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a Lucy is born in Geb
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"Lann and Wenduag are archers, who aren't talking to each other, because cultists made Wenduag do cannibalism when she was a kid and Lann just found out. Camellia has a rapier, lighter armor than Seelah, and some kind of divine spellcasting that isn't being a cleric. Nenio is a wizard who's not entirely connected to reality. Like, moreso than most wizards. Luzai may or may not have recruited Ember, I'm not sure, she's a witch with the kind of 'it's sad when people die, even if they're demons' attitude that Luzai really vibes with. Daeran has some completely different kind of weird divine spellcasting from Camellia, and also an entanglement with my sister that I decline to categorize." 


"Wait, she recruited the girl with the bird too? And she didn't even say anything... Villibor, I was halfway joking yesterday, but I don't think I am anymore. We need to have a talk with your sister."


"If we do it right now we could throw a bucket of cold water on the two of them."


"I- we probably shouldn't, he's a tool but he's not the one who's been recruiting-"

Seelah looks really quite tempted at the offer.


"Okay, but consider: he might think it was funny." 


"Besides, this sounds pretty serious. You want her to actually listen, not just blow it off, right?"


A second prong of the assault is enough to overcome her objections. "You've got a point. Villibor, do you want to grab the bucket, or see if you can find where Camellia is so she can fill it for us?"


"I'll grab the bucket." 


And Seelah will make sure they can fill it.


About ten minutes later, Seelah unlocks the door with Villibor's key and upends twelve gallons of water on the happy couple.

"Luzai, this is an intervention. Get changed, then get out here, because we need to have a talk."


Luzai shrieks, because that is sort of the autonomic response to twelve gallons of cold water on no notice! 

"K'zak velletros--what the fuck?"


Daeran is slightly less surprised due to having been ambushed by people unhappy with his escapades several times by now, but that doesn't stop him from letting out a shriek as a deluge of cold water slams into sensitive skin. Temperature play is one thing, but he abruptly decides he definitely doesn't like the introduction of 'being soaked in an ice bath' to his sex life.

Well, maybe if there was an attractive mermaid or naiad or gillman involved, but he'd at least try and see about getting an endure elements first.


Seelah closes the door most of the rest of the way so Luzai doesn't accidentally flash someone coming by, and then continues.

"Like I said, this is an intervention. It's not just me, either, your brother is on board. Do you want to have the conversation now, or when you get some clothes on?"


"--Clothes," Luzai says reluctantly after a second. She strips away the soaked blanket, and says to Daeran, "I am so sorry about that." 


"If they had their way, I'm sure plenty of paladins would have done worse than that discourage me. Frankly I should be shocked it took so long, but I intend to spite them by absolutely refusing to learn any lessons from it."

He sets about trying to get the water out of his hair.


"See, I'm less worried about the paladins than about my brother. He thinks he's funny, see." 

She gets as much water off her as she can, then yanks on her adventuring clothes. She's not exactly dry enough for it to be comfortable, but whatever. 


"Oh, upset relatives. Yes, that's definitely a much more usual problem for me. I'd say we should go to my place, but I expect I've been gone enough by now they'll have claimed my room for more refugees too. Maybe I can get the Fiducia to change his mind about the frankly extortionate rates he has for selling rope tricks, or buy one of the nearby buildings, or something."


Luzai finishes getting dressed and steps out into the corridor. "Hi." 


"So the first thing you should know--both of you," he says, raising his voice slightly, "is that this actually has nothing to do with you, Daeran, sorry, you were just a combination of collateral damage and, yes, I thought it would be funny. In my defense, I was right." 


"It was a decent idea, but the execution had some problems. When you're doing a prank like that, you can't skip on the prepwork; you want to get your target properly worked up and paranoid, have them constantly tensing in anticipation. Then, when you're finally ready for the delivery, you're supposed to hold back just long enough for them to realize what's coming - a second or two, not enough to prepare - and then make sure to follow through. Even if you're just dousing someone in water, you don't just want to be a dump-and-done."


"That sounds harder to get a paladin to agree to." 


"I find all the best parts of life are."



In addition to Villibor, Seelah has brought along Camellia and Lann; everyone else seemed likely to be less helpful than they were a hindrance.

"Are you ready to have a talk? Because I've got some serious concerns about what you've been doing, and I'm not exactly happy with you right now."


"You're going to need to explain what it is you're unhappy with me about, if it isn't Daeran!"


"He's part of it, but not nearly the actual problem. The issue, Luzai, is your recruiting in general. Daeran was one thing, but we haven't even been back a day and you've already recruited two more people without so much as a by your leave - forget talking it over first, I would appreciate it if I actually got told who I'm now responsible for helping keep safe! Which ties into the other problem with what you've been doing; I'm just one person, Luzai, not the inheritor herself. Keeping four people safe from enemies was hard enough with Camellia's help, but now you've gone and recruited three more squishy casters! I don't want to be in a position where I have to choose which ones of you I let die from my being in only one place at a time, but we're on track to get there really soon."

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