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a Lucy is born in Geb
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"Two--are you talking about Woljif and Ember? Seelah, I never asked Woljif and Ember to come into the city with us! I only asked them to help us with the demon attack tonight! You may be only one person, but all the paladins under Irabeth's command are not!" 


"Do they know that? I've only spoken with Woljif so far, but he certainly seemed convinced he was expected to carry out something much longer term than that."


"--I don't know? Seelah, Ember has been insisting on sleeping outside just because her powers make her a little less vulnerable to demons than someone else who could be taking up space inside the perimeter! I just wanted to get her somewhere marginally safer! And Woljif, well, Woljif's situation is a little more complicated, but that one wasn't without a by-your-leave, I talked to Irabeth and Anevia about it, and the terms may not have been maximally clear, but they seemed better than the alternative." 


"And whatever you talked about with them meant you couldn't tell anyone about it beforehand, or afterwards, and meant you had no choice but to leave Woljif alone for hours with your spellbook and no explanation?"




"...No. I'm sorry." 


"Thank you. Luzai, you're a good person, and you're one of my best friends. Just, please try to work with me here a little more?"


"Yeah. Um, there's something I wanted to talk to you about, but I was putting it off until after the big fight because it seems like it might be hard and stressful, and it seemed like we didn't need the distraction, but I think not having talked about it might have contributed to how I messed up today. And, you know, I can continue not bringing it up and just be more careful, or we can talk about it, but--it seems like just deciding between the two on my own might have been the same kind of mistake." 


"I guess I think that depends, on how likely you think it is to distract me and if it's the kind of thing I'd want to risk distraction to know sooner? It's hard to do more than guess, since I don't know what the actual secret is. Uh, either way we might want somewhere more private than a hallway though."


"No kidding. But, also, not in front of Daeran. Not because it's a secret from you," she adds to him, "but because there is no way you wouldn't, like, reflexively sabotage it." 


"I'm hurt. Not about the sabotage, because I absolutely would, but because you didn't even consider keeping it a secret. Take it from a connoisseur; a woman with just a hint of scandalous mystery is a potent allure." 


"I said I'm not keeping this secret from you, not that I'm not keeping anything secret from you."


"That's perfectly fine, then."


"You're not special, she's keeping secrets from everybody." 


"Not you." 


He looks significantly between her and Daeran. "Please keep more secrets from me." 


"Right. Well, if we've gotten the deal with the recruitments sorted out, is this conversation with Seelah the kind we all need to have or one of the ones you just need a paladin for?"

And is it related to what was up in the garrison, she doesn't finish, because there could very well be any number of secrets.


"It's not actually a secret at all! It's just mildly awkward. And doesn't involve anyone but Seelah. And this is getting totally blown out of proportion, so we should probably just talk about it sooner rather than later, like adults, because this is getting a little bit ridiculous." 


"Right, I'll be off then. Have fun with it. Or good luck? Whichever is appropriate."


"I'll also stop getting between you lovely ladies. Surely there's at least something else entertaining to do here."


When the hall is clear, Luzai backs into the room and sits down on her bed with an audible flump. 


Villibor follows her in, and does not bury his head under a pillow because Seelah is still there, but apparently he wants to and that's good to know. 


"So, uh, what did you need to talk about?"


"I'm scared of Hulrun and I feel weird when you defend him. --I get it, Iomedae hasn't dropped him like a hot rock, he's doing more good than harm, but like, also, he did come this close to trying to kill us, and I am not over that yet." 


"Huh, I didn't think it was-"

Seelah stops, blinking, as gears turn in her head.

"I think I've been underestimating how bad that was for you. I remember being horrified about him misunderstanding things that much, and sad that I was going to have to fight him, but not even slightly afraid, and I think in retrospect that was because I had just become immune to fear and didn't notice. Inquisitors are good at being scary, and Hulrun's really strong for an inquisitor, and I... wasn't really taking that into account. I'm sorry."


"Thanks. I--honestly it didn't occur to me that paladins don't feel fear, like, I am aware of it, intellectually, but you're the first paladin I've ever really known so it hadn't made it into my model of how people work yet."

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