a supervillain kidnaps a girl to fatten her up
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grape_fruit: not you though. you have a dress spy is secretly hoping you will die so she can have.
spirulinagalaxy: I do not
spirulinagalaxy: I would be perfectly content to acquire the dress in any number of other ways
unicorn: I think the complaint was about menswear

Not exclusively 

Just that like, women's clothing was one of the few things not completely ruined

It ruined as many as several non-clothing things

Did you know that they had like a turducken but with 17 different birds?

They called it the "Roti sans Pareil" which literally translates as "Roast without Equal"


unicorn: is that your birthday dinner

It might be!

pithy: happy be-early'd birthday

thank you

god damnit I can't believe I've been having a series of stupid arguments when i could've been getting jacked how much fucking time have i wasted

grape_fruit: looks like about 15 minutes
unicorn: you could probably hold your phone while doing squats if you wanted!

not a good idea, don't need the distraction

Now is time for squats. She wonders if she'll get tired and have to stop before or after Mo gets back.


Conventiongoers walking by are kind of nonplussed about a pirate doing squats in Monoceros's booth.


Fuck she's gonna get sweaty. She's gonna get sweat all over her cool as fuck outfit. Why didn't she think of this before. Whatever, too late now.


None of them comment on it, at least, and it's a warm day here in Indonesia so she's not the only person sweating.


She doesn't care what they think, she cares about being pretty for her own sake and Mo's, goddamnit!


Well, at least Monoceros doesn't return from her panel early.


Alright, her legs are getting really tired. She reclines back in her seat and checks Eris again.


Her channel is doing a bit where everybody is pretending they are from wherever Katie most recently told them to go back to.


glad to know you have all finally embraced your indigenous cultures

unicorn: they're studying me in a lab for how I am the only human to grow up in Laos without picking up even one word of Laotian and somehow coming out with a chicago accent. they give me treats when I pronounce "th".

are the treats good

unicorn: each treat is a single one of those little yogurt drop things with freeze dried strawberry in it. I like them but I don't think robin does
whitest guatemalan u know: I have begun to refuse to pronounce dat horrible sound in protest. chocolate or bust

pithy they already have the "th" sound in York what experiments are they doing on you

pithy: none, I escaped
pithy: I am having spy novel adventures in tibet and shit

hope you're having fun

pithy: yeah tbh I might develop some of this nonsense into an entire tumblr shitpost

unironically you should!

I am glad to have inspired good things and shit

grape_fruit: I want a reroll on my notional home country. nobody lives in Sealand, there's no material there beyond a one-off joke.
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