a supervillain kidnaps a girl to fatten her up
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ok, fair

kind of wanted the opportunity to brag tho

pithy: u don't need me for that

god i can't wait to be a big strong bulky girl with powerful yet plush arms and big fat melons and a jiggly belly

[links to previous nude photo] see these little bug bites? soon they're gonna be actual TITS

I'm gonna be able to open jars without hitting the lid with a fork a million times!!!

this is gonna RULE

Mezzopiano: Does hitting the lid with the fork a million times work for you? I always do the hot water thing

I didn't know that one

thanks for telling me right as I no longer need it

pithy: squats 4 grip strength


wait fuck i don't think i've actually done any for grip strength specifically

I need to have Mo install a pullup bar in my room

like, immediately, given how those are going to steadily increase in difficulty and I should start when they're as easy as possible

Mezzopiano: Is grip strength much improved by pullups? I think of that as an arm thing which incidentally involves gripping, just like weightlifting.

Ok well then what the fuck do I do for grip strength

IDK I guess it won't really matter given how I have servants to open jars for me now

pithy: challenge: name 3 of the goons, any 3, first name last name nickname anything, without asking them right now
Mezzopiano: They make springy things you can squeeze.

@pithy go back to old york

@mezzopiano ok yeah I guess I'll have to get one of those

Mezzopiano: does Amazon deliver to the lair?
pithy: I have been exiled from old york for high crimes and misdemeanors

too bad. ICE is gonna drop you on the doorstep of York Minster in a burlap sack and bail before they answer the door. if they want to get rid of you again they're gonna have to send you somewhere else.

pithy: the interpol/ICE battle will be cinematic af

huh what supes do they have actually

unicorn: interpol only has like divination types, they don't actually do legwork on their own
unicorn: but the uk generally speaking has a bunch because they had that one guy who could make you live 500 years and that was less than 500 years ago

They had WHAT???

I had heard they had some long lived supes but I had assumed that was an innate thing not that someone else had the power to bestow super-longevity on others

what were the constraints on this

unicorn: Avalon (17th century English superhero) so apparently he was a mega dick about it if you just asked him which is why they have had a normal number of monarchs &c in that time but anybody who sidekicked for him for a while had a good shot and there's also like a random doctor he liked and one of his kids (but not the other six! or his wife!) and a few other oddball decisions.
unicorn: he died in 1804 though, it protected from old age not from napoleon

how do I keep finding new reasons to hate the french revolution

Mezzopiano: I had no awareness that you hated the French Revolution!
pithy: scarlet pimpernel or les mis
Mezzopiano: I assume Scarlet Pimpernel.

mezzo did you know that the french revolution is literally the reason men don't dress pretty anymore

Mezzopiano: I don't think that's actually true and even if it were it's only true in the West.


also it's true everywhere now because of western hegemony, so like you can blame that too but the french revolution is definitely at fault

pithy: that article says it's also related to Americans ceasing to wear stupid wigs though so who it's impossible to say if it is bad or not

Ok but like

It in general made rich people lame and unaesthetic and that's bad

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