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a Lucy is born in Geb
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"It's a term of endearment! Come on, don't tell me you've never heard that one from your friends before."


"See, the problem is, growing up, all my friends were my actual, biological, brothers and sisters, so I don't know what's normal." 


"Then you've been missing out! Not to worry, though, you've got plenty of time to learn once things calm down a bit here."


"I see. ...To be clear, I had...a lot of brothers and sisters. Our father was, well, not a nice man." 


"That sounds rough. Me, I never knew my birth parents. Mom and dad used to own a bakery, but they were never blessed by the gods with kids of their own. One day, though, they were by the river when a basket came floating by carrying yours truly, and they were charmed at first sight. They never knew who gave birth to me - the only link to my heritage was the golden blanket I was wrapped in, emblazoned with an unknown coat of arms, and a letter asking whoever found me to take care of me. They told me the truth when I was 15, and I've been looking for my birth parents ever since, but it's not an easy task."


Aaaaand the likelihood that he was being sincere about "it's an endearment for friends" goes way down. 

"And here I thought storybook nonsense like that only happened to my sister," he quips, instead of engaging with how that story is obvious bullshit. 


"Aww, and here I thought I might finally get someone to buy it. What gave it away, was it too obvious that nobody would dream of giving up a kid like me?"


"No one in their right mind would wrap their child in a golden blanket before putting them in a river. Someone would steal the blanket and abandon the kid. Much better to use a less costly wrapping that will keep the baby warm until a loving would-be adoptive parent comes along."


"You know, of all the people I've told that story to, you're the only one that's pointed that out? You're not wrong, though, my parents would have had to have had more money than sense for that to happen. The truth is, while I didn't ever know my parents it wasn't because they were anyone special - just the opposite, really. When I was born, I came out with the horns and tail already on, and my old man had a big screaming row with my mother about how exactly that happened. He pinned her against the wall, throwing around accusations of cheating and consorting with demons, and ma told him about how grandma - her mom - used to fool around with demons. He didn't take the fact that he'd married a demonspawn well and got blackout drunk, which is when my mom brought me to Kenabres and dumped me on my grandmother. Told her that since it was her that ruined her life by rutting with demons, it was her job to reap what she'd sown. I've not seen hide or hair of them since. The blanket is real enough, but it definitely wasn't solid gold - in fact, it got so infested with lice we had to burn it."


"My father actually is kind of a big deal, but not in a good way. He's a Blood Lord in Geb, see, and a vampire, and at one point he took it into his head that dhampirs--the living children of vampires--were understudied. So he got a bunch of slave women, got them all pregnant, and did horrible experiments to most of them." 


"Yeah, I think you definitely win on the horrible relatives front. Maybe my grandfather would have a shot, but I've never met him and with any luck I never will."


"I wish you sincere luck on that front. Although, you know, if it turns out later that some random demon we killed while you were present was him, I wouldn't stress out about it."


"Hah! Though if that happened, I'm not sure how I'd ever know."


"I don't either, but there are a lot of strange things in the world, so we can't rule it out entirely." 


"What brings you by Kenabres, then? If it was just escaping there have got to be closer places you could go to ground, and it's certainly not for the money."


"No, Luzai is bound and determined to get strong enough to rescue the rest of our surviving siblings and mothers-of-siblings, and it was approximately this or the House of Oblivion, which would also have been closer, but it's also less of an international hub, which means fewer exotic wizards to swap spells with. You know, it's hard enough just having an adequate sense of self preservation for yourself sometimes, it can be downright exhausting trying to also function as an external sense of self preservation for someone else." 


Sounds like the kind of thing that'll get them killed, especially if Villibor’s external self preservation wasn't enough to get them to stay away from the worldwound. Still, that's no skin off his back as long as they don't drag him down with them, so there's no reason to rain on their parade.


A totally reasonable conclusion given the fact that Woljif doesn't and mustn't have the information that the actual reason they picked the Worldwound over the House of Oblivion is because of Luzai having a whole Areelu Vorlesh situation. 

I mean. Realistically Luzai's ambitions would have gotten one or both of them killed anyway, in the absence of an Areelu Vorlesh situation. But given that there is, in fact, an Areelu Vorlesh situation, it's the case that Luzai would have gotten them killed, not will get them killed. 

Plus, if they get "getting killed" right, such as at the Worldwound, then they can see Mama again. Win-win, really. 

"Have you met any of the others, yet?" 


"Others? Not that I know of. Is this an invitation to an adventuring party, then?"


"Well, more or less. If you don't stick around you still might as well meet people, there isn't really anything else to do until tonight." Villibor would actually really rather NOT be socializing right now, he's kind of stressed out, and an introvert, but the inn is packed, and he can't use the room that he and Luzai have for obvious and also gross reasons.


If Seelah knew that she would be covering for him while he fled to a roof or something, but she's not a mind reader and would have a hard time beating Villibor's will besides. Instead, she assumes he's just the normal amount annoyed about his sister sleeping with someone who absolutely isn't good enough for her and a jerk besides, which just calls for introductions. 

"Another Luzai recruit, huh? I'm not seeing any armor, though - at least tell me it's not another squishy wizard?"


"I have reason to believe he'll be better at remembering to use a fucking dagger if forced into melee than her, but sorry, he just spent the last hour copying Detect Fiendish Presence out of her spellbook because he, too, thought it was probably safer not to tempt the Inquisition's paranoia." 


"Oh dear. I didn't even know there were this many wizards in Kenabres to find. Er, not that there's anything wrong with you being a wizard, it's just an increasingly awkward party composition. I'm Seelah, a paladin of Iomedae."


Time to make a good impression.

"I recognize the shiny armor, not to worry. So you're the one who's been keeping Luzai and Villibor and whoever else is in your party safe?"


"Well, mostly. Camellia also helps out a bunch, but pretty much everyone else would rather stay as far away from the demons as possible."

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