You can, it'll just be lumpy. Might not be a big deal if the chair's soft enough. Maybe you can sit in my lap."

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Beet red cheeks. "I wonder how all the fancy scientists will react to that."

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"Oh, self-indulgence is de rigeur."

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"My kind of people."

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"You'll fit right in with every other catamite and test subject and trophy captive."

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"Catamite? Wow, these people are charmingly old-school."

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"It's a fun word!"

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So, what sort of amenities does this submarine have?

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Portholes! Cheerfully painted interiors with exposed pipes! A movie room in which a goon trio is presently screening "Everything Everywhere All At Once"! A galley kitchen with two freezers and one fridge and a lot of cunningly arranged cabinetry! An engine/control room she can't enter! And a room for her right over there, with a label bearing her name on the door.

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Lovely. She hopes the trip will afford Mo more time to spend with her. On that note, "Hey, how long is the trip gonna be?", she asks.

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"Thirty-eight hours, about," Monoceros says. "If you get stircrazy we can get near enough the surface for you to go swimming with Queequeg."

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"Don't think that'll be an issue. I'm used to spending most of my time inside."

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"All right. Goonion rules means they get the TV room for three hours a day minimum but you can shuffle them around if you want the big screen. I'm mostly going to be driving."

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"How come the helicopter can run on auto-pilot, but not this thing?"

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"Because pigeons don't know how to swim."

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"...And fish brains can't be turned into cyborg autopilot systems?"

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"Fish are much harder to train! I could do one of the belugas but I'm planning to wait till they age out of their current jobs."

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"Okay, yeah, that makes sense. Why can't a goon do it though?"

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"Against union regulations to wire them brain to engine."

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"Oh,  no, I meant just steering the regular way."

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"Oh, I'd have to teach them."

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"Is that, like, hard?"

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"I'm not a very good teacher."

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"Yeah that's fair. How do you make sure we don't crash into something while you're eating and sleeping, though?"

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"Queequeg wakes me up if there's a problem he can't handle."

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"Ah. Does it get boring doing that all day?"

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"Nah, it doesn't require a ton of attention, just reaction time if something comes up. The convention itself is no-PVP, as it were, but the approach is not so charmed."

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"Ah, good. I assume you need to be getting to go doing that, so I'll head to my quarters."

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So, how nice is it in here compared to the one back at home base?

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It's a lot smaller, but in a charming Tokyo-shoebox kind of way.

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She doesn't mind. Onto Eris she goes. 

guess who's on her way to the SCIENCE FAIR BITCHES!!!

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SCIENCE FAIR BITCHES: are you very proud of your baking soda vinegar volcano
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*palpatine voice* I AM the baking soda vinegar volcano

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SCIENCE FAIR BITCHES: will you explode
SCIENCE FAIR BITCHES: uh flirtation not intended

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dw, not into that

i might explode but not because monoceros wanted me to

i mean they say this place is supposed to be neutral ground but idk the convocation might not care

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Aquinas: And they shouldn't! A gathering of many supervillains isn't something heroes ought to countenance.
spirulinagalaxy: well, it's obvious if you understand decision theory
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but anyways yeah she's gonna show me off in a pretty dress and stuff it's gonna be so awesome

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Mezzopiano: oh can we see the dress?
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haven't seen it yet

will post pics when I do

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Mezzopiano: lol I was worried you were going to be like "sorry everything is classified"
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i mean she's already letting me take pictures of everything else so

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Mezzopiano: I really would have thought there'd be more security mindset from supervillains
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i mean like 

if i didn't have internet i would be way more likely to try and escape

probably it's less of a security issue this way

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Mezzopiano: do you think you could escape if you wanted to??
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I don't know, the only way to find out would be to try and that would make mo mad at me which would be bad

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hot singletons near you: like in a fun way or not so much
Mezzopiano: where did you get THAT displayname
hot singletons near you: over in the silly text game zone
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probably in a not fun way though again the only way to find out is to do it and i don't wanna risk it

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Mezzopiano: not so much the ask questions get answers kinda relationship?
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i mean not for that one at least

feels like a touchy subject

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hot singletons in your area: pretend it turns you on to know how inescapable your fate is
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i really don't think she's that stupid

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hot singletons in your area: I was imagining it would not be 100% pretend but what do I know, you are mysterious
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i mean like

it would be really stupid of her to just tell me all her security protocols???

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hot singletons in your area: well that really depends on whether they work less well if you know about them (passwords) or better if you know about them (thus and such an area is fatally electrified)
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presumably if  they worked better if i know about them she would've told me them already

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hot singletons in your area: maybe!
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it really seems like a bad idea to risk it

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hot singletons in your area: how sure are we she cannot raise you as an undead abomination
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i'm not sure she can't but she probably couldn't grow gilesian pearls in me if i was dead so there wouldn't be much point

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hot singletons in your area: probably!
hot singletons in your area: augh g2g for reasons
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Katie decides to listen to some podcasts and get in some more exercise before lunch.

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Lunch is a simpler affair on the submarine. All-you-can-eat fish salad and coleslaw and fresh bread and butter. Panna cotta for dessert.

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Mmm. Coleslaw isn't Katie's thing but she goes hard on the fish salad. She pauses for a moment. "Hey, hold on, you told the goons to feed my cat and stuff, right?"

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"They look after all the animals while I'm out, even ones I'm allowing to roam the whole base."

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"Alright, good." Back to feasting.

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Monoceros is making little sandwiches of the butter and salad and slaw on the rolls as they come out a batch at a time from the oven.

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"You are so cute when you pig out. Of all the people to be sealed in a confined space with for 36 hours..."

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"Oink." Nomf.

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"You're cruel, y'know that? You can't just get a poor girl all overstimulated like this. It's mean."

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"You're making it so appealing, though. You pout!"

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"There are ways to make me pout more, y'know."

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"Do tell."

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"Oh, y'know. Pinning me down with your gargantuan bulk, digging your fingernails into me, calling me naughty names and/or telling me how fucking fat you're gonna get me while you fuck me so hard my eyes roll back in my head."

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"I'm not sure I'd call that pouting."

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"Whatever you'd describe the facial expressions as, I have no doubt you'd find them adorable."

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"Sometimes I like pouting in particular, though."

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"Has your big, greedy ass not had enough?"

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"Never!" She reaches over to pinch Katie's cheek.

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No words, only blushing and wiggles.

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Dessert is cherries jubilee.

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Texture's a little iffy for Katie, but damn this is well-prepared, and the ice cream is amazing. "This still the whale milk stuff?"

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"Nah, for this in particular I like goat."

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"Huh. Never had that. Delicious either way."

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"Goat milk's got this tang that I love with cherries!"

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"Y'know who else's red, and round, and sweet..."

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"Future you?"

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Redder indeed she becomes. "Also true!"

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"I'm prescient that way."

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"You're a fucking tease is what you are."

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"Would I do something like that?"

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"You caught me. I am an unrepentant villain."

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"And an unrepentant glutton. And god, is it so fucking hot."

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"You are an odd duck patê."

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"If finding women like you insanely attractive is weird, there's something wrong with normal people."

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"It's an epidemic."

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"God I'm so fucking wet right now."

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"Silly streudel, the moisture is supposed to be on the outside of the submarine." She pats her on the head and saunters off for the control room where she will be driving the sub.

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Is anyone watching, because she really wants to just get herself off right here and now.

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Yup, there's a goon tidying up the dishes.

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Fuck. Off to her bedroom she goes. She sprawls out on her bed and lowers a hand to her nethers. She doesn't even need to scroll through tumblr. Nothing there could possibly compare to the reality of the situation she's in. She fantasizes about feeling her form swelling and expanding, flesh rising like dough until there's twice as much fat in her body as there is anything else. She wants to be big. She wants her body to sprawl out like a city undergoing suburbanization, to  feel it occupy more and more space like she's the queen of a burgeoning empire rapidly swallowing up territory. She wants to feel her gut slapping against her thighs when she walks. She wants to be able to eat enough to give Mo a run for her money. She wants to feel their massive bellies and thighs squishing together when they make love. She wants people's eyes to be naturally drawn to her because she simply takes up thrice as much space in their field of view as everyone else. She wants it all so fucking bad it almost physically hurts. After a long and intense session, she takes advantage of the afterglow to get some exercise in. Mo may be making sure she fattens up whether she likes it or not, but she's not gonna be able to carry her vast bulk with the grace and ease she craves unless she puts in the work. Then the endorphins and the thought of how hot this is gonna be when her belly is getting in the way and she can feel the sweat drip down her rolls and how if she keeps this up she's gonna be built like a fucking tank make her horny again and she has another go at herself. After  that, and a quick bath and change of clothes, and possibly some miscellaneous gaming and Eris chatting, it is presumably time for dinner.

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It is! Dinner is spicy beef stew covered with cheese in bread bowls.

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Ooooohhhh tasty. Being cooped up in here is going far better than Katie expected. "What kind of cheese is this?"

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"Oh, cheddar, but like, the really good stuff from within a few miles of Wells Cathedral."

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"Where is that? Is that like, in the town in England the cheese is from?"

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"Cheddar comes from Cheddar, the cathedral is the traditional center of the area in which valid cheddar may be produced."

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"Oh. Huh. Kinda like the Thirty Mile Zone the gossip website is named after. I don't think I've ever had actual Cheddar from Cheddar."

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"I like some of what they do in Wisconsin etcetera too, mind."

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"Yeah, I've had some Irish cheddar that's pretty good." She feels a slight twinge of resentment at the mention of Wisconsin but she's not gonna let it show.

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"Ireland's where I get most of my butter."

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"Can you make butter out of whale milk?"

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"Yeah, but the texture doesn't work for most applications."

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"I see." She isn't finished with the stew, but she's already taking bites out of the rim of the bread bowl. It's so damn good and she doesn't want it to go cold. She silently thanks the anonymous caveperson who invented bread.

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There's herbs in it. The bread itself tastes slightly brothy.

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"What's in this bread? I didn't even know it was possible to bake fresh bread on a submarine."

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"Sure it is. You need an electric oven but you can bake bread in an electric oven."

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Nom nom nom. Slorp slorp slorp. Chomp chomp chomp. Buuuurrrrppppp.

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"This recipe's got bayleaf and celery seed and onion powder in the dough."

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"Sure as hell beats whatever the Navy probably serves on their subs."

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"Oh yeah. They have too many other things going on to go for a Michelin star."

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Katie has finished her bread bowl and eagerly awaits dessert.

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It's not time for dessert yet! The interiors of the bowls have been turned into croutons for a Caesar salad with chicken in it.

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Ooooh tasty. Katie prefers her croutons more garlicky but she's not looking a gift horse in the mouth. 

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THEN it's time for dessert. Banana cream pie.

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Oh dear. Katie is very not a fan of bannanas and cream, and she's at best neutral on pie. She wants to please Mo, but even that has limits. She visibly hesitates to bring her spoon to it.

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"Awwwww lookit you." She snaps her fingers. The goons produce a second pie and this one is pear and almond frangipane.

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"Did you have a backup ready to go for every meal you've served me?"

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"No, but I pay attention to what you eat." She digs into the banana cream.

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"How swoon-inducingly considerate of you." In goes the spoon. Oooohhh fuck this stuff is sweet and auspiciously textured. She stares longingly at her dining partner.

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"Mind you, now you have to finish at least most of that pie yourself, since you didn't seem excited to share mine."

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"Doing my best, dearest." She is. She's only been here a few days and her eating habits have already begun to adjust.

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"I won't object if you save a taste for me."

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"You would, wouldn't you, you greedy fucking pig." She's glad though. She may have adjusted a little, but not quite to the point where eating a whole pie in one sitting is easy, especially after two other courses.

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"I like pear frangipane!"

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"You seem to like anything with a calorie count in the quadruple digits, you colossal fucking lardass you."  She wishes there weren't a table in between them right now. Oh how she longs to reach out and touch Mo's colossal, lardy ass.

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"It's true that I'm not very picky. Though I've never cared for guava."

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"You're adorable when you eat, too. Your enthusiasm is extremely visible."

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"It's one of life's greatest pleasures if you do it right."

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"And you sure do know how to do it right."

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"I'm glad you are enjoying the fruits, vegetables, nuts, meats, grains, dairy products, and processed sugars of my labors."

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She passes her remaining pie to Mo. "Go ahead, butterball. Dig in."

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Mo disappears the last sliver in three bites.

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"Have I told you I love you today?"

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"Like a broken record. Or do you mean verbally?"

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"I don't really care, my brain just kinda shuts down when you're cute. Which is often."

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"Get used to not having a brain, pumpkin."

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Beet red cheeks.

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"Aren't you a pretty princess-cake." Cheekpinch.

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"C'mere you big whale. Katie want hugs."

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Well in that case Monoceros is going to go over and scoop Katie up with one arm and carry her off to her room.

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Indistinct mumbling. Arms doing whatever the closest they can to wrapping around Mo's sizeable middle is given the position she's in.

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They pull in to where they're docking for the convention while Katie's sleeping. In the morning there are fewer goons around, though a breakfast (heavy on the coffee cake and claifoutis) is laid out for her in the galley, and her dress is in a box next to it.

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she puts it on and snaps a picture in the mirror

guys check this shit out


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The dress is kind of heavy. It's absolutely covered in pearls, though it's silk under that, and pearls are basically rocks. There are more kinds of pearls on this dress than you can shake a stick at; it's basically a mosaic. Classic spherical pearls are almost outnumbered by Biwa and Mabe and baroque and coin. White pearls are not quite outnumbered by the colorful ones (metallic-looking Sea of Cortez, oil-slick abalone, pink conch, blue Akoya, golden South Sea, purple and pink and green Keshi pearls), and the dress is therefore predominantly white (and so is the silk underneath), with swirls and tiger-stripes of glistening color wrapping around her.

It has a substantial amount of extra material in the back, folded up and contained by a sash. Looks like she won't have to give up the dress when she's bigger.

spirulinagalaxy: holy moly cannoli
Mezzopiano: are those REAL
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kind of heavy though

not uncomfortable but gonna be kind of a bitch to walk in and also sit in

i need to do more like shoulder excercises or something

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spirulinagalaxy: if you die can I have your dress
spirulinagalaxy: that's so fucking pretty k!
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idk ask mo she made it

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spirulinagalaxy: now, how would I go about it if I wanted to get in touch with the supervillain Monoceros, who has no contact with any part of my life except, I guess, that one time she kidnapped k,,,,
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i will actually tell her to give the dress to you if i die if that's what you want

no promises she'll do it

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spirulinagalaxy: it is SO covetable. everyone with taste will drool over you at that convention.
Mezzopiano: how long did that take to make??? how did she get that put together for you this fast, couture takes forever.
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idk i'll have to ask

but yeah like it even has extra fabric in the back which will come in handy later

god i'm gonna look so hot in it then

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basking robin: idk wealth has always been an aphrodisiac and a quick back of envelope calculation suggests that thing cost millions of dollars so possibly you are already hot in some objective sense
basking robin: based on like how much pearls cost, I guess probably if she's into pearls she has an engineered oyster farm that drops five hundred an hour or something
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Fuck, does this thing have pockets? 

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No but it comes with a purse.

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She's never used a purse before. Makes her feel a little weird but she'll take what she can get. She puts the phone inside and looks around the sub for Mo.

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Monoceros has left the submarine. Maybe she got up early and went to the con. There is a goon still aboard, though. "Miss, are you ready for the convention?"

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"Ready as I'll ever be." She likes being called miss.

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The goon shows her to the hatch that will let her out. The signage should be clear from there.

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Off she goes. She's tense, but excited.

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There are plenty of signs with lots of languages on them, plus arrows! She can easily follow them up the dock, across the boardwalk, and to the convention center. It's one of those architecturally impossible thingies that only preternaturals can construct. It has one wall that arcs smoothly to become the ceiling, and the ceiling hangs over a few football fields of space, keeping off sun and any potential rain while allowing abundant crossbreeze. Which is good, because it's hot out.

The security for the event is in the form of cyborg chimpanzees. One looks at her and gives her a map and points to Monoceros's booth on it.

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Oooohhh pretty. She's positively dazzled. She follows the map as best she can but is eager to see more fascinating sights along the way.

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Fascinating sights she passes on the most direct route to Monoceros include:

- potted trees that are some 65% various metals
- a bacterium the size of a Squishable she can pet if she wants; it has cilia
- engineered butterflies with recognizable paintings on their wings
- a slime mold based computer on which one can play Doom
- dinosaurs
- a little goaty unicorn
- somebody of roughly Katie's own social position being shown off for being a catgirl
- algae-ivy stuff that can colonize an appropriately prepared wall in minutes and die off without damaging the structure with a little vinegar spritzing
- a rice/wheat hybrid which is drought and salt tolerant; she can take a free sample cracker if she wants
- koi that do some kind of underwater ballet
- somebody's sendup of Bunnicula, currently depriving grapes of their fluids

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Oooh! Aaah! She wants to pet so many things but she doesn't want to disappoint Mo. She prays she'll have the chance later. The catgirl is cute but could use some meat on her bones.

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The catgirl's owner/creator/boyfriend certainly doesn't seem to think she needs to be one whisker different, if the way he's fondling her ears is anything to judge by.

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Sad! Katie makes a mental note to ask Mo if she can give her cat ears and continues on her way. Hmm, or possibly horns. Fangs definitely. Oooh, and wings.

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And there's Mo's booth with her display on her tuna farm and little sashimi samples on ice.

"There's my little granola bar! Don't you look stunningly pearlescent!"

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"I do! The dress is amazing! Little heavy though." She helps herself to a sashimi sample.

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"If you wanna wear many pounds of rocks without noticing that they aren't feathers, you gotta lift." She has a cushion for Katie to lounge on that doesn't push the pearls into her skin too much.

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"Guess it's a good thing I've been trying to get more exercise recently. Was worried you'd be mad at me for wasting precious calories."

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"Not at all. Calories are cheap, muscle is expensive."

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"I mean, the ones you're feeding me sure don't seem cheap." She's also a little worried Mo will be disappointed at it getting more difficult to physically overpower her, but she's too afraid to say so out loud.

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"They are cheap because I can buy them using currency."

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"True. Anyways, how the hell did you make this thing? Also one of my internet friends wants it if I die, you are under no obligation to actually give it to them but I am letting you know at their behest."

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"A lot of the pearlwork was actually already put together as a wall hanging. The goons did have to do some more to make it into a dress but I did not make them work union-unfriendly overtime."

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"Where'd you get the pearls originally though?"

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"Oh, made them, except the conchs which I traded for."

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"Yeah, checks out. Oh, yeah, other thing I needed to ask you before I forget. Could you maybe possibly consider doing other non-pearl biomods on me if possible?"

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"Hmm, I'd worry a lot of possibilities would interfere with your pearly chemistry. If Gilesian pearls played nice with anti-rejection drugs then just anybody could grow them. I could probably turn you blue. Do you want to be blue?"

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"Nah, I was more thinking wings and horns and fangs. Also green hair but that doesn't require mad bioscience."

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"I can do horns as a transdermal implant and fangs as basically just your classic denture except sharp. Wings you get into the anti-rejection problem, and they do need to be impractically enormous if you want to get off the ground with them even at your current weight."

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"Wouldn't necessarily need to actually be able to fly, they'd just look cool. In any case, we can discuss it more later. Just want to get it down so it's not forgotten." 

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"I'll mull on it. It's definitely easier if you want useless little cherub wings."

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"Anyways uuuh, this place is very cool and I'm very grateful you brought me here. Am I gonna have to like, answer people's questions or something? Am I free to roam around?"

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"You can roam around, but be back in time for lunch in three hours."

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"Got it. Is it being provided by you or the con?"

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"A mix!"

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"Oooh, exciting." She sits briefly to see if anyone comes up and asks about her (she's very turned on by the idea of being displayed like property), but if no one does she gets bored and wanders off.

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A couple people do come ask about her, but they ask Monoceros, not Katie. Monoceros says things like "I was beyond fortunate to run into her" and "oh, I know she's not big enough now, but give her time!"

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Spicy. Do they react in any noticeable way to the prospect of her being fattened up like livestock?

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Random conventiongoers do not have an especially high rate of being into that. One does have some questions about whether she is being assisted in ways other than meals and Monoceros explains about the pink stuff.

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Oookay now she's bored. Wandering around it is!

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Pothos that filters air with particular oomph! Turmeric that turns pink if it's contaminated with lead! Spy seagulls! Chinchillas that shed their skin like lizards so you can ethically fur-farm them! Floating orchids giving new meaning to "air plant"! Sedentary decorative frogs you can suction-cup to your shower wall and feed human hair! Jellyfish-spider hybrids! Fast-growing coral suitable to dry out and use as a colorful building material! Yeast-based nutritional supplements for what ails you! High throughput pitcher plants that will keep a typical home kitchen free of flies and also enjoy surplus bacon grease! Retrovirus that manages your cholesterol!

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AAAAAHHHHHH FUCK katie is frightened by the jellyspiders she's going back to mo for hugs now now now god damnit it's hard to run in this dress

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"Something chasing you, peach pie?"

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"saw spider thing. frightened. need hug."

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"Aww, scared of spiders?" Under one heavy arm goes the Katie.

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"very." She clings tightly to Mo's soft, warm bulk.

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"Noted." Scritches.

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"You'll protect me, right? You'll protect me if anything tries to hurt me? Because you love me?"

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"I will not let spiders eat you up. Because I need you and you're cute." Scritch scritch.

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She's disheartened at the lack of an explicit "I love you" but is not in a state to say so out loud.  She tries her best to forget and lean into the hug.

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Squish squish.

"What've you got there, Monoceros?"

"I'm gonna grow Gilesian pearls in her."

"Ooh, hence the dress, love it. What's got her wibbly, did you kidnap her from someplace sunshine-and-rainbowy?"

"Not hardly, she's scared of spiders."

"Ha! Going to use that information for evil?"

"That's always a possibility."

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Audible whimper. "Please don't." God, she just wants to be loved and cherished and valued. Why must the world be so cruel.

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"Well, you're usually a very good little pannetone so I probably won't find myself moved to do so." Pet pet.

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Fear. Second, louder whimper.

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"Awwww. Button mushroom, the only thing you have to fear is fear itself, nobody's bringing spiders over to eat the tunafish."

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Deep breaths. Her back straightens a little. She gets up and has another slice of the sashimi. "Thank you."

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"Naturally." Pat pat.

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"I love you." Tears are welling up in her eyes.

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"You are the cutest peanut butter cup ever to come down with Stockholm syndrome."

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"You too." Out go the tears.

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Monoceros giggles and pets her.

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"It sucks because all the other stuff looked cool. I'd love to see more of it, but..."

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"But a convention of biotinkers isn't exactly profligate with the trigger warnings. You could plot a route with your map."

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"I forget the exact definition of profligate, does that mean they do or don't have them?"

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"Profligate is like liberal. Not profligate means they don't have many."

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"Yeah, that's what I was guessing. I'll figure something out. How long until lunch?"

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"Hour or so."

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"Yeah, let me look at my map and see if i can find something to do that won't risk further freakouts."

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There are lots of things on the map and most of them aren't spiders!

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Katie gets up and has another brief wander of the place, avoiding spiders to the best of her ability.

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Winged mice! Vat chicken! Glowing bonsai! An edible mold that tastes like cheese and will turn random kitchen biomass placed in its container into more of itself, except for citrus, it's allergic! Ostensibly telepathic dogs! Fuzzy caterpillar-looking things that eat dust! Bees that make maple syrup!

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She sits down on a bench to rest and takes out her phone.

guys i'm at the con and i saw a spider and got freaked out and mo comforted me but like she wouldnt outright say she loved me even when i prompted her to and it has me very anxious

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Mezzopiano: do you have reason to believe that she like, does
grape_fruit: it's not cool to pressure people about that
pithy: honestly if she said it at this point I'd be worried that she was lying to make you chill
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I know I know I know I'm stupid I'm crazy etc

But like

I just want to be loved

That's all I've ever wanted

And like she's doing all the right things superficially, far moreso than I could've reasonably expected before, but like

Does she love me?

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pithy: sounds like... no...
grape_fruit: give her time! some people take a while!
spirulinagalaxy: she's your type but are you hers the same way/amount? do you want to be doing more romantic things somehow idk
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I just need to give it time

Not everyone is as stupid and desperate as me

I mean, I've barely talked about my interests or anything with her

Oh God what if she thinks all my hobbies are dumb

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pithy: does she have hobbies
unicorn: yeah what does she do besides science and eating and dubcon
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I don't actually know!

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Mezzopiano: so you don't have much relationship foundation! but you can build one, if you want to.
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i really really really want to

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spirulinagalaxy: I mean you could also enjoy this as a sex fantasy or whatever and hold out for someone you click with with less effort but your options are pretty limited if you are held captive
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i mean

where the fuck else am i gonna find a woman who's hot, rich, smart, strong, and into me and my kinks

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grape_fruit: the crab nebula?
Mezzopiano: how is K going to get to the crab nebula. we only even know about the people there from like five grainy photographs and hearsay.
unicorn: the crab nebula people do brainwashing and shit, that's not the same anyway
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ew i don't wanna fuck a crab

where would i even put my fingers/tongue/strap

how would i even tell if it's a boy crab or a girl crab

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grape_fruit: the people in the crab nebula aren't... crabs... k...
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What are they then???

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unicorn: they're space aliens! the thing that Aera is 1/4.
unicorn: fair to not have noticed when they made the news, they managed to make it look ultra tabloidy by total accident, I only know about them because I read the Atlantic article on it
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"space alien" and "crab" are not mutually exclusive categories

like those guys in the animorphs book where they go back to dinosaur times

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grape_fruit: if there were aliens from the pegasus galaxy would you be expecting winged horses
one eyed one horned flying purple people pleaser: little known fact about the Eskimo nebula, that's where Eskimos come from
one eyed one horned flying purple people pleaser: little known fact about like half the characters in harry potter
grape_fruit: the nebula was already called that before the aliens were publicized k
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half the characters in harry potter were eskimos???

also i'm pretty sure they don't like being called that, how has the nebula not been renamed yet

anyways back the fuck up how can the aliens breed with humans

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unicorn: no I think robin means that a lot of HP characters were named after constellations but are not from them
grape_fruit: it involved biotinker shit
one eyed one horned flying purple people pleaser: I have no idea how the nebula has not been renamed but it still shows up if you look for a list of nebulae
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thankfully due to this enlightening conversation i have now forgotten what we were talking about before

(don't remind me)

time to go meet my amazing girlfriend for lunch!

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this enlightening conversation: enjoy!
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Back to the booth she goes.

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Lunch is laid out when she arrives! There is a sample platter of the engineered exotics from the convention, supplemented with a goon-provided cheese and charcuterie spread, a beef wellington, and an elaborate trifle full of cake and custard and cream and cherries.

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Oooh lovely. What sort of engineered exotics?

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There's the tuna Monoceros brought, naturally, and there's some spiderjellyfish (fileted; it's unrecognizable), and compsognathus, and rice/wheat crackers, and marmite made of the nutrtional-supplement-yeast, and vat lamb, and some kind of creamy passionfruit-coconut juice blend served in its own curious little shell, and some of the giant bacteria rendered into an aspic in which there are various pickles and edible flowers.

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She eagerly digs into the various snacks and silently hopes one of them gives her some exciting new mutation.

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The marmite is oddly satisfying and moreish.

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Mmm, tasty. Has the craving more more subsided by the time she finishes the whole thing?

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"I might buy a few jars of this stuff," remarks Monoceros.

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Blush blush. She continues eating, eager to please but not really in the right headspace to come up with anything to say for a number of reasons.

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"Which, of course, I would share."

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"My first assumption was it was for me, actually."

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"I like it too!"

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How is the compsognathus? Does it taste like chicken?

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Sorta! It's not that chickeny but it's a close enough thing to round to.

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Joyous. Katie reaches to hold Mo's hand as she gobbles further.

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Fleshy fingers squeeze back.

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Warm, happy feelings ensue. This feels good. The hand is strong. She is warm and safe and loved. Nom nom nom. Her belly grows increasingly full. She nuzzles Mo's shoulder. She forgot she can do PDAs now. It's lovely.

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"Did someone slip something in the aspic, my little tart? You're very snuggly."

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"I'm excited by the prospect of being able to display romantic affection in public for the first time."

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"I guess there hasn't been a lot of 'public' since I kidnapped you!" Hair-ruffle.

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"Yeah. God, I love to absorb your body heat."

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"I'm very toasty. When I caught my first beluga I went swimming in the Arctic in the buff."

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"Hot. I wanna see that."

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"I'll come swimming with you when we get home."

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Very excited wiggles. She puts her arm around Mo's vast bulk and nuzzles her again.

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"What a cute jellybean."

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"You're cuter."

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"I am a snack, it's true."

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"Ma'am you are an entire all you can eat buffet."

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"The best kind of snack."

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"You are such a greedy fucking pig." She grasps at Mo's tummy, putting her thumb in the bellybutton and the rest of her fingers underneath and giving it a good jiggle.

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"You are a handsy lil figgy pudding." Pinch. "Careful, sometimes I have been known to turn my navel into storage space and not everything I've kept in it has been nice to poke."

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"But it's so deep and pokeable!"

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"Poke at your own risk, all I'm saying."

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"I suppose I'll keep that in mind." She cuddles up close, straining her willpower to avoid grinding her crotch against Mo's thigh in public.

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Pat pat.

Passersby swing by for seconds of the tuna. Monoceros makes a couple arrangements to deliver more of it in exchange for various considerations. Somebody asks her if Katie is on drugs and she says "no, I'm just very lucky".

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She nods happily. "Me too."

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Monoceros starts idly braiding her hair.

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She sits still obediently. God she hopes it looks pretty. Mo is making her so fucking pretty she's gonna be the prettiest girl on earth this is the best thing ever.

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She's good at elaborate braids, which is odd because her own hair is pretty short. She ties it off with a spare bit of lace she liberates from her own outfit. "Pearly princess, that's what you are."

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Excited chirp-giggle noise. "Do you have a mirror?"

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She has her phone. She turns it into selfie mode and holds it up.

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"So pretty! Thank you!" Nuzzles.

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"You're welcome." Smooch.

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"You're feeding me so much and getting me fancy clothes and doing my hair all nice and you're gonna make me SO FUCKING PRETTY and I love you for it."

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Does she still feel this way if Monoceros... tickles her??

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Flustered giggling and tickle-spasms ensue.

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Monoceros laughs and kisses her again and then has to talk to another booth visitor.

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Unfortunately, having her hair tangled up, even in a neat organized way, gives her mad sensory issues. She slips off from the booth and undoes it, wandering around a bit longer to maintain plausible deniability that they just came apart on their own.

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The convention is lively and full of people talking about weird science! There are glow in the dark puppies and space wasps and Chia pets that put out targeted pollen to annoy people who loiter around them!

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She pauses momentarily to pet the adorable puppies, then heads back to Mo's booth.

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The puppies glow brighter when petted!

Monoceros is talking shop with somebody who has gills and spritzes himself with water frequently.

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She sits down and puts her arm around Mo.

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"Well, whatever you do," Monoceros tells the guy, "don't fuck with the Kuroshio Current, you don't want to be the next Anemone Lass."

"I sure don't!" the guy agrees. Spritz spritz.

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"Ooh, what's that?"

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"The current or Anemone Lass, chicharrón?"

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"Northbound current that heads up Japan's east side, and a dead supervillain who got taken down when she got too ambitious with the oceanic volcanoes."

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"I love it when a pretty lady talks passionately about her interests."

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"I have only a passing interest in volcanoes per se, though I do really like the kinds of critters that live around them, I was on a heck of a tubeworm kick in my late twenties."

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"I am absolutely ecstatic to learn about the supervillanous applications of tubeworms."

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"I snuck a giant one into the dunk tank for an annoying minor politician at a state fair, and it ate him!"

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She's so overcome with affection that she has no other suitable response but to immediately wrap her arms tight around Mo's vast middle and kiss her on the lips.

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Smooch smooch nibble smooch.

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"Tell me more about the creative ways in which you've killed people."

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"Oh, I mean, sometimes I just poison them or gore them with my horn - I don't think you've seen me in my combat getup, come to think! - but, let's see, I got somebody's dogs to eat her, implanted some nasties in a transplant liver, he gave me my money before he actually died of it but I had this one fellow cripplingly attacked by crows and seagulls wherever he went and he did lose an eye and two fingers..."

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She's drooling.

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"Maybe I should hold off listing any more till we're back aboard the submarine, hm?"

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"I, well, I was really enjoying that but you're the boss."

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"I most certainly am, my pearl barley." Pat pat.

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She opens up Eris on her phone

when she tells you about all the ways she's killed people swoon.jpg

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spirulinagalaxy: oh dear
Mezzopiano: do NOT make me get the nickels
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WHENEVER I complained about being single you guys were all like "oh that's terrible i'm so sorry i hope you find the woman of your dreams soon" but now i do and you're all like "oh no that's bad and wrong and stuff"

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spirulinagalaxy: was I not clear enough that I thought possibly your women related dreams would eventually compromise on the murder thing
unicorn: I have given this some thought and I think it's good that k is shacking up with her murderer. anything that diverts murderer time to not murder.
the deadest piece of ironmongery: and you think k will be an anti-murder force on net here why?
Mezzopiano: Why are you a Christmas Carol reference, it's not even Thanksgiving yet
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Nice job rubbing it in that you're better than me ms "I can recognize random lines from classic literature on sight"

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Mezzopiano: It's a memorable line!
the deadest piece of ironmongery: it came up in spy's linguistics channel
the deadest piece of ironmongery: anyway I think k might easily encourage more murder than she displaces
unicorn: oh no
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i wonder if mo could make some kind of ray gun or something that turns people's bodies into iron

then they'd be the deadest piece of ironmongery

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spirulinagalaxy: seems out of her wheelhouse?
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idk maybe it could be with like, bioengineered bacteria or something

can bacteria do that?

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spirulinagalaxy: can bacteria do nuclear fusion? I don't think so
unicorn: maybe they can but I don't think they can do it in a way that makes it just look like somebody turned into iron
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anyways if you guys are all mad about me condoning murder or whatever you should find me a gf who isn't a murderer

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the deadest piece of ironmongery: how would that help? you're not free to go
unicorn: why do you think we uncovered a secret ability to do this in the last week, k
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no i'm just saying i have needs

you wouldn't get mad at someone for stealing a loaf of bread because they were starving, right? 

same deal

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unicorn: I would get mad at someone for stealing a loaf of bread because they thought it was sexy
the deadest piece of ironmongery: the bread or the stealing. which kink are we hypothetically shaming here
unicorn: shut up robin
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just because you can't provide it via the welfare state doesn't mean it's not a real need!

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unicorn: you're not going to die of not having a girlfriend! or of not doing murders!
spirulinagalaxy: I think as far as we know k has not actually done any murders her own self
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It makes me WANT to die and that's only considered less bad because our society is in the iron grip of carceral psychiatry

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the iron grip of carceral psychiatry: and now you are instead in the iron grip of a supervillain. in all seriousness it couldn't happen to a more deserving person.
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Do you mean that in a good way or a bad way

Also it may be as inescapable as iron but it's far more comfy

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the iron grip of carceral psychiatry: both, always
unicorn: it's robin, what do you expect XD
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Y'know how the leftist response to right-libertarians is always "are you really free if you're starving on the street?"

Am I really free if I don't have a fat woman shoving her tits in my face?

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spirulinagalaxy: yes!!
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Ok Ayn Rand I'll just go pull myself up by my bootstraps then

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spirulinagalaxy: this is now a completely academic question for you anyway
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the POINT is that it's easy for you to say that maintaining the moral high ground is more important than having a partner when you guys all already have them!

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unicorn: no I don't??
Mezzopiano: K, if that did it, then wouldn't you start gathering yourself some moral high ground too around now
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y'know what yeah i should do that

mezzo your relationship is unethical because uuuuhhhh having sex with a circumcised man encourages parents to circumcise their kids

it makes sense if you understand decision theory

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Mezzopiano: well, we're not having kids, so the "let's see if God gives them Jewish grandchildren" principle is holding firm against
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wait what, is this some jewish thing i'm not familiar with or am i just stupid and forgetting something/missing something obvious

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Mezzopiano: oh there's just like, a gradual generation by generation secularization trend till at some point the kids barely identify as Jewish, thing, and if somebody is like, "let's try being slightly more liberal about X" the response from people who think that'll contribute to the slippery slope is "we'll see if God gives you Jewish grandchildren"
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i see

society is fucked up

anyways i wish i could brag about my ancestors not being infected with the spiritual virus that is christianity, why the hell would you give up on that just because you like lobster or don't feel like waking up early to go to temple

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unicorn: k what does that even mean
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it means even if you don't believe in the religion you should at least take pride in the fact that it's better than those other people's stupid-ass religion

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Mezzopiano: I'm not sure what would stop anybody eligible from doing that
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idk apparently something is!

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Mezzopiano: no longer identifying as Jewish doesn't usually make people Christian, it makes them atheists
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i mean yeah but as they say in northern ireland are they protestant atheists or catholic atheists or as it may be jewish atheists

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Mezzopiano: lots of people are Jewish atheists....
the iron grip of carceral psychiatry: I resemble that remark
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anyways like are you guys really gonna get mad at me just because i've found the woman of my dreams and she isn't some perfect angel

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spirulinagalaxy: we are not talking here about a woman who litters and tells racist jokes! the topic was murders!
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i really do not know how else to put this

it is just not reasonable to expect me to put moral considerations above fulfilling my base primal needs

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unicorn: what do you think reasonable means
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idk what do you think it means

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spirulinagalaxy: maybe k is arguing that it is not *realistic*
unicorn: I don't think you can stop applying moral standards to people just because it's not realistic that they'll live up to them, that just gets you some kind of determinist anarchy
some kind of determinist anarchy: and really isn't that what we're all here for
unicorn: no!
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It's like

If someone had to volunteer to be tortured for the rest of their life or else 10 other people would have to, would you be mad at them for refusing?

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unicorn: there are consequences, to being murdered, other than "not yourself doing/encouraging murders",
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I'm confused, i don't see how that contradicts what i said

Did you misunderstand what i said

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spirulinagalaxy: you were like "if you had to volunteer to suffer [x] so that ten other people wouldn't have to suffer [x]" and unicorn is saying that is not a good analogy for "if you had to volunteer to suffer sexual frustration or not even that, just trying to slightly reduce the body count here, so some number of other people wouldn't have to suffer being dead"
unicorn: if you - yeah that thanks spy
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It's not JUST about sexual frustration



Or, well, I was

And now I'm having sex and also feel beautiful and valuable

She doesn't say loved because she knows it's kind of sort of maybe not 100% true and winces internally at that.

And idk maybe I can get her and some of the goons to play board games with me which you guys never would

It's easy to talk about how other people are obligated to make sacrifices for the greater good when you got everything you needed in life just handed to you

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Mezzopiano: this again!
unicorn: now that you have been kidnapped to the land of having what you want in life maybe you can spare anything for some light antimurder in your spare time
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If you're making the analogy I think you're trying to make I don't see how taking some time out of your day to play board games with me would completely ruin your life the way refusing to be with no because she happens to kill people sometimes would 

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some kind of determinist anarchy: I don't think anybody's trying to tell you to break up with her
some kind of determinist anarchy: since you kind of probably can't
spirulinagalaxy: yeah just like, express an anti-murder sentiment if the topic comes up
unicorn: my analogy was not attempting to be about board games at all and I'm bewildered now
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What was it attempting to be about?

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unicorn: bleah never mind I'm going to go water the tomatoes
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anyways like

murdering people is kind of like, her job

like it's not like she could just quit and go work at costco or something

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spirulinagalaxy: oh it's her JOB. she gets paychecks from the murder factory. I see I see
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I mean like

The money for all the food and goons and shit has to be coming from somewhere!

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spirulinagalaxy: is she an assassin? is she just a robber bandit? how would murder lead to money here??
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She looks up from her phone and at Mo. "Hey babe, can I ask you a really dumb question?"

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"Sure, shortcake."

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"How do you, like, make money?"

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"My cherry cordial, I have made four hundred thousand dollars at this very convention so far."

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"Doing what?"

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"Well, the short answer is 'networking'. I sell people things I make. A lot of my lab work is filling orders. Today in particular I've sold somebody a noninterference agreement, collected my annual protection money from a couple smalltimers, had the goons deliver some decoratives and some ingredients and some plasmids to people who are more convenient to reach here than in other circumstances, closed a deal on the tuna..."

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"Ok so like, the killing people part does factor into it, at least partially."

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"My capacity to kill people far more often than actually doing it! Most of my killing people is when they pick fights. I got my fight-picking over with when I was younger, personally, though some people will take any little thing as a provocation."

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yeah turns out she sells stuff she makes but also collects protection money which does in fact hinge on her willingness to kill people even if ideally she doesn't have to actually do it

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categorically sufficient rabbit: when the police can't, the mob will
spirulinagalaxy: robin where did THAT come from
categorically sufficient rabbit: tumblr
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Missed the change, where'd the new nickname come from?

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categorically sufficient rabbit: still tumblr
categorically sufficient rabbit: you can try to find it if tumblr search will let you but I'm not linking for reasons
Mezzopiano: it's not like k doesn't allow porny stuff here
categorically sufficient rabbit: worse... it's *drama*
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Don't feel like it

Anyways cops and mobsters are both ugly but mo is hot therefore she's in the right

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unicorn: I would say "never change" but I wouldn't mean it
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I'm not going to change regardless of if you ask or not :)

Well, I will physically I guess

But rest assured loosing the ability to see my own feet will not shake my moral convictions

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spirulinagalaxy: honestly until I recently I really did hope that a lot of your issues were downstream of malnutrition but presumably you now have 5000% daily values of everything from molybdenum to dextrose so
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Is molybdenum a nutrient

I thought it was some kind of metal

And like, not the kind that's also a nutrient, like iron or zinc

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spirulinagalaxy: iirc but I didn't check before writing that
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anyways i am indeed very gratified to find out my ironclad moral code is undisturbed by relentless overfeeding

glad you guys finally have to admit that we aren't all liberal pansies waiting to happen

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spirulinagalaxy: idk that might be why we haven't seen babs in this channel in a while
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wait what?


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spirulinagalaxy: they gave up hope that you would grow out of it I guess? don't hassle them
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ah i see

yeah i won't

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liberal pansy waiting to happen: is anyone still here in the hope that k will grow out of it. I'm just eating popcorn here
spirulinagalaxy: I vacillate between hope and popcorn
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When will I finally be accepted for who I am

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unicorn: is Monoceros not accepting you for who you are
liberal pansy waiting to happen: a pearl substrate
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Mezzopiano: here is a picture of my cat, is that better
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She sets her phone down. "Mo, my internet friends are all mad and stuff about me associating with a murderer."

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"That's not really surprising, murder's unpopular."

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"Yeah, I guess. Just has me kind of bummed out."

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"You can make friends with the goons, maybe."

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"I'm, uh, I could try I guess. I like my friends though. Would hate to lose them."

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"Well, it'd be pretty silly of them to hold you responsible for being kidnapped."

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"Yeah, I guess. Wasn't really clear what exactly they wanted me to do about it."

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Pat pat.

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Nuzzles. "You're so sweet and empathetic and affectionate."

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"We were just talking about how I'm a murderer!"

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"Well you're nice to me!"

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"Well, you're important." Scritch scritch.

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"No one's ever said that about me before."

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"I'm not particularly conformist like that."

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"I never thought I would find someone like you."

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Big blush. "So like, are we sleeping on the sub, or..."

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"That's the plan, though I might hit a restaurant for dinner."

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"They have those here?" She's tantalized at the prospect of Mo stuffing her like a turkey in public.

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"Not at the convention, we'd have to go a bit afield."

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"Is that safe, given, y'know, circumstances?"

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"It would admittedly take us out of the convention's zone of ceasefire, which is one reason for me to go by myself and bring back takeout."

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"I guess that means I'll be way under my calorie target for the day, unless you've got a forklift." Pout pout. She really wants people to stare at her gluttony.

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"My chapati, I can carry home enough takeout for you, and if you don't want that you can get the goons to give you bread and fish salad and a gallon of ice cream."

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"Understood, boss." She's disappointed but she'll at least squeeze some hotness out of the situation by calling Mo 'boss'.

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Pat pat.

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"Would it make you happy if I were capable of hugging you tighter? Knowing that would be helpful motivation when working out."

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"Hmmm. I would find it absolutely delightful if you could pick me up."

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"Really?" She's not even thinking about how that's probably impossible, the high of a beautiful woman giving her objectives she's capable of working towards has completely overwhelmed her.

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"It'd be so incongruously adorable!"

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Her eyes water a little. "I'll do my best, boss."

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"I expect nothing less, princess-cake."

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"Is there a type of cake called a princess cake or are you just doubling up on pet names?"

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"It's a type of cake! Hemisphere covered in marzipan. I'll have the goons make us one when we're home, this isn't the right continent to get a good one out and about."

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"I'm genuinely amazed that you know this many foods."

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"They say to write what you know but I'm not a writer so I eat it instead."

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"Shit, now I'm thinking about the actual meaning carried by the words 'lift you' and terrified I'm inevitably gonna let you down."

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"I said 'pick me up', you can probably do it with enough squats and good balance if you do the thing where you balance me on your pelvis."

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"Oh, yeah, shit, you lift with your legs. I'll make sure to incorporate those into my workout routine, insofar as you can call randomly doing pushups or situps whenever I have the energy a routine."

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"Huh, if you're usually too tired I can whip up something short-term for that to get you going and then you should be able to bootstrap a bit."

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"I'm less constantly tired now than I was pre-you, but not zero. That might be helpful, assuming no horrible side effects."

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"I'll need more details on what kinda tired but it can wait till I have my lab."

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Katie checks the time on her phone.

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She boredly reads through the event program to see if any biotinkers are looking for test subjects for interesting experiments.

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Yes! There are recruiting human challenge trials for many things, some undisclosed and others including things like photosynthesizing skin, the ability to sense magnetic fields "now with 40% less risk of heavy metal poisoning", a third and fourth set of teeth after the fashion of baby and adult teeth, a vaccine for ebola, and an enhanced sense of smell.

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Ooh, can she do multiple? Several of those sound interesting!

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They don't all have the courtesy to list their contraindications in the program!

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Let's go to the smell one first. Taste is famously 90% smell so that should be helpful for stuff.

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"'Allo!" says the biotinker in the relevant booth, who has a larger than life model of the human sinus tract and is safety-pinning index cards with scribbled notes to various parts of it. He has a pronounced French accent. "Welcome, take a, what is the - pamphelette, yes, one of these."

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The frenchness of this man has made her uneasy. She reads the pamphlet carefully.

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It describes his work in French, English, Chinese, and Javanese, on extending the olfactory bulb's surface area and enhancing connections to relevant parts of the brain.

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Any warnings? A notice about mutual exclusivity with other experiments?

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Not in the pamphelette!

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She takes her phone out of her purse and shoots a message to both her groupchat and Mo.

[guys/mo] I came to some guy who's running an experiment to enhance people's sense of smell but his Frenchness has me on edge

a lifetime of Pepe Le Pew cartoons and jokes about stinky cheese has given me a healthy suspicion around French people and smell

should i do it

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basking robin: live dangerously
Aquinas: It doesn't seem wise to encourage further interventions on your person!
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He won't take a scalpel to my things if he knows what's good for him.
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to Monoceros: so is that a no

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Remember how things might interact with your ability to grow pearls? I'm the only person I know to be qualified to judge those interactions.
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understood boss

wish i could do the photosynthesis one, that one sounds useful, but alas

to groupchat: nvm guys mo said no

She changes her nickname to "Monoceros's strongest soldier".

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You want to photosynthesize? With your appreciation of food? I'm shocked.
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spirulinagalaxy: huh why?
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to Monoceros: more calories is more calories

to groupchat: could interact bad with pearls

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and hunger the best seasoning!
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basking robin: can't have your pearls metastasizing or whatever
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to Monoceros: ok yeah fair

She's walking back to Mo's booth now. Hopefully it'll be dinnertime soon.

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Maybe it is, because Monoceros has a lab goon manning the booth and she herself is nowhere to be seen, perhaps getting takeout.

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Exciting! She sits down next to the goon.

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The goon nods politely to her but doesn't say anything.

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Katie takes out her phone to virtually relieve herself of the awkward silence.

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a profound misunderstanding of the pony lore: I don't think Zecora's supposed to be a tinkertype at all, just a normal herbalist
unicorn: stg I am turning off my watchword
spirulinagalaxy: What in the world would Zecora have to do to count in your view as an intentional tinkertype?
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a profound misunderstanding of the pony lore: no we only speak equestrian round these parts
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go back to uuuuh


that's where horses are from right?

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spirulinagalaxy: okay everypony to #hearthswarming we're not wanted here
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no no no i was kidding i'm interested just tell me what these words mean

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spirulinagalaxy: Zecora is a character name, what other words confused you
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tinkertype and herbalist

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a profound misunderstanding of the pony lore: tinkertype is the kind of super who invents things instead of having powers some other way. so like Monoceros is one.
unicorn: an herbalist is like an oldtimey wisewoman who would give you willow bark tea for your headache
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wait do they have supers in the my little pony universe???

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spirulinagalaxy: not exactly, they have magic and I think some individual ponies are supposed to be analogues but it's very much the children's fantasy genre and not the realistic heroes 'n villains genre
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I see. What tech level is Equestria even supposed to be at?

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spirulinagalaxy: not terribly clear at times tbh. sort of a vaguely rustic mishmash peppered with more modern stuff.
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I see.

mom used to call our dog the herbalist because she liked to eat grass and weeds

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unicorn: kind of a reach but okay
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she's my mom what do you expect

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Mezzopiano: petition for the conversation to not dwell on k's mom
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petition accepted

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Mezzopiano: so I think zecora is definitely intended to have some tinkerlike traits but they didn't go hard on the realism with any of the fantasy powers because that would be pretty genre-defeating, if you want cartoon animals with realistic superpowers you want Rabbithole
spirulinagalaxy: fucking loved rabbithole when I was in college. pseudo-ironically but still.
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isn't that like a furry porn thing

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spirulinagalaxy: no!
vaguely rustic mishmash: well it depends where you go
spirulinagalaxy: the canon isn't, the fans do as fans do
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why on god's good fuck did they name it that then?

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spirulinagalaxy: I don't know if this is news to you but rabbits live in holes in the ground, and also, it is a commonly used metaphor for a tangent that goes into unnecessary depth, like this one
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ok but like

it's not like it was made in like 1802 before anyone knew what a furry is

they knew full well the connotations of putting "hole" in the name of  their show about anthropomorphic animals and yet they did so anyway

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vaguely rustic mishmash: you may be overestimating how dirty the average mind is
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ok john harvey kellogg

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vaguely rustic mishmash: oh no, not mine, I spend plenty of time in the gutter, but you see, I have updated to stop being surprised when other people do not instantly join me there at no provocation
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RIP to you but i'm built different

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vaguely rustic mishmash: I hope you enjoy your life of surprises
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so far I very much am!

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spirulinagalaxy: at least this week?
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has it really only been a week?

feels like months

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spirulinagalaxy: closer to a week than a month anyway
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speaking of time i've been waiting for mo to bring me back takeout this whole time and she was already gone before i started this conversation so hopefully should be back soon

excited to see what she's got for me

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unicorn: do you have google stalker on each other so you can see where she's held up
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unicorn: kind of a silly question I guess
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And here's Monoceros!

She's in her full-on supervillain outfit, mostly leather in mottled gray over white and a mask that includes a six foot spiraled tusk. She's very practiced at not accidentally stabbing anything she doesn't want stabbed as she sashays through the convention with a couple of huge bags of takeout. "You're going to love Indonesian food," she says, plopping the bags on the table and handing Katie a bouquet of satay skewers.

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"I am?" Swoon. God this woman has impeccable fashion sense.

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"Yup. I got lots of exotic meats. Those are just chicken, though. Eat up, some of this is fried and won't have travelled that well!"

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Nom nom nom. "Can you get beef next time, though? I don't really like chicken except as a receptacle for breading and sauce."

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"The sauce is the main attraction on satay! There's other stuff." She produces some meatballs. "Those are beef."

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Shit, how spicy is this stuff? Katie doesn't handle spice well.

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The meatballs aren't! They're weirdly smooth, but undeniably beefy, and come with veggies and noodles and broth.

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Fascinating. Not her favorite, but she's being a good girl and chowing down nonetheless.

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"I've also got stingray, horse, water buffalo, turtle, fruit bat, and goat complete with offal."

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"Damn. Do they normally eat all those things in Indonesia?"

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"Customarily in different parts, but I placed some orders in advance. I also have pork floss but that's dried and intended for the trip home."

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"Pork floss?"

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"It's like fluffy jerky!"

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"...Fluffy how???"

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"They get it so they can peel apart all the individual muscle fibers. It's good as a topping on stuff if you don't like it straight. It's kind of hard to find the pork kind around here, it's not halal, but some folks eat wild boar and that's one of the ways they prep it."

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"Oh, right, Muslim country, yeah. Anyways, that sounds maybe good. I was worried it would be, like, fluffy like it's moldy or something."

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"Nah, it's like cotton candy, only meat."

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"Well I never liked cotton candy but that's mainly because it's too sweet so maybe I'll like this."

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"I think you will. We shall put it on our porridge on the way home. For now, a less shelf stable feast." She keeps pulling out takeout containers.

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"Porridge? What are we, the Three Bears?"

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"Well, I'd give you gruel, but I'm trying to fatten you up!"

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Blush. "What actually is the difference though?"

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"Gruel's thinner."

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"How's that achieved, though? Just a different water to grain ratio, or what?"

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"Yeah, pretty much, and you jazz it up less."

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"Have I mentioned that I love how knowledgeable you are?"

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"It's been a minute or two."

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"Are there like, classes I can take on how to come up with more novel compliments? I want to keep showering you with praise but I feel bad about being so repetitive."

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"I didn't pick you up for your poetry. You could learn a language, that'd double your repertoire."

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"I've been meaning to, but the trouble is unlike working out I can't listen to podcasts while I do that."

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"Who says? They make podcasts in other languages."

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"True, but I'd still have to do a lot of learning before I could actually properly listen to them."

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"You could put on foreign music."

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"I do already sometimes. It has given me, like, a lead poisoned toddler level understanding of German. Probably not a good language to put more effort into though, because it's terrible for love poetry and those subservient Krauts all learn their imperial suzerain's language like a good little client state anyway." Hopefully that comment will discourage Mo from suspecting she's a Nazi for listening to historical German patriotic anthems and military marches on YouTube.

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"You wouldn't say such things if you'd read Rilke in the original."

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"God, and you're so cultured too. STEM people usually never have any time for the humanities."

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"I accumulate culture at a moderate rate, I'm just older than I look and retain it well."

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"From what I remember you're around my mom's age, and she doesn't know what a logarithm is."

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"That's a STEM topic, my little pavlova."

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"She also doesn't know that the war with Nazi Germany and the one with Imperial Japan were the same war, but that doesn't roll off the tongue quite as well."

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"That is admittedly a failure on several somebodys' parts."

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"Yeah I am like, genuinely pretty ashamed of sharing half that woman's DNA."

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"Do you want some gene therapy? I need to leave a lot of things there for the pearls but I know which things and can work around 'em."

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"What, to make me smarter? You can just, like, do that?"

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"Phew, no, I can do that temporarily with drugs a li'l bit but the gene therapy wouldn't do anything in that department since you're already an adult, it'd just make you less related."

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"I mean, like, what actual observable traits will it change about me?"

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"Not much, but the machinery I have for it is based on CRISPR and I have published some papers on its use so in-the-know biologists will know what you mean if you tell them with a straight face that you are extra crispy."

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"If all it does is make me not appear as my mom's daughter to a DNA test I don't think it's a good use of resources."

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"Your call. I think you're a perfectly good plum claifoutis the way you are."

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Oh god. Thinking about her mom was not a good idea. How long has she been gone again? How long before mom calls her? As stupid as her mom is is, she's always been able to tell when Katie's lying. She mentally weighs the pros and cons of just never answering the phone versus going "I'm an adult, I don't have to tell you where I am or what I'm doing there, but I assure you I am not in any danger." (She'd say she's left of her own free will, but that would be a lie, and as previously established she sucks at lying to her mom.)

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"Eat your curry, honey graham."

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She obeys. No better way to shut her brain up than mindless gorging.

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Eventually they have filled up on miscellaneous Indonesian meats 'n sweets 'n sauces. The convention is starting to wind down a little for the night.

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"So uuuh, back to sub?"

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"Right in one! Up you get, my pearl onion."

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Up she gets.

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They head back to the sub. It is as they left it.

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She wants to ask if Mo wants to come to her room for some fun and hopefully finally cuddling her to sleep afterwards, but she's too timid to, so she just walks there and hopes she follows.

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"Wrong way, peppercorn." Mo apparently feels that they should conclude the evening in her room.

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Oh. "Yes, boss." She follows.

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Monoceros's room has her bag of toys!

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Oh. What's in there again?

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Monoceros is going for something vibratory! But not putting it to use right away. She wants to get the pearl dress neatly peeled off Katie and onto a hanger.

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She obediently holds still.

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Once the dress is out of harm's way Katie is flung very abruptly into harm's way, by which dysphemism is meant, apparently, that the vibrator when applied just so has biofeedback and is going to park her right on the edge of orgasm and not a centimeter closer. With her face between Monoceros's thighs.

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Oh. God. Wow. That happened fast. She's just going to kneel here and get her tongue to work and strainedly dig her fingernails into the thigh flesh, then.

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Oh good, that was the plan! "Good little peach pie, that's good..."

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God, her thighs are so wonderfully squishy. Katie hopes her thighs will recieve this much attention when they're this big.

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When Monoceros is done she flicks a switch on the vibe and it has mercy.

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Hear moan sounds like an adorable kitten meowing.

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"Oh my god what a cute noise. Do it again, my little chocolate chip."

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Meeeeeeeeeeoooow. "You're so fucking squishy."

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"And soon you will join me. I'll have to get a longer double-ended." Pinch.

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Shudder. Blush.

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"You're coming along all right, I'd say." She chomps Katie's upper arm a bit. "Yeah, the jaw calipers agree."

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Jitter. Twinge. "I'm making progress already?"

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"You've been hard at work! You'd've noticed if you were turning it all into waste heat."

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"You're such a science woman."

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"Preturnatural splinter skills, baby carrot."

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"You talk funny science words."

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"You're high on endorphins there. 'Nother science word for you." Scritch scritch.

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"I know that one." Nuzzle.

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"Good." Pet pet pet. Monoceros rearranges Katie in her lap, what there is of it.

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"Mmm, and your belly is nice and soft. You're like a nice comfy armchair."

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"Nah. Haven't got any armrests. I'm like one of those fuf things."

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"Or a beanbag chair!"

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"A similar article of furniture." Pet pet.

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"Y'know those like head barrier things that go on the side of the headrest on like massage chairs or whatever to keep your head from falling sideways or something? Your tits are like that, except more comfy."

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Is Katie asking to get her head squashed between Monoceros's tits, because that's what's happening. Moosh moosh.

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Katie emits a flustered squeak of comfort.

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Monoceros giggles. Moosh moosh. "You're such a cutie tangerine."

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"You're so titty."

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"I'm a lot of everything but these are admittedly the things that are squashing your ears right now."

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"I am just a sleepy cat. I am just a sleepy kitty cat."

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"Awww. You can go to sleep, dumpling."

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"Can you... cuddle me to sleep?"

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"Just this once." Pet pet.

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Eeee! Big milestone! Katie happy! "Can I put my clothes back on first? I'm a little cold."

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"I don't think the pearl dress would be very good to sleep in." There's a blanket in reach. It is swooshed over the Katie.

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She cuddles up happily to Mo's soft, warm form.

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She is petted and lightly fussed over and surrounded by squashy anatomy.

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Happily she dozes off into a restful, sated slumber.

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She wakes up by herself, but tucked in and surrounded by surplus pillows.

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She grabs her phone out of the pearl purse on the nightstand.



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unicorn: congratulations!
improbable levels of rhine: cheevo
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Oooh, what's the story behind the new nickname robin

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improbable levels of rhine: swiss zoo lost a rhino and it wound up in the river!
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Oh dear

Was it OK

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improbable levels of rhine: yeah asian rhinos can swim apparently! it did demolish a raclette stand.
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Did they have a brawn around to carry it back or did they need to just tranquilize it and get a forklift

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improbable levels of rhine: no supes. and they couldn't tranq it in the water. they lured it into a truck.
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What does one lure a rhino into a truck with 

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improbable levels of rhine: article didn't say. tasty plants I'd wager.
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Also do they not have any supes in Switzerland at all or were they all just busy

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improbable levels of rhine: I guess none of them felt like rescuing a rhino right then for some reason? I think they have a couple
unicorn: there's Alpchen but I don't think her powers apply
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Woman? Named after mountain? Is she, y'know...

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unicorn: how many fat supe ladies do you need in your life. no, she's also a silver medalist in figure skating, she's teeny, does earthmoving and ice stuff.
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There can never be enough fat powerful women

Thankfully I have been blessed with the opportunity to be the change I want to see in the world

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unicorn: how is that going?
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Mo bit me again and said I'm making progess

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unicorn: what is with biting you about it!
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Mouth calipers

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unicorn: that sounds so fake
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She has cyberbelugas and is fattening me up to grow space pearls in me and the mouth calipers are the part that sounds fake?

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unicorn: how often does she need to caliper things she's happy to put in her mouth??
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Before idk, seemingly pretty often now

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unicorn: it's just such a weird choice of mod!
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what can i say, she's a weird lady

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Mezzopiano: was being cuddled to sleep everything you ever dreamed? did it Fix You
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it sure did feel good

also i feel like it's maybe a sign that mo Actually Loves Me

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improbable levels of rhine: I love my CPAP machine. I cannot sleep soundly without it wrapped around my face. our love story is one for the ages
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what are you even getting at

are you trying to be mean to me here or is this a complete non sequitur

also fuck i hope getting fat doesn't give me sleep apnea now i'm worried about that

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improbable levels of rhine: I'm being mean to you but it's mostly a side effect of saying whatever amuses me at any given moment and so many of the amusing things to say being mean to you

unicorn: I bet there's an app for that and by app I mean biotech miracle
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anyways shut up she's big and soft and warm and she loves me god i hope she loves me i really want her to love me

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Mezzopiano: careful, if she loved you enough she might let you go free
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but i don't want to be free

i want to be large and meaty and well-fed and have pretty clothes to adorn my vast frame and to get to swim with belugas and feel the cool water in between my rolls

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Mezzopiano: well you look to be on track for that
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eeeeeee it's so exciting!!!

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unicorn: you've posted selfies but you don't look happy in any of them! can you post a happy one
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She posts a picture of her smiling. Notably, she is still naked.

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unicorn: whoa what happened to the pretty clothes to adorn your vast frame part!
Mezzopiano: is this channel marked nsfw, Eris cracks down on that sometimes
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oh shit sorry

there you go it's spoiled

anyways uuuh i was wearing that fancy pearl dress yesterday and it wouldn't have been very comfy to sleep in

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unicorn: the one spy was drooling over? yeah I guess it would not!
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yeah it was a little difficult to sit in but surprisingly comfy otherwise

heavy, but like, i'm gonna be carrying around a lot of extra weight soon anyways, hence why i've been working out

or like, trying to

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improbable levels of rhine: they say swimming is the best form of exercise!
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do they actually?

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improbable levels of rhine: no I made it up out of absolutely nowhere just now. no one has ever breathed a whisper of that sentiment before. and they were right not to. I will soon be disappeared by Conclave spooks in the pockets of Big Cross Country Skiing.
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i mean

the extra insulation would also be helpful for skiing

but like seriously is swimming actually better than other excercise for some reason i don't know any of this shit

i hope skiing isn't better i suck at skiing

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unicorn: swimming makes me hungry and going for a walk usually doesn't? I don't know why though
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that sounds like a mixed bag

on the one hand being hungry is good

on the other that probably means it's burning calories

on the other other hand you need to do that to build muscle

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unicorn: you have to burn calories to make room for new ones
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i should probably swim sparingly to maintain my delightfully pale complexion though

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Mezzopiano: You could also wear sunscreen....
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i am an autist and have sensory issues!

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Mezzopiano: is there not fancy super-sunscreen out there. I sort of assume there is fancy super-everything.
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IDK, i haven't looked into it because I had no reason to go outside before!!!

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unicorn: the news article about your abduction said it happened outside k
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And look what happened!

Ok something very very good happened but like that could've been any supe, I could've died or worse

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unicorn: okay but you do see that you had to go outside for some reason in the first place right
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yeah but like

not for long and i try to stay in the shade as much as possible

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unicorn: maybe there is shade you could swim in!
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in the ocean?

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fancy super-everything: yes it is called going very deep underwater
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I don't think it's possible for humans to do that without exploding or something

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unicorn: maybe there is fancy super-scuba stuff.
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but if i'm wearing that wouldn't my skin be covered anyway, thereby defeating the whole point?

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unicorn: yeah I guess you could just wear a wetsuit and you'd be fine
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bit of a hassle though

plus wetsuits presumably cannot be resized easily

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Mezzopiano: aren't they stretchy?
fancy super-everything: isn't your benevolent captor rich af
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yeah but like

i don't wanna waste her money!!!

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fancy super-everything: ah, that's the relationship killer, financial stress
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look i'll figure it out

point is i need to get jacked so i am not incapacitated by my own blubber

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unicorn: bonne chance
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oh yeah i should probably be getting dressed and going to the convention hall to see mo and shit

She looks on the floor of her room to see if the dress is still there.

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The pearl dress has been spirited away. There is a bathrobey thing to hand though.

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She puts it on and looks around the sub for any sign of Mo or the dress.

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Monoceros is presumably back at the con. The dress is apparently packed away somewhere.

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She flags down a goon. "Hey, can I get some clothes?"

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"Yes miss." The goon trots over to her room and retrieves her an outfit.

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She heads back to the room to put it on and checks herself out in the mirror. How is Mo choosing to adorn her beloved toy today?

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If Monoceros had an opinion on the matter at all instead of it just being a goon getting something out of Katie's suitcase? Well, either way it's a vaguely piratical outfit, white shirt with lacing at the throat and ruffles on the ends of the sleeves, loose practical drawstring pants, and tall leather boots.

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Pretty!!! She naps a selfie.

check out the scurvy patient drip

god this is gonna look SO GOOD on me when i hit my goal weight

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blinkenlights: pics! it happened!
grape_fruit: are you doing submarine piracy today
unicorn: the scurvy what now
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god it's so hot to have my outfits picked out for me

i love being treated like a piece of meat as long as it's by a hot girl

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spirulinagalaxy: pearl dress was prettier
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I like this one better actually

presumably gonna be way comfier to sit in

plus this is more my personal style, I'm not really the ballgown and purse type

fuck does this thing have pockets?

She checks.

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There are pockets in the pants.

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SCORE it does

finally I get to be a Strong Independent Woman again

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grape_fruit: do you have a lot of things you need to pocket?
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it's about the principle of the thing

also it's hard to carry a purse around without smacking things accidentally

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Mezzopiano: not... not really?
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well maybe not for you but some of us were born fucked up

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Mezzopiano: is there not super-proprioception to be had
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I mean, I would hope Mo would by default be upgrading me in any way she could, but I could ask

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unicorn: do you have a lot of upgrades? do you like wake up every morning able to see a new color
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no not at the moment

would be cool as fuck if i did tho

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Strong Independent Woman: so possibly she is not upgrading you as fast as she possibly could
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I will look into it!

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Strong Independent Woman: someone say something witty, it turns out I don't like being a woman:
unicorn: no
grape_fruit: all your own fault, robin
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can't wait to read your harrowing memoir about your experience as a detransitioner

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basking robin: fuck you all
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That seems like as good a time as any to log off. Off she goes to Mo's booth.

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There's a goon at it, who has a breakfast bento for Katie, but no Monoceros.

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Ooh, what shall be thickening her waist today?

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A generous sushi assortment - one of the goons along on this trip must be Monoceros's itamae - with handrolls and nigiri and maki drizzled with sauces and dotted with truffle paste and stuffed with real wasabi. There is also an Indonesian food, a kind of giant pancake thick enough to become a sandwich full of chocolate and sprinkles and butter and sesame seeds and sweetened condensed milk.

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Oooh. Katie likey. She immediately snaps a picture to gloat to her friends about later. She's anxious about getting rice and sauce on her sick outfit as she digs in. She's not the biggest fan of the real wasabi but it's not nearly as rancid as the green horseradish stuff. 

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The goon glances at her occasionally, maybe to make sure she's eating it all, but does not interrupt her breakfeast.

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She takes note of this. Hot. She wonders what they'll do if she doesn't finish it.

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Does she want to find out experimentally?

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What the hell, why not? She deliberately stops eating with some left, much as it pains her. Hopefully Mo will appreciate her commitment to experimentation.

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"Miss, do you need the boss to get you a shot of something?"

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"I, um, no, I'm good." Awkward. She goes back to eating. Mo's portions still make her a tad queasy but after a week of practice she's able to get them down without the pink stuff now.

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When she has finished her bento the goon takes care of her dishes for her. "The boss is attending a panel on lymphocytes but will be back at around eleven," he says.

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"Thank you." She posts the sushi pic in her groupchat and checks the time.

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Guys help me decide, should I look around the con more, take a nap, or do some working out

No is gonna be gone for another hour and 45 minutes

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unicorn:maybe if you used her full supervillain name autocorrupt wouldn't getcha
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God damnit

Anyways thinking about it more there isn't really enough time for a nap and I really do not want a repeat of yesterday so I think I'll see if I can work out

Fuck I wonder if they have, like, an actual gym here

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grape_fruit: is it at like a hotel? is that where supes have cons?
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I guess not but maybe there's one in the ceasefire zone I can go to?

wait shit I would need a membership and also Mo might not want me to

idk I'll just do pushups on the floor or something

or wait I should do squats instead

been neglecting those

gonna be hard with my gut all full but I must endure

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pithy: *holding starbucks* k is doing squats now??
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oh hey pithy how long were you in a coma for

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pithy: seven long years
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no but seriously i need to know how much i need to catch you up on

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pithy: I don't need the details and if I did I could read backscroll
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ok, fair

kind of wanted the opportunity to brag tho

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pithy: u don't need me for that
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god i can't wait to be a big strong bulky girl with powerful yet plush arms and big fat melons and a jiggly belly

[links to previous nude photo] see these little bug bites? soon they're gonna be actual TITS

I'm gonna be able to open jars without hitting the lid with a fork a million times!!!

this is gonna RULE

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Mezzopiano: Does hitting the lid with the fork a million times work for you? I always do the hot water thing
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I didn't know that one

thanks for telling me right as I no longer need it

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pithy: squats 4 grip strength
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wait fuck i don't think i've actually done any for grip strength specifically

I need to have Mo install a pullup bar in my room

like, immediately, given how those are going to steadily increase in difficulty and I should start when they're as easy as possible

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Mezzopiano: Is grip strength much improved by pullups? I think of that as an arm thing which incidentally involves gripping, just like weightlifting.
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Ok well then what the fuck do I do for grip strength

IDK I guess it won't really matter given how I have servants to open jars for me now

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pithy: challenge: name 3 of the goons, any 3, first name last name nickname anything, without asking them right now
Mezzopiano: They make springy things you can squeeze.
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@pithy go back to old york

@mezzopiano ok yeah I guess I'll have to get one of those

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Mezzopiano: does Amazon deliver to the lair?
pithy: I have been exiled from old york for high crimes and misdemeanors
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too bad. ICE is gonna drop you on the doorstep of York Minster in a burlap sack and bail before they answer the door. if they want to get rid of you again they're gonna have to send you somewhere else.

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pithy: the interpol/ICE battle will be cinematic af
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huh what supes do they have actually

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unicorn: interpol only has like divination types, they don't actually do legwork on their own
unicorn: but the uk generally speaking has a bunch because they had that one guy who could make you live 500 years and that was less than 500 years ago
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They had WHAT???

I had heard they had some long lived supes but I had assumed that was an innate thing not that someone else had the power to bestow super-longevity on others

what were the constraints on this

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unicorn: Avalon (17th century English superhero) so apparently he was a mega dick about it if you just asked him which is why they have had a normal number of monarchs &c in that time but anybody who sidekicked for him for a while had a good shot and there's also like a random doctor he liked and one of his kids (but not the other six! or his wife!) and a few other oddball decisions.
unicorn: he died in 1804 though, it protected from old age not from napoleon
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how do I keep finding new reasons to hate the french revolution

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Mezzopiano: I had no awareness that you hated the French Revolution!
pithy: scarlet pimpernel or les mis
Mezzopiano: I assume Scarlet Pimpernel.
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mezzo did you know that the french revolution is literally the reason men don't dress pretty anymore

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Mezzopiano: I don't think that's actually true and even if it were it's only true in the West.
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also it's true everywhere now because of western hegemony, so like you can blame that too but the french revolution is definitely at fault

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pithy: that article says it's also related to Americans ceasing to wear stupid wigs though so who it's impossible to say if it is bad or not
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Ok but like

It in general made rich people lame and unaesthetic and that's bad

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grape_fruit: not you though. you have a dress spy is secretly hoping you will die so she can have.
spirulinagalaxy: I do not
spirulinagalaxy: I would be perfectly content to acquire the dress in any number of other ways
unicorn: I think the complaint was about menswear
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Not exclusively 

Just that like, women's clothing was one of the few things not completely ruined

It ruined as many as several non-clothing things

Did you know that they had like a turducken but with 17 different birds?

They called it the "Roti sans Pareil" which literally translates as "Roast without Equal"


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unicorn: is that your birthday dinner
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It might be!

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pithy: happy be-early'd birthday
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thank you

god damnit I can't believe I've been having a series of stupid arguments when i could've been getting jacked how much fucking time have i wasted

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grape_fruit: looks like about 15 minutes
unicorn: you could probably hold your phone while doing squats if you wanted!
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not a good idea, don't need the distraction

Now is time for squats. She wonders if she'll get tired and have to stop before or after Mo gets back.

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Conventiongoers walking by are kind of nonplussed about a pirate doing squats in Monoceros's booth.

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Fuck she's gonna get sweaty. She's gonna get sweat all over her cool as fuck outfit. Why didn't she think of this before. Whatever, too late now.

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None of them comment on it, at least, and it's a warm day here in Indonesia so she's not the only person sweating.

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She doesn't care what they think, she cares about being pretty for her own sake and Mo's, goddamnit!

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Well, at least Monoceros doesn't return from her panel early.

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Alright, her legs are getting really tired. She reclines back in her seat and checks Eris again.

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Her channel is doing a bit where everybody is pretending they are from wherever Katie most recently told them to go back to.

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glad to know you have all finally embraced your indigenous cultures

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unicorn: they're studying me in a lab for how I am the only human to grow up in Laos without picking up even one word of Laotian and somehow coming out with a chicago accent. they give me treats when I pronounce "th".
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are the treats good

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unicorn: each treat is a single one of those little yogurt drop things with freeze dried strawberry in it. I like them but I don't think robin does
whitest guatemalan u know: I have begun to refuse to pronounce dat horrible sound in protest. chocolate or bust
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pithy they already have the "th" sound in York what experiments are they doing on you

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pithy: none, I escaped
pithy: I am having spy novel adventures in tibet and shit
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hope you're having fun

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pithy: yeah tbh I might develop some of this nonsense into an entire tumblr shitpost
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unironically you should!

I am glad to have inspired good things and shit

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grape_fruit: I want a reroll on my notional home country. nobody lives in Sealand, there's no material there beyond a one-off joke.
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would you prefer if I told you to go back to Judea

I would've but hesitated to because that has, like, Political Implications in this day and age

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grape_fruit: can I have a tax haven
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go back to Sark

that's next to Sealand right

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grape_fruit: never heard of it
grape_fruit: oh it's cute I love it
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notable for banning cars, abolishing feudalism in 2008, and having the worst futbol team in the world

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grape_fruit: lov my weird adopted island
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I was gonna say they also have clameur de haro but apparently they don't, just jersey and guernsey

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unicorn: what's that?
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basically the legal equivalent of "I'm telling mom!"

except mom is the local lord

and you have to recite the lord's prayer afterward

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whitest guatemalan u know: gotta love state religion
unicorn: do ya. do ya gotta
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depends what religion

definitely not when it's Catholicism tho

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unicorn: it's Anglicanism, presumably?
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Even worse!

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grape_fruit: but it's my heritage now k
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Is it even tho? 

Huh there don't seem to be any statistics on the religious breakdown of Sark on Wikipedia

In any case Christianity is no one's heritage, your heritage is either Anglo-Saxon or Gallic polytheism, you will pray to Wuotan and/or Lugh and you will like it

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unicorn: how is Christianity no one's heritage?
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I mean

if it's anyone's heritage, it's the Jews, but try telling that to them

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unicorn: I think that's more of a "Christianity is my weird nephew" situation
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uggggghhhhh i don't wanna have this argument when is Mo gonna get hereeeeeee

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Monoceros isn't too much longer. She returns from her panel accompanied by a man with four arms and fangs, talking about mitochondria.

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"Mo! Oh, how I've missed you! I love this outfit! Sorry I got it all sweaty! Also breakfast was particularly amazing today!"

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"Sweat dries, cupcake, don't worry about it."

"You let her call you Mo?" says the four-armed guy.

"Sue me, I like her enough to let her get away with some little things."

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"I'm a special girl." She beams with pride.

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Monoceros scritches her. "And you ate up all your breakfast no problem, right?"

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"Good peach."

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"So who's this guy?"

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"This is Chair Sombat, he's going to be coming to the base with us after the con and we're going to make an ocean frog with miniature frogs on its back that can deploy like fighters."

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"Like one of those gross trypophobia-triggering things where they come out of its back?"

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"Yes, those!"

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"Shit. That's gonna have some serious shock factor." Always a good idea to show interest in your partner's endeavors.

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"It's also going to be super poisonous. I'm going to have to inoculate you if I don't want to wear three layers of gloves to bed."

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"Is that gonna be any more painful than regular vaccination?"

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"The shot won't be but you'll have a fever for a day or two."

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"Uggggghhhhhh how soon do I have to get it? This is totally gonna cut into my workout, uh, it's not exactly a routine yet, but my attempt to become more physically fit."

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"Sometime in the first week we get home."

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"Uuuuggghhhh fine. The things I do for love."

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"I mean, if you'd rather we could just not have any intimate contact for the duration of the project."

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"No, no, this way's definitely better." Knowing smile.

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"That's what I thought, morning bun." Buttpinch.

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Blush. Happy wiggle. "So speaking of which, I just wanted to like, manually check if there are any kind of biotinkery improvements you could make to me that you haven't yet."

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"Well, you said you didn't want to be blue. My hands are kind of tied by leaving you compatible with pearls."

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"Yeah that's fair. People on the internet were just making fun of me for being clumsy and suggested asking if you could fix it, or anything else."

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"If you hold on to a couple pearls they should help with that by way of telekinesis."

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"It is! Chair, walk me through the metabolic pathway for the secondary again -" Technobabble resumes.

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"What country are you from?", she asks Chair, giddy from the high of being shown off.

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"Thailand," he says, in the middle of a tangent about neurotransmitters.

A goon brings them pizza. A couple minutes later another goon shows up with another pizza; they will apparently keep coming for a while.

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Oooh, what toppings are on it?

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The first one is a white pizza with corn and mayonnaise and katsu pork. The second one is a margherita.

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Yeah, she's not touching the first one. Second one looks tasty though. She makes a beeline for it, eager to show off the progress she's made on her stomach capacity.

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The third pizza is classic pepperoni. Then there's one with curry sauce and paneer and butter chicken on top. Then there's a Hawaiian pizza.

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She eagerly samples pizzas #2-4. The queasiness in her gut grows, but her drive to impress Mo's new guest suppresses it.

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Pizza five is covered in hot Italian sausage, red pepper, basil, spinach, and parmesan. Pizza six is smothered in vegetables and herbs, broccoli and artichokes and eggplant and leeks and squash and garlic and cilantro and parsley. Chair is helping eat the pizzas too, though he's only had three slices so far, leaving Monoceros and Katie responsible for really quite a lot of pizza.

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How's Mo doing? Katie loves to watch her gorge.

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Monoceros likes to take skinny slices and feed them into her face tip-first and then rip the entire non-crust portion off the edge of the pizza in one bite. Though when Katie turns up her nose at the Japanese style first pizza she just picks it up and folds it like a taco and starts devouring it like that.

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"You are such a fucking pig." PDA! PDA! PDA! Katie excite!

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"I have better taste than a pig. They'll eat whatever you put in front of them."

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"You're a fancy pig." Thigh squeeze.

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"I'm a cannibal pig." She collects a piece of pork that fell into her cleavage and pops it between her lips.

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"Don't you fret, Chair, once you've got that hyper-poisonous frog you'll be able to drag the object of your affections to your lair and have your way with her and then you won't be lonely any more," says Monoceros to her colleague, who has been sighing into his pizza about the PDA.

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"Is that purely hypothetical, or does he actually have kidnapping plans too?"

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"Oh, that's what the frog is for, he's in love with Inari-hime's daughter and has to defeat her mother and carry her off. They're both pretty hard to poison, which is why the frog's got to be so profoundly lethal to anybody else."

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"I'm not well versed in Japanese supers. Who's Inari-hime?"

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"Kind of a grab bag - nobody's sure if she can swap her powers around or just has weird opinions on when to break out which ones, but tying her up fighting off a nasty poison should make it easy to take off with her kid."

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"Exciting! I sincerely wish you the best of luck!"

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"Thanks!" says Chair.

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"Anyways, Mo, you talk a big game about having discerning taste for someone who eats pizza with corn and mayonaise on it."

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"Corn's very satisfying on pizza. Bursts with a slight sweetness when you bite it, great contrast with the cheese."

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"As far as I'm concerned, corn exists to be ground into flour. Eating it straight up is like eating stalks of wheat."

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"You don't like on the cob, dripping butter and salt?"

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"There are better receptacles for butter and salt."

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"I need to work up some kinda tincture that'll expand your palate. A girl like you should be able to shave kernels off a hot greasy corncob with her teeth and enjoy it."

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"But the butter getting on my face will mess up my skin!"

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"Acne is caused by bacteria. If they trouble you I will annihilate them. Get butter on your face and like it."

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"You're so forceful!"

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"You disparaged corn! You require correction."

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"Correct me, mommy."

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"I will. We will get you to my lab and I will mix up a little something and paint it onto the roof of your mouth and you will be enlightened. I can probably get it to work on eggs too."

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"And conveniently, this won't interfere with the pearls?"

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"On a biological level it'll be very short term, you just need to be re-exposed to relevant foods while you've got the tincture on and then you'll be trained to appreciate them and your brain should do the rest. All those long term mods you were interested in would have still been present when it got to be pearl time."

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"Fascinating!" She's a little unnerved at the idea of having her preferences forcibly rewired, but not much she can do. She's curious if the same method can be used for bihacking, but too afraid to ask.

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Monoceros pats her on the head and pushes another slice of the Italian sausage pizza at her.

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"Where did you get all these, by the way?"

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"I commandeered a place with a suitable oven and the goons're using it to make pizzas."

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"Isn't this supposed to be a ceasefire zone?"

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"Yes, but the restaurant with the nice oven is not. - half the pizzas are going to Samsara, who has lent a teleportation box for the purpose of getting them here hot."

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"Buddhist supervillain?"

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"Yep, he's throwing an orgy and wanted pizza at it, so he said I could have the teleport box for half the pizza if I secured an oven and put the goons to it."

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"Buddhist kinkster supervillain?"

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"I don't know the details but one of the goons was invited if you want to ask him about it later."

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"I do, not gonna lie."

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"The goons do have names... which one was it... Hien! It was Hien."

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"I'll write that down."

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"Romanizes H-I-E-N."

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"Got it."

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"I am allowed by union rules to make them all answer to 'goon' but I am not allowed to formally strip them of their names for bureaucratic human-resources purposes."

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"I mean, you need some way to identify them, and you can always give each of them a serial number or whatever in addition to their name."

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"I could but I don't; I just call them all 'goon' and sometimes specify things like 'kitchen goon' or 'lab goon'."

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"Whatever works."

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"Anyway. Hien's the one for the juicy orgy details about what Samsara and his half a dozen pizzas' worth of orgy guests get up to."

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"I'll be sure to ask!"

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Their lunch guest departs to see more of the convention after he's all done with the pizza.

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"Bye! Wish you luck on your kidnapping plan!", Katie says queasily as she nibbles at a crust.

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"Should I be planning on you and his sweetheart having a little book club or something talking about being kidnapped, jujube?"

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"Honestly, I'd be down for that."

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"Chair doesn't live that close but probably you'll have some chances."

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"In any case, I hope she has as good of a time being kidnapped as I am." Nuzzle.

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"Oh, she won't, you're real strange."

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"I thought that like, she wanted to date this guy but her mom wouldn't let her or something." Oh. That's concerning.

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"No, I think he'd pick a different method if it were like that."

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"I see." Yeah that's definitely concerning.

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"Welcome to supervillainy, honey butter."

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"Yeah, that checks out. Man, I've never had honey butter. Is that even a good combo?"

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"Yeah! On biscuits."

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"As you might be able to tell, wink wink nudge nudge, I prefer rolls."

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"You're going to pun jail."

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"How's the food in pun jail?"

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"Three squares a day. Careful, the corners poke."

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"Doesn't sound like I'll be hitting my calorie target, then. Guess you'll have to bail me out."

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"However will I afford it?"

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"Or break me out."

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"Like a wrecking ball, peach pie."

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Blush. Heavy breathing.

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Excited yelp.

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Cackle. "Go look around the convention, red velvet, it won't last forever."

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"Yes, boss." She gets up and commences wandering aimlessly.

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There is a demonstration of a tubular animal that can turn inside out! It's fuzzy and harmless on one side, and spiky and venomous on the other. It can invert itself and is being marketed as a guard animal that will lull burglars into a false sense of security. It doesn't seem to have occurred to anyone that meeting a six-legged fur-bearing sea cucumber in a domicile might itself be kind of alerting even before it flips around.

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Katie decides to let someone else inform them of that particular design flaw.

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There's living athletic mats; they can adjust their tension and density to account for falls from aerial silks while still being stiff enough for floor work. They currently judge when to do this with eyeballs in the crevices between each mat section, but the creator says that by next year they should be making do with unobtrusive light-sensitive patches. Would she like to touch one and observe its textural range?

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She's disgusted, yet intrigued. Fuck it. Not like she's gonna get another chance.

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It feels sort of like someone grew moss over a trampoline. Faintly damp and fuzzy and sproingy.

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Surprisingly pleasant! Eyes are definitely creepy though.

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"They're ideal for sparring or juggling with live blades, practicing stunt work in high heels, or other potentially piercing activity, because if punctured, they will self-heal!" chirps the mad scientist, a tiny woman with some extra eyeballs of her own. "Unless you get them in one of the eyeballs, but that's why the current model has them redundantly and future editions will omit that organ."

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Sparring, huh? Katie begins fantasizing wistfully about a romantic rapier duel or wrestling match between her and Mo.

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The next booth has - oh, no, it doesn't have it any more, there has been an explosion problem. Very small and contained.

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Is everyone OK?

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Bit of a burned hand. Somebody loudly announce that their PREMIUM BURN SALVE will sort it.

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Good, good. What was it that exploded though?

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A salamander. Somebody got too into the mythologicals. They've also got a prototype phoenix but it's just in the egg right now in an incubator set to 400º C.

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Sad! Hopefully they're able to get the issues worked out. Katie appreciates the whimsy.

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The next booth is coconuts that grow meat. Like, meat meat.

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Like, on the inside, right? What kind of meat?

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Yes, in place of coconut "meat". "Right now it's a pork/chicken hybrid!" says the relevant mad biologist. "If there's uptake I can do more kinds but each tree does still take three years to mature to the point of bearing fruit even with Dr. Chlebek's plant food."

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Pork/chicken hybrid doesn't sound like Katie's thing. She'll be back in a few years when it can do beef. She fantasizes about her appetite having grown to the point where she can single-handedly clear out the entire supply.

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The next stall has plants that grow rayon.

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What's rayon? Is this an "updog" type deal? Katie's too smart to fall for that.

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Rayon is a semisynthetic fiber normally made with a lot of chemical processing of any natural cellulose source, but now it grows in tassels on these grasses.

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Huh. What's it used for?

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Clothes! Nice soft drapey ones. It's sometimes called "art silk" but that's short for "artificial" not "artistic".

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Ooh! She touches it to assess the texture!

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The tassels are about six inches long and the fibers are very fine and light.

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Nice! Not the most glamorous of projects, but promising.

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Next there is a living plant wall spiced up with chromatophores but they're currently stuck on "paisley". The proprietor blames the guy with the hypno-spores next door.

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If hypno-spores are leaking, plant walls being stuck on paisley is the least of everyone's problems. Katie is about to run away, but then remembers that if anyone else tries to hypnotize her Mo will certainly murder them, so she indulges her curiosity.

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The spores are actually only supposed to work on dogs. The tagline is "Why Should Cats Have All The Fun? Drug Your Dog!"

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 Oh, so it's like catnip, but for dogs? Damn. When are they gonna invent catnip for huma- wait that's weed, that already exists.

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Yeah, the blame for the paisley situation is actually because hypno-spores guy bumped into the control equipment for the plants, nothing to do with the spores at all.

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Well that's a relief. Katie was worried this would constitute a ceasefire violation and cause some manner of international incident.

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Next is a maple tree that produces sap at syrup thickness so it doesn't need to be boiled down, and, as a bonus, boasts superior drought tolerance. The tree on display is about three feet tall and weirdly thick for its height.

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How's it taste? Is the color the same?

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It tastes kind of mild compared to the kind that's been cooked, like there's a missing caramelization element in there or something, but fine. It's pale.

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Disgusting. Katie hopes the person who engineered this thing gets killed before it can be commercialized and drive up the price of the real stuff. The artificial corn syrup Aunt Jemima shit has already done that enough.

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Next up: glowing mushrooms content to grow on drywall. It's not great for the drywall but they're downplaying that.

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Damn, they really will give anyone a booth at this thing. That's how you get lair collapses, people. Who the hell are they selling this shit to, Dr. Doofenshmirtz?

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The mushrooms only take a couple hours to sprout and they seem to be implying that it might be useful for situations where you're ripping up a building down to the studs and have the electricity off, or for long-ish urban exploration excursions, or for a deliberate, uh, crumbling-with-glowing-mushrooms aesthetic.

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More useful than just bringing a goddamn flashlight?

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Look this guy just really likes his drywall-eating mushroom lights.

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He's free to do what he wants with his life, Katie supposes.

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Next up: hypoallergenic diurnal hamsters.

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Adorable! Katie didn't even know hamster allergies were a common enough thing to warrant circumventing them.

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"It's not just that their fur and dander are hypoallergenic! They also prefer completely artificial bedding; no cedar shavings here, they sleep on packing peanuts."

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Will they also not get sick from chewing them up?

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"Packing peanut particles will pass harmlessly through their systems!"

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Fascinating! She pets one of them approvingly.

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It attempts to burrow in her hand adorably.

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Lovely!!! She wants ten.

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"I can get you a forthcoming litter for a down payment of just five thousand dollars but litters are usually not more than eight hamsters."

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"Oh, well, I wasn't being literal, at least, not for certain. I'll have to talk to, uh, someone about it. Do you have a web address or something I can write down?"

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"Here, take my card!" The card has been nibbled on by hamsters. They have all been, so maybe it's a deliberate artistic choice.

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She thanks them and pockets it.

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Next up: roses that can smell you and deliberately attack you with thorns if you aren't familiar!

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How delightfully poetic! Are the thorns venomous?

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Not in this batch, the roses were less pretty when they had to grow around the plant being poisonous.

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Huh, how much of a threat can non-venomous plant thorns really be? How fast do they fire at?

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Oh, it's not a firing thing, they can move their branches and wrap around you. The creator recommends pairing them with attack dogs or something.

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Checks out. How does one get the tensile strength of rose stems up to the requisite level?

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Rose stems can be pretty woody! And people mostly don't want to pull on them very hard if they have thorns embedded in their arm.

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What an ingenious design! Katie is now wondering if they would be safe enough for bedroom applications. She grabs a business card.

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This place does have a website (listed on the card)!

Next one is Land Coral: A Concrete Alternative.

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Beautiful!!! Exciting!!! Transformative!!! Katie does not have much personal use for this one but she is excited to see where it goes.

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There are Land Coral dollhouses on display!

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Not much of a dolls person either, but she gives one an examination anyway.

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Land Coral will grow along any direction painted with Land Coral Growth Medium; you start it out on the foundation, and once it gets tall enough you can start painting the floors of the second story (grown from the walls of the first). There are Land Coral Miniature Trial Kits available for sale in six colorways if she wants to make a desk toy or sculpture or something out of it.

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How much do they cost?

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She'll think about it.

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"We're expecting the price point on the trial kits to drop once we get some contracts for enough of the stuff to grow a full size building," explains the salesperson.

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Next booth is dwarf lawn grass, guaranteed not to grow more than four inches tall or to let anything else do so either, not recommended if you have pets or children.

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Lame. Skip.

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Self-preserving butterflies. You raise the caterpillars, they metamorphose, they get their wings held out and looking pretty and then they dry out like that. (They don't mate first, because they're only selling sterile ones as an IP move.)

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Unsettling to begin with, and she particularly doesn't appreciate the IP thing. Katie moves on from this booth.

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Slender colorful snakes bred to enjoy being jewelry, tolerating jostling and remaining very much stationary and only pooping right before their scheduled feeding.

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Now THIS is genetic-engineering-as-art. Do they enjoy being pet as well?

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They certainly don't stop being stationary over it.

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How do you get them to move when you want to reconfigure them?

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Usually they will repose in jewelry position with their bellies touching the skin and they will flex more if you get a finger under them. It takes a little practice but the model demonstrates with her bracelet and necklace snakes.

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Interesting. Katie really hopes they actually do enjoy this.

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It's kind of hard to tell with snakes but they have a pretty normal for snakes rate of going off their food and a very low rate of striking.

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In any case, she'd probably find them super uncomfortable, so she'll pass.

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Butterbugs as seen in the science fiction series The Vorkosigan Saga are real now.

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Katie has not read the Vorkosigan Saga. What are Butterbugs?

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You know how bees make honey? These decorative beetles (there's a purple and gold kind and a speckly green kind, custom designs price on request) make a weird buttery-puddingy substance that tastes pretty okay, better with sugar or on bread or something. They are the solution to famine and food insecurity worldwide. They are the most revolutionary invention of the century. They could cure cancer, probably. Look, the lady is just really excited about them.

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Katie isn't so sure about the rest, but they sure are pretty. 

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Next we have hyper-efficient filtration oysters.

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Does sucking up all the pollutants make them taste gross?

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Yeah, they're not for eating, but you can use them in certain alien technology as chemical batteries.

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Damnit. Katie supposes a different biotinker will have to get the prices of the edible ones back down. Hm, maybe she can talk about that to Mo, considering she's already in the seafood business.

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The next booth has mice that dance.

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Amazing! Like, on two legs and everything? How did they get that to work?

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They usually don't spend very long on two legs; the real innovation is that they do it to music and they do it all together. "The real innovation," explains the tinker, "is replacing all mouse social behaviors with an urge to synchronized movement, and I added a symbiotic bacterium to make them sensitive to the beat of whatever they're dancing to. Absolutely any synchronized movement will look impressive and dance-like if it's coordinated across many creatures, and I don't have to choreograph them at all!"

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Fascinating! At this point Katie is kind of starting to become curious where the line between good and evil bioscience is. She glances at the mouse person's business card and looks up their name.

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Lyric is a music-themed supernuisance microbiologist best known for retuning wild crickets in eastern Canada to chirp in tritones.
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Huh. She'll file this one away as "inconclusive".

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Next up, sheep the size of hamsters that come in cotton candy colors.

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Oooohhhhh! So fluffy! Can she touch?

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Sure! If she breaks it she buys it though!

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Katie pets the tiny baby sheep very slowly and carefully.

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It turns out natural wool is kind of scratchy and greasy, but it does go sproing. The sheep noses her finger.

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"Hi! Hi little creacher! Do you like being pet?"

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"You are so floofy and I love you."

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"Five hundred dollars for that one!" chirps the himself somewhat miniature tinker.

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Yeah, as cute as these things are, Katie's gonna bail to avoid getting this guy worked up any more.

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The sheep goes back to its tiny tabletop flock. (There's a whole miniature model pasture with real sod over the rolling terrain and a tiny Land Coral farmhouse and Lincoln Log fences.)

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Hey, hold on, what do those things eat? Proportionately tiny grass?

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No, normal sized grass. Hay is fine.

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"Bye little guys!"

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Next up: octopuses that will have sex with you. Like, if you buy one, not just if you're walking by.

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...Oookay what's the status on these things Harkness Test-wise?

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Oh they fail it. They can neither talk nor are they confirmed sapient. They're being marketed as sex toys.

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Eh. This honestly isn't the most ethically dubious thing Katie's seen today. 

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Quite, quite. They're big ticket though.

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Katie wonders how much trouble someone's gonna get in when one of these things inevitably gets out and rapes someone.

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Anyway, next booth! Encrypt and decrypt your internet traffic with slime molds.

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Oooh, how?

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It involves conducting electrical pulses constituting the data through a slime mold colony in a way that scrambles it and affects how they grow.

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Huh! And you can decrypt it just from the shape of the slime mold?

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No, you decrypt it from how the electrical pulses come scrambled when they return in the other direction.

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Katie's not exactly a tech person, but she is fascinated nonetheless.

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While she is reading the informational placard a guy comes up and makes a $140,000 order for slime molds for an unspecified buyer.

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As fascinating as this is, there aren't many ways for her to interact with a slime mold.

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Next, camouflage goop you can put over a gap in your paint on your wall and your house and it will match color.

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Huh? Could it also be used as like, concealer or whatever? Katie doesn't wear makeup, but she knows sometimes it needs to match the color of your skin and this causes difficulties for some people.

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"This version is flat color, and fully opaque; it's not going to hurt you as long as you don't get it up your nose or eat it or put it in your eye or have an open wound or certain blood conditions, but it'll look like putting a sticker on yourself, it can't mimic skin texture or natural color variation."

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"Should probably work on fixing that, then. Would be a lot more in demand."

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"I can tell you don't have a house or a car!"

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"Well, I don't wear makeup either." Ouch. Burn.

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"Maybe a future variation will be able to mimic texture."

Next booth - actually she's getting close to stuff she's seen before now, like the spider jellies, but this booth is new to her and has self-brewing tea, where if you put a pinch of it in a cup of water it'll have an exothermic reaction, boiling the liquid and diffusing its flavors throughout. Not recommended if you have vasodilating disorders of any kind.

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Oooh! Can this be done to hot cocoa mix as well?

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"We've got an instant cider and we're working on coffee but the milk powder in hot chocolate is tough!"

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"Would doing it with just cocoa powder and sugar added to real milk be easier or harder?"

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"Ooh, no, have you seen milk boil? It'd foam up like mad, might scorch."

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"Damnit. Guess this one isn't for me."

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"Maybe we'll have the kinks worked out next year!" She shifts position adjusting a display and Katie can see that her backless dress exposes an entire ?Siamese twin? attached at an angle from shoulder to hip.

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Yeah, she's getting out of here.

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Monoceros is closing a deal on some of her tuna.

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"Hello! I have looked around the convention! There were many cute animals!"

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"Well, your cat would probably murder any you tried to bring home, but they sure are fun to look at."

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"What's your favorite?"

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"Probably the tiny rainbow sheep."

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"I saw those! The diorama really sells it."

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"Indeed it does!"

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As the high of cute tiny animals wears off, some uncomfortable thoughts rise back to the surface of Katie's mind. She processes them the only way she knows how.

so yeah uuuuh

apparently mo is gonna be helping some guy kidnap someone else

explicitly for romantic purposes

who is apparently not into it

or at least, not likely to be

not sure how to feel about this

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laga dyga: is that surprising? she didn't like check with you first
pithy: maybe she did. maybe monoceros can just tell how turned on everyone around her is at all times as one of her many preternatural abilities and considered that good enough or something.
spirulinagalaxy: seriously unlikely but not I suppose impossible. but she definitely isn't doing that in this case, k?
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yeah but like

society differentiates between good and bad parents even though a lot of the time the only difference is that the good parents lucked out and got children who were compatible with them

oh god i'm antinatalistposting again

anyways also she like

didn't initially intend to keep me as a sex slave

she was just gonna grow pearls in me and only made it into a sex thing when she found out I was into her

that feels substantially different

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spirulinagalaxy: yeah that does feel substantially different
grape_fruit: *enters the chat* *discovers it is depressing* *leaves the chat*
Aquinas: This is why it's essential that supers be policed appropriately. Individuals making decisions with this amount of power can do immense harm and an unguided individual will often not know how to interpret their own conscience, even if it is intact.
laga dyga: repent and submit to the preternatural pope, uh-huh.
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honestly i wouldn't really describe it as "depressing"


a beautiful, intelligent, vigorous woman is still having sex with me and feeding me delicious food until i am soft and plush


a little troubling is all


when she described all the ways she's killed people it was honestly pretty damn endearing but this just feels different

less honorable

but like

on the other hand, she's soooooo hot and she's taking such good care of me and helping me blossom into my best and biggest self and we're gonna have fat woman sex

i know i harp on this a lot but like

she's so fucking pretty and so into me and the way she talks about how she's gonna make me fat is so hot holy shit

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pithy: weird to draw the line before kidnapping but after murder
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I mean like

I'm already pro-death penalty but anti-prison

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spirulinagalaxy: you know, that's actually pretty fair. maybe you could ask monoceros if the victim will be allowed to commit suicide if they want?
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yeah that feels like a touchy subject

also y'know

sometimes people want to but can't bring themselves to do it

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pithy: tru dat
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I guess what it gets at is that like

at the end of the day most of my mental picture of her is made up of assumptions

And it's, y'know, frightening when they get disturbed

I just want to like

Get to know her

Learn how she feels about other people, about morality, dig into her innermost emotions

Because right now there's just this like dumb instinctual feeling that like, there's nothing behind the facade and assumptions and she's just hollow and empty inside

But like, that can't be true, can it?

She seems to be a fun person if not necessarily a "good" person

Like, being fat and proud is an indication that she's not just, like, girl Patrick Bateman

That takes some spark, some individuality

But I guess there's only one way to find out

Except like

I'm really afraid to just ask her personal questions out of the blue and shit

But like I can't just go on trying to love her while knowing basically nothing about her!

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unicorn: that sounds like a scary situation tbh!
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Yes!!! I know!!!

But like

I kind of feel guilty complaining about it

Like if I do God will come be like "oh if you hate it so much then I'll have you sent right back to your shitty regular life" and then I'd be even safer about that


I like the sex and the food and the pretty clothes

I really really like them

But like, I want to be able to say that I love her and she loves me and not have the sinking feeling that I'm lying to myself

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spirulinagalaxy: and the disquiet about her aiding the sexually motivated kidnapping of somebody somewhere is not dampening this ambition at all huh?
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laga dyga: make me
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what the fuck is your username now those aren't even words

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laga dyga: laga dyga beeyotch
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I see

Anyways like

It's not like I'm gonna find a smart rich beautiful kink-compatible woman who's into me and doesn't do evil shit

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pithy: you have way too many evil shit sympathies for that to work ya
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look I don't wanna argue about my moral character or sanity or whatever I just want advice on how to get to know her better 

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laga dyga: personality test. no other way to do it.
spirulinagalaxy: board game night
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God I would love to play board games with her but like

What questions could I ask her that would tell me more about her without seeming, like, intrusive

Like I'd ask like where she's from or what it was like discovering her powers but that feels like an invasion of privacy

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spirulinagalaxy: well it seems like there might not be a great way to get to know her without doing anything that someone who didn't want to be known would construe as an invasion of privacy
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Fuck it, I'll just ask her something

Like, what's she gonna do, kill me?

(Famous last words)

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"So uuuuhhhh, where are you from?"

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"Fresno, why?"

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"I uh, wanna get to know you better." Blushing. Trembling. She's worried. The 'why' set her off.

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"I don't think what city I was born in really gets at who I am as a person, does yours?"

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"I just kinda asked the first question that came to mind. I'm not really that good at this stuff. Don't have much experience. "

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"You've got all those online friends, right?"

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"Well I can't exactly shout edgy political takes at you until details of our lives trickle out in the course of arguing about them." She probably should not be being this candid but as previously demonstrated she has a habit of just blurting shit out when under strong emotions.

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"You could try it!"

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"Are you sure? I can always just ask you what it was like discovering your powers."

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"Oh, I reanimated a frog in high school bio. Freaked everyone right out and I didn't even have the evil laugh down yet."

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"Cute! Have you tried doing it on humans?"

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"Yeah but they aren't very useful, can't self maintain at all."

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"I see. So more zombies than full resurrection."

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"Yeah, I've gotta get to somebody pronto pronto if you want them to remember their name and shit."

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"Were your parents weird about it? I know mine would've been. Fuck, I'm not getting too intrusive here, am I? Stop me if I do."

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"If I don't wanna answer you then I won't is all. I moved in to Doctor Molloy's lab and never talked to 'em about it."

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"Oooh, is that your mentor figure? How archetypal!"

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"Nah, it's more like a charter school thing, Molloy didn't hang out with us much. It still runs but he had to move it to a floating island in international waters after throwing a few villains."

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"Huh, so he like, plays for the other team? Not in the way that like, we do, I mean, you know what I mean."

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"He claims to be a superneutral. Doesn't care about the cops and robbers shit, just wants preternaturals to have a floating island school sorta thing to find their feet on. He doesn't give a shit what I do if I don't go mow down his kids."

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"Pretty admirable, to be honest. I like his style."

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"He's neat, yeah, we don't exchange Christmas cards but I'd say I owe the guy a favor."

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"Man, a bunch of teenagers going through a stressful time in their lives in a strange new environment together. Bet the guy had to give out a lot of free condoms. Did you get in on any of that action?"

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"No, actually, he's very down on teenagers fucking and there were automatic sprinkler systems about it, nobody tried anything while I was in the room but sometimes you'd walk into the library and it'd be oddly damp."

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"Jeez. Is that what made you decide to start killing people?"

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"No! I started killing people when I got a contract hit."

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"I mean but like, presumably you don't just get those out of nowhere, right, like, you have to actively advertise your services or whatever."

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"My services didn't specify that I'd do contract hits, though I did choose a very sketchy forum to advertise on."

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"Who was it?"

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"The victim or the guy who hired me?"

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"Either or."

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"Vic was this drug kingpin from, I forget, fucking Bolivia or something? I think the buyer was CIA subcontracting out or something but I have no way to be sure."

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"Oh God, am I dating a fed?"

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"Ha! Strictly black ops, I'm not on their books."

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"Good, good. Gotta draw the line somewhere."

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"I don't know about a line, but I'd be so embarrassing for the red white 'n blue."

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"Not to people with good taste."

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"That's not who votes for them, though."

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"Can you imagine? If voters had taste?"

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"I know, right? I know I was all hesitant to give spicy political takes before, but I'm just gonna say it: democracy was a mistake."

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"Most governments are mistakes but democracy isn't even cool. If a king runs around disemboweling guys on a divinely ordained crusade at least he looks kickass doing it."

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"SO TRUE!!! How do you just keep having amazing taste in everything?"

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"It's probably one of my superpowers."

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"So uuuh, are you into men, or just women? This isn't really that relevant but I've just been curious about it for a while."

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"That's not one of the things I'm picky about but men're less likely to hit the ones I am."

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"Oh? And what are you picky about?"

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"...if I say 'subby but without being weird about it' does that make any sense?"

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"I'm not weird about it? I tend to be weird about things."

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"You're a little weird about it but you don't want to play pretend about it."

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"I mean, why would I need to, I'm already basically living my idealized sexual fantasy."

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"See, you say that and you mean it, people who mouth off about how hot I am on the internet always turn out to piss themselves and cry if I happen to be in the area and swing by."

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"Every day I think I've seen the worst of how awful and worthless the human race is and every day I am proven wrong."

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"You are a veritable infinite fountain of contempt, where do you keep it all?" she asks, pinching Katie's arm.

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"I am very contempt-dense. Just imagine the levels of misanthropy I'll be able to reach when you're done with me."

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"I'll have to fend off supers who want to use you to power a contempt-fueled power plant and end dependence on coal."

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"For real though, it like, legitimately infuriates me that others would pass you up like that. I want to murder those people."

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"Aren't you glad you didn't have to compete your way up to my feet in a vast harem?"

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"Kinda, but also I feel bad that you don't get to have one."

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"It'd probably be too much work."

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"That's fair. I do hope I'm enough to keep you satisfied, though. An absolute shame that such a magnificent specimen as you was so deprived until I came along."

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"You have been a very cheering addition to my life."

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"I'm so glad!!!"

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Monocerous collects the pinched arm and bites it. "Mine."

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Pat pat.

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"But yeah it's like, normally I hate being told what to do, but when it's someone who's pretty and offers emotional comfort and doesn't treat me like I'm stupid, it's just different, y'know? Like, you don't tell me some bullshit about how I deserve it or it's for the greater good or whatever, you're just doing it because you can and you're honest about it. It's refreshing."

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"I don't think I could get all the way through claiming to be making use of you for the greater good without cracking up."

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"And I love that about you!"

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"And so nice and warm too! You have to start cuddling me to sleep more often."

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"Maybe I'll get used to it after a few more times and then I shan't even let you out of bed when I want something huggable to sleep with."

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Excited squeeing.

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"No promises, starburst."

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"I will do my best to become as soft and cuddly as possible in order to incentivize you."

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"You will be like a soup dumpling."

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"...I'm not a biologist but I'm pretty sure fat is not a liquid???"

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"You get very oozy when I've got you in my clutches, though."

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"Fair point. 'Soup dumpling' just brings to mind me exploding and liquid squirting out of my insides though."

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"Well, that could probably also be arranged, though it's not to my usual taste." Bite bite.

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"I would prefer to remain intact."

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"Maybe one day I will need that information." Bite bite bite.

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"So like, do you have any hobbies, besides ravishing me?"

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"Oh, I'm a bit of a workaholic, but I do like to be well-read."

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"Any favorites?" She's dreading having to share hers and inevitably be judged for it but she's already locked into this line of conversation.

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"I like books more as - points on a graph showing all the thoughts people are having. Somebody, somewhere, sometime, thought it would be a laugh to write thus and such a book. It might be more or less fun to look into it but it's not the kind of thing I have favorites about."

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"You are one fascinating human being." The detached attitude is a little concerning compatibility-wise but it sure is a unique perspective.

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"However, my standard answer for when I don't want to have an extended conversation about it is 'War and Peace'."

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"Because you actually like it, or because it gets people to stop asking questions?"

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"I like it enough that if I roll the dice and get somebody who actually wants to talk about War and Peace I don't have to shank him to make them stop."

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"I, uhh..." She pauses for a moment to think of a book she's read that won't make her look like a total loser. "Have you read The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy?"

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"No, but I listened to the original radio version!"

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"Oh my god, really? How did you pick it up? Wasn't it only in the UK?"

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"I'm surprised there even were pirate broadcasts of it in the US back then."

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"No, no, I had a recording."

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"Oh, I see. Didn't know it was popular in the US before the book came out though."

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"...I got the recording after the book came out, but I wanted it in audio form, because that's convenient for lab work."

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"Ohhh, ok. Sorry for being stupid." It seems having read one (1) smart people book is not enough to conceal her idiocy.

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"It happens." Nibble nibble.

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"Especially when you're around someone as cute as you."

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"Oh, no, do you like me so much that it makes you look stupid?"

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"I will take it as a compliment when you say dumb shit then."

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"Well that's a relief." She positions an arm as far as she can get it around Mo's sizeable middle.

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It's not very far. Snug snug.

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"Have I mentioned how hot it is that I can't get my arm all the way around you?"

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"I don't know that you've said that specifically but I've got the picture that you like 'em vast."

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"Indeed I do! And you are so fucking vast. It's wonderful. And so surprisingly sprightly for your size! You're like some kind of forest nymph."

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"A fucking what now! Forest nymph! You're a hoot."

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"Yeah I like, sometimes I used to fantasize about like, being lost in the forest and wandering into an enchanted glade populated by hot fat forest nymphs, my figure softening as I partake of the magic fruit and enchanted water, having them dote on me and caress my developing curves and stuff."

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"That's so fucking cute." Monoceros has a snack stash and finds a miniature pear and holds it up to Katie's lips. "Don't you know it's risky to eat what fey creatures give you?"

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"Perhaps." Chomp.

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"Mine forever now."

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Flustered squeeing.

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When the convention is over and they take the submarine back to the lair, Monoceros again spends a lot of time driving, but she lets Katie sleep in her bed and sometimes catches her own Z's in there too.

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Katie is excited to be making progress and falling asleep cuddled up against such a glorious mass of flesh.

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And now they're back at the lair! The cat is doing fine.

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"Hi sweet baby! Did you miss me? I know I missed you."

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Albrecht meows at Katie and begins purring profusely as she strokes him. 

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"You wanna pet him, Mo? Don't let his, uh, intactness fool you, he's very friendly."

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"Sure, why not." Scritch scritch under the chin?

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Al gently lifts his chin to accommodate the scritches and continues purring.

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"Awww, what a good kitty. Who loves scritches from mad scientists? Is it you?"

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Indeed he does.

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Pet pet. "Now I've got to go see what the lab goons have manged to fuck up in my absence, and then we'll have supper, my room."

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"'Supper'? How old-fashioned a word choice of you."

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"I'm old! Get used to it."

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"Pretty sure 'supper' fell out of fashion long before you were born, though."

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Monoceros slaps her on the butt. "I will go do lab work, and then we will sup, my olive loaf."

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"Fair enough." She carries Al off to her room. 

[picture of herself in bed with Albrecht on her lap]



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unicorn: based
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i know right

oh yeah in other good news i have gotten mo to cuddle me to sleep MULTIPLE TIMES!!!


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alfred hitchcock's the birds: and what's the secret to your success?
pithy: hello albrecht!!
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being a lovely and joyous creature 

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alfred hitchcock's the birds: okay so who are you and why have you stole k's account
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i am just a litle creacher. thatse it. i Cannot change this.

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litle creacher: I know you are but what am I
Permalink Mark Unread

plagarism!!! cultural appropriation!!! identity theft!!!

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litle creacher: mwahahaha
Permalink Mark Unread

jostles you

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litle creacher: you cannot change This either :D
Permalink Mark Unread

I can damn well try

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unicorn: the only thing that will stop robin is if you say something that has to be his next name
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can't really force things like that though

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litle creacher: skill issue
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that's it

you're going in the autoclave

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litle creacher: finally I will be free of prion disease
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you will not have any prions left to disease when I am done with you

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litle creacher: stealing your supervillain's mad science swag
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indeed I am growing under Mo's loving care in more than just a literal sense

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beefleaf: never mind our little feud I just saw the dorkiest ship name of all time so now I'm that
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...that's not for me and mo is it

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beefleaf: you're so self centered
unicorn: no it's a The Untamed thing
beefleaf: close but apparently no
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no chinese wizard yaoi???

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beefleaf: this one is apparently chinese wizard yuri. at least in the fan imagination.
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unicorn: I could have sworn it was the untamed
beefleaf: same author different book
Permalink Mark Unread

huh, it's based on a book?

getting some chinese Witcher vibes

man someone needs to write a fantasy series like that but based on American mythology

wait that's just The Dresden Files

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unicorn: ugh I couldn't dresden files. the sexism you could cut with a knife and it would be like "it's sexy how you're so sharp".
beefleaf: webnovels, technically
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i mean the sexism would not be wrong in that case. it IS sexy when women are sharp. and by that i mean both being intelligent and literally having claws or wielding knives or some such.

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grape_fruit: unicorn it gets better after like the first three on that front
unicorn: "after the first three novels" "after the first couple seasons" "when you've given the album a few listens" look I do not bestow hours of my life on things because they might be okay after I do that. be good right away or leave
Permalink Mark Unread

see that's the thing

rick riordan does that but also his books are for middle schoolers so i feel embarrassed about liking them

i need to read more dresden files so i can have a book series for actual adults to talk to people about

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unicorn: does what, get good after three books?
grape_fruit: or apparenly you could read the chinese wizard yuri
beefleaf: tbc beefleaf are not the main characters and also they are both assigned male at birth though there's wizard shit afoot. also they're chinese and no one is fat in china
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@unicorn no, is good right away

@beefleaf this is why we need to conquer them

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beefleaf: I think they can already import all the partially hydrogenated corn oil they want
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we need to make them import more like the british did with opium

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beefleaf: will this affect the fictional wizards though. I bet not. they'll still be willowy af
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we will ensure it does

mandatory pro-fat woman propaganda

we will strap them down and make them watch it like in clockwork orange

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grape_fruit: oh is that what happens in clockwork orange.
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idk i haven't seen it

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unicorn: also based on a book I think
Permalink Mark Unread

haven't read it either

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beefleaf: it would be hard to read a book you didn't see
unicorn: audiobooks
beefleaf: hush your face
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they are indeed how I do most of my reading

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The chat becomes book recommendations.

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obligatory reminder to please please please read Awful Hospital I am sick and tired of being the only person in the fandom who isn't a braindead wokescold zoomer

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beefleaf: still allergic to webcomics since the last time you said that
unicorn: cannot into the grossout stuff
spirulinagalaxy: have you ever tried sending fanmail to the creator?
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the creator is instead a braindead wokescold millenial

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spirulinagalaxy: what, they stopped-clocked themselves an entire webcomic?
beefleaf: I hate it when that happens. one day I blacked out and when I woke up I had written 500 full color pages of tankie propaganda featuring the russian and chinese dudes from those posters and their beautiful children.
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yeah pretty much

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unicorn: that's rough buddy
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the struggle is real

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unicorn: oh hey k have I suggested yet you watch over the garden wall
beefleaf: this will not sate k's lusts nor her desire to be recognized as having grownup taste in media
unicorn: I know but she might vibe with it idk
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I have! it's delightful!

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unicorn: oh yay, my recommendation engine gets a biscuit
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that sounds inadvisable

putting biscuits in engines generally does not improve their function

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unicorn: this one will be fine though
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what kind of biscuit is it

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unicorn: an alfajor
spirulinagalaxy: is that the real singular, it looks wrong
unicorn: idk, alfajore if you prefer
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ain't that the guy who gave the animorphs their powers

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beefleaf: no, that was elfangor. alfajore is the main character of Wicked
spirulinagalaxy: you're thinking of elphaba. an alfajore is an omegaverse gigolo
unicorn: you mean an alpha whore. an alfajore is a caramel sandwich cookie.
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caramel? wikipedia says it's made with honey

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unicorn: well these ones are caramel, idk what to tell you
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i should ask mo to make me those sometime, they sound tasty

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spirulinagalaxy: she bakes?
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i mean like

her goons do at least

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spirulinagalaxy: that's not the same but I hope the cookies are tasty
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oh yeah in bad mo news she's doing some project with toxic frogs or something so i'll have to get a vaccine that will give me a fever

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unicorn: oh cool are you helping with the project?
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no it'll just render her like, lastingly toxic to those who haven't been innoculated

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unicorn: yikes
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yeah hopefully she'll be able to shower me with attention while i'm feverish

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unicorn: good luck with that I guess!
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god she's so pretty i love her so much i can't wait to have dinner with her again

or supper, as she's been calling it

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beefleaf: on what shall ye sup this eve
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I don't know! I'm excited to find out!

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spirulinagalaxy: probably not alfajores unless she's spying on you a lot
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if she was that would be equal parts scary and hot

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beefleaf: scaredandhorny.gif
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that's me!

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Katie is collected for supper at suppertime so that she can join Monoceros in supping on - it turns out - tonkotsu ramen. It has egg in it, and corn. "Before you unappreciatively force your way through this delicacy, here. Drop it like it's acid," says Monoceros, holding out a little square of blue paper.

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"Yes, boss." God it feels good to say that. 

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The paper dissolves on her tongue. Monoceros cuts off a little of the egg and scoops up a corn kernel with the same spoon and holds it up to Katie's mouth, glistening with broth.

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Chomp. "Hey, is this the stuff they use to fatten up sumo wrestlers?"

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The corn bursts sweetly; the egg tastes warm and smooth and rich. "The drug or the ramen?"

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"The ramen."

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"Maybe! Same part of the world, at least. Now eat up, the noodles'll overcook if you leave them too long." Slurp.

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"Yes, boss." Slurp slurp slurp. Broth splashes on whatever she's wearing on her torso.

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There's plenty of it, and the noodles get replaced in the soup with a second batch as she finishes the first.

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She appreciates how fullness is starting to feel comforting rather than nauseating. The broth is warm and sloshy in her tummy. It's nice.

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After they've finished their ramen it's sushi time! Eel nigiri and elaborate handrolls with caviar and otoro in them and chirashi brushed with thick fancy soy sauce and a little lime zest.

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"You nourish me so well, boss. I love you." Tears well up in her eyes. Submitting feels good. Mo loves her. Mo takes good care of her. Obeying her feels natural and right. It's nice to have someone worth kneeling to. Chomp smack gobble munch chomp.

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"You are the sweetest little red bean dumpling." Tempura! Shrimp and broccoli and sweet potato and carrot and eggplant and scallion and halibut and softshell crab and green bean and asparagus all in fluffy crispy batter with a soy sauce and rice vinegar dip.

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"You've given me an experience I don't know if anyone else could. Not just the fattening, but like... being able to submit to someone in a way that feels good and natural and right, someone worthy of it. It's nice. Comforting. My whole life I've been fighting and struggling and shit, it's a nice change of pace to just go limp, metaphorically speaking, and let someone else take control."

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"Awwwwwww." Cheek pinch. "You say the sweetest things."

Red bean dumplings are next.

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She's unenthused, but she does her best to be a good girl and pack her gut to the brim. Another of those drug thingies to make these taste good would be appreciated

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"It shouldn't've worn off yet."

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"Well don't blame me, you're the one who made it."

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"Go on, have a bite, if you don't like it I will take the pharma back to the drawing board."

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The beans are rendered into a thick sweet paste; it's halfway between nougat and milkshake.

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"Huh, better than I expected. I don't like beans normally."

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"A deficit ripe for correction!" Om nom nom dumplings.

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"I love it when you talk about correcting me."

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"Oh good, because you showed up with all these inconvenient food aversions and it's tragic."

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"It's so wild how you're basically mind controlling me and all I can think is 'she's turning me into such a fucking glutton and it's so fucking hot.'"

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"Oh, please, I'm giving you the mad science equivalent of miracle berries."

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"I would still feel super weird about it if it weren't being done by a hot woman."

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"You run on libido more than most people do."

For second dessert, a dome-shaped green cake! Cut open it reveals white layers with red between them. "Princess cake!" announces Monoceros.

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Oooh, what's it taste like?

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The green is a marzipan-based frosting, and the red is raspberry, and the white cake is normal vanilla cake, though the goons did a good job with it.

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Katie like raspberry. Nomnomnomnomnom.

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"You're cute."

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"You too, boss."

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That's all for tonight - there was a lot of ramen and sushi - and Monoceros hasn't started on the frog project with Chair yet so she's nontoxic. She pushes the table out of the way to pull Katie into her lap, broth-spills and a bit of marzipan on her nose and all.

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She sensually lays her head on Mo's shoulder. "C'mon, big girl, wanna sensually feel up my shoulder bones before they're buried?"

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"What a pickup line." She bites a Katie-shoulder instead.

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Shiver. Shudder. Katie lays a hand on Mo's vast thigh.