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a Lucy is born in Geb
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Jhoran sighs. 

"I doubt my brother would appreciate my telling it, but it's not like you couldn't ask just about anyone on the street. Back in the day, he was the warden of Drezen. It was a big crusader city inside the current barrier lines, defended by an artefact called the Sword of Valor that made it all but impossible for the demons to take. And Staunton... he was a prodigious fighter, especially for his age, who hadn't ever really known what it was like to lose. When he made the acquaintance of a pretty girl who pretty much entirely matches his tasted, well. He made some boasts, she showed some interest, he set about trying to one up himself for her approval, and the next thing you know he and a few of his friends had taken off with the Sword of Valor to raid a demon encampment. He didn't tell anyone he was taking it so the demons wouldn't know to strike while it was missing, but the girl he'd been talking to was a disguised Lilitu and the first sign the rest of us had that anything was wrong was when Aponavicus lead a strike team into the citadel and then let his army right in through the gates.

"When Staunton came back from his raid, it was to a city held by demons. They ambushed his force, killed his friends, and stole the Sword of Valor, but Staunton was left alive as a 'reward' for giving the city over to them. The queen let him try and atone with military service, but, well. Not a lot you can do to make it up to people who blame you for losing a city and a holy relic due stupidity, much less the ones who think he's a traitor just waiting for his next chance."


I'm hubristic, not stupid. 

Note to self: mention none of her grand ambitions to Staunton. 

It's not lost on her that this could easily have been written as a cautionary tale for her, specifically. 

On the plus side, she's pretty sure Daeran isn't secretly a demon. 

"Do those people just...ignore the fact that he's still a paladin?"


Jhoran shrugs.

"I imagine most of them think, if they did at all, that him being a paladin didn't save Drezen. That, or they just want an excuse to not feel bad about the person they're putting down to feel strong. Despite being a paladin, my brother isn't exactly the charismatic sort, so it's not like he's had much success turning around people's opinions himself."


"But--but there's a difference between messing up and laying in wait--" 

She stops. She grimaces. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sure you've been through this all before. It's not like this is even a new way for people to be willfully stupid." Sigh. "I wouldn't have asked at all if I wasn't pretty sure I'd hear it eventually if I asked or not, and...I really didn't want to hear it for the first time from someone who was going to be awful on purpose. I don't intend to mention it to him." 


"I doubt he'll thank you for it, but as his brother I'd appreciate that. I expect things have been getting worse now that people have heard Minagho is in the city, and he doesn't need more added on to that."


"Actually he specifically said that the best thing I could do was not bring it up. I'm--really impressed, honestly, how well he's been handling it, given the kinds of crap he seems to expect from people." 


"Torag tests us all in accordance with our measure."


Thaaaaat seems less plausible from a starting point of having grown up in Geb, but maybe it does mean something as applied specifically to Torag's own empowered clergy. "Thanks for not telling me to fuck off," she says, instead. "I'm going back inside, do you need anything?"


"Not unless you know someone who needs equipment repaired for the fight."


"Not at the moment but I'll keep an eye out!" 

Luzai reviews her mental to-do list, then goes looking for the Storyteller. 


While there are far more people in the tavern than it has chairs, someone seems to have given the storyteller one in light of his age since he's sitting on one up against the wall.

"Luzai, wasn't it?"


"Yes, that's right. --I wanted to thank you for not telling everyone what was in the vision." 


"Many things are kept private for a reason. You are not the first whose secrets I've kept, and I doubt you will be the last."


"Thanks. --On a completely unrelated note, I...seem to have tripped over some kind of cultural taboo with another elf and was wondering if you would be willing to explain." 


"I can try, but I must confess that many of the concerns held dear by younger elves are beyond my understanding."




“What of them? Certainly some might find them an uncomfortable topic, but I am surprised you drew offense.”


"They came up in the context of elves and he was like 'drow aren't elves' and I was like 'Yes? They are?' and he got really mad about it." 


"Then I fear I am not certain. Their fate is certainly one of the greatest tragedies of our people, but there is little use denying that they were once our brethren."


"Their...fate? I know a lot of them are Evil, and that's not good, but fate seems like a stronger word?"


"I am not certain. Somehow I feel strongly that it is the right word to use, but I no longer remember why."


"That's fair. I always thought it was just that all the drow I knew of lived in places like Geb and Nemret Noktoria, and living among the undead isn't good for quick humans any more than it is for elves. But I was wrong about a lot of the things I assumed about the world as a child; it's not surprising that I wouldn't have unlearned every mistake. Thank you for your help." 


"I am sorry I could not be more helpful."


She considers this, then returns to the area near the stairs to the cellar. 

"I wanted to apologize for what I said earlier," she says. This isn't a lie: she does want to apologize; it would only be a lie if she actually said the words "I'm sorry." "I grew up in Mechitar, and there was as much wrong with most of the humans around me as most of the elves; it didn't occur to me that there might be anything special about them. There's a lot that I learned growing up that I've had to unlearn." 


He doesn't totally defrost at her words, but his response no longer sounds like he's forcing it out through gritted teeth. 

"I suppose it would be too much to expect them to be honest about it."

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