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a Lucy is born in Geb
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"Beth sent one to Nerosyan the day before, and another one after the attack hit. We're not the only place that got hit, though, just the hardest, and there's not a lot left that could make a difference before the army gets here."


"I don't actually know enough about Avistan to have any brilliant ideas there, unfortunately." 


"Figures. We'll just have to do what we can and hope it's enough, same as always. Good luck on getting another set of hands to help with it."


"Yeah. Thanks, and good luck with whatever you're doing next." 

She's going to pick up the spellbook and daggers, then, and head down to the cellar. 


"Hey chief, you're back quick. Miss my scintillating company?"


"Got the okay from Irabeth to spring you!" She holds up his spellbook and daggers. 


"Woah, no kidding? You work fast."


"I don't fuck around. I mean, except when I do, but there's a time and place. Who has the keys to the cell, I assume if I needed written authorization Irabeth would've given it to me." 


"Did you also get my tools? If so, it won't be a minute - heck, I could even show you how to do it, get some practice with those skills the paladins won't teach you."


One of the guards sighs.

"There's no need for that. If Commander Tirabade says he can go, I'll unlock it for you."


"I don't have your tools right now, sorry. I can try to get them later."


"Figures, even when the paladins let you go they've gotta get the last laugh."

Despite his words, Woljif seems significantly cheered by getting out of the cell.

"So what's next, chief?"


"Getting you Detect Fiendish Presence, I think, unless you'd rather do something else. How've they been feeding you?"


"I've had better, but I'm not starving. Mostly the same stuff as everyone else down here, I think, they'd bring down bowls all at once and I'd get one of them."


"Yeah, nobody's spoiled for choice right now. We're not going hungry yet, which is a blessing, but this is one of the safest places in the city, so: refugees." Brightly: "Hence the demon attack!" 


"That reminds me," responds Woljif, not a little nervously. "What kind of attack are we talking here? I mean, this place is crawling with paladins - you'd have to be mad to pick a fight, right?"


"What, you think demon cultists tend to be sane? The good news is, they don't know we know they're coming. The other good news is, I successfully bluffed a group of them into thinking I was a high-ranking demon cultist, fed them a pack of lies about our defenses, and stole their alchemist's fire. --Barrels of the stuff. Not flasks." 


"Wait, barrels of alchemist fire? And we're in a wooden building? Chief, are you sure they don't have more of the stuff? Because if they do, I get the feeling this is going to be a really bad place to be."


"Well, I'm pretty sure they don't have a trebuchet, so there's that. When I talked to them, they were inside the building they intended to burn down, placing the stuff strategically. If it makes you feel any better, we'll be outside; I'd really rather you didn't run away until and unless the battle is comprehensively lost, but if it is, you can." 


Ideally you get out before the fighting really gets going, but as long as they are still paladins left fighting the demons will probably have better things to do that go after him. Hopefully. Which just leaves the problem of surviving the fight itself - he's definitely going to want mage armor, and shield, and maybe even vanish even though a few moments only gets you so far.

"Right. You said something about detecting fiends?"



She gets her spellbook and opens it to the relevant page, sliding it across to him. 


Now rearmed with his spellbook, Woljif doesn't waste any time copying it down. It's not the kind of spell he'd normally find useful enough to prepare, but with the city as it is being able to tell a succubus from a sucker could save his life. Once he finishes, though, he sets about to actually preparing spells for the day.


Luzai isn't going to interrupt him at that. And it'll take an hour, which is plenty of time to wander off and do other things. 


She finds herself loitering outside Joran's forge not long after. 


He looks up after finishing his current set of repairs, and waves her in.





"I met Staunton the other day. And he thought I was being mean to him, because apparently people are usually mean to him, but I'm new in Kenabres so I don't know why. And you can tell me to fuck off, but I'd much rather hear why from you than from someone who doesn't care about him." 

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