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that is not dead which can eternal lie
a Lucy is born in Geb
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Luzai is not aware, for the first several years of her life, that anything is wrong. 

Her mother loves her and her brother dearly; her brother is a fine playmate, and the other children respond well to Luzai's incorrigibly friendly nature. Some of them are less healthy than she and Villibor are, and that is sad, and she learns to be careful with them, but it doesn't strike her as cause for concern. The governess brings all of the children out to the channel every night, so any injuries they pick up don't stick, and someone comes in to cast Remove Disease when they get sick. 

She knows, in the abstract sense that children know things, without fully appreciating the context, that there are lots of kinds of people. That she and Villibor and the other children are dhampirs, and Mama is a human, and so are most of the other children's mothers, except for Miss Zora who is an elf, and Miss Q who is an Aasimar and Miss Eshe who is a tiefling. The governess is a ghoul, and so is the cleric who does the channeling. The servants are zombies and skeletons

It takes longer for her to understand that the zombies and skeletons aren't just normal people who aren't allowed to respond to questions. That Mama and the other mothers don't come out for the evening channel, not because grownups don't need channels, but because they are quick and so the kind of energy that heals little dhampirs and ghouls and skeletons hurts them. That ghouls and zombies and skeletons, and all the other kinds of dead that roam the city like devourers and mohrgs and specters, all used to be quick, and now aren't. 

That there are other ways of dividing people than by race. That the reason Mama and the other mothers can't leave the estate is because they are a kind of person called slaves. 

Luzai can't remember most of this learning, later. By the time she's twelve she can't remember a time when she didn't understand the world around her well enough to be enraged by it. 

Luzai gets away with avoiding necromancy as much as possible, and focusing on Enchantment instead, in her wizard studies, because by the time they've gotten past hanging cantrips all their tutors think of Luzai-and-Villibor as a unit, to the extent that Villibor's necromancy is seen as as good as hers, too, which is sort of accurate from a practical standpoint but usefully obscures the sheer rage and guilt she feels when tasked to call a soul back from their reward to enslave it to a suit of bones or rotting flesh. 

They're planning to leave. They were always planning to leave; Mechitar isn't the sort of place where you can live a life, in the long run. Only a death. 

When Mama dies of an injury that could have been healed, trivially, if positive energy were permitted in the country, Villibor reanimates her and the three of them run. 

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Father will be looking for them, probably; Luzai and Villibor constitute one of the more successful of his experiments with dhampirism. But they are able to steal quite a bit of money before they go, and between bribery and desperation they manage to make it to Osirion, where a priest of Pharasma puts down the zombie that Villibor had to make of Mama before someone else did, someone who wouldn't be doing it to get her out. She is buried in the village's small cemetary, and Luzai finally allows herself to weep. 

She weeps for what feels like a very long time. 

But their voyage isn't done. Osirion isn't the best place to get stronger.

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Areelu Vorlesh doesn’t often leave the worldwound. She might be the strongest person in Avistan, at least if you didn’t count Gallowspire, but with that strength came a whole host of other powerful people who want very badly for her to die. Powerful or not, if she was known to be outside her sanctum and away from easy reinforcement or retreat they would keep trying until they succeeded. Even Arazni only avoids such a fate whenever she leaves Mechitar due to Geb’s backing, and Areelu doesn’t kid herself about being as strong as either of them yet. The risk of an occasional foray in utmost secrecy is almost negligible, yes, but being killed would mean failing and any risk of that is unacceptable.

Nevertheless, there is one task important enough for her to risk her life on, and her best candidate voluntarily leaving Geb's protective umbrella certainly qualifies. She waits long enough to be confident it isn't a trap, then acts; four plane shifts, a teleport, and a sleep spell later, her research demiplane has a third inhabitant once more.


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When she sees the young girl with her own eyes for the first time, she doesn't feel anything. She continues to not feel anything when she performs the initial surgeries to splice their soul, and certainly doesn't feel anything while she watches her and waits for the connection to stabilize. If she takes more care with her work than usual, well, it's just important enough she wants to be sure she gets it right.

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Logically Luzai should not wake up at any point in this process. 

But Dhampirs have unusual metabolisms, and whatever it was exactly that Father did while Luzai and Villibor were en utero makes them unusual even for dhampirs. 

It would be an exaggeration to call the thing she does waking up; she isn't exactly lucid. But she is aware that she is in pain, and she has some control of her body--


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It's not her. The fragments of her soul haven't finished integrating yet, and even if they had Areelu's best efforts only managed a partial restoration - it's the reason she needed to go this far in the first place to find as compatible a host as possible. She knows this in exhaustive detail, all the ways this couldn't possibly be what she wants it to be. She just needs to-

Oh. She's already squeezing the girl's hand, whispering that everything will be okay.

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"Mom...I should have been stronger, I'm sorry..."

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It hurts to hope. It hurts even knowing enough about Luzai to know who the woman she's actually calling out for is, hurts in a way that makes it obvious she's been hurting this whole time and lying to herself, and Areelu Vorlesh is thankful that her mind blank and isolation mean that nobody will see her tears. She sings softly a lullaby from a hundred years past, whose words she only half remembers even with her prodigious memory, and keeps singing until Luzia falls into a slumber again.

Before the next bit of surgery she makes sure to cast delay pain, even knowing it merely puts off the inevitable, because if Luzai screamed she doesn't know if she could bear to continue and she still needs to finish. Areelu Vorlesh is an excellent liar, but with this much evidence even she has a hard time lying to herself. If she went with her old plan now and something happened to Luzai, she would not be able to handle it at all.

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When Luzia wakes up, it's to a soft bed looking upon an unfamiliar ceiling. Nothing hurts, but there's a strange absence of any sensation from her chest.

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It isn't anything like her old room in Mechitar, but it still feels like home. 

She can sort of remember being half-conscious and in pain, and part of her wants to apologize to that woman for crying on her and calling her Mom, but a small voice in her heart really emphatically does not want to do that. 

She pushes herself up, swinging her legs off the bed and looking around. 

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The room is not especially large, with most of the space taken up by a brand new bed, but theres’s a small bedside table and the walls have a pair of glowing crystals that on examination turn out to have a pair of voice controlled permenant dancing lights. The walls and floor are some kind of dark hardwood, and there is a set of dark curtains covering a window with a bare hint of sunlight showing through.

If there’s anyone nearby, they aren’t audible through the door.

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...Luzai is having SEVERAL EMOTIONS and is not entirely sure what they are. 

She finishes examining the glowing crystals and pads tentatively out of the room. 

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The hallways are equally empty, but at the end it opens up to a sitting room where a horned woman is writing something. A tiefling, maybe, by the looks of her.

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That's...that's the woman from...last night? When did--that--happen? 

She is very uncertain about the temporal relationship of that event both to now and to her most recent memories of before-that-happened, but she is pretty certain that this is the same woman. 


She should! Say more than that!!!

"I'm. Confused?" 

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The woman looks up at her and smiles.

”I probably have answers. Is there a question you want to start with, or should I start?”

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"--Why is it that I feel like I know you, but I can't, actually, name any--facts--about you?"

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“It’s a side effect of the magic I used to empower you. I wasn’t expecting that much memory bleedover, but it’s not out of model.”

In fact, it’s very encouraging news. What she could measure from Luzai was already enough to indicate a high degree of compatibility, but the fact that her soul was able to reconstruct and integrate that much from the fragments by now was a sign that the compatibility went even further than expected.

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"--Memory bleedover? Not that I'm not in favor of being empowered, but--did you sacrifice someone to do it?" If she sacrificed someone who felt the way about her that Luzai is instinctively feeling about her then that is REALLY BAD ACTUALLY. 

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“Not in the way you’re thinking; the person whose memories you’re feeling died a long time ago, in the way that outsiders die. The proximal cause was demons, but I personally hold more of a grudge against the humans who handed them over.” 

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"Oh no." 

She bites her lip. 

"I have--so many questions, but--" her hand comes up to curl over her heart. "--is there any sense in which they're going to be okay?" 

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"Only insofar as you might be okay. By the time I got to them it was too late for any mortal magics, and if the gods could do such a miracle nothing I offered to pay was enough for them to do it. About the only thing I didn't try was asking Geb, and even if he had agreed it wouldn't have been worth it."

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"When I'm a legendary archmage, I'm going to Dominate him, crack his skull open, and peel out his secrets." 

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"You wouldn't be the first legendary archmage to try; he's rather famous for that not working, even."

She shrugs.

"Perhaps whatever he uses is still possible to bypass if you're good enough, though. I can dominate someone through shield of law or holy aura, and Nocticula can even dominate constructs."

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"Well, I'm not going to do it right away; I'm going to wait until I've been a legendary archmage for at least a century first. Then reassess what I think the situation looks like. I'm hubristic, not stupid." 

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"A sensible plan. Did you have any other questions you wanted to ask?"

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"Lots and lots! Who are you? Did you kidnap me? Can I look at your notes on how you did this? Am I going to remember more stuff, I'd rather be--both of us--than, uh, the alternative, at this point--can I have a hug?"

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"I did kidnap you; your brother is fine, but he might be somewhat worried about you by now. My notes are not especially organized for other people's consumption, but I'm not opposed to it. Judging by how things have gone so far, your soul will probably piece together some more of the memories over the next few days, but most of them were too damaged for even that. As for the last, I'm not certain you'll still want to.

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"As for who I am, my name is Areelu Vorlesh, but I understand I'm better known by a number of less flattering titles."

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"Oh wow that explains so much." She clucks her tongue in annoyance. "Alright, more than a century, then, you definitely count as a legendary archmage." 

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"Yes, although I can't truthfully say I waited that long before picking inadvisable fights."

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"The last time Iomedae and Geb got in a fight, Iomedae lost. Like, I'm not gonna pretend I agree with your life choices, but, uh, I don't... have to agree with your life choices, to see you as a person instead of a, an evil-outputting machine? I'm pretty sure Villibor would do a lot more evil shit if I weren't around to ride herd on him--in general, I'm not worried that he's going to animate a dozen skeletons while I'm temporarily missing. But, like--" 

Her hand comes up to her chest again. 

"A person that I, like, ten percent? At the moment? Probably? Am, loves you very much. I'm not going to just put that down because you committed some atrocities about it." 

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Areelu will hug her, then, and not talk for a little bit.


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Eventually everything has to end though, and there are probably some more things they need to discuss.

"To be clear, yes, I'm not expecting you to come join me. If you desperately wanted to I could find you a position, but frankly demon lords don't really have a lot going for them as employers besides power and the other ones don't even have that."

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"Oh absolutely the fuck not, that sounds like a terrible idea. Actually if zero demon lords found out that I was in any way your kid that would be great! Actually!"

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"That is absolutely the plan. You are currently mind blanked, which should be proof against anything short of Lamashtu seriously exerting herself, but I also don't plan to go around advertising that there's someone that people could kill to hurt me. At that point demon lords might not even be your biggest concern."

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"Cool. Uhhhhh to what extent are you still working with the demons, when I said that you being the Architect of the Worldwound explained a lot I was sort of assuming that opening the worldwound in some way was instrumental for this," she gestures at her chest again, "if you are ongoingly doing evil shit I'm still not going to stop caring about you but I am going to...try to stop you. Which is less dumb than it sounds, considering that I am first circle plus whatever bonus you gave me and you are a legendary archmage, because I'm mostly imagining it occurring in the form of trying to convince you about it, not trying to spellcast at you about it." 

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"Less than I was in the second crusade, but not zero. I'm acting as support for a few demonic plots, but nothing that I would particularly care about you deciding to foil. I don't expect you to convince me to break with Deskari though, his protection is still rather useful to me and I would get worse offers from most other demon lords I could go to."

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"I don't think working for a different demon lord would be an improvement! Or, like, it might be, I don't know enough about demon lords to say, but by that same token I don't know Deskari to be worse than any of the others. I guess I would recommend against starting a side hustle working for Urgathoa, if you're going to keep working for evil deities, but prooooobably that's just my personal prejudices and I'm just permanently mad about her because I grew up in Geb and would be just as mad about Asmodeus if I had grown up in Cheliax. ...I still have a lot of questions but if our time is limited right now I'm not thinking of any that are immediately urgent. --Wait, except, what's my name? My other name, I mean."

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"I do need a patron, at least until I can figure out how to give myself 9th circle spells, and at this point that mostly means some demon lord or another."

The next bit is much harder for her to say, but she manages to get it out without her voice breaking.

"My daughter's name was Seshka."

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She rolls it over in her mouth. 

"Seshka. Luzai Seshka. I like it," she says seriously. 

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"I think for my part the only other things I need to do are get you a way for you to contact me in an emergency and doing something about the pain, but the primary limiting factor on you staying here is your brother's worry, and you would know better how to balance that out."

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"The pain? --How to balance that depends on how long I've already been gone, I think."

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"As part of empowering you, I had to perform surgery on you. Preventing the bodily incisions from causing you pain is trivial, but integrating a nahyndrian crystal into your soul is a rather more involved task. You're currently under a delay pain spell, and I can get you a wand of it to extend it more, but there are practical limits that prevent putting it off indefinitely. It's been almost 13 hours at this point since I grabbed you, and your current spell has about a day and a half left unless I dispel it."

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"Ah. Okay. If it's been less than a day, I think Villibor would probably accept some more delay in exchange for more complete explanations--like, what is a Nahyndrian crystal, what does having one implanted in my soul cash out to, long-term, does being a witch instead of a wizard mean you don't have any old spellbooks we can pore avariciously over, that kind of thing." 

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"A nahyndrian crystal is the solidified divine essence of a demon lord; they're named after the demon lord Nahyndri, since his were the one I first discovered. It's a backdoor to the kind of power that sets an ordinary but capable archmage like Nefreti or Razmir apart from Tar-Baphon, though my method doesn't require getting nearly killed by a god to function. And your summation is correct; I could pick someone as a witch or cleric, but if you wanted help with wizardry I mostly only have the spellforms in the context of my attempting to alter them to stabilize as witch spells. Theoretical texts yes, a spellbook to copy no."

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"--You're saying you--literally just--gave me the, the legendary? Part? Of legendary archmage?"

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"In kind, not in power; at the moment your divine essence is roughly as comparable to Arazni's as your wizardry is to hers. Nevertheless... yes."

Areelu Vorlesh has, in her opinion, earned being smug about this.

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"I don't want you to think I'm saying this just because I'm getting nice presents, even though this is a very nice present and definitely the proximate reason I'm saying this, but: I have such amazingly good luck in moms."

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Areelu Vorlesh will do something that definitely isn't preening in response to that.

"Do you want to see my library, or eat first? I haven't been able to get Mage's Magnificent Mansion back down to 7th, but I can still cast it."

She'd offer to make something herself, but she's pretty sure her cooking skills have degraded in the century since she last regularly ate meals.

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"I want to say library, but the lingering metaphorical voice of my other mom says I should eat first." 

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Then Areelu Vorlesh can use what is absolutely not a frivolous usage of mythic power to spontaneously generate an additional demiplane with an entrance set into one of the walls. The interior aesthetic matches that of the surrounding house, but the addition of liveried unseen servants and makes the boundary fairly clear.

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Luzai is not even going to pretend not to be excited about this demonstration of seventh-circle magic! It's not that she's never seen high-level magic before, but eeeeeee it's still! Really cool! 

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"You can ask for whatever kind of food you want, as long it's not something inherently magical like potions. There should be enough food to feed 250 people, so don't worry about quantity."

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"Does that include blood?"

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"Yes, though it's more useful that way for demons; my understanding for full vampires is that anything other than directly draining a sentient being only serves to put off the hunger temporarily."

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"Well, now we get to see how it works for dhampirs! Which is a lower-stakes experiment, anyway, I don't actually need blood per se. But I'm optimistic; animal blood works fine."

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The mansion is more than happy to produce blood for her in any variety she desires, assuming she knows how to specify, though it's unable to imitate a specific person; by default it will bring it in a bowl like soup, but it also takes instruction there if she objects.

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Luzai does experiments. Different ethnicities taste about the same--Kellid and Ulfen and Osirian and Mwangi--but there's some other thing that makes human blood have different flavors. She gets briefly distracted trying to pin down some correlate but since she can't specify individuals it's pretty futile and she gives it up in favor of picking the tastiest one and then getting food into her face hole so she can go library. 

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At only about a hundred years of age, Areelu Vorlesh's library is a far cry from rivaling that of the Ebon Mausoleum. Rather than a repository of as much knowledge as possible, her collection is geared towards her personal research, which means it has an unusually complete collection on bloodline inheritances, demons, and witchcraft, and its section on souls has a number of unpublished works that no other library outside the first vault has counterparts for. It also has the rather sizable advantages of works penned by archmages that aren't thousands of years behind the times of magical development and that she's able to freely browse whatever tomes she would like.

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Also it's not primarily about necromancy!!!

These books are so good. Luzai is going to make herself a little index, cross-referencing the books with her own and also Villabor's interests, then picks out a handful of books near the top of her list and starts reading. 

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Areelu Vorlesh will smile indulgently and not interrupt her, though she quietly makes copies of any of the books Luzai seems particularly interested in once she puts them down.

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...After several hours of this Luzai will emerge from a reading funk and admit that probably she should return to Villibor at this point. 

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Which is more than enough time for Areelu to fetch a book of written whispers, a small bag of holding for the copied books, and get her custom protective gloves out of storage. For once, the last doesn’t hurt to think about; perhaps because she now has something else for it to remind her of rather than her failure.

”If you write in the book and use the activation word, it will send me an alert, so please try not to lose it.”

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She nods seriously, accepting the items, memorizing the activation word, and examining the gloves. 

"What do these do?" 

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“Keep you safe, hopefully; it’s somewhat like a luckstone, but much more so. I modeled the effects on that of destiny quintessence, if you’re familiar.”

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"Not yet, but I'll remember that when my research gets there." 

She hesitates briefly, trying to put words together. 


"I said I don't agree with your methods and I meant it. But--when I said I was really lucky in moms--looking at the loss of someone dear and saying, no, I will not accept that, I don't care what the current laws of the universe say--I agree with that. Very strongly."

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“I wouldn’t stop caring if you didn’t; I don’t know if I could, truly. But I am still glad to hear it.”

Then Areelu will take her hand, turn herself invisible between breaths, and transport them back to the material where she kidnapped Luzai from. It takes three moments due to the need to bypass the wardstones, but her abyssal demiplane is very thoroughly secured against uninvited visitors; this trip goes as smoothly as the last, and Luzai is once more alone in her rented room.

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Luzai gives Areelu another quick hug before she leaves. 

And then off to find Villabor before he freaks out even more badly than he already has! 

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That's pretty badly actually!!!

When Villabor initially noticed Luzai missing he didn't freak out much. It wasn't like they felt the need to keep each other updated on their whereabouts at all times, even if the Osirians thought that she should probably keep her only relevant male relative apprised of her whereabouts at all times. As long as he signed any documents that needed signed and affirmed that she was allowed to do whatever she had done, Osirian gender roles didn't get in their way that much. 

It was only when he actively started looking for her and couldn't find her that he started worrying. It was only when she didn't come back to the inn at night that he started freaking out. 

He hasn't quite gotten to the point of giving up looking for her in favor of dropping everything to try to earn enough money spellcasting to scrape together enough for a divination from someone who could maybe actually find her that way, but he was getting there!

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Villabor is not in their room; this isn't exactly shocking. She goes downstairs and asks the innkeeper where he is; the innkeeper is like "looking for YOU; where have you been???" and Luzai is like "uhhhh slightly kidnapped but I talked them into sending me back" and when the innkeeper wants to know why she was kidnapped by someone who could teleport she deflects with something about dhampirs being rare and valuable that isn't technically a lie. 

The innkeeper offers to send one of his sons to go find Villabor and tell him she's back, for a really quite reasonable price, so Luzai agrees--they aren't actually out of money, even if it's pretty close, laundry wizardry being an approximately universally marketable skill. And she has all these VALUABLE PRIZES that are worth WAY MORE THAN THAT that she got by worrying Villabor so paying a small sum to un-worry him sooner is extremely reasonable. 

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Villabor rushes back as soon as the runner gets to him. 

"Luzai," he gasps, panting, as soon as he reaches the inn. 

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Huuuuuug. She feels kind of guilty for leaving him hanging for so long while she bonded with Evil Science Mom but she's here now!

"Sorry for worrying you."

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"What happened?"

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"Oh, man, that is such a long story, let's go up to the room to discuss it in private." 

The rooms of the inn provide only a modest amount of privacy, even against non-magical eavesdropping; the walls aren't so thin that their conversation will be overheard by anyone who isn't trying to hear it. But they're perfectly vulnerable to an ear or a cup placed against a door or a wall, so as highly-educated high-INT albeit low-level wizards, they hold the rest of their conversation in Azlanti. 


"I got kidnapped by Areelu Vorlesh so that she could staple the remains of her super-dead kid's soul to mine, because she doesn't have Geb's notes to put it back together without an underlying scaffold." 

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"I'm so serious, look--" she starts pulling books out of the bag of holding that she emphatically did not have when she left, showing him not only the books themselves but also Areelu's notes. 

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"So she--kidnapped you to use you as a material component in the resurrection of her child, and then changed her mind and put you back with apology presents?"

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"She didn't change her mind--actually in a couple of hours I would like to be very, very drunk, there was a Delay Pain involved. I am, now, approximately 90% Luzai and 10% Seshka--I think the percentage of the latter is going to rise as I remember more things--but that's not the same thing as being 90% as much Luzai as I was yesterday, I'm 100% Luzai and also, like, bonus amounts, Seshka. That's her name--my name--I'm adding it to the end of my name. Luzai Seshka." 

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Villabor puts his head in his hands, massaging his temples with his fingertips. 

"So she--did that--and then. Put you back. With presents."

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"There were also hugs involved. She doesn't want me to come to the attention of any demon lords, which she cannot at the moment easily disentangle herself from. But she doesn't mind if I thwart them, how d'you feel about going and fighting at the worldwound." 

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"...Well, you were always going to insist on doing something stupidly dangerous, to fuel your ambitions..."

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"Really it's probably less stupidly dangerous than, say, going to fight the House of Oblivion would be, since it'll be easier for Bonus Mom to keep an eye on me and bail us out if anything bad happens." 

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"Okay, I know what your opinions are on doing horrible necromantic experiments on non-consenting subjects, and I don't disagree, per se, but. If we're going to go fight demons--they don't go to Pharasma when they die--can I do horrible necromantic experiments on them?" 

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--Giggle. "Only after they're already dead. Torture is separately bad." 

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So it is that a few months later, the two of them walk through the gates of the walled crusader city of Kenabres. 

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Kenabres is much less actively defended from the south than the north; the walls are equally sturdy in preparation for any major battle, but despite everything the vast majority of demonic attacks and infiltrators still arrive at its northern edge. That’s not the same thing as it being undefended, though, and two unusual looking teenagers traveling unaccompanied qualify as suspicious even if neither one detects evil to the Paladin.

That’s not nearly enough to turn them away at the gates, but their entrance into the city comes with their appearance and given names recorded. As the prelate would say, there’s no such thing as too paranoid about infiltration.

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Conveniently, despite the connection to Areelu Vorlesh that would definitely, one hundred percent get them dragged before the prelate if anyone had any idea, they are genuinely above-board! The two of them find lodgings at a tavern called the Defender's Heart and then split up, agreeing to meet again at an agreed-upon time, Luzai to scope out what crusaders are hiring low-level casters and get a feel for the city and Villabor to sound out the getting-hired-as-a-laundry-wizard situation and scope out the Blackwing Library. 

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When compared to Mechitar, the city of Kenabres is remarkably poor. There are a number of reasons for this, from the costs of fighting off demons to the lack of cheap slave labor, but almost everything except land and positive energy are more expensive than they’re used to, and the work doesn’t pay as well. On the other hand, Kenabres also has nowhere near as many arcane casters and Mechitar does, so the competition is much less fierce and the prices driven down less. They can earn money at a steady clip doing laundry and mending, and while endure elements isn’t a big money winner in the northern summer Unseen Servant, Mount, and Preserve all still fetch decent prices. If she wants to make big money on her first circle spells her best bet is detect charm, but selling that one to the inquisition comes with a very thorough background check she might want to avoid.

As one might expect from an underfunded institution this far from the centers of magical learning on the inner sea, the Blackwing Library’s wizardry section is rather lacking. The books are a mix between modern texts intended mostly as general references and dated editions of a few of the more common specialist texts, and their section on witchcraft is somehow even worse. The one saving grace is that their demonology is genuinely excellent, albeit focused on primarily identifying and killing them.

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On the other hand there is much less negative energy going around. Which is...unfortunate, for them specifically...but oh well. 

The lacklustre wizardry selection is disappointing, but yeah, let's read about demons, they're going to want to do some of that demon-killing at some point!

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Oh they are not working for the inquisition, Luzai has feelings that she's pretty sure are Seshka-sourced about inquisitions and they amount to: fuck that noise. Plus yes on a practical level even assuming the Iomedaean inquisition is fundamentally more reasonable than the Sarkorian witch hunters, the connection with Areelu Vorlesh is legitimately a real bad look actually! Sure is convenient when the practical answer and the emotional answer point in the same direction. Also this Hulrun guy sounds like a piece of work. 

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Then they can spend a few weeks learning more about the world outside of Geb, researching demons, and making a fair bit of money. A few crowns a week before expenses won't get them magical items any time soon, but it's more than enough to pay for their lodgings and food and start to build up a bit of a nest egg; if they end up needing to get new clothes or buy healing from a cleric, they can readily afford it.

There's even a festival coming up!

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It's at about that point that Luzai receives a sending.

Major demonic attack on Kenabres incoming, estimated arrival 24 hours. Target is the wardstone. Recommend you leave the city or find shelter promptly. Stay safe.

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Aw, crap. 

The safest thing to do, of course, would be to do that and only that--to get out or find someplace to hunker down, and then work on that not being suspicious. But. 

This city is so full of people, and Luzai Seshka is a person with possibly hazardous amounts of compassion. She can't, actually, just not warn anyone. 

But, uh. 

Theoretically the person to warn would be Prelate Hulrun, but she is... not going to do that! Obviously! That would be the exact opposite of staying safe! She has personally witnessed the hangings of men convicted of not reporting their relatives for being demon cultists. There is, actually, no chance worth spitting on that if she tells Hulrun Shappok she has a warning from a secret source that he will both take it seriously and leave her alone about the source. 

She could try to warn Terendelev, but she doesn't know if Terendelev would leave her alone about it either, let alone protect her from Hulrun about it. 

But there is one relatively powerful figure in the city, who might help her just for the chance to piss off Hulrun alone. And if he won't, he at least won't tattle on her to Hulrun about it. 

Luzai owns one dress. It's made of a light fabric, because Geb is in Garund, so it packs down nice and small and she was able to bring it with her when they fled Mechitar. 

It is black linen, billowy and form-fitting, with variable amounts of cleavage depending on how you tie it. 

She prestidigitates all the wrinkles out, ties it to expose a generous but not indecent amount of her chest, and knocks on Count Arendae's door. 

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Count Arendae's manor is not unguarded. They're not the most dangerous military force around, what with how the count is a famously poor boss and equally famous for spending more on his parties than his retinue, but they do exist and are at least theoretically supposed to keep him safe. In practice, this mostly just means keeping the interruptions to his fun at the minimum.

"Who goes there?"

The guards on duty are, in fact, pretty sure they can guess the answer to this one; when a provocatively dressed exotic looking woman arrives for one of the count's parties it doesn't take a genius to put two and two together. But the fact that she's arriving at an unusual time is at least moderately interesting, and getting some gossip beats standing around for hours and not doing that.

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"Hello, I'm an attractive young woman, can I talk to the count?"

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Well, they were hoping for more detail than that, but everyone involved in this conversation knows they aren't going to turn her away. They can just make up a story anyway, nobody they talk to will be able to fact check them.

"Carry on, then."

Inside the building's doors is a foyer that might vaguely be able to pass for normal, but immediately beyond that the premise of this being a dignified location is dashed entirely. The building opens up into an enormous hall, where much of the city's upper class sit at large tables piled with food and wine, while nearby courtesans in every imaginable state of dress walk past - and not just women either. There's a raised platform with several musicians providing accompaniment for the festivities, and the walls are dotted with art from the spectacular to the gaudy.

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The count himself is visible at the far end of the room, his bright golden hair an oddity among the mostly darker colors around him, half paying attention to someone else talking while he swirls around a wineglass and openly stares at one of the servers.

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Whoah, he's pretty. The rumors said that but, like, there's a difference between hearing and seeing. 

She walks right up to him. There's probably a more subtle route but she doesn't see a lot of point in subtle at this point. 

"Hi! Can I talk to you in private? I can pull the front of my dress lower if that changes the answer." 

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Daeran laughs brightly.

"You're new; if I'd seen your beauty before, I certainly wouldn't have forgotten it. Assertive, too." He smirks.  "I can't say I dislike it. Let it never be said that Count Arendae leaves a lady unsatisfied."

He loops one arm around her waist and leads her off to a back room.

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It's her impulse to giggle at the compliment to her looks, and it fits the image of her the rest of the party guests no doubt have, so she lets it happen. 

As soon as the two of them are alone, however, she turns serious. 

"There's going to be a major demon attack in less than twenty-four hours and you were the only person I could be sure wasn't going to sell me out to Prelate Hulrun." 

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That's surprising enough to stop him in his tracks.

"And so you came to me about it?" The count looks absolutely baffled at her choice, though the sudden about face in topic probably isn't helping his composure. "I suppose if I was a cultist I might fear the eagle's watch as much as I currently loathe the prelate, but surely there must be someone more qualified."

He then lets out a sigh,

"I should have known the offer was too good to be true."

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"I'm not a cultist! But--look, I've been in the city for a couple weeks, I don't know anything about the Eagle Watch, all I know is that you hate Prelate Hulrun and he will hang people for not turning in their cultist relatives. My situation is way, way more complicated than a cultist relative, but it is more like a cultist relative than like most other things. I do not want to talk to the man and my information was very limited. If you tell me the Eagle Watch definitely won't turn me over to Hulrun or demand that I explain my complicated situation, then that's great, but if I had asked a random person I met on the street, that person: might have turned me over to Prelate Hulrun. Anyway. You are very very pretty and I am not categorically disinterested but if you are not going to directly help me then I'm going to need a rain check at the very least, because: less than twenty-four hours." 

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Daeran meets her gaze levelly. Now that his eyes are no longer distracted appreciating her body, his gaze is surprisingly intense.

"I suppose at the very least I do have an interest in the town not getting wrecked by demons. What details do you have for me, and why should I believe you?"

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"I received a sending a couple of hours ago--" she closes her eyes and thinks about the exact words, "--Major demonic attack on Kenabres incoming, estimated arrival 24 hours. Target is the wardstone. Recommend you leave the city or find shelter promptly. Stay safe," she quotes. "As for the latter--I'm willing to submit to a truth spell, if you have a scroll or something. Otherwise? I don't have a whole lot of specific ideas. You know my face--I suppose not my name, it's Luzai Seshka--but I could be under an alter self or disguise self, and lying about my name. If you do help, I'm not opposed to staying here under guard until you have confirmation of the attack. I am... very confident in my source. I would expect them to know what they were talking about, and--they wouldn't lie to me. To anyone else, probably, but not me."


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"I have a philosophical opposition to truth spells; frankly it's hard to understand why anyone wouldn't in this city. Holding you prisoner isn't much better. My guards couldn't reliably hold a skilled cultist without beating them unconscious first, and I can't get someone else to do it because you rightly distrust the Iomedaeans and the Desnans don't truck with keeping people prisoner. I suppose that still leaves trying to ruin you if you make a fool out of me as an option, but I try to be less boring than that. Do you have any evidence from your cultist friend that I can use to at least rule out a jest in poor taste?"

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"Mmmmmnot really. We didn't meet in person or anything, it was just a Sending." She could maybe find a book in her bag of holding that would be evidence of something, but...not the demon attack itself. 

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He sighs again.

"Well, I suppose I'll see what I can do. It's not like it's the most foolish thing I've ever done for the sake of a pretty girl."

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She beams at him and throws her arms around his neck. 

"Thank you!!!"

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...Okay, this is a pretty nice consolation prize. If he can manage this without having to listen to Hulrun talk this whole thing might even be worth it.

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She keeps hugging him for a minute, then lets go, slightly reluctantly (hugs are good). 

"Would it help for me to stick around--I am willing to talk to most non-Hulrun persons."

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"I don't think you add much to my credibility unless you're willing to explain more about your source, but some of the people I'll need to talk to should be safe enough for your secrets."

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"I definitely cannot share more details about my source." She drops her hands, smiles at him, then quickly pecks him on the cheek and darts away. There are other things she can do before the attack, to prepare. 

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The count Arendae announces that he has decided to go ride around the city, to see if the preparations for the upcoming festival are sufficient to even make it worth attending. It's an unusual break from his predicted itinerary, but the count is well know to be mercurial in his whims and to change his mind at the drop of the fly; if any of the guests consider it more than an interesting diversion, they don't comment on it.

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Alright. Eagle Watch next. Probably Count Arendae wouldn't have mentioned it if they were going to throw her to the Prelate, so...yeah. 

She makes sure to change out of her dress and back into her practical travel clothes, before seeking out the Eagle Watch headquarters. The sexy exotic dhampir look probably wouldn't help her, there! 

...She's less sure how to...find someone to talk to, once she does make it there. 

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She's got a number of options. Does she want to talk to an Iomedaean paladin, an Iomedaean paladin, or be bold and pick an Iomedaean paladin?

If she waits to observe before heading in, she'll notice a trickle of what seem to be ordinary people heading in and out of their headquarters, one of whom she might recognize from them occasionally paying for her laundering services.

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She ducks briefly out of sight when she sees the person she recognizes. Staying anonymous is likely to be a lost cause, given how distinctive she is, but--she can avoid having to explain anything to anyone extraneous, probably. 

She gathers her nerve and squares her shoulders and approaches a paladin. 

"Prelate Hulrun executes people for not turning in cultist relatives. The Eagle Watch doesn't do that, right?" 

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"Not for that. If they assisted their relatives enough we might still arrest them for those crimes, but it would have to be an extreme case to not be dischargable with hard labor. If you're worried about a friend of yours being caught up in you helping us arrest a cultist they're related to, though, we can take that into account; we don't want to give people reason to look the other way and get more people hurt."

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"My situation is more complicated than that but I got a Sending, a couple of hours ago, from--someone I know--who says there's going to be a major demon attack on the city tomorrow, and I think that they would probably be in a position to know. And I don't think they would lie to me." 

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"Do you have reason to expect you'll be in danger of retaliation due to sharing this information?"

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"No. But I think the person I know would be in danger if I shared anything about who they are, and it got back to the demons, and you wouldn't be able to arrest them regardless, so I'm not saying anything about them." 

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The man nods. "Okay, what can you tell me about the attack? Did they give you any additional details? Even something like a place to avoid could be useful information."

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"'Major demonic attack on Kenabres incoming, estimated arrival 24 hours. Target is the wardstone. Recommend you leave the city or find shelter promptly. Stay safe.' --That's the text of the Sending."


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"I'll have to speak to my superiors about this. Do you object to testifying under Abadar's truth?"

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"No, that's fine." Osirion was obsessed enough with Abadar that she knows that spell doesn't compel you to answer questions you don't want to. 

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A few minutes later, the paladin she spoke to returns alongside a woman with light green skin and bright golden armor. She has a scroll in one hand.

"To confirm what is going on here: you claim that you were warned of an oncoming attack upon the city, are unwilling to divulge the details of your source, and are willing to accept Abadar's determination of your veracity?"

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"I'm willing to divulge the details that they're powerful enough that I would expect them to know what they're talking about, and that telling you about them would not cause you to be able to arrest them. But broadly correct." 

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Then Irabeth can read the scroll, and Luzia briefly has the visage of an archon before the light fades and only a glowing key upon her brow remains. It’s somewhat unfortunate that the Inheritor can’t just give the spell to them directly, but at least the fact that Abadar offers it to his paladins makes it easy to cast.

”To the best of your knowledge, have you lied since you began this conversation?”

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"I have not." It's somewhat unfortunate that wizards don't get that spell; it makes Luzai's enchanter's fingers itch. 

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The key doesn’t flicker. She didn’t expect it to, but it’s good to have confirmation.

”Have you attempted to deceive us or lead us to a meaningfully wrong conclusion?”

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"I guess I can't totally say I haven't, because I said the reason I wouldn't disclose who my source was was because they would be in danger and you couldn't arrest them anyways, and that's a reason, but it's also partly because I don't want people to associate me with them, and I can't just disavow any personal connection on my part. I'm not doing anything demonic but they're my basically-relative-it's-complicated and I do, like, care about them. --That's the only thing, though, I haven't tried to mislead you about anything else."

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That’s somewhat less encouraging. It sounds innocuous enough, but while she doesn’t see how that phrasing would let this be a ploy that doesn’t mean it isn’t. ‘I am only misleading you about this’ is the kind of thing you hear overwhelmingly more often when someone is trying to play games than the baseline. 

“If they warned you falsely, such as to deceive us through you, would you expect to know? Do you expect your source has a motive to warn us falsely, such as to divert our attention from something else?”

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"I wouldn't expect to know if they were doing it, but I also wouldn't expect them to do it," she says slowly. "They know perfectly well what my values and preferences are, and I would be astonished if they used me to accomplish anything horrible."

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“Thank you for your cooperation. Is there anything else you would like to establish while your honesty is being verified?”

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"Uhhhhh I went to Count Arendae with this first because I really did not want to get handed over to Prelate Hulrun about this and hadn't been in the city long enough to be confident the Eagle Watch wouldn't. But it's not hard to hear that the Count hates him." 

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That's one of the more frustrating things about working with the prelate, though someone deciding to go to count Arendae because of it is a new one. In some sense it probably even ought to be cheering that the count's actions meant people are willing to warn them when they otherwise wouldn't, though she has a hard time mustering gratitude to him for it.

"Thank you very much for coming to us with this tipoff, then, especially despite your worries about us."

Now she just needs to figure out how best to increase the defenses of the wardstone and the things it's most plausibly a distraction for without predictably leaving them more vulnerable elsewhere. She can pull some people out of the celebrations, perhaps; they won't be happy about it, but they'd all agree to it to save innocent lives.

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Okay, cool, people warned, now to figure out somewhere to hunker down. She isn't going to flee the city, because remaining potentially accountable for a false tip-off might lend more credence to her warnings, but she's still only first circle, and Mom did tell her to hide. 

Temple of Iomedae seems like a good spot? Reasonably well fortified for as far inside the city as it is, well away from the wardstone, has a basement. She and Villibor can hang out in the festival area right by it until the attack starts, and then take shelter there. 

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The morning of the scheduled attack dawns bright and clear, and the air is filled with the sound of people excitedly preparing for the upcoming celebration. On her bedside table is a reddish black crossbow bolt, which the handwritten note besides it describes as "for emergencies."

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Mmmmmmildly ominous, but, you know, more emergency contingencies are preferable to fewer. 

She stashes it in her quiver, which with her crossbow and dagger she has hidden under her cloak. She's less worried about people wondering why she was prepared for a demon attack than she would be if, you know, the Eagle Watch didn't already know. 

She and Villibor prepare their spells with an eye to the circumstances--neither bothers with Prestidigitation today, which would be very suspicious if anyone were going to be suspicious of their preparations. 

And then they head out to the festival. It's a good festival. Luzai tries to enjoy it over the ominous metaphorical ticking clock. 

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It's a popular pastime! People around her are enjoying the cheap alcohol and festival snacks, and the hired minstrels prove a popular pastime among the children. Over there is a group of people playing darts, while in the other direction someone juggles lit torches. People in Kenabres don't have a lot of occasions to celebrate, and they seem determined to make the most of this one.

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Luzai will have one of the cheap festival drink. Being drunk when the demons show up would be bad. She sort of wishes she could advise other people against being drunk, but that wouldn't even be suspicious, she'd just come off as a killjoy and nobody would listen to her. 

...Actually, if there's an area where Children Specifically are congregating, she'll go over there, so that she can get more children to safety when the time comes. 

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Perhaps it's a good thing she didn't have a watch, because the appointed time comes and passes without incident. Twelve minutes later, however, the festival hubbub turns to screams.

A dozen armed demons arrive in the middle of the festival square, shocking everyone around them. As if just waiting for a cue, a number of the other people in the crowd shed their human disguises or draw their weapons, spreading supernatural terror to everyone around them, and the once clear skies pick up a number of new aerial inhabitants. Over the next moment, a staccato burst of further demons arrive to join their compatriots and cut off escape.

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Are the demons going to interfere if a couple of dhampirs attempt to herd some children into the temple of Iomedae. 

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Most of the really scary ones busy themselves with killing the people trying to fight back, but getting them to completely pass up an easy target like this would be difficult if you were trying for it. The first takers are a trio of schirs, though they seem more interested in going after the stragglers than messing with the ones that already made it onto hallowed ground.

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Luzai has (1) magic missile. If she hits a Schir with it will it assume she is a scarier spellcaster than she is and go away. 

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The missile fizzles out on its skin, negated by the demon's intrinsic resistance to magic.

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What does prove sufficient to divert them is a blast of arctic chill, courtesy of the enormous silver dragon suddenly hovering overhead.

"Leave My City!"

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Hooray! Luzai will just finish ushering these children inside the temple, then. Is there anyone else she can take advantage of the demons being very distracted by getting them to safety?

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There are a few candidates, but most of them would require making her way past people actively fighting; the first person she sees of whom that isn't true is a boy huddling behind an overturned cart.

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Luzai dashes over to the cart as fast as she can sprint, dives behind it where the boy is hiding, and says, "Hey, the temple's right nearby, I can help you get there, c'mon." 

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It takes a second attempt to get through to them enough for them to uncurl and get moving, but one they're up they sprint for the temple as fast as their legs can carry them.

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So the mortals have put up something of a fight? Well, no matter. If you want something done properly you do it yourself.


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One moment, the battle in the festival square looks like it might be winnable for the defenders. The next, there's an enormous crash of shattering stone to the west, the usher of the apocalypse towers above the remaining defenders, and Terendelev's decapitated corpse falls from the sky.

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"Behold Iomedae! Behold the death I sow, and the destruction of your pathetic followers!"

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Ah, fuck. 

Welp, this is an emergency if anything is. She shoos the kiddo into the temple, then hides behind the table again, pulling out her crossbow and wrenching the special bolt into it. She was only going to get one shot, so she had better pick a good moment. 

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She's not the only one trying to shoot him, but unlike the other archers, her bolt strikes true; whatever enchantment went into the projectile allows it to punch straight through the chitin of his chest and out the other side in a spurt of blood. He turns wildly, seeking out the source of the attack.

"A mortal gnat has the temerity to snap its jaws at the lord of the locusts? Die in the darkness, with nobody to mourn you."

The wind shrieks loudly around Riftcarver as it falls to the ground like a meteor, and the earth shatters under the blow. This is particularly bad news for Luzai, as unless she's learned to fly in the last few minutes there's suddenly a long way to fall.

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Ah, crap! 

Well, Deskari is very wrong. If she dies in the darkness, one of the two people who will mourn her most has the potential to cause Deskari a lot of problems. 

This insight passes through her brain in an instantaneous, non-verbal flash, while the rest of her fumbles frantically in the direction of SURVIVE THE FALL. 

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Less than two seconds pass between her losing her footing and hitting the bottom of the crevasse forty feet below, but that doesn't prevent her from hitting the ground hard. The impact drives the air out of her lungs, and while the pain isn't as bad as that of her soul surgery it still hurts a lot. Unless she gets magical healing most of her body is likely to be a bruise tomorrow, and while nothing seems broken her limbs are not exactly happy about the ordeal. Even fighting a housecat might be hard to do solo in her current condition.

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She takes a moment to just lie there, breathing carefully. 

Well. That could have gone worse, certainly. 

On the positive side, there don't seem to be any demons down here! 

After a couple rounds, she makes a face and rolls carefully onto her side, then pushes herself cautiously up to her feet. 

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The ravine is dark, but not enough so to force her to rely on her darkvision; more concerning for her prospects of seeing things coming is that the crevasse twists and turns, leaving the further regions out of easy sight. She wasn't the only thing to fall down, but the only things within sight besides rocks are the shattered remains of the wagon she sheltered behind and a few detached strands of party decorations.

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Hm. Well. 

...You know, the fact that she didn't break anything probably has to do with her lucky gloves. She presses a kiss to one knuckle, holding her other hand over her heart. 

Thank you, Mom. 

On the plus side, her crossbow isn't broken! She picks it up and carefully makes her way down the tunnel, trying to look around all the corners before turning them, even though this slows her down significantly. 

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The first sign of someone else down here comes from her ears, not her eyes; specifically, the clanking sound of steel on steel. It's possible it's coming from a cultist, but almost certainly not a demon; very few of them use the stuff.

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She is going to go slightly faster, but still make a brief check around all the corners first. 

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The sound is coming from a Garundi woman; she carries a longsword, but it currently is sheathed at her side. At the moment, she seems to be bent over a pile of rocks, but whatever it is she's looking at isn't visible through her body.

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"Hello?" Luzai calls tentatively. 

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The woman starts at her voice.

"Hello! It's good to see someone else made it down alive. Do you think you could lend me a hand with this?"

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"Sure." She comes over, hanging her crossbow off her belt so her hands are free. "What's 'this'?"

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"Moving rocks! Anevia got buried in the fall, but some of them are big enough that it's awkward for me to lift them myself - especially since I don't want to end up dropping them on her."

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"--Oh, hi," she says to, apparently, Anevia. "Sorry, I didn't see you before, these tunnels have weird angles."

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"Under the circumstances I think I have more important things to worry about."

The woman tries for a grin, but it comes out as more of a pained grimace.

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Luzai is not very strong but she isn't especially weak, either, and she can be an additional pair of hands to help steady things for the paladin. 

"My name is Luzai Seshka." 

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"Anevia Tirabade. Say, aren't you-" she cuts herself off abruptly. "I appreciate the help."

Anevia gets to her feet with Seelah's help, and gingerly tests her limbs.

"I can walk, I think, but my leg isn't going to appreciate it. Hopefully we can find a way out that doesn't involve climbing."

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"I hope so too, I don't, uh, have any experience rock climbing, or any spells that'd do the trick." Tirabade is the same as the head of the Eagle Watch, probably Anevia knows about the tip-off and the cultist-relative-it's-complicated.

Luzai does not especially feel the need to peer around corners with two other people, both of whom are probably less squishy than her. 

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The good news is, the crevasse starts to straighten and widen as they progress, and the distance they can see ahead is increasing. On the other hand, it's also sloping downwards, which isn't promising for finding a way out. Up ahead a pale glow appears, though wherever it's coming from isn't yet visible.

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Uuuuuuuuugh. She hopes the pale glow is something significantly more promising than the downward slope of the cave. Luzai is not in favor of the downward slope of the cave. 

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The light is coming from a rapier in the hands of a young woman with pointed ears and expensive clothing. Besides her is the heavily perforated corpse of an Abrikandilu; judging by the amount of blood, it must have put up a determined fight.

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"Did you kill that by yourself?"

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"Yes. It wouldn't leave well enough alone, and while I'm not averse to people recognizing my beauty I could stand to have fewer of them be demons trying to kill me for it."

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"Well, if it hadn't been that one for that reason it probably would have been a different one for some other reason." If the reason is a special magic crossbow bolt the demon can even be Deskari! She is not under any plausible circumstances saying that. 

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"That's true enough; there really is an excessive number of them in Kenabres at the moment. I assume from the fact that you're headed this way that the other end doesn't have a convenient demon free way out?"

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"Not unless you can fly." 

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"Not at first circle. Maybe if enough more demons show up it'll be an option, though."

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"We can only hope," she agrees fervently. "Although personally I'd rather the demons show up after I've recovered from the fall; I've got bruises on my bruises."

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"I'm afraid I'm all out of healing for the day. I don't suppose any of you have a better plan than heading further down and hoping we find something?

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"I wish. How to make it out of a cave you got dropped into by a demon lord isn't exactly something I've had a lot of experience with."

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"--And any healing you had probably wouldn't work on me anyway! I'm a dhampir, I heal like undead even though I am most definitely alive. Please do not try a Cure spell on me." 

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"It's true. Well, the second bit I mean, I don't know anything about the first one. She doesn't show up to detect evil and even really weak undead do."

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"Ah, that would make you a paladin. What a motley crew we have here; I suppose there's nothing for it though."

Camellia holds her rapier aloft in front of her to see where she's going and sets off downward.

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"I'm not surprised you're unfamiliar with dhampirs; we're pretty rare even in Geb," Luzai mentions to Seelah on their way down. 

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The paladin blushes lightly, though between the tone of her skin and the dark it's somewhat hard to see.

"I'm actually from Geb, originally, but my parents fled with me when I was pretty young. Even if people like you were common I'm not sure I would have known it."

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"--Huh! Good for them. My father was a vampire with an experimental bent, I'm sure Mama would have gotten us out if she could."

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Seelah shudders.

"Oh no. I'm glad you're out now, but that doesn't make it okay that it happened."

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"Yeah. We were fairly lucky, as these things go--our experiment turned out pretty well, for us. Some of the others were less fortunate. --But enough about the horrors of the undead, we'd better focus on the horrors of the Abyss right now."

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As they approach the end of the crevasse, the options for upwards movement don't prove any more promising, but Luzai is the first to spot an unusually large centipede ahead of them. It seems to have come out of a nearby cranny in the wall, and while reading the posture of insects is not the easiest task it's a pretty safe guess that it's also noticed their bright light.

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"Bug," Luzai says, pointing in the relevant direction. How does the bug feel about Ray of Frost. 

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It does not like it! It scurries back into the crack in search of warmer food.


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Great. --Unironically great, even if nobody else saw it and thought she blasted something an inch long, which would be sort of embarrassing. 

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"Great, we're far enough underground that even the bugs have found a way to get more disgusting."

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"That sounded like a giant centipedes. You see them sometimes in the sewers, so unless there are multiple populations that implies that there's a way to get there through this cave. There might be some kind of opening we can't squeeze through, though."

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Even if they can squeeze through that implies getting out through the sewers. --No, focus, Luzai, getting back to the surface is much more important than the question of how much of a workout you'll have to give your Prestidigitation cantrip tomorrow. And how much stink you'll have to put up with in the meanwhile. 


"That crack didn't look big enough to fit through," Luzai agrees, moving closer to examine it more closely. 

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They'd have to crawl a bit, but it does look to widen out a few feet on. Seelah getting through might prove a bit more of a challenge; while her armor would probably help protect her from any scrapes she didn't avoid, she's also notably broader at the shoulders than any of the other women there.

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"--I could probably fit through this; Seelah probably couldn't, and there'd definitely be no room to turn around, or do much to defend myself if I met a giant centipede in there."

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"Do you have acid splash? I think we could get her through if we just removed a few of the bits sticking out - there and there, mainly - and I could do it with a with a blunt object but that would probably be a lot faster."

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"Yeah." It's! A good thing! She prepped for combat this morning!!! She will carefully acid splash the places Anevia pointed out, peering inside again to look for more such sticky-outy places to corrode. 

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There are a handful more candidate rocks she can see, and one of the main ones takes a couple of castings to fully corrode, but all told it only takes her a few minutes to widen it enough that for Seelah to slip through and for her to have a significantly easier time of it.

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"I think it's good, if we want to try it--though I should probably go first, in case it gets narrower or there are more poky bits, and I need to melt stuff."

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"Do you want me to transfer you the light, then?"

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"Yes, please." 

And once the light orison has been cast on Luzai instead, she carefully bends down and crawls into the narrow, stony space. 

Luzai has never been claustrophobic before but she's considering giving it a shot now!

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If it's just the kind of claustrophobia that triggers in very tight spaces, she won't have to push through it for very long. As predicted, the cave does widen again; first enough for her to get on her hands and knees, then enough for her to stand if she's careful about her head. The centipede is nowhere to be found; perhaps it made the connection that the frost and the light were related, or perhaps it just went elsewhere in search of more promising food sources.

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Oh good. Looks like developing new and exciting fears will have to wait another day. She isn't so desperate to stand up that she does it the very second it's viable, but it isn't too long after that. It's a lot easier to turn and check on everyone else while on her feet than while crawling, anyway. 

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Camellia makes her way shortly after, followed by Anevia and eventually Seelah.

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"That's promising. Now we just have to hope it stays this size all the way there. Seelah and I scraped a short message onto the rocks outside, so on the outside chance someone comes to investigate soon they'll know which way we went."

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"Oh, that's sensible. Checking to see if anyone fell in the big hole and then survived is an obvious thing to do, but," sigh, "only if they have the slack. Which I wouldn't bet on. But if they do it wouldn't do to thwart them." 

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"Yeah. I'm sure Beth will do her best but it was a nightmare even before Deskari showed up. I've never heard of a demon lord showing up at the wound in person before; Khorramzadeh was bad enough, but Deskari is something else entirely."

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She had wondered, for a moment, on the surface, if Deskari had found out about her and that was why he showed up in person. But what he had said when the earth opened up put paid to that idea--nobody to mourn her indeed. 

She winces a little, thinking of what had happened on the surface. 

"At least Terendelev survived Khorramzadeh." 

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That finishes killing the mood for the next bit, so the four of them end up walking-and-limping in silence. There are a few branches of indeterminate length sized for creatures smaller than them, but the main passage mostly just requires them to duck in places until it meets up with an underground river. From the looks of things the water once flowed down the tunnel they're walking, but it wore through enough of the rock to carve a new trail; they could follow it upstream or down, but either way they're going to get wet.

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That is so emphatically the least of their problems, at least as long as nobody slips and falls and hurts themselves. Everyone has taken enough fall damage. 

Luzai keeps a sharp eye and ear out as they go for anything else skittering. Or scurrying; if there are rats down here, that would be better than giant centipedes; rats have blood, and she could use the pick-me-up. 

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There are tiny eyeless fish in the water below, but they find the party's splashing alarming and flee for cover at their approach. Most of the bugs are of a more ordinary size, but a disturbing amount of cobwebs start showing up on the ceiling and walls; the warning provided proves prophetic in the face of a spider the size of a dinner plate dropping on Seelah's head.

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Yikes!!! Luzai is not going to throw frost or acid at it until and unless it is off Seelah's face. If Seelah seems to have any trouble accomplishing this end herself Luzai can jump in and try to wrench the spider off. 

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Fortunately, Seelah is very strong, and also wearing gauntlets of steel that the spider proves totally incapable of biting through when she grabs it to pull it off. It struggles a bit, but once she bashes it against the wall a few times it learns the error of its ways.

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"That wasn't nearly big enough to eat the centipede we saw earlier. I hope everyone is looking forward to meeting whatever that looks like when it grows up."

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"You're a terribly cheering presence, aren't you." 

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Camellia smirks.

"I do try."

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"Can you make water, or will we be drinking from the stream if we don't find a way out soon; I've been meaning to ask."

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"Yes. I can also prepare purify food if we don't have better options by tomorrow, but I can't say I'm looking forward to it."

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"The spiders might be edible without being purified but I'd rather not bet on that."

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Camellia spots the next spider with enough lead time for Seelah to just stab it, at which point the riverbed widens into an underground pool. Her magic is no longer the only light source - a few of rocks by the water are covered in a softly phosphorescing moss, and past them is some actually dry land. A bat flutters off from the ceiling at their approach; tracking its path reveals two other passageways besides the river walk. One of them is wide enough for two people to walk abreast, but is positively bursting with spider webs, while the other is short enough that they'd need to stoop.

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"I vote for bad posture over death by spiders." 

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Camellia takes the opportunity to wring some of the water out of her socks.

"I agree. Cobwebs are a bad mix for my rapier's ability to stab things."

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"I don't have a problem with that, but I think I'd need one of you to walk first then. I can't do much fighting this hunched over."

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"I'd cheerfully clear out the cobwebs except for the part where I don't want to piss off the spiders even worse while there are that many of them around. They make good bandages. I'll take point." She has the acid, after all. 

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Then she can have the dubious honor of being the first to notice the smell of shit. Along the ground are a number of black and brown droppings, none of them large enough to suggest a particularly sizable source, but not smelling particularly better for it. Fortunately, none of them are wet enough to really stick to their feet coverings.

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Ewww. On the other hand: maybe rats??? If they have to trek through droppings and she doesn't get to drink anything's blood about it she'll be even more annoyed than she is right now. 

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Rats indeed! The droppings get thicker on the ground until they find themselves in a moderately sized room with dozens of holes leading into darkness, from many of which beady yellow eyes can be seen. The creatures seem to be weighing their odds.

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THAT IS MORE RATS THAN SHE HAD HOPED TO FACE AT ONCE and also the odds that she can pry any of them out of those holes without getting bitten are, like, small. Be careful what you wish for, she guesses!!!

"Has anyone here had to deal with rats before so as to know if flinging some acid around would scare 'em off or provoke them?" She's going to guess that Camellia is a no. 

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"The ones I'm used to would take that as a challenge, but I think they were deeply unusual in other ways."

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"I could entangle them all in vines, but that would use up my last spell for the day and it would catch us too."

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"I figure we'd be better off scaring them with a loud noise, really. Acid only hits the one of them, the others might get ideas, but if I go first maybe I can frighten them off.

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"Fair enough. It's worth a shot." She can be ready to throw acid at any of them that take a loud noise as a challenge, in case it backfires. 

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Seelah banging her sword against her armor makes an terrible racket in the confined space of the cavern; it's not pleasant for any of them either, but the rats start fleeing immediately. Once they cross the chamber, the rat dropping start thinning again, but anyone or anything else nearby is doubtless aware of their presence.

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"If we have to rest here tonight, I am definitely, absolutely preparing Prestidigitation tomorrow," Luzai promises Camellia in a low voice, scraping her boots against the stone floor to get off as much rat dung as possible. 

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"I appreciate it. I was not looking forward to trying to get clean with just water in the slightest."

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Past the rats there's a short ledge they need to climb up, which Anevia looks at with apprehension.

"Do you think one of you could give me a hand here? Seelah can lift me, but that still leaves me a bit short of the ledge and it would be hard to scrabble over without injuring my foot more."

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"I'm not very strong, but I'm willing to give it a shot."

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Then Seelah can help her up the ledge first, and once she's climbed over, lift Anevia enough that Luzai can assist her over the lip without further injuring her leg. Fortunately, despite her heavy armor Seelah is still more than capable of climbing the ledge herself instead of needing to take it off first.

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And nobody gets hurt during the process, which is very good since they don't have any healing, and extra special good in Luzai's case for the obvious reason. She has to admit, traveling in parts of the world that suck less than Geb has given her a new perspective on how much it must have sucked to be a normal quick person there. 

She sort of regrets not catching a rat but oh well, her bruises are not going to kill her. 

"If you need to take your armor off for something like this at a future point, I have some rope on me."

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“Thanks. I underestimated how much adventuring I would be doing today when I got up this morning.”

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Wryly: "I certainly underestimated how much clambering around in tunnels I was going to be doing. But, you know. Rope is light, and useful for a number of things that aren't adventuring. And I'm not a strong enough wizard yet that I'm ready to fall down on non-magical ways to be useful." 

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"Preach it. I'm sure you'll get there someday, but in the meantime we've all got to do our parts."

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The first truly truly encouraging sign they encounter is nearly as baffling as it is heartening - remnants of fire. A ring of small rocks form a circle with an alcove in the wall, and inside their perimeter the ground is charred black. Lines of soot climb the grey stone walls and darken the ceiling above. Some person was here long before today's attack, and stayed long enough to set multiple fires. Who they were or where they went remains unclear, but it's now nearly certain that there's another way out of the caves.

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Luzai stares blankly at the remnants of campfire for a moment, as though if she looked at them longer they would explain to her why anyone had been making campfires down here. 

"--Well. We're probably on the right track." 

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The tunnel slowly widens and the ground slopes gradually upward as they travel, culminating in their arrival at another chamber. A low stone wall, now long collapsed, attempts to bar the entrances to the room; beyond it are a handful of huts that look to be at least partly made of chitin. One of the buildings near the center is in significantly better repair than the others.

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"--There are people living underground here? Did anybody know about this?" Luzai hisses under her breath. 

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"There are stories, but I've always thought they were only that. The details change with every telling; mole people, lizard people, tieflings, whatever strikes the teller's fancy, living underground ever since the days of the first crusade. Some of the more lurid tales claim they regularly go the surface to abduct women and children, but that one at least I know is false."

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"Wow. Okay." 

She peers out, seeing what can be seen of the village before they approach. Because they're definitely going to have to approach, and it would be good to get whatever bits of context they can first. Specifically do the people seem particularly agitated such that they might be inclined to shoot first and ask questions later. 

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Calling it a village would be a bit of an exaggeration; even were it full, the place in front of them couldn't have had more than a twenty people. The only person visible is a middle aged dwarf with incredibly unkempt hair and beard who watches their arrival warily.

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"...Hi," Luzai says awkwardly. "We're lost." 

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"Lost, are you? That's a likely story. It's not often people from the surface travel down here to get lost in the first place, but you just happened to find your way to my cave?"

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"Well, you see, Deskari attacked the city up above, and carved a chasm into the earth, and we fell down it. Now we're trying to find our way back to the surface." 

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"I wasn't born yesterday - everyone knows the demon lords don't show up in person. No, I know your type, and don't think I don't see that magic light of yours. You're a wizard, aren't you? Let me guess, a few of your experiments ended up more public than you'd hoped and now you're down here until the heat dies down."

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"No--I mean, yes, I am a wizard, but the light is hers, actually," she gestures to Camellia, "and I can't cast anything higher than first circle anyway. Whoever heard of a first-circle wizard managing anything dumb enough to be run out of town for?"

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"That's because he's doing some projection."

At some point during the conversation, Anevia drew her bow. Now she stands with an arrow knocked, aimed at the dwarf.

"I knew I recognized your face from somewhere, Millorn. I don't want to see any sudden movements from you."

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"Ah. That does explain a lot. Uh, just curious, what'd he do?" 

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"Nothing! Nothing any other self respecting wizard wouldn't do, if they had the chance - they weren't anyone important."

As the dwarf speaks, his hands suddenly lurch into motion, and a cone of vivid color emerges from his hand and engulfs them. Anevia's arrow slams into him before he finishes casting, but the pain isn't enough to disrupt his focus.

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Oh yeah that puts her right out. 


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Seelah joins her a moment later in a loud clatter of metal on stone.

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Camellia, on the other hand, has no such difficulties. Her rapier flashes out as she chants in Old Hallit, piercing straight though his ribcage.

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And Anevia finishes him off with another arrow.

When Luzai awakens said woman looks down at her apologetically.

"I'm sorry about that, this is my fault. I should have shot him the moment I realized who he was instead of giving him a chance to cast; I underestimated how desperate he'd be."

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Luzai glances around. 

"Well, it'd be presumptuous of me to speak on behalf of Seelah, and I realize things could've gone worse, but I'm alright with being knocked out for a little while to give someone a chance to be a better person than they used to be." 

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"I'll keep that in mind for any more color sprays, but if that had been a burning arc instead I could have gotten you killed; we're not exactly swimming in negative energy here."

She shakers her head.

"Sorry, I do think that's admirable of you, I'm just kicking myself for the risk. Do you think you need a look at his spellbook? Normally I'd want to put the works of anyone doing human experimentation to flame, but under the circumstances I don't think I have room to forbid something that might help all of us get back to Kenabres alive."

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"--How about, I flip through it to see what I can identify, i rip out any pages containing spells that shouldn't ought to exist, and hang onto the rest." 

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"I don't know nearly enough to check, so I'll have to trust you on that."

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Millorn's research-and-spells book is a real piece of work, and a number of the pages are dedicated to figuring out ways to extract vitality from human sacrifice. The returns he got weren't great, but throughout the writing he seems convinced a big breakthrough was just around the corner. In between the grisly details, though, there are a number of useful spells recorded.

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Luzai makes a face at the grisly stuff, and uses her dagger to carefully cut them out of the book, then drops them on the ground, grinding them under her heel. 

"I can make a list of everything that's still in here," she offers. "You could have someone check it against the contents of the book later."

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"There'd be nothing stopping you from cutting more pages out later, so it doesn't seem worth extra effort on your part. I might ask you to take Abadar's truth later, but if you were motivated by this kind of thing you probably wouldn't have left Geb."

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"Yeah, his research was really gross but it was also, uh, really amateur compared to some of the horrible things I've seen in my father's library." 

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There's a brief flash of interest on Camellia's face, but it disappears as soon as it arrives.

"I suppose that's not exactly idle conversation anyway. Do you see anything in his spellbook useful for getting out of here?"

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"Detect secret doors might be helpful. Failing that, I go back and pick a fight with those rats and hope I can cast Levitate afterwards."

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"In an ideal world heading back there will be thoroughly unnecessary, but it's good to know we have another option now."

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The signs of people don't vanish once they pass the village. On the contrary, they become more apparent; the following cave passage is lined by human figures carved into the stone. Each carving shows a different person, but almost all of their faces are etched in permanent sorrow. Significantly more effort was put into capturing their likenesses than into the detailing on their armor and weapons, but it's still readily noticeable that these are meant to represent crusaders.

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"Since the first crusade, you said?' she asks Anevia. 

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"That's the story, at least."

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It would be nice if Luzai could copy down the faces somehow, but that seems not to be on the table. They continue on. 

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The statues and the passageway they line continue for a while but eventually it ends in another chamber. This one is noticeably covered in rubble, and has a several structures - a shrine among them - made of stone visible from the entrance way. Up ahead, there's the sound of raised voices in accented but understandable Hallit.

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"-this whole thing is just a waste of time. You're not going to find it just by randomly digging, and it still wouldn't do any good if you did."

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"I'll tie it to my wrist if I have to. If you have a better suggestion, I'm all ears!"

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“How about not trying to throw away the lives of you and every other fool you can get to follow you chasing children’s stories!”

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...Can they get a look at who these arguing people are? Hopefully not more disgraced wizard dwarves. 

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They're both notably taller than that; one of them could pass for human, if it wasn't for the horn and the green scales covering half their face, while the other is wrapped in a dark cloak. 

Evidently something about her approach for a closer look wasn't sufficiently stealth, though, because the hooded figure abruptly turns to look at them. From the front, her differences are even more obvious; her skin is dark blue, and her eyes are yellow and slitted like a cat's. A number of thin dark lines frame her face, and in the dim light they're almost possible to mistake for stiff hairs.

"Someone's here!"

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"--Hi! We're lost!" 


"And not dwarves with delusions of extremely horrible magical grandeur. Did you meet that guy? We met that guy." 

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"What?" Half-lizard guy just seems kind of baffled. "We haven't met any surfacers besides you, down here, dwarves or no." 

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"Besides, this is an long way to be lost."

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Do dwarves count as surfacers...? Well, they aren't whatever these people are. "Deskari attacked the city and we fell in a chasm he made with his giant scythe." 

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"Deskari? In person?" 

He sounds pretty incredulous, if not quite as much so as Millorn was. 

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"Judging by the fact that you're all still down here, I'm guessing it's much less good as a way to get back out."

Her eyes scan over the group warily, but it would be particularly foolish to start something with this many people when she's not sure which side Lann would pick.

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"Well, if you can climb walls with--are those spider legs? If those are spider legs and you can climb walls with them then it'd work fine as a way out. Or if you can fly somehow. Otherwise no." 

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"What were you two arguing about? it sounded pretty heated, but I think I was missing too much of the context to really understand."

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"There's supposed to be an angel sword in here somewhere. Some kids went and got lost in the Shield Maze, and Sull is dragging his feet about it, as usual. If we can find the sword, we might be able to convince everyone to go look for the kids together." 

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"Can't you just go looking for the kids yourself? That seems...possibly? Easier than finding the sword? If you were arguing over whether finding the sword was even possible?" 

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He shakes his head. "The Shield Maze is really dangerous." 

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"What mister hero over here is leaving out is that the reason the chief has been dragging his feet is that Lann's plan is an elaborate form of suicide. The shield maze is dangerous enough for skilled hunters; if we tried to make up for talent with numbers, we'd be measuring our progress in corpses."

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"What's dangerous about it specifically? That might matter for whether strength in numbers is likely to be helpful or not." 

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"It's a nightmare to find your way through, full of false twists and turns, and there are all kinds of traps. There are more prime ambush locations than you can count, and it's easy to exhaust yourself jumping at shadows or miss the signs of a genuine attack. It attacks your mind; people without a strong enough will to overcome it end up too paranoid to tell friend from foe or even turn on their comrades. Getting a small group of experts through safely to the surface might be possible, but babysitting amateurs while trying to search the whole place is madness."

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"Huh. Is this, like, a magical effect, or more like tricky architecture? If it's a magical effect, well, those won't work on everyone--if it's a trick, then bringing a lot of torches might help, places are less spooky when they're well-lit--I feel like something could probably be worked out, given an expert and time to plan." 

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"See? Not that it matters, if we can't find the sword. It'll take an actual miracle to get Sull to do anything before it's too late." 

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"What kind of a sword are you looking for? I mean, I have a sword, but presumably there's something special about this one?"

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"Our legends say that an angel died down here, protecting us, and left his sword behind. Most people can't even pick it up. It was sticking out of a rock somewhere..."

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"If the shield maze is so dangerous, is there a reason the kids were going near it? Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but you seem to be able to make stone walls, so couldn't you have just blocked it off?"

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"The shield maze leads to the surface. There are other ways out, but they're a long way off, and a lot of neathers think it's their duty to be ready to head back up in some big crisis where they're needed."

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"Maybe we could help you two look for the sword then? We've been wandering aimlessly until now, but if you know how to get back up that seems a lot more promising than continuing to try our luck."

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"Thanks. We'd appreciate it." 

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It doesn't super sound like Wenduag would appreciate it, but, uh, that's so not Luzai's business. 

Luzai adds Detect Magic to the number of cantrips it would sure have been helpful if she had prepared today. 

She ends up rummaging through multiple piles of rock before her hand feels something that feels like the hilt of a sword--

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One moment, she is Luzai Seshka, dhampir enchantress. The next, she is the angel Lariel, and she is mortally wounded. 

Scattered around her are those she once called allies, and whose betrayal resulted in the gaping hole in her chest from which her lifeblood flows. Ahead of her in the darkness, Lariel can feel the approach of a deadly foe, and by her side only remains only one young woman who refused to turn her back on heaven. What should she do? Dying alone in the dark, none of her choices matter - even if Lariel were to strike down those who betrayed her, she would not be able to defeat their master, and even were she to heal the one who stood by her side it would not suffice to keep her safe. Or perhaps it's just the opposite - what she does, alone on death's door, is where her choices matter the most.

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If striking down the traitors won't even suffice to defeat them, then they shouldn't be struck down! Those specific people can have the opportunity to change their ways and escape the abyss. Heal the girl; it may not suffice to keep her safe, but it will give her a chance. Sometimes a chance is all you need; sometimes a chance is all you can offer. 

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A spark of heaven's power flows through her into the young woman by her side, and the girl's wounds heal before her eyes. Rather than burn her, manipulating the energy feels completely natural, like she's doing something right.

"Lariel." The girl's voice is a hoarse whisper, but somehow still clearly understandable. "You said that everything was going to change soon? That all the angels had been recalled for a mission to stop the source of the demons? If that's true... then you shouldn't have stayed to help us, and you definitely shouldn't have saved me. We're not that important."

Luzai feels herself shaking her, no, Lariel's head. "No. To help someone in need is never a bad thing, and your soul is no less worthy of salvation than anyone else's. Even if I die, another angel will take my place; heaven will not abandon this world." With the power spent, the lethargy spreading from her injury is gets stronger by the moment, but when Lariel calls upon their power once more the dying embers still answer their call.

"Go. Escape this place, if you can, and know that when your time in this world is done I would have been honored to count you as a comrade."

Then Lariel holds their sword aloft, pushing back the darkness a step, and speaks with a strength Luzai knows they do not feel.

"Deskari! Show yourself!"

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The only sound that answers her is the rasping of chitin and the buzzing of locusts. The same terrible creature that consigned Luzai to this place reveals itself, and the traitors all around collapse to their knees. They walk forward unhurriedly, but when they close enough, their scythe blade moves almost too fast to track-

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And Luzai is once more in her own body. From her back sprout two wings of golden light, and she feels the angel's power bolstering her and everyone around her. The spot on her chest where the angel was wounded hurts, her skin weeping tears of blood, but it's nothing compared to the feeling of her soul surgery.

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Tears run down her cheeks in counterpoint to the rivulet of black blood on her chest. 

"Lariel..." she whispers. 

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"Lariel? The angel from the legend?" 

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She nods quietly, not trusting her voice. 


After a minute she gets ahold of herself. "I--remembered, being Lariel. In his last moments. Deskari killed him personally--he was betrayed--" she starts to choke up and shakes her head, trying to clear it. 

She wants, so badly, to have already stolen all of Geb's secrets; wants to gently, caringly, piece Lariel back together, to tell him everything will be alright--

She can't do that. Not right now. Maybe once she studies Mom's notes enough she can replicate her own soul-surgery, on a consenting volunteer. 

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Oh no. Seelah kind of wants to hug her but she just met Luzai and is also wearing heavy metal armor. She can, uh, pat Luzai on the shoulder consolingly.


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"Are the glowing wings a one time thing? Because if not, that could be a pretty good trick in and of itself."

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"I...don't know." She attempts to Do Thing at the sword, while also leaning unconsciously into Seelah's shoulder-patting. 

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The sword responds to her and glows comfortingly, but it's not as powerful as that first burst and the wings don't make a reappearance.

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"If they aren't a one-time thing I don't know how to make them happen again," she concludes. 

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"If you can do that at will, you can definitely convince everyone to come. Will you show our Chief that?" 

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"--Not saying no, but, do we actually know I'm the only one who can do it? Like, I don't, actually, know how to use a sword."

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"I could try it? But if it's as picky as Lann said I'm not sure if I should expect it too, I'm not a strong enough paladin to have a magic sword of my own."

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"Well, I'm not a paladin at all. is it supposed to hurt anything, to try and fail?" she asks Lann and Wenduag. 

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"It's supposed to burn anyone who touches it...but that might just be us mongrels. Surfacers might be different." 

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Seelah will pick it up then, somewhat gingerly. It doesn't burn her, but it doesn't light up either, even when she clasps her hands in prayer.

"No such luck. Anyone else want a go?"

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"I think I'll pass. Longswords aren't really my style."

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Luzai scoops it up. 

She almost says I wonder why me, but catches her tongue at the last moment; she's pretty sure she knows exactly why her. Nobody else here has a teaspoon of legendariness already. 

"Well, if this Shield Maze is the way to the surface, I'd say we aren't done adventuring yet." 

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“I’ll admit I thought I’d left my dungeon crawling days behind me, but between this and the caves it seems I was overly optimistic. If it’s as bad as they say, I think we might need to find some time to rest before trying it - I would feel a lot better about going for it if you and Camellia weren’t already injured and had all your spells.”

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"Right. Wenduag, do you think you could be more specific about how the Maze is hazardous? It seems relevant to picking my spells for tomorrow." 

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"It doesn't have any patterns as obvious as that. You should be prepared for venom, but that goes for everywhere down here, and avoid getting lost."

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"Okay...does anyone have, like, a stick of charcoal, that we could use to mark the walls as we go? Marking your path is supposed to help you not get lost, there are fairy tales about it." 

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"I could just prepare arcane mark tomorrow, if that's our concern."

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"I'd rather save the spell slot if possible but if it's not possible then, yeah, one of us should do that." 

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"I don't have any charcoal on me, but if we end up needing it I can make some from one of my more damaged arrows."

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"Arrows also being a limited resource it's probably better to just use a cantrip at that point."

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"There's no way Chief Sull won't listen to us if he sees this! Listen, if you help us find our kids, we'll make sure you make it back to the surface alright." 

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...Luzai wants to agree immediately, but she glances at the rest of the group instead. 

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"Personally, I think spider girl has a point. If the maze is that dangerous, the kids are probably already dead by now, and Kenabres is in crisis. We should just make for the surface instead of wasting time babysitting a search and rescue."

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"They asked for our help! We shouldn't just give up because it's not convenient."

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Anevia looks deeply torn, but doesn't speak up.

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"Do we have any other guaranteed routes to the surface? Like, one, I would like to rescue the kids, but also, two, I do not want to wander through miles and miles more of claustrophobia-inducing tunnels hoping that they eventually let out onto the surface. And I do want to learn to cast second level spells and doing dangerous shit is a faster way of doing that than sitting in my room at the inn reading theory books." 

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"I bet we could get the girl to tell us how to get there if it meant not going along with his plan. Still, hitting second circle is a fairly persuasive argument - I wouldn't mind picking up some stronger magic myself. Do you think our odds are better in the maze than in Kenabres?"

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"Well, I don't know for sure, not having been in Kenabres for several hours and never having been in the maze, but if we're going in the maze anyway then I definitely want to try to rescue the kids!"

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"Fair enough. Count me in, though I reserve the right to change my vote if it turns out the maze is even worse than expected."

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"That's fair." 

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Then Lann will cheerfully lead them towards the village! There are some rocks to clamber over on the way but it's fine, they're way less difficult to deal with than that one cliff. 

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With the addition of two skilled archers who know the terrain, the occasional scuffle with oversized bugs is equally trivial - in some of them, Luzai doens't even have time to use a cantrip before it's over. After one somewhat longer such fight against some giant spiders, though, Wenduag hangs back from collecting her arrows like Lann to speak with Luzai.

"You're making a mistake."

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"It's been said. Which one are you talking about?"

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"Showing off the sword. It's bad enough that you're encouraging Lann, but at least he can take care of himself. If you convince Sull to head for the surface, though, you'll be getting a lot of people killed just for not knowing any better. Can't you see that just having a glowing sword doesn't mean you don't have to face reality?"

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"Well, that much is certainly true." If there's anything that means she even a tiny bit doesn't have to face reality, it isn't the sword. "But--I mean, safety in numbers is a thing? That's...why armies? I mean, there are places where generals use scouts instead of armies, that's true, but..." She purses her lips. "So the thing I'm imagining, right, isn't the whole group charging through the maze at full speed; it's, like, having a main group, and then scouts, and the main group advances slowly into areas the scouts have cleared, and then the scouts can retreat into the protection of the main group if they run into any kind of creature they can't handle that a bunch of people with spears would have a better chance with? And I don't know if that's something you've thought of and there's a reason it wouldn't work, or if it's something you haven't thought of." 

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"That might help, against the bugs or cave lizards, but there are things there that even I avoid rather than fight - like moving rocks that will laugh off whatever weapons you throw at them. With a large group stealth becomes impossible, and running away is limited to the slowest person. Not to mention that bringing more people just means more targets for whatever drives them insane. There's a good reason why chief Sull hasn't agreed to Lann's harebrained scheme, and won't unless you go filling everyone's head with old stories. Do you think I'm saying this on a whim? I didn't use to be the only person who had braved the shield maze, but everyone else is dead or worse."

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"Why does he disagree with you, then?"

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"He's never been! He was too responsible for that, spent all his free time hunting and practicing his skills. He doesn't take the danger seriously and thinks if he just tries hard enough, everything will work out fine. If it were just him, I'd try to help him, but it's not just his life he'd be throwing away."

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She mulls this over. 

"What if we propose a plan where the small, sensible strike team goes in first, and everyone else waits, like, just outside the Shield Maze, and if the strike team, after having spent some time working through the maze, thinks it's a good idea for everyone else to come in, then we go and get them? If the problem is that he hasn't been." 

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"That wouldn't be as bad if it worked, but what I'm still worried about is that if you gather all the tribes' fighters in one place, get them armed and ready, show them a weapon out of their childhood stories and tell them it's their duty to go be heroes... if you tell them it's a bad idea after all and they should all go home, do you think they'll just do that? I don't think they'd even wait for you to report back - someone hotheaded would go, and then everyone else would feel a need to prove they were a real underground crusader and not cowards. And that's if the mental influence stops at the edge of the maze, instead of being able to start effecting weak willed people sooner."

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If there really is a mental effect on the maze, which Luzai is not one hundred percent convinced of, then she wants to dismantle it in order to learn its secrets. 

Now is soooooo not the time for that, and while she isn't under the impression that knowing about the dangerously-more-cunning-than-wise problem makes her immune to it, she has built habits of noticing when the things she wants to do are a bad idea, using some of the mental infrastructure built up by growing up in Geb and noticing that all the necromancy is a bad idea. 

"What if...we go in before they have a chance to assemble, right after telling your Chief, and then ideally we're done before anyone has a chance to...no, nevermind," she waves a hand, "you don't need to tell me why that one won't work, anything that has the word 'ideally' in a load-bearing place is a bad plan. D'you think maybe we could convince him to try the maze first, and then talk to Chief Sull afterwards? If the point of disagreement is an empirical claim about what the inside of the maze is actually like, then testing that claim ought to resolve the disagreement?" 

She is not especially certain of this, and not even a little bit trying to sound authoritative. In theory, it ought to work, but lots of things ought to work in theory and, uh, don't. 

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"If you could convince him of that, it would be better, but I didn't get anywhere even before the angel's sword turned up and started glowing."

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"Well, maybe my holding the holy sword will give me credibility with him. We'll see." 

She drifts over through the group towards Lann. 


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Lann sighs. "You've been talking with Wenduag." 

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"Yeah, I have, and I thought of a compromise option that miiiiight work. So, Wenduag says that the reason you and she disagree about whether it's a good idea to bring everyone into the Shield Maze is because she's been in there and you haven't. So--this was actually not my first idea, when I floated my first couple of ideas to her she was not especially impressed--but the thought that I had that might work, is we go a little ways into the Shield Maze first, ourselves, before talking to Chief Sull, and if you go 'oh, wow, Wenduag, you were right, nobody else should be in here,' then we continue, and if you don't, we go back and talk to your guy and get everyone else." 

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Lann makes a face. "I don't love how much time that would add on, if we went into the maze and then doubled back to talk to the Chief. Especially since it's going to take some time to gather the tribes; your friend was talking about preparing a spell before we enter the maze, and you'll probably have to spend the night before doing that; I'd really rather be able to talk to the Chief before then, so all the things that are going to take hours are happening at the same time." 

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"Mm. I do see your point. But if speed is an important factor--and I do see how it is--I mean, a big group of people is going to be pretty slow anyways. Like, the way Wenduag talks about the place, it doesn't sound like a lot of people just charging in would be a good idea--a big group would have to move a lot more slowly, letting scouts go ahead to find and disarm traps and so on, to be more of an asset than a liability." 

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Lann scowls. "Wenduag is underestimating the tribes. We're not like surfacers, with jobs doing things like carpentry or farming. Most of the adults in the tribe are experienced hunters, even if she and I are better than most." 

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"The thing that bothers me, is if Wenduag is right and you're wrong, and we do things your way, a lot of people get killed. If you're right and Wenduag is wrong, and we do things her way, then...I think we're not worse off, than if we'd done that because Wenduag had been right?" 

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"I see what you mean. But those kids...if we're not enough to go rescue them, by ourselves, they still need to be rescued." 

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She nods, thoughtfully. 

"Hey, Wenduag? Could you come over here, there's no point in me shuttling back and forth to talk to each of you separately. If we go with your plan, just the small group, how long d'you think it'd take us to get through the maze, assuming we don't just die."  

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"I've never gotten all the way through to the surface, much less explored the entire thing. But if we started at the entrance and went as far as I've gotten... unless you turn out to slow me down, it should be less than a gong and a half. Maybe even less than one, if we can safely pick enough fights I would usually avoid."

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"Less than a day, in surfacer terms. We don't really have the sun down here, so we keep time by striking a gong twice a day. Plus whenever a kid decides to sneak in and hit it." 

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"Okay, cool. Would it be possible to convince your Chief to try to assemble people, and come in after us, if and only if nobody came back after a couple of days?

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Snort. "If there's one thing Chief Sull doesn't need convincing to do, it's wait." 

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After that, it's not long until they arrive at Neatholm. It's not a very impressive settlement even by the standards of someone from Kenabres, much less Mechitar, but it does have the notable advantages of not being filled by demons or undead slaves at the moment. The village is built on a peninsula jutting out into an underground lake, which the Neathers have taken enthusiastic advantage of with a dock for boats and the corresponding savings on defenses. Most of the buildings - huts, really - seem to be made out of chitin, but there's occasional bits of bone, stone, and even wood in places - the mammal skins seem to have been saved for clothing. The smell is also quite unpleasant, though differently from the sections of Kenabres frequented by livestock and carts, and despite the nearby water many of the Neathers look like they could use a bath. 

The people living there eye them warily as they pass, but the presence of Wenduag and Lann at the front of their party seems sufficiently reassuring to them.

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Camellia isn't even going to bother to hide her disgust at the appearance and smell, though she does at least have the grace to not say anything aloud.

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Then Luzai will give her a mildly disapproving glance but also not say anything. 

Personally, she hasn't been out of Mechitar long enough to take the lack of undead slaves for granted! This village: definitely better than Mechitar. She hopes to be out of Mechitar for a long, long time, and never take the little things for granted. 

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One of the buildings near the center of the village is a little larger than the others, but Wenduag doesn't lead them to it; instead, she picks a pair of huts off to the east of the village.

"I don't know how your magic works; do you know how long you'll need to get it back?"

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"Eight hours of rest. For me. Uhhhh, two-thirds of a gong." She glances at Camellia, who she thinks maybe is not a cleric?

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“I just need to wait until tomorrow, though I also need to sleep at some point for the normal reasons.”

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“Do you think you could spare some food? I haven’t eaten since some snacking at the festival, and if we’re going to spend hours adventuring tomorrow too I need to keep my energy up. I don’t know if you take surface money, but I could pay with that if you do?”

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"Most of the village doesn't have a lot of use for surfacer currency, but Dyra'll take it. She's a cleric of Abadar." 

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Even if Lann hadn't introduced her as such, the fact that Dyra is a cleric of Abadar would be pretty easy to infer. Not only does the necklace she's wearing bear the symbol of the scales, nearby her hut is a sign labelled in both Hallit and illustrations giving prices for goods and services - the only visible example of writing in the entire village. In addition to ordinary equipment like fishhooks, weapons, and firestarters, the shop also sells her cleric spells; there are entries for channels, truthelling, and cures, among others. Dyra herself looks notably older than Lann or Wenduag, but still seems to be in good health. 

"Uplanders, welcome to Neatholm! I love trading with new people."


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"Hi! We're probably going to be," wait Neatholm doesn't have a day/night cycle does it make sense to say spending the night, "resting here, and we didn't have a lot of supplies with us on account of Deskari being a surprise," even she was only warned about "demons," not the Demon Lord, "do you have food to sell. Anevia has currency and I--well, not now, but, when I prepare my spells again, I'll have Prestidigitation." She might be wrong, they do have a cleric, but with the lack of writing they probably don't have a laundry wizard down here. They might have a laundry sorcerer? Whatever, mentioning marketable skills is fine. 

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"I'm not sure what prestidigitation is, so it's hard to put a price on it, but it might be valuable and I do trade in both goods and services. Gold is also better than fine, frankly, I don't do nearly enough trade in coin for my tastes. Is there anything other than food that you're in the market for, or should I start with giving prices?"

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"Prestidigitation is a spell that clean things! It's a cantrip, so even a wizard who's not very powerful at all," like me, "can cast it all day, and cleaning things by hand is a lot of work, so people will pay to have their laundry done and so on. I assume you don't have any inflict prepared." 

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"Interesting! This is why trading with outsiders is great, they have things to offer you didn't know could be traded like that. I could quote you a price, but it'd be subject to change once I had a better idea of what that looks like in practice. I don't prepare inflict spells; it's not useful for hunting, not that I do much of that, and Abadar disapproves of fighting."

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"I'm a dhampir. We have the trait that we heal from inflict and are harmed by cure, like undead." 

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"So to be clear, you want to purchase an inflict wounds to be cast on you? I suppose even if you weren't healed by that it wouldn't be against my principles, but it'll be more expensive than a cure since I would need to spend time praying and use an open slot rather than convert a spell."

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"Yes, that's right. --Tomorrow is fine, I won't have Prestidigitation until then and I'd rather be able to pay upfront." 

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Dyra nods. "A sensible approach to finance. I'll compile a list of things that prestidigitation might be valuable for by then, and if some of them aren't possible you can stick to the ones that are."

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She hadn't really expected to be doing any shopping today, but the mistake of not carrying any money is one she stopped making a while ago. Anevia makes an executive decision to skip on rats and insects and instead asks Dyra to act as their middleman for some fish, and pays for a slot on the next channel for the three of them that would benefit while she's at it. It's a bit of an odd situation, price wise; her gold seems more valuable to Dyra than it would be on the surface when it comes to buying magic, but basic goods are more expensive by enough to cancel out that benefit.

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"These living conditions are appalling. There's no reason these people should be living like this with an entire city less than a mile away," Luzai mutters to Seelah. 

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"You're not wrong. There'd have to be more to it than just bringing them to the surface, though. Even if they all wanted to leave their homes, Kenabres is bad enough for the tieflings, and some of these underground crusaders would have an even harder time passing." 

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"When the crisis is over, there's got to be a way to establish a safe connection to the surface, and...figure out some kind of trade situation, at least; they've got a cleric of Abadar." Sigh. "I guess trying to figure that out can wait until the crisis is over, too; if I'm going to be worrying about trying to figure things out right now I should probably be worrying about the Shield Maze, or finding my brother once we reach the surface, or something." 

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"We worry about what we worry about, sister. The goddess won't fault you because you failed to care about everything exactly the right amount. Still, I do hope we manage to find those kids; what Wenduag was describing sounds really bad."

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If anyone was going to fault her for not caring about things the right amount the part where she is incredibly attached to Areelu Vorlesh would be right at the top of the list, but Luzai is not going to say that. 

"Oh, I super, super also do." Honestly she thinks slightly less of Camellia for having to be talked into it, but that just puts her in Normal Person tier instead of Above Average person tier, where Seelah is. 

If there is anything useful she can do before they try to sleep, she'll do that; if there's time before then that she can't do useful things in then she's going to greedily study the new spells from Millorn's spellbook. 

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Given the relatively small population, it shouldn't come as much surprise that there isn't much of anything to interrupt her for the first hour or two after her arrival. There's some muttering about the arrival of uplanders, but that's as much directed at her fellows as her, and the fact that she came in with Lann and Wenduag vouching for her seems to have quieted most of the doubters.

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No, the main thing that has the potential to interrupt a quiet evening studying new spells comes in the form of someone else from the surface; in this case, a greying man absolutely covered in cobwebs who makes a production of his every move. Under the dust and webs his clothing appears quite expensive, but whoever this is isn't so famous she'd recognize them on sight after a week in Kenabres; at the very least, they probably weren't at the count's party?

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Luzai tucks the spellbook away and drifts nearer to the man. If he made it here on his own, he's either good or lucky. Or there are fewer somewhat disturbed exiles than her experience would suggest. 

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The fact that he has a rapier and a cloak of resistance would seem to suggest the former, but he doesn't appear to be especially physically fit and lacks the injuries you would expect from trying to manage even a relatively easy fight solo. He doesn't leave her much time to speculate, though, since the moment he catches sight of her he changes directions and starts moving towards Luzai.

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Okay??? She is going to be normal about this. Even though by any objective standard TOO MANY THINGS have already happened. If he's mistaken her for an actual undead and is going to assault her about it then she can be unchill about it after the fact. 

"Hello," she says, tucking her hands behind her back so he won't see her fingers twitch. 

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If he notices she's nervous, he certainly doesn't dignify it with the response of changing his behavior. 

"You there! You're from the surface as well, aren't you?"

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She's not worried about him seeing that she's nervous; she's worried that he'll decide she's going to cast spells at him. Which she won't, but the governess back home was worried enough about the possibility to try fruitlessly to train the twitchy out of her hands. 

"Yes, that's right. I arrived in the city a few weeks ago." 

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"Excellent. Well, if you made it here from Kenabres, that means there's a way to get back to there. Where is it?"

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"...Well, I got here by falling into a chasm in the earth, so going back that way isn't going to work unless you have the ability to fly or spider-climb or something, but some of us are going to try the Shield Maze tomorrow, which is supposed to also be a way to the surface." 

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"Horgus Gwerm doesn't indulge in such frippery, no. Who is this us of yours?"

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She ticks off her fingers. "Me, Anevia, Seelah who's a paladin, Camellia who's some kind of divine-ish-I-think spellcaster who isn't a cleric, and two of the locals." 

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If he has any particular reaction to the fourth name, it's not visible in his voice or face.

"Anevia Tirabade? Of all people..." The man shakes his head. "Still, if she's bringing you lot with her you're presumably capable enough. Who is the leader of your group? Horgus Gwerm does not intend to stay down here any longer than he must."

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"We haven't worked out anything formal, but I guess Anevia? Since she's the most experienced?" She is not going to explain that Anevia's selection criteria here is "happened to fall in the same hole as her." 

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"And I'll be damned before I go to her asking for help. No, I'll just deal with the rest of you directly - if your group can make a safe path and escort me to the surface, I will pay you all handsomely for your troubles. A thousand crowns between you, or my name isn't Horgus Gwerm."

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"Okay." Wow that is a lot of money. "I won't make you any promises--we could all die tomorrow--but we'll get you through if we can." She's not going to make any promises about what "can" entails, exactly, not without talking to any of the others. 

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The man replies somewhat stiffly, then sets off in search of her companions.

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She will...trail after him, then, because after what he said about Anevia she does not trust him not to offend her. Or Seelah. She doesn't know if Seelah is the kind of paladin who finds being offered money to help people insulting but she thinks that is a kind of paladin that there is. 

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Camellia at least doesn't seem to have any issues accepting Horgus Gwerm's offer, but something about it causes her to smirk as she agrees.

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"You don't need to pay me for doing my job. Helping citizens get to safety is my duty as a paladin, not something I need to get hired for."

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"Nonsense. You paladins still need to eat, no? And I know full well armor and gear don't come cheap. If it's such an issue, though, you can give your share to your fellows or donate it to the poor or something. What you won't do is convince me not to pay my debts."

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"I suppose you would know all about how much armor and weapons cost at the moment, wouldn't you."

Anevia grins, as though about to say something.

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"Not a word from you, Tirabade."

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"...Soooo, you know something about him like you know something about me?" Luzai hazards a guess once Gwerm has left. 

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Anevia makes sure none of the others are listening in before responding.

"it's not exactly the same as what you did - it doesn't put anyone in danger to share it, and he didn't come to us about it. But yes, I have reason to think he's not nearly as jaded as he lets on."

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"I wasn't going to ask for any details. I understand the value of keeping secrets. I actually mostly just wanted to make sure that that was the subtext because there was clearly some kind of subtext and if it wasn't that then I was missing something. ...Do you know secret things about a lot of people?"

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"Plenty, yeah. Investigating and rooting out potential cultists is most of what I do for the eagle's watch, since I'm better at the whole being covert deal than most paladins are and I'm able to lie."

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"Having the ability to lie be an important qualification must be interesting. I can lie, obviously, but I don't like to. I'm not even very good at talking around things; when I warned Count Arendae I just showed up at his mansion in a dress and told the guards, 'I'm a pretty girl can I see the Count.' Probably someone with more circumspection than me would have done, uh, not that."

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"It's a skill like any other. I don't recommend going out of your way to practice it, but if you do end up doing that you'll get better at it in time. I do appreciate that you didn't try that approach with my wife though, it might have made getting stuck together in these caves more awkward."

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"Your--you can marry another woman? Man, places that aren't Geb are so cool."

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There are a couple of things that could mean, but one of them is especially salient coming from a woman who just said she felt like she had to offer herself to the count for the sake of the city. Anevia sweeps her into a hug.

”It’s probably not as convenient as you’re thinking. Beth and I got married while adventuring in the river kingdoms, and once we moved to Kenabres it took a while before some of the people around us accepted we were serious or shut up about it. But it’s not wrong to love another woman, and in Kenabres at least the government and church will take it seriously. I don’t plan on biting it any time soon, but it’s comforting for me to know that if I did ‘Beth would get my stuff instead of someone trying to track down my blood relations.”

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“Well of course it’s not wrong to love another woman, it’s just I’d never heard of being able to marry one before. Two of my half-siblings’ mothers are lovers but I guess it would be sort of complicated for them to get married anyway because of the whole being enslaved to a Blood Lord thing.”

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"I can certainly see how that would put a damper on things. The people I knew back where I grew up wouldn't have been much happier about it, though I think their main objection would be that Irabeth was a paladin rather than her gender."

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Uhhhhh. Anevia isn't from Geb, probably, or she'd have said something when Seelah mentioned that she also was. Where in Avistan would object to a paladin...


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"Close, but no. Nidal."

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"--Wow, congratulations on not being there anymore!" That's substantially worse than Geb or Cheliax! 

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"It doesn't have much to recommend it." Anevia grins, somewhat wryly. "It's not exactly the same as with you, but believe me, I do get it. Once we all get out of here and the crisis gets dealt with, don't be a stranger if you need advice or someone to listen, okay?"


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"Okay. Thanks, I won't forget that." 

Anevia is great. Seelah is also great. Camellia seems pretty normal so far but they haven't been interacting under the best possible conditions; Lann and Wenduag she just fully doesn't have the data for yet, except that Lann was willing to burn his hand off and tie a sword to the stump if it would get some kids rescued, which is neat. Luzai feels like today has been a VERY excellent day in the extremely specific category of meeting people, even considering Millorn.*


*The demons don't count due to not having actually spoken to her, except for Deskari, who, okay, probably counts, but whatever. 

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Resting in Neatholm is not about to win any prizes for the most comfortable night she's had, but it does rank at least somewhat above most of the outdoors locations from when they were legging it out of Geb. About nine hours after she settles in to rest, Luzai will start hearing the sound of people around her moving.

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Luzai pushes herself up into a sitting position, slightly groggily, and pulls out her spellbook(s). 

An hour later there is delighted crowing coming from her position. 

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"It sounds like someone's excited about extra spells. Did you hit second circle?"

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"Nnno, not yet, but I can prepare more spells than I could yesterday and this is very exciting."

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"As experiences go it does have a lot to recommend it. Who knows, perhaps this maze will be dangerous enough that Seelah will also get to share your joy."

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"Anyway, I have prestidigitation prepared now."

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"Wonderful." There's no hiding the satisfaction in Camellia's voice. "Would you?"

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"Absolutely." She casts the cantrip until both of them are spotless, and then goes to find Dyra. 

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The older neather is where Luzai left her and is currently setting up her shop's display for the day. 

"Ah, uplander! I take it you're here for your inflict?"

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"Yep!" She is strictly in better shape than yesterday but she is sooo stiff, and not just from sleeping on the ground. 

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"Well, I've come up with a few ideas for what I would do with the ability to magically clean things; I'm going to list them, and if any of them are things prestidigitation can do and you're willing to do it I'll quote you a price."

Can prestidigitation clean utensils and dishes after a meal? Can it remove writing or smudges from paper? Can it purify water? (This one is especially important, she can make it clean fresh but that doesn't work for storage). Can it clean clothing? Can it clean blood or viscera off of animals the hunters bring back? Can it clean metal to work as a mirror?

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Yes, no, no, yes, yes, and assuming it means taking metal that isn't that smooth and making it so as opposed to removing grime from smooth metal no but acid splash might be able to and she has that one prepared as well. 

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That's simultaneously such a fascinating and valuable set of things for a spell to be able to do and also one that doesn't lend itself to making lots of value in a short time; most of the advantages that come to mind are in the form of long term labor savings rather than something Luzai can do a hundred of in the next 10 minutes. How does the last one work; if it was used to, say, remove rust, is there much risk that the metal underneath would be damaged?

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"So the thing that you have to understand is that if you just acid splash a piece of metal, you are probably not going to get the results you want. I've only ever done this with very small pieces of metal, and the thing you want to do is have very sturdy gloves and a polishing cloth so that as soon as the acid hits the metal, you can make sure that you get only the amount of acid you want on any given spot on the surface." 

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Well, if she thinks she can pull it off, Dyra has some corroded metal items she would pay to have repaired. Does Luzai feel up to cleaning up a tarnished silver bracelet, de-rusting a steel dagger, or getting a brass figurine set to shine?

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If Dyra has a set of heavy gloves she can borrow, then sure. (She does have magic gloves, and magic items are supernaturally durable, but supernatural durability won't protect her fingers from any acid that seeps through the fabric without harming it.)

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Hmm. Dyra has gloves of her own, but they might be a bit of an awkward fit on Luzai's hands? If it doesn't require enough manual dexterity for that to be an issue she can get them out for this.

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Fit shouldn't be an issue, that's fine. 


Luzai is very, very careful about each use of Acid Splash. She finds an area where there's nothing anyone would care about being damaged, and she's careful to only get a relatively small fraction of the acid on the metal objects; she's a lot more cavalier about the rusty dagger, because there's relatively more mass to remove and also because there isn't any delicate engraving underneath to worry about damaging, but even so, it's well under half. And once there's acid on the metal objects, she handles them like an angry snake, but like, if one were trained in the handling of venomous snakes; very careful, always hyperaware of the dangerous bits, but essentially calm and competent. 

She has to cast Acid Splash several times per object; the actual acid from a given casting just, actually, does not last very long. 

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Dyra is quite pleased with her work!

"That's more than I would charge you for the inflict; do you want me to make up the difference in money, or is there anything else you'd like to purchase while you're here?"

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Luzai will briefly go over her recollection of what Dyra has to trade. "Money, please," she says after a moment. 

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Then Dyra will dutifully count out a handful of silver and copper coins, mostly older Mendevia mintings, for her to take, and then cast inflict light wounds on Lucy.

"It was a pleasure trading with you!"

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"It was a pleasure trading with you too!" 

Maybe people in Osirion are just more reserved, but in Osirion, Luzai never met a priest of Abadar who was so openly enthusiastic about trading. Luzai is a fan, honestly, people being happy is great. 

And then she can go rejoin the rest of the group to take on the Shield Maze! 

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Lann is trying and failing to hide his impatience. "Let's go," he says, trying really hard not to be pushy and rude to the surfacer adventurers, especially the one with the angel sword. 

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With only six people to transport it's possible to just take a boat across the lake instead of walking the long route, which saves them a bit of time navigating the caves outside the shield maze. It's not long before Wenduag announces they've arrived at the entrance, which proves to be rather anticlimactic; rather than some outwardly ominous construction, the way in takes the form of a crack in a wall of stone bricks that would otherwise bar the way to whatever lies on the other side.

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"Another squeeze? It's enough to make a girl wonder why she even bothers wearing armor."

Despite her words, Seelah doesn't hesitate to remove her mail, and thankfully unlike the last such passageway it doesn't need to be enlarged in order for her to fit through.

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"Eventually we will be aboveground and then there will be fewer cracks to squeeze through." This crack does not threaten her with incipient claustrophobia at all, which makes it a marked improvement over yesterday's. 

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"You think this one is small, I could show you some ones that'd make you swear off armor for good." 

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"I think I like my internal organs where they are just fine, so going through with it would be a bit of a hard sell. How about I'll try to stick to less difficult tasks in the future, like fighting demons."

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On the other side of the wall is a room that looks somewhere between a closet and a vestibule. The ground is still stone like the caves they came in from, but it's a flatter stone, and the walls are similarly vertical, making the construction feel much more like a room in a more ordinary building. There's no sign of anything else alive and nearby, but the door leading out into the rest of the maze is open.

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Detect Magic?

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There's nothing she can pick up that's within 60 feet and not on the other side of a stone wall!

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"This room doesn't have any magic in it. Or if it does it's got its aura disguised really well." 

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"Great," Lann says dryly, moving carefully towards the entrance to the next room. 

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As she proceeds some magic does start showing up to her senses, but on closer inspection it seems to only be the occasional weak evocation aura from a continual flame. Rather than light enough to see by, they seem to provide just enough illumination to cast flickering shadows and trick the eyes that they've seen movement. For Luzai, Wenduag, and Lann this doesn't interfere with their navigation, but Seelah occasionally ends up bumping into things and Anevia and Camellia have to slow their pace. Judging by the look on her face, the latter is considering the virtues of just casting light and dealing with whatever else notices them.

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“—You could cast a light on something easily concealed,” Luzai decides to pre-empt Camellia by suggesting, “and then quickly unconceal it if we run into anything that requires it.”

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The girl nods, and a moment later her off hand is holding a glowing coin.

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With the added light, the three members of their party without darkvision make better time, though the fact that they're doing a breadth first search for missing kids puts some limits on how quickly they can progress. The first sign of trouble is when Wenduag points out a cave lizard lying in wait in halfway down a passageway; it has enough rubble around it to make hitting it with arrows a hard task.

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"--Can we throw a rock to spook it? Make it think it's found prey?" 

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"Cave lizards are pretty perceptive, so I wouldn't count on it working. If there's nothing we can do better with the element of surprise though it's not a bad plan."

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"Would it find water sufficiently alarming to leave?"

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"Depends on how much water. If it's only as much as Dyra makes, probably not."

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"Unfortunate. I don't have anything better than plan rock, then."

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"--Oh, I have an idea," Luzai says. She scoops up a rock, and casts. 

Then she hands it to Lann. 

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Lann's brow furrows as he tries to figure out what she did to the rock. It looks just the same, it...what?

He brings it to his nose and sniffs. 

"What did you do?" 

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"Prestidigitation can do more than just clean things." 

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Lann shrugs and throws the meat-flavored rock at a point across the hall from the lizard. 

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The scent catches the lizard's attention as is clatters past; this is an unusual form factor for food to have, but it's hungry enough to not pass it up. When it bites down on said rock, it is very disappointed.

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Only briefly, though, because she and Camellia can take advantage of the distraction to stab it to death.

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Around the corner past it is another dead end, also devoid of children. It's not very visible in isolation, but with the number of such corridors Luzai has now been down and the subtle differences in appearance it's looking fairly likely that a lot of the branching hallways are newer than the base structure of the maze, which suggests someone came by after it was built and made it even harder to navigate.


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"...Architecture isn't really my forte, but some of this construction is a lot newer than the rest." 

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"What do you mean?" 

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Shrug. "I don't know exactly what it implies, but I don't like it." 

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"If I remember my local history right, this is probably one of the underground forts they made in the first crusade, to serve as a redoubt in case the city itself fell. If they've been expanded since then, that means that someone or some group set up here - and not a small one, if they've had the ability to excavate enough rock to meaningfully enlarge the place."

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"The passageways near the entrance have been a maze for as long as I can remember."

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"Then either whoever did it came and left, or someone has been at this for a long time. I'm definitely hoping for the former, but given the way these last two days have been I'm not going to count on it."

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"Baphomet cultists like mazes, right?" 

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"Famous for it," Anevia responds grimly.

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Another passage is lined with cobwebs.

"This one was a dead end before the spiders moved in. It's not worth picking a fight when the kids probably aren't down there."

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They can skip that one, then. 

Luzai keeps concentrating on detect magic whenever her focus isn't more needed for something else. It's encouraging, at least, that she hasn't found any serious enchantment auras yet. 

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There are a number of bugs and rats that seem to have decided this was a good place to take up living, but Wenduag and Lann can usually spot them from far enough off that nobody is surprised and Seelah's armor makes her largely impervious to most isolated efforts. Both fighting and avoiding fights slow their pace considerably, but about an hour and a half after they made their way into the maze Lann and Camellia will start hearing voices up ahead.

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Lann draws to a halt. "There's someone there," he says, listening intently. 

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"More than one person. They don't sound like kids, though."

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"I'll take a closer look. Try and stay quiet, please." Anevia blends into the shadows surprisingly well, and even with darkvision it's possible to let your eyes slip over her if you're not paying attention.

A few stressful minutes later, Anevia creeps back to rejoin the group.

"Pretty sure these aren't the kids you're looking for, no; I'd bet crowns to sceattas that these people are from the surface. If I'd seen them on the street I'd have said they were normal people, but if this place was open to ordinary citizens I would know about it and they're not nearly nervous enough to be sheltering here from the attack."

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"...So, Baphomet cultists." Sigh. "They might know something about the kids, if we manage to take any of them alive." 

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"And I'm guessing that sleep wasn't one of the spells in your new book. How worried are we about them sounding an alarm versus injuring someone? I expect I could injure someone enough to make them not a threat without putting their life at risk, but it wouldn't stop them from screaming."

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"Sleep wasn't one of Millorn's spells but it was one of mine. I only have it prepared the once, though. --My first thought was that we probably want them to not sound an alarm, but my second thought was that Grease I do have two of prepared. So, uh, it depends on how many entrances the room has, possibly. Wenduag do you happen to know that off the top of your head." 

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"Counting this one, just three."

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"Okay, so Greasing both of the other entrances and drawing more cultists in on purpose is an option. ...My cunning is much higher than my wisdom, can someone for whom this is not true confirm that this is not a bad idea?" 

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Lann shrugs. "It seems like it could work. Depending on how many cultists and so on there are. And assuming we only get cultists, and not spiders." 

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"It's definitely a risk. Trying to take people alive without overwhelming force pretty much always is even when you aren't also trying to stop an alarm. I think the bigger question is if it's more risk than the alternative; we've been pretty lucky so far, but if we keep looking down every passageway for kids it's hard to say how long that'll last. Wenduag, I'm getting the impression that there are more dangerous things in the maze than we've seen so far?"

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"Yes. We've only explored a pretty small fraction of it, and we haven't encountered anything I would usually try to avoid."

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"Alright. Well I only heard four of them, so we should have the advantage of numbers. Luzai, are you confident you can grease them without catching us or making it harder for us to take them down? I won't judge you if the answer is no, but friendly fire here would be pretty bad so please be honest."

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"I don't know that I could grease them without any friendly fire if you've already engaged them in melee. If I can get the spell off before that then all you have to do is not step on the big shiny patch. I do not know how difficult it is to not step on the big shiny patch while attempting to take down someone who is on the big shiny patch." 

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"We've got enough ranged fighters here that I think it's worth risking. Try and hit the ones further away from the door instead of the ones trying to stop Seelah and Camellia if you can. As for capturing them alive... if it goes smoothly, we can refrain from killing the last one, but don't hold back until then. We're going to have to make the most of the element of surprise if we want to get out without injuries."

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And then at Anevia's command Seelah can burst down the door and make for the nearest man to the entrance. There seem to be four of them in the room, but only two of them are wearing armor and instead of instantly responding to the intrusion they're left scrabbling for their weapons.

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Presumably a big shiny patch of being difficult to stand up will obstruct this goal! 

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Also, you know. Being arrowed in the face.

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Both things that are well known for being distracting!

The probable-cultists aren't weak, and under better circumstances might have posed a serious challenge, but outnumbered and taken by surprise they're far from at their best. One of them goes down to Luzai's grease right at the start, and Anevia's skill and Seelah's heavy armor offer a commanding advantage over their respective opponents. All told it's less than three moments between when the fight starts and when Anevia pins and gags the person struggling to get up from the grease, and most serious injury they have to show for it is a solid punch one of the men landed on Seelah's cheek. 

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"I'm going to question him now. Anyone who thinks they can't stay composed while I'm doing that should step out and keep watch."

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Luzai stays. 

She doesn't, really, want to witness the interrogation; but if she can't bear to look at even this tiny droplet of the suffering caused by the Worldwound, then she has no right to try to balance having a good relationship with her mother and being a good person. 

And, uh, on a practical level, she grew up in Mechitar, she doesn't think she's going to cause problems by staying. 

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Lann looks briefly conflicted but ultimately decides to keep watch. 

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Camellia stays. She's probably going to be disappointed, but if she's not she's not going to miss it. 

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Seelah considers sticking around, but thinks better of it. Anevia's with the eagle's watch, it'll probably be fine, but... 

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Anevia finishes securing their prisoner, then holds a knife to his throat. "Scream and you'll regret it." She then carefully ungags him.

    "Who- who are you people? What do you want from me?"

"Anevia Tirabade, Eagle's Watch. We're closing the book on this cultist operation of yours."

    "The eagle's watch? Now? The city’s overrun by demons, how could you possibly find us now? And how did you get here - this is the far end of the maze!"

"We have our ways. Personally, I think the middle of a crisis is the perfect time to stop traitors like you from sticking a knife in our back. But I'm a reasonable woman; if you cooperate, you can wait out this crisis in a cell and do your time in hard labor. If you don't, well... the inquisition is always looking for cultists. Have you ever been burned before? It's not a pleasant way to go. The sizzling of your flesh, the smell of cooking meat, the smoke-"

    The man shivers violently. "You're crazy! You think you're in a position to put people in jail? Terendelev is dead, the city's burning down, Hulrun's probably bit it, and nobody's going to save you. Do you really think your queen is stronger than a demon lord?"

"I think you know full well our situation isn't that desperate. If there's one thing paladins are good at, it's killing evil things, and if we were stretched that thin we wouldn't be here interrogating you. Demons always lie, and suckers like you always fall for it. Now, are you going to start talking, or am I going to have to retract my generous offer and see how you do with broken fingers? There are more cultists here, you need me much more than I need you."

    The cultists stays silent for another moment, but when her left hand clamps down on one of his pinkies he breaks before she can twist. "I'll talk, I'll talk. But I'm new here, I didn't do anything important, I swear!"

"Then you had better hope your information is good. Who's in charge here, and how many of them are there?"

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It takes her a bit to tease the answers out of him, especially when she catches him lying and has to up the terror to get him to tell the truth. In the end, it's his own acts that get him - once Anevia points out that he's already shared too much for his boss to ever let him live, he folds the rest of the way.

According to his testimony, the shield maze is a fairly major cultist base; there are several dozen of them down here, including several wizards and clerics. Their leader is a woman named Hosilla who has their prisoner completely terrified, and their ranks are supported by a handful of demons. The man didn't know nearly enough demonology to identify them, but Anevia is guessing mostly cambions from the description. He was not remotely senior enough to know about any plans for captured kids, but it's probably related to how Hosilla closed the doors of her sanctum and demanded not to be disturbed. Only her  hands - a pair of relatively senior cultists with leadership positions under her - are authorized to get her attention, and only for emergencies.

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Honestly Luzai is glad she stayed; what her own imagination came up with was much worse than this, starting from the priors "Anevia is from Nidal." Maybe she should feel worse about having thought Anevia would do worse but it's not like she knew that Anevia could get the information without doing worse, and...

Better an adult cultist, who sort of brought it on himself, than several kids who definitely did not. 

"What are we going to do with him?" she asks quietly when Anevia is done, looking around for places they could possibly hide a bound and gagged cultist so the others wouldn't find him if they wander in through the other door. 

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"There's no shortage of dead ends we just passed that would work. It's not the safest place I've ever left a prisoner, but if I have to choose between risking this guy getting eaten by something and risking the cultists learning about us it's a pretty obvious decision to me."

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"--Yes, I agree." She's just really glad they don't have to kill him! "Probably not the one with all the spiders, though." If the prisoner won't walk on his own then Luzai can help haul him, even if she isn't very strong. 

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He is unsurprisingly not very enthusiastic about a plan that makes sure there aren't any doors between him and the rest of the caves, but not enough that he's willing to die over it. Seelah doesn't have any difficulty frogmarching him to the right location, at which point Anevia also binds his legs together.

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"I'm glad we didn't have to kill that one." Or hand him over to Prelate Hulrun, which is the same thing with more steps, and not steps worth delaying the inevitable for. 

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"I'm not sure how many more of them it'll make tactical sense to spare, but hopefully we can just avoid fighting most of them."

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Unfortunately, despite her cajoling the prisoner they interrogated only knew the location of one of Hosilla's 'hands,' which doesn't exactly leave them with an abundance of options to choose from. The saving grace is that his description of their location was detailed enough for Wenduag to recognize it, so they're able to skip most of the backtracking that they needed to do until now. 

The maze continues to try and evoke a similar atmosphere, but there's no missing the fact that this section is more inhabited. Passageways and rooms regularly have doors, which both make it easier to hide and easier to see someone traveling through it, and some of the rooms have furniture or even occasional decorations. It's still a very large complex for such a small group, but it's hard to imagine you could miss the fact that people were present here.

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"Little bit ironic that being inhabited both makes this place more dangerous and less spooky," Luzai mutters. 

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"Some of the most dangerous cultist dens I've ever been in could pass for an ordinary room. It sure would be convenient if you could just follow the aesthetics though."

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The cultist they're looking for is supposedly in a lower level of the maze. Unfortunately, Wenduag only knows of one stairwell that leads down there, and there are people between their party and the stairs. At first it seems almost like they're seeing things, but a closer look confirms it; the people in question are armed, and some of them are very visibly neathers. Unfortunately for any plans to grab them and leave, they also very clearly aren't the group they're in here for; these people are fully grown adults, not children, and there aren't enough of them.

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Lann frowns. 

"I don't recognize these people," he says. "I would expect to at least have a vague idea who they are, if they're from tribes near enough by to have gotten into the Stone Maze..." 

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"So what, there's some other group of mongrels down here?"

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“There shouldn’t be. This doesn’t make sense…”

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“I think regardless we probably shouldn’t assume that they’re friendly. Considering that they and the cultists don’t seem to be fighting.”

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Lann nods with grim unhappiness.

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Wenduag isn't going to sit around waiting for them to decide what to do. She nocks an arrow and looses it, hitting one of the neathers in the chest and catching the group by surprise.

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Harsh but fair. Acid splash? Acid splash. She's not using up another Grease without talking to anyone about it. 

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Lann catches up to Wenduag fairly quickly, nocking his arrow while muttering something under his breath. 

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Seems sensible enough, though Anevia wishes she had gotten a heads up first. She lands a third arrow on the neather in question, dropping them.

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And then Seelah steps up in front of them to block the charging opponents. Her armor saves her from the worst of it, but she still lets out a grunt of pain at one of the blows, and spares a thankful glance to Camellia for stabbing the opponent in question.

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Luzai keeps getting off an acid splash every round or so, targeting neathers who aren't in melee with Seelah, and keeping as far back as possible. She gets extra "squishy wizard" points for the fact that normal healing spells don't work on her. 

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Their skin is tougher than that of humans or half elves, but they aren't wearing armor so there's not much to prevent her from stabbing her choice of vital organs with her magic rapier. Frankly, the bigger dissapointment is their lack of reaction.

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Intellectually Seelah feels bad about the fact that she's cutting down people that they attacked first, but her primary thoughts are consumed by focusing on combat and she's honestly also rather thankful that they hurt a lot less than demons do and she doesn't have to smite them to fight back.

It takes less than half a minute all told from start to end. By the time the last Neather drops Seelah is breathing hard and considering the merits of a lay on hands, but they're all alive and she's pretty sure she's the only one that got injured, so. It could definitely have been worse.

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"You might warn us next time," Lann grouses half-heartedly. 

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"What, did you need an invitation? Why were you waiting on me to get started anyway? The longer we took the more chance there was of getting spotted."

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"If I had had a heads up, I could have landed another arrow or two before they got to us. But for all I knew you were going to have some way to talk them down."

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Lann grimaces in frustration. "There should've been. Or--something. I don't know where those people came from, and I don't like that." 

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It is in fact very sad that they had to kill these people. Luzai is genuinely sad about it. 

Also, did any of them have anything useful on their persons. 

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Does their clothes count? One of them also had an improvised weapon, but they didn't seem to be much for tool use. Or speech, for that matter.

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No, she is not going to strip the corpses naked. 

She's pretty sure that you're supposed to...do something respectful...to corpses, but she doesn't actually know what that is aside from "don't reanimate them." So she'll just pat one of them on the head awkwardly and then move away from the bodies before anyone can question her. Maybe they can move on?

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Lann has finished having his mini-argument with Wenduag and is ready to move on, yeah. If he noticed her being awkward around the corpses he doesn't say anything about it. 

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As they head down the stairs the air gets damper; there's puddles of water scattered across the floor, pooling in places where the ground dips.

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"Is this normal? Does it indicate any specific hazards?" Luzai asks Wenduag. 

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"No. It's never been like this before."

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Heeeeere cultist cultist. 

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Their route takes them past a room that seems to have recently collapsed - presumably when Deskari cut a giant chasm through the city - and down another shorter set of stairs with a few inches of water at the bottom. If their intelligence is accurate, the cultist should be on the other side of the next door, but it might be difficult to sneak up without audibly splashing.

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"I don't, actually, know if Grease works under these conditions," Luzai comments in a low tone, looking at the water as though it were personally offensive to her. "I don't suppose anyone else has any brilliant ideas for laying an ambush...? I have rope and there are rocks around, and I'm quite confident that there's some way to rig a trap with just those materials, but I don't know how and there's no way to experiment without making even more noise than just failing to sneak up on him."

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"Uh. We could try and make it sound like those people from upstairs had come down, so they thinks it's some of their... allies, or servants, or whatever they are, instead of us? I'm not any good at voices, though."

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"This is a problem I was trained to solve using illusions, which I am also not any good at and consequently did not prepare any of." 

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"If this place had any vegetation, I could entangle them and hold them in place, but there's not exactly a ton of convenient plants on solid stone. I could curse them to doubt themself, but it's not that strong on its own so I'm not sure it beats just stabbing."

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"There's not really an easy way to move silently though water at this depth, but if you're careful how you put your feet it at least doesn't have to be too noisy. We might need Seelah to walk behind us though, since the armor won't help with not giving us away."

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Oh...yay...walking in front of the heavily armored person with the sword. That's such an excellent place for a squishy wizard to be. 

Luzai does not voice this thought because Anevia is right, actually. 

Luzai attempts to slosh as quietly as possible, and also to not trip over any floor irregularities the water might be concealing; it would not in any way improve the situation to upgrade from slosh to splash. 

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Their group manages to make it to the door in question without being noticed, but despite Anevia's best efforts opening without being seen or heard proves impossible.

"What's this, rats in our maze? Not on my watch!"

Unlike the previous cultists they encountered, this group seems fully prepared for a fight. They're all in armor and carrying their weapons, and their leader's gear looks significantly fancier. He's probably the biggest threat, followed by his fellow with a glaive; they can trade fire with the two enemy archers, but their main melee combat is a good thirty feet behind them.

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Well, that's not great, but there isn't really much of anything to do about it besides be better than the enemy archers. 

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Luzai is deeply tempted to use her other Grease here, but she does in fact only have the one left, so she will...hold off on that until and unless they are losing badly. Stealth abandoned, Luzai splashes noisily as far away from the enemy's frontmost melee guy as she can in approximately three seconds and then splashes some more, only this time with acid instead of water. 

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Fighting people who are stronger - and, loath as she is to admit it, better - than you are is tough. Doing it while they have someone else not totally incompetent supporting them is even worse. Her only saving grace is that the cultist archers clearly don't know the first thing about firing into a melee, since their addition would bring the task from difficult to impossible. Despite prioritizing defending herself over counterattacking, in this confined a space her natural dexterity, buckler, and light chain are not enough to stop her from steadily picking up injuries.

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As Seelah dashes up the hallway, she curses the limitations of her armor. They say the inheritor never went without hers, but if there's one miracle Seelah really wishes she could perform it's figuring out how she managed that. 

Fortunately, despite having to duck carefully around the archers to avoid fouling their aim and having to splash her way through water in heavy armor, Seelah manages to arrive in front of the group before Camellia collapses and slices into the cultist with her sword. Unfortunately, that's not enough to stop the man and he doesn't waste any time giving her armor and shield their own stress test.

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This is not going great and Luzai does not like it. 

She still doesn't think this is a good moment for Grease, but Magic Missile does have the advantage that it doesn't suffer a penalty for firing into melee. 

(She reeeeeaaaally hopes they don't run into a worse fight later. Or if they do that it's somewhere she can just make the ground slippery.)

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Even with Seelah and Luzai's intervention, it's touch and go for a few moments longer, but then Anevia drops the second enemy archer and she and Lann join Wenduag in harassing the cultists fighting in melee. Once people are actually focusing on killing him, the weaker cultist dies quickly, and despite his toughness fighting six people at once is too much for him. He scrabbles for his unholy symbol-

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And Seelah takes advantage of his split focus to finish him off. Her eyes scan the room once he falls, but there aren't any remaining combatants

"That could have definitely gone better."

As she speaks, she places her hand on Camellia's shoulder and some of the girl's wounds close.

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"Yeah." Luzai feels sort of awkward about being as unscathed as she is, but. Squishy wizard. 

...There is an option for being slightly less squishy, but, also, she has no idea how acceptable it is in non-Geb places. 

Well. She can ask. 

"So dhampirs don't need to drink blood, but I will be slightly less squishy for a while if I do, but I--don't know what the bounds are of acceptably respectful behavior towards corpses, besides not reanimating them." 

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"Somehow, I had always figured they would have to be alive for that to work. They tried to kill us, I don't see any reason to be precious about it."

She's still pretty pissed about them injuring her.

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"Eating things you kill is part of being a hunter."

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"Uh, am I the only one slightly weirded out about this? I'm not sure it's evil, but talking about eating people is creepy and not exactly what I expected to be doing this morning."

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"See, I don't have a good handle on what's creepy, on account of having grown up in Geb. The fact that I haven't encountered any zombies since getting here makes this place a firm step up."

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"They're already dead..." Lann shrugs, somewhat uncomfortably. 

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"How much will it help? Because it is the kind of thing I would prefer not to do with people's bodies, even enemies, but if I had to choose between that principle and better odds at saving people..."

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Luzai shakes her head. 

"I didn't know how big a deal it would be, somewhere that killing people for their blood wasn't perfectly acceptable," she repeats. "But if we end up killing anything that's juicier than a spider and not a person, I'll try to drain that; if the rats had outnumbered us less, yesterday, I'd have tried to catch and drink one." 

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...Eating rats is definitely grosser than eating people, if you ask her.

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"Rats are delicious, but we usually drain the blood out before cooking them. You'd fit in pretty well in Neathholm."

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She's going to get a good grade in civilized behavior, something that is normal to want, possible to achieve, and in any way a thing Wenduag is qualified to assess. 

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"If you're not going to try to eat the corpses," which Lann APPRECIATES, don't get him wrong, "we should maybe move on." 

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Anevia will loot his body, then, and come up with money, a key, and piece of paper with writing on it.

"It says here one of the hands is supposed to be in the unfinished section of the maze, wherever that is, finding a place to hide a 'paladin sword,' and the other is supposed to do something about a water elemental. That explains the flooding, so presumably that's the hand we just killed. If the elemental is strong enough to give these cultists trouble they could be a big help here - I don't suppose your wizarding education includes learning to speak Aquan? Also, there's some very dire imprecations about what she will do if she gets interrupted, which implies that either this Hosilla fellow has a very short fuse or we can inconvenience them pretty badly by doing just that."

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"Sorry, I learned to talk to underdark ghouls instead of water elementals. Mechitar being--itself. Maybe we could communicate in pictures, or something." 

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"Are any of you any good at sketches? I'm pretty rubbish at it myself, and given everything else we might just want to just steer clear of them then. Less risk of them not being able to tell the difference between us and Baphomet cultists.

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"I would consider myself okay at them but you're probably right." 

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Then Wenduag can lead them back out of the flooded zone to her best guess of where an unfinished section could be.

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The sounds of their footsteps echo despite their efforts to be quiet, but the hallways are just as eerily empty as before. The sign of the next inhabited location hits their nose before their eyes or ears, particularly Luzai’s. One of the rooms ahead smells like fresh blood, and judging by the distance, there’s an awful lot of it. 

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Luzai claps her hands over her nose and mouth. 

"Blood," she says, in a muffled, strangled voice, trying to look grossed out instead of hungry. 

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If anyone else notices her decision, they're too polite to comment.

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Or, that is, they have their own reasons not to bring it up.

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The possibility of walking into the scene of a fight makes their group even more cautious, but when they arrive at the room in question it doesn't live up to their expectations. The large, spacious hall seems like the kind of place that might even be comfortable, with better lighting and pictures on the wall and furniture, if it weren't for the fountain of blood at the other end. There's clearly some magic involved, because the liquid still looks fresh and clean rather than dusty or clotted from however long it's been here, and the surrounding walls are significantly less splattered with dried blood than you would expect. For most of the people in their party, however, it is still a fairly disturbing sight - especially if you stop to compare how much blood a body contains to the volume of the fixture.

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...Okay, detect magic time, is that blood pool necromancy or transmutation or what. 

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Definitely necromancy. How’s her spellcraft?

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Well, she's all of level two, so, ten. 

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Then despite her skills, it’s not clear exactly what kind of magic is maintaining the fountain. Whatever it is is unlikely to hurt her, though.

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"I think this probably goes without saying, but that fountain is some kind of horrifying necromantic abomination and nobody should touch it." 

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“That seems like it would be good advice anyway. It looks like it’s not, uh, actively evil at least?”

Really though that only rules out a small number of the ways that a necromantic blood fountain could be very bad news.

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Luzai doesn't know what makes non-sentient objects evil or not evil so she's...not especially reassured by that. 

What else does this room have in it, that one can see while still keeping well away from the horrible blood fountain that Luzai only has to remind herself is not food every other round or so. 

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The room seems to have two entrances other than the one they came in from, but if you’re looking at the blood fountain they’re all on the right hand side. Both of the other doors are closed, but like most of the other doors there isn’t any visible lock to keep them that way.

Aside from the those and the excessive number of skull decorations, the main thing of note about it seems to be a small group of relatively less garish portraits placed next to each other. Presumably someone liked the look of them.

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Huh. She notices the portraits. They're okay. 

She'll press her ear against the first door on the right. Any cultist noises?

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Nothing that she can hear.

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Aaaand the other one?

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She can hear the muffled sounds of multiple voices chanting - probably in abyssal, judging by the context.

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She points at the door and mouths "cultists." 

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Lann cannot read lips but it's actually pretty obvious what pointing at the door and mouthing something means. 

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Anevia is in the middle of examining the far wall with Camellia for something, but she can fact read lips and alerts the rest of their group via sotto voce about what’s going on. They can creep quietly towards the indicated door.

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"Some kind of chanting," Luzai whispers, once everyone is close enough to hear. "They're probably distracted right now. And there might be a demon soon that there isn't now."

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Anevia can very carefully and quietly turn the knob and slide the door open, just a crack.

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There are three cultists in the room beyond, each standing equidistant from the center of a large, inscribed circle with writing she doesn’t recognize along the edges. At the center of the circle is a pentagram, inscribed so that it’s five points touch exactly on the edges of the innermost circle.

The three of them are concentrating deeply, and don’t seem to have noticed their intrusion.


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Wenduag will nod to Lann, indicating that she’ll take the one on the right.

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Lann nods, taking aim at the one on the left. 

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And Anevia takes aim at the third, further back one, though she looses the shot a quarter second after Lann and Wenduag do.

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Seelah will follow that up with a charge! This time, she is between all the squishy people and the enemies.

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One arrow isn’t enough to kill the cultists, but it is enough to break their concentration. The magic surges out of control as the ritual fizzles, and instead of whatever they meant to summon the result is a single, bedraggled looking Dretch with no idea of what is going on or why a woman with a rapier is charging at him.

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Luzai is such a fan of having Seelah between her and the cultists. She applies acid splash to whoever isn't close enough to Seelah that she risks friendly fire. But not the dretch. She might as well just prestidigitate a random scrap of floor clean, if it were between that and throwing a piddly little acid cantrip at a demon. 

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The dretch doesn't even have the time to really scream satisfyingly before the spirit-enhanced cold iron in her rapier finishes it off. Disappointing, but there will be more chances to work out her frustrations.

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With the ritual interrupted, their ranged attackers are free to focus their fire. Between their arrows and Luzai's acid, the rightmost wizard goes down easily.

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And the wizard on the left can try his hand at outfighting a paladin in melee combat.

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The third wizard is sufficiently panicked that he doesn't think to draw his crossbow; instead, he tries to shoot back at the archers with a ray of frost and is left blinking when it fizzles out before reaching them. Rather than rectify that by closing the distance, he instead opts to move further away and duck behind a pillar.

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This will make the archers' job slightly harder, but not by nearly enough to save him. 

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Then soon they will have a room with four dead bodies and some sort of summoning apparatus. Over on the wall there's a locked door leading onwards; the key they have fits, but it seems like it needs a second one to actually open.

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"Well, that could have gone a lot worse." What does the summoning apparatus...look like, now that there aren't more pressing concerns. Is it painted with blood. Did it involve human sacrifice. 

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A closer look at the alignment with the circle reveals the pentagram to actually be an inverted pentagram, and while the abyssal along the sides is unreadable she's seen similar constructions enough times in conjuration books to identify it. The inner ring is a magic circle, of the kind used in planar bindings, and the outer is a ritual focus to combine the efforts of wizards not individually capable of casting such a spell to produce the desired effect anyway. Such a design probably would not have worked in Mechitar, but it's well known among conjurers that the worldwound being opened brought the abyss closer into alignment with the areas near the wound.

There's just one problem, though; while there's enough powdered silver to fill the circle and the line work is sufficiently precise, this design is for a magic circle against good, not evil. Any demon summoned would be almost entirely free to leave the moment they felt like it, including to attack the casters.

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"--Oh, wow, this is a really bad summoning setup," Luzai breathes, distracted for a moment by how fucked those cultists were even if they hadn't come along. 

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"Bad in the sense that we're going to have to fight a bunch more demons in a minute?"

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"No, no, bad enough that if they had been allowed to finish then whatever they summoned would've killed them for us. I mean, and might well have stuck around to be a bigger problem than they would've been, but that'd be cold comfort to the dead cultists." Luzai will attempt to salvage some powdered silver from the circle. Aaaand probably someone else is on looting the actual bodies, but Luzai might recognize something useful that a non-wizard wouldn't as trivially identify. Do any of these fellows happen to have their spellbooks handy. 

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They do! Judging by the contents of their books, none of them were especially impressive wizards, but she can find a decent spread of cantrips and first circle spells to copy. The silver is harder to remove, but if she has somewhere to store it and is willing to put in the time mid mission she can probably make a tidy profit selling it. 

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Luzai should prooooobably not take the time to scrape up the silver right now, but she is very happy about the spellbooks. 

Still, waste not, want not. 

"Hey, Lann, Wenduag, if we manage to clear out this place enough for it to be safe, you should tell Dyra about this," she says, pointing to the circle. "There's powdered silver worked into it--we don't have time for me to scrape any of it up right now, but it's pretty valuable." 

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"Sure," Lann shrugs. Dyra's kind of weird but one, she's tribe, and two, it's really useful for the tribe to have a cleric. Telling her about a resource in the Shield Maze is a cheap favor. 

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"Anyway, before we came in here, Anevia and I were pretty sure we'd found a hidden door in the last room. We were still looking for how to open it, but something the cultists don't want us to be able to find is definitely promising."

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"Oh, agreed, though I am glad we nipped this," she looks derisively at the summoning circle, "in the bud. Where'd you find the hidden door?"

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"Right on the far wall, there's a patch by the fountain where the stone has a seam."

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"Ah." Not only is Luzai not trained in finding secret doors she also was trying not to look too close to the fountain. "Any idea how to open it, yet?" 

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"Presumably there's a lever or button for it, since the cultists need to be able to get through. We just need to figure out what we need to pull or push or wiggle to get it to move - it's not something on the door itself, but it's probably not too far away either."

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"Okay." Probably Camellia or Anevia is going to find it first, but Luzai will totally follow them out and wiggle things helpfully until something happens. 

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Camellia is indeed the one to find it first, despite Luzai and Anevia's efforts; pulling down on a nearby torch causes the wall to slide out of the way, revealing a passageway behind. The initial area looks much the same as the rest of the maze, but past that the tunnel looks significantly less polished.

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Luzai has the absolutely ridiculous urge to acid splash some of the more obvious protrusions. Probably the result of the tunnel-crawling from yesterday. Obviously she is not going to act on this urge in any way; instead she will go down the corridor with everyone else from her Objectively Correct position of Behind Seelah. 

She keeps Detect Magic up while there isn't obviously about to be combat in the next few rounds. 

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The maze continues to be largely nonmagical outside of the lighting. Pretty soon, their hallway leads to a fork - or would, if the left direction extended more than a few feet of partially excavated stone.The passage heading right is significantly more complete, though, and has a few more doors and branching hallways leading off of it in turn. Fortunately, the second Hand is not especially difficult to locate once they start looking - there's not really any reasonable way to subtly move large amounts of stone by hand, and the cultists frankly aren't even bothering to try. 

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Sneak sneak peeeeer what is up with the nearest group of cultists. 

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There's another large man, armed with a glaive, who has occupied himself with berating a group of ambulatory rocks in the process of expanding the cave. Since she doesn't speak Terran she's not going to pick up much more than tone there, but that's hardly unique to her; neither of the man's two subordinates seem to be following what he's saying either.

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Hhhhhhh those earth elementals are probably approximately innocent bystanders. 

"I assume nobody speaks Terran," she says very quietly. Unless she's wrong about that, they don't have any way to tell the elementals that they're not enemies, and if the elementals are called and not summoned then they'll die if killed. Luzai--knows better than to take stupid risks about that--but she is more upset about it than about killing people who are actively holding children prisoner. 

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Nobody in her group knows Terran.

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"There's some elementals. I imagine we'd rather not fight them if we can avoid it," after all, fighting elementals doesn't just risk the elementals getting hurt, "but I don't know that we can avoid it when the guy with the pointy stick can talk to them and we can't." SOMEDAY she is going to be a third-circle wizard who can cast Tongues. 

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"And they're not like, evil either."

Seelah is kind of miserable about this idea, actually, she doesn't want to go around killing people who aren't evil just because they were forced to fight her. 

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"So what? If they try and stop us, should we just roll over and let them?"

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"No," Luzai doesn't roll her eyes but she had to pass a Will save about it, "but since nobody's noticed us yet, we have a little time to try to come up with a better idea." Seelah is deeply, deeply valid. 

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Camellia doesn't have a problem with planning but she's not really clear how she could solve this problem with a rapier, first circle shaman spells, or cursing people. 

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Well Luzai's first idea is to take Stick Guy prisoner and make him tell the elementals to stand down, which may or may not be remotely workable, but if it is, a rapier and cursing people could be very useful!

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"Could we just kill the cultists and then run away? They don't have legs, they're probably not that fast - actually, I don't know that much about elementals, so maybe that's horribly wrong. And we'd still need to get the key off him."

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"Well, it's a reasonable backup plan, if all else fails. If we close the secret door before they get there they probably won't be able to get at us...?"

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"I think earth elementals can sort of swim through the earth? I'm not sure if the door counts for that but if not they could probably go through the walls."

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"Great. So--we try to make stick guy translate for us, probably, or we try to communicate using pictures, possibly painted on the wall using blood because I'm not thinking of any other medium that they would definitely be able to see without first having to be persuaded to hold still and look, orrrr we kill them. I don't love this as a set of options but I'm not thinking of any better ones..."

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"And the longer we wait trying to think of something, the more likely it is that something will happen to the kids. If it hasn't already." 

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"And if we're going to hold them prisoner long enough to order the elementals to stand down, we absolutely need to keep their hands away from their unholy symbol."

She frowns.

"Well. I guess Luzai would be fine, but the rest of us not so much."

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"I could...try? To steal his holy symbol? While somebody else distracts him from stabbing me?" She is sort of dubious about this--her resistance to negative energy is not a resistance to glaive--but she can't ask someone else to take risks for her harebrained scheme. 



"I could...pretend to be a cultist, maybe...or, like, an allied vampire, if he doesn't know enough about the undead to realize that the fangs and the negative energy healing don't mean I am one...and try to get close enough that he can't effectively hit me with the thing..." 

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"Not to be too harsh about this, but are you that good at grappling? Or lying? Even if he does think you're a vampire, I'm not sure you'd be able to pass for it without some evidence, and it's not like we're swimming in forbidden books or have a bound demon on hand."


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It's really terrible when reality gets in the way of a clever idea. But Luzai refuses to be one of those wizards who causes problems by being too much more cunning than wise, and that means listening to wiser people. 

"I'm terrible at grappling, but probably more importantly not especially good at sleight of hand. I...don't think my ability to lie would be the limiting factor, which I don't mean as a claim that I'm a brilliant liar...it'd probably be an easier sell if I had my dress on hand--never mind. I don't have it." Deep breath. "No, you're right, it probably wouldn't work. I just--" really really don't want to have to murder innocent elementals "--grew up in Geb, but probably there aren't any Baphomet cultists here at all with enough context that speaking Necril would be particularly convincing, let alone my accent in anything else." 

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Perfect is the enemy of good when it comes to plans. What’s much harder to learn and accept is that sometimes holding out for a good option when you need to make a decision is just as bad.

”I think our best option to to hit their leader as fast and hard as possible and drop him before he can give any orders. Hopefully they aren’t already under orders to attack intruders and that solves things, but we’ve got at least one harder fight ahead of us and we have no idea what the city is looking like right now. We can’t afford to use up all of Seelah and Camellia’s healing here.”

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She offers a quick prayer to any Good gods who happen to be listening and feel like helping, that this works out and they don't have to kill the elementals. 

And then they can get into position to surprise the cultists. 

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Then once again they can open a door and start loosing arrows. 

Like the last of Hosilla’s hands they fought, he’s not an easy target. The cultist is a fit, well built man made sturdier by the favor of Baphomet, and his vitals are covered by a well made breastplate. Unlike the last hand they fought, they have the advantage of surprise; of the eight arrows loosed before he has a chance to respond, half land true and connect with his flesh. By the time Seelah’s armor turns aside his first blow, he’s already more than halfway dead.

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Luzai splashes some acid but does not really expect to be decisive in this fight. Someday she will be a strong enough wizard to be able to carry her own weight in combat but that day is not today. 

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Her acid leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to damaging opponents, but it does have the significant advantage that it almost completely ignores armor. Both of her first two globules strike true, and the second scores him particularly viciously across the face. When combined with Anevia’s third volley, it’s enough to drop him, and from there neither of the other cultists are even individually a match for Camellia and Seelah, to say nothing of fire support. In short order the fight consists of a a pair of earth elementals trying to land a solid blow on Seelah while the paladin struggles to keep their attention on her without seriously hurting them. 

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Luzai sprints over to the downed cultist, falling to her knees as she skids the last couple of feet. 

She checks herself before she can slap his face to try to wake him, pulling out some rope to bind his wrists and ankles first. 

Then she tries to slap him awake. 

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Camellia will assist with a cure light wounds, since Seelah seems a little too preoccupied.

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The cultist starts struggling as soon as he comes to, but he doesn’t have enough leverage to really stress the knots.

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Luzai grabs his hair and pulls his head back, none too gently, to look up at her. 

"Call off the elementals. Now," she hisses, baring her fangs. 

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That… was not remotely the conversation he was expecting to have, not that he was expecting to wake up somewhere other than the abyss to begin with. They took him down, what would make them struggle with the elementals? Still, if the girl wants something from him he has leverage. 

“Now, why would I go do that?”

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"Because if you don't, I'll tell Hosilla you gave us the second key willingly, and leave you to whatever she will do to you." 

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Ah, so she's good. Not an undead, then. He laughs in her face, though the effect is somewhat spoiled by their relative positions.

"Your plan is to lie to an inquisitor? If that's the extent of your plan, I see no reason to fear you."

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"Eh, I just figured that was a reasonable opening move in case you were more afraid of her than of me." 

Then she bites his neck. 

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The cultist bites back a scream. It's not more painful than his other wounds, per se, but they haven't suddenly gone away and the shock is just as bad for his efforts to stay composed and in control.

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She drinks for about a round and then pulls back, smiling at him with a red mouth. 

"Call off the elementals." 

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He looks around frantically for options.

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Camellia smiles at him. It's a nice, friendly smile.

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Yeah okay no. 


The cultist calls out something incomprehensible, and the earth elementals stop trying to attack Seelah.

"Told them they didn't need to attack intruders as long as I'm alive."

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"Cool." Luzai shoves a rag in his mouth and ties it in so he can't countermand that.

She stands up and wipes the blood off her mouth. 

"--I'm not actually sure biting him was okay," she says to Anevia and Seelah, "but I wasn't immediately thinking of other options and not killing the elementals seemed more important." 

She's Good and not undead after all! She can just be both that and have better ideas than lying to an inquisitor!

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"It's better than killing him or having to kill them, and we did agree it might make sense for you to drink someone's blood."

Seelah's voice comes out somewhat dubious despite her best efforts. She shakes her head.

"Sorry, that didn't really come out right."

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"No, it's fine, I'm not exactly comfortable with it either." 

She sighs and makes a face. 

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They can move on, then. 

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The second key fits in next to the first, and the door slides open to reveal a staircase spiraling upwards.

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Luzai's first impulse is to immediately charge up the staircase, but instead she does not do that. She lets Seelah and Camellia and Anevia, who are not useless in melee, go ahead of her; she may be about twice as unsquishy now as before she bit the cultist, but twice not a whole lot still isn't very much. 

Whether her restraint will hold when they get to the top and see what lies beyond is another question. 

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The staircase terminates at a balcony overlooking another large, circular room; two smaller staircases curve their way down the walls in opposite directions to give access to the room below. Judging by the stonework and architecture, significantly more care was put into renovating this room than the rest of the maze, but it’s empty of any finery or furniture. Instead, any attention any observer can’t help but have their eye drawn to the inhabitants. The scene is not difficult to parse. Four children, cowering in fear. One cultist, her robes and enchanted glaive making no effort to disguise her identity. One prisoner, bound but still recognizably dressed in the robes of Iomedae's clergy. And towering above all of them, one demon.

The creature standing before them is enormous - nearly fifteen feet from head to foot, with grayish black skin stretched over a frame nearly thin enough to seem emaciated. From its back extends a pair of wings, like some cruel mockery of a bat, and upon its face are a pair of white eyes that could pass for those of a corpse. Judging by the direction of its head and the movement of its thin tail, the creature's attention is wholly captured by whatever purpose it has with its prisoners, but that is not sufficient to make observing it safe - even beneath its notice at this distance, it's obvious that this demon is incredibly dangerous.

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—Well. They can’t just go back. There are children down there; the fact that the children are their original mission is less important than the fact that they’re children.

Luzai hadn’t spent her second Grease yet. She does that, now, aiming to get under the cultist—Hosilla, presumably—Glaive Guy Two called her an inquisitor, fuck inquisitors—and the big scary demon.

She can’t win this, obviously, but if she can buy some time for everyone else to get away—

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Unfortunately, this does not go as hoped. Hosilla nearly slips and has to right herself, but the demon isn't even inconvenienced enough to bother moving. Instead, with a lazy wave of his hand, the balcony they're on collapses and their group falls to the floor below with it. It's not a long enough fall to seriously injure them, but any escape would require getting out from under the rubble and then making a break for it across the room - not to mention up the staircase. Fortunately for their immediate survival, however, the Demon seems to have higher priorities than attacking them.

"Pitiful creatures. As you are now, you are less than even a tiefling, a defective product worthy of nothing but scorn. But I can change that, and unleash your true power, make you better and stronger than ever before. Simply submit to me, Savamalekh, your lord and master. Eat your fill and satisfy your hunger, just like you were always meant to."

Despite the situation, one of the children makes to refuse, but Hosilla removes their head from their shoulders before they can even finish their sentence. 

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No. No!

Magic Missile. On Hosilla. It is approximately nothing but it’s all she can do—

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The air seems to grow thicker, as though she were swimming in blood, and it's a struggle to complete the necessary gestures to fire off the attack. Her companions, if anything, seem worse off; Seelah and Wenduag are struggling to get their feet back under them, and the others are still lying on the ground. The magic missile connects, but scarcely does more than the grease, and the Neathers don't seem to even notice as they crawl over to the body of the priest and bite down. Give up, the demon seems to say, though no further words leave his lips. It's hopeless.

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Luzai is angrier than she can ever remember being in her life. It’s like a forest fire has roared to life in her chest; she wants to reach out and rip this demon limb from limb, shred his wings and bathe in his blood—


none of that matters, actually 

she just


to save

the children

and then instead of fire there is light.

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The golden power from before envelops her. She glows less brightly than before, the radiance more like the suggestion of a wings and halo than the fact, but that’s not because the power is weaker; instead, it is simply diverted to a more important task. A second font of angelic power manifests at the roof of the cave, and strikes down in a pillar of coruscating light bright enough to leave Luzai blinking spots from her eyes.

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Savamalekh cries out in rage and pain, but his attempts to resist are fruitless; when the light dies away, the demon is lying spread eagled in the center of a circular scorch mark, smoke wafting off his body. The force of the blow was enough to embed his body several inches into the stone, and cracks radiate out from the impact. Between his state and general pallor, he could pass for being dead.

Then, unfortunately, the moment passes, and Savamalekh clambers back to his feet. His casual confidence is nowhere to be seen and the pressure he was exerting is gone like it never existed, but the demon is very much alive, and not at all happy.

“Hosilla, kill these wretches. Make them suffer.”

His orders given, the demon vanishes in a burst of brimstone.

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Holy shit.

That was incredibly cool but they have more important problems, namely, Hosilla.

”Your master has abandoned you to die,” Luzai says coldly, as though she could do that again on command.

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The display definitely rattled Hosilla, but she does her best not to show it. 

“If you could do that again, you would be doing it, not talking. Besides, I already saw your pathetic attempt at a magic missile before. All that light show of yours will do is make my victory more impressive once I take your heads. Wenduag, kill.”

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“I’m nobody’s slave, Hosilla. Least of all yours.”

Thanks to her earlier resistance, Wenduag is the first on her feet, but when she shoots an arrow it’s towards Hosilla, not Luzai. 

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It is RUDE of Hosilla to call her bluff but oh well.

”I can’t do that again,” she admits, because trying to pretend she can without actually doing it is a lost cause, “but that doesn’t mean your options aren’t surrender or die.”

…She’s out of non-cantrip spells, though, so instead of attempting to personally contribute to Hosilla’s demise she’s going to check to see if the priest is dead or if they survived the bites of the three surviving neather children.

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Lann is going to personally contribute to Hosilla’s demise, once he manages to get out of the rubble.

He absolutely heard Hosilla order Wenduag to attack them like she expected to be obeyed, and he is not going to just ignore that, but he is going to solve the more urgent problems first.

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The priest is dead, though his corpse is still relatively intact. From the look on his face, it wasn’t a pleasant way to go. The kids are not currently chomping down further, but that might be more related to the fact that blast seems to have stunned them; they’re not really responding to any sensory input at the moment.

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This could be a bluff to get her to turn her back on Luzai, but Hosilla doesn’t think so, which means her first priority is the people actually attacking her rather than the pitiful excuse for a wizard.

Hail Baphomet!

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Seelah is still feeling woozy from earlier, but the goddess is with them and without the demon this fight is winnable. She smites Hosilla, suddenly very glad she didn’t waste it on that demon earlier, and tries to avoid getting chopped to pieces by that very scary glaive.

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Luzai has ever heard of the spell Breath of Life, but not in enough detail for her to even regret that there's nobody here capable of casting it. 

If she were a stronger wizard she could have just Dominated Hosilla to start with and then the priest and the child would both be alive. 

She'll be that strong someday. The situation wouldn't be better if she had waited until she could cast higher-circle spells to come to the Worldwound. 

She Acid Splashes Hosilla in the back of the head and then runs back around her own Grease spell to try to help Anevia out of the rubble. ...Again.

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Right now Anevia is wishing that there were fewer powerful demons who considered “let’s send Anevia tumbling and then bury her in rubble” a fun plan. It’s not that she’s not grateful for not being dead, mind, it’s just the current state of affairs leaves a lot of room for improvement. Her leg isn’t much more of a fan of this return to status quo, either. 

Thankfully the rocks in question this time are significantly lighter, so the lack of Seelah’s assistance doesn’t matter as much as it could. 

“Thanks. Both for this, and, you know.”

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"You're welcome." She's still hoping they don't have to have a conversation about her ability to put the fear of Lariel into the fuck-off demon that requires her to actually lie about anything, but they have bigger problems right now. 

Okay. What else can she do that's helpful, besides acid splash Hosilla again and pretend it matters. ...She can check the surviving children for Enchantments. 

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There are none detectable. Whatever is different about them now seems like a permanent change to what they are rather than some active magical effect that can be readily removed.

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With help from Camellia’s curses impairing Hosilla’s movements and focusing on fighting defensively, Seelah is mostly able to keep up. She’s not exactly able to injure the inquisitor, but she can sort of push her back by taking advantage of the fact that a longsword is designed for fighting at closer range than a glaive is. Focusing this intently is exhausting, though, and she can’t afford to slip up; the one hit she already took took all the rest of her lay on hands to heal, and two more like that would drop her.

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Even now my, Hosilla is not an easy opponent to defeat. The woman still has every inch the power that she had used to make Wenduag submit before, but this time there’s no Savamalekh to enforce her place. She had a brief moment of panic when it looked like the inquisitor might just carve her way through them anyway, but then the Paladin shrugged it off and showed herself able to keep up with Hosilla. Now it’s her turn to be hunted, just like any other prey.

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Okay yeah Hosilla can also deal with some acid how about. It’s not going to help a lot, but it’ll help a little.

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Even with Anevia and Luzai back in the fray, the fighting is touch and go for a bit. The arrows and acid are hurting Hosilla more than she’s hurting Seelah, yes, but there’s nothing that stops her from stepping back to heal herself whenever the injuries add up enough, and when she manages to land a hit past Seelah’s guard they don’t have any such option.

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And then, finally, one of Camellia’s curses lands. For half a minute she’s free to focus on hampering Hosilla’s defenses, and the increase in their offensive capabilities forces Hosilla to first start healing more often and then commit to focusing on her own defenses.

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That means Seelah can focus on attacking instead, and with a smite her sword is significantly more threatening than the arrows. At that point it’s all over except the dying, and pretty soon Hosilla does that too. 

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They’re tired, injured, low on arrows and spells - but they’re still here, and their opponents aren’t.

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Luzai knows that objectively she was the MVP of that encounter on account of having chased the big bad demon away, but she still feels very awkward for having spent most of the actual time during the fight flinging cantrips, and not being one of the ones breathing hard because she wasn't engaged in physical exertion mostly. 

This is stupid probably. 

She...goes over to check on the three surviving kids. And find the dead one's head and put it with his body. 

She feels really really bad that not only the priest but also one of the children died. They came here to save the children and there is a dead child and she hates that, and that is not a stupid feeling. 

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Lann agrees that checking on the survivors is the most important thing, but after having confirmed that the three are unconscious but not in any immediately visible danger, he does have some other concerns. 

"Why did Hosilla think you would attack us?" he asks Wenduag. 

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"I've been in the maze before, Lann. What did you think that meant?" Wenduag speaks derisively to her fellow neather.

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He looks at her with horror. "You--you ate--like them--" 

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"I went through the same ritual they did, yes. The difference is I have an iron will and mastered my anger - the anger and rage inside each and every one of us - rather than becoming an animal. I refused to lie down and accept my death - I fought to survive, just like I always have."

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Luzai places a hand gently on her shoulder. "Thank you." 

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Wenduag preens a little at that.

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"Are we just going to ignore the fact that she lied to us? About everything going on in this maze, when she knew the truth from the start?"

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"I mean...I don't like the fact that she didn't say anything before we got there. But...it's not like she's the only one who has secrets." 

Deep breath. 

"On the second day after I arrived in Kenabres, I watched Prelate Hulrun hang a man because the man had a relative who was a demon cultist and he hadn't turned him in. 'Relative who is a demon cultist' is--not exactly the situation I'm in--but it's a lot more like the situation I'm in than most things are--it's complicated. But I got a Sending, twenty-four hours before Deskari attacked, warning me to either flee the city or find shelter. 

"I didn't go to Prelate Hulrun about it. There was no chance, after that second day, that I would ever go to Prelate Hulrun about it. 

"I couldn't do nothing. I actually went to Count Arendae, first, just because I had heard how much he hated Hulrun. He expressed surprise that I hadn't gone to the Eagle Watch, so I did go there next. That's where Anevia recognized me from. 

"And then when the attack actually happened, I was loitering near a group of kids and I got them into the temple of Iomedae, where it was at least a little safer. And if there hadn't been a Count Arendae or an Eagle Watch that I could go to without Hulrun finding out about me, then I still would have tried to save those kids. But I wouldn't have gone to the authorities at all, if there weren't any authorities that wouldn't turn me over to Hulrun." 

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Seelah has so many questions and things to say she's not sure where to start. Luzai has a relative who's a demon cultist - no, not that, but something similar? She went to count Arendae about it? They were warned about the attack and it still turned out like this? She should have made sure Luzai knew she could go to her - no, bad thoughts, she has no idea how she could have done that other than by deciding to constantly pick fights in public with the prelate and that's got to be against some kind of rule. Probably a lot of them.

"I don't think they have an inquisition down here?" she tries, though now she's not sure what point she's trying to make.

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Luzai points at Hosilla's corpse. 

"She was an Inquisitor. At least, the cultist with the earth elementals said so. Which isn't really important, it's just sort of nicely illustrative. Wenduag knew about that fuck-off demon and she still stuck her neck out to help us. Would I rather she have told us why the Shield Maze was, actually, so dangerous? Yes, but--she did warn us that it was that dangerous. If I hadn't had Lariel's sword, we would have been toast. I think even if all the Neathers came in together like Lann wanted, they'd still have been toast--it's not like there's room, in here, for them to really get much advantage from outnumbering him. So...telling, before, probably wouldn't have been a good idea either."

And...I should have told you sooner, too. When Anevia recognized me, probably. When you get in the habit of keeping a secret, it can be hard to stop."

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"I'm inclined to agree, at least about the danger. I've never seen a demon like that before, but between an aura strong enough to give Seelah trouble and being able to get up after a hit like that it's obviously very bad news. If I have a choice, I'm not going anywhere near a rematch - not unless I can bring a few dozen paladins and an army strike team with me. It doesn't matter how many people you have in a fight if none of them can do any damage."

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"Are we all going to ignore the part where apparently she ate someone?" 

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"And here I was under the impression that was what passed for a normal meal down here. What, should she have made sure to bring back enough for the rest of you?"

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"Yes, I ate someone. I was lost in the maze when she found me, alone in the dark with no way out. She gave me a choice - I could die where I stood, or live, and gain the power to decide my own fate. You don't remember what it was like back then, do you? Those lean years, not enough hunters, not enough prey? Savamalekh brought me an aasimar priestess, and I was hungry enough that her flesh was the best thing I'd ever tasted. Then I felt the madness talk hold, and the rage, and I nearly lost myself. But I didn't, and I will never regret it."

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"Camellia, that was completely out of line," Luzai hisses quietly to her. 

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"Never regret it? How can you possibly not regret it?"

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"It's not like he had anything to say when you took a bite," she hisses back.

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"What, and I should have been happy to die instead? Unlike you, I'm not content to meekly accept my fate without doing anything to change it!"

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"You have no idea what you're talking about," Luzai snaps. "And be glad of it." 

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"Yes, you should have--" Lann begins angrily, 

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--At which point Luzai tears herself away from Camellia Being Wrong to stop him, instead. "Whoa whoa whoa!" she exclaims, stepping in between him and Wenduag, waving her hands. "Calm down. Please calm down before you say anything that can't be unsaid."

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"Like what? If--"

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"Look. This is upsetting. I get that this is upsetting! I viscerally understand that this is upsetting! But sometimes when people are upset is the time when you most need to think about what you're saying." 

She points to the four children, three unconscious and one dead. "Do you wish there were four dead children, here, instead of one?" 

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"That's different! They were forced to do it--" 

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"Why do you imagine Wenduag had any more of a choice than they did?" 

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He sets his jaw. "It's not--she said she doesn't regret it--" 

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"And I can see why that would bother you. But--look. Do you think, if all four of these children had refused unto death, that Hosilla and the demon would have let the priest live?" 

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"What just happened was horrible. But--it wouldn't be better, if it had been five deaths instead of two. Sometimes, there aren't any good options. Sometimes, you have to do horrible things, because refusing wouldn't save anyone and things would be even worse if you didn't. And...not everyone ever comes to peace with that. But it's not--I've done things that I hated, but I can't say I regret them. I don't--accept them, exactly, but they don't haunt me like they used to. And--this is all new to you, but Wenduag has had to live with it every day since it happened." 

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Lann looks away. 

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Right, time to redirect this somewhere more productive. It sounds like Lann and Wenduag have some issues they need to work out, or ties they need to cut, but right now they're on a schedule.

"If we take the kids back to Neatholm, will your tribe be able to take care of them? Part of me really wants to make for the surface right now, but I don't want to leave kids somewhere unsafe in this condition."

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"Yeah. We look after our own." He looks at the three living kids with an intensely conflicted expression, but at least one of the expressions is relief. "...I don't know when they'll wake up, though, and I don't think Wenduag and I will be able to carry them all back by ourselves. Especially if there's anything in any of the corners we didn't clear out." 

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"I can carry one of them."

Saving kids is good and not at all complicated or likely to make her regret having used up all her powers on one opponent.

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Luzai bites her lip, looking between Seelah and Anevia. She wants to get back to the surface sooner rather than later too, but she also...doesn't want to split the party...

"--Do either of you know where on the surface the Shield Maze lets out to?" Nowhere in Kenabres is totally safe right now, she's sure, but there's got to be different levels of not safe, and maybe some of that could be predicted without knowing exactly what the demons are doing, like, anywhere well fortified is unusually high variance depending on who's fortifying it right now, the Temple of Iomedae is proobably okayish, stuff like that.

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"I've never been any further than here."

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"I...think that going back to the surface in split groups instead of together might not be a great idea," Luzai says to Anevia. "Like, I, also, really want to find out what happened to my brother, but." 

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"Right. So I guess that just leaves the question of if we want to sneak the kids back, and then count on being able to slip by the cultists a third time on the way back out without the bodies having been found, or if we put in the time now to proactively clear it. The latter probably means more fighting and more time spent, but is much less likely to result in us being ambushed by too many cultists to effectively fight."

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"I don't suppose we could just take some trophy off of Hosilla to prove we killed her that would make all the cultists decide we're too much to handle and just surrender." 

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"If it was that easy, we wouldn't have a demon cultist problem."

Anevia shakes her head wryly.

"Even if they did surrender, they don't have much to look forward to. Besides, convincing them that we drove off Savamalekh would be a harder ask - I'd guess Hosilla did most of the interacting with him, but they wouldn't have missed the fact that their boss worked for an incredibly powerful demon."

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Part of her wants to vote against clearing the maze, to give the cultists a chance to run instead of surrendering, to get away and go do non-cultist things that wouldn't end on a gallows--

But even if they did run, there wouldn't really be anywhere to run to besides Kenabres, and a city overrun by demons is not a place that makes cultists stop being cultists. 

Come to think of it, they had the orders from Hosilla to the first key guy, probably nobody but a key guy would have those, and that didn't exactly stop anyone--okay, they didn't exactly wave them at any cultists to see if it would work--whatever, Anevia's right anyways, it doesn't really matter. 


"Wasn't there something about a paladin sword? If Hosilla felt the need to hide it, finding it might be a good idea." 

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As the relevant paladin, this is her job to know about, but she hasn't heard of some special paladin sword going missing. "Most of the really impressive things about a paladin's sword comes from the celestial spirit a paladin bonds with, so it's not going to be nearly as powerful in someone else's hands, but I definitely wouldn't mind being wrong."

At the very least it's probably a masterwork, so she could get some use out of it until she returns it to whoever it actually belongs to.

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"It could just be Hosilla being a petty bitch towards some paladin she couldn't strike at openly before the attack...but if that was the case, wouldn't stealing it be enough, why the need to hide it..? Going on a treasure hunt isn't exactly a defensible use of our time but it might be a point in favor of clearing out the place." 

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"I'd prefer to return to the surface as soon as possible, but I'm not that opposed to dealing with the other cultists here."

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With the conversation on safer ground, Anevia has been splitting her attention between it and looting Hosilla. When she looks up to respond, however, her face looks grim.

"Whichever we pick, we should do it soon and hurry. Cultist messages are half lies even when they're all talking to each other, but according to this dispatch Hosilla had on them there's supposed to be a big cultist mustering at the tower of Estrod so they can wipe out the city's defenders. Even in the worst case we should have some time, since Hosilla wouldn't have been able to get there yet, but whoever is in charge of the city's defenses at the moment will definitely want to know."

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“—Let’s clear the maze, then, and hurry about it.”

Luzai is…not really equipped to carry an entire person back to Neathholm…but she can carry the dead kid’s head, if that would be helpful.

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“It would probably be better to leave it with his body for now,” Lann says. He’s still a little unnerved but he’s pretty much accepted by this point that Luzai doesn’t really understand how to interact with dead people.

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Camellia will keep her hands free. If they do run into any cultists, Seelah won't be in any position to help out without dropping the kid.

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And Anevia will bring up the rear, both to ward off any cultists coming up behind them with her shortsword and to provide fire support for Camellia if the need arises.

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Thankfully their trip back is significantly shorter than their trip in, thanks to knowing exactly where they're going and not needing to take detours to fetch keys. The stairs do prove a larger issue with their passengers, but even taking it slowly only effects the relative time so much. Somewhere between half and three quarters of an hour after finishing off Hosilla, they'll find themselves back at the crack they had to squeeze through to arrive.

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It’s not any less tight a squeeze this time, but their passengers, being significantly smaller than adults, are less of a problem than they could be.

The village is relatively surprised to see them back so soon, grateful for the return of the three living children, and dismayed by the fourth’s death, albeit mostly in a resigned sort of way. Even the dead child’s parents, while clearly not taking their loss well, have the social cohesion to not make it obvious that they would have preferred one of the other children had failed to make it back instead.

Lann asks Luzai to show everyone the angel sword, even though they don’t need to mobilize everyone to clear the maze. It’ll be good for morale.

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Luzai can do that; it’s not exactly time-consuming. She isn’t going to stick around to discuss Lariel’s story with anyone, though, even though she kind of wants to. They are pretty emphatically in a hurry.

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The reaction is pretty enthusiastic, as might be expected by people being shown their childhood stories come to life, and the bit where they 'defeated the evil demons lurking in the shield maze' adds to the effect. Some of the neathers speculate that this must be what the sun looks like, and as the person with the sword Luzai is something of a minor celebrity.

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Horgus Gwerm is also very pleased about this.

"Wonderful, simply wonderful. Is the way to the surface safe?"

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"For now I would say safe-ish. We're going to do a more comprehensive sweep to make sure there aren't cutists lingering in the corners we didn't get before." 

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"Good riddance. You'd think our city's brave defenders could have spent some of their efforts on this sort of thing instead of wasting their time on witch hunts, but at least they're dealt with now."

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"I've never heard anything bad about the Eagle Watch." Let the negative space do her condemning for her. 

Anyway. Back through the maze. Are they just doing cultists or should they clear out that one dead end with all the cobwebs, too. 

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Better not. They're unlikely to be very difficult to kill, but getting through the webs will take time and they're even less likely to work with the cultists on an ambush.

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Now that she's willing to admit to knowing about all the cultists being here, Wenduag can lead the way to their living quarters. There will almost certainly be more out and about, but anyone sleeping or eating or relaxing is probably there, and it's best to hit them first since if any of them get alerted they probably all will.

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It turns out Luzai is even more uncomfortable about ambushing people in their sleeping quarters than she is about killing them elsewise, but, uh, she can suck it up. 

Eventually they come across...a...set of four jewels in the wall? 

"...Okaaaay, these are...definitely magical, in some way..." she says, blinking at them in bemusement. 

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"If they're not a trap, I'll eat my scarf. Either an alarm to alert whoever is nearby, or just to directly injure whoever touches it and makes a mistake. There's probably some trick to it that we could figure out, since Baphomet cultists tend to prefer the feeling of superiority of their opponents not being able to figure it out to actual security and it needs to be simple enough for whoever handles this area to remember, but screwing up could be an easy way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory here."

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"...Hey, remember those paintings back in that big room? Weren't they all overwhelmingly one color?" 

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"So they were. None of them were green, though, so either it or they are a red herring. Hmm, I want to say it was yellow blue red yellow? But I might be misremembering, and they might have thought it was funnier to have it backwards."

She sighs.

"I'm not really the biggest fan of doing guessing games with cultist psychologies."

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"Hey, we have a cultist prisoner, still. We don't need to do guessing games, we can just ask him." 

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"That's a good point. Hosilla's hands would definitely know, especially since the one we captured was supposed to be in charge of this area, which means it's just a matter of getting them to share that information with us. Now that we're not in a combat situation, though, it might be a better idea if I handle the questions. Pain can work for interrogations if you're really in a hurry, but it's not ideal since it doesn't do anything to stop them from lying to you if you can't verify it pretty much instantly and it tends to make people desperate, which can be something of a double edged sword. I'm not saying I never use it, because it is pretty persuasive for some kinds of people and I learned to get good at it, but."

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"Yyyyyyeah." Luzai looks aside, embarrassed. She'll almost certainly make her peace with having bitten that man under those circumstances, buuuuut she hasn't yet. 

So! Cultist prisoners! Who among them has anything interesting to say about bright colors. 

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When they make their way back to the former hand of Hosilla, he's in the middle of attempting to scratch a drawing of a minotaur into the stone. Thanks to his limited freedom of movement it was slow going, but Anevia disabuses him of the idea that that will work out well for him by ruining it and tightening his knots before she ungags him.

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"Back again so soon?"

The cultist attempts a nasty grin.

"Realized you needed me after all, eh? What are you offering?"

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"Hosilla is dead, as are most of the rest of your fellows. What I'm offering you is a chance not to join them. Your little stunt with holding the elemental's cooperation hostage was clever, but you and I both know it's not going to save you in the long term. If you had any sense you would be begging us for something useful to do, and thankfully for you I'm a generous woman; you can start with telling us how to get access to the secret stashes, like the one in the dungeons."

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"A difficult task. The buttons will only unlock the room if pressed by Baphomet's faithful, and only the highest ranking of his servants were informed of the pattern, so-"

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"Wrong answer. We already retrieved the paladin sword, all we had to do was press yellow blue red yellow like in the paintings."

She grins internally as his face whitens, confirming her guess. Gotcha.

"Now, I'm sure you had more boltholes than we've managed to find, so why don't you get to talking, truthfully this time?"

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He can tell them how to get access to their armory, then, and a hidden room behind a sculpture of Baphomet nearby, but swears that that's everything he knows. 

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Luzai bounces on her toes. "Thank you!" 

Anevia is so cool and so good at interrogations! Without hurting anyone! 

Actually. She could stand to say that out loud. 

Once they're well out of earshot of the erstwhile Hand: "I know it's not news to you that you're good at that, but I think it's really cool, how you got him to say stuff and didn't hurt him to do it." 

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"Sometimes it feels more like moral luck than anything. If doing things this way didn't work, I'd be getting a lot more use out of my knives instead of switching careers. I am grateful for it, though; it's good that I can mostly leave those skills behind me."

She the smiles fondly.

"Plus, I think not having to choose between compromising her principles and being ineffective is good for Beth too."

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Luzai nods.

They get back to the gem puzzle. Luzai pokes the shiny rocks in the correct order.

”You’d think they’d have found a less expensive way to build their unnecessary mind games, but I’m not about to complain about their wasting resources.”

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"I think the rest of this maze already made it clear they don't have a functional sense of aesthetics. I imagine they feel this makes it look more impressive."

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With the buttons pressed in the correct order, the wall moves out of their way and grants them access to the room beyond. It's littered with trophies taken from defeated foes, mostly weapons, armor, and holy symbols, but in a back of the room a place of pride is given to a longsword. The blade has a golden hue, though not of the sort you would get by making it out of the metal, and the length has been polished until it reflects the light.

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"Is that... Radiance?"

Seelah's voice comes out disbelievingly, as though she doubts her own words.

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"Iiiiii only came to Kenabres a couple weeks ago and I do not know what Radiance is." It's certainly shiny, but she wouldn't call it radiant. Maybe if a paladin picks it up? They did call it the paladin sword. 

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"It was Yaniel's sword. She used to argue for taking a more aggressive approach to fighting the demons, and would even venture into the wound on her own to rescue prisoners and kill demons. It went missing a while ago."

She approaches the display, somewhat reverently.

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"With...her?" She can totally see how someone who goes into the Wound on their lonesome would go missing with all their stuff. 

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"No, she was mortally wounded by a Lilitu before she managed to drive it off; the people she was escorting brought her corpse back to Kenabres. It used to be on display in the gray garrison."

When her hand touches the blade's hilt, it starts shining like a torch, though it dims again after a moment of concentration by Seelah.

"I wonder how they got their hands on it?"

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Aha! She was right! Much more radiant when a paladin touches it!

"Well, I don't know, but it's been...un-handed...from them now...that sounded better in my head." 

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Outside of money and a small handful of gems, there's not much in either of the other boltholes worth the time and weight of them transporting, but after her recent combat experiences Camellia is willing to bite the bullet on switching to a somewhat heavier set of armor when they find one that's enchanted. When they once more pass by the room in which they fought Hosilla, it turns out that the far side of the shield maze lets out into the sewers. This is less helpful than it might sound, since the sewers of Kenabres are also a largely unmapped warren, but it's a sign that they're at least relatively close to the surface.

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"So I didn't mention this back in the shield maze, because it only works if there aren't hidden doors, but there's a thing where in theory, if you turn the same direction every time, you will eventually find your way to any given part of a maze, specifically the exit." 

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"That only works for some kinds of flat mazes, which this isn't. Fortunately we have an easier job here, since there should be a lot of possible exits to choose from."

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As predicted, it is indeed not long before they manage to locate a door that takes them from the sewers into an otherwise unremarkable stone basement. In what is either a stroke of poor luck or a dire sign about the state of the city, however, they can hear the sound of combat coming from the room above them.

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Luzai is inclined to assume the latter. 

It would be nice, in this situation, to have her spells back, but spending another night down below would not improve anything on the surface. 

Plus she'd be out of spells again pretty soon, so, like, not even as worth it as it could be. 

She does not charge recklessly in. She stays firmly behind Seelah as Seelah charges in. 

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Seelah is very much in favor of this plan, especially with the example of what happens when they do the opposite so fresh in her memory. She charges out the basement door like a human wrecking ball and, when she realizes their good fortune, slams her new sword straight into the closest archer. 

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If you were to use one word to describe the fight scene they walk in on, it would be busy. More people are engaged in combat per square foot than Luzai has ever seen in her life, even counting the events of the festival plaza, and they're not nearly so polite as to form up in lines or pair off. Fortunately it's still reasonably easy to tell who is who; one side of the melee combatants is a group of paladins and soldiers in heavy armor lead by Irabeth Tirabade, and the other is an eclectic mix of demons and human irregulars attempting to keep the former group away from their archers and wizards. Said ranged combatants also have their own opposite number, largely a mix of Eagle's Watch and people in what Luzai may recognize as the stylized Sarenrite symbol favored by the Sunrise sword, but what makes their location especially convenient is that they came up right behind most of the cultist ranged combatants and there isn't anyone in position to get between them and Seelah.

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Oh, awesome!!! 

This is plausibly the best place in the entire city they could have come up. Definitely better than a lot of places there isn't any fighting at all. Luzai experiences a lunatic urge to stand there and cheer, but she does, instead, acid splash an archer that Seelah has not just stabbed. 

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Stabbity stab. 

Camellia is a big fan of target rich environments like this.

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Even with them in the rear, the situation isn't necessarily doomed. Having people with swords up close is obviously not great, but two dozen archers and a handful of wizards against two melee combatants is pretty good as these things go. What’s harder to handle is that some of their number decide not to stick around and see how many people are following behind Seelah, and while about half of them are braver or more fearful of their superiors than that, the lesser numerical advantage proves a lot less decisive. To make matters worse, once the cultist archers are otherwise occupied and can’t lay down supressing or harassing fire, the crusader archers are free to focus on supporting their own melee combatants. The fight doesn’t last much longer from there.

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Once all the combat is over, Luzai's first impulse is to go ransack the dead wizards for spellbooks. She looks over the dead cultists to identify who's what, and--

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What if, instead, she is Hugged. 

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Luzai gasps softly. There had been enough people in Irabeth's group of crusaders that she hadn't seen him--"Villibor," she says, a quiet, pained sound like a broken bone being set properly. Hugs indeed. 

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With the battle finished, the crusaders set about collecting the arrows undamaged enough to be reusable and patching their wounds. Not many of them are strong enough to channel, but the ones that are have quite a few uses of it and there's always lay on hands for the ones that need a bit more.

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Their leader, however, is in the middle of a reunion of her own. She picks up Anevia in a hug and spins her around.

"Nevi, you're alright!"

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"Beth, watch the plate - not so tight!"

When her wife sets her down, rather sheepishly, Anevia grabs her for a bit of a more grounded hug.

"It's good to see you're alright too. Had an exciting few days, between nearly getting lost in the caves and having to deal with a den of cultists, but no permanent injuries. The others with me are a mix of people who fell down with me and helpful natives - the stories are true, there really are whole villages living in the underground. We've also got a civilian with us, but Horgus Gwerm will be a bit since he was hanging back from the fighting."

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"I'll pick a few people who are out of healing to escort anyone who needs it to the Defender's Heart - that's where we're running the defense out of, at least until we clear out the garrison enough for it to be an option."

Reluctantly, she slowly disengages from her reunion to go speak with the newcomers.

"Luzai, I'm glad to see you made it through as well - your brother was worried sick. How are you doing on spells?"

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"Iiii am down to cantrips, unfortunately--I have Prestidigitation, Detect Magic, Acid Splash, and Resistance. But, uh, the others were well-spent, mostly, we had to fight a really annoying cultist named Hosilla to get here." She's not going to mention Hosilla's patron demon right now, that would sound like bragging and also the thing she did to it wasn't a spell she had prepared.

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She's not about to second guess any tactical decisions for fights she wasn't there for.

"Understood. Do you have experience with a crossbow?"

If not, she might want to suggest Luzai go with the group heading back now. She's not really in a position where she can afford to give up help, but cantrips aren't much use against demons and she'll need living wizards just as badly tomorrow. 

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"Yes I do." She's mostly been using Acid Splash, instead, for human cultists, but against demons--

She's not going to mention the Deskari incident that was pretty obviously related to the special emergency bolt, but it sure is brought to mind by the question. 

She has her own crossbow, still! Also some bolts, although a limited enough supply that it was relevant to her decision to acid splash human cultists. 

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They don't have a lot of spare cold iron bolts, but they can give her a few for emergencies when they need concentrated fire and even a normal bolt will injure a lesser demon about a third of the time. She'll spend about a minute talking to the other people Anevia brought with her to get a sense of their capabilities while Horgus Gwerm arrives, then send him off and set on.

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With the attempted defense at the entrance having failed so thoroughly, no other cultists try to stop them from clearing the level, but all the staircases up to the second floor are barricaded and defended.

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...Well, acid splash is useless against demons, of course, but not against mundane materials--maybe she could weaken the barricade a little bit? --Probably better to stick to crossbow, for now, and ask Irabeth about it at some lull in the fighting.

Anyway, she'd rather be using a crossbow at her brother's side than casting spells by her lonesome any day. She's so glad to have him back; a part of her heart that had been unsettled since the demon attack is soothed down, now.

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The bonus reinforcements from underground are pretty good at archery, too, even without cold iron. 

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The plan they end up going with is for their archers to pin down as many of the cultists as they can with suppressing fire while Irabeth and a few of her most heavily armored subordinates do their best to charge up the steps. The newcomers more than prove their worth here - the extra weight of fire from four more archers is worth significantly more than the loss in melee combatants she dispatched to escort their charge. The demons try to stop their advance with a stinking cloud, but more fool they; the scent is not exactly pleasant, but Paladins have a lot easier time overcoming the nausea than the cultists do, which gives them essentially free reign against the responsible dretches for several moments. Staunton's waraxe proves particularly adept at smashing through the rushed attempts at fortification, which she's glad for; it's unlikely to amount to much, but heaven knows the man could use a win.

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From there, it's a matter of traversing the second floor of the building to cut off any of the other cultists who want to retreat from their current stairwell to regroup at the third floor fortifications. Some of them will probably descend back to the ground floor to flee instead, which nobody is exactly happy with, but clearing the garrison and securing the wardstone takes priority over running down escapees no matter how much more trouble they'll be to root out once they go to ground.

As they work, it becomes clear that while the garrison's outer structure was sturdy enough to withstand the sudden impact of the wardstone, not all the internal structures can say the same. There are a number of secondary holes in the ground and piles of rubble to be careful of, and in one case the brickwork starts to come apart under one of the paladins and they need to be grabbed by one of their comrades.

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Luzai is not so naive, in strategic terms, that she would allow cultists to escape deliberately. 

But. On an emotional level, she can't help but be glad of every person who doesn't die. Like, she knows that probably they'll do yet more harm, but--

A chance is a chance. 

She supposes she's going to have to keep an eye on herself, going forward; it's one thing to say she wouldn't allow cultists to escape deliberately, and another to make sure it doesn't subconsciously bias her. 

But for now Irabeth is calling the shots! So this is not Luzai's highest priority. 

Still. Tiny internal cheer every time a cultist does the smart thing and bolts. If nothing else, a cultist who cuts and runs is a cultist who doesn't inflict another wound on a paladin before being put down. 

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At first, the third floor stairs look to be similar to those at the second. More heavily defended due to the singular ingress, yes, but a difference in magnitude rather than kind. The difference is, however, that this time they are practically allowed through. While the charging paladins are peppered with arrows on the approach, rather than fight viciously to hold them on the stairs, the demons and cultists make their retreat when pressed. Are the paladins going to come charging after them to be cut off and surrounded?

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No, Irabeth wasn't born yesterday. She'll take the chance to safely get the barricades completely out of the way of the stairs, use the more mobile pieces as cover to support her beachhead in warding off enemy arrows, and get the rest of her forces up to the third floor before pressing on.

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Oh good, the guests have all arrived. Most of them boring fools, from the looks of things, but at least some of them should scream entertainingly.

Before the crusaders can close into melee combat with the cultists, she sheds her disguise. Despite her horns, tail, and lack of eyes, her beauty is by far the most notable characteristic about her. Tasteful gold jewelry and a red dress accentuate her appearance and cover everything except her cloven hooves, and her hair seems to almost sparkle in the late morning light that filters in through the hole in the roof.

"While I admire the... enthusiasm of your efforts, I can't say the same thing for all the delays and regrouping. Where's your crusader's spirit? Don't you know it's rude to keep a lady waiting?"

Her lips form into a vicious grin as she licks her lips, and despite the natural melodiousness of her voice the effect is rather marred by the disdain in her delivery.

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Thaaaaat's a lilitu. 

Not good. 

...Is there any chance, if she focuses really hard on Lariel's sword and wanting to rescue people, that a bolt of heavenly fire will chase off this powerful demon too. 

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The sword shines, slightly bolstering those around her and forming the suggestion of wings and a halo, but the divine retribution fails to materialize. Where before channeling it felt like a torrent of power, it now comes out more like a the last few drops from the bottom of a glass.

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Lilitu. Lilitu! This! Is! Not! Good! 

...If...everyone dies here, then...Kenabres is fucked. If Luzai dies, she expects that she'll wake up in a private demiplane and her mother will be annoyed with her. 

Fundamentally, she isn't risking the same things as everyone else. 

If everyone here finds out what she's hiding and despises her for it, then--she can't help but flinch away from the idea, it feels awful, but--it isn't even her own life she's putting on the line to avoid it, not really--

If her hand creeps towards her bag, is the lilitu going to notice, or is she too focused on the paladins. 

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She's entirely too busy toying with the paladins to notice anything of the sort. If Luzai tried to flee or attack her, that might be another story, but it seems that she and the dwarf have something of a personal history and she considers this a perfect chance to torment him about it.

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If nobody is looking at her enough to take note of the fact she will pull her book of written whispers out, scrawl 

Hi Mom having a small lilitu-related problem, Grey Garrison, Kenabres, love you

and then the activation word, and then close the book and slip it back into her bag. 

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Areelu Vorlesh stows her crystal ball back into her gloves, its use redundant with her arrival in person.

Invisibility*. Quickened Dimensional Door. 

Message to Luzai: "Do you need an extraction?"




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"--Honestly out of everyone here, I'm the person I'm the least worried about." Whiiiiiich is probably not the most Mom-placating thing to say ever, but Luzai is who she is as a person, so. 

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She doesn't actually need Luzai's consent to get her out of here, but she's not actually in very much danger from Minagho just yet and that runs the risk of Luzai not telling her next time something like this comes up. Areelu takes a moment to consider things.

She could kill Minagho, but she'd have to deflect awkward questions no matter how she spun it. Dominating her would be a little better, but she knows from experience that Lilitu are sometimes willful enough to shrug that off and she would only have the one shot. Which leaves... hmm.

Message to Luzai: "If I used an illusion to sell it, could you get those you care about to flee, or do I need to manufacture a miracle?"

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"I think I could get them to flee."

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Psychic Asylum.

It's a little tricky to land an illusion on someone with True Seeing. In fact, to the best of her knowledge there isn't any spell short of Wish that can manage it, which if you limit yourself to panic casting is pretty much the end of the story. Fortunately ritual magic is not so limited, particularly with a few drops of her own divine power to smooth over the cracks, and the fact that she only needs to stretch things slightly covers the rest of it. From there it's just a matter of editing her existing structure into something she can perform almost all of via purely mental actions, then spending the rest of her fifteen minutes putting it into practice. When her subjective perspective rejoins reality, she spends three moments completing the requisite physical actions, and then for the next few minutes any illusion spells she casts count as part of her as far as her Mind Blank is concerned. More than enough time. 

Persistent Image. Mass Suggestion. Telekinesis. 

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The fight continues for about a minute longer. Minagho doesn't seem to care enough about her minions to do anything about the crusader archers shooting them, but none of the melee combatants are able to close and none of them so much as land a single hit on her. She doesn't seem to notice or care when one of the paladins gets too injured to continue and gets downed or has to limp away, but that's about the only small mercy they've got, and even at this level of playing with her food the people trying to fight her are almost out of channels and unlikely to last much longer once they are.

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"What do you think, Staunton dear? Struggled in vain enough yet? The last time you handed me a city was so much more enjoyable for the both of us."

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"Silence, witch! I'll kill you!"

The dwarf redoubles his efforts, but it doesn't prove any more effective.

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"Even if we fall here, you won't win. The inheritor is with us, and all the gods of good - all your efforts here do is prolong the inevitable."

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At that, Minagho bursts into laughter. 

"Foolish mortals, your pathetic goddess isn't coming to save you, and even if your queen had the slightest chance of victory it would be far too late." Her tone somehow manages to pack in even more derisive mockery as she continues. "I've always felt you rust-buckets had it too easy, running along all magically fearless and then flitting off to heaven before you have to face reality. So how about this? You all scurry back to your pathetic holes, and learn your lesson not to bother me again. In exchange, I'll make sure to give you all a front row seat to the death of your sad little city."

She glances to the side at nothing in particular.

"Well. Some of you."

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And Luzai surges forward, putting a hand on Irabeth's arm, looking up into her eyes--pleading, serious--

"Run," she hisses, trying very very hard to convey that she knows what she's talking about. 

Worst case scenario where Irabeth doesn't listen, she can at least grab Villibor before bolting. --Probably Mom would have gone for it if she had responded to the extraction offer by asking her to please also grab her twin but at least this way she got a chance to try to save everyone else--

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Irabeth is incredibly torn. Her every instinct is telling her not to agree, not to play into whatever plan this demoness is trying to pull, but she's not nearly naive enough to miss the fact that even all together they're horribly outmatched. She wracks her brain, working the angles - does the demoness just want to dangle hope in front of them so she can yank it away? Does she think they'll hurt some rival of hers? - but doesn't come up with anything other than the realization that her mind isn't remotely twisty enough to keep up with a greater demon's whims.

When Luzai reaches her, the girl's words are enough to tip the balance within her. 

"Everyone, move out!"

If there's even a chance this is legitimate, she's not going to give Minagho another chance to change her mind.

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Staunton briefly fights his own inner battle at that, but duty triumphs over his hatred and he follows her out. Not everyone is able to leave under their own power, but there are enough able bodied people to carry or help support their fellows that nobody gets left behind. Once out of the building, the crusaders start their slog back to their rallying point, but despite surviving the encounter almost nobody's mood is better than abysmal.

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Luzai is not happy, per se. 

But she is so, so grateful Irabeth listened. 

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When they're no longer at the point of having to actively run, Villibor raises an eyebrow queryingly at Luzai. 

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She meets his gaze and then nods, slightly. It is exactly what you think. 

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It continues to be incredibly weird that Areelu Vorlesh is Luzai's Bonus Mom, but, you know what, he's not going to complain about the Eagle Watch not being wiped out by a Lilitu right now. 

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When they make it back to the Defender's Heart, the people guarding it open the gates to let them in instead of waiting for them to confirm their identity. She'll talk to them about it later - the middle of an invasion is no time to be slacking on security. For now, though, she needs to get her people healed and try and think of a plan to save her city that doesn't get them killed or worse by a Lilitu. Maybe Rathimus will have something up his sleeves that they can afford.

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The Defender's Heart is inherently somewhat unusually defensible even by the standards of adventurer taverns, which already try to make the most of the fact that they have the kind of clientele unwilling to accept a false sense of security and that might actually have people after them willing to launch an attack inside city limits. It's perhaps not totally unexpected for a location right on the border of a country teeming with demons, but the hastily assembled barricades and observation nests are a relatively small part of the defenses. The construction is all stone and hardwood, while a genuine palisade and gate block unauthorized people from going between the two sets of buildings. In the courtyard, someone has set up a smithy, and both the interior and said courtyard have no shortage of people trying to make the most of the location, both civilian and crusader alike. 

Perhaps the most relevant part to Luzai and Villibor, though, is the bartender, who to their eyes is very obviously a fellow dhampir.

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Villibor is shy, so Luzai will just have to grab his arm and drag him over. 

"Hello!!!" she says to the bartender. "You're the first dhampir I've ever met who I wasn't related to!"

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The albino man's expression doesn't change, but he does nod slightly.

"That's not surprising, there aren't terribly many of us. This your brother, then?"

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"Yes." ...He has no evidence whatsoever of the existence of their half-siblings. Should she change that? Good question. "There really aren't, considering that what I said is true when we're from Geb."

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The man reaches below his counter and pulls out two thin glass vials of cloudy grey liquid, which he slides towards them.

    "Hey, how come they get drinks for free? City's being invaded by demons, but you're still charging us."

"Nothing but the freshest elf maiden blood is good enough for my fellow vampires."

Sunlight continues to stream in through the windows, which also makes the potions of inflict light wounds easy to identify.

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"Thank you," she says reverently, picking one up. "I was able to buy an inflict from a cleric of Abadar after the initial attack, but we've been running around a lot and there are a lot of other uses for spell slots." 

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"Use it, save it, the choice is yours. Will there be anything else?"

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"What d'you have?" She assumes alcohol but now is, not, actually, the time. At all. 

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"Drinks. Potions. Food. A few odds and ends."

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Yeah now is not a good time for alcohol but food is good.

While she and Villibor are eating, Luzai listens to what other people in the vicinity are saying, specifically about the current situation.

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There's any amount of the usual chatter - talking about the food and drinks, bragging about their achievements, and so forth - but the building has a much lower ratio of adventurers to ordinary people than it normally does, and most of the latter group hasn't taken the crisis too well. Some of the kids are being comforted while crying, some are playing while their ashen faced parents wring their hands and glance at the windows while they think they're not looking. Some people are praying, mostly to Iomedae and Desna but some to any god they think will listen, and others pass around probably fictional rumors about the goings on in the rest of Mendev and when they can expect the queen to arrive with the army. From the sounds of things it seems some people talked about there being a Lilitu at the grey garrison, but for better or for worse most don't seem to know anything about what that means other than a particularly powerful demon. Outside of rescue from Nerosyan, the most common refrain of hope seems to be people expecting that Irabeth and the eagle's watch will pull something off. There's probably plenty of other opinions going around besides those, but they're less easy to pick up just by osmosis in the main room of the tavern.

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That...makes sense. 

After they're done eating, Luzai and Villibor go off to consolidate spellbooks. And then, you know what, she's going to introduce him to her new friends. 

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Uh oh, social interaction. 

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"Seelah! This is my twin brother, Villibor! He hooked up with the Eagle Knights while we were stuck underground. Villibor, this is Seelah. She's a paladin! Of Iomedae. I think she's neat." 

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"It's nice to meet you! Your sister was really great yesterday and the day before - there's almost no one I'd rather be lost in a cave with, I think, especially when demons get involved."

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"The darkvision is handy that way." 

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"Aaaaalso I found an angel sword and thwacked a vrolikai with it." 

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"And you...couldn't repeat the feat...?"

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"Tried! No luck." 

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"If it were anyone else I wouldn't believe her," he says to Seelah, "but things just happen to her. I have mostly learned to cope." 

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"I saw it happen and I still almost don't believe it - I know the gods work miracles, but I didn't really expect it to happen in front of me. What about you, though, are you a wizard like your sister? Or are you hiding some serious muscles under those clothes and are about to go a few rounds with me with your greataxe?"

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He holds his hands up in horror that is at least thirty percent mock. "Wizard! Please do not swing large sharp objects at me." 

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"I won't lie, it's nice being able to talk shop with my favorite person."

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"Of course not, we only use blunted weapons in sparring- I kid, I kid. At least you two can talk about it with each other, since all that kind of stuff goes way over my head."

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"Fortunately I am also perfectly capable of being friends with non-wizards." 

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"I'm not."

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Luzai elbows him. "He kids," she informs Seelah, "barely more than half of our siblings are wizards." 

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Huh, they'd never said they were the only ones, but somehow she just kind of assumed. "You'll have to introduce me sometime. With any luck, at least one of you will have some appreciation for-"

She cuts herself off. There's one guess for why it might just be the two of them here, given that Luzai is from Geb. Why does she keep sticking her foot in her mouth? "Er, that is, if they are..."

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"Father wanted a large experimental group. Most of them are more...ethically challenged, than I am--but there isn't a one of us that doesn't have a good relationship with our living mothers. When Villibor and I are strong enough we're going to go back and rescue the rest of them." 

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"Naithrope doesn't count, she has a good relationship with Auntie Medya and that's what matters." 

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"That's good news, at least. I kind of get the impression that we're supposed to stay out of Geb after what happened last time, but if you end up needing assistance..."

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"There's a difference between poking the ghost-king himself and/or the nation, and poking individual blood lords! People poke individual blood lords all the time. Mostly other blood lords, but like, I do not expect that a small-scale rescue mission is going to cause problems. The dhampir project isn't anything but a personal interest of Father's." 

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"Besides, Father has a very strong sense of self-preservation. If we show up with enough force to cause him serious problems, and make specific demands, I expect he'll just fold without it actually coming to blows. He's from Avistan originally, actually, and he took one look at your not-yet-goddess and decided to be on a different continent from the Shining Crusade."

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"I think it would be a little hubristic to imagine we'll be as scary as Iomedae," Luzai points out. Not more hubristic than she is, no, but more hubristic than she would like to admit in public while still first circle. 

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"He didn't wait until she was famous to flee! And we don't need him to run away, just to give us our surviving family." 

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"Oh, that's much more achievable then." Frankly a blood lord seems similarly out of their reach right now, but hey, she thought the same thing about surviving those two demons earlier. "Just got to get in enough fights first. Speaking of, I'm going to see if they urgently need another paladin anywhere. Have you two got any plans for this afternoon?"

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"Not specifically, albeit ultimately I do intend to introduce Villibor to the others."

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"Good idea. Maybe he and Camellia will hit it off, I kind of have the impression she doesn't get out much."

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"We'll see. Might as well make her next, then." 

As they weave their way through the crowd from Seelah to Camellia, Luzai warns her brother, "Camellia was a little bit of a bitch to Lann at a bad moment--it ultimately didn't end up mattering much, but I don't think she understood the problem." 

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Snort. "Because being badly socialized is something I've never seen." 

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"Mm. I will say she certainly doesn't seem as badly off as Mentu." 

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"If she were, I would be impressed." 

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"Yeah. --Hey! Camellia! This is my twin brother, Villibor. Villibor, this is Camellia, who is good with a rapier and is not a cleric." 

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"Ah, yes, the two most important things about me - that I use a weapon and don't follow a god." She then turns her attention to Villibor, and once she drops the sarcasm her voice carries an even more obviously aristocratic diction than usual. "Charmed, I'm sure. I presume you share her aversion to positive energy?"

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"Yes. And her proclivity for wizardry." 

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"Most people who aren't clerics can't cast divine spells!"

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"Kenabres has a rather unusual number of exceptions, but I suppose that's fair enough. Enough about that, then - you seemed rather more distracted in that last fight than usual, especially after you did that little lightshow. Did something happen?"

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Ah, shit, Camellia noticed. 


"Yooouuu are not wrong but for reasons of personal secrecy I'm not going to say what." 

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The girl raises one elegant eyebrow.

"Well, I suppose everyone is entitled to their secrets. What does bring you over here, then? Is it simply introductions en route to claim your part of the reward?"

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The--oh right. She had sort of forgotten about Horgus Gwerm. 

"Introductions! Everyone who knows me should know my brother."

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"Unfortunately, Mentu isn't here." 

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She elbows him again. "My twin brother." 

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She'll smile slightly at that.

"You may consider me thoroughly introduced, then, at least until and unless this Mentu makes an appearance."

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"Out of all our half-siblings, Mentu is the least likely to show up."

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"Until a more plausible sibling arrives, then."

Camellia doesn't make any move to keep them, but once Luzai and Villibor finish up the conversation and leave the smile fades from her face.

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Sadly, Luzai does not notice this. 

It would be sort of weird to introduce Villibor to Anevia, since Villibor was hooked up with the Eagle Watch... introducing him to Lann or Wenduag is sort of complicated by the ongoing drama between the two... 

She probably should hit up Horgus Gwerm for the reward money. It's a lot of money. Admittedly Kenabres is not the best place to spend money right now, but at some point, they will be in a position to do things like pay more powerful wizards for spells, and stuff like that. 

So, Horgus Gwerm. Might as well introduce him to Villibor, why not. 

"Hi! Have you met my brother? This is Villibor. Villibor, this is Horgus Gwerm. He's a" rich "Kenabres civilian" who Anevia knows things about like she knows things about me "who ended up underground with us." 

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"And a fine job your sister did, too." He reaches into his coat and pulls out a puch, which he carefully places on the table in front of his so it doesn't thud. "A third of the reward, as promised, though I still need to figure out how to convince that paladin girl to accept her share. A darn sight more useful than this city's other defenders," he continues in a mutter.

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"If you have a hard enough time convincing her, I'll pay for an Abadar's Truthtelling that if you give it to me I'll spend it all getting her slightly nicer paladin gear that she'll have a harder time refusing. Or you could do that yourself, I guess. Or you could donate it to a charity of her choice in her name! There are options."

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"Perhaps something of the sort will end up being necessary. Speaking of payment, I was also hoping to hire you for another task."

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"What is it?" So far he's been a very good employer but she doesn't want to make any commitments without knowing what she's committing to. 

That's how they get you. 

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"I happen to own a manor on the southern side of the city, where I store a number of valuable items - valuable for both monetary and sentimental reasons. They're reasonably secure, of course, but with the state of the city there's no shortage of looters and arsonists about, and I have no doubts my abode is a prime target. To make matters worse, the eagle's watch seem to have any intention of doing anything about it! So I've decided to take matters into my own hands, and hire an escort to help me do something about it. Your job would be to discourage anyone we catch in the act and to aid me in retrieving what I can to at least relative safety."

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"...Okay. That seems reasonable. I will have to check with Irabeth for when she doesn't need us--I do think fighting the demons is more important than fighting the looters--but I will talk to her and see who wants to go and then get back to you. What are you offering, it would be embarrassing if I didn't know that when checking who wants to go." 

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"Another thousand crowns. I do have more options now, but Horgus Gwerm has no intention of being stingy when it comes to his own safety, and if we arrive after it's looted I risk losing more than I could save by haggling with the lowest bidder anyway."

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Nod. "Understood." 

It has not escaped Luzai that with a job with a flat fee like this the more people who are involved, the smaller the individual share, but--whatever. Not getting killed is also good. 

She starts making her way over to where Lann is, and--hey, is that a holy symbol of Abadar? 

She makes her way over to the guy with the holy symbol of Abadar instead. Obviously she isn't going to ask him if he wants to go on an escort mission, but: 

"Hi, are you a cleric?" 

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"Indeed, I am Fiducia Rathimus. Normally I operate out of the temple of Abadar, but under the circumstances a temporary relocation seemed in order."

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"--I don't recognize the title Fiducia, do they use different titles in Avistan versus Osirion?" 

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"In Osirion, my colleagues tend to take on the title Cicerone to emphasize their roles in guiding people. In Mendev, Abadar does not help run the government; my primary role is instead to be someone categorically trustworthy. Of course, there's also the matter of language; Hallit lacks a precise translation of Cicerone, and the closest equivalencies largely suggest things along the lines of guiding people through the wilderness, which would give people the sort of inaccurate impression of what we do that we attempt to avoid." 

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"Yeah, I don't know much about the Good gods, yet, but that sounds more like Erastil. I think. Are you still selling stuff? Horgus Gwerm paid me to do a thing and it's not that the money is burning a hole in my pocket or anything but anything that can be used to deal with demons is, uh, it's not like the money is going to do me any good if I die." 

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"Certainly. Much of my spell slots are already spoken for, but not all of them, and I do have a number of scrolls and other goods on me as well."

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--The mention of scrolls briefly distracts her. 

"Just divine scrolls, or...?" 

You can copy spells from scrolls into a spellbook!

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"Arcane as well, though not as many, and mostly of the first three circles. Do you have any particular spells in mind?"

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"Nnnnnnooooo I'm just one of those wizards who finds the idea of learning new spells sparklier than Glitterdust. And green enough to not have many spells yet. I am going to be responsible and not immediately dump as much money as possible on scrolls of spells I don't have, because I have been deliberately cultivating habits of mind to avoid becoming one of those warning stories about wizards with more cunning than wisdom, but I am tempted." 

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"Typically those stories are told about more severe failings, but far be it from me to discourage financial prudence."

Between her age and comments on her own experience... he'll stick to bringing out his first circle scrolls, then, unless she requests otherwise.

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"Yeah, but I can only cast first circle spells so far! If I wait until I have the chance to mess up that badly I'll have lost years of opportunity to build better habits! And, also, I am not made of money." 

--Ooh, that's Protection from Evil, she doesn't actually have Protection from Evil yet and that is a VERY practical spell to want under this circumstance. 


He has Sure Casting. She's heard of Sure Casting. She wants Sure Casting. Being as good as possible at overcoming spell resistance is kind of key to her long-term plans so she has thought about it a lot. But her long-term plans aren't exactly relevant yet...on the other hand, demons also have spell resistance. 

She dithers for several rounds before deciding to go ahead and buy Sure Casting as well as Protection from Evil. It's practical! It is! 

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Then Luzai is now the proud owner of two first circle arcane scrolls. The price is a bit higher than it likely would have been to purchase the same scrolls at one of the major inner sea entrepôts, but after accounting for the differences in currency purchasing power the difference is fairly modest, and Luzai's windfall is more than sufficient to absorb the charge several times over.

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Okay. Luzai was looking for Lann. Luzai finds Lann. Lann is petty unimpressed by the idea of helping a rich man protect his wealth while the city is being overrun by demons, which Luzai feels is pretty legit although not so overwhelmingly much so that she's going to turn down the money about it. He is however fine with being introduced to Luzai's twin brother. 

Ah, there's Wenduag! 

"Wenduag! Hi! This is my twin brother Villibor! Villibor this is Wenduag, she's a good archer." 

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Wenduag has taken up a position in the corner of the main room, about as far as she could get away from Lann without making it blatant that was what she was doing or giving up on being able to monitor the entrance. She notices their approach well prior to them arriving, but instead spends the time observing the new addition now that they're not in the heat of battle. She wasn't totally sure at the garrison, but now that she's seen more of the uplanders the way in which they differ from everyone else around them stands out. They're obviously from at least the same tribe; being siblings makes sense. The biggest question is if he holds the same power, or if he's only important for being close to Luzai.

"You'll never meet a better hunter."


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What does he say to that. "I'm more familiar with farming than hunting." Wait that's terrible, not only does it ambiguously put down hunting it implies he knows anything about agriculture. "By which I mean, Father owned a small slave farm." That might have been worse! "That's where he got our mother, and the mothers of most of our half-siblings." Thaaaaat at least seems okay? Probably? 

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Is he propositioning her? She's not sure how else to take someone bringing up that they enjoy slave farms like the one their father got their mother from, and she's well aware of her own popularity in Neatholm, but the uplanders are strange in a lot of ways. Wenduag looks at him assessingly. He doesn't seem very muscular, but not being muscular didn't stop Luzai from defeating Savamalekh and he does look like he regularly eats. He's at least an okay shot with a crossbow, plus he has magic, and if the claim is true his family is presumably rich as well. She could definitely do worse, but she might be able to do better as well. She'll see how he reacts to pushback, then, and reply with a smirk.

"I'll think about it. I think you'll find me more of a challenge than you're used to."

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Did she read subtext into what he said? Oh no, he doesn't know what subtext you could extract from what he said but it can't be good. 

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As near as she can tell, he's genuinely surprised by that. Which implies that either he doesn't usually get that kind of response to his offers, or uplanders have some script for it that she's not following. Well, whatever; she already knew she wasn't like the people on the surface.

"I'm saying you'll have to work for it, wizard."

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“Work for what.”

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Fortunately for Villibor, despite her lack of charisma Wenduag is wise enough to usually think through what she says before speaking. Unfortunately for him, she does not have a sense of shame or indeed any reason to consider this something she should be embarrassed about.

"To breed me. I'm not going to sleep with someone who can't give me strong children."

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"I have no idea how you got that from what I said. --Is it because I mentioned my mother?" He doesn't really see how that would lead to, uh, that, but then he doesn't know anything about underground people culture??? Maybe you never mention your parents if you're not courting someone. 

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Now Wenduag is confused.

"Why else would you bring up that you enjoy farming, like where your father got the mothers of his children?"

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"--I don't enjoy it! I just know anything about it! And I don't know anything about hunting, and--hunting and farming are supposed to be the two ways to get food." 

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Now she's totally lost and isn't sure how to respond.

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"Villibor is not great at social interactions and brought up the farming thing in response to hunting because 'say something related to what the other person just said' is usually a workable rule of thumb for talking to people if you don't know what else to say." Finally someplace Luzai has any idea what's going on! 

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"Usually when I say the wrong thing people just call me out on it or give me unimpressed looks." 

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Well, if he is interested what she said still applies and if not there are plenty more people on the surface.

"I see."

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He nods. That's. Probably safe?

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"So, hey, how d'you feel about money, it's probably way more useful on the surface when you can buy lots of things than when you can really only use it with Dyra. And Horgus Gwerm is offering us a bunch of it to escort him to his big fancy house."

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"Is that the blusterer we had to guide out of the caves? I thought it was odd how people like that paladin took him so seriously. Is having lots of money how you get people to respect you up here?" 

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"Hmm. Sometimes it is. That is, it's one of several ways to get people to respect you. I don't think Irabeth Tirabade has a lot of money, but everyone respects her. Power gets people to respect you, I would say, and money is one kind of power." 

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She still doesn't understand how the money does that, or why anyone other than people like Dyra cares, but she doesn't need to understand to not want to pass up a chance to take some of their strength for her own. Maybe she can figure it out once she has some.

"Then I'm in."

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It occurs to Luzai only belatedly that mentioning that Lann wasn't coming might have been a bonus, but it would probably be sort of weird to mention it after the fact. 

...She should probably go talk to Irabeth, if only because keeping an eye out for more Lilitu-sized problems is a better idea than talking to Mom in the heat of the moment. Camellia already noticed that she was acting weird that one time, she would really like to not form a pattern. 

Irabeth is in charge and Luzai is only a first-circle wizard under her sort-of command, so Luzai...approaches her sort of obliquely, making her way through the crowd of refugees such that, if Irabeth is busy, or anyone looks at her like she's out of line for just showing up to talk, she can veer off with some kind of plausible deniability. 

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Irabeth does seem to be reasonably busy. She's commandeered a relatively private alcove on the first floor of the inn, and is seated at a desk with what looks like a map rolled out in front of her. Anevia is sitting across from her, as is an unfamiliar adventurer; their conversation is occasionally interrupted by people delivering reports.

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There are also a pair of paladins on guard to prevent unnecessary interruptions and keep any cultists from listening in. One of them is even a familiar face, although unless she's quick on the uptake he'll probably recognize her first. He seems significantly more tired than he was a few days ago at the eagle's watch headquarters, but he responds to catching sight of her with alacrity.

"Do I need to clear the room again? Or, er, as close as we can manage right now?"

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"Oh, uh, no, no this time!" 

Somehow the fact that people remember her as the girl with the warning prickled at her nerves less when she hadn't just asked her mother to intervene again. Whatever, she'll get over it.

"Hi Irabeth, I just wanted to let you know I bought a scroll from the cleric of Abadar and Villibor and I can prepare Protection from Evil tomorrow, and also wondering if you had any specific plans for us anytime soon." 

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While it's not that she wasn't very glad of the warning - and, in fact, would prefer it if she got that kind of heads up every time - part of Irabeth can't help but be glad that there isn't another crisis about to drop in her lap.

"Not unless your magical expertise also includes figuring out why the wardstone isn't zapping demons properly and how to make it start again. When you prepare spells tomorrow it will be a different story, but cantrips less so. If you're looking for something to do the patrols could always use extra backup, or detect fiendish presence if you have it, but nothing critical."

Personally she somewhat hopes the girl will take a break, both for her own sake and because even first circle is enough to make her one of the stronger wizards they have.

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"I don't have that. I would be happy to swap for it if there's anyone who does have it who doesn't have something I do." She sort of wishes that there were just, public libraries, full of spellbooks, and people would come in and put in new ones the library didn't already have, and could copy down any ones they wanted, so every wizard's repertoire were just a matter of how they decided to specialize and how much time they were willing to spend learning new spells, but--this is not that. She can share spells freely with Villibor but most wizards are not actually down with "I'll show you mine if you show me yours." 

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"I'll see if I can find you someone with it before dawn, then."

Or rather delegate finding it, but still. Fortunately she's pretty sure that's one of the more common ones in Kenabres, since the inquisition gives it out to any wizard willing to do an interview under truthspell. If nothing else Aravashnial probably has it, and as difficult as the elf is to work with he does genuinely hate demons.

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It occurs to her, suddenly, that if she accomplishes her goal of becoming a legendary archmage, she could just open such a library herself. She's never really thought before about what she'd do in the interim between achieving "legendary archmage" status and a century or two passing before she was ready to check in on the "can I challenge Geb" front, but--

Well, it's, uh, a lot more likely for Luzai Seshka than it was for just Luzai. So. 

Of course she's still getting well ahead of herself! Right now she is still bargaining for new cantrips. 

Okay, making the Horgus Gwerm trip today could work. Lann's out, Wenduag's in. Seelah...hm. She's giving some thought to how to approach Seelah. Meanwhile, Camellia. 

"Camellia! Horgus Gwerm offered us another escort mission."

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"Wherever to?"

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"His mansion. It is, like, objectively less important than getting him to the surface to not die, but he's offering us a whole bunch of money again, and I'm at loose ends for the rest of the day." 

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"Sure, that sounds like it could be an interesting way to spend an afternoon."

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Camellia does do melee but Luzai would really rather have Seelah along. 

Hm. How to approach her. 

"Hey, Seelah, Horgus Gwerm offered us an escort mission to his townhouse so he can make sure looters don't get his stuff. I realize paladins aren't motivated by money, but a bunch of us not-paladins are going and if we run into any demons it would be really cool to have you along." 

There! It's accurate, it's not slanting the facts in a manipulative way, and it stands a chance of working! 

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Seelah doesn't think that's how it's supposed to work, especially with how everyone else is also in danger, but she doesn't really want them to get stabbed because she wasn't there. She thinks about it for a bit.

"I'm willing to come with you, but I can't promise I'll stick around if I see other people who need rescuing."


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"--I mean obviously if we see someone who needs rescuing that comes first! I'm only doing this at all because I didn't have anything better to do until tomorrow anyway." 

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Oh good, she's happy to come along then.

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Cool. She will let Horgus Gwerm know they're ready to leave. 

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Wonderful, Horgus Gwerm knew hiring them was a good decision.

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Once past the gates of the defender's heart, the streets of Kenabres are all but deserted. Occasionally they'll catch what might be movement inside one of the houses, but for the most part anyone alive and not a cultist is doing their best not to advertise this fact. Judging by the corpses occasionally on the street, though, some of them never got the chance to learn this from experience.

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Nngh. These poor guys. 

Luzai has detect magic up. It's not detect fiendish presence, but it'll probably catch, like, invisible quasits or something. 

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Despite the devastation, the northeast of the city is at least moderately peaceful. As they progress south, however, plumes of smoke from burning buildings become visible, and large insects like the ones they encountered in the caves can be seen rooting through the alleyways and scavenging on corpses. They might become hostile once the easy sources of food dry up, but for the moment none of them seem interested in picking a fight with a group of people still capable of moving on their own. 

The first living humans Luzai spots consist of a trio of men pulling a cart. They could pass for ordinary citizens, sensibly armed for the duration of the crisis and nervously looking around for danger, if it weren't for the valuables piled up in their transport.

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"Guys. Guys what the fuck." 

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Horgus Gwerm injects enough venom into his words to make it sound like a pejorative.

"Opportunists and scoundrels, the worst sort of scum. Nearly as bad as the demon cultists, if you ask me."

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"No, no, sorry, I got that part, the party I'm confused by is why they thought it was a good idea to stay in the demon-infested city stealing junk instead of, you know, leaving. Like, a cart full of valuables is going to slow you down if you have to run away from demons, if you abandon the cart you're back to square zero with a bunch of risk taken and nothing to show for it...I guess they could be cultists? Hey, are you guys cultists?" 

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That actually takes a moment to answer, since saying no to cultists and yes to crusaders are similarly dangerous outcomes, but Seelah is pretty obviously a paladin.

"No, of course not," one of them replies, doing their best to look offended by the assumption.

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"Well, then you're being stupid, because with a heavily laden cart like that you're not going to be able to avoid the cultists, or the demons. May I suggest you find a couple of items apiece with a high value-to-weight ratio and then get out of town? Like, seriously, if you die while looting a demon-infested city, you probably won't get a good afterlife! Nobody here wants that!" 

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"You shouldn't encourage them!"

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"I mean, I don't think they should steal things! But talking them out of stealing anything at all would take longer, and, uh, 'do this less-harmful thing that is still at least as much in your selfish interests, if not more so' is uh...a position I...got used to arguing, growing up in Geb...I should probably practice talking people out of things who aren't undead, while also not being observed by any undead. Hey you guys, quit stealing!" 

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If they were ever inclined to listen to her, doing it after the first bit was not the most compelling argument, but they are watching Luzai's group rather nervously what with how they're outnumbered and out armed.

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Luzai folds her arms and gives them an unimpressed look. 

"I'm serious. I spent, like, so much of my childhood going to temples to Urgathoa? It didn't sound nice!" 

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"If you're an Urgathoan, where do you get off judging us?"

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"Well, I'm a paladin of Iomedae, and I'm telling you this is illegal and immoral! I can't believe you're trying to use this as an excuse to rob people."

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"It's not like the city's going to make it anyway. Whatever we take is practically a public service, keeping it out of the hands of cultists."

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"I'm not an Urgathoan!" How dare. "It's not my fault where I was born. Also, deciding that because you don't want to try to stand up to the demons means that those of us who are doing it will fail, actually, just means you suck." 

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"If you think you're going to make a difference, you're delusional. Terendelev's dead, there's demons all over the city, the Sellen is poisonous to drink - Kenabres has already fallen, and you're just unable to see it."

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In response, she pulls out Lariel's sword and does the glowy thing with it. 

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The three of them cringe at the light and look away. Eventually, one of them musters the ability to reply.

"What was that?"

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"That was the sword of the angel Lariel, with which I struck down a vrolikai demon in the tunnels beneath Kenabres." No need to mention that she tried repeating the maneuver with a Lilitu and failed. "Kenabres has more power than has been out in the open, these past years. We haven't lost yet. Now either help or get the fuck out of our way." 

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The looters scamper off, leaving their cart in the middle of the road.

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Luzai looks at the cart, and then at Seelah. 

"Is there...something we're supposed to do? Because if we leave it in the middle of the street, more looters are definitely going to take it. But Irabeth obviously has higher priorities right now than figuring out who that stuff actually belongs to." 

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"We could...drag it into a building damaged enough that it would fit, maybe? And write down where we left it in case anything is still there when the demons are dealt with." Vilibor is sort of dubious of this course of action but it is in fact a thing that is not "leave it in the street." He's sort of inclined to leave it in the street but probably it is better to consider and reject at least one alternative first. 

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"I suppose it's better than nothing," Seelah agrees. She doesn't want to make things really easy for the next looter who stops by, but it would be really hard to justify the time to return everything given the city's current state - even if everything could be somehow returned. Seelah sets to tugging, though by the time she stops about a minute later it's not really hidden from more than a casual glance down the street.

"Hopefully that works."

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Villibor does not think that's going to work, he's pretty sure that the cart will be either empty or gone the next time they come by. But, you know, he can appreciate the principle of trying something even if the odds of success are low. 

Also, now the cart is no longer blocking the street, which is good, probably. 

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Luzai is mostly just glad they didn't have to fight the thieves! Probably they will not repent of their wicked ways today but with luck they'll still be alive in a year to turn their lives around then. 

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There aren't any other looters as obvious as that, at least; once or twice they hear what might be footsteps moving away from them, but whoever they belong to is evidently not interested in meeting a group of people walking openly in Kenabres. As they approach the market square, a large crevasse across the middle of the street forces them to detour slightly; judging by the location, it probably owes its appearance to the same blow that sent Luzai on an underground jaunt.

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Luzai peers over slightly to see how far down she can see. 

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It's hard to estimate exactly, given how there isn't really anything she does recognize the size of the compare to, but judging by the fact that the bottom isn't  dark enough to impede her vision it's less than 60 feet down.

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Hmm. She doesn't recognize that spot. Which isn't shocking, considering how far they are from where she fell, but she doesn't have a great intuition for which direction she went from there relative to the surface, so she wasn't sure. It's interesting, anyway. Maybe they can cut stairs or ladders or something into the chasm walls, give the underground people better access to the surface. Later. After they've chased the lilitu out and reclaimed the Wardstone, not that she has any idea how they're going to do that yet. 

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Safely navigating the city is, comparatively speaking, mostly a much more straightforward task. Once they complete the detour, they make it several more streets before they run into a pair of Dretches in an awkward moment where both groups spot each other at about the same time.

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...Luzai will attempt to use Lariel's sword to intimidate them into running away. 

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They do not like this at all, but they dislike it in the sense where once it dazzles them they immediately charge Luzai.

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Ah, fuck. Luzai doesn't like that! She dodges behind Seelah. 

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Seelah is strong enough for that to not topple her, but she lets out an involuntary grunt at the effort. Radiance slashes out at the one that doesn't have a faceful of shield, but there's not much Luzai or Villibor will be able to do to help her here, not with crossbows against enemies in melee combat.

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They do have one other person able to assist, though, and the hide of a Dretch is no impediment to cold iron. They're incredibly disgusting creatures, but that certainly doesn't make her more inclined to let them live.

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"Sorry. I was trying to scare them away," Luzai sighs after the fiends are dispatched. 

She wonders whose children they were, before they were abyssal larvae. 

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"It's fine. Better they went after me anyway instead of whoever else they find in the city."

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"Yeah. I don't imagine two dretches more or less are going to make much of a difference, but--they might make a difference for someone." Luzai has never heard the parable of the thrown starfish, but she does have a basic intuition for the principle. It just feels a little less bolstering to her spirit when the thrown starfish are probabilistic in the future instead of concrete people having their lives extended by concrete margins of time. 

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Personally Villibor would rather kill demons that were carrying lootable objects, at least until he's powerful enough to do horrible experiments to their corpses, but you can't have everything. 

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Once past the market square, the architecture gets steadily more impressive and the estates richer, with commercial buildings giving way to townhouses with glass windows. Many of said windows are smashed, and the doors broken down; their wealth and position in society likely made them tempting targets to cultists and opportunists alike.

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Huh, they're passing pretty close by Count Arendae's place, neat. 

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They are! It's pretty easy to keep track of which way they'd have to go to get there, too, what with the smoke and all.

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Luzai is not, like, specifically angling to go there, but if it happens to be on the way she is actually non-zero curious what the situation there looks like, what with her warning and stuff. She would be a little surprised if it was one of the buildings that was on fire but only a little; the count could easily have gone to ground somewhere else. 

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It's a little bit out of their way, but Seelah is pretty easy to talk into going towards the fire rather than ignoring it, and three of them that's the majority of their group.

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The place is pretty well-guarded, which isn't exactly a surprise; there are some cultists trying to pick a fight with the guards, whiiiiiich is maybe a little bit of a surprise--surely there are softer targets--but not really; a stationary target that's visibly not taken over by demons is kind of an obvious thing to want to solve, from their perspective. 

Cultists don't have demon resistances. Eat acid. 

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They're not exactly fans, either of it or the crossbow bolts they start taking when they stand up to counterattack. How does she feel about alchemist's fire? They've got a lot of that saved up for burning down buildings.

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She does not like that one bit. But, like, also? They definitely shouldn't be allowed to burn down buildings with it??? She is somewhat less in favor of their managing to escape than she is of the average cultist! 

...Tragically, hiding behind Seelah works significantly less well against alchemist's fire than it does against people attempting to melee her. Ow. 

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Villibor just straight-up does not have the complicated feelings his sister does about cultists dying. He moves to a sufficient distance away that any given cultist is going to have to make a choice about which one of them to bomb and snipes at them with his crossbow. 

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Camellia also lacks any complicated feelings about killing cultists, at least in that direction. She can charge in alongside Seelah and get too close for them to throw fire at her without hitting their own people. Their armor is terribly shoddy, and unlike proper soldiers they aren't exactly skilled with the daggers and shortswords they hastily flourish.

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Horgus Gwerm is going to hang back outside the splash zone, thank you very much. Rapier or no rapier, he has no intention of getting his hands dirty when he doesn't have to.

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Considering that he is, strictly speaking, paying them to do a thing that is not this, as long as he just stays back an doesn't complain, Luzai isn't going to complain either. 

Once the cultists are all dead (...mostly thanks to Seelah and Camelliah, with Special Guest Star Wenduag, Luzai isn't going to kid herself about how impactful the cantrip-slinging wizards were, here) Luzai is going to check them very carefully for any remaining alchemist's fire, because that stuff is apparently really good at ruining someone's day!!!

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Oh, they've got a whole barrel of the stuff! Not very high quality, in either ingredients or preparation, but more than enough to be very unpleasant for anyone or anything nearby.

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His guards may prefer that he and they hang back now that the threat is neutralized, but it's only been a day since the attack began and Daeran is already bored out of his mind. He supposes this is what he gets for being relatively responsible for once - he'll have to remind himself to never make that mistake again. When he spots the newcomers, however, he feels his decision to head out in person is completely vindicated.

"Well, isn't this a sight for sore eyes." 

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"Oh! Hi!" 

She waves cheerfully, despite the alchemical burns on significant portions of her flesh. It's fine, she'll get better. "Sorry for showing up without the pretty dress this time, but, y'know, the streets just aren't safe these days. Did you know the people living underground are real? This is Wenduag! She's a really good archer!" 

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"It sounds like someone's had an exciting time these last few days - perhaps I ought to be jealous."

He then turns towards Wenduag, and gives her a dazzling smile. 

"It's a delight. I am count Daeran Kael 'Myriad Melliflous Monikers' Arendae, the master of this house you just helped defend." 

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"And this is Seelah, and that's Camellia, and this is my twin brother Villibor." 

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Uh oh, this guy is at least as Splendid as Luzai is. 

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"Allow me to warn you in advance, then; I have no intention of remembering any of those names. On the other hand, I would be a poor host indeed if I left you injured defending me without so much as a by your leave, and I happen to be something of a healer. May I?"

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"--Well, I certainly encourage you to heal the others, but my brother and I are dhampirs; we heal the opposite way, like undead." 

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"You have my sympathies, but that's not a concern. Inflict Light Wounds, Inflict Light Wounds."

Then he channels energy, catching the rest of her entourage.

"Now, what brings you back to this neck of the woods? If you're hoping to attend another party, I'm afraid I must warn you things have been dreadfully dull on that score ever since Deskari decided he just had to gatecrash."

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This is AWESOME. Luzai has been having so much less trouble getting healed since the demon attack began than she was expecting.

"Hah, I wish. No, Horgus Gwerm is paying us to escort him to his mansion so he can secure stuff against looters. We can't all be independently wealthy aristocrats." 

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"--I mean, technically--" 

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"Pretty sure we stopped counting as independently wealthy after we spent all the money we stole from Father." 

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"Alas, despite my best efforts I'm afraid I cannot say the same. Personally, I blame the Iomedaeans - if they were less fervently opposed to everything fun and beautiful, I'm sure I'd have managed to exhaust even the Arendae coffers by now."

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"Ah, so we Iomedeans all hate beauty? I never realized. Not to worry, though - a few more minutes with your dazzling lordship, and I'm sure I'll be as sour as week old milk."

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"An attractive paladin who knows how to crack a joke? I see Deskari's reputation as the harbinger of the apocalypse is not exaggerated - the end times truly are upon us."

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“Also, like, we spent the money fleeing from Geb, where Father is a Blood Lord. Do you know what’s directly north of Geb? Osirion! If you imagine that I, a woman, was having lots of fun in Osirion, then either you’ve never been there or you imagine that my idea of fun is assuring people that my nearest male relative knows where I am.”

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“Or getting kidnapped.”

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“You can’t credit Osirion for that one, the kidnappers weren’t Osirian.”

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"I don't know, that still sounds like it could be exciting. Certainly the kidnapping - perhaps due to my lacking the ability to disguise myself as a fair maiden, I had to arrange my own capture ahead of time and it left much to be desired compared to the spontaneous version. Osirion, on the other hand, sounds positively dreadful. I won't lie, I rather treasure my reputation as a rake, but I can assure you the Mendevian method is far more pleasant for all involved than simply talking with a girl while her chaperone isn't nearby."

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"Sounds it. Although for the full experience I, personally, would hold out at the very least until I can cast Alter Self, and, you know, have the slots going spare. Not getting eaten by demons is currently a much more efficient use of spells to have fun. --I mean, not that demons are the worst possible thing to be eaten by, I'd pick them over a mohrg any day, but still." 

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"And hence the adventuring, I see. That's certainly a worthy cause if I ever heard one."

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“Oh, it’s a bonus, for sure, but really the adventuring is more because fuck my father. I’m going to get strong enough that I can go back and make my opinions on him very clear.”

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"Preach it."

It's not new information for her, but she gets the feeling Luzai hasn't had nearly enough people willing to voice their support for her goals in her life so far and she does want the girl to succeed.

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Well, it’s not entirely honest. Mama’s death was the result of Gebbite law, not Father’s personal decisions. But if she said “I’m going to succeed where Lastwall badly failed” then people would be like “okay but please do not even try,” and for good reason.

She does appreciate Seelah’s support, though. She gives Seelah a swift and grateful smile.

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Then Seelah will happily remain oblivious to the fact that Luzai's ambitious plan is just a cover for her secret, even more ambitious plan and smile back at her.

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"I can't say I'm much of a fan of fighting the undead, but maybe once I have something more effective to do than trying to stab them."

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"Positive energy," Luzai suggests. "That one you can already do. Albeit not all day like you can stab things. Anyway, my personal vendetta isn't necessarily your problem. I understand that demons bleed just as wet as anything else when you have cold iron." 

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Villibor says something in Necril. 

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And Luzai's cheeks cloud with ashes as she deliberately steps on his foot as hard as she can through both of their adventuring boots. 

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"Well, I suppose I shouldn't keep you." 

From the tone of his voice, it sounds like he very much rather would.

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She flushes darker. 

"That--is a terrible pity. The demons have much to answer for. But," she raises her chin, "I promise you, the next time we meet, there'll be even more reason for you to remember my name." 

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"You found an angel sword and smote a vrolikai with it, is that not reason enough?" 

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"I am not a one-trick pony." 

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Wenduag nods approvingly. She has no intention of letting anyone forget her either, and if Luzai has the same goal that'll be helpful for achieving it.

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The Gwerm Mansion looks rather similar to its fellows. It's somewhat more impressive than its immediate neighbors, but not as grand as the Count's manor, and clearly rather older a building. The most striking thing about it is its flower gardens, which despite several days of evident neglect are still beautiful - someone clearly put a lot of time and effort into their design and upkeep. The same cannot be said of the structure itself, as the impact of its architecture is rather spoiled by the fact that one of the double doors set into the main entrance was ripped off its hinges, and the force applied was enough to damage the nearby masonry as well.

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"Just as I feared. My guards are supposed to prevent this kind of thing, but if this happens on their watch just because I'm gone for a few days, what is Horgus Gwerm even paying them for?"

Despite his words, Horgus Gwerm seems significantly more worried than angry.

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"Maybe demons killed them."

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"They'd better hope so. Well once the building is clear, let me know; I'll be out here."

He looks around for a moment. "Better not be in sight of the road, actually."

He doesn't look precisely happy about hiding behind the bushes, but it's not enough to stop him from doing it.

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Camellia looks at him with clear disdain, but refrains from speaking her comments aloud.

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Luzai would not say that she feels disdain but, mm, also she isn't going to judge Camellia for it. 

Alright. Inwards they go! What is there to stab and/or inflict cantrips on. 

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The inside of the manor is a mess. It was clearly looted, with pictures pulled down from the walls and decorative torch-holders pulled from their sockets, but incompletely so - most of the doorknobs, for instance, are still attached to the doors despite the market value of their metal. Unfortunately for Horgus Gwerm, however, that is not the extent of the damages. The debris and spillage are of the sort one might expect after an extremely rambunctious party that nobody bothered to clean up after. Judging by some of the sounds coming from further into the house, some of said revelry might be ongoing, but the foyer is at least empty of people.

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Looting is one thing, but she takes personal offense to vandalism. Nobody benefits! It's not just stupid, it's just stupid. 

Alright, follow the noises. Probably they can sneak up to a sufficient extent to find out what they're dealing with before facing it head-on. 

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Despite it being the early afternoon, this still manages to involve stepping over someone lying on the floor, passed out drunk. There's not really anything about him to make the determination of if he's a cultist or not, but a peek into the kitchen makes it clear enough - several of those enjoying the Gwerm wine cellar are Cambions, and judging by the state of a nearby corpse they've had at least one victim since they arrived at the manor.

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Well...at least someone who's drunk is probably easier to fight than someone who isn't? 

"I think it probably makes sense to handle them now, but we could check out the rest of the house and come back later when they're even drunker," she whispers. 

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"The humans might be sloshed, but there's a chance the demosns is attentive enough to hear if we get in another fight - the two of them seem much more lucid than the others, even if they're not being very active."

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"That's right, demons are immune to poisons - I guess alcohol would count as one, wouldn't it. We'll have to take them down first. I'll head for the one on the right - Villibor, Luzai, Wenduag, are you ready?"

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Wenduag waits until the moment the cambion facing towards them draws in breath to cry out in alarm to loose her shot; the arrowhead interrupts the exclamation and delays the noise by a moment, but the sudden arrow shaft sprouting from their chest is still a pretty alarming thing for their fellow to see. They spring to their feet, scrabbling for their scimitar-

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And Seelah slams her shield straight into them; unbalanced as they are, the force of the blow is enough to send them to their knees.

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Luzai and Villibor focus on the human cultists, which lack a demon's resistance to acid. The two of them don't excel at firing into melee, but they do excel at working together. 

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Neither of the demons are given the time or space to rally, and it's doubtful how much help their drunk fellows would have been if they weren't being shot to death. They die, though not before letting out a few screams of pain and fear.

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"Hopefully anyone else here thinks that was just another victim of theirs."

Seelah glances at the bodies in question. She doesn't recognize all the tools besides them, much less the marks on the victims, but the whips and chains and collars she does are pretty disturbing. It's kind of surprising, really, most demons don't carry that many supplies with them.

"I wish we had the time to give them a proper burial, but spending that much time wouldn't be fair to their still living fellows. Still. May Pharasma judge them kindly."

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"Amen," murmurs Luzai, who recognizes more of the tools but doesn't yet have the experience with demons to recognize their presence as anomalous. 

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Anything of note besides instruments of torture on the bodies?

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Not unless you count some reasonably high quality weapons or the unopened bottles of alcohol. The rest of the ground floor seems free of enemies, including when they check behind the locked doors - none of which give Camellia any trouble. Outside of the mess, the two most noticeable things about it are a reasonably well stocked library and the guest rooms. Most of the latter lie empty or were even repurposed, but between the decorations and the bed it's clear one of them was in use for a while prior to the attack.

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Villibor definitely counts the weapons! ...He will check with Horgus Gwerm to make sure the bandits didn't steal the weapons from the manor. But if they didn't, bringing back good weapons to the Defender's Heart can only be a good thing. 

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Luzai is not going to steal any of the books, obviously, but she does gaze at them covetously and mentally note any particularly interesting titles. Maybe when this is all over she will be able to persuade Horgus Gwerm to invite her over to read his books. 

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There's some good stuff there! Mostly not on wizardry, but in addition to the expected works on history and politics and the gods and geography, there's a sizable catalogue on spirits, oracles, and even druids. It seems like he or one of his ancestors had an interest. 

The second floor is also damaged, but more spitefully than the previous - rather than prying loose things of monetary value or celebratory refuse, most of the damage seems to come from someone who just wanted to destroy things. 

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"Tch, why would someone--"


"Hey, Seelah, any evil nearby?"


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She can scan around. There's nothing invisible in the room with them that she can detect, but the walls of the Gwerm manor are not made of metal; detect evil goes through them just fine.

Her response is must quieter. "Three of them in range. And they're all strong." Left unsaid is that if that's just three Abrikandilu, they're probably fine, but there's no guarantee there aren't more out of her range and Abrikandilu are the weakest kind of demon that gets a strong reading.

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"Kind of wish we had a map of this place. It would be useful to know if they're in the same room or not..."

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"There's two rooms in that direction, but one of them is behind a hidden door, so I'd assume they're in the same one."

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Mildly inconvenient, but good to know. Wait-- "How do you know that?" Detect Secret Doors, maybe? Does that work through walls?

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She raises one delicate eyebrow.

"Luzai, I opened some of those doors with a key."

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"So you have regular access to the library?" 

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Why is that Luzai's takeaway here - no, actually that makes perfect sense as Luzai's takeaway here. She sighs slightly, but without particular frustration.

"Yes, I have access to the library."

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"Awesome. I, uh, don't want to pry if prying would be awkward, but I am curious about the...situation." 

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"Perhaps once we're no longer in a potential combat situation."

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"Extremely fair. Pity the probable Abrikandilus aren't a bit more split up..." 

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"We need something to draw their attention that they won't think is a serious threat. Even if they don't split up, they'll at least be coming through the doorway one at a time into an ambush."

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"Maybe I should have brought my dress. Oh well...I can still pretend to be frightened pretty well." 



"Also I'm pretty, and Abrikandilus hate that. On the other hand this is not a unique qualification I have here." 

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She smirks.

"Perhaps we should have brought his lordship along; I expect the count could have done an excellent job as bait. As things stand it should probably be Seelah or I, since whoever it is will have to be prepared to deal with a demon trying to attack them."

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"I'm all for the plan that has me be the one attacked, but I'm not sure I can pull off pretty hard enough to distract from the fact that I'm a paladin."

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"Yeah I do expect to be able to pull off scared better than you, not to mention that you are visibly wearing plate armor. --I hate to volunteer someone else, but Camellia you might be the sweet spot between being able to handle yourself in melee and being less than maximally overt about that--"

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(Villibor does not feel the need to participate in this conversation. It is a social interaction, and, also, he is objectively the least pretty person here.)

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"I'll take a peek to see what I can, then, and try to draw them out - one at a time if I can manage it, staggered if I can't."

Once the others are ready, she opens the door. What she sees inside causes her face to turn white with terror, and if Luzai hadn't spent the last few days getting to see what Camellia was usually like in a combat situation the act might even have convinced her. Once she turns her face away from the doorway, however, the panic vanishes, and she takes the time to hiss out a few words before focusing on selling her panicked flight.

"I only see two."

Behind her comes a staccato beat of heavy footfalls.

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Luzai wishes that Grease were a cantrip and she could just keep casting it all day. Also, you know, she'd like to meet a unicorn. 

She gets lucky with her crossbow. One of the Abrikandilus sprouts a feathered bolt from its eye socket. This would probably just kill a normal person but it does not kill the Abrikandilu. 

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Despite the pain it doesn't even so much as stumble, though the loss of depth perception might prove a slightly more significant issue with its plans to charge Camellia. Despite her preparations Seelah's first blow goes awry, but she catches it across the back as it tries to run past her. Unfortunately for her plans to set off in pursuit of it, the second Abrikandilu doesn't fail to miss the sounds of fighting and makes to join it's comrade-

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Which is why Seelah slams the door it its face, and the demon - unable to stop in time - impacts with a loud thud. The hardwood of the door is tough enough to not break immediately under the blow, and the hinges only rattle instead of popping off. It's unlikely to prove an enduring barrier even with Seelah holding it shut, but it at least lets her turn this into a four on one without getting injured herself.

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It's not that she's incapable of or unwilling to stab the demon to death herself, but the help makes it a much less painful affair than the last time she tried it. Her rapier blade flashes as she dances out of reach of the creature's claws, each hit drawing a little more of its foul blood, and she can't help but lick her lips after eliciting a particularly pained yell.

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Huh. Well, that's a preference not unfamiliar to someone who got her sex education from the kinds of erotic books that get printed in Geb. As long as Camellia is only taking it out on demons and demon cultists it doesn't seem likely to cause any problems. 

Her next crossbow bolt hits the demon at a bad angle, skittering off its toughened hide. She doesn't waste time cursing as she loads the next one, but like, she's definitely thinking it. 

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Wenduag's arrows are having a bit more luck. Luzai might not be a bad shot, but she's clearly having to make some compromises to her aim to avoid hitting Camellia with a stray bolt and the extra force her longbow lets her put into her arrows counts for more against enemies as resistant to injury as demons. She's sure there's some trick to the problem of injuring them properly, but she can't cluster her shots tightly enough for her most promising guess yet and it's far from certain it'll work.

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And Camellia, who has none of those issues and a spirit enhanced blade, will finish it off. A little carelessness with the final blow sees her take a solid blow across the chest, but her armor takes the worst of it and it's hardly enough to put her down.

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It's good timing too, since it's right about then that the poor door gives up the ghost and stops being an effective barrier. Seelah steps back and draws her sword, but there's still no sign of the third evil presence she sensed and she can't concentrate enough to look for it in the middle of a fight.

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Luzai is not even a little bit sorry about the door. It seems pretty straightforwardly the Abrikandilu's fault, here; Horgus Gwerm isn't paying them enough to be that precious about the architecture while self-defense is in the offing. 

Crossbow bolt to the meat of the shoulder. Thunk. 

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The second Abrikandilu fight goes even better than the first one; despite the other girl's talent, Seelah is simply a better melee combatant than Camellia is, and the heavier armor counts for a lot. Unfortunately for Seelah, her armor and shield prove much less effective a defense against a Babau's sneak attack and she goes down before she can finish off the Abrikandilu.

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Well, fuck. 

Luzai wavers, then crossbows the Abrikandilu again. She wants to engage in melee with a Babau even less than she wants to engage in melee with an Abrikandilu, but the Abrikandilu is already hurt and if they can finish it off then they can fight the Babau by itself, which is a significant advantage. 

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Well, now she has to fight a Babau. You might think she was prepared for this, but even if her rapier is sturdy enough not to break due to the Babau's acid that doesn't change the fact that it's way stronger and deadlier than the Abrikandilus, or the fact that the arrows are doing pretty much exactly nothing. She needs to get Seelah back in the fight, which would be an easy enough task to accomplish if it weren't for the fact that she's their only conscious healer. 

"This isn't working, I need one of you to buy me a moment or two."

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It's not really Luzai's life on the line. Plus, she hasn't picked up any injuries since Daeran Arendae healed her. 

Luzai tackles the Babau. 

...She's not nearly strong enough to actually tip it over, but it should hopefully serve as a distraction? 

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Villibor is used to acting as an external positive Wisdom modifier for Luzai, and using her for positive Splendor likewise. 

It turns out that being someone's prosthetic common sense works significantly less well in the middle of combat!!! Luzai!!!!!!!!

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It drops the spear to claw her, which is a very unpleasant experience even before considering the acid burns, but it does give Camellia enough time to duck away and heal Seelah.

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Seelah comes to somewhat groggily, but her bloodstream is still filled with adrenaline and the screaming is a powerful motivator. She hurriedly heals herself a bit more as she scrambles to her feet and tries to rescue Luzai from her heroism.

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Villibor attempts to stab the Babau. With a dagger, not his bare hands, because he is not an idiot. 

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The Babau continues to be essentially proof against that kind of attack, but it does result in the demon lashing out at him instead of Luzai, so despite the pain from the claws he might still be inclined to count it as a win.

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She's not inclined to count it as a win. In fact, this demon should be focusing entirely on her, and not on these very brave but very squishy wizards.

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Yeah, okay. That sword hurts a lot and neither of these two seem to be able to hurt it at all, it can prioritize.


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When the Babau is finally dead, Seelah scans around for more threats with detect evil, but when it comes up empty she switches to making sure Luzai and Villibor are okay.

"I'm so sorry, I knew there was a third demon in there somewhere but I guess I wasn't paying enough attention."

She has to fight the urge to wring her hands, but she can't even heal them with it.

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"You shouldn't apologize. Luzai, that was stupid." 

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"Okay, in my defense? It worked!" She is...significantly the worse for wear...but she's not down, let alone dead! 

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"And it will keep working until it doesn't. Luzai, do you want to" become a legendary archmage who can take down the ghost-king Geb "get stronger, or do you want to" sulk in Areelu Vorlesh's time-out after wasting dozens of diamonds "die like most wizards who try it? One irreproducible trick with a vrolikai" and whatever Areelu did to that lilitu "does not make you immune to consequences!" 

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"Just...don't let optimism turn into stupidity. Please. You can't act like you're going to survive everything you think of to try." Whether or not you can. 

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She tucks a lock of hair behind her ear and nods. 

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Brief hug for a couple of rounds and then they should probably move on. 

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Fortunately for not exacerbating either of their injuries, the rest of the house seems clear of both demons and cultists despite a thorough sweep by Seelah with detect evil active.

"I think we did it."

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Huzzah. They can go get Gwerm. 

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"It's completely cleared? Capital job. I don't hold out much hope about the mansion proper, but hopefully everything in storage is fine."

He ignores the mess on the first floor and makes his way towards the stairs.

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"The library was mostly okay," Luzai volunteers, following him. 

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He nods, absently, and then winces slightly at the demolished door before picking his way over to the room beyond and then fiddling behind a dresser for a hidden latch. The wall slides aside to reveal a doorway, and Horgus Gwerm turns to address Luzai and her party.

"Wait here, I'll be out shortly."

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"Really? What if there's some danger in there - wasn't it bad enough, leaving you all alone to bravely hide in the bushes?"

She shakes her head.

"Besides, I imagine smoke would be alarming enough that some of these heroes wouldn't hesitate to come save you - especially when you haven't even paid them."

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"Camellia, that's enough!"

A brief staring contest ensues, but in the end Horgus Gwerm is the one that looks away. 

"Very well, the lot of you may do as you please, but don't you dare even think about sharing anything you see."

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Well after THAT there's no way Luzai isn't going to follow. 

"She's not wrong about the smoke part, at least if you didn't, you know, warn us that you were going to set something on fire." Is there a chimney in here??? Wait, she should actually say that one out loud. "Is there a chimney in here, because if not--Camellia, you prepared Create Water today, right?" 

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"Yes, there's no way I'm touching the water from a well in the state this city is in."

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"Okay, if the fire starts causing problems you can probably put it out."

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This secret room has a somewhat eclectic inventory; there’s a small rack of weapons, a few sealed chests, and a number of papers and folders, but Horgus Gwerm seems chiefly concerned with the paintings on the walls. He takes down a number of them, empties a bottle over the images, and sets them aflame.

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"Soooooooo that was you in one of those paintings," Luzai says slowly to Camellia. 

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“Indeed. It’s quite the unusual state of affairs for the daughter of a servant to be important enough for a noble to have their childhood portraits done, but it’s even more unusual to go through that effort just to hide them away - almost as though there was something to be embarrassed about. Then again, the same is true of Horgus Gwerm’s own childhood portraits.”

It’s the kind of thing that’s possible to miss at a glance, but Horgus Gwerm looks significantly more like his solo childhood portraits than he does any of the ones that feature his parents.

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“…Those are of…I sort of figured you’d had a kid and named him after yourself and then he died.” Or got turned into a girl and was Camellia, but the kid in the picture doesn’t look a bit elven.

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Horgus Gwerm sighs, his lips pressing into a hard line.

"I suppose it was too much to expect it would stay secret with Camellia helping you. I have two secrets - the first, that Camellia is my illegitimate daughter, and the second that I was not born Horgus Gwerm."

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“Wait, hang on, I’m confused, why is Camellia being your daughter secret?”

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"I fell in love with Iris for her beauty and kindness, but she was a half elf of humble origins; when I met her, she was employed as my gardener. If I was to marry her it would irreparably harm the standing of the Gwerm family, so we kept the relationship a secret and I did not claim Camellia as my own. As far as anyone in Mendev knows, she is a daughter of an old friend who died in the crusades who I took in to raise."

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Luzai is not...less confused...

"I still don't understand, but I'm not going to stand here and try to make you explain all the cultural context it would take to get it, I think. Is Iris alright?"

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He shakes his head.

"No, she passed on when Camellia was young."

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"I'm so sorry." 

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"Thank you."

He has conflicted feelings on getting that apology, but he's hardly going to advertise that. He stays silent for a few moments more, and then returns to set the last of the offending pictures alight.

"With that, it's done. I'll still need to salvage what I can from this place to somewhere safer from thieves and brigands, but the worst has been avoided."

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Luzai feels like Horgus Gwerm is overestimating the risk of anything happening as a result of those paintings being found, but--he's been hiding a lot for a long time; that can make someone paranoid. 

Aaaaaalso she's probably not calibrated on the risk since she's still not entirely clear on why it's a risk in the first place. 


"Who painted these, if they're so secret?"

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"For the oldest ones... I am not certain. It was before I took on the name Horgus Gwerm, and I did not pay much attention to such matters. Camellia's were done by an acquaintance of mine, who I trusted not to gossip about such matters."

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"So that kid was Horgus Gwerm first?"

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"Yes, and I was Damien Wytt. Lord and Lady Gwerm were kind and generous souls who made it their mission to help those less fortunate than they, and as my parents were servants at their estate in north-eastern Mendev that included allowing me to befriend and play with their son. What they were not, however, was careful with their own lives. As a result, far more of their fortune went to charity than ensuring their own safety, and when a group of demons made it through the wardstone barrier there was nobody there to save us from the attack. We had been playing in the garden at the time, and where he fled towards the mansion, I fled away from it, and when crusaders eventually arrived at the mansion to rescue us I was the only one still alive. When they asked who I was, I said I was Horgus Gwerm, and the rest is history."

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"Oh. I'm sorry about your parents, too." Also the original Gwerms but she's not a hundred percent sure that would be appropriate to say. 

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"Thank you."

His task accomplished, he sets about loading as many of the chests in the room as he can into a pouch he keeps at his side, which turns out to be a small bag of holding. The lot of them fit well enough, but he's pretty much out of room at that point. 

"I suppose if any of you want something from the weapons here, you might as well. Better that than some looters finding this room once we go and becoming better armed."

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Villibor and Luzai are both going to take cold iron daggers. If Luzai objects at all he is absolutely willing to overrule her. 

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She has no reason to object, but, also, valid of him to be upset. They can also refill on crossbow bolts. 

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Wenduag will also pick up some arrows. They’re weighted and fletched differently, so it’ll take a bit of practice to get quite as good with them as she was her old ones, but she doesn’t have the time or resources to make as many new arrows as she would need to keep up with her current rates. Metal arrowheads are also a luxury she’s never had the opportunity to try, but she’s seen the difference when it comes to knives and is pretty optimistic.

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Seelah will, after a bit of dithering, swap out her shield for another one. It’s taken a lot of punishment over these last few days, and she doesn’t want it to end up splintering or shattering on her when she’s in the middle of fighting a demon. She’s already got a better sword than any of these, though.

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Once everyone is out and the secret door shut again, Camellia and Horgus both take a few minutes  to grab some other odds and ends from the building, but their temporary employer seems fairly resigned to the plausible fate of everything he’s leaving behind.

”I’ll hand out your payments once we make it back to the defender’s heart safely.”

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Cool. They can start heading back, then. 

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Since they already have a pretty good idea of what the route they took down looks like, Seelah leads them on a slightly more westerly path back towards the defender's heart. It probably won't make that much of a difference, but it's probably not particularly more dangerous than the alternative and she doesn't want to halve her chances of coming across someone who needs help. Eventually this leads to them coming in on the market square itself from the south; they're not too far from the temple of Iomedae where Luzai tried to take shelter, actually, but even from this distance the structure looks to be in a lot worse shape than it did two days ago.

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Luzai hisses semi-involuntarily. 

"I hope the children are all right..." 

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"They would have been the first ones out in an evacuation, but other than the Defender's Heart I'm not sure there's anywhere in the city that's all that safe to evacuate to."

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"It can't be impossible to get out of the city entirely. We haven't seen enough corpses for the reduced population density."

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"Let's hope they managed it, then."

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As they make their way through the square, it becomes apparent that not all the children in the city managed to make it out. Thankfully, in this case the realization comes from a young elven girl laboriously trying to pick her way through a pile of rubble nearby what used to be a bakery.

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"Are you alright?" Luzai calls. She wants to run over, but after glancing at her brother she does not break away from the group where any invisible demon could take a swing at her unprotected body. 

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"I'm not hurt, just a little hungry."

As if on cue, her stomach rumbles, and she carefully continues digging.

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"You should come back to the Defender's Heart with us," Luzai coaxes. "It's safer there, and there's food." 

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"I don't have any money, so I can't buy food at an inn."

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"That's okay. I have money, I'll buy it for you." She's not going to blow all the money from Horgus Gwerm on spell scrolls and other tempting tidbits--if she saves up enough, she might be able to buy a headband eventually--but it is a lot of money, and even with the city under siege if not outright occupied, food still isn't that expensive. 

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The girl looks at Luzai with an odd intensity, but whatever she sees seems to satisfy her since she stops pushing aside rocks and stands up. Now that they're no longer occupied with digging her arms and hands are obviously badly burned, but the scars are old.

"Thank you."

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"--What happened to your hands?" It was probably a demon. 

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"They got burned when I was younger."

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"I'm sorry to hear that." And she is not going to probe any further! There is absolutely no need to make this weird! "My name is Luzai Seshka." 

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A crow flutters over to land on her shoulder.

"I'm Ember, and this is my friend Soot."

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Thoooooose are sure some interesting names given the burn scars. "Hello, Soot," she says, nodding politely to the crow. 

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Soot nods slightly, as though she understood Luzai's words, but the only response they vocalize is a caw.

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Camellia is also mostly paying attention to Soot, but her expression is mostly that of someone trying to figure out a puzzle.

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"Hm? Is something the matter?"

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"I don't think that's an ordinary crow."

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“—Seelah, is Soot evil—“

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"I'm not sensing anything from either of them."

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“Okay good. —If a demon had killed and impersonated your friend, that would obviously be very bad,” she explains to Ember.

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"I think it would be pretty easy to tell if someone was trying to replace Soot."

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“Well, I think succubi have a pretty worrying success rate at replacing humanoids? Which doesn’t mean you couldn’t tell but does mean that probably we shouldn’t assume you could tell after having just met you.”

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There are demons that disguise themselves as animals? She'll have to be more cautious when hunting.

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"I guess it makes sense that you would be scared of that kind of thing right now, but Soot isn't going to hurt you."

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“Yeah, Seelah’s a paladin; if Soot had been replaced by a demon then the demon would’ve read evil. Which doesn’t mean if Soot had read evil we would’ve immediately attacked him! But we would’ve been more worried.”

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Something about that gets a flinch from Ember, but it's harder to narrow down what. She just gets a little quieter as she follows them.

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“Sorry. I don’t mean to imply that we’d have the right to hurt your friend because one of us is a paladin.”

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"I understand. You're just trying to keep yourself and the city safe."

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“—Lots of people are trying to keep things safe. That doesn’t excuse anything!”

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"Really, it's okay. But... thank you."

She smiles at Luzai a little, though it's still somewhat hesitant.

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As they approach the crevasse, they'll come upon a group of crusaders fighting a number of giant centipedes. One of the ones with a crossbow in the rear has a helmet with a somewhat ridiculous looking plume on it, but they otherwise seem to be the genuine article.

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Huh. Well, giant centipedes aren’t acid resistant. 

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A group of bugs this size isn't really a match for the crusaders on their own; with their numbers doubled, it's over quite quickly. 

"Thanks for the assistance," one of them volunteers. "It's good to see there are other groups still in the fight."

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"Irabeth is leading an organized resistance at the Defender's Heart." 

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"That's even better news - it's a relief to have somewhere to send civilians that can't shelter in place. Inheritor keep you, and the dreamer guide your travel."

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She nods respectfully. 

Once they're past the group, she says, "Inheritor means Iomedae, right?" 

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"Yes, it's because she took over from Aroden. There are a couple of other epithets she's known by too, but that and her name are the big ones. Uh, and the dreamer is Desna."

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Nod nod. "I've heard of Desna. Travel, right?" 

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"And luck. I figure everyone here could use some of both these next couple of days."

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"No kidding." 

She squeezes her closed hands gently inside her gloves. Magic items seem like a more reliable source of luck than prayer, but magic items don't grow on trees and prayers approximately do; bragging would be contraindicated even if it didn't maybe open up the whole evil mom can of worms. 

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Once past the crusaders, they have to cut east again to avoid the crevasse; there might be some other way across, but that doesn't mean finding it would be easy and if it required particular athletics both Horgus Gwerm and Ember might have issues with it. They aren't the only ones with this limitation, though, which means that to anyone else who puts it together the edge of the ravine is a prime place for an ambush.

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In this case, the person doing the ambushing is a young woman with spiky black hair. Judging by the scrolls she's carrying, she's most likely a wizard, and judging by the fact that she doesn't seem the slightest bit afraid about suddenly becoming visible in front of them she might be significantly more powerful than them as well.

"Hello there! You wouldn't happen to be Baphomet cultists, would you?"

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"No, why, are you looking for some?" 

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Villibor goes on high alert. If Luzai attempts to do something dumb like yell "hey Baphomet cultists I'm a crusader wizard who's out of spells" then he has a readied action to clamp his hand over her mouth. 

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"Yes! They're annoyingly hard to locate, though, most of the cultists I've been finding just follow Deskari. Have you seen any?"

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"So far all the cultists we've run into have either died or fled, and we didn't bother quizzing them on their demon preferences. What do you want Baphomet cultists in particular for?" 

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"I've already found plenty of Deskari cultists, so I don't need any more of them. If you found someone who follows a third demon lord instead, that would work too! Nobody seems to think there are many of those in the city right now, though."

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"Hmm. Hey, Seelah, do you remember what happened to the guy we took prisoner in the Shield Maze? I'm pretty sure the guys in the maze were all Baphomet flavors of crazy." 

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"Anevia was going to send someone down after them, but that's not exactly safe since they'd have to go through the grey garrison or find another route in the sewers. It's been a few hours since then, but I'm not sure if they could have gotten loose yet by now or not."

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"Well, we haven't run into any for most of a day, but I'm confident we'll find some sooner or later. What do you need them for, specifically?"

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"For the Encyclopedia Golarianica! This is a prime opportunity to expand the heretofore lacking entry on the cult of Baphomet - I need to know what their demographics are, how knowledgeable they are about their patron and faith, if they're as poor interviewees as Deskari cultists..."

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"...Encyclopedia Golarionnica?" 

This sounds fascinating. 

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"A combination reference work and research compilation. When I'm finished it'll be the premier encyclopedia for anything and everything on Golarion, so I can't cut any corners on the quality of information."

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"Huh! Got much in there about dhampirs yet?"

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"I do not! Did you know that they happen to be exceedingly rare outside of Ustulav? I've only seen two of them in Kenabres, and they were both very rude about refusing to answer my questions."

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She exchanges a glance with Villibor. 

"Four," she corrects. 

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The girl sounds quizzical, as though she simply cannot fathom what relevance that statement would have.

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"Luzai is saying that she and her brother are Dhampirs, so you've met four."

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"Excellent. In that case, I insist you answer my questions immediately. How old are you? Where are you from? What gods do you worship? How much blood do you drink each day, and which kinds do you like best? Does sunlight weaken dhampirs, or only make them uncomfortable? How much weight can you lift? What are your biggest weaknesses?"

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"Nineteen, Geb, none, none on most days since leaving Geb, answer currently undefined, it depends on the dhampir, I haven't checked in specific numbers, and I'm not answering that last question in public." 

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Nenio takes notes as she talks, then repeats the same questions to Villibor. It's a bit disappointing that she refuses to talk about her weaknesses and doesn't seem to have approached her own capabilities with scientific curiousity, but this is still much more helpful then pretending to be a vampire or sending a dozen skeletons to chase her. Once she finishes with getting Villaibor’s responses, she turns back to Luzai.

"How many other Dhampirs do you know? Was your father a vampire, or was your mother bitten while she was pregnant with you? Does your white hair come from your mother, or is it from your vampiric ancestry? Do you have any spell like abilities or innate sorcery?"

She doesn't seem to be slowing in the slightest; if Luzai lets her, it seems plausible this interview will go on for a while.

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"My white hair comes from our mother. Our father is a vampire--a Blood Lord--who decided that dhampirs were understudied, and selected a few dozen slave women with which to experiment. I've met all our living half-siblings--we're the only set of full siblings in the bunch, and that because we're twins--plus one more since we came to Kenabres. I'd love to talk about this more, but we do need to keep moving; do you want to come with us?" 

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"Wonderful, I'll have to find some time to stop by and see his research. Which blood lord is he?" It's not the most important topic to do, but it's good to see at least one vampire is scientifically minded enough to go do something about the paucity of information available. As for the other matter...

 "Certainly. How do you feel about being my assistant?"

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"What would that entail?" 

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"To accompany me on my expeditions into the worldwound, assist me in my experiments, run errands for me, and perhaps help me record the resulting scientific information for future generations! You seem unusually curious and rather clever, so it would be a waste for you to not continue contributing to science."

As backhanded as it sounds, Luzai gets the sense that this is about as close as the girl in front of her is likely to get to a compliment - the idea that Luzai might not have that as her biggest goal doesn't even cross her mind.

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"In that case, sure." It's not like the description involves prioritizing doing that over doing other things, such as whatever Irabeth Tirabade says needs doing tomorrow, so it doesn't constitute an undue commitment, and, hey, sounds like fun! ...As long as she doesn't gallivant into the Worldwound with an insufficiently large group to keep Villibor from getting cranky. 

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Then Nenio will walk with herand continue asking questions all the way back to the Defender's Heart. She eventually moves on from solely asking about Dhampirs to add additional information to her entries on Geb and Mechitar, but she proves extremely easy to redirect away from uncomfortable topics and largely doesn't seem to even notice that she's been diverted.

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Luzai has a really excellent but overwhelmingly Gebbite education. It is really not hard to steer Nenio away from uncomfortable topics by infodumping about, say, obscure ghoul subtypes, a topic which would probably be more interesting to Seelah if any of the things that made them different from normal ghouls were relevant to killing them. 

(Members of the group with more attention to interpersonal interactions won't find it difficult to notice that topics that Luzai finds uncomfortable include: mohrgs, the Dead Laws, her exact number of half-siblings, and her father's living slaves.) 

...She doesn't, personally, consider Arazni to be an uncomfortable topic, but if Seelah or anyone else does she is capable of picking up on it and going off about Shadows instead. 

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It's... well, she's not exactly going to participate in the conversation, but it's not really personal to her either. She can just focus on keeping an eye out for more demons or cultists.

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Nenio is very blissfully not one of those members! She's happy to hear about all of those things, yes including obscure ghoul subtypes with populations in the low double digits. There's a slightly alarming moment where Nenio suggests exposing people to their varieties of ghoul fever to determine how they differ there, but it quickly becomes clear that the person to be infected is just herself.

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"Not," Luzai says firmly, "until we're high enough circle to repeatedly resurrect you; if you just become one kind of ghoul once, that's hardly a worthwhile quantity of data." 

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Nenio will briefly push back against this in the name of not slowing down scientific inquiry but that is a pretty persuasive argument.

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The guards at the gate challenge them as they approach, but none of them are detectably evil and it's judged that several members of their group would be very difficult to effectively mind control, so it's ultimately not a long wait before they're waived past. There seem to be rather more civilians sheltering here than there were when they set out this morning, including spilling out into the yard, but people were also busy with defenses; the roof of the tavern now sports several improvised spotting towers, there are a number of what look like archers' nests, and someone seems to have set up a forge up against the far wall from the entrance to the inn proper.

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Oh, a forge! That's neat! Luzai will briefly go observe that. 

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It's being run by a rather familiar looking dwarf, though a second glance will confirm that it's not actually the same one that was with them in the attack on the Grey Garrison.

"New to Kenabres?"

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Luzai really hopes she isn't suffering from they-all-look-alike-to-me syndrome. 

"Yeah. New to Mendev and the Crusades in general, there's a lot I don't know yet." 

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"Figures. I'm pretty good with faces, but yours isn't familiar. What brings you to my forge?"

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"Well, forging is a skilled craft, and those are interesting, aaand I don't actually know much about actual weapon-smithing--I do jeweling, some, but--anyway, I was just going to watch because it's interesting. ...I'm a wizard," she adds, half-apologetically. 

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The dwarf considers it.

"Well, I'm hardly doing anything secret right now; not a lot of call for expensive magical items ready in a few weeks, not compared to cranking out more cold iron arrowheads right this minute. I suppose you're welcome to watch, as long as you don't interrupt - Jhoran Vhane, Torag's."

As he speaks, the dwarf reaches a bare hand into the flames and pulls out an ingot of metal. It's not hot enough to glow, but that doesn't stop him from setting to it with a hammer for most of a minute before returning it to the flames.

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Luzai doesn't, like, wish she were a cleric? But clerics are really cool! In a different way from how wizards are really cool! And this isn't a way she has ever seen clerics being really cool before. 

She watches for a while, enchanted. 

"Nobody told me forging was beautiful," she says later, a little dreamily. 

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That'll get her a smile, albeit a slight one. 

"I expect you'll find most crafts are, when done by someone properly skilled, but the forge has a special place in my heart as well. It requires patience, concentration, a keen eye for detail... but in the end, there's not many things more rewarding than doing a good job on something useful. If you'd like I have some spare tools you could use to try it out, but best to stay away from cold iron for now - it's a very difficult metal to work with, and a lot of smiths who aren't up to the challenge yet think that's an excuse for leaving the job half finished, but I don't tolerate that kind of thing in my forge."

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"Oh, wow, really?" 

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"If we get another experienced smith here, we need enough arrowheads that I might need you to make room, but until then they're not exactly doing anyone any good lying idle."

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"Thank you!!!" 

She has any relevant instincts from jeweling, mostly safety ones, and she is extremely enthusiastic about even repetitive, boring apprentice tasks. 

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That's good, because making arrowheads is very repetitive work - particularly when her results are being held to Jhoran's exacting standards, which are more than a little unreasonable for what is fundementally a cheap expendable item. Fortunately the dwarf also knows exactly what he is doing, and whenever she messes up has no issue determining the exact cause of her problems.

...Somehow, despite the fact that he's working on barely warm cold iron he's still faster at making arrowheads than she is.

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Well, obviously he's faster. He's an expert! She is the most novice of novices! She's thrilled she's making anything useful, even slowly. 

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Then by the time Seelah comes to fetch Luzai to eat, she will have finished 5 arrowheads he deems acceptable and be fairly confident she could do it again without his assistance, if perhaps not without his tools.

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"I didnt know you knew how to smith. Should I start going to you for commissions?"

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She wipes sweat off her forehead. "I didn't, last time we talked! But I started watching him, and it was really interesting!" 

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"I see. Well, I'm glad you enjoy it."

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At the table Seelah leads her to, Ember is working her way through a bowl of soup; she looks like she would very much like to be scarfing it down, but is restraining herself. She smiles brightly at Luzai when she arrives, but doesn't stop eating to do it.

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Nenio's food, meanwhile, is pretty much untouched; from the look of things, they thought of something once they sat down with it and then immediately forgot they were eating.

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Ember is so valid!!! Nenio is not exactly valid but she is relatable. 

"What are you working on?"

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"Huh, what was that?"

She stares blankly at Luzai for a moment, before something seems to click.

"Oh, it's you. I was working on improving Mirror Image, but even after I simplified one of the nested loops I can't get it into something that'll stabilize at less than 4th circle."

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"Oh, cool." Even if Illusion is...not her strong suit... "What circle are you right now?" 

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"Second, which makes it very difficult to test."

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"Yeah, that'd do it. --I'm assuming you're a wizard and not a sorcerer or something, if you're trying to fiddle with Mirror Image." They didn't actually clarify that on the road, it not being delicious infodumping to feed Nenio, but she intends to mention Nenio to Irabeth and it would be better to have more rather than less pertinent data. 

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"Oh, did I not introduce myself? I'm Nenio - wizard, explorer, scientific luminary, author of the Encyclopedia Golarionnica, and future rector of every university in Absalom. I specialize in illusions and scrolls."

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"My brother and I are wizards too!" What should she add on to that. Mentioning their specialty schools isn't a great look in front of all these other people who hear "necromancer" and think "sketch as hell" for very good reasons. She's out of non-cantrip spells, what non-obvious applications of her cantrips could she mention--not polishing metal with acid splash, not when Nenio is so cavalier about her own safety. Um. "It's easy to specialize more effectively, when you have two people who can cooperate as well as we can." Hopefully that wasn't inane. 

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"I suppose that could work, but you could both just skip the boring schools of magic instead."

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She ticks off her fingers. “One, which ones are the boring schools; two, there are ways of specializing that aren’t about picking schools—like, if I learn how to make magic necklaces et al and he learns how to make rods, then we both have access to the ability to make both things, and each only had to spend the time to learn one.”

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"Necromancy and Abjuration, of course. They don't do anything interesting."

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"Well, it's hard to avoid studying necromancy, in Mechitar. I managed to avoid it but approximately only because we were acting so consistently as a unit." 

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Nenio is quite impressed by her good sense! Less so with her brother, but that just means she picked the right assistant.

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"Anyway, necromancy isn't that boring. Animating skeletons, sure, anyone can do that. I'm interested in the possibilities offered by False Life, and by extension Greater False Life. It's not really proper healing--yet--but it's an obvious angle to work, and--" he's not going to mention Luzai's Geb-related ambitions, "--the school of necromancy has a lot of applications not related to the undead, that are deeply underexplored, because most people who don't want to do tedious things with the undead are scared off by the school's reputation." 

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"It's not as bad as it could be, true, but everything interesting you can do with necromancy there you can also do with enchantment. Greater Heroism, for instance, and once I get aid to stabilize as a wizard spell there's that too. And that's without mentioning conjuration. You're wasting your talents on necromancy."

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"But those are just two spells! I'm not saying Enchantment is bad, Luzai's focused there, but necromancy has so many spells like that--Positive Pulse and Phantom Blood just at first circle!" 

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"That's a stretch - by that logic Rage is healing, especially since you need it to get any use out of Phantom Blood in the first place, and Positive Pulse doesn't even have that. Transmutation is also better than necromancy by this standard, and conjuration allows outright arcane healing."

Personally Nenio doesn't find the subject of healing with wizard spells to be all that important, but if Villibor is going to dedicate themself to niche research the least they could do is do it efficiently.

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"Hmm. My studies have been rather warped by growing up in Mechitar. I'll look into that. But I do think someone ought to mine necromancy for its useful pieces, and I'm a pretty good candidate." 

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Then as long as she has a captive audience for her theories, Nenio will drop into an impromptu lecture on the relevant uses of enchantment, transmutation, conjuration, and even theoretically illusion magic for healing; in her opinion celestial and infernal healing are pretty obviously dead ends for iterating on where any improvement would require enough more circles to make the issues with the spells even more apparent, but she's got some thus far untested claims about a school in Garund that has secret information on the subject and theories on reverse engineering mystic theurgy that have yet to be proven impossible.

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Oh, that is fascinating. He'd be surprised if mystic theurgy turned out to be a very fruitful path of investigation, since it still involves the active participation of a god--he, himself, is intrigued by the possibilities of spells that can replicate other spells--limited wish, the shadow class of spells particularly since Nenio is an illusionist--also, witches are arcane casters and can cast cure spells, he once read an obscure book, by a witch, about converting between wizard and witch spells. 

(He does not mention that by "obscure book" he means Areelu Vorlesh's personal notes. He implies that it was an obscure volume in his father's library that he no longer has access to.)

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Eventually Seelah will remind them that they should probably eat at least some of their food.

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By that point, Wenduag has long since wandered off. When they got started she tried following the conversation, but even aside from her completely lacking background they're using enough words she doesn't recognize to make it an exercise in frustration. 

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Oops. Luzai originally started that conversation looking for a segue to get Nenio to eat. She tucks into her food with cheeks shaded with embarrassment. 

After dinner, she goes to find Irabeth and tell her about Nenio. 

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"Do you think she'd be responsive to requests, or should I just plan on it giving your group a little more muscle?"

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"I think she'd be responsive to requests that were delivered by someone who knew how to make those requests scientifically interesting?" 

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"So not me, then."

Irabeth shakes her head. 

"As for the other matter, Aravashnial said he would be willing to stick around long enough in the morning for you to copy detect fiendish presence. I don't know how long to expect that to be, but he's also needed in the field so I'd appreciate it if you make it a priority."

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"Oh! Okay, will do, I'd want to do it before preparing spells anyway." 

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"In that case, I think that's everything. Inheritor keep you."

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They've got a bit more time on their hands after that, but fairly soon most of them will need to turn in. Luzai and Villibor are lucky on that score - as wizards, them being able to sleep well is a strategic priority, so they're able to get one of the smaller rooms to themselves. Everyone else has to deal with things being a bit more cramped, but despite complaining about the indignity even Camellia  considers it better than getting killed in her sleep by demons. All too soon, however, it's morning once again.

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Luzai is grateful for the privacy. It's not like there's anything in her belongings that's immediately damning, or like she expects people to think that stealing from wizards during a catastrophe is a good idea, but the more obstacles set against other people finding Mom's notes the better. 

Possibly except Nenio. Nenio seems, well, a charming girl in many ways, very inquisitive mind, more absently amoral than actively evil, but--not entirely connected to reality. She probably wouldn't realize what she was looking at, despite the fact that she'd be more likely to understand it than many people. Still. 

She seeks out Aravashnial first thing. 

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The white haired elf is easily identifiable as the right individual - even if there were enough elves to make the question ambiguous, his obviously magical staff helps him stand out from the crowd. He's not paying enough attention to notice her approach in advance but his eyes snap over once she gets within a few feet.

"Are you Luzai?"

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"Yes, that's me!" 

He looks really cool and is almost certainly higher than first circle and Luzai can't WAIT to stop being first circle so she stops feeling inadequate around other wizards. 

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"Right. Well, let's be about it then."

Aravashnial pulls out his spellbook and opens it to a page about a quarter of the way through, where the diagram for Detect Fiendish Presence takes up the top part of the page. The notes underneath are in elvish, but the diagram itself doesn't require any translation. He doesn't take his hands off the book or his eyes off Luzai, but he's not going to interrupt her as long as she's working and doesn't seem to be trying to sneak a peek at anything else.

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Luzai is very focused on copying the spell! She is grateful he's showing her this one, she's not going to try to steal anything. 

"Thank you," she says when she's finished, closing her spellbook and getting up to leave. She doesn't want to waste any more of his time. 

(Eeee new spell new spell.)

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"Use it well."

Once she's finished, he closes this book again and tucks it into his cloak before heading off in the direction of Irabeth.

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Luzai seeks out Nenio before preparing any of her spells. 

"Villibor and I like to coordinate so we don't prepare any of the same cantrips, do you want to do that too? It increases the chance that if we run into a situation that a cantrip can be investigatively applied to, we'll have the right one." 

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"How clever! I plan to prepare Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, Light, Detect Magic and Ghost Sounds."

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"Cool. I'm going to prepare Acid Splash and Detect Fiendish Presence, and he's going to prepare Jolt, but we didn't know what you were going to prepare so we're not otherwise committed." 

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"You should prepare Ghost Sound as well, since it works well with Silent Image but I can't hold both of them at the same time. And maybe Message."

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"Message was on my shortlist. I'll mention Ghost Sound to Villibor." 

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Then Nenio will start preparing spells, starting with a healthy array of illusion spells and supplementing it with some divination, conjuration, and transmutation.

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Camellia also has an hour of spell preparations to manage in the morning, but she's a bit frazzled from poor sleep and ends up finishing after them even with the delay for Luzai to copy a spell. She comes down from the rooftop to join Luzai in the main lobby after the girl has already made it back out into the main room.

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Luzai has Acid Splash, Detect Fiendish Presence, Message, and Dancing Lights prepared. Villibor has Jolt, Ghost Sound, Resistance, and Touch of Fatigue. 

"Hi, Camellia," Luzai says, her mood still buoyed by New! Spell! 

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"You seem even almost as chipper than yesterday, difficult as that is to fathom, and somehow I don't think it's because of the quality of your sleep. Did you get another spell slot?"

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"No, but Irabeth convinced Aravashnial to let me copy Detect Fiendish Presence. I love new spells. Not as much as new spell slots, but still."

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"I'm afraid I can't relate - after all, I already have the ability to prepare every shaman spell. Still, I'm surprised it's only the one - did your new... manager not have any spells for you to learn?"

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Manager? What? Is she saying she thinks Aravashnial is her direct superior in the under-Irabeth chain of command? But then she would say, any other spells--Nenio? Surely Camellia's noticed that Nenio is far more in need of managing than Luzai is. 

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"The one you agreed to be an assistant to, or whatever you call it - I don't exactly know her name to use it instead. Your interrogator, if you prefer. I had assumed that getting access to spells was why you accepted the offer in the first place."

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Oh she did mean Nenio. 

"Haven't broached the topic yet. Mostly I just wanted to get Irabeth another wizard." 

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"I see. Well, if you're satisfied..."

She shrugs, and goes to get something to eat.

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Seelah is already eating herself, and waves the two of them over. She grins widely at Luzai.

"So, aiming to join me as a paladin, huh? I hear you've picked up your very own detect evil."

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"Mine's a bit less general-purpose, I'm afraid. But I'm very happy to have it!" Are there any fiendish presences in the immediate vicinity? She's guessing no, but like, possibly an invisible quasit could have snuck in or something. 

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There are none that she can sense! It's a bit hazardous to be detectably a demon in the paladin base camp.

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That makes perfect sense and she is happy to be part of the Ambient Hazard instead of specifically getting any demons right now. 

“I think you were right about Camellia’s not getting out much. Which I guess we have more context on, now.”

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"Yeah; if anything, I think it was probably worse than I thought. I've been trying to keep that in mind instead of getting mad whenever she says something thoughtless, but it just makes me upset at Horgus Gwerm instead and that's not really any more productive."

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"I still do not understand why it would be a secret." Sigh. "I mean, I'm pretty sure there is a reason, that I don't understand, but I have no idea how good or bad a reason it is." 

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"I don't really get nobles either. I mean, I get that he might be afraid of being judged for having kids without getting married, but it seems obvious that he should have just married Iris then."

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Nod. Marriage doesn’t have quite the same cachet in Geb as it does elsewhere—it would have been ridiculous to think that her father would have felt any social pressure to marry any of his experimental subjects—but that at least is one cultural difference she does understand at least to an extent.

”I’d probably ask Count Arendae to explain at some point if it weren’t secret,” she sighs.

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Seelah hmms noncommittally; she gets along with said count a lot less than Luzai does. Eventually she finishes her plate.

"I'm going to go talk to Irabeth, do you want to come with or do you have plans for today already?"

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"I do not!" It would be sort of weird and unwise of her to make her plans without consulting Irabeth but Irabeth could have given her marching orders last night. 

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Irabeth doesn't show any physical signs of tiredness, but she nevertheless gives the impression of being somewhat worn. Fortunately this doesn't seem to interfere with her efficiency, so despite the amount of work she's handling Luzai and Seelah don't have to wait long to see her.

"It's good to see you both. How much are you feeling up for today?"

Part of her just wants to give out orders, because inheritor knows they need all hands on deck right now, but unfortunately a number of the people necessary for defense of the city are not in her chain of command and keeping them on task at all is more important than getting everything possible out of them.

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"Well, I still can't do anything that requires second circle spells? I think that's my main limitation at this point. I guess my arms are still a little sore from when Joran Vhane taught me to make arrowheads yesterday but I don't expect it to be a problem." 

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"I'll try to keep the sustained combat to a minimum, then. We've got a few priorities at the moment; rescuing as many people from the demons and cultists as possible, preparing for their efforts to stop us, and seeing if we can do anything to prevent them from being reinforced. For most of these I've been deploying the eagle's watch, but there's two things in particular where having someone with wizardry would be helpful. Firstly, to see if we can undo whatever they've been doing with the wardstone. I don't have much hope that it'll be easy, but there was a specialist in magical items from Kyonin here to examine the wardstones. They went missing during the attack, but if you could find them they might have a lead. Secondly, thanks to the report you took off the cultists in the shield maze, we know that the cultists are mustering at the tower of Estrod to root us out of here. Scouting them would definitely be a risky endeavor, but with someone who can turn invisible it might be possible."

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Someone like Nenio, for example. "Okay. Those both sound reasonable. Do you have any idea where the specialist was last seen before going missing?"

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"I do not; I met with him once about a week back, but I had higher priorities immediately prior. I believe Staunton was the one who saw him last; if you want to speak with him, he's on guard duty at the northern gate."

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"Cool! Thank you." 

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Seelah will also ask if they need her to use her lay on hands before heading out, but thankfully they've got enough clerics here that they're able to keep up with most of what they need for everyone who gets back alive.

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Luzai will seek out Staunton, then, at the northern gate. 

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It's not very difficult to track him down, but the dwarf seems a lot grumpier than he was when she met him yesterday.

"What brings you here lass? Come to spit on me and say I'm to blame here, too?"

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"No need to pretend, I'm no simpleton. Someone comes up out of the blue looking for Staunton Vhane, it's not difficult to guess what they're after."

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"I literally don't--wait, Vhane? Like Joran Vhane?" So they DO look similar, and she's NOT dwarf-racist!

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“Don’t you even think about bringing my brother into this, he had nothing to do with my decisions!”

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“Peace, friend, this is just a misunderstanding! We’re here because Irabeth sent us.”

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When he sees the sincerity on Seelah’s face, he deflates. The anger in his expression and voice fades, leaving only tiredness in its wake. 

“I suppose it figures, that Irabeth would somehow find the only two crusaders in Mendev who don’t know the story and I’d ruin it anyway. What are you here for, then?”

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"Uh, she said you'd seen a magic item specialist who went missing more recently than she had. Also your brother is really really cool, he caught me watching him work yesterday and he taught me to make arrowheads. I've only been in Mendev a couple of weeks? I don't know how long Seelah's been here specifically. Whatever you're talking about I in fact don't have any idea." 

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“The storyteller? Last I saw him was when I escorted him to the blackwing library, but if he has any sense he would have gone to ground somewhere nearby instead of staying there.”

He sighs slightly.

”As for my story, you’ll have to ask someone else. Not like there’ll be any shortage of volunteers now that they made that damn play about it.

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Wince. "Whatever it is, I'm sorry." 

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"If you really mean that, then I'd prefer if you just didn't bring it up around me."

Staunton goes back to staring out into the surrounding streets, watching for movement.

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Wow okay she is going to need to get some context on that. 

She's not even slightly worried that whatever it is is going to be bad enough for her to not feel sympathy for him. He's clearly gotten enough crap about it, and, uh, whatever it is, she'd bet a lot that it's less bad than, you know, literally Areelu Vorlesh. 

She seriously considers asking Joran about it but...probably not immediately. At some point when it happens to be convenient, not literally right after she found out that there was something to ask. It takes her a moment to piece together why; going directly there would make it seem like the question was important, which the brothers had probably had enough of already. 

Instead she decides to round the group up. Seelah is already with her, Villibor won't be hard to find, Nenio would probably be relatively conspicuous by her oddness. 

Laaaann and Wenduag...were still not exactly on non-awkward terms...

"Seelah, would you ask Lann to come with us? I can ask Wenduag, and that avoid having one of them already around while asking the other." 

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Now it's Seelah's turn to wince slightly, since while she agrees it would be easier to ask them separately she's not really looking forward to dealing with them together on a mission. Still, Lann is more tolerable than Wenduag is and maybe one of them will refuse anyway. She goes looking for the neather, and thankfully his sleeping schedule isn't enough out of joint with the sun that he's not up.

"Hey, Luzai and I are going on a mission for Irabeth to go rescue someone who went missing. Are you interested?"

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"Sure. Who is it?"

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"Some magical item scholar, goes by 'The Storyteller.' Apparently he might know something about how demons are getting past the defenses."

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Lann is already double-checking his gear. "Sounds good to me." 

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Luzai is looking for Wenduag when she spots Ember. She might as well check in on the younger-ish girl before they leave. 

"Hey, how're you doing?" 

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"The food was really tasty, but it's so crowded here. Everyone doesn't have enough room as it is, so how can I keep taking it up?"

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Uh oh is this tiny child planning on leaving. 

"There's more space out in the courtyard." Not, exactly, enough, what with the people drilling, but...

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"But what about when more people show up?"

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"...Well, you don't take up that much space, anyway." 

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Ember doesn’t seem totally convinced, but she doesn’t have a counter argument to that.

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"...You're a person too. It's not less important for you to be safe than for someone else." 

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"If I'm not here, though, I'd still be a lot safer than someone else who outside."

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"I have Soot to help me, but most people don't."

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Well, Camellia did say he didn't seem like an ordinary bird. "I suppose. I'd feel better if I knew what he could do to protect you, but...I'm not your mother or your big sister; you don't have to defend your choices to me." 

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"I think Villibor is very lucky to have you as his sister."

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“Thanks. I feel very lucky to have him as my brother.”

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Ember goes looking for a place outside that's out of the way.

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When the group leaves, several minutes later, with Lann and Wenduag on opposite sides of it pretending the other one isn't there, Luzai offers Ember a small amount of calorie-dense non-perishable food that she was able to obtain on short notice. 

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And then they're off! Unfortunately, the blackwing library is in the middle ring of Kenabres, which means they need to make their way through areas most actively in conflict in the market square, scale the walls, or swing a long way north or south to get to one of the other gates in and hope they aren't sealed off.

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Luzai double-checks that nobody has any brilliant ideas or abilities for getting over walls or through sealed gates before voting for going through the market square. 

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"We could make a catapult, or maybe a trebuchet, to launch us all over the wall. Then we would just need to cast feather fall and we could land safely!"

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"And what about everyone who can't catch feather fall?"

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"You can get multiple people with one casting! But they would all need to be pretty close together, so we might need to launch multiple people at once - that would take a pretty big catapult..."

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"Which we would need to build, and thus source materials for, and at that point we'd probably have as much accumulated danger and more time spent than just going through the square would be." 

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Nenio seems a bit disappointed, but she agrees to skip building any siege weapons for the moment.

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The area near the defender's heart remains largely clear of cultists and demons, but as they pass near the crevasse once more they start running into more of the giant insects that have become an increasingly common sight in the city. It's still mostly flies and centipedes, but there's also the occasional giant spider or beetle as well.

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Luzai would rather have to fight giant bugs than demons any day. 


Mostly because the giant bugs are easier to deal with, what with not having resistances to spells or energy types, but also because when you kill a demon you are, you know, terminating a person's existence. 

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Whereas the bugs probably continue to not be people. Whether due to people avoiding the insects or the gaping hole in the ground, their route alongside it is largely clear of people and they only need to route around the burnt down cinders of a collapsed building a few times. The mandibles and limbs of insects also seem to struggle a lot with getting through Seelah's armor, but she does have one unfortunate encounter with a centipede that ends in her getting some acid scoring on her legs.

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"Hey, Nenio, do you have any little glass vials on you? If it's possible I'd like to collect a sample of centipede acid for science." 

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What do you take her for? Of course Nenio has a number of glass vials and stoppers, carefully packed to avoid breakage when running away relocating to a safe observation distance.

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Hey, for all she knew they broke in an experiment that blew up and hadn't been replaced yet. It rarely hurts to check instead of assuming. 

Probably the giant centipede's venom isn't anything special and Seelah just got got because of bad luck. But now they can find out, later! 

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Speaking of bad luck! Someone's must have absolutely terrible, since up ahead there's a blond man in purple robes surrounded by three armed and hostile soldiers who he does not appear to be successfully talking down.

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Ah, crap. 

Assuming anyone involved is a cultist, it's not immediately obvious which side.

"Seelah? Who's evil?"

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"None of them - and I don't recognize the man in purple, but I think that's the Prelate!"

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"Enough deflections! Tell me where they are, and turn yourself in."

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Well, Seshka supposed she couldn't avoid ever encountering him. And it'd explain why he's hounding a man who also doesn't read evil, while the city is full of demons. 

Part of her wants to turn tail and run, to continue her streak of Hulrun Shappok not knowing she exists. That part of her isn't enough to overpower the part of her that wants to immediately stick her nose in in defense of the Inquisitor's quarry, but it is enough to slow her down, to turn to Villibor before doing something stupid. 

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"Please do not pick a fight with the prelate," he hisses. 

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"I was thinking less picking a fight and more causing a distraction," she murmurs back. 

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"--Please be careful not to do anything he'd think was incriminating," he sighs, resigned. 

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"I'll try." 

She raises her chin, puts her shoulders back, and strides forward with a confidence she doesn't entirely feel. 


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"Who's there!"

He doesn't move his sword, but his eyes flick in her direction.

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This is probably the best chance he's going to get, with the Prelate in the mood he is.

Expeditious Retreat.

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Anger and frustration flash across his face at Ramien's escape, and he turns to look at their group.

"You cultists get bolder by the day, I see. Two demonspawn, a necromancer, a criminal illusionist... I should have known the Voyager was working with your sort!"

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Villabor don't you dare blame her for this she literally just called him by title. 

"Sir, I was just going to tell you that Irabeth Tirabade is gathering people at the Defender's Heart to continue to protect the city. What are you talking about?" Sure, Villibor is a necromancer, but he doesn't dress the part or anything, so how does Hulrun know??? Demonspawn, what, nobody here is a tiefling--wait. Wait. Is he talking about Lann and Wenduag??? That's...dumb...but people who don't suck don't become Hulrun Fucking Shappok, so. 

Criminal Illusionist is probably a fair cop, although it's sort of dismaying to realize that Nenio's already caught Hulrun's attention. 

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"A likely story, I bet you've got the most demonic connections of the lot! You may be hiding your alignments, but I wasn't born yesterday."

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Okay, so it is TECHNICALLY true that she does have one hell of a demonic connection, but she's still on the side of the angels, here!!!

It's SO ANNOYING that Hulrun happens by coincidence to be correct in his totally invalid assumption. 

"Seelah, come be a paladin at the prelate so he doesn't try to kill me?" 

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She could have hardly have picked a more suspicious way to say that, every inch the cultist enchantress commanding her enslaved paladin to her defense. Or perhaps that's just what she wants him to think; the minion in question may detect as moderately Lawful Good, but there are ways to fool that, just as they could have done to hide the enchantment aura from his sight. Even misdirection might suffice, though it's been a while since the last time a cultist or Shachath managed to effect him with one. He'll try to get her out of the way without killing her, but not if it means permitting the cultists to escape; he continues forward unhurriedly, so as to get as close as he can before they inevitably bolt.

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Ugh, this is a disaster. Sure, Lann and Wenduag might look a little odd - and the latter might give her the creeps - but they aren't evil, or demonspawn, or anything of the sort. And Luzai is a good person, despite her past; she wouldn't even think about working with the demons!

"Prelate, this is a mistake! We really were sent here by commander Tirabade!"

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"Summon your faith, paladin, and snap out of it."

He follows his words with a passage from the acts, and a magic circle against evil springs up around him. He recognizes the girl now, and if it truly is her and not an imitator the spell should at least give her a fighting chance to break free. 

"As for the rest of you, lay down your weapons or you will be shown no mercy."

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She expected better of him.

She’s not, on reflection, sure why, except perhaps that he doesn’t technically read Evil. It’s honestly pretty confusing that he doesn’t read Evil. But she thought that she would have to actually do something remotely wrong, or suspicious, or something other than exist in front of the man before he attempted to murder her.

Stupid of her. She never had to do anything wrong—

Cease your spellcasting, sorcerer! You will be brought to Threshold to stand trial.

—No. Fuck this.

She pulls out Lariel’s sword and fills the square with light.


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Once more a burst of light surrounds Luzai, but something about this time feels different. It is still the raiment of an angel, but it is not the gentle bolstering light from before; it is heaven's avenging fury that answers the rage in her heart, and the golden glow of her aura is as flickering flames in an unseen breeze. Her voice is no louder or deeper than before, and yet it is somehow still far harder to ignore. 

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Camellia hides a wince as the light washes over her. It's not painful, precisely, but it's uncomfortable in ways she's never been uncomfortable before.

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And for prelate Hulrun the light washes over him, judging his every deed, and... does not find him wanting. For all his sins, he is a champion of the light of the sword, and heaven's avenging angels do not dispute Her judgment.

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The prelate stops in his tracks, transfixed by the light, and even once it fades is silent for a long moment. The feeling is not foreign to him, for he feels the touch of heaven upon him every day, but that doesn't make encountering it in these circumstances any less of a shock. Iomedae is the goddess of triage, and not prone to great miracles when a quiet whisper serve adequately; even for him, such a display has not been seen since angels walked among mortals int he first crusade.

"That light.... it appears I have misjudged you."

His sword returns to his sheath, and with a gesture the inquisitors following in his wake also stand down.

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Luzai is sincerely disappointed that the angel sword did not find Hulrun wanting! What the fuck, angel sword.

Okay. Gotta not provoke him into getting violent again.

….She cannot, however, bring herself to apologize for the fact that Hulrun came this close to trying to kill them all.

“It was an unfortunate moment to meet you, it seems,” she settles on. It’s…probably only sixty percent bullshit?

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"The fault lies with me. I should have struck him down rather than indulge his rambling, and now he's likely long gone; now that he knows i"m onto his treachery he won't make himself easy to find. But enough of that. You mentioned you were working with the city's defenders; what mission brings you here?"

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Ummm. If this guy doesn't know the Storyteller exists it is PROBABLY not a good idea to inform him. 

"Intelligence was recovered that leadership elements among the demons and cultists are congregating at the Tower of Estrod; we were sent to do reconnaissance." 

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"You've been heading astray, then. The tower of Estrod is to the southeast of here, not the west."

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"Ah. Yes." Whoopsie. She could say they've had to take a circuitous path for demon or demon cultist reasons, but that...would be a lie... "We also have some leads on the location of a person Irabeth thought might be helpful in reclaiming the wardstone, but," shrug, "some leads isn't the same thing as being sure we'll be able to find him, so I didn't want to waste your time. The cultists at the Tower of Estrod, we're confident are there." 

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"I see. Ramien's escape is doubly unfortunate then, because his followers were the ones to sabotage the wardstone in the first place. The voyager is strong enough that I'd advise caution for a party of your strength, but taking him down should you encounter him would be a great service to the city."

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"They sabotaged the wardstone?" 

This seems wildly improbable for a number of reasons. 

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“Indeed,” the inquisitor replies grimly.

 “We caught them before they could complete the task, but judging by the state of the city whatever they accomplished before our arrival was still sufficient for their plans.”

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"...Huh. Well. Thank you for telling us, Prelate." So they can find out what the fuck actually happened. 

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“Inheritor go with you.”

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And then! Their entire group! Can fuck on out of there!!!

Luzai starts shaking not long after they're outside Hulrun's field of view. 

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"Are you okay--" 

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Headshake. Continuing to get the fuck out of there. 

Once they're at what Luzai thinks is probably a safe distance she half-collapses on her twin. 

"Well. That went better than I thought meeting the prelate was going to go." 

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"What do you mean? That was a disaster, I don't have any idea what he thought he was doing. There's no way you'd be working with the demons!"

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"--Seelah, I went to Count Arendae with my warning because that was the only way I was sure it wasn't going to get back to Hulrun. There was absolutely no way meeting that man was going to go well." 

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“Exactly. People like him have no respect for the scientific process - not only do they not do any research themselves, they’re also quick to shut down entire avenues of inquiry if you let them.”

She glances down at her notes.

”Incidentally, testing shows that the fastest way to get their attention is by shouting ‘Hail Baphomet’ in a crowded street. This only gives you a few seconds to explain yourself though, so I can’t reccomend it.”

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"Admittedly having Nenio along can't have helped. No idea how he knew Villibor was a necromancer, though."

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"He was probably using Arcane Sight! That one's pretty easy to fool, though, you just need to prepare enough spells of another school to overwhelm it."

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"Eh, we're not hiding it, mostly. Lying about being a necromancer is even sketchier than being a necromancer." 

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"I'd like to find that guy and see if he's okay, but I can't expect him to make himself findable. After all, then Hulrun could find him." 

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"I'm not so sure. After all, he escaped those men when he was right in front of them; if he can repeat the feat, he might be more scared of the other dangers in the city than he is of Hulrun, so we could limit our searches to locations he would feel safe."

That's how it often is with prey; they'll make for a nest you know where is for the sense of security rather than bolt into the unknown in the hopes of escape.

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"...Point. Anyone object to a detour to the temple of Desna?" 

Nobody objects to a detour to the temple of Desna. 

The temple of Desna is pretty near the temple of Iomedae. 

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As they near the crest of the hill, the state of the temple of Desna becomes visible. Much like the temple of Iomedae, it's not in very good shape; the gates are wrenched open, half the roof is collapsed, and bloodstains cover the road where bodies once lay. It seems as though when the demons fanned out from their initial ingress they prioritized targeting any visible places of worship to the gods of good, and the Dreamer was no exception. The building's courtyard is empty of demons now, though, and judging by the lack of human corpses it seems that someone remained to clean things up.

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"If anyone's here, we think Hulrun's a nut," Luzai tries calling. 

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At those words, Seelah's face becomes a battleground in an epic war between laughing and being scandalized. Eventually the latter wins, though there's still a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

"Luzai, you can't just say things like that!"

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"I assure you, there's no need for that to get my attention. I'm glad to see you all seem fine, though; when I made my escape, part of me did fear for the worst."

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"Well, he was going to murder us all, but fortunately I found an angel's sword underground and when I shone it at him he changed his mind. I'm glad you're okay, if you hadn't been smart enough to take advantage of the distraction on your own initiative I do fortunately have Message prepared. Why does Hulrun think you sabotaged the Wardstone, I assume it's not because you actually sabotaged the Wardstone."

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"You're correct, it's not. The goddess sends us messages through dreams, but they have always been something of a point of friction. Many of the city's defenders - the Prelate among them - are not the most fond of warnings that don't come with any ability to verify them, and have a profound dislike for what they consider unreliable methods of interpretation. He considers the whole matter nothing but a potential vector for demonic lies. When we received word of the oncoming attack on the wardstone, a few of my more reckless fellows decided to do something about it, and when Hulrun denied their request to examine the wardstone licitly they decided to sneak in to see what they could do."

Ramien sighs.

"They got caught, obviously, and Hulrun had them imprisoned. This would have been bad enough, but when the attack followed Hulrun got it in his head that it was only possible because they had acted as a patsy for the demons, and I had to break them out to prevent them from being executed. He demanded I tell him where they had hidden, I refused, he decided this was proof I was also complicit, and well. That's when you arrived, and I decided to make my escape until he calms down enough to see reason."

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"Wait, so you also had a warning about the demon attack? Did you tell the Eagle Watch? Probably two independently corroborated warnings is more than twice as credible."

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"We did warn everyone we could, but the message we got didn't give us anything to go on for when it would happen. It's one thing to prepare for a known battle, another to try and increase general readiness for days or weeks at a time, especially since shoring up the defenses around the target wasn't an option."

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"Ah. My situation is--more complicated than a cultist relative--but more like a cultist relative than most situations are. I got a message that I should get out of the city or find a defensible hiding spot within twenty-four hours." Shrug. "And then instead I warned--well, Count Arendae, first, because I knew he wouldn't turn me in to Hulrun for having a demon-adjacent contact I wouldn't name, but the Eagle Watch after he expressed incredulity that I had gone to him and not them."

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Ramien laughs.

"The look on his face when you sprung that on him must have been delightful; I can almost picture it now. As for the warning itself - well, as hard as it is to imagine now, I expect the city would be in yet worse shape if the eagle's watch hadn't been prepared, and a few of the things I saw in the day prior make more sense in that light. On my own behalf and that of however many of my fellows you have saved, thank you for paying the warning forwards instead of simply fleeing the city."

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"It was! And you're welcome. Uh, the Defender's Heart is where people have been gathering to protect civilians and form an organized resistance against the demons, but, also, I told Hulrun that as my pretext for calling out to him to let you escape, so he might go there, in which case probably you don't want to, unless you think Irabeth can talk him down." 

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"The only two people I've ever known to be able to reliably reign him in are Terendelev and Liotr Hawkblade, and I wouldn't want to put any extra work on her shoulders regardless. I have no doubts that organizing the defense of the city is hard enough without also having to manage Hulrun. If my assistance is needed for a particular task, she can send for me then, but otherwise I expect it makes the most sense for me to help those who I can from here."

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“—This seems like a pretty obvious place to look for you! Which I guess is the point but also one imagines Hulrun is also capable of thinking of it.”

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"Indeed. In an emergency I can fly off and I believe he still lacks a way to follow, but it's still not ideal."

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"...Crazy idea: take refuge with Count Arendae on the grounds that he'll probably agree just to piss off Hulrun, leave a big note--like, painted all over the floor so it can't be easily removed--saying to find you there, then people can find you and Hulrun probably can't get you because if he could feasibly get the Count he probably would have years ago?" 

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Ramien shakes his head. 

"While it's true that Hulrun would have a hard time arresting the count, there isn't anything that would stop him entering to pursue an arrest of someone else, and it's not as though the count and his guards could do anything about it. Besides, even if it were feasible I would avoid it; in the current state of the city it's rather difficult for most people who might need my help to get to the Arendae estate from here, and I would be a rather poor guest if I brought the attention of the Prelate upon anyone else sheltering there."

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SIGH. "That's fair. Is there anyone else who might need sheltering--did the people who broke in to the Wardstone get out of the city, for example--"

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"There are a few here in the temple itself, but at least for the moment I expect they're safer here than making the trek to the Defender's heart. As for the ones I rescued, Ilkes is still here to help me out, but the other two have gone to ground."

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"Okay. That's good. Is there anything I can do to help?"

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"Not for my own part, but I expect Ilkes has a request if you think you have time."

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"Well, I have no idea if I'll have time to fulfill it, but I certainly have time to hear it!"

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Once Ramien assures him of their intentions, another cleric of Desna comes out of the building. His clothes look rather different from the Voyager's, but the butterfly pendant would be difficult to mistake if his location wasn't a giveaway.

"Ramien says you're planning to head to the more southern parts of the city?"

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"Among other things, yeah!" 

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"If you can, I would appreciate you checking in on Aranka. I know she can take care of herself, but there's a difference between knowing and feeling, and the fact that I don't want to lead the Prelate to her doesn't help the urge to just go there. She planned to shelter with count Arendae, though I expect she would have disguised herself an ordinary musician."

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"Ooh, hmm..." Can she remember anything about the musicians at the party she crashed before the demons showed up? ...No, no she cannot, her attention was much too focused on the pretty hedonist of an aristocrat she was there to talk to. "Sure. Do you have a message I should pass on?"

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Oh, great, another excuse for Luzai to flirt with the problem child aasimar. 

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"Tell her that Ramien and I are still alright, and remind her to be careful. Don't wish her good luck, though, she's too good at games of chance as it is."

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--Deeply relatable, actually, although not really with games of luck specifically. He thinks he likes Ilkes. 

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Giggle. "Sure!" 

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"Thank you, then - and stay safe yourself as well."

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"We'll try! Just, you know, not at the cost of not accomplishing anything, like in your own case." 

After they've left the temple, Lucy sighs and rubs her face. "Man, Hulrun must be, just fucking amazing at killing demons, for him to be worth it to Iomedae to put up with him." 

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“I’m sure he’s not usually this high strung,” Seelah tries. “I mean, right now there really are demons and cultists everywhere.”

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“Perhaps. But while I’ve heard many a tale of his faith and zealotry prior to today, I’ve never heard anything about his restraint, and nobody gets to his age fighting demons without being good at combat.”

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"Seelah, he was going to kill us for being in the wrong place at the wrong time." Sigh. "I--appreciate that attempting to be charitable about people is a good thing, but--I really don't want anyone to die of assuming Hulrun's going to be reasonable." 

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Criticizing her superiors still feels super uncomfortable but she doesn't have anything else to say in his defense. She'll stick to keeping an eye out for demons, which as distractions go at least has the perk of being inarguably useful. At one point she spots a dark shape circling overhead, but while it's probably a demon she can't see clearly enough to identify it and it doesn't seem interested in coming closer or following them.

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Wenduag watches it consideringly for a bit, but even if she could hit from that distance there's no way her arrows would have enough power left to injure whatever it is.

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"The least rational part of my annoyance with him," she says eventually, "is that totally by coincidence, he did get one part right. When he said I probably had the strongest demon connection out of the whole group. It is in fact true that nobody else has anything more demon-related going on than my complicated situation!" 

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"Ongoingly, anymore." 

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"I guess." 

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"You have a complicated relationship with demon cultists?"

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He glances briefly at Wenduag and then away. "I guess you could say that." 

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That's pretty much the extent of Nenio's curiosity on the matter. Most demon cultists have proven very irrelevant.

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As they approach the Arendae manor, the situation nearby seems to have calmed down somewhat. There's still some smoke from the eastern approach, but there aren't any cultists attempting a siege or demons interdicting visitors. Either they've killed enough of the nearby demons to calm things down, or any would-be attackers have changed course to hit softer targets for the moment.

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Cool. Do the guards recognize them?

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Most of them. The new faces are slightly concerning, but not more than everything else in the city as things stand. They’ll inform the count.

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“Oh my, a third visit this week? Is there something I should be concerned about, or have you simply fallen victim to my irresistibly good looks?”

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"Well, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that Hulrun is on the warpath against the Desnans, and the good news is that you have apparently been passively defying Hulrun ever since they pissed him off; one of them has been hiding here as a musician, according to her friend who asked us to check up on her." 

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"Oh? Perhaps these last two days haven't been such a waste after all. You have no idea how dreadful it's otherwise been. While I suppose there have been a few new musicians in attendance, everyone seems to consider the attack to mean that we should completely abandon anything fun. Would you believe I've had people asking me to allow hymns? In my manor, of all places?"

The shudder that comes after this is probably exaggerated.

"I think fully cleansing this place will require me to burn it to the ground. Perhaps I should call it a performance art, something about the state of Kenabres? But obviously until that happens I needed to stay as far away from any performances as possible, so I can't narrow things down much off of them being a wanted criminal. Do you know anything about the girl in question?"

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"Her name is Aranka, and she's friends with someone named Ilkes. The Desnans also had a warning that the demon attack was going to come, and the Prelate of course decided to confirm all my paranoia by deciding that that meant they were in on it. Also he came, like," she holds up a pair of fingers pressed together, "this close to deciding to kill us, just because--well, because I distracted him from trying to murder Ramien so that Ramien managed to get away, but I did it in a plausibly deniable manner, so I don't think he gets much credit for that! If he can't murder people while someone calls his title unexpectedly that kind of seems like a him problem, you know?"

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"I see. Well, I don't recognize the name, but there aren't that many people here so it shouldn't be an issue."

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The inside of the Arendae manor is not exactly a party, but it's still more of a celebration than most things that aren't. If there is one useful thing that Daeran absolutely cannot be said to be short on, it's large quantities of food that will go badly quickly enough to not be worth rationing, and even with the influx of people seeking relative safety it's hardly more populated than the largest celebrations he'd thrown before. She'd still much rather be out helping people with her friends, but as places to not get murdered by overconfident fools go it could have been much worse - for all his other faults, the count at least seemed willing to step up somewhat in a crisis like this, and playing music to keep people's spirits up wasn't nothing. 

The count bringing someone backstage in person was a bit unusual, but from the looks of the girl there was an easy guess why, and as long as the girl in question didn't seem unhappy about it it wasn't really her business.

"Are you here about a request for music?"

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“Nope. Are you Aranka? Ramien and Ilkes are okay.”

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"Who's asking?"

The moment the words come out of her lips, she realizes her mistake. She's being needlessly confrontational, and for what? If she said that to an inquisitor that didn't recognize her it would still be basically as good as a confession. 

"That is, yes. You spoke with them?"

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“Yeah. Ramien had…an altercation…with Hulrun, but he got away before Hulrun could do actual violence to him. We guessed he would go back to the temple and went to check on him—I’m honestly kind of concerned about that, if it was that easy to guess I bet Hulrun also can—he’s okay for right now, though, and when I asked if I could help he gave me Ilkes’ message for you. And my name is Luzai Seshka. Is who’s asking.”

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Aranka softens at that, Luzai's explanation quelling the rest of her fears.

"And then you came all the way here to tell me? Ilkes has really made a brilliant friend this time - it's a shame we didn't meet in better circumstances, but I appreciate hearing he's alright."

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"It was sort of on the way to where we were going anyway." 

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"Also Luzai thinks flirting with the Count is fun and a good idea." 

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Sisterly elbow to the ribs. "Sorry about him. Brothers." 

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"Well, you could definitely do worse."

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"What exactly are you trying to imply here?"

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"She could also do much better." 

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Daeran staggers back, clutching his chest as though injured.


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Luzai laughs. 

"He's pretty, he has a sense of humor, and Hulrun loathes him. What more can you ask for, in the middle of a demonic invasion?" 

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"My three most charming qualities," Daeran easily agrees. "If I only measure up to your august standards in the middle of a demonic invasion, though, I'd better make a move."

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She grins at him. 

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"Luzai I cannot emphasize enough that you are not having sex with this man right now, we have a mission. Multiple missions!" 

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"I'm sorry, we were slightly raised by ghouls and he thinks tact is a vegetable." 

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"I wouldn't know; I've certainly never had any myself. What missions would these happen to be?"

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She ticks off her fingers. "Scouting an assemblage of demons and cultists at the Tower of Estrod, and finding someone called the Storyteller who might have any idea what's wrong with the Wardstone. He was last seen at the Blackwing Library...I really hope it hasn't taken too much damage." 

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"A storyteller? Perhaps I ought to be joining you; with any luck whatever they have to say will be more interesting than waiting here."

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She looks up sharply. "Would you? It would be--on a practical level, it would be really, really useful to have a better healer than Seelah--no offense, Seelah--on an impractical level, can you imagine the face Hulrun would make if I pulled the angel sword out again while you were right there--plus, also, it would serve my brother right for teasing me--" 

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Villibor makes a rude gesture at her so obscure and non-Avistani that even Count Arendae might not recognize it. 

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He doesn't! How delightful.

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"I'm not offended - it's not like I can heal you or your brother anyway, so I can see why you'd want someone along who could. But are you sure about him? Some of this is going to be difficult work."

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"Well, if he comes along and heals us and does nothing else whatsoever, I don't think the rest of us will have a harder job than if he didn't come along, and if he comes along and then flakes five minutes in we still won't be worse off than if he hadn't. The only way we'd be worse off is if he betrays us to the demons, which I trust him not to do, or to...anyone else...which I even more trust him not to do. In either case, he had plenty of opportunity in the day before the attack." 

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Seelah can think of rather a lot of ways where someone deciding to leave when things get tough is much worse than them not having shown up in the first place, but she's not going to belabor the point.

"If you're certain," she responds, doing her best to keep the doubt out of her voice.

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...Does Seelah want a hug. 

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....She could take one, yeah, as long as Luzai is careful about the armor.

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Luzai is careful about the armor! 

"I think it will probably turn out fine, and the upside risks are worth the downside risks, but, also, worrying about that kind of thing is good and I don't want you to think I'm just dismissing your concerns out of hand." 

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"Thanks. I do trust your judgment, it's just... I can't help my worry sometimes, is all."

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"I mean the guy blames the entire church of Iomedae for--his grievances--it would be frankly incredibly weird if you did get along with him." 

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"Yeah. If he really is willing to help though I'm not going to turn up my nose at it; if there's a time for fighting people on our side instead of the demons, it's definitely not now."

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"Agreed." You know, as long as it isn't necessary. Luzai would absolutely have done her damnedest to kill Hulrun back if he had gone through with trying to kill her. 

And she does not want Count Arendae to back out as a result of going off to hug the paladin and agree with her about things, so she is going to go hug him also. 

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Ooh, delightful. He'll even be a gentleman about it, since her brother is watching.

Well. Mostly a gentleman. 

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Villibor claps a hand over his eyes, half I-did-not-need-to-see-that and half exasperation. 

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"Surface people are weird," Lann grumbles. 

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Wenduag opens her mouth to agree, then shuts it once she remembers who she's agreeing with and thinks better of it.

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"It seems sensible enough to me. She saw what she wanted, and took it - though I do agree that both of them could have chosen a better place for it."

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"Okay," Luzai says, biting her lip, her cheeks sooty, "we should--not start anything--that would be a shame not to finish--until we can finish it." 

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"Then I'll have to make sure your finish is worth the wait."


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Then, as though he hadn't just whispered that in her ear, Daeran half disentangles himself the hug, though one arm stays around her waist for a moment longer.

"Shall we be off, then? I don't expect these missions will complete themself."

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She clears her throat. “Right! Yes. Let’s be off, then.” 

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The tower of Estrod is visible from fairly far off, which makes navigating towards it a rather easy task. Unfortunately, it seems as though the discussion of enemies congregating there hadn't just been idle talk - the buildings nearby are as damaged as those in market square, and there are groups of cultists walking openly in the streets. From the looks of things they're mostly armed with whatever they could get their hands on, leading to a rather eclectic array of weaponry, but there's no shortage of more experienced members with scythes or the occasional glaive either.

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…Well. That’s alarming. And also why Nenio’s Invisibility is so important! How many people can she cover?

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"I only prepared invisibility once today! But I could cast it again with my bonded item."

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Okay. Hm. 

Lann and Wenduag are hunters, so they're probably okay at creeping up on stuff unnoticed. Plus if more people think the way Hulrun did they'll have an easy time passing as cultists. Camellia might need to see her hands to pick locks, Luzai doesn't know that for sure but it sounds like a thing? 

Seelah is without a doubt the least, uh, discreet, member of their group right now. 

"I'm thinking there are probably two ways of doing this--one, the sneakiest member of the group--probably Camellia, since she can, you know, pick locks--gets invisibled and goes in alone, with the rest of us hiding somewhere nearby keeping watch for a signal that backup is required. The other option is that most of us pretend to be cultists and bluff our way in, and Seelah is invisibled. Because, uh," she gestures to Seelah's extremely blatant paladinness. "But obviously just because those are the only options I've thought of doesn't mean they're the only options." 

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"I'm not sure how successful we would be bluffing our way in. These are also a motley bunch, certainly, but if anyone is suspicious enough to call us out we don't exactly have any scythes to brandish."

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"We're just here to scout them out, right? Maybe we don't have to get inside; if we attack them and the people inside come out to chase us, we'll have some understanding of their strength anyway, and we can just flee before they reach us."

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"I'd sooner not go with a plan that involves intentionally getting in a fight with a group we know outnumbers us. If we need to pretend to be cultists but lack the equipment, the obvious solution is to ambush some of them and take theirs. Any bloodstains will just add to the effect."

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Luzai makes a face at Camellia's suggestion, but has to admit, "That's a pretty good point." 

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"We wouldn't even necessarily have to kill them; I bet cultists mug each other all the time." 

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"Is there some reason we'd want to leave them alive?"

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"I'm squeamish about killing," Luzai sighs, "but not, you know, to the point where I let it get in the way, if I can help it, which I generally can. I'm not actually an idiot, under the circumstances every cultist standing with the demons is nearly as much of a threat to the city as the demons themselves." 

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If they want to go after cultists to disguise themselves, there are two main options. In the first case, they could pick one of the ancillary groups, who would likely be the easiest to get the drop on without getting an alert, or they could go after one of the relatively better equipped groups and hopefully come out with holy symbols and other paraphernalia to really sell the act. The former would be a simpler task, while the latter might help better stand up to any scrutiny they come under in the the course of infiltrating.

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Villibor would like to vote for the latter option on the grounds that “better equipped” might include spellbooks.

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Seelah is also in favor of a better prepared group, since they're probably more of a danger to the people in the city.

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Okay. Where are some reasonably well-equipped groups not in immediate view of other groups, and do any of them look especially wizardy.

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The only group that visibly has a wizard - so identified by his familiar - is very much in sight of their fellows. There's one group over there that has someone who seems to be unarmed, and another that has someone with a crossbow and potions? If a wizard isn't advertising their presence or using magic, there's not that much to differentiate them from a crowd like this beyond having a hand free to cast.

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Let's go with unarmed guy, crossbow and potions could easily be, you know, a guy who happens to have his crossbow drawn instead of his melee weapon, and doesn't happen to have his melee weapon visible. 

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Then Seelah will once again take up the rear of their group. She hasn't gotten any happier about it, but until she figures out how to sneak in heavy armor she's just got to get used to the fact that she can't keep people safe on a stealth mission. 

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The cultists in question are sitting around a fire, cooking their lunch. One of them is theoretically on lookout, but they're paying more attention to chatting with their fellows than their job, and most of them look like they'd take at least a few seconds to be ready to fight. Unfortunately, there's also not a lot of cover near them; if they want to get less than a block away, they'll have to trek right through the open, while limiting themself to ranged combat would make it a lot easier to to flee.

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Is there a building they could maybe circle around to the back of and then sneak up on them through?

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One of the houses does look to have a back door, but while it'd get them closer they'd have to break in.

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Under the circumstances that seems fine as long as they don't take anything? And as long as breaking in means "Camellia picks a lock" and not that they have to bust down a door.

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She can handle what passes for a lock in this part of the city, yes. It's not even particularly difficult.

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The owners of the house seem unlikely to object to this entry, since it's presumably their corpses on the ground. As long as they stay lower than the windows, it's not particularly difficult to get to the busted-down front door without being spotted, and at only about twenty feet off that gets them close enough to overhear their conversation.

"I'm just saying, Faxxon's a real prick. I've had enough of that condescension from the paladins, I don't need it from some guy nobody's heard of who wants to tell us what to do."

"Why didn't you just say that to his face, then?"

"What, and pick a fight with a minotaur? I'm just saying that it was Lord Deskari who conquered the city, not their oh-so-important templars."

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Luzai holds up her hand and starts folding down fingers to count down as a signal, then casts Grease. 

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The cultist on watch takes a step as part of emphasizing his point, and immediately has to grab on to a nearby barrel not to fall. He calls out to his comrades in alarm, and turns to face the charging woman with his scythe.

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Oops, she should have tried blinding him before he spotted them. Well, she can fix that now. A coruscating beam of light lances from her finger and slams into the would-be roadblock.

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He's long since been inured to not being quick enough to do anything about problems he sees coming, so instead he'll just pick one of the people who seem to be having better luck standing to tag with a bolt.

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Thock. Thock. Thock. Feathered shafts sprout from various cultists' body parts. 

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Wenduag does her best to match him with her own arrows. She's never been able to keep up with his sheer speed of fire, but her shots are more powerful and accurate for it.

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Rather than try and stand up on the slippery ground, the unarmed cultist becomes the center of a lightshow as loud crackling flames swirl around them before shooting off at Seelah.

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And she takes the blow with a grimace before continuing after the armed cultists still trying to get their feet under them. Her armor didn't do much good against that, so she'll leave taking him out to Camellia or the archers.

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Likewise Luzai and Villibor focus their own spells on the armored goons. Comparative advantage!

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The man with the unfamiliar blasts of magic has a surprisingly high endurance for hisfirepower, but once he slip on the grease and Camellia is free to stab him, he goes down unusually quickly even by the standards of squishy wizards. She doesn't get quite as injured as Seelah in the process, but even after the latter heals herself with a lay on hands mid fight they're both in need of Daeran's channels. 

Other than the lack of spellbooks, the operation seems to have succeeded; they now have enough scythes and Deskarite holy symbols to equip their group, and less suspicious clothing in most of their sizes.

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Aw. Probably a sorcerer. 

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Luzai pats Villibor on the head while putting a dumb unholy symbol around her neck. 

Okay! Thus equipped, are there any barriers to approaching the Tower of Estrod. 

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Nope! They can just walk right in.

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Cool cool cool. Are there...any places where people are obviously talking about important things. 

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Past a hallway filled with defaced statues of angels, the building opens up into a large circular room lined with stone pillars. From the empty plinths it seems as though things were once on display there, but whatever they were is long gone; at the moment, the ground floor of the building is host to roughly two groups of cultists and demons, one of whom has a minotaur with them. A pair of relatively professional looking fighters with glaives and heavy armor stand guard by the doorway between it and the hallway.

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Is there some place without guards, say perhaps on the second floor, where they can observe this from. 

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It'll be harder to listen in, but yeah, the spiral staircase up is accessible from outside of the room in question and the first floor is visible from some of the upper galleries.

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Luzai presses herself to the floor to A) get a slightly better angle to hear from, and B) minimize her profile. ...Seelah should probably just stand back from the edge, on account of, uh, armor. 

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As expected, she can't really make out most of the conversations going on below, but some of the body language is illuminating and occasionally people raise their voices enough to be audible. From the sounds of things there's some ongoing tension between the two factions of cultists, though it's not entirely clear what over; perhaps something about the planned attack? It's also more than sufficient to get a headcount; assuming there aren't more cultists or demons elsewhere in the tower, there seem to be about sixty of them visible in addition to everyone congregated outside.

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Mrrrrgh. Luzai writes down everything she can tell, including headcounts and whatever scraps of dialogue she can make out. ...Also what that one guy in the group they mugged said about a guy named Faxon. 

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Can anyone else get a better gist of what's being said?

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Camellia's hearing is a little sharper, though her interpretation is still hampered by the distance and lack of context.

"I think it's a leadership dispute of some kind. Deskari cultists not happy about taking orders from a Baphomet cultist, maybe, or perhaps just someone who thinks they personally deserve a more important role."

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"So those are Baphomet cultists? I should go interview them now that I have the chance."

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On the one hand that would be hilarious. On the other hand, no. "I think the Deskari cultists might object." 

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"You think they would try and interfere with my data collection?"

She seems aggrieved by the very idea.

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"Yes, that seems likely." She considers justifying this by reference to that one cultist who was annoyed about this Faxon guy getting above himself, but discards the argument half-formed; if she needs to justify the claim, she will, but it would be dishonest to implicitly support the idea that other people are as science-focused as Nenio, and she doesn't prefer dishonesty if she doesn't need to use it. 

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Nenio will spend a few more moments considering the logistics of sneaking past the Deskarites invisibly, but then discards the idea and agrees not to go out.

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Considering how much effort, and expenditure of limited spell slots, it took to get in here in the first place, Luzai is more or less inclined to stay put spying on cultists until they finish arguing and leave, but she is aware that Nenio, or possibly Daeran, getting bored and wandering off would be catastrophic, so she is prepared to leave sooner than absolutely necessary if it seems necessary to head off Problems. 

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The first one to get bored actually seems to be Camellia, for all that she's the one actually able to hear what's going on. Nenio is easily distracted by recording what they're learning about the church of Baphomet and Daeran easily distracted by Luzai, but lying on a stone floor listening in on a half audible conversation is not exactly how Camellia wanted to spend her day. She's got enough patience to stick around and learn that an attack on the Defender's heart is supposed to be scheduled for next evening and that Faxxon has a personal grudge against Irabeth, but she's not exactly hiding the fact that she finds most of what they're talking about mind numbingly uninteresting.

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Luzai is not, herself, so distracted by Daeran that she fails to notice this. 

Also the attack on the Defender's Heart is a very juicy piece of intel, probably worth the trip all by itself. 

Camellia getting bored isn't a potential catastrophe the way Nenio getting bored is, but it does significantly decrease the value of continuing to stay. They can probably try to sneak out now. 

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Oh good. Villibor wasn't going to cause any problems about it, but he is very ready to be done being in proximity to his sister and the Count getting distracted by each other. 

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Now that she's no longer distracted by observing the cultists, Luzai might have the attention to take in a few of the paintings on the wall. Some of them - such as the one whose label purports it to be of Prelate Hulrun slaying a shadow demon he exorcised or the portrait of queen Galfrey - were clearly destroyed by someone with a bone to pick, but others seem to have been at least momentarily spared the same fate.

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Luzai stops and stares. 

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"Did something catch your eye?"

The count's voice is casual, but Luzai has spent enough time with him by now to notice it seems partly affected.

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She resumes walking. 

"Our mother's name was Ruvina," she says, as though in non-sequitur. "--Positive energy is illegal in Geb. Her death was stupid and preventable, and that's why I hate my father." 

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"I've certainly hated family for less."

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Somehow she suspects that whatever reason Daeran has to hate whatever family member(s) he's vaguing are more legitimate than he's letting on, but they have not known each other long enough to pry into that. 

So she nods and laces her fingers together with his. Sometimes it's just good to be touching another person, even a little. 

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He's certainly not objecting.

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Once they're well clear of the tower and have stripped out of their stolen cultist outfits, Luzai asks Seelah, "Do you think we should look for the Storyteller while we're out anyway, or get back to the Defender's Heart as soon as possible to warn Irabeth of the attack?"

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Seelah thinks for a bit, looking conflicted.

"The storyteller," she finally concludes. "When it comes to preparation, every moment is critical, but every moment is critical with a rescue too, and Irabeth already knows the attack is coming. Telling her will let her know to focus on the things she can complete in time and to have people keep spell slots left over, but the big thing is that she needs to know before people start preparing spells that morning, and I think we have enough time to get to the Blackwing library and back before nightfall."

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Serious nod. "Alright." 

The best route brings them through the main square again. Luzai really hopes that Hulrun is elsewhere this time. 

When they pass near the place where Terendelev died, Luzai stops and blinks. "What's that?" 

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"What's which?" 

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Luzai points. "That. The blue shimmering." 

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"--I don't see it." 

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Camellia furrows her brow. 

"There aren't any spirits there."

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"There's something there..." 

She approaches the spot. 

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Whatever it is seems somehow less real than everything around it; it's less blue than it is the suggestion of blue, not so much a sphere as lacking the fidelity to be anything else. Its existence is barely more than a memory, and the memory is dying. Even so, it does not abandon its task. If it cannot right the violation, at least it serve as a beacon for another to do so and correct that which should not be. 

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The violation?

(Is there any way she can—gather it into herself, sustain it in a way similar to how she’s sustaining her own shards of broken soul—)

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There is a shard of abyss lying on the ground below. By the standards of mortals it is well hidden, but the magic shielding its location from the eyes of others is not sufficient to turn aside the gaze of an Aeon, and even more so than the demons its presence on the material plane is something which should not be.

(She could try, but at least at the moment its existence is less compatible with hers than Seshka's was. She could prevent it from further decay, but not merge it into herself).

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...She will prevent it from further decay, for the moment. Maybe she can figure out something to do with it later. 

(Shard of abyss? She looks, with her own eyes.)

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Lying on the ground below where the sphere once floated is a dagger, carved out of some purple crystal she doesn't recognize. One end is bound up in a hilt, while the other is carved into a sharp blade that tapers into a point; some effort seems to have been spared to preserve most of the crystal's mass in this new configuration. Silver runes in a familiar handwriting are inscribed upon the crossguard.

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A nahyndrian crystal is the solidified divine essence of a demon lord

Well. It doesn’t take wizard-grade cunning to put that together. Probably has something to do with shooting Deskari with a special bolt.

For now she leaves it. What else can the Aeon’s eyes see? Can they see anything about the Luzai-and-Seshka composite? If they can see anything about the underlying compatibility, can they see how compatible-or-not anyone or anything else would be with the fragment of Aeon?

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Once within her the eyes of the Aeon are far more limited, unable to see further than her immediate surroundings through the the interference of her soul, but that does nothing about her ability to view herself through its eyes. From the perspective on an Aeon, Luzai Seshka is a nigh seamlessly blended mix of person and aberration, each segment staining the other in its colors. There's some trace of the same hated crystal, but in enough lower quantity that it is not what prevents a connection. The issue is that the Aeon is a tireless agent of cosmic order, and while Luzai has certainly acted to remove demons from the material plane she does not yet share that mindset.

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Yyyyeah Luzai is pretty sure the Aeon wouldn’t be any happier about Lariel’s presence on the Material than about the demons’ and she is so not about that.

She’s pretty sure she’s not going to be a stable substrate for the remnant of Aeon indefinitely and had better find somewhere else to put it sooner rather than later.

She scoops up the knife. “Well, that was…interesting,” she observes.

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“What was interesting?”

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“I had…a vision? Sort of like when I found Lariel’s sword, except, it wasn’t an angel. An Aeon died here.”

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"What's an Aeon? I don't think I've ever even heard of one of those."

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“It’s a sort of…neutral guardian of cosmic order. It really hates the Worldwound but I got the impression it wouldn’t have been a lot happier about Lariel having been on this plane than about some equivalently powerful demon.”

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"Huh. Well, I guess it was a good thing it came here then? There are a lot more demons than angels around."

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"You should tell me all about your vision. Aside from the occasional Paracletus, Aeons are incredibly reticent about answering questions."

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"The vision wasn't very complicated...there wasn't much of the Aeon left. It really really didn't like the demons." She's just not going to mention its opinion of the purple dagger. "You might need to ask more specific questions." Setting Nenio off is probably a good way to distract from non-Nenio questions. 

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"What did it dislike about demons? Was there anything other than them that got its attention? Did you learn anything about the monad? Do Aeons have names for themself? Why was it there in specific?"

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"The thing it disliked about demons was that they come from another plane and don't 'belong' on this one; it also disliked relevantly planar-attuned demon by-products. I suspect it would have disliked Lariel's sword but I didn't look at it in the Aeon vision. I didn't learn anything about the Monad. If it had a name for itself that wasn't preserved in the fragment I encountered, but it was a much-reduced fragment; I don't consider that to be strong evidence. It was there because Deskari showing up was a stronger than usual planar disturbance, and also, uh, hazardous to anything that objected to Deskari showing up, so that's where it died. --Can I have one of your sample vials, there's a whole bunch of Terendelev's blood over there and if the opportunity to get a Resurrection comes up, blood would be useful." 

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Nenio can fetch one in between jotting notes.

"Did it seem to remember anything prior to showing up here? Do you know what kind of Aeon it was? How did Deskari end up killing it?"

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Luzai can continue to answer questions while also scraping chunks of dried blood from the paving stones into the sample vial. 

"I didn't get anything episodic from it prior to showing up here, but that might be a limitation of the connection rather than the fragment. I might be able to tell what kind of Aeon it was if I knew more about different kinds of Aeons, but I didn't get, like, a varietal name. Deskari hit it with his scythe." 

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Nenio will keep up a steady chatter of questions for several minutes or until distracted, but doesn't seem to mind that Luzai doesn't know the answer to most of them.

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Unfortunately for Luzai's hopes, the Prelate doesn't seem to have moved far from his spot. As they approach, it's to the scene of him carving his way through a handful of ghouls only about a hundred feet from where they last encountered him.

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Uuuuuuuuugh, but also you have to deal with reality. 

Luzai decides, glumly, that it's not safe to assume he hasn't spotted them yet, and leaving so they don't have to interact with him and he has to deal with all the ghouls by himself is, uh, legitimately suspicious. 

Having to deal with Hulrun is terrible but at least ghouls aren't resistant to acid. 

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The ghouls are not exactly fit to stand up to Hulrun and his subordinates, much less the addition of nine extra combatants; the last one perishes only a few moments after they join to fight. 

"So you're still alive. And the count has joined you - I suppose it's past time he made himself useful for something."

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"What can I say? The weather this time of year is just delightful for going on walks."

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Oh no. 

"Yes, we're still alive. --Also, my brother and I are from Geb. Last time we met you commented on his being a necromancer, and that's true, but it's not his fault and wasn't his choice." 

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"I see."

There's obviously still judgment in his remark, but it at least doesn't seem to be more than he passively exudes about everything around him.

"Now that you've scouted the tower of Estrod, what do you have to report?"

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"The demons are planning to attack the Defender's Heart tomorrow evening." It's unlikely to hurt anything for Hulrun to have that information. "Also the Baphomet cultists and Deskari cultists don't like each other, but that one wasn't exactly new information." 

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"Very well. Be on your way, then."

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Cool great awesome they'll do that then. 

"You know, from anyone else, I'd find the suspicion about necromancy reasonable," she grumbles when they're out of earshot. 

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"Why Luzai!"

His voice is breathless, as though taken aback by her words.

"Talk like that in Kenabres is treasonous. After all, our good prelate here reigns by the edict of the queen and the grace of Iomedae herself. There's no need to bother him with justifying himself, since whatever he does is justified by definition, just like an edict from the goddess herself."

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Seelah's fist tightens.

"That's blasphemy."

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"I, a blasphemer? I would never. The prelate's actions are nothing new, and despite all the years he has served, has the goddess ever seen fit to strip him of his abilities? From where I'm standing, her approval is obvious."

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Hooooo boy.

On the one hand, she would prefer Daeran not prod Seelah specifically. On the other hand, he sort of wasn’t, he was just being bitter about Hulrun, and while Luzai, herself, is willing to add a layer of circumspection to doing that for Seelah’s benefit, she really can’t blame Daeran for not doing that, not when he’s had to live with the Prelate for years and Luzai and Seelah have not.

”What defines blasphemy?” she wonders aloud, hoping to steer the conversation down slightly less dangerous waters. “Is it disrespect towards just Iomedae? Any Good god? I assume it’s not any god at all, I can’t imagine anyone here would object if I called Urgathoa a horrible rancid bitch. Which she is.”

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"No of course not, nobody's going to say you have to be polite about Asmodeus or Urgathoa or whoever. That's not the same thing at all."

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“I don’t think it’s obvious that you don’t have to be polite about Asmodeus? Aren’t there a lot of Hellknights at the Wound?”

Hmmmmmm. It seems that Seelah is…less predisposed to being nerdsniped than most of Luzai’s siblings are…and Nenio is…and when she puts it that way it is EXTREMELY OBVIOUS.

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“Luzai, please do not compare Iomedae to Asmodeus.”

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“—That’s not what I meant at all!”

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“That’s not- the difference isn’t that the hellknights wouldn’t care, It’s that he’s evil.”

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“Yyyyyes, which is…different from what’s socially acceptable?”

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"It's not socially acceptable to follow an evil god, yes, but that's not the point here."

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"Okay, well," what was she thinking, inviting Daeran into a group including Seelah. Right, that he was pretty and she liked him. Hhhhhh it's so inconvenient when people she likes argue and both have valid points. Hhhhhhhh playing peacemaker was easier back home when all the fights she had to break up were between siblings who, at the end of the day, loved each other and intended to keep having to live with each other when all was said and done. "I guess it was sort of the question I was asking? Even if I was sort of interrupting to do it. I still don't think I understand the answer to my question, if there even is one, but I guess that doesn't really matter because of the interrupting thing. --Is blasphemy per se illegal or just frowned upon." 

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Seeelah takes a deep breath, and breathes back out.

"Blasphemy like that isn't legal, but that's not the point. It would be wrong even if he did it somewhere it was legal." 

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"I think probably Iomedae has more important concerns than what Daeran thinks of her but I can totally see why you're upset." 

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"I guess we all do, right now. I'll try not to let it distract me from those."

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“Thanks.” At some point she is going to have to have a talk with Seelah about this but, in fact, they do all have bigger problems right now.

They get to the library. Luzai braces herself for a form of desecration that she herself takes much more personally than that of a church.

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Did someone say 'things Luzai takes personally'?

Part of the roof on the far side of the building has collapsed, and cracks run through the library's floor, toppling shelves and scattering books. Any offense she takes about this, however, likely takes a back seat to what's visible in front of her eyes; a number of cultists tied and bound atop a pile of books, to which a number of crusaders are delivering more tomes. Besides the piles stand a number of barrels with unknown contents.

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”What’s going on here?”

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"Ah, more crusaders. It's good to see a friendly face! I'm captain Chaleb Sazomel; my men and I caught these traitors here disguising themselves as crusaders, and now we're going to put them to the torch. It's the least they deserve for trying to turn this city over to the demons, if you ask me, but there are more cultists out there that we'll have to deal with too."

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Okay, crusaders burning people alive is, uh, more plausible, than it would have been before she found out about Hulrun, but--on a pile of books? Deeply, deeply improbable. Also, that elf on the pile sort of looks like the description she got of the Storyteller. 

And if cultists never pretended to be crusaders then Hulrun would probably, um, have less leeway to kill random people for being vaguely suspicious. 

Well. She could just turn to the rest of the group, say, "these people are obviously not legit, let's attack them" but firstly, she's not sure those barrels aren't full of alchemist's fire, and significantly less importantly but still emotionally salient, that would be sort of Hulrunesque and make her feel icky. 

Instead she draws herself up, props her hands on her hips, and barks, "What do you fools think you're doing? Areelu Vorlesh has personally sent me to secure the contents of this library, and here I find you people playing dress-up as crusaders and about to burn the whole thing down? Do you serve Baphomet or Deskari, I want to know who I should complain to about your conduct." 

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"I'm so sorry, ma'am, we'll fix it right away! I had no idea, your disguise is excellent. I'm a former Everbright crusader, now loyal soldier of lord Baphomet, here to fight for the winning team!"

His eyes trace over Lann and Wenduag's appearances, lingering especially long on the former's horn, then focuses back on Luzai.

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"Just go," Luzai snorts, making a shooing motion, "I seriously doubt you'll be able to put the books back in any kind of sensible order." 

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"Of course! Do you have any further orders?"

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"There are a number of others gathering at the Tower of Estrod planning an attack on the Defender's Heart. Go there and tell them," and then she provides a list of what Seelah, at least, can tell is harmfully misinformative intelligence on the defenses at the Defender's Heart. 

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"Of course! We won't let you down."

They hurry out, not even waiting to execute their prisoners by hand first.

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"I didn't know we were working for Areelu Vorlesh. Do you think you could get her to answer my questions? I have a lot of them, but I think I could cover everything in a few days."

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“—I was lying, Nenio.”

She goes over to the prisoners and starts untying them. “We’re not actually cultists,” she assures them. “I did not want to give them a chance to set anything on fire before they were dealt with.”

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"Oh, that's disappointing."

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It's at this point that Daeran stops being able to hold in his laughter. 

"You've got quite the sense of humor. If it were me I would have sent them with those barrels to rig some cultist den to explode, but that was brilliantly done."

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She giggles and beams.

“I considered it! But if they had talked to anyone in the den, they might’ve aborted mission, and then they’d still have the barrels. This way? We do.”

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"How did you even know they were cultists? I know they had different order emblems, which would be odd if they were actually his subordinate crusaders, but I didn't see that until they were already leaving."

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“They were going to burn books!”

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Seelah doesn't lie, so she's just... not going to mention that there are probably some crusaders who would do that. Fewer to their own books, yes, but still some. She'll focus on untying and ungagging the prisoners.

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Once free, said prisoners are very effusive in their praise.

"Thank you so much for the rescue, I was sure we were done for there."

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“You’re welcome. Are you okay? Who are you? —Besides, obviously, the real crusaders.”

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"I'm Klaem, temporary commander of the order of the flaming lance, and most of these people are my fellows. The elf isn't one of us, but he had the bad luck to get caught up in things when we did; apparently he goes by the storyteller."

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She turns to him, grinning. “Storyteller! Hello, we were looking for you. I’d rather have met under better circumstances, but hey, we’re all still not dead!”

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“Such things are always better than the alternative. I do not think I have seen you before, though; why were you looking for me?”

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“Well, Irabeth was hoping you had some insight into what the demons had done to the Wardstone.”

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The storyteller's face is grim.

"A very nasty situation, on all counts. The demons attacked it with a particularly terrible abyssal poison, and it's been weakening ever since. As things stand now, I expect they can get within a few feet of the stone without being harmed, and it won't be long before it's fully destroyed."

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That's bad. 

"Do you know of any way to fix it? I assume Neutralize Poison isn't going to do it." 

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"Nothing certain to work, and many of the ideas I do have are rather impractical. A miracle could solve it, almost certainly, but in terms of lesser measures not much short of the intervention of a godling would suffice at this point - not unless whoever did it could be persuaded to help. A sufficiently powerful outsider with an appropriate idiom to counteract the abyss might suffice, like an Angel or Archon or Aeon, or striking at the taint directly with a stronger abyssal poison that subsumes it? Perhaps an archmage who specializes in magic items could come up with another method, but knowing that doesn't let me determine what they would say."

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"...So...if I found an angel's sword, and the last fragmentary remains of an Aeon's spirit..." and had a knife made of Demon Lord blood...

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"I do not think that would be enough on its own, and even if it were stronger than I imagine, an ordinary soul would burn out trying to channel it. It might suffice to buy a measure of time, though."

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Well she's not an ordinary soul but she can't exactly say that!!! 

"Is there something that could boost one or both of them until they were enough? --And do you think it would be important for the same person to have both, I was hoping to offload the Aeon-spirit-fragment sooner rather than later, I don't think I'm a suitable host in the long term and I don't want to kill it if that can be avoided." 

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"There are some I have met who might have been able to manage it by supplying the strength themself, but... legendary heroes all, with a spark of the essence of myths and legends to call their own, and few among even them would suffice without another source of power to draw upon. Even a demon lord's power would suffice, but Deskari is long since gone and hardly a willing ally besides. As for whether it would matter if they are in different people... I am not certain. I do not think this has ever been tested."

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Ohhhh she wants to chase that down further but it would raise so many questions if she did. 


"I found this in the square, near where Deskari killed Terendelev," she says, holding out the purple stone dagger. Hopefully that's enough of an explanation for why she would think it was significant. "It seems to be magical in some way, though I haven't sussed out how, yet." 

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The storyteller reaches for the dagger with trembling hands. When he touches it, he stops, as though electrified, and is silent for a long moment. When he speaks, his voice is somewhat raspier than before, but still easily understandable.

"I can't imagine how this could have been there, but yes, in the hands of the right person I believe that this would suffice."

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"Oh, good. ...Do you...have any idea what it is?" 

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"A small fragment of Deskari's abyssal power, ripped straight from his very being and somehow solidified. He will heal the injury in time, I expect, but for at least a short while he will be slightly less than he once was."

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You can just take away the power of a demon lord? ...Was that something the Aeon did, since Luzai said she saw them in the same place? If so, they might be doubly lucky that it decided to fight Deskari, and she murmurs a quick prayer for its fate even though she knows it won't pass on to judgment.

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"--This doesn't register as Evil, does it?" Luzai asks Seelah. She thinks it probably shouldn't, but it can't hurt to check. 

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"Not that I can sense. I'm not really sure that a rock can be evil, it's not like they can make decisions."

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"Well, yeah, but demon lords can, and if it's a little piece of Deskari, it seemed worth checking? I'm pretty sure I've heard of magic items that had registerable alignments, and, like, I'm not sure if those are real or not but I don't want to assume they aren't without a better source." 

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"That seems like a good thing to make sure of, yeah."

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"Anyway. If this can fix the Wardstone, that's incredibly important. Thank you so much," she tells the Storyteller. 

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"I would say that you are welcome, but... it tastes bitter, knowing that by my words I may have just consigned someone to death. Please, if you take away anything from what I said, know that I do not call such power dangerous lightly."

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"--I understand. But--I need to try. I end someone's existence every time I kill a demon; if protecting Golarion from the Abyss is worth that much blood, surely it's worth a risk to me. Even a very serious one." 

She hesitates. She feels really bad about accidentally guilt-tripping this guy because he doesn't know about her teaspoonful of legendariness. 

"And...I...don't know if my soul is normal. I--looked at myself with the Aeon's eyes, and there was--something weird?" 

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"There are many things that might catch the eye of a vigilant aeon without safeguarding you from this power, but if you think you truly might I can at least examine your legend. You at least have something of the attitude that many of them shared."

He extends a hand towards her again, but doesn't make contact without her permission.

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Luzai gives him her hand. 

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When they make contact, there's a feeling almost like a static shock, and Luzai is suddenly elsewhere. She sees a kaleidoscope of possibility, ten thousand things she could have been and might yet be still, that remains in her field of vision just long enough to tantalize her with the knowledge both alien and eerily familiar before swirling into unrecognizability. She sees a girl, and her brother, born to a loving mother and a monstrous father; she sees a girl, an only child, who died too soon. Then they're in turn replaced, the day that she knew that Geb's nation was an evil she could not tolerate, the day she swore that Arazni would be free, the day that she seized her own destiny and fled with her brother into the desert sands, the day she died, slain by inquisitors and hurried off to the abyss - and then the words that brought it all together.

I promise.

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She gasps, reeling back slightly before she gets ahold of herself, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. 

"What was that?" 

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"You... saw that?"

He seems almost as surprised by the notion as she was by the vision.

"I have a particular ability to read legends, both of other people and objects, without a need for an interceding spell. For most this doesn't amount to much, but other's legends have more of a story to tell, and it's the only way I know of to check if someone has that spark. In all my years, though, I've never had someone else come along with me."

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"Yes, I saw it. What an amazing ability." 

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"I have often been glad of it. As for the purpose of the vision, though... What you plan to attempt will still be dangerous, not least because of the demons, but with that knife there's at least a chance of your success. May fortune favor your heroism."

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“Thank you. …Do you want to come back to the Defender’s Heart with us, it’s safer there.”

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"If you are willing to tolerate the fact that these old bones cannot walk as fast they used to, I would be glad of it."

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"Of course! No one would expect otherwise." Even if it's sort of weird that he's that geriatric in the first place, she sort of thought elves didn't do that?

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Then they can make their way back through the market square to the defender's heart. Their enlarged party offers some advantages when it comes to smooth travel; not only does the Prelate turn out to be far less suspicious of their new members than he was of Daeran, it turns out there aren't many groups of cultists willing to pick a fight with over a dozen armed combatants. Even the insects mostly steer clear, though there are a few exceptions .

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Insects can go burn stab squish. 

Luzai is a sensible girl who is not going to hold "Hulrun isn't suspicious of them" against the Storyteller and the members of the Order of the Flaming Lance. 

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In the time between them setting out in the morning and their return, someone must have gotten their hands on tents, because there are a number of them set up in the yard outside the tavern. Someone clearly stepped in to make sure they were gridded enough to allow relatively easy travel through, but somehow even more than the congestion of yesterday it serves to give the impression of being crowded.

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This is, like, mildly inconvenient, but actually Luzai is really in favor of it being crowded! It means more people are here in comparative safety! 

They had better go report to Irabeth right away, they have so much intel. 

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"That took longer than expected; did something go wrong? You don't seem injured, at least."

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“Hulrun is on the warpath against the Desnans,” Luzai half-sighs, “and is now aware that I exist. That’s the only thing that delayed us that I would classify as going wrong, although if you disagreed with me about whether recruiting Count Arendae qualified that would be fair of you. We did get a lot done, though! The demons et al are going to attack the Defender’s Heart tomorrow evening, unless they change their plans between now and then. And we found the Storyteller! And a magic knife that the Storyteller thinks I could use to fix the Wardstone. Also I bluffed some cultists who were going to burn the Storyteller, and also some members of the Order of the Flaming Lance, alive, that I was a high-ranking cultist and gave them some misinformation about our defenses before shooing them, and also stole their barrels of alchemist’s fire.”

She stops talking and takes a deeeeeeep breath. That was a lot.

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How in the world does that happen on a retrieval mission? They weren't even gone for a full day!

"I see. Thank you then, for all the additional people you saved. As for the count, as much as I would rather he were almost anywhere except here I don't want him dead, so I'll have to deal somehow. It's not like you bringing him around wasn't predictable after how we first met, after all. Do you have any information for what the attacker's numbers and disposition will be?"

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"Some rough estimates, but, like," she spreads her hands helplessly. "Demon cultists. I have no idea how relevant the numbers are by now, let alone when it happens." She pulls a sheaf of papers out of her bag. "These are the notes I took, both during the spying at the Tower of Estrod and after I lied to the cultists at the library. Oh, and when I found the magic dagger, there was also the last remaining fragment of the psyche of an Aeon that Deskari killed, there, and I sort of--absorbed it? But I think I should probably find someone else to offload it onto, if possible, because it's, uh, not maximally compatible with who I am as a person." 

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What even is an Aeon? Nevermind, that's not the important. She puts the notes in her pile for urgent review; if she only has a day left, she needs to spend it as efficiently as possible. 

"I'll make sure to put it to good use. Can I expect to count on your spellcasting for the attack tomorrow? And if so, do you expect the same is true of the people in your retinue?"

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"Yes absolutely, aaaaand probably. I will talk to Nenio and Daeran and Camellia." 

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"Inheritor bless you."

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She's going to go looking for those people now, but like, in a not-maximally-direct fashion where she also tries to stare at people with Aeon vision in the hopes of picking out someone compatible on the way. 

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Using the Aeon's sight to assess compatibility is a somewhat headache-inducing task. The Aeon seems to have been far more concerned with identifying those who needed removal than potential allies, which makes it a lot easier to figure out who isn't a good pick than who is. Still, if she's willing to do enough persevering it's possible to get somewhere; both Jhoran and Staunton Vhane seem somewhat better than the median candidate, and Aravashnial is surprisingly good along some axis even if he's unexceptional among others. It seems likely that there would be better possible candidates with a wider net, but for better or worse none of them are currently in the defender's heart.

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She'll bring Staunton some dinner, since it seems unlikely he wants to come in and eat with everyone else. 

"We found the Storyteller! Thanks for the help." 

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"Not like I did much of anything."

He'll take the food though, it's not like she's wrong about the idea of having to go inside and wait in line in this crowd being unpleasant.

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"I mean, if we didn't have your lead he'd probably have died, some cultists were going to burn him alive along with some other guys on a pile of books when we got there." 

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"But you killed them first? That's something at least, burning is a terrible way to go."

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"Oh, no, they had loads of alchemist's fire, I really didn't want to give them the chance to set that off before they died. So I said I worked for Areelu Vorlesh, told them off for screwing up, and gave them a whole bunch of dangerously inaccurate intel about the defenses here before shooing them." 

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"And they fell for that, when there was a paladin with you? I suppose there's always a bigger idiot."

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"Well, to be fair, some of them were dressed as paladins too. 'In the same kind of disguise as them, but like, better at it' wasn't that outrageous a claim to make, of itself." She sighs gustily. "I think it helped that we had Lann and Wenduag with us, and they had no idea that the Neathers are a thing." 

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"I could see that. I'll admit, I had some thoughts when I first saw them too, coming out of the basement in the garrison like that. It's a good thing thing the first we saw of them was them attacking the cultists instead of some standoff."

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"Hulrun wasn't too impressed with them either," she grumbles, then shakes her head. "Sorry. It bothers Seelah when I complain about him, which doesn't mean I should vent to random other paladins." 

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"Thank you. The prelate has his moments, but he's never faltered in the face of demons no matter the odds. It wouldn't sit right for me to gripe about him behind his back."

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"I understand. --There was a misunderstanding and he thought we were cultists until I pulled out the angel sword, so I'm less than thrilled with him right now, but like, the angel sword did not in fact have a problem with him." And she isn't thrilled with that, but she doesn't have to say that part out loud. And it's true that, of Hulrun's problems, none of them are a lack of bravery or determination! 

"Unrelated note, weird question, do you know what an Aeon is?"

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"The outsiders from the astral?"

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"Yeah! One showed up because Deskari did, and that was a bigger planar disturbance than usual, and Deskari killed it, but a fragment of its consciousness was still hanging on when I stumbled across it. I sort of managed to stabilize it by acting as a host, buuuuuut I'm not...really lawful enough to be a good repository long-term. I've been trying to use its vision to figure out who might be a better one? It's really not what Aeon vision is for, but you seemed like you would be, like, better than average? I can ask someone else if you say no, but I do want to try to transfer it to someone else." 

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"It's hard to imagine one of the guardians of the balance wanting anything to do with me; I'm sworn to Torag's service, not whatever goals they have in mind. If you think I'm the best option, though, I'll see what I can do."

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"Oh, that's a point...you, Joran, and Aravashnial were the ones who stood out; I can ask Aravashnial, since he isn't a divine caster I'm pretty sure, and come back if he says no." 

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Staunton nods, a little gruffly.

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Aravashnial has decided to escape the crowds by taking to the roof, but the same search through the Aeon's eyes that revealed his compatibility also gave away his location. He's out of sight of anywhere on the ground, but for anyone who can get on the rooftop it's pretty easy to navigate to him.

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Luzai sits down beside him.

“I’m sorry to bother you, but I have some very weird questions.”

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"Hopefully important ones. What do you need to ask?"

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"Do you know what an Aeon is? I found the last fragment of the consciousness of an Aeon that Deskari killed, and it's stable for now, but I'm probably not a good host for it long-term. I've been trying to find a better one and you're one of a few who stood out." 

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"Yes, of course I'm familiar. Which dichotomy was it, one of the ones balancing life and death? Freedom and fate?"

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Heeeee knows more about it than she does, eep. Time to not embarrass herself, hopefully. 

"It was about--everything being on its correct plane, I think is the best way to put it. Very emphatically against the Worldwound, and demons being on Golarion. But I could easily be missing nuance; it was very badly damaged and my connection to it is imperfect." 

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"Ah, time and dimensions. What were you looking to do with it once you stopped hosting it, make it into a familiar? Even a severely injured Bythos could prove an extremely useful aid, but even in such a state you would have to be careful of your behavior to not drive it away."

He seems significantly less brusque and more engaged in the conversation now; her choice of topic has evidently caught his interest.

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"Well, that's a thought, but no--I think it's too fragile for that, right now. What I was hoping to do was transfer it to someone else who would be a more suitable and stable host. I'm afraid of hurting it if I keep it."

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"And so you came to offer it to me? If it is as you describe I'd be a fool to turn it down, but in the current state of the city paying you back would be rather more difficult than usual."

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"I would do it just for the sake of it. This is the last fragment of the consciousness of a person, and I want them safe. As safe as anyone is in this city right now, anyway. If you want to repay me, I won't argue, but you can do it later if now isn't convenient." 

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"I see. Do you mind us paying a visit to the Feducia and seeing if he has Abadar's truth available? I'll pay for the casting, of course, but it would be a rather foolish risk on my part not to check before accepting something into my soul."

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"I don't object at all, that makes perfect sense." 

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Aravashnial uncrosses his legs, gets to his feet, and then heads down from the rooftop and into the inn. A short negotiation with the cleric in question later, Feducia Rathimus agrees to his purchase.

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"Before I cast this on you, I need to be clear that this is with your permission. When you are under the effect of Abadar's truth, you will be unable to lie, and resisting the spell to overcome it is easily noticed. The effect will last for minutes, and while you are free to not answer questions people will often consider that cause for suspicion. Does this match your understanding of what you are getting into?"

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"Yes it does." 

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"Very well. I advise not resisting, since it's not the most difficult spell to throw off and doing so would necessitate a second casting."

He chants a short prayer to Abadar asking the god to guarantee the truth of the words spoken, and then a brush of enchantment later the image of a key appears on Luzai's forehead.

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Luzai does not resist the spell. 

(She soooooo wants an arcane version of that spell, but if that were easy to achieve it would have been done by now, and she has higher priorities for her research projects. Still, her fingers itch to take notes.)

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"Thank you. To the best of your recollection, have you lied to me or knowingly attempted to mislead me? Do you maintain that you have the fragments of an Aeon? Do you plan to use this to harm me, or to use me as a method to harm someone else?"

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"To the best of my recollection I have not lied to or attempted to mislead you. As far as I can tell it's one fragment but otherwise, yes, the remains of an Aeon. I have no intentions or intimations that anyone will be harmed by this, possibly except for demons depending on how useful the Aeon's vision is." 

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"Thank you, that will suffice for me. Now, how do I help you transport it?"

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"I'm not sure, I've never done this before...give me your hand and let me look into your eyes." 

She tries to nudge the fragment of Aeon. It's not a part of her, not really, it's just sort of resting on her substrate. Here is this other substrate that it could rest on! It's a comfier substrate!

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The aeon does not, properly speaking, have anything best described as a sense of self preservation. It has something like a desire to achieve its goals, certainly, and ways the world could be that it would prefer or disprefer, but it only values its own existence to the extent that it being intact makes those instrumentally more likely to happen. That would normally still suffice for it to safeguard its existence, but in its present state there's sufficiently little it can do to affect the world that the amount it prioritizes such is extremely minimal. 

Fortunately even if it doesn't evince any particular desire to jet over to Aravashnial, this also results in it not strongly trying to stick to Luzai, and after some prodding the fragment floats in the air between them.

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He... can't actually see the Aeon fragment, but it's easy enough to follow Luzai's gaze to where it presumably now hovers instead of needing to waste his arcane bond on locate creature. Drawing it in is a rather unique experience, but he knows the theory for communing with spirits even if he never practiced it enough to pick up the knack and there are certain similarities.


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Luzai beams and bounces. "Isn't it?" 

Even if the Aeon doesn't have a sense of self-preservation, Luzai can have a sense of it-preservation! That's just how she rolls!

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"Yes. It'll take some time to figure out the extent of what it can do, but I already have some ideas. Now, I know you're a wizard; have you happened to hit second circle yet?"

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"Not unless it happened today! Which is possible, it was a very busy day." 

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"Well, once you do you should find me to learn web. In urban areas like these, there aren't many better spells to prepare."

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"Okay! Thank you!" Luzai LOVES NEW SPELLS. 

It is with this euphoria, and that of finding the Aeon-fragment a more suitable home, that she goes off to find Nenio and propose a series of non-magical experiments for tomorrow so that Nenio can save her spells for the demon attack in the evening. 

(There is no literal twirling involved, but only because the whole place is crowded enough that she doesn't have room to do it without maybe hitting someone.)

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Nenio is sufficiently enthusiastic about this that she wants to start them now and simply stay up until they've done all of them.

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Luzai’s first instinct is to protest this but on second thought if Nenio wakes up and prepares spells not long before the attack that could work actually.

Luzai will not however be able to assist with those experiments right now—she will lightly imply that that was why she initially suggested doing the experiments tomorrow—because she is busy. With her own research. On things like the Aeon fragment.

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That makes sense, they can get more science done at once that way.

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Cool cool cool!

Camellia! Hi! Saving tomorrow’s spells for the big demon attack, y/n?

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She's not super interested in spending all of tomorrow cooped up in the tavern but she can stick to excursions that she can probably handle with stabbing.

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That’ll do sure.

Okay. She doesn’t immediately see her brother…can she spot either of Daeran or the Storyteller, in the main room of the inn.

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Daeran is speaking to Rathimus, negotiating what appears to be the purchase of a scroll.

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Neat. She will loiter sufficiently nearby to catch him when he’s done without butting in on them.

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His purchase complete, he actually turns around to seek her out in what might be one of history's shortest searches.

"Luzai! Why, just the lovely lady I was hoping to see."

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She beams and hugs him. That wasn’t her original plan but whatever.

”Ooh, why?”

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"Oh you know how it is. I got to thinking, and realized I'd made a number of promises I have yet to fulfill. Delightful, delightful promises. You could say I have a responsibility to do something about it, but unlike with them I plan to be very thorough."

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She goes slate gray.

”O-oh. Cool. That’s cool,” she squeaks.

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"And it just so happens that I have here a scroll of extended rope trick. Now of course I'd been thinking that I would just be using this so as to not be so dreadfully crowded while I slept, but when I caught sight of you, well, I'm afraid all thoughts of rest simply flew from my mind."

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Deep breath.

“That’s—sweet—um, I don’t know what the duration is, but, if in fact it can’t be used for both, my brother and I have our own room because wizards—“

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"According to Rathimus the longest scroll he had was for 12 hours, so I suppose that depends on how long you intend to keep me up."

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"That is a good question and I--do not actually know the answer, I've never, actually, done--anything--with a man--I'm--pretty inexperienced, actually, there was one girl in Osirion and that's it, growing up it was, like, my siblings, which no, my siblings' mothers, which no, and various undead, which absofuckinglutely not."

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He looks slightly more serious at that.

"Teasing aside, it would in fact be deeply unusual to have sex for four hours. It can be done, particularly if you're willing to be liberal with restorations and cheat with belts, but even for me that's not exactly business as usual. I do intend to show you a very good time, but doing that without warning you would be a little much."

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Blush blush nod. “Thank you. I—“

How to phrase this. Well.

“I do—want to do this. Very much. And, also, I am nervous and more than a little flustered.”

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"That's absolutely normal. Well, the being nervous bit; I've been working hard for the flustering since your blushes are simply delightful."

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She beams at him, and then, because he is slightly taller than her, goes up on the balls of her feet to kiss him.

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About an hour later, Daeran feels very satisfied with the decisions he's made for the past few days. The delay was a lot longer than he had expected when Luzai first barged her way into his life, but the girl now nestled in his arms was well worth the wait, and if she decides she wants an encore later all the better.

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Meanwhile, Villibor has acquired two drinks from the bar, and sets one of them in front of Seelah before sitting down heavily next to her and taking a pull from his. 

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Seelah will down some of hers as well.

"I suppose it's for the best that you're not a paladin. We take a lot longer to get buzzed, and you seem like you really need that right now."

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"I've done without in worse situations, but, you know, you take what you can get when you can get it." 

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"You said it."

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"Amazing how you can know someone your whole life, and there's still new things to learn about them. Like that they have terrible taste in men." 

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Seelah pats him on the shoulder sympathetically.

"That just means she's kept far enough away from them until now. A decade and a half isn't a bad run."

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"True. I guess if she's going to fall in with someone awful, it could be worse than someone who can cast inflict. And yet," he shrugs and takes another swig. 

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"And yet," Seelah agrees, and then sits nearby in companionable silence. If he has more he wants to get off his chest she'll listen, but mostly she thinks he could just use a friendly face.

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"How long have you been in Kenabres?" he asks after a little while spent staring moodily into space. "Longer than us, I think, but not very long. But I don't actually know."

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"It's coming up on five months now, though I've been in Mendev a little longer than that. I think I'll be staying a while longer; I came here because I knew things were bad, but I didn't really get how bad until after I arrived."

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"We were trying to find a group of crusaders to join up with, until everything happened." 

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"I'm afraid I can't really be much help there. I haven't found any crusader groups that really spoke to me either, so I've been working independently this whole time. There are groups that I respect a lot, like the eagle's watch, but spending all my time dealing with criminals like that... I guess I just think I'd have a hard time not feeling like I wasn't doing enough that way, you know?"

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"Yeah, agreed. But, uh," he gestures to himself, "squishy wizards. Trying to go it alone wouldn't have been a good idea." 

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"I think we've got a pretty good team going now, though. A little lighter on people who can take hits than I'd like, and it's getting a bit unwieldy to have everyone working together at once, but you know. Archers, swordswomen, a few really good wizards... I've only known you for a few days, but it's good to know you have my back."

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"Agreed. Maybe we should actively look for people who can take hits." 

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"I certainly wouldn't complain about that. Maybe someone who doesn't have to walk 40 feet behind you whenever you decide it's time to sneak."

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"There are...probably ways around that once we get stronger? But I admit I don't know what they are."

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Seelah grins.

"If there's not, I'm counting on you to invent it. It makes keeping you and Luzai safe entirely too difficult, and somehow I don't think I can persuade her to stop charging into danger instead."

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"No, no, that's my job. For my sins." 

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"A true hero for the ages. I'll go fetch us another round, how about."

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"Cheers," he says gratefully. 

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The next day dawns much as it always has, though for certain people ensconced in extradimensional spaces this fact is rather less obvious. Most people at the defender's heart are still in the habit of rising with it, which means that even discounting those who settling into bed after the night watch it's still a relatively crowded and noisy time of day. In some senses it's frankly a miracle more fights haven broken out in the confined quarters, but extremely high number of paladins present is probably a factor.

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Luzai is in much better spirits than she was for most of yesterday, loose-limbed and languid, just on this side of face-punchably dreamy. 

Part of that is because of the truly excellent night before she spent doing things that were only slightly a bad idea. 

But also part of that is because this morning! She managed! To prepare! Second-circle spells!!!

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Excited is also a great look on her, though probably some of that is the fact that he's partly responsible for it feeding into his ego. You could call it a weakness of his if you wished, but he probably wouldn't do anything about it even if he could.

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She plants a kiss on him that says very promising things about her interest in a repeat performance and then goes off to shriek at her brother about spells. 

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Villibor is going to pretend that her good mood is one hundred percent about second-circle spells and you can't stop him. Anyone inclined to try should be aware that arbitrary castings of Jolt won't run down his spell slots for the evening. 

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You know what else doesn't run down spell slots? Kicking your twin in the ankle. Jolting people may not run down his spell slots, but it might run down a healer's. 

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Villibor would be very surprised if there isn't a channel between now and when the demons show up! 

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And yet. 

After coordinating spells with her brother she goes off to find Aravashnial. 

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“I take it you’ve hit second circle?”

Technically speaking there could be any number of reasons for her to seek him out this morning, but her excitement is pretty suggestive.

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(She may be slightly vibrating.)

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Then he can open his spellbook to fulfill his promise, albeit somewhat earlier than he expected.

"Try not to spend your spells too soon today, word is there's going to be a big attack this evening and anything effective on crowds will come in handy."

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"I know. I had to distract Nenio so she wouldn't use up all her spells early." 

Spell spell spell spell. 

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Huh, maybe she just caught Irabeth later in the evening than he did. He can wait patiently for her to finish; he's already prepared his spells for the day, and while second circle spells take longer to copy than cantrips it's not like he has somewhere he needs to be in a hurry today.

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She finishes as promptly as can be expected. 

"Thank you!" she exclaims, hugging her spellbook to her chest and twirling in place. 

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If the aeon is half as useful as he expects it to be, he'll still end up owing her a good deal.

"You're quite welcome."

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Luzai will...hm. Luzai will bring breakfast to Ember, howabout. 

"Sleep well?"

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"Yes. I don't usually have trouble sleeping, but I had to help some other people who were having trouble."

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"Oh, hm, I know some good lullabies but mostly in Garundi and Osiriani." 

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"I think my mom used to sing some to me, but I don't really remember most of the words anymore."

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"I'm sorry to hear that. My mama died pretty recently, and--it hurts a lot, but I know I'm very lucky to have had her as long as I did."

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"I'm so sorry. That sounds like it's really hard."

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"It's not good. But my brother and I made sure she was somewhere okay. So it could be a lot worse." 

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"It's good that she's not hurting more too, but that doesn't mean you miss her less."

She'll hug Luzai, since she looks like she could use one.

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What a good kid. 

After a while of hug, Luzai says, "We're expecting a lot of demons to attack the Defender's Heart this evening. You should probably come inside for that, at least." 

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"Is there going to be room for everyone inside?"

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"Yes. Not, like, comfortably, I think, with all the noncombatants indoors, but it's better to be crowded and standing-room-only for a while than to get swarmed by demons." 

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Ember looks a little doubtful, but she doesn't reject the suggestion.

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"...Alternately you could maybe be outdoors and helping, depending on what you and/or Soot can do."

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"I can heal people and put people to sleep, and I know a few spells Soot taught me."

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Thoughtful headtilt. 

"The healing and the putting people to sleep aren't spells?"

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"No, I mostly just... do them, but I don't run out."

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"Can you do more than one of them in the same day to the same person." 

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"No, if I need to heal someone more than that I have to use a spell."

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"Cool. My sister Naithrope has a friend like Soot is to you, I think! His name is Kexil. He's a songbird."

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"I didn't know other people had friends like Soot. What do you think, do you want to meet them?"

"Soot says she could sing if she wanted to."

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"It'd be hard to meet them right now. Me'n Villibor have a lot of brothers and sisters, but only the two of us left Geb so far. Kexil sings all the time, though. Naithrope likes to sing with him. But most people don't like to sing that much, so it's not surprising that Soot doesn't choose to." 

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Soot gives a regal nod at Luzai's agreement.

"It must be great having a large family. You have so many people that care about you, and I bet it's never lonely."

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“I do love all of my siblings. …But it could be for better reasons. My father decided to get a whole bunch of slave women pregnant for science. I want to get strong enough to go back and rescue everyone else.”

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"That sounds like it must be scary, and I'm glad you want to help them anyway. I don't think staying there would be very good for them."

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"I don't think so either. It's part of why I'm here, at the Worldwound, is because it's a good way to get stronger." Shrug. "Or die, but if you die at the Worldwound, that probably gets you lots of Good points, and then you get to go be a fluffy animal in Nirvana." 

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"Dying is really bad, even if you don't go to the Abyss. I think you're right that it's worse though, all the demons I saw had suffered there horribly."

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"Yeah! Being a demon seems really unpleasant. And that's assuming you even make it as far as being a demon; the attrition rate for abyssal larvae is...disturbing. Not that you're safe if you make it to being a demon. Even if you don't come out of the Worldwound and get killed by crusaders, demons kill each other all the time!" What if, instead, they did not do this, gosh. 

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"They need someone to help them too, but I don't know how to do it yet and there are just so many of them."

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"I know, right. It's so frustrating. And," she gestures brusquely, "from down here, it's so hard to see--whether this is an archmage-level problem, or a god-level problem, or an even higher-level problem than that--I can say, it's worthwhile to try to become as strong as I can even at risk to my own life, because if enough people do that, someone will succeed, but supposing I get lucky and make it to ninth circle alive--and then that's not strong enough to fix it? I don't have the faintest idea what separates the people who succeeded at the Starstone from the many failures, so I don't even know if it's a good bet to make--"

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"I don't think it's the kind of problem that you solve by being a god. There are a lot of gods, and none of them have done anything about it. And even more than that... a lot of the issue is that the demons are scared all the time, and people have a hard time thinking or changing when they're scared. If you try and solve their problems just by being stronger than them, it'll just frighten them even more."

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Luzai blows out heavily, puffing her cheeks. "I guess. It's just that...it hasn't been solved yet, and there's been an awful long time for it to be solved, so I feel like, if I don't solve it myself, then I'm being... irresponsible, expecting someone else to solve any of it... and it's such a big problem, it seems like it'd take a really big person to...to even be able to see the whole thing, let alone fix it."

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"I think it might have to involve teaching demons how to help other demons, but that seems even harder than just helping them."

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"Yeah." She folds her arms and leans back against the wall. "That sounds like something it would be easier for someone with high Wisdom to do. Which is...not me." 

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Ember will hug her again.

"It might not be enough, but it's still good that you try."

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"I sort of hate to ask this, but would you be willing to come inside and help defend against the demons? I--don't like killing them either, obviously, but--a lot more people are going to get hurt and die if we don't." 

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"If they need my help... yes. I hope this way gets less people hurt."

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"I hope so too." 

Once Ember is inside (YESSSSS) Luzai sets about making herself busy. Part of making herself busy involves finding tasks that people are willing to fob off on a (second! circle!!!) wizard who's actively soliciting them, and part of it involves running around soliciting them. 

It is in the course of the latter that she runs across an injured elf near the interior entrance to the cellar. 

"Hello, are you alright?" 

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"I've had better weeks, but I will be in time."

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“Today’s not great, but if you’re still here tomorrow, we do have, you know, clerics. And stuff.” She still doesn’t know specifically what’s up with Camellia or Daeran, it hasn’t exactly been a priority.

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"Would that it were that easy. My wounds healed just fine, but the poison has proven rather more intransigent, and there's only so much channels help with that."

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“Oh. Yeah, that checks out. I think Fiducia Rathimus is high enough circle you could get a Neutralize Poison from him but admittedly I’m not actually sure.”

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"I thought the same, but almost all of his stronger spells are contracted out to the eagle's watch for aid in the defense. Perhaps I could outbid them anyway, but I would have a hard time justifying it, not when I would survive regardless. It's one of the advantages we have over humans, that our health is not worn away by age."

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“Well, usually. I don’t know what’s up with the Storyteller.”

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"I beg your pardon?"

The elf blinks visibly, taken aback by the apparent non-sequitur.

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“…There’s a magic item specialist here called the Storyteller who is an elf and looks as wrinkly and worn-down as an old human would.”

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"I couldn't say for certain without having met them, but perhaps they are one of the forlorn. Those of our kin who hail from outside Kyonin are not always so fortunate."

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“What, Kyonin specifically?”

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"There are other elven communities for whom it is the same, though I daresay none as certain. Those elves living solely among humans, though, are sometimes less resilient."

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“Oh, I see…none of the elves I met living in Mechitar looked old, but maybe the proximity to Nemret Noktoria counted.”

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The elf's voice becomes much frostier.


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“—Did I say something wrong?”

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"I've done you the courtesy of not lumping you in with vampires from your heritage, but it seems such graces are in short supply."

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"...Huh?" He...doesn't look like a dhampir--oh, wait--

"I wasn't comparing you to a ghoul, there are elves in Nemret Noktoria too!"

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"The Drow are no Elves."

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"...Nnnnno, they definitely are? If they weren't then my horrible vampire father would have separately paid a slaver to kidnap an Ekujae or something for his dhampir experiments." 

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The elf dearly looks like he would rather just storm off, but with the poison making that impossible he settles for glaring and not acknowledging anything she says.

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She sort of wants to apologize, but she has no idea what to apologize for, aside from stating that the Aiudeen and the Drow are the same species. Which is...true...if he had just said that he didn't want to talk about the Drow, well, that would still be racist, but she could see complying for the sake of not causing intracrusade conflict. But he said they weren't??? She's very confused. 

She's just going to...go down these stairs to the cellar. Thaaaaaat seems like the best alternative right now. 

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The cellar is significantly less crowded than the ground floor, which would be odd enough if it wasn't for the fact that there's a very obvious reason for it. One corner of the basement has been converted into a temporary cell, and what people there are down here are giving it a wide berth. The only prisoner within appears to be a tiefling of some sort, with nothing visible about him to explain the reaction he's getting.

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Luzai looks around the rest of the empty cellar, confirms that there's nothing to explain this situation, and approaches the cell. 

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"Heya, chief. What brings you down here?"

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"Well I've run out of errands to go on so I was sort of looking around for more ways to make myself useful. Who're you?" 

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"Woljif Jefto. I've gotta say, it's nice to see a friendly face."

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"Be careful," one of the people keeping their distance calls out, "that one's dangerous."

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"Aww, don't be like that. I was just being friendly, like a good neighbor should."

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"Dangerous how?" This whole situation is weird. Is this guy a cultist who cut a deal to not just get executed? 

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"He's got magic. Calling up demons and everything!"

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"...If he's a demon cultist, why is he still alive?"

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"How should I know?"

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"Hey, hey, you've got it all wrong. This is all one big misunderstanding; I'm not any kind of cultist! It was just a little harmless joke."

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"A misunderstanding like you don't summon demons, or you do summon demons but you don't, like, worship them." 

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"Absolutely no summoning demons from me whatsoever. I'm nowhere near crazy enough to think that's a good idea!"

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She glances at the guards. 

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 "Jefto is a thief and a liar, but there's no evidence he's working with the demons."

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"Wait, you're locked up in here, with guys tied up watching you, for stealing? While the city is overrun with demons?"

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"That's exactly what I said!"

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"In their somewhat limited defense you have an obvious bias on the topic. But."

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"Would you believe you're the first person not to be completely unreasonable about it?"

He grumbles for a moment, then brightens.

"Say, chief, how's about you get me out of here! A girl like you, I bet you've got big plans, and I'm sure I can help - I may not be a cultist, but I do have some magic. Whaddya say?"

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"There's supposed to be a big demon attack this evening. If you'd rather be on the outside of this cell helping with that, I can certainly at least try to sell Irabeth on that."

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'Fighting off a big demon attack' is a lot worse of an offer than he was hoping for, but if there is going to be an attack he'd much rather have all his knives and magic than be locked up in a cell. He could try to swing things off his looks and shadow and being locked up if the demons win, but compared to being able to cut and run it doesn't have much to recommend it.

"You won't regret giving me a chance, I swear."

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"Cool. So: my putting in a good word for you is not conditional on this, and you can feel free to tell me to fuck off, until you're out of there or just in general, but," she steeples her fingers and bounces slightly, "you have magic? What kind?" 

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"Oh, you know. A little bit of wizardry, and a few extra tricks to spice things up."

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"What kind of tricks? Do you have Detect Fiendish Presence?" 

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"Do I look like the kind of guy who gets a warm welcome from the inquisition? Nah, my stuff is more of the spooky kind; I can throw around a little darkness, and my shadow can do this!"

At his word, his shadow grows several times over, looking almost like a looming demon, and its penumbra glows an unearthly blue.

"Pretty neat, huh?"

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"Oh! That's what he meant by calling demons!" she exclaims, delighted. "I'm not a fan of the inquisition either but I got it from a guy who was less worried about saying the wrong thing and getting murdered about it, you can copy it from me." 

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"Well I don't exactly have my spellbook on me, but once I get it back I'll be sure to take you up on that."

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"--Oh. Yeah. Sorry." 

She will...go inquire with Irabeth, then. 

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Now that they have a time for the attack, Irabeth's schedule has somehow become even busier, but with Luzai in the priority lane for meetings the wait is fairly tolerable. When the previous visitor exits and Luzai is waved in, it's to the sight of a visibly tired Irabeth, though she does a passable job of projecting alertness. 

"More news?"

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"Two things. One, I hit second circle this morning. Two, and not actually news, uh, I get that the Eagle Watch is supposed to enforce laws and stuff, but I think it would be cool if, like, right now, all of the people who are currently stuck in the basement were available to fight demons."

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"Woljif put you up to this?"

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She wobbles her hand. "I mean, I'm sure he would've given, like, another round or two, but I did make the observation independently." 

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"Don't let his acting fool you - Woljif and the gang he runs with are serious criminals. Burglary, grand larceny, aggravated battery, assault with combat magic; cultists aside, the thieflings are one of the biggest problems in the city. Still, you're not wrong that I'd love to have the extra space to put people out of the way of the fighting. Do you think you can actually get him to help and not just take off?"

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"Yes. He's a wizard and I have spells he doesn't." 

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"Right now he doesn't have any spells, and frankly that's the way I prefer it."

She shakes her head to clear it.

"Sorry. That's not directed at you, it's just been a long few days here. I'm a little skeptical it rates up against his self preservation, but I've never really understood what drives wizards to collect spells like that in the first place. If you think you're up to the task, you've got my authorization to put him to work, but if he runs off please tell me sooner and not later."

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"If he runs off I will tell you immediately. --Should I give him a spare spellbook I took off a dead cultist, with a limited selection of spells, instead of his back yet? I'd feel bad about taking it permanently, but as collateral," shrug.

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"If you think he'll be more useful that way. Otherwise Anevia has his old one stashed away somewhere, so if you think you'll need it you should go talk to her. Dawnflower walk with you."

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"Thanks. --Dawnflower?"

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"Sarenrae. This sort of thing is more hers than Iomedae's."

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"Oh, okay." 

She knows that Sarenrae is the goddess of the sun and of the Keleshite empire, but not a lot more than that. But Irabeth has better things to do than give lessons in theology that don't have direct demon-fighting applications right now. 

She goes looking for Anevia. 

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Anevia isn't anywhere near as easy to find, but once Luzai starts looking for Anevia it's not long before Anevia finds her instead.

"Look who it is! Hey, Luzai, glad to see you're still holding up."

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"Hi!!! I hit second circle, so I am holding up GREAT. --On an only slightly related note, Irabeth said I could let Woljif out in exchange for his help with demon stuff, and also that you had his spellbook." 

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"Congrats! That's where you start getting the big guns like invisibility, right? Come with me for a moment, his stuff is stashed in one of the watch's rooms - did you just want the spellbook, or any of the other things that got confiscated?"

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"--Well, I was only thinking of the spellbook, but it would probably be more in-good-faith to give him his other stuff back too. There, uh," she grimaces slightly, "isn't that much I can do to make him feel like he isn't being coerced, because he kinda is, but I can at least not be worse about it than I can help. And yeah! Invisibility specifically is illusion, which I am not great at, but I got Web from Aravashnial."

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"That one's a little less useful in my line of work, but I bet you can get a lot done with it anyway."

She waves to the paladins who are currently taking the opportunity to get off their feet, and comes out with a satchel tucked into a corner. 

"Let's see, we've got his spellbook, two daggers, a scroll of knock, a skeleton key and few lockpicks, a whetstone, and some metal lubricator. I don't know if he really needs the thieves tools back but I guess it's not like it'd be hard for him to get a new set."

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"We got a lot of use out of Camellia being able to pick locks, in the maze, and also this one time we were sneaking up on a group of cultists to mug them for incriminating paraphernalia with which to infiltrate the Tower of Estrod." 

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"Oh, certainly. I've got a similar set myself, I'm just trying to be realistic about what this one will actually end up doing."

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"Fair enough. I can at least give his daggers back, though, those are kind of immediately relevant to the demon thing." 

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Anevia will give Luzai the rest of it too in case she needs another motivator; it's frankly pretty minor compared to the spellbook.

"Outside of the circles, though, everything's been going well? Not saying there definitely is or you have to share things if you don't want but I'm here if you need something, you know?"

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Luzai grins at her. “Thanks. Lann and Wenduag still aren’t speaking to one another, that isn’t great, aaand Seelah is for obvious reasons less than thrilled that I persuaded Count Arendae to help out, on account of all the blasphemy. And Hulrun has decided to go on the warpath against the Desnans, which isn’t excellent. But, like, overall, I think things are going pretty well! —Oh, also, I seem to have deeply offended this one poisoned elf, which was just a weird situation all around.”

She shakes her head a little ruefully. “I guess with so many things to mention that have gone wrong it sounds a little silly to say things are going well, but I mean it.”

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Huh, she definitely wasn't expecting the bit about persuading count Arendae. It would have been one thing if he was useful and she desperate, but pretty much nobody has ever accused the count of that, and she got a pretty good sense for most of Luzai's group when she was underground. They weren't a perfect team even with her involved, but her impression definitely didn't involve them not being able to handle things without her.

"Say more about the Prelate?"

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"So apparently the Desnans also received a warning about the attack, but they also got the information that the attack was going to target the Wardstone specifically, aaaand apparently some of them decided to sneak in to try to do something about it, and Hulrun decided that this meant they were all demon cultists. We ran across Hulrun while Ramien was trying to talk him down from trying to kill him, I called out to him, Ramien used the opportunity to run away, Hulrun decided this meant we were demon cultists, possibly excepting Seelah who he seemed to think I was Dominating, and he was about to try to kill me when I pulled out Lariel's sword and that slowed him down enough that he didn't try to kill us that time or even later when we had Daeran. Although then afterwards Daeran said something snippy about him that qualified as blasphemy and Seelah got mad about it so I tried to distract her by asking theological questions but it turns out paladins are harder to nerdsnipe than wizards." 

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"Oh dear. Of all the times for Hawkblade to be out of the city... well, with any luck there are enough actual demon cultists around for him to deal with to limit the damage. I'm glad you got out okay."

She laughs at the last term.

"Nerdsnipe! Oh, that's great, I might have to borrow that one. Beth is like Seelah that way, but there are absolutely some paladins you could get with that."

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"Thank you! My sister Istraya came up with it, she's even more susceptible than I am. Who's Hawkblade?" 

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"One of Hulrun's top inquisitors. He's a real stickler for rules and procedure, which is occasionally annoying when you're trying to get things done but a lifesaver when Hulrun's in a mood, especially since the Prelate trusts him pretty much implicitly. He's also pretty much the only person other than Terendelev who can reliably get Hulrun to change his mind, at least once he's already set on something, but he went out on assignment a couple of days before the attack and I don't have a clue when he'll return."

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Big sigh. "And Terendelev's dead now. --Oh, not immediately important, I'd be surprised if we had a seventh-circle cleric on hand, but," she rummages in her pockets for a moment and then draws out the vial, "I managed to scrape some of her blood off the cobblestones." 

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"I think the high priest in Nerosyan might be, but Jhoran's only at 6th and everyone else here is lower level than that. Good thinking, though; while diamonds are expensive, if it meant getting Terendelev back in action it'd be worth the price once the city's back in order and we can see about actually paying for things."

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"Assuming they haven't reanimated her. I didn't see the body lying around and it's the obvious reason to take it." It's POSSIBLE that Mom made off with it because she anticipated Luzai would want it, but Luzai wouldn't bet on it even if offered very favorable odds. 

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Anevia shivers.

"Yikes, ancient undead dragons. There's a thought I didn't need. I was thinking somebody had probably taken it as a trophy, but you're right, that would be a disaster."

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"Even if they don't have that caliber of necromancer themselves, I know a lot of Blood Lords would pay out the nose for such a cadaver." 

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"And with the wardstone down, the demons might even be able to get it to them. Eesh. I'll talk to Rathimus to see if there's anything obvious to be done about it."

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"Commune is fifth circle, which is within our theoretical capabilities but still a significant resource expenditure...and I don't know if anyone but Joran is fifth or higher, or if Torag knows or cares about undeath particularly." 

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"I don't know that one, but Rathimus is also fifth so he might have whatever resources it takes."

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"Okay. --I assume that if we have any capacity for Sendings we've already used it up asking for help--"

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"Beth sent one to Nerosyan the day before, and another one after the attack hit. We're not the only place that got hit, though, just the hardest, and there's not a lot left that could make a difference before the army gets here."

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"I don't actually know enough about Avistan to have any brilliant ideas there, unfortunately." 

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"Figures. We'll just have to do what we can and hope it's enough, same as always. Good luck on getting another set of hands to help with it."

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"Yeah. Thanks, and good luck with whatever you're doing next." 

She's going to pick up the spellbook and daggers, then, and head down to the cellar. 

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"Hey chief, you're back quick. Miss my scintillating company?"

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"Got the okay from Irabeth to spring you!" She holds up his spellbook and daggers. 

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"Woah, no kidding? You work fast."

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"I don't fuck around. I mean, except when I do, but there's a time and place. Who has the keys to the cell, I assume if I needed written authorization Irabeth would've given it to me." 

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"Did you also get my tools? If so, it won't be a minute - heck, I could even show you how to do it, get some practice with those skills the paladins won't teach you."

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One of the guards sighs.

"There's no need for that. If Commander Tirabade says he can go, I'll unlock it for you."

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"I don't have your tools right now, sorry. I can try to get them later."

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"Figures, even when the paladins let you go they've gotta get the last laugh."

Despite his words, Woljif seems significantly cheered by getting out of the cell.

"So what's next, chief?"

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"Getting you Detect Fiendish Presence, I think, unless you'd rather do something else. How've they been feeding you?"

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"I've had better, but I'm not starving. Mostly the same stuff as everyone else down here, I think, they'd bring down bowls all at once and I'd get one of them."

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"Yeah, nobody's spoiled for choice right now. We're not going hungry yet, which is a blessing, but this is one of the safest places in the city, so: refugees." Brightly: "Hence the demon attack!" 

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"That reminds me," responds Woljif, not a little nervously. "What kind of attack are we talking here? I mean, this place is crawling with paladins - you'd have to be mad to pick a fight, right?"

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"What, you think demon cultists tend to be sane? The good news is, they don't know we know they're coming. The other good news is, I successfully bluffed a group of them into thinking I was a high-ranking demon cultist, fed them a pack of lies about our defenses, and stole their alchemist's fire. --Barrels of the stuff. Not flasks." 

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"Wait, barrels of alchemist fire? And we're in a wooden building? Chief, are you sure they don't have more of the stuff? Because if they do, I get the feeling this is going to be a really bad place to be."

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"Well, I'm pretty sure they don't have a trebuchet, so there's that. When I talked to them, they were inside the building they intended to burn down, placing the stuff strategically. If it makes you feel any better, we'll be outside; I'd really rather you didn't run away until and unless the battle is comprehensively lost, but if it is, you can." 

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Ideally you get out before the fighting really gets going, but as long as they are still paladins left fighting the demons will probably have better things to do that go after him. Hopefully. Which just leaves the problem of surviving the fight itself - he's definitely going to want mage armor, and shield, and maybe even vanish even though a few moments only gets you so far.

"Right. You said something about detecting fiends?"

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She gets her spellbook and opens it to the relevant page, sliding it across to him. 

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Now rearmed with his spellbook, Woljif doesn't waste any time copying it down. It's not the kind of spell he'd normally find useful enough to prepare, but with the city as it is being able to tell a succubus from a sucker could save his life. Once he finishes, though, he sets about to actually preparing spells for the day.

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Luzai isn't going to interrupt him at that. And it'll take an hour, which is plenty of time to wander off and do other things. 


She finds herself loitering outside Joran's forge not long after. 

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He looks up after finishing his current set of repairs, and waves her in.

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"I met Staunton the other day. And he thought I was being mean to him, because apparently people are usually mean to him, but I'm new in Kenabres so I don't know why. And you can tell me to fuck off, but I'd much rather hear why from you than from someone who doesn't care about him." 

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Jhoran sighs. 

"I doubt my brother would appreciate my telling it, but it's not like you couldn't ask just about anyone on the street. Back in the day, he was the warden of Drezen. It was a big crusader city inside the current barrier lines, defended by an artefact called the Sword of Valor that made it all but impossible for the demons to take. And Staunton... he was a prodigious fighter, especially for his age, who hadn't ever really known what it was like to lose. When he made the acquaintance of a pretty girl who pretty much entirely matches his tasted, well. He made some boasts, she showed some interest, he set about trying to one up himself for her approval, and the next thing you know he and a few of his friends had taken off with the Sword of Valor to raid a demon encampment. He didn't tell anyone he was taking it so the demons wouldn't know to strike while it was missing, but the girl he'd been talking to was a disguised Lilitu and the first sign the rest of us had that anything was wrong was when Aponavicus lead a strike team into the citadel and then let his army right in through the gates.

"When Staunton came back from his raid, it was to a city held by demons. They ambushed his force, killed his friends, and stole the Sword of Valor, but Staunton was left alive as a 'reward' for giving the city over to them. The queen let him try and atone with military service, but, well. Not a lot you can do to make it up to people who blame you for losing a city and a holy relic due stupidity, much less the ones who think he's a traitor just waiting for his next chance."

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I'm hubristic, not stupid. 

Note to self: mention none of her grand ambitions to Staunton. 

It's not lost on her that this could easily have been written as a cautionary tale for her, specifically. 

On the plus side, she's pretty sure Daeran isn't secretly a demon. 

"Do those people just...ignore the fact that he's still a paladin?"

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Jhoran shrugs.

"I imagine most of them think, if they did at all, that him being a paladin didn't save Drezen. That, or they just want an excuse to not feel bad about the person they're putting down to feel strong. Despite being a paladin, my brother isn't exactly the charismatic sort, so it's not like he's had much success turning around people's opinions himself."

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"But--but there's a difference between messing up and laying in wait--" 

She stops. She grimaces. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sure you've been through this all before. It's not like this is even a new way for people to be willfully stupid." Sigh. "I wouldn't have asked at all if I wasn't pretty sure I'd hear it eventually if I asked or not, and...I really didn't want to hear it for the first time from someone who was going to be awful on purpose. I don't intend to mention it to him." 

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"I doubt he'll thank you for it, but as his brother I'd appreciate that. I expect things have been getting worse now that people have heard Minagho is in the city, and he doesn't need more added on to that."

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"Actually he specifically said that the best thing I could do was not bring it up. I'm--really impressed, honestly, how well he's been handling it, given the kinds of crap he seems to expect from people." 

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"Torag tests us all in accordance with our measure."

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Thaaaaat seems less plausible from a starting point of having grown up in Geb, but maybe it does mean something as applied specifically to Torag's own empowered clergy. "Thanks for not telling me to fuck off," she says, instead. "I'm going back inside, do you need anything?"

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"Not unless you know someone who needs equipment repaired for the fight."

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"Not at the moment but I'll keep an eye out!" 

Luzai reviews her mental to-do list, then goes looking for the Storyteller. 

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While there are far more people in the tavern than it has chairs, someone seems to have given the storyteller one in light of his age since he's sitting on one up against the wall.

"Luzai, wasn't it?"

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"Yes, that's right. --I wanted to thank you for not telling everyone what was in the vision." 

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"Many things are kept private for a reason. You are not the first whose secrets I've kept, and I doubt you will be the last."

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"Thanks. --On a completely unrelated note, I...seem to have tripped over some kind of cultural taboo with another elf and was wondering if you would be willing to explain." 

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"I can try, but I must confess that many of the concerns held dear by younger elves are beyond my understanding."

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“What of them? Certainly some might find them an uncomfortable topic, but I am surprised you drew offense.”

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"They came up in the context of elves and he was like 'drow aren't elves' and I was like 'Yes? They are?' and he got really mad about it." 

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"Then I fear I am not certain. Their fate is certainly one of the greatest tragedies of our people, but there is little use denying that they were once our brethren."

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"Their...fate? I know a lot of them are Evil, and that's not good, but fate seems like a stronger word?"

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"I am not certain. Somehow I feel strongly that it is the right word to use, but I no longer remember why."

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"That's fair. I always thought it was just that all the drow I knew of lived in places like Geb and Nemret Noktoria, and living among the undead isn't good for quick humans any more than it is for elves. But I was wrong about a lot of the things I assumed about the world as a child; it's not surprising that I wouldn't have unlearned every mistake. Thank you for your help." 

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"I am sorry I could not be more helpful."

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She considers this, then returns to the area near the stairs to the cellar. 

"I wanted to apologize for what I said earlier," she says. This isn't a lie: she does want to apologize; it would only be a lie if she actually said the words "I'm sorry." "I grew up in Mechitar, and there was as much wrong with most of the humans around me as most of the elves; it didn't occur to me that there might be anything special about them. There's a lot that I learned growing up that I've had to unlearn." 

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He doesn't totally defrost at her words, but his response no longer sounds like he's forcing it out through gritted teeth. 

"I suppose it would be too much to expect them to be honest about it."

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"Honest about what? I--still don't think I have the context to understand, I'm sorry." 

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"Their true nature. Those wretches may be descended from elves, but they've abandoned everything of worth in their heritage to consort with demons and the worldbreaker. Even humans are more elven than they."

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That doesn’t really make any sense but it does give her a reasonable idea of the shape of the nonsense she’s working with.

”Okay. Thank you.” She considers asking another question, decides that occasionally discretion is the better part of valor, and decides to leave to see if any of what she more or less thinks of as “her” people need anything.

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That depends. Why, is she anything?

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Well. Well, she’s not sure the operative word there is “need” as opposed to “want,” which is not to say she’s turning him down, although he should be aware before anything happens that even though she hit second circle today, she’s very much saving all her spell slots for tonight, so certain logistical considerations are still in place.

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…That having been said, leave aside “anything,” she thinks she’s a hell of a lot.

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"Not to worry. While alter self is indeed a most delightful tool, there are plenty of things we can get up to without it that you haven't tried yet."

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“Oh good!” Smooch.

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He's also very pleased with himself!

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Given the givens he’s going to have to settle for an ordinary bed this time.

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But not an ordinary woman in it, and that's the important part.

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Aww, he's going to make her blush. 

(She's blushing so much. She's also enthusiastic and creative enough to make up for her inexperience.)

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If she runs out of ideas, he has quite a few involving the creative usage of prestidigitation to offer as well.

Given the chance, Daeran intends to have a delightful rest of his afternoon. Even just cuddling is far less dull than anything else available in this inn, especially now that it's not even serving much alcohol.

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Luzai is so, so into cuddling. She isn't suffering from the amount of contact with other people she usually gets, but--skin-to-skin cuddling is not something she usually gets, and it is very nice. 

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Elsewhere, Villibor, who is SIGHING over his sister's antics, AGAIN, reclaims her spellbook from Woljif before he can do anything to it, or pocket it, or misplace it, or whatever. Hi Woljif, he's Luzai's brother, anyone nearby will confirm that he's her brother, he's not being suspicious about the thief thing he's just displaying a normal level of caution about his sister's spellbook. 

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Woljif will in fact confirm that, not because he wouldn't respect the hustle if it wasn't true but because he's not going to have that trick pulled on him. Besides, if this guy actually is legit he'll probably appreciate Woljif not letting just anyone walk off with his sister's stuff.

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This guy, who is legit, does appreciate that! 

"It wouldn't be the end of the world if something happened to her spellbook, but it would still be an enormous hassle to copy everything back over." 

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"Exactly. It's not like they grow on trees - well, the paper can, but not the ink."

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"Well, I think the paper is more in the trees than on them, but yes, the ink is rather the constraining factor. Especially since looting several spellbooks off of dead cultists." 

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"Woah, the paladins let you guys do that? I'd always heard they frowned on that kind of thing, but if it's open season there are a few things I wouldn't mind liberating myself."

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"I don't think anyone is concerned with the property rights of cultists. Seelah didn't object when we actively mugged a whole group of cultists for various cultist paraphernalia for espionage purposes." 

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"Sweet. Maybe we can find some of the ones that hit the rich quarter, they're bound to have some good stuff."

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"I think if the property is obviously stolen and there's some theoretical chance of finding the original owner that's probably a different matter, so, like, probably don't say that out loud to her face." 

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"Of course, I know the drill; I'll keep it on the down low. And if you need help selling any of yours, well, just talk to brother Woljif, okay?"

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"It's a term of endearment! Come on, don't tell me you've never heard that one from your friends before."

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"See, the problem is, growing up, all my friends were my actual, biological, brothers and sisters, so I don't know what's normal." 

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"Then you've been missing out! Not to worry, though, you've got plenty of time to learn once things calm down a bit here."

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"I see. ...To be clear, I had...a lot of brothers and sisters. Our father was, well, not a nice man." 

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"That sounds rough. Me, I never knew my birth parents. Mom and dad used to own a bakery, but they were never blessed by the gods with kids of their own. One day, though, they were by the river when a basket came floating by carrying yours truly, and they were charmed at first sight. They never knew who gave birth to me - the only link to my heritage was the golden blanket I was wrapped in, emblazoned with an unknown coat of arms, and a letter asking whoever found me to take care of me. They told me the truth when I was 15, and I've been looking for my birth parents ever since, but it's not an easy task."

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Aaaaand the likelihood that he was being sincere about "it's an endearment for friends" goes way down. 

"And here I thought storybook nonsense like that only happened to my sister," he quips, instead of engaging with how that story is obvious bullshit. 

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"Aww, and here I thought I might finally get someone to buy it. What gave it away, was it too obvious that nobody would dream of giving up a kid like me?"

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"No one in their right mind would wrap their child in a golden blanket before putting them in a river. Someone would steal the blanket and abandon the kid. Much better to use a less costly wrapping that will keep the baby warm until a loving would-be adoptive parent comes along."

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"You know, of all the people I've told that story to, you're the only one that's pointed that out? You're not wrong, though, my parents would have had to have had more money than sense for that to happen. The truth is, while I didn't ever know my parents it wasn't because they were anyone special - just the opposite, really. When I was born, I came out with the horns and tail already on, and my old man had a big screaming row with my mother about how exactly that happened. He pinned her against the wall, throwing around accusations of cheating and consorting with demons, and ma told him about how grandma - her mom - used to fool around with demons. He didn't take the fact that he'd married a demonspawn well and got blackout drunk, which is when my mom brought me to Kenabres and dumped me on my grandmother. Told her that since it was her that ruined her life by rutting with demons, it was her job to reap what she'd sown. I've not seen hide or hair of them since. The blanket is real enough, but it definitely wasn't solid gold - in fact, it got so infested with lice we had to burn it."

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"My father actually is kind of a big deal, but not in a good way. He's a Blood Lord in Geb, see, and a vampire, and at one point he took it into his head that dhampirs--the living children of vampires--were understudied. So he got a bunch of slave women, got them all pregnant, and did horrible experiments to most of them." 

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"Yeah, I think you definitely win on the horrible relatives front. Maybe my grandfather would have a shot, but I've never met him and with any luck I never will."

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"I wish you sincere luck on that front. Although, you know, if it turns out later that some random demon we killed while you were present was him, I wouldn't stress out about it."

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"Hah! Though if that happened, I'm not sure how I'd ever know."

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"I don't either, but there are a lot of strange things in the world, so we can't rule it out entirely." 

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"What brings you by Kenabres, then? If it was just escaping there have got to be closer places you could go to ground, and it's certainly not for the money."

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"No, Luzai is bound and determined to get strong enough to rescue the rest of our surviving siblings and mothers-of-siblings, and it was approximately this or the House of Oblivion, which would also have been closer, but it's also less of an international hub, which means fewer exotic wizards to swap spells with. You know, it's hard enough just having an adequate sense of self preservation for yourself sometimes, it can be downright exhausting trying to also function as an external sense of self preservation for someone else." 

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Sounds like the kind of thing that'll get them killed, especially if Villibor’s external self preservation wasn't enough to get them to stay away from the worldwound. Still, that's no skin off his back as long as they don't drag him down with them, so there's no reason to rain on their parade.

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A totally reasonable conclusion given the fact that Woljif doesn't and mustn't have the information that the actual reason they picked the Worldwound over the House of Oblivion is because of Luzai having a whole Areelu Vorlesh situation. 

I mean. Realistically Luzai's ambitions would have gotten one or both of them killed anyway, in the absence of an Areelu Vorlesh situation. But given that there is, in fact, an Areelu Vorlesh situation, it's the case that Luzai would have gotten them killed, not will get them killed. 

Plus, if they get "getting killed" right, such as at the Worldwound, then they can see Mama again. Win-win, really. 

"Have you met any of the others, yet?" 

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"Others? Not that I know of. Is this an invitation to an adventuring party, then?"

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"Well, more or less. If you don't stick around you still might as well meet people, there isn't really anything else to do until tonight." Villibor would actually really rather NOT be socializing right now, he's kind of stressed out, and an introvert, but the inn is packed, and he can't use the room that he and Luzai have for obvious and also gross reasons.

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If Seelah knew that she would be covering for him while he fled to a roof or something, but she's not a mind reader and would have a hard time beating Villibor's will besides. Instead, she assumes he's just the normal amount annoyed about his sister sleeping with someone who absolutely isn't good enough for her and a jerk besides, which just calls for introductions. 

"Another Luzai recruit, huh? I'm not seeing any armor, though - at least tell me it's not another squishy wizard?"

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"I have reason to believe he'll be better at remembering to use a fucking dagger if forced into melee than her, but sorry, he just spent the last hour copying Detect Fiendish Presence out of her spellbook because he, too, thought it was probably safer not to tempt the Inquisition's paranoia." 

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"Oh dear. I didn't even know there were this many wizards in Kenabres to find. Er, not that there's anything wrong with you being a wizard, it's just an increasingly awkward party composition. I'm Seelah, a paladin of Iomedae."

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Time to make a good impression.

"I recognize the shiny armor, not to worry. So you're the one who's been keeping Luzai and Villibor and whoever else is in your party safe?"

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"Well, mostly. Camellia also helps out a bunch, but pretty much everyone else would rather stay as far away from the demons as possible."

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"Lann and Wenduag are archers, who aren't talking to each other, because cultists made Wenduag do cannibalism when she was a kid and Lann just found out. Camellia has a rapier, lighter armor than Seelah, and some kind of divine spellcasting that isn't being a cleric. Nenio is a wizard who's not entirely connected to reality. Like, moreso than most wizards. Luzai may or may not have recruited Ember, I'm not sure, she's a witch with the kind of 'it's sad when people die, even if they're demons' attitude that Luzai really vibes with. Daeran has some completely different kind of weird divine spellcasting from Camellia, and also an entanglement with my sister that I decline to categorize." 

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"Wait, she recruited the girl with the bird too? And she didn't even say anything... Villibor, I was halfway joking yesterday, but I don't think I am anymore. We need to have a talk with your sister."

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"If we do it right now we could throw a bucket of cold water on the two of them."

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"I- we probably shouldn't, he's a tool but he's not the one who's been recruiting-"

Seelah looks really quite tempted at the offer.

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"Okay, but consider: he might think it was funny." 

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"Besides, this sounds pretty serious. You want her to actually listen, not just blow it off, right?"

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A second prong of the assault is enough to overcome her objections. "You've got a point. Villibor, do you want to grab the bucket, or see if you can find where Camellia is so she can fill it for us?"

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"I'll grab the bucket." 

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And Seelah will make sure they can fill it.

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About ten minutes later, Seelah unlocks the door with Villibor's key and upends twelve gallons of water on the happy couple.

"Luzai, this is an intervention. Get changed, then get out here, because we need to have a talk."

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Luzai shrieks, because that is sort of the autonomic response to twelve gallons of cold water on no notice! 

"K'zak velletros--what the fuck?"

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Daeran is slightly less surprised due to having been ambushed by people unhappy with his escapades several times by now, but that doesn't stop him from letting out a shriek as a deluge of cold water slams into sensitive skin. Temperature play is one thing, but he abruptly decides he definitely doesn't like the introduction of 'being soaked in an ice bath' to his sex life.

Well, maybe if there was an attractive mermaid or naiad or gillman involved, but he'd at least try and see about getting an endure elements first.

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Seelah closes the door most of the rest of the way so Luzai doesn't accidentally flash someone coming by, and then continues.

"Like I said, this is an intervention. It's not just me, either, your brother is on board. Do you want to have the conversation now, or when you get some clothes on?"

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"--Clothes," Luzai says reluctantly after a second. She strips away the soaked blanket, and says to Daeran, "I am so sorry about that." 

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"If they had their way, I'm sure plenty of paladins would have done worse than that discourage me. Frankly I should be shocked it took so long, but I intend to spite them by absolutely refusing to learn any lessons from it."

He sets about trying to get the water out of his hair.

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"See, I'm less worried about the paladins than about my brother. He thinks he's funny, see." 

She gets as much water off her as she can, then yanks on her adventuring clothes. She's not exactly dry enough for it to be comfortable, but whatever. 

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"Oh, upset relatives. Yes, that's definitely a much more usual problem for me. I'd say we should go to my place, but I expect I've been gone enough by now they'll have claimed my room for more refugees too. Maybe I can get the Fiducia to change his mind about the frankly extortionate rates he has for selling rope tricks, or buy one of the nearby buildings, or something."

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Luzai finishes getting dressed and steps out into the corridor. "Hi." 

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"So the first thing you should know--both of you," he says, raising his voice slightly, "is that this actually has nothing to do with you, Daeran, sorry, you were just a combination of collateral damage and, yes, I thought it would be funny. In my defense, I was right." 

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"It was a decent idea, but the execution had some problems. When you're doing a prank like that, you can't skip on the prepwork; you want to get your target properly worked up and paranoid, have them constantly tensing in anticipation. Then, when you're finally ready for the delivery, you're supposed to hold back just long enough for them to realize what's coming - a second or two, not enough to prepare - and then make sure to follow through. Even if you're just dousing someone in water, you don't just want to be a dump-and-done."

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"That sounds harder to get a paladin to agree to." 

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"I find all the best parts of life are."

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In addition to Villibor, Seelah has brought along Camellia and Lann; everyone else seemed likely to be less helpful than they were a hindrance.

"Are you ready to have a talk? Because I've got some serious concerns about what you've been doing, and I'm not exactly happy with you right now."

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"You're going to need to explain what it is you're unhappy with me about, if it isn't Daeran!"

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"He's part of it, but not nearly the actual problem. The issue, Luzai, is your recruiting in general. Daeran was one thing, but we haven't even been back a day and you've already recruited two more people without so much as a by your leave - forget talking it over first, I would appreciate it if I actually got told who I'm now responsible for helping keep safe! Which ties into the other problem with what you've been doing; I'm just one person, Luzai, not the inheritor herself. Keeping four people safe from enemies was hard enough with Camellia's help, but now you've gone and recruited three more squishy casters! I don't want to be in a position where I have to choose which ones of you I let die from my being in only one place at a time, but we're on track to get there really soon."

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"Two--are you talking about Woljif and Ember? Seelah, I never asked Woljif and Ember to come into the city with us! I only asked them to help us with the demon attack tonight! You may be only one person, but all the paladins under Irabeth's command are not!" 

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"Do they know that? I've only spoken with Woljif so far, but he certainly seemed convinced he was expected to carry out something much longer term than that."

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"--I don't know? Seelah, Ember has been insisting on sleeping outside just because her powers make her a little less vulnerable to demons than someone else who could be taking up space inside the perimeter! I just wanted to get her somewhere marginally safer! And Woljif, well, Woljif's situation is a little more complicated, but that one wasn't without a by-your-leave, I talked to Irabeth and Anevia about it, and the terms may not have been maximally clear, but they seemed better than the alternative." 

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"And whatever you talked about with them meant you couldn't tell anyone about it beforehand, or afterwards, and meant you had no choice but to leave Woljif alone for hours with your spellbook and no explanation?"

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"...No. I'm sorry." 

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"Thank you. Luzai, you're a good person, and you're one of my best friends. Just, please try to work with me here a little more?"

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"Yeah. Um, there's something I wanted to talk to you about, but I was putting it off until after the big fight because it seems like it might be hard and stressful, and it seemed like we didn't need the distraction, but I think not having talked about it might have contributed to how I messed up today. And, you know, I can continue not bringing it up and just be more careful, or we can talk about it, but--it seems like just deciding between the two on my own might have been the same kind of mistake." 

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"I guess I think that depends, on how likely you think it is to distract me and if it's the kind of thing I'd want to risk distraction to know sooner? It's hard to do more than guess, since I don't know what the actual secret is. Uh, either way we might want somewhere more private than a hallway though."

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"No kidding. But, also, not in front of Daeran. Not because it's a secret from you," she adds to him, "but because there is no way you wouldn't, like, reflexively sabotage it." 

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"I'm hurt. Not about the sabotage, because I absolutely would, but because you didn't even consider keeping it a secret. Take it from a connoisseur; a woman with just a hint of scandalous mystery is a potent allure." 

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"I said I'm not keeping this secret from you, not that I'm not keeping anything secret from you."

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"That's perfectly fine, then."

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"You're not special, she's keeping secrets from everybody." 

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"Not you." 

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He looks significantly between her and Daeran. "Please keep more secrets from me." 

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"Right. Well, if we've gotten the deal with the recruitments sorted out, is this conversation with Seelah the kind we all need to have or one of the ones you just need a paladin for?"

And is it related to what was up in the garrison, she doesn't finish, because there could very well be any number of secrets.

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"It's not actually a secret at all! It's just mildly awkward. And doesn't involve anyone but Seelah. And this is getting totally blown out of proportion, so we should probably just talk about it sooner rather than later, like adults, because this is getting a little bit ridiculous." 

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"Right, I'll be off then. Have fun with it. Or good luck? Whichever is appropriate."

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"I'll also stop getting between you lovely ladies. Surely there's at least something else entertaining to do here."

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When the hall is clear, Luzai backs into the room and sits down on her bed with an audible flump. 

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Villibor follows her in, and does not bury his head under a pillow because Seelah is still there, but apparently he wants to and that's good to know. 

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"So, uh, what did you need to talk about?"

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"I'm scared of Hulrun and I feel weird when you defend him. --I get it, Iomedae hasn't dropped him like a hot rock, he's doing more good than harm, but like, also, he did come this close to trying to kill us, and I am not over that yet." 

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"Huh, I didn't think it was-"

Seelah stops, blinking, as gears turn in her head.

"I think I've been underestimating how bad that was for you. I remember being horrified about him misunderstanding things that much, and sad that I was going to have to fight him, but not even slightly afraid, and I think in retrospect that was because I had just become immune to fear and didn't notice. Inquisitors are good at being scary, and Hulrun's really strong for an inquisitor, and I... wasn't really taking that into account. I'm sorry."

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"Thanks. I--honestly it didn't occur to me that paladins don't feel fear, like, I am aware of it, intellectually, but you're the first paladin I've ever really known so it hadn't made it into my model of how people work yet."

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“A lot of us aren’t; even new paladins don’t scare easy, but the immunity doesn’t come in until a bit before spells.”


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“…The immunity is supposed to come with the ability to help people nearby deal with it to. If you want, I could stick close next time we meet him.”

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"That would be excellent. Oh, and I should apologize, when I was asking all those questions about what counts as blasphemy, it's not that I didn't understand what the problem was, I was just trying and failing to change the subject. Which--probably the correct thing to do would have been to just back you up, but I didn't feel like I...could, for a variety of reasons including but not limited to, uh, the fact that the proximal cause was Hulrun and I was feeling particularly spooked about him at that moment." 

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“Thank you. I find the count more than a little maddening, but it was a lot harder when it was coming from you.”

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Wince. “Yeah. That wasn’t cool of me. Thank you for, well, being patient with me as I fuck up.”

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"Don't mention it. Uh, was there anything else?"

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"No, that was it." 

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Then Seelah will go spend the rest of the time before the attack is supposed to arrive helping with the preparations. This includes collapsing a few houses whose roofs come close enough to serve as cultist firing platforms, which she doesn't feel great about but is obviously better than their archers dying, and putting the finishing touches on the outer perimeter they're using as a tripwire force in the hopes of getting the cultists to show off whatever they plan to use to force the gates early.

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And Luzai--


What she said to Seelah--that the thing she wanted to discuss with her, the Hulrun thing, was contributing to the problem, that was certainly true. But it wasn't the only contributing factor, just the only one that directly and addressably involved Seelah. 

The other obvious thing that was, well, managing people instead of working with them, was...the Lann and Wenduag situation. 

She still didn't really know what to do about it, but...that was probably the wrong attitude to take anyway. 

Thiiis is likely to take a lot longer than the conversation she just had with Seelah, and also Lann and Wenduag can just be stationed far apart from each other during the evening's impending battle, so it's not something that should probably happen today, but she really needs to sit down with both of them--possibly separately--and talk it out. See if the situation can be resolved at least to a point where they can work together, and figure out--with them, not for them--what to do if it can't. 


It hasn't escaped her that the giant secret she's keeping from everyone might be weighing her decision making in favor of not telling people things. Which--is a big problem, actually, if so. It's bad enough to keep a secret that big and important from everyone; letting it drag her into a habit of non-communication would make everything worse. 

...Should she just not be trying? 

She imagines how Seelah would react if she told her that Areelu Vorlesh was her mother, and Luzai hadn't immediately disowned her over the Worldwound. She flinches at the thought. But--isn't it wronging Seelah, to be like "well, she wouldn't want to be friends with me if she knew the truth, so I'll just keep lying to her so she'll be my friend?" 

That's. Really not an acceptable way to treat someone. 

But nobody would want to be her friend, if they knew. And Luzai...can't live like that. 

It hits her, then, like a physical blow, how much she misses the rest of her family. She loves Villibor so much, but he's only one person. She loves Mom, but they don't actually interact very often, right now. Mama's death is like a hole carved into her that she can only do her best not to poke, but it isn't just her. She misses Mentu and Elsbeth and Naithrope and Ilsketta and Laphra and Zorux and...

Her siblings wouldn't reject her for loving an evil archmage. She really wants to drag most of them up in alignment a step or two, but not in a way that would change that. 

And they're her family, and she misses them, and she fucked up really badly today, and--

She starts crying. 

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Villibor extracts his head out from under the pillow, and looks over at her. 

"The cold water bit wasn't that bad," he grumbles. 

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Yeah sorry Luzai is not in good enough shape to engage with that right now. 

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He sighs and goes over and hugs her. 

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Luzai clings and cries on him. 

After she's mostly run out of tears, she says, quietly. "Seelah's going to be really mad at me, when she finds out. What my big secret is." 

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"When? Not if?" 

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"'Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth,'" Luzai quotes from some old book she read once. 

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"Move to the Underdark." 

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"No. That would accomplish none of my goals, and anyway, even in the Underdark they know the sun and moon exist, they just don't have to interact with them much. I can probably go years and years and years without anyone learning the truth, if I keep my mouth shut, but--there was the attack, and then--at the garrison, Camellia noticed--eventually, things are going to build up, and--I probably could keep a handle on it. But it'd involve lying more and more. To people I care about. What'm I supposed to do?" 

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"...I don't see how supposed comes into it. Bad things happen. There wasn't anything we could do when Mama died, why would there be a solution now?" 

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"But we could! We couldn't save her life, but we got her out of there, she's okay, she's in Nirvana, and not chained to her own rotting corpse. And I miss her, so, so much, but it could have been worse. Giving up would have been worse." 

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"Does it help? Having another one?" 

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"Sort of, a little bit, not the way you mean. A lot of people have two parents who love them. I--have one alive parent and one dead parent, and that's--better, the way having you is better than not having you would be, but just because they're both mothers doesn't mean they aren't still different parents." Sigh. "And it would help more if I saw her more. I can cry on you; I can't cry on her, not really, not unless things line up exactly right. And I don't resent her for that, there are actual complicated things, it's just--" cling "--it's just you're the only person I can really hold right now please do not make a snarky comment about Daeran." 

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"I wasn't going to, but like, I could've been, so good catch. Anyway, with Seelah, I'm not saying there isn't a right answer for sure, but Luzai, you are way more of a people person than I am; if one of us is going to figure it out, it's not me." 

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"Mhm. I love you." 

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"I love you too, very much, but also, you owe me. I had to interact with people while you were entertaining your terrible boy in here." 

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"Fuck. I didn't even think of that." 

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"You're also going to owe me for how annoying it's going to be when he moves on to other pretty people and you mope for a week about it like you did over Fatima when she didn't want to run away with you." 

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"Hey! This is different! I thought Fatima was going to want to run away, because Osirion is deeply unpleasant to be a woman in. I know perfectly well that Daeran isn't going to stick around." 

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"Okay, fine, you'll owe me for being annoying if you mope when Daeran drops you. Which I am not ruling out, you didn't realize ahead of time that you were going to mope about Fatima either." 

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"Mrgh," she mutters, and then leaves to go make herself useful again, and is immediately distracted by the abrupt entrance of a very confused, loud, burly redhead. 

A little while later she goes looking for Seelah again. 

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She's currently helping slide a plank over a ditch they dug by the western gate; there's a pile of cobbles nearby that presumably used to cover the street there.

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"So, in order to avoid a repeat of literally less than an hour ago, I thought I should let you know that I had a moderately confusing conversation that may or may not have ended with recruiting someone, I'm not sure, but I did check to make sure he was a melee guy and not another squishy caster." 

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"Confusing how?"

She finishes getting the board into position, and then steps back as other people start putting the cobblestones around the edge to pin it down.

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"Well, he claims to have taken a nap in Old Sarkoris and woken up in the Worldwound a couple of days ago. Except that he didn't know it was the Worldwound, he just knew that everything was horrible and covered in demons in his, like, immediate vicinity."

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"And he ended up here?"

She's sure that someone waking up after a century of sleep is the kind of thing that has ever happened, but that doesn't mean it's not incredibly suspicious that it would happen here and now and would result in them being in the defender's heart. It's almost certainly a scam; hopefully he didn't convince Luzai to lend him too much money or something.

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"Apparently." Luzai is, like, less skeptical of this than she would be if she weren't pretty sure she recognized his accent, but that's still a fair amount of skeptical. "The part where he's pretty buff and seems to have weird but melee-enabling powers was significantly less implausible, and also has more evidence to back it up, so...I dunno. I didn't make him any promises or anything but I figured I should loop you in on the situation." 

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"Well, the fact that he's probably lying about his past isn't encouraging, but it's not like it's rare to come fight at the worldwound because you're a wanted criminal or something elsewhere. I guess as long as he's really on our side and not lying about being able to fight it's not reallmy business, and even if it does run the risk of our party starting to getting too large and unwieldy I'd rather that than the alternative. Maybe point him out whenever he shows out here so one of us can see try to see him in action?"

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"Sure. You know--I'm not trying to make excuses, just--'adventuring party' is a useful social construct, not a law of nature, we could just go out with fewer people than everyone. Especially if exactly one of Lann or Wenduag is left behind." 

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"That's true. Even if they're not out with us, it's not like there being more skilled fighters here to help keep the civilians safe is a bad thing."

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"Yeah. And, again, not making excuses, but Irabeth does have significantly less of the squishy caster imbalance than we do." 

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"Yeah. That's not an excuse for you to be fighting in melee though, so please do try and leave it to us if you can."

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"Yeah. I'll never make a good cleric but I can at least work hard on becoming less of a dumbass." 

Okay. Seelah's been apprised of the Ulbrig situation. Nenio is awake and preparing spells. Luzai has her spellbook, her gloves, and her knife on her...actually maybe she should cease to have her spellbook on her at the moment, she's already prepared all her spells for today and if her things are insecure she has bigger problems, and this way a demon can't steal it off of her mid combat. 







On the plus side, most of her actual stuff doesn't look disturbed, not that she could necessarily tell, but none of it is missing. That is in fact the exact opposite of the problem! 

Luzai stares at the severed heads. They aren't fresh--she wishes she didn't have enough experiences with severed heads to tell, but they aren't--but that really does not make the situation less bad. 

...Luzai's first impulse is to immediately contact Mom about it, but, uh, she is not actually sure she should do that while she is wrestling with how much to explain to people. 

Luzai's second impulse is to storm into the main room of the inn and loudly inquire if anyone recognizes them, but that could possibly start a panic, and, like, wouldn't even necessarily work to catch out whoever did it. 

Luzai bundles them up in a still-wet blanket, tucks them under her arm, and goes looking for Anevia. 

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Oh dear. Luzai is pretty distressed, and she does not like any of the options for what could be in that blanket to cause it. A reflexive glance around for anyone in earshot, and then-

"What's wrong?"

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"Found a couple of old severed heads in my stuff." 

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"Do you have a time window on when it could have happened? Not that that's as much help as it could be, with the place this crowded, but if it's small enough it could be informative."

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"Between about five minutes ago and a little less than an hour ago. Unless they were, like, teleported there, the last time I actually looked in my stuff was several hours ago. But the room was occupied for most of that time. I...suspect that since it was my stuff it either has to do with, uh, my Blood Lord father, or my it's-complicated contact."

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She nods.

"I'll see if I can scare anything up on the vampire angle, but it's going to be tough to get anywhere on the other end without more information; looking for cultists, sure, but we're already doing that. Is there anything you think you can share?"

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"I...can Irabeth do the thing where you help other people not be scared? Because I--am very scared of the consequences of spilling the beans, but--I--probably should."

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"Yeah, she can. She needs to take a break before the fight starts anyway, I'll see if I can get her to do that after this talk. Anything else you need, besides secrecy?"

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Nod. "And Seelah should be there. If I'm confessing all this anyway she should hear it. We just had a talk about how I needed to communicate with her more, and...if she hates me about this, she deserves to hate me." 

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Anevia winces internally, since that's not a good sign, but she doesn't let anything show on her face. Hopefully this is an overreaction, but even if it is that doesn't make what Luzai's doing less brave.

"Right. I'll get her, then clear people out so the four of us can have a talk."

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Seelah is easy to flag down. She's not exactly clear on what it's about but this seems serious enough that it's obviously more important than just being some extra muscle on heavy lifting duty.

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Anevia doesn't have any issues with cutting the line to get to Irabeth, so it's less than three minutes later that they're the only ones in her office and the door very thoroughly closed.

"Nevy, what's this about?"

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Anevia looks up from where she's stuffing cloth into the area under the door to muffle sound. There are guards keeping people back anyway but you can't skimp on security just because it's probably fine.

"Luzai has something she needs to talk about, but she could do with a little paladin courage to help."

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She trusts Anevia implicitly, and it's not like it's a hard task. Irabeth smiles slightly, and then the fear retreats for all the non paladins in the room. It's still there, underneath it, but suddenly it feels like the kind of thing you can overcome and work through.

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Luzai takes a deep breath. 

It really is much easier like this. 

"So, the thing that prompted all this was that I found a couple of severed heads in with my stuff. This was, obviously, alarming; I decided to go to Anevia about it instead of barging into the common room waving them around and asking if anyone knew the deceased, because, uh, that could cause a panic. Anyway. It's possible this is related to my--contact on the other side--and Anevia was like 'is there anything you can tell me that would help me investigate this' and, also, I--I basically endorse not saying anything when we first met, or in public, because it actually would be really bad if this got out. But. At this point my main reason for holding back with all of you is the consequences to me, and...if none of you like or trust me anymore once I've explained, then you shouldn't like or trust me, and if you did it would be based on a lie. And that's--worse, actually, even if it doesn't feel that way. 

Um. I don't think I did anything wrong, except maybe one thing sorta. It's...who my contact is, that's the big secret." 

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"It's someone pretty highly placed, isn't it. I figured as much; almost none of the cultists we've interrogated since seemed to have known about the attack in more than vague terms before it happened, and you had a day's warning. From a sending, too, and that's not exactly a low level spell. I can't promise I won't think any differently from putting a name to them, but I'm not going to forget what you've done either. The warning saved a lot of lives, not to mention helping Anevia or what you've done since."

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"It's Areelu Vorlesh herself." 

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Anevia chokes in surprise.

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Seelah looks poleaxed, like her world just flipped on its axis, but no words come out. 

"I- you-"

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"Once upon a time in Old Sarkoris, there were two witches living in the woods together, a mother and daughter pair. One day the Sarkorian witchhunters found them. The mother they brougt in alive, but the daughter died. They used hasten judgment. By the time the mother was in a position to do anything about it, all that there was, was a dead Abyssal larva."

It won't end like this. I promise.

"The mother's name was Areelu Vorlesh, and while I don't like or approve of Geb in any way, he does have one positive trait, which is that whatever he did to reanimate Arazni didn't open a hole to the Abyss. I don't know why that was an integral part of her research, or what the intermediate stages looked like, besides probably also something I would disapprove of, but the final procedure that she ended up with was using the purified essence of a demon lord to stitch the remnants of her child's soul to a living host." 

"The host she chose was named Luzai, and her daughter's name was Seshka." 

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Horrible visions dance through Anevia's mind at that. If it is true, and Areelu Vorlesh would go that far for her child... could they take Luzai hostage? Use her to get Areelu Vorlesh to fight for them? She'd feel awful, doing that to a friend, but when she weighs her awfulness against the number of people who would be saved by the worldwound getting closed, or even just contained at a smaller radius... she can't help but feel grateful for the fact that it obviously wouldn't work. They're not sure they can hold off a normal demon attack here, much less the archtraitor, and that kind of threat would most likely be hollow anyway. Even if Luzai really is the woman's daughter, even if she really does care that much, if she could resurrect them from a slain outsider then their ability to use her as a hostage is just about nil - like the fact that Luzai is here with them in the first place implies anyway. 

...The talk about a theoretical undead Terendelev was probably not very theoretical, was it. Great.

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It feels like a rather trite response to the revelation, but that doesn't mean it's not the right one.

"Are you sure? I'm not saying I see the plan, because I don't, but it seems to me like there are probably a lot more people who can fake being Areelu Vorlesh than there are actual Areelu Vorleshes. I'm pretty sure that still holds even if you just count the ones that would also know about the attack. And it does seem wildly out of character for everything we know about the woman in question, including how reluctant she is to reveal any information about herself."

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"I remember being Seshka. Not very much, yet, but the memories have been trickling in ever since the splice. And when I briefly had the Aeon's vision, I looked at my own soul with it. It matched what I expected to see. Plus, the Storyteller more or less confirmed it." 

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If you'd asked Seelah five minutes ago, she would have said she was absolutely certain that Luzai was a good person. They had worked together for days, in ways that was pretty much impossible to fake, and the angel's sword had chosen her, and even the Prelate had been convinced of her bonafides! Not to mention all the people they'd helped!

Learning that the prelate had been right about his suspicion, and that Luzai's complicated situation was that she was the daughter of the person who caused the worldwound in the first place, the witch practically synonymous with Chaotic Evil, and that she'd been hiding it? That hurt, especially when an archmage was exactly the kind of person who would be capable of faking all the evidence Seelah had seen. Part of her wants to trust the girl anyway, to rely on the fact that she hadn't been forced to tell them now, but was that just the part of her that wanted to keep her friend, or was that the rational approach? Should she overlook that bombshell? Could she overlook it?

"I-. I need to think."

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"I understand. Like I said. If you can't trust me anymore, that's fair." Sigh. "The reason it would be a catastrophe if it got out is that if Deskari and Baphomet found out I existed, it would be a clusterfuck. --Actually, when Deskari himself showed up to the assault, I thought he had and was there to abduct me. But." Shrug. "He didn't."  

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She needs to make a decision here, and she needs to make it quickly, and she needs to not screw it up, because if she makes the wrong call here she might never get the chance to make the right one instead. 'Iomedae, grant me your wisdom. Help me to see the world as you see it, that good and justice be done, that I may act with your grace in this solemn hour.' As usual, there's no response to her prayer, but the mental motion still helps to center her, to remind her of what's actually important here and what's at stake. It's not right, to say the answer is obvious, but that doesn't mean she doesn't know what she's going to do.

"Alright. I'm not going to arrest you, because that's not a crime unless you're sheltering or helping her. There are plenty of tieflings in Mendev, the law isn't actually ambiguous about this, and your parent being Areelu Vorlesh instead of some babau doesn't change matters. I'm also not going to assign someone to follow you around and keep an eye on you anyway, even though that one is legal, because I don't think it would do any good and it's an indefensible use of resources in our current situation. I won't say this hasn't changed the way I think about you, because I am sworn not to tell knowing lies, but the implications of are a matter for a later date. If in light of this revelation you have more information on the cultists you can share, please do so."

Irabeth smiles tightly.

"And now, all that's left is praying to heaven that this isn't the biggest mistake I've made in my life."

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"No. I could ask, though. Um. When I said I did something wrong, at the beginning." Deep breath. "When I said to run, at the Grey Garrison? I asked her for help. Because we couldn't beat Minagho. She--isn't willing, at this time, to break ties entirely to Deskari, because right now he's giving her spells, but. She doesn't really care about them. So--Minagho being distracted. That was her. If you need to arrest me for that, that--makes sense." 

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"That's a lot more questionable, yes, though I wouldn't want to argue the position that encouraging demonic infighting is a bad thing."

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"Normally I'd say this wasn't any of my business, but under the circumstances I think it's relevant; what do you think your relationship cashes out to there in practice? Because I'd dearly like more intelligence, but if you think it's the kind of situation where you might get three interventions ever or something it's almost certainly not worth using here. Especially since, well, even if she does want to keep you alive that sounds like a lot more work than just giving you a teleport or something."

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"--She's my mother! I don't--I don't want to betray anybody Good by, by asking her for help that wouldn't be accepted from her hand, but--I don't know that she'll do everything I ask her to, but I don't expect to spend down resources by asking." 

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"Then I think we'd all appreciate it. And, uh, I guess I should take the heads and see what I can find."

A cultist who is looking to openly fuck with Areelu Vorlesh is probably way out of her league, but they won't stop being able to infiltrate the defender's heart because she decided to ignore them.

"Er, right, you weren't here for that. This was brought on because someone decided to leave a couple of severed heads in Luzai's things. That's what triggered this whole conversation, though it did kind of get overshadowed by, uh, everything."

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Luzai hands over the grotesque bundle. "It could still be about my evil dad, not my evil mom." 

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"Yeah. I never thought I'd be saying this, but here's hoping these gruesome murders are related to a blood lord!"

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"The murders might not be related to me at all, those heads aren't super fresh. And the fact that I know that is definitely the Blood Lord's fault!"

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With the meeting finished. Seelah goes off to pray. She's probably not going to finish working through all her emotions on the topic before the fight, but even getting partially re-centered would be a win at this point. It's not that she disagrees with Irabeth's decision, but there's a difference between something not being technically a crime or tactically unsound to deal with and deciding whether you still have a friend. Hopefully nobody else is hiding a secret on this level, because she really doesn't want to go through this again.

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And Luzai will return to her room for the moment. 

This involves passing through the main common room. Luzai is emphatically not doing anything to draw attention, but if anyone were paying attention to her anyway, she's not doing a good job of pretending she isn't a hair away from breaking down crying. 

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Camellia, Ember, and Daeran are all out and about, so fortunately there's not anyone in the room who knows Luzai and has the social skills to see through her.

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Luzai flings herself into her still-wet bed dramatically for a moment, then peels herself out of it (helped along by the fact that it still isn't actually comfortable to be in) and, making sure the door is closed and locked (and replicating Anevia's trick with the cloth under the door, hopefully wet cloth works for that) gets out her Book of Written Whispers, and writes: 

If and only if it's safe, I would like to talk in person. Also, a hug.

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The message reaches Areelu while she's in the middle of an experiment, but anyone who assumed that would involve her having to interrupt her task is sadly unaware of what it means to be an archmage. She wanted to be able to receive the messages while she was in the middle of meeting with demons without compromising her information security; handling it and the work of stitching a demon back together at the same time is practically child's play. Fortunately the message doesn't seem to be an emergency, so she'll probably have the time to put the subject back into a stable condition rather than waste the work. With one hand, she goes through the gestures for greater scrying.

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There aren't any observers visible to her true seeing or arcane sight, which means she doesn't have to leave her daughter sobbing alone in a tiny room. She turns herself invisible, and twelve seconds later she and Luzai are back in her private demiplane.

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Luzai flings herself immediately at her mother to CLING. 

"I've had a really stressful few days. I'm getting my memories back! That's good! It's...pretty slow. And I remembered dying. But. I'm going to be okay." Squeeze. "I promise." 

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Arcane spellcasters are not usually known for their physical strength, but that doesn't mean Areelu can't pick her daughter up in a hug as she returns to visibility.

"You're safe now."

The last words still hit her like a thunderbolt, but she's got enough self control not to collapse into tears herself when Seshka still needs reassurance.

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Luzai Seshka can understand why Anevia would feel the need to ask what their relationship looked like. Why Irabeth would ask if she was sure she wasn't being lied to. 

But neither of them have ever experienced this. Neither of them ever knew the Architect of the Worldwound as anything other than a story about the greatest traitor humanity had ever known. 

And neither of them grew up in Geb, knowing as easily and obviously as the wind in their hair that evil people, too, can love. 

"Love you."

Cling cling cling. 

"Thank you for the knife." 

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"I love you too."

Hug hug hug.

"There's a large part of me that wants to just keep you here and safe forever. But you wouldn't be yourself if you didn't take risks, which means that all I can do it give you the tools to have a fighting chance. You've got a clone this time, though, and even if someone tries to maledict you or trap your soul or turn you into a statue I'll be there to deal with it."

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"--I have a Clone? Oh, wow, I was not expecting that, I mean, I figured you would definitely resurrect me if anything went wrong but I was barely even sure that those existed." 

Focus, Seshka, now is not the time to get nerdsniped. 

"Honestly, my stress has mostly not been about my own existence. Um. Starting at the less complicated end of things, somebody left a couple of severed heads in my stuff, and I do not know if that was about you or about the Evil Science Parent I don't like, but either way it seems. Bad." 

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"It was not the easiest spell to rederive, but I happen to be something of an expert at souls. As for your other issue... I could assay a speak with dead or resurrect them, but nobody truly dangerous would hand over an intact head that could reveal them; I'll try it anyway once it won't give things away. There's supposed to be an inquisitor spell for reconstructing past events that I don't know in enough detail to imitate  with limited wish, but I'm sure I could rectify that if I hunted down a few of those pests. Outside of that... I could bind some outsiders to cast legend lore, or just keep an eye on you with scrying. Do you have a preference?"

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"...Legend Lores, huh, I wonder if the Storyteller could get anything...uh, the Storyteller is...wait hang on maybe I shouldn't give you details of people without their permission. Not that I'm sure you couldn't find out, but, uh, it's the principle of the thing. Although he is relevant to one of the other things I wanted to say. Um. I...don't think you should scry on me all the time, because...there's...a guy..."

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Areelu sighs.

"Of course there is. I'm sure you could do better, but that's true of practically anyone. Perhaps prisoner's ring, then, or a bound outsider - I'm sure I could find a particularly capable quasit to keep watch, or a vulpinal if you would prefer something less dangerous to be caught with."

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"...I assume it would be prohibitively difficult, if it were even possible, to specifically pick a vulpinal that had met Mama* and could tell me how she was doing." 


*Luzai uses the Garundi term here, to disambiguate.

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"I expect I can to scry her and check, or get you a crystal ball to do the same, but I'm not certain she will have been sorted yet. Pharasma is usually slower to do so for people who might get resurrected."

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"--No, she was, we checked. Back in Osirion, after we had her buried. There was a Sending. She's something furry and with a very long middle finger. ...Notably this was before I was--me--Seshka--I don't object to this situation at all but it occasionally makes the first person complicated to use--anyway, it didn't seem at all likely at the time that we would be able to have her resurrected for years and years at least." 

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"And I have always done my best to evade her sight. Well, that's rather convenient in this case."

She pulls out her crystal ball; it's more convenient than fetching one of her spares, even if the true seeing is rather overkill. The interplanar distance will complicate matters somewhat, but Luzai is familiar enough with her mother overcome it.

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She certainly is. 

"Oh," Luzai says softly. "--I don't know what that shape is, but it's cute. And it looks like she's doing well." Tears prickle at her eyes. "Thank you." 

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"Do you still want to find someone that knows her, or just catch up? Message isn't exactly reliably through a normal scry, but with enough tries even a coinflip is almost guaranteed."

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"--I would much rather talk to her myself." She hesitates for a moment, then looks up firmly.

"I don't know if it--hurts, that when I woke up during the operation, it was her I was calling for and not you. But--you're not the same. You're both my mother, but you're different mothers, and--having you doesn't make me not miss her, but if I had her back, that wouldn't make me not miss you, when we go days or weeks without talking."

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She will scoop up Luzai in another hug, how about.

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Yay hug!!! Luzai is almost always happy to have hug. 

"I really have missed you," Luzai says, but in a happy content way where it is okay because they're here now. 

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This is very good.

Eventually, though, she remembers that practical matters exist. "How long do I have you for before someone notices you're missing?"

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"A little less than three hours. Unless the demons attack sooner than expected. I will definitely be missed if I'm not findable when that happens." 

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"I'll keep an eye on it."

She'll want a scrying sensor there anyway, to make sure she can get Luzai back without being seen in action, and three hours is basically a nonissue when it comes to duration.

"You said you've had a stressful few days. Is any of it something you want to talk about? I see you've hit second circle, but I've mostly only been catching glimpses of what you've been up to."

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"Oh! Yeah, I wanted to talk about kind of a lot of it. One of the things is--so, I don't know if you knew this or not, but there was the remnant of a dead Aeon hovering above where you left the knife. I held onto it for a little while, and while I did, I could use its vision, and I looked at my soul--I think it matters, that you picked me. Not just because of the underlying compatibility, but because--my Luzainess is actively cooperating with the process. It matters, I think, that I want this. All of me. Also I had a completely separate vision for completely separate reasons--well, it sort of wasn't me having the vision, it was someone else and I was just sharing it--anyway. It's more than just the memories trickling in that make me sure I'm going to be okay."

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This is the best news. She's been observing Luzai's soul, of course, but there's only so much you can see from the outside looking in.

"I'm really happy to hear that. I was scared, when I finally went through with the attempt, but this is much better than I expected."

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Luzai smiles back at her, then winces slightly. "So the next thing is...less happy, but before I say anything else, I should say that I did it on purpose, I knew what the consequences would be, and I really, really do not want you to kill anyone, or erase their memory, or anything."

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That's not a very promising way to start.

"What happened?"

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There's no graceful way to say this, any more than there was in the other direction. "I told a couple of paladins that you're my mom."

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"What were you thinking?"

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"That I take all my personal relationships seriously. They were my friends, and I couldn't keep on being friends with them while concealing that. They reacted, uh, way better than you would expect paladins to react, actually. I may or may not have completely trashed those relationships, but--" deep breath "--the Worldwound is bad, actually. I'm not going to argue with you about whether it was worth my life, but I'm here and it's got to go. I can't just--playact at being on the side of the crusaders, I have to actually do it. And sometimes that means being honest, even when from a self-centered perspective it's a really really bad idea." 

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Why would the paladins... ah, because it's a way to get at her. There's not a lot of things that could get her in range of their swords, but if she keeps stopping by to visit Luzai that would do it. She'll have to be more careful; maybe do a possession for the trips, or finally put in the time to buckle down and figure out how to finish up Astral Projection. 

"How certain are you that they'll stay that way? Do I need to ensure whatever outsider I send with you can also handle a few paladins?"

She could probably find a Ghaele that would be willing to take Luzai's side over Iomedae's, especially with the right bribery.

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"That...probably won't be necessary? But this happened, like, right before I contacted you, like, it was in fact the reason I really needed a hug, is that one of my best friends might hate me now. Uh, I would be really surprised if they were aggressive towards a vulpinal, although, I do want to emphatically agree that a quasit would be a bad idea. On a directly related note, Anevia--also present, not a paladin, married to one of the paladins who was also in the room--would like any information on cultists that you have and are willing to share. Like, they're not happy, but they're also not stupid, and I did also share the fact that the Worldwound has served its purpose and as long as Deskari doesn't know you don't share his goals you're not exactly wholly aligned with him and Baphomet anymore. Although it didn't happen to come up that you were perfectly happy giving me a magic crossbow bolt with which to literally backstab him." 

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"What do you need to know? I haven't really been tracking most of the cultists in the city; I know baphomet has one of his minions organizing them, but I can't say I ever cared to learn which one. You might have better odds just scrying them. As for the garrison, though, the main defense is that Minagho's been sticking around the wardstone in person. She has a passable alchemist on premises and one of Deskari's stronger oracles, but most of the rest of her numbers are made up by mid and low level demons - a few vrocks, incubi, and succubi, but mostly dretches and abrikandilu. I think there might also be a moderately capable kalavakus somewhere in the city, but Minagho hasn't had any luck getting him to show up and take orders."

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“That is actually pretty useful, thanks,” Luzai says, but also turns back to the crystal ball, muttering about Minagho being a bitch. Can she find…that one cultist guy they accepted the surrender of in the Shield Maze and then weren’t able to follow up on.

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The first two tries fail to connect, but the third manages to slip past his will. The cultist in question appears to have made it out of the shield maze, only to end up immediately falling in with another group of cultists; at the moment, he's with a group of other followers of Baphomet in what is recognizably the grey garrison.

He's pretty alarmed at having just had to fight off two spells, and is glancing around wildly looking for demons.

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Well, if he noticed, there's no way she's landing one on Minagho without her realizing; can she see the Lilitu, since the guy is in the Grey Garrison?

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He's not currently close enough to her for that, but maybe if she tried spooking him with a message or something?

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Message to cultist: You surrendered. Haven't you ever heard it's unlucky to go back on your word?

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Message is really short range, which means she’s got to be in the room with him right there. He starts trying to poke likely looking corners with his glaive for invisible wizards.

”You again! You’re the bitch that bit me, I’ll make you pay for that.”

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She snorts. Not included in her next Message. 

You won't. You can't. Run, little boy, before you get caught.

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His search doesn’t turn up anything, even after he recruits his fellows and they check the area above their heads as well. That’s not great, but he knows plenty of demons can see invisible people, so he just needs to get the boss to let him borrow a Babau for it.

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Within ten feet from a prostrating cultist isn't the best way to view Minagho, but it's better than nothing. Through the sensor she's a lot less terrifying, but that just gives Luzai the clarity of focus to realize that according to detect magic she currently has ten different magical auras up, at least one of which is very strong.

"You're not being followed by an invisible wizard, imbecile, you're being scried on."

Minagho then turns to look directly at Luzai, and then at a gesture her vision winks out.

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Well, that could've gone better. What about the guy she told off for trying to burn down a library. 

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Even with a partly run down orb, that one still works fine the first try. He's also with a number of other cultists, but seems much happier about it, and they're all armed and armored. From the looks of things, he's currently on the move.

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She checks his position and trajectory relative to the Defender's Heart.

...Then she scries Mama again to have a conversation with her, because she really does not want to risk being unable to do that. 

She does cut it off after a few minutes, though; there are more cultists to scry and also it's not exactly fair that she gets to talk to Mama and Villibor doesn't. 

How about that guy Faxon?

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It's hard to be completely confident when she doesn't have an expert on Kenabres' geography there to confirm, but she thinks it looks like he's just east of the market square.

She's not getting past Faxon's will, especially not on the seventh try from the crystal ball.

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Yeah that’s fair.

She tries various low-level grunts she can vaguely recall, noting down everything she can about their surroundings and locations and so on whenever she gets a hit, until the ball gives out.

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With the extra scries she can be more confident in her diagnosis on their location; they're a little over an hour out from the defender's heart, though they might spend longer than that before the attack making an encirclement or doing more preparations. They also seem to have done some more recruiting or called people in from patrols between when she spied on the tower and now, because there are definitely more of them than she saw before.

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Uuuuuuugh. Bleh.

Luzai takes careful notes on all this, and also on the dispositions of various forces and so on.

”Thanks,” she says once the ball has worn down.

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"It's not a problem. Frankly I have enough slots these days for greater scrying that I don't get that much use out of it anyway."

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“Can I borrow it, then?”

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"I don't see why not. Someone will probably try and steal it if you let on you have it, though."

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"I have no plans to let that on publicly. --I have noticed a problem where I want to ask you for lots and lots of favors for the purposes of fighting demons and closing the Worldwound, but I really, emphatically, do not want to accidentally imply that our relationship is--transactional, that I will love you less or display less affection if you say no." 

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“I’m glad. If that was the only way I could have you back, even slightly… I think I would do it, but that wouldn’t make it hurt less.”

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"That's--understandable but also a very horrible scenario. So: I love you, and I would love you even if you stuck me in a very secure demiplane and didn't let me out. I would be mad at you if you did that, unless you did it because I had just done something extremely stupid, but even if I was mad at you I would still love you. I would probably be annoyed with you if you cut me off from any kind of help fighting demons, unless it was, like, because you had just done something really useful and were laying low so Deskari wouldn't figure out it was you, but if I was annoyed with you I would want to, like, talk about it, not try to emotionally blackmail you into doing things I like again." 

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She'll hug Luzai again, because it's been over a century since she's last had this chance and earlier really wasn't enough.

"And for my part, you're not going to run down my love by asking for things, but I'd much rather do things for you than because a paladin asked for it."

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Hug. Luzai does not have the subjective experience of a century of missing her mother, because Seshka wasn't conscious for most of that period, but she is still: overwhelmingly in favor of hug. It's sort of inconvenient how she only has two arms and cannot, like, hug people, and do things, at the same time, for most values of thing. 

"Well, one, that's really fair and makes lots of sense. Two, way less important but still true: Anevia was the one who did the asking and also the one who isn't a paladin. I have no idea if that matters at all but if it does I'd rather have said it. Three, I'm less worried about running down your love than your patience, or your security in my love, albeit that latter concern is much less after being openly addressed. I would much rather ask for one thing you can give me than three things you can't, and I...don't know how hard it is to avoid Deskari noticing you're doing favors for crusaders." 

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"That largely depends on what I'm doing. He can't check in on me directly through a mind blank, so as long as it's something any powerful caster could do like summon a few outsiders or make magic items it should be fine, but if I had told you Deskari was coming there was only a very small list of people who knew he would show up in person."

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"And I'm guessing he has no idea what's up with the magic crossbow bolt to connect it to you." 

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She laughs.

"No, that one is based on Nocticula's abilities. If he goes searching for it, the trail won't lead him back to me."

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"Nocticula? I wasn't aware she was involved with the Worldwound at all."

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"As I understand it she would rather not be, but when the Worldwound expanded a number of the rifts opened to the midnight isles. The one under Drezen, for instance, links to a hill overlooking Alushinyrra."

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"Wow, okay. Oh! Something that is one hundred percent me and not paladins: if you happen to come across any corpses of celestials, would you hold onto them for me? I don't expect to be able to do anything with them now, but if I can eventually replicate what you did with me, or better yet manage my old ambition of someday cracking open Geb's insubstantial skull and peeling out his secrets, it might someday be the case that someone whose body I have is someone I can save and someone whose body was devoured by a swarm of quasits is someone I can't." 

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Areelu smiles at the familiar ambition on display, though the target is slightly new. 

"There aren't very many of those in the worldwound, but there's no shortage of demons looking for my favor, so if I put word out that I'd like them for my experiments that might turn some up. Come to think of it, I might still have one in my old lab as well."

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Luzai makes a face. She knows Mom did a lot of horrible things to save her, but...individual horrible things are still horrible. 

"I do have to worry that if you say you want celestial corpses then demons will be moved to create them." 

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"Probably. It's not like they need a lot of encouragement to try."

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"Tch. Point. Alright then." She shivers. "You know, I don't have any episodic memory of being an Abyssal larva, but I have some very strong negative affect around it."

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Oh no. Now she's crying, even as she refuses to let Luzai go.

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"I'm okay," she says fiercely, clinging back. "I'm here, I'm okay, everything's going to be alright." 

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"It'll never happen again. Never ever ever. I promise."

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"It won't. I know it won't. Everything I'm afraid of involves things happening to other people. And because I am scared of things happening to other people, I can still get stronger, even though I'm safe." 

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That's right, she's safe. And if anyone tries to stop her from being safe, Areelu will just have to destroy them.

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Well Luzai would really like for no more people to be destroyed on her behalf than already have been, but, you know, she hasn't been kicked out of the crusaders, so probably anyone who does try would be a demon, and Luzai doesn't like demons being destroyed (there but for my mother's love go I...), but under the circumstances she can hardly object. 

Cling. If Mom wants to just hug-cry until Luzai needs to head back, Luzai is okay with this. 

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If there is one thing that can get Areelu's attention over her daughter, it's keeping her daughter safe. About fifteen minutes before the appointed time, Areelu sets up a magic circle against good, alters herself into a more ordinary appearance, and sets about casting a planar binding.

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His will is not nearly strong enough to resist her call.

Ten minutes later, a small foxlike creature appears in the center of the summoning circle. Neither of the people he sees seem to be evil and his detection is coming up blank, but you never know for sure with planar bindings.

"You called me?"

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"Yes. Luzai is in danger - someone has been leaving severed heads in her belongings, and she's been staying in Kenabres, a city overrun by demons. I wanted someone subtle and trustworthy to keep an eye on her - someone who could keep her safe, without making her a target."

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"And you wanted a Vulpinal? We're not much good at fighting off demons, miss."

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"I don't need the demons to die, just for her to be safe. Between your illusions, enchantment, and blinding, you're well positioned to do just that."

After that, it's just a matter of negotiating the terms and arranging a token payment; convincing agathions to defend good people from demons, especially Vulpinals in a city overrun by Abrikandilu, is a fairly easy task for someone as splendid as she is. Once that finishes, all that's left is one last hug, and then transporting Luzai and her guardian back to her room. She'll keep a quiet eye on things though, just in case.

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"Hi," Luzai says. "Um, this is my room, where the severed heads were left. There's going to be an attack on this position, soon, and I'm going to fight in that, so I can't stay long." 

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"Right. I'll try not to get noticed following you, I'm pretty good at being sneaky."

At those words, the Vulpinal fades from visibility.

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Okay cool! 

She goes to find Anevia. 

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Anevia is up on the roof, keeping an eye on the southern approach to the tavern. She's not the only one on watch, but there's a certain grimness among everyone doing so.

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"Last-minute intel on how the cultists' forces are arrayed," Luzai says quietly. 

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Anevia blinks in surprise.

"You got a response?"

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"Yes. Probably going over more than just what's immediately tactically relevant should wait until later, though." 

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"Right, what have you got?"

She'll also have to keep an eye out for what the goal could be if there was a plot involved, even if she's not sure what kind of plot by the architect would have them worth fooling. That's how they get you.

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Luzai has: a lot of notes on what kinds of groups were where and heading in which directions. They aren't likely to all show up at once; these groups, composed of thus and such parts casters, archers, melee guys, etc., are likely to arrive in this order, although obviously things could change. 

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That's a surprising amount of verifiable detail, and it mostly makes sense as a plan by the cultists too. They'll want a stronger mobile reserve to counter it, even if it means giving more ground for free.

"Got it, I'll tell Beth. Do you think you can take up a position in sight of the north entrance, out of the way of the straight line to the tavern door? If your intelligence is correct, that's where we should be getting most of the heavily armored cultists coming in, so it's prime space for a grease or two."

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"Can do." 

Seelah is also there. Ah. Luzai can't help but flinch and look away guiltily for a moment when she sees her, but--she's a grown-ass woman. She is two grown-ass women. She can do her fucking job even if it means interacting with someone who used to be her friend and stopped. 

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Good, that pairs well with Seelah's strategy of going back to ignoring her personal issues until there aren't people in danger. She's not the only paladin at the front lines here, but they're counting a lot on normal militia and guardsmen to keep the numbers up.

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Makes sense. 

Luzai casts Grease when the first cultists show up. And she has a crossbow. Let's do this. 

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It's actually a little bit before that happens; there are some skirmishing forces out in the street ahead that fall back once overwhelmed, and then a few tense minutes of keeping their head down as the sunrise sword and cultist crossbowmen try to suppress each other with missile fire, but then the gate starts getting pummeled with alchemist fire. Camellia and a few junior clerics use create water to force them to waste extra ammunition, but eventually the structural integrity of the gate gives out.

The first wave of the assault is a number of cultists serving as the screening for a few Dretches, and Luzai tripping them up allows the archers to make them pay in exchange for the stinking clouds they detonate on the front lines. Even outside of the main splash zone the smell is incredibly nauseating, but her stomach is willing to cooperate with her at least enough not to hurl.

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Luzai feels really sorry for people who turn into Dretches, that seems like a really unpleasant way to be, but also, uuuuuugh. 

She has three more Grease, plus two Web, and one each of Sleep and Hideous Laughter. None of these will get rid of the smell. 

Whatever. She will crossbow a Dretch in the fucking face. 

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It's not a fan!

In addition to disabling about half the defenders in melee, the clouds of noxious gas also serve as decent cover for the demons following behind; immune as they are to poison, they're even less hampered by the odor than paladins are. A few more Dretch, to refresh the clouds and attempt to terrify anyone who isn't a paladin, but with them a number of Abrikandilu and a pair of Babau. The mortal cultists seem to be giving the main approach a fairly wide berth, but judging by the human screams of pain from the rooftops that's because they're putting the ladders they brought to use.

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That's catches a wide enough area to slow almost all of them, and even the ones strong or dextrous enough to keep moving still have to maneuvre around their immobilized fellows. The extra time also allows the paladins to finish off the vanguard unimpeded, but then a cultist manages to get close enough with more alchemist's fire to set the web alight before getting taken down by arrows. Neither the burning strands nor the grease fire it starts seriously impede the demons, and then the front lines clash as the paladins try to buy enough time for their vomiting fellows to rejoin the fight.

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Someday Luzai is going to invent a version of Web that isn't flammable. She puts it on her to-do list, after "close the Worldwound" but before "poke Geb with a stick."

She alternates between crossbowing at demons and splashing human cultists with acid until the fire has gone out, and more Grease or Web will fulfil its intended purpose as anything other than fuel for the fires. At one point she makes eye contact with an Abrikandilu and gives it a very cold smile. It has no way of knowing that if it puts so much as a scratch on her it had better hope she kills it before her mother finds out, but she does. 

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If it knew that it would be fleeing in terror, but unfortunately the demon in question remains blissfully unaware of its impending doom. It continues to make a beeline towards her until Seelah savages it in the flank with Radiance, at which point it decides that it has bigger problems.

While her willingness to get close is very helpful for directing acid at cultists, it also puts her in line of sight of some of the nearby rooftops, a fact which she is reminded of when she gets tagged by a crossbow bolt. It's not a telling blow, but given that her only protection is her gloves it still hurts a lot.

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Okay, she will. Be slightly less close. Back up a bit until she is less exposed. 

Have the fires died down enough that she can usefully cast her crowd control spells again, and, also, can she identify anyone carrying alchemist's fire to specifically target them with her own crossbow. 

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They have. The one blessing of how well web burns is that it burns out very quickly, and the grease is shallow enough to not last much longer once it catches.

Mostly the people with explosives have been staying out of sight until they're needed, but if she wants to lure them out with crowd control spells she can join the rooftop archers in taking shots until someone gets through.

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She will cast another Grease and then see if she can spot someone who looks like they're going to throw alchemist's fire before they can actually do it. And shoot them. Because fuck you. 

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Reaching the grease with fire is a much more difficult task, and once she joins in shooting down the first three they stop trying and let the demons slip. You can get across it without tripping by walking carefully anyway, and if that means more of the reinforcements get tagged by arrows by archers not wanting to try their luck shooting into melee combat then so be it.

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Someday Luzai will be able to just Fireball the fuckers but that day is not today. 

Luzai isn't going to venture out where the cultist crossbowers can get to her again but if anyone makes it far enough inside that she can acid splash them anyway, well, acid splash is still only a cantrip but it won't be fun for them. 

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The battle seems to go on for ages. Intellectually it's obvious that it could only be a matter of minutes, but none of Luzai's previous fights were even half this chaotic. Demonic strength and resilience tests itself against steel armor weapons, and while neither is enough to easily win the day that doesn't stop the results from being very bloody on both sides. The babau are a particularly insidious problem, since with their long spears they're able to fight without getting close enough for the paladins to kill and there aren't enough cold iron arrows to make up for the fact that nothing else is really hurting them.

Just when it looks like the offensive might finally grind to a standstill, there's an enormous crash from the opposite side of the courtyard as a Minotaur splits the gate in half. Its following attempt to ovverun the line of defenders is stymied by the celestial bear that meets its charge halfway there, but Faxon and his coterie continue past the melee undaunted.

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...She's going to try Hideous Laughter on the minotaur, because she suspects she couldn't land it on Faxon anyway. 

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The minotaur collapses of laughter, leaving the bear free to maul it. It only lasts a moment before shaking it off, but that's enough to swing the fight from its favor to the bear's.

Faxon makes a beeline straight for where Irabeth is coordinating efforts, and evidently enough of his arrogance is justified that this doesn't just result in him commiting suicide by Paladin, but he and his men don't exactly seem to be winning either. It seems like they were really counting on the minotaur to get this working.


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Okay, so Faxon's Will save is pretty good, right; how's his Fortitute? Inquiring Boneshakers want to know. 

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He's a pretty sturdy fellow! Unfortunately, Villibor's moral standing is such that protection from good does precisely nothing to impede him giving Faxon's bones a good shake, and even if it doesn't cause the same exhaustion as a full Boneshatter would it's enough that Faxon is not a happy camper.

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Hooray for having had to temporarily reanimate his mother to get her out of the country??? 

Villibor also prepared crowd control in most of his non-school slots but he, also also, has a crossbow. Probably even with the Protection from Good that Villibor is not specifically aware Faxon has the paladins are going to do most of the job but he will absolutely shoot Faxon in the wherever happens to be convenient. 

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The tiefling witch hasn't gotten any less resilient or capable in melee combat, but despite his gear he is still not quite a match for a paladin in close quarters. Several of the fighters at the command hub go down before he finally bites it, but once he does Irabeth is free to step in on the other fights herself. 

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Aravashnial can also spare a moment from his own work to drop a glitterdust now that they've been forced backwards into a tight enough circle that it'll get most of them. About half of them will make the save, but that's still half of them that can't see a thing.

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Luzai feels bad about every fighter who goes down. She should be better, she should be able to prevent that.

She isn’t going to drop a Grease or a Web if it could hit Irabeth or her people but she will if it won’t.

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There’s enough movement going on that is probably not practical, and doesn’t seem to be needed besides. 

One of the Babau senses weakness and goes for the kill on one of the stronger paladins before they get a chance to heal, dropping them like a stone. Unfortunately for them, while this does open up a hole in the lines it also results in them taking a few smite-backed hits from the other paladins and they go down in a follow up barrage of cold iron arrows. Everyone else has to choose between going after the demons that got through or stopping more of their fellows from joining them, but at least there isn’t a Babau free to murder them all with backstabs.

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Is the paladin actually dead or just dropped? Where's Daeran--

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Either dead or close to it, considering all the demons that just walked over their body. They aren't the first person to die by any means, but most of the others weren't single handedly plugging a gap in the lines.

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Daeran is well out of the way of fighting, thank you very much. Giving some channels to get people back on their feet is one thing, but he's never died for a cause before and doesn't have much interest in making this his first.

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Villibor is closer. Are they dead?

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Not quite, but it's a near thing.

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Villibor spent as much of the day preparing as Luzai did. Administering a potion of Cure Light Wounds isn't complicated. It isn't much, but it's something. 

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That's enough to stabilize them, even if they're not exactly up on their feet again, and fortunately for Villibor's ambitions of not dying the other defenders elected to plug the gap and he isn't immediately run down by more demons.

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With the gate guards focused on other demons and Irabeth otherwise occupied, they're free to pick their targets! From a strategic perspective they ought to be flanking Irabeth or going after the archers, but given that they're demons and there's a whole building full of defenseless civilians what comes next should be pretty obvious. One of them randomly collapses to the ground asleep, but most of the rest make for the tavern door.

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The tavern door that has a puddle of grease in front of it?

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The very same! That'll catch a few of them, but it's not exactly like they mind walking on the bodies of their fellow demons to get to where the real fun is happening.

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Hhhhh well the tavern door now also has a Web in front of it. Archers please start taking potshots at these assholes. 

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Then they're all trapped in close quarters when the lead one triggers a sonic blast from a glyph of warding, and they don't manage to escape before it's followed up with a holy smite.

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It was rather predictable that they'd try this at some point; demons are not well known for their impulse control.

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Nice. Okay, who's the current biggest threat still standing--

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Probably the Brimorak on the roof over there, who's been having Dretches throw stinking clouds at the defenders and then detonating them.

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Wow that's not great!!! Unfortunately a Brimorak is a terrible target for any of her flammable spells. Crossbow. 

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It's also a pretty terrible target for arrows and bolts, so the archers fighting it are not exactly having a good time.

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Resist Energy: Fire.

Sometimes it's a pain how much she has to do herself, but it's nice to be appreciated after.

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Luzai appreciates Camellia SO MUCH right now. 

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Oh good.

Ordinarily a Brimorak supported by Dretches is more than a combatant of her experience can handle, but she's immune to poison, all but immune to its fire, and her frost blade also goes straight through its damage resistance. It's no more dangerous than a moderately capable swordsman, and unfortunately for it she's better than that. The armor also helps, admittedly, both against the blows and because the Brimorak wastes a few tries trying to use heat metal on it and her rapier.

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While Camellia deals with the more demonic attempts to commit arson and murder their archers, some of the cultists seem to have decided that since the frontal attack isn't getting anywhere they should try burning down the tavern directly. It's a sturdy enough construction to make that a bit of a struggle, but it's still made of wood - if it goes up, the building will collapse and take a lot of people with it. Among the arriving pyromaniacs is Chaleb, though he doesn't seem to be in a commanding role.

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Luzai pulls the hood on her cloak down farther over her face. 

It's still possible he'll recognize someone else who was at the library and cause problems about it, but what if, instead, he gets crossbowed. 

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Wenduag will assist here. She's not quite good enough to reliably hit and burst the containers while they're holding them, but hopefully their payload sometimes exploding on them when they go to throw it will get them to think twice. She'd really like for them to not succeed, not least because she's standing on the building they're trying to light on fire.

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The building does eventually catch despite their efforts, but an Aqueous orb both douses it and scatters the arsonists before moving into the demonic forces in the main press of bodies. Enough cultist and demonic reserves show up to replace them for one last push, but leaderless as they are the timing is off by enough that they miss their moment due to the defender lines reforming with the last of their reserves, and the battle ends in an anticlimax as enough of their remaining forces elect to preserve their lives over maximizing casualties to force the rest of them to fall back as well. Both sides' archers continue to trade fire from their fortified positions, but the demonic breakthrough has decisively failed to materialize.

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As soon as Luzai's spells are no longer needed she is going to run around looking for people who are almost-but-not-quite dead and yelling for someone with healing left when she finds them. 

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They're pretty much entirely out of the stuff, even for people who don't run on negative energy, but you can't run down stabilize and there are a fair few people who know mundane first aid. She can slot right into the triage teams and get to work saving those who can still be saved.

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This is the first time ever that Luzai has resented being a wizard instead of a witch. Stabilize is so extremely good. 

(...She must've used to have a familiar. Witches don't have a bonded object option. She should ask Mom about that at some point.) 

Yeah she will absolutely do triage until there isn't any triage left to do, or someone comes up with something more useful for her specifically to help with.

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There's not much else they need a wizard that's out of spells for. Not everyone that they manage to get to alive stays that way, since demonic poisons and diseases can get really nasty if you don't have the magic, but some of them mysteriously get better right around when Luzai gets her hands on them and they've got a pretty good success rate at the rest. Not all the demons and cultists are dead either, but the people fixing that belong to another more heavily armed and armored team.

There's a lot of corpses around, but - less so by the standards of someone from Geb, and at least here most of them will probably be able to avoid getting grabbed by a necromancer.

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Luzai is capable of putting two and two together, the fourth time someone manages to fight off the poison right when she finds them. 

Tears prickle at her eyes, but they're good tears. 

Thanks, Mom. 

She's covered in blood and sweat and dirt, by the time everyone is either dead, stable, or stable-ish but still poisoned and/or sick, but it's nothing a few Prestidigitations won't be able to take care of. 

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(Presumably Villibor is not the only person going around tapping anyone who's poisoned and/or sick with Resistance, but he can do that.)

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(He's not, but getting on that means that one of the clerics who was doing it can switch over to guidance.)

Eventually, even the exchange of missiles peters out as the cultists who had been supplying them fade into the night. People don't stop being alert for danger, but the shattered gates have been blocked with temporary barricades and guard duty largely left to those not seriously injured as everyone else tries to get enough sleep to not be useless the next day. Without the tents in the yard the sleeping situation is even more dire than before, but tight quarters largely beats being dead.

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Luzai and Villibor no longer have a private room, but honestly, that's fine. 

If Anevia is busy Luzai will find some other way to make herself useful for a while. If Anevia is not busy Luzai would like to talk to her. 

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Anevia would definitely like to be asleep right now but there's no way Beth is stopping in the current situation so she's mostly just trying to hang in there. She can talk to Luzai, but if it's the kind of thing that needs Anevia's brainpower and isn't urgent it's probably better to wait.

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If Anevia doesn't have a lot of brain then Luzai will just say that she has more intel that she didn't waste time with earlier because it was less immediately, urgently relevant, and she can share it whenever Anevia does have brain and thinks it makes sense to deal with it. 

And then Luzai is going to go find Daeran and flop on him. 

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The housing situation here is simply abominable, he doesn't understand how she stands it. Fortunately, he hasn't stopped being rich in the past day and has another rope trick for her to flop on him in.

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"The housing situation isn't fun but, I'm going to be honest here, it is more fun than fleeing from Geb was. You learn to tolerate a lot, under the right circumstances. Please understand that I am not being sarcastic when I say I'm glad you haven't had to deal with the right circumstances yet." 

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"I can safely say I have no interest in that particular experience, so I'll take your word for the horror involved."

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"Good." There are a lot of bad experiences she would like him to miss out on, such as being an Abyssal larva, WAIT SHIT HE'S EVIL THAT ONE'S ACTUALLY DISTINCTLY ON THE MENU. Fuck. Not letting herself get so attached she'll start to imagine this is a real relationship is one thing; not getting so attached she doesn't firmly object to the idea of him going through that is, uh, so very lost a cause it's probably found its way into Rovagug's vault or something. 

Which means she either has to redeem him or interfere with his afterlife in some fashion. 

...She'll plan to interfere with his afterlife in some fashion. Not that it wouldn't be way more convenient to drag him out of Evil by the wrists, but one, she doesn't think trying to base a relationship on the assumption that a redemption arc is going to happen is remotely healthy or a good idea, and two, she doesn't think he's going to want to stick around long enough. 

Which is a pity. She does really like him. 


Which does NOT mean she's going to MOPE when he leaves, VILLIBOR, she's PREPARED this time. 

She doesn't let any of this show on her face; instead she draws her finger down one spot and kisses another and changes the subject back onto more interesting lines. 

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It's a bit of a strange coincidence, but he's really quite good at interesting! Or at least holding her attention, which if you ask his ego should count as the same thing.

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This is not a surprise but it is a very pleasant non-surprise. 


Luzai is very well-rested the next morning, but significantly less gleeful than the previous morning, between not having gained any new spell slots and having probably burned her bridges with Seelah. But she mostly doesn't think about the latter until actually exiting the rope trick, so Daeran shouldn't be too offended by her mood up until having to face reality, which could surely spoil anyone's. 

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There's a lot about the current situation that could spoil someone's mood, yes. With the arrival of dawn came new spells and channels, so there isn't anyone on the brink of death anymore, but that's still a lot of people that died yesterday and not everyone who survived it made it through the night alive. Between the deaths and everyone still going out on patrol, there are a lot fewer paladins visible in the common area today, and if the courtyard isn't covered in bodies anymore it's still blatantly obvious what took place there.

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Luzai doesn't actually know what she ought to do today, so she's going to hold off preparing spells for now, and instead focus on being a pair of hands wherever one of those would be useful until someone wants to talk to her. "Villibor demanding she have breakfast" will grab her if nobody else does first. 

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They don't desperately need more manual labor, but she's still a known wizard. If she's looking for something to do, she could try prestidigitating the courtyard? There's no way it'll get everything, but it might make things a little less ghastly.

Breakfast is also very much an open possibility.

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Okay, she will have breakfast, and then she will re-prepare her cantrips but not the rest of her spells, so that she has Prestidigitation, and then she will Prestidigitate the courtyard until she can't find another speck of blood, and if Anevia hasn't tried to talk to her by the time she's done with that then she'll seek her out to check in with her. 

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Anevia drops by while she's in the middle of her work, though that timeframe is made more generous by the fact that much of the mess seems determined to resist her spell.

"Hey. You said yesterday there was something else you wanted to talk about?"

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"Yeah. Uh," she looks around for anyone in earshot. "We should probably discuss it in private." 

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(There's nobody in easy earshot, but some people might be close enough to pick things up if they have good senses.)

"Right. Beth's still asleep, so we can borrow her office."

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Once they're in the office and the rags have been appropriately arrayed: 

"So she didn't actually know that much about cult activity off the top of her head, but she was fine letting me borrow this--" and she pulls the crystal ball out of her bag. "I don't think I used it as efficiently as I could've, I don't actually know that much about espionage. Besides the obvious. Aaaaaalso, um," she relates the story of chasing around the ex-surrenderee Hand of Hosilla until Minagho called him an idiot and cut the scry, "which probably wasn't a great idea, in retrospect." 

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"Well, if you're going to go around using one of those you're going to have to learn fast. Starting with not scrying enemies outside your weight class, yes, because if they'd had detect scrying up doing that kind of thing to a Lilitu is the kind of stunt that sometimes gets a Demand sent your way. Still, the other scrying targets were a lot better picked, and the information you got from it might have saved a dozen lives yesterday."

She'll just ignore the bit where a second circle wizard has a crystal ball now, it's not like they're worth enough to outfit an entire company or anything. Instead she can do a little imprompto lesson on picking out people with low willpower from appearance, even if it's hardly a reliable science, and a few tips for practicing her ability to memorize faces.

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Luzai listens and takes notes. 

"Okay, not crystal ball related but I think really important--Nocticula's involved with the Worldwound. Mom says she'd actually rather not be, but a bunch of rifts open into the Midnight Isles, so she is anyway."' 

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There's a third demon lord in the worldwound now. That's just amazing, it's not like the addition of Baphomet to the mix wasn't also an incredible disaster. It's not that Anevia would rather not know these things if they're true, it's just she wishes it was the kind of thing she could do literally anything about.

"That probably means we can expect to be facing more succubi going forward, and they're one of the most dangerous kinds of demons around. Hopefully someone can come up with a solution that's cheaper than buying more hallows to solve it."

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"Have there not been succubi already? I didn't necessarily get the impression that Nocticula's involvement was new." 

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"Some, yes, but once Baphomet openly joined Deskari's side in the war we started getting a lot more minotaurs then we had been seeing when he was trying to build cults unnoticed. It was better than not knowing, but it didn't change the fact that things on the front got more dangerous. Maybe Nocticula won't follow the same pattern whenever she catches on, but I don't exactly want to count on that instead of seeing if there are any preparations we can make."

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"That makes sense. Oh, uh, in regards to the severed heads thing, Mom didn't have any immediate brilliant ideas for finding out who had done it, but she did summon a vulpinal to follow me around invisibly in case it happens again. And I think they also saved some lives last night."

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Anevia nods calmly and scans the room. Even once notified, however, she can't tell where the creature in question might be hiding.

"Right. For future reference I'd rather know if someone is listening in on private conversations, but I haven't said anything I have a problem with an Agathion hearing. It's good that it helped out with the injured, though."

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"Yeah, sorry, I should have mentioned it sooner, but, um," she ducks her head, embarrassed, "I sort of forgot it was around, on account of the invisibility and not being used to it yet."

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"Right. Well, for what it's worth... even with the deception, if I had to get stuck in that hole I'm still glad you were one of the people I was stuck with."

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"Thank you. That means a lot." 

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She shrugs, looking slightly embarrassed at the strength of Luzai's emotion.

"I know plenty of people with fucked up pasts. Yours makes me a lot more nervous than most, but even if I'm taking precautions like it's the worst case scenario doesn't mean I have to assume it's true."

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"That's true." Luzai...is not actually confident that it's a good idea to bring up Nidal, at all. But. Anevia did grow up in Nidal. She has to know that Evil people are still people. Some of them, anyway, she's heard some pretty impressively fucked-up rumors about Nidal, and that's her saying that. 

What else should she say. Is it tactically relevant that she has a Clone, or just weird flexing? Probably just weird flexing. 

She also can't think of a way to say, "Mom would rather do favors for me than do favors for paladins, communicated through me, so you should just tell me what problems there are, and I'll figure out what to ask her for in order to solve it" that doesn't just sound like she's trying to leverage her unique position for greater information and power. 

"I--am worried that Irabeth won't feel comfortable assigning me tasks, now," she says instead. "I haven't prepared most of my spells for the day because I don't know what I ought to be doing." 

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'She's not going to stop asking you to do things, since you've got more than half our wizards working with you and we didn't have very many to start. But if you mean the same sort of trust? No, probably not. With what's at stake she doesn't think she has the room for it."

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Ow. "No, I just meant the first thing. Because," shrug, "it hasn't happened yet, and I'm--a little on edge, I guess." 

Someday maybe if she's good enough Irabeth and Seelah will like and trust her again. 

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That gets a grin out of Anevia, if a somewhat wry one.

"That's not it, or at least, not most of it. The reason she hasn't had anything to say is that she was up for almost two days straight and I made her finally take a break, at which point she went out like a light. It's not that you specifically are out of the loop on her orders, we've been organizing things as best we can until she wakes back up."

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"...Oh. That makes sense. Well, congratulations on making her take care of herself. Villibor likes to complain about how hard it can be to make me do it, and I can't imagine the paladin thing makes that easier." 

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"It doesn't. I love her dearly, but the fact that her lay on hands can cure physical fatigue makes things a lot harder."

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"Oh no, that's--I'm sure that's very useful, but like, also, oh no."

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"Yeah. Anyway, if you want to keep busy there are still more than enough cultists and demons running around the city to be worth clearing out and protect people from, but ones not focused on fighting are a bit thinner on the ground now that we don't have any room for more refugees. I can see what i can come up with though if you don't want to wait around a few more hours for her to wake up."

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"I'm sure I can find something useful to do around here for a few hours. For one thing, I should prepare the rest of my spells." Sigh. "And talk to Lann and/or Wenduag. That situation isn't going to keep forever." 

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"Good luck. If you really need to get some more space between them in a hurry, though, I'll back you up if you say that an urgent mission came up."

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"Thank you, I appreciate it." 

She's going to prepare her spells first. Better have them if "an urgent mission comes up," or an urgent mission actually comes up. 

Then she goes looking for Lann. 

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Lann is outside in the courtyard working on fletching some arrows. 

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Luzai is briefly tempted to attempt to multitask having this conversation and doing some more Prestidigitating blood away, but that's a bad idea actually she should use all her attention on talking. 


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"Hey. What's up?" 

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"...The situation with you and Wenduag isn't stable and can't go on like this indefinitely." 

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Scowl. "What do you expect me to do about it?" 

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"I'm not necessarily expecting you to do anything in particular, I just--I figured I should talk to both of you, separately, so that if there was something that could get worked out then it could maybe happen, but I wouldn't be maybe causing an explosion by forcing you to have a high-stakes conversation with her directly." 

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Wryly: "Thanks, I guess." 

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Luzai sits down near him, her eyes tracking his hands as they shape the arrows. It is absolutely her intention to pay full attention to this conversation, but also, what is she gonna do, not watch someone performing skilled craftsmanship while it's happening and the person doing it is even the person she's talking to?

"Can you tell me more about--why you're still so uncomfortable with her? Like, I--it's not that I don't understand how the revelations in question would be upsetting, it's just," she pauses to mull over phrasing, "it's, it's not really a way I would be, so I don't...really understand all the moving pieces yet." 

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He does stop working on the arrows, at that. "You wouldn't be upset if you found out that your--that someone you were close to had been working for a cultist like Hosilla?" he asked incredulously. 

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"It's not that I wouldn't be upset," she says carefully, "it's that...the way that I would be upset, would cash out differently in practice from being awkward around them and not talking to them. ...I guess I'm sort of being like that with Seelah, right now, but that's different. I'm the one who did something wrong, there; I feel like I...don't have a right to talk to her." 

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Okay that's pretty alarming actually. 

"What did you do?"

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Wince. "Well, it's less something I did, exactly, and more...you remember what I said about having a complicated situation with a contact on the demons' side. Well, I told Seelah, and Irabeth, and Anevia, more about that situation, and now..." unhappy shrug. 

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"...Well, I mean, that still sounds pretty different. You did warn the Eagle Watch about the demon attack, and you didn't do any evil cultist things with them. Right?" 

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"Right. But, also, my contact is considerably worse than Hosilla." 

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"Yeah. They...have good qualities as well as bad qualities...but the bad qualities that they have are really, really bad. Plus, like, we did beat up Hosilla. We couldn't've beat up my contact." 

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Well, that's weird and concerning. But: "You said Irabeth knows about this?"

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If Irabeth knows about this and hasn't said anything, then...probably it's okay? She's a paladin; paladins have to be Lawful Good. 

Plus, Luzai was the only one who could draw the angel sword. 

"It's still different. You didn't do anything to help them. And you told Irabeth. Wenduag was luring people into the Shield Maze and lying about it for years." 

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"--Wait, luring people in? I thought she was warning everyone to keep out!" 

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"She warned the kids, the elders, anyone who wasn't a skilled hunter to keep out. She would go in with parties of other skilled hunters, and she would be the only one who came back out." 

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That does rather put things in a different light. 

It's not as though "only skilled fighters and not children and old people" is a selection that Hosilla wouldn't have her own reasons for preferring. 

"I--I didn't realize that. I'm sorry. ...And nobody smelled--" not "a rat," rats are probably a good meal under the city where pickings are scarce. "Something fishy" is out likewise. "--anything off about that before we came along?" 

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"The Shield Maze was dangerous. Wenduag never promised anyone who went in with her that they'd make it out alive." Scowl. "And she was part of the tribe. We trusted her." 

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If one of her siblings had gotten even one other killed, or abducted, or--

"Lann, I am so sorry I badgered you into standing down, back then." 

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He shrugs, but a small amount of tension eases out of his shoulders. 

"What are you going to do now?" 

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"Gooooood question. It has been brought to my attention, by Seelah, that I need to...stop unilaterally making decisions for the group..." 

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Snort. "Can't argue with that." 

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"Yeah. So--I dunno. But if--if you want to do something, I'll back you up, and if I think of something, I'll talk with you first." 

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That actually gets a small smile out of him. "Thanks. I appreciate it." 

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Okay Luzai is...not going to go talk to Wenduag, she doesn't trust herself not to say anything stupid or that counts as taking unilateral action, at this point. She isn't going to go tell Anevia that Wenduag is worse than previously established, because she, like, just talked to Anevia and doesn't want to bother her too often, although she does make a note to bring it up the next time she talks to Anevia. 

She is going to get Villibor to stand watch, and find a corner she won't be observed in without someone coming close enough that Villibor will be able to warn her about it. 

"Vulpinal?" she calls softly. 

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He doesn't stop being invisible, but even his soft voice is enough to make pinpointing him pretty easy.

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"So, first of all, do you have a name? Not knowing your name is starting to feel rude." 

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"I go by 'Sings of stories in caverns lit by a glimmer of moonlight-' oh wow, that's a mouthful in this language. You can call me Moonlight Glimmer, I guess?"

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Giggle. "Moonlight Glimmer, okay. I can't imagine it would be any shorter in any of the other languages I speak. All mortal, sadly. --Uh, the other thing I thought I should probably say--I don't know if you could tell this when she called you, but, uh, my Mom is Evil. You should probably know." 

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"Oh dear, I tried to check for that but I didn't sense anything. You're still not evil though, right? If you are you should stop, being evil is really bad for you."

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"I know! I'm not. I'm trying to get her to do more Good and fewer Evil things, but, uh," wince, "she's...she was put in a position where she had a choice between doing something really, really bad, or letting something bad happen to me. And...I'm not trying to justify it, or anything, I don't, actually, think it was worth it, but--that's the kind of Evil she is, not the kind that demons and Asmodeans are where they think caring about people is dumb." 

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"If that's true, it would be really bad if I don't keep you safe enough. It's good to help people, but if you dying would get a lot of people hurt maybe we should find somewhere less dangerous for you to do it?"

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"That is a really good thought but, like--" sigh "--I actually have no idea how much context I should give you, I told some paladins the whole thing and they got really upset with me." 

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"Was it because it was something they needed to know but knowing it hurt, or because you were trying to hurt them and telling them was a way to do that?"

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"The first one! Obviously! ...I guess maybe not obviously. But--one of them was one of my closest friends, and now I think she isn't my friend at all--" oh no her voice is cracking and her eyes are welling she was NOT trying to emotionally manipulate Moonlight Glimmer about this.

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You don't have to emotionally manipulate Agathions into wanting to help people, silly. It's kind of awkward to hug people when you're much smaller than them and also invisible but he can rub against her leg comfortingly.

"I'm so sorry."

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Helping people isn't the thing she was worried about manipulating them into! 

"It's--" it's not okay, really, and she shouldn't say so "--better than keeping being friends with someone who wouldn't want to be friends with you if they knew the truth. It's just hard when doing the right thing hurts." 

She pets Moonlight Glimmer. 

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Moonlight Glimmer nods sympathetically, even though she can't see it, and leans into her hand. He's not one of the Agathion that make it their life mission to help people who come to them injured by their mortal lives, nor one of the lawyers who are confronted every day with the multitude of failings and trauma of each possibly-damned soul, but that doesn't mean he is entirely unknowing of such matters.

"There's nothing wrong with being hurt, but you'll make new friends, and it'll be better to know that they like you even when they know the truth."

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"I mean...I can't tell the truth to every new friend I make. It'd be really, really bad if it got out."

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Oh dear.

"Are there any groups of people it would be safe to tell?"

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"Basically the problem is that my Mom is currently supposedly working for the demons and if Deskari found out she was screwing him over, or that I existed, that would be bad. So, like. Anyone who definitely, absolutely, won't let it get back to them." Pet pet. "I should tell you. But it's scary, and--when I told the paladins, they could do the paladin thing where it's easier not to be scared." 

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"I can do some paladin things, like the lay on hands, but not that one. Hmm. If the problem is the specific secret, could you come up with something about as bad that isn't dangerous to talk about, so they could decide if it was too much for them or not?"

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"Uhhhhhh, something about as bad...ifffff my mom was...Queen Abrogail of Cheliax. Not the current one, the one who originally made the deal with Hell in the first place." 

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"Is it a similar amount of bad deeds, or a similar amount of bad goals? Because I don't think her being your mom would mean you have to be a bad person, but I would be nervous about why she summoned me and what she expected that to do."

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"Similar amount of bad deeds. I don't think she has anything bad specifically planned going forward. I plan to close the Worldwound and she's, like, 'I support you being ambitious because that's who you are as a person, and I love you, and I don't have any objections to that ambition specifically.' But, like, people who aren't me aren't necessarily going to trust that, you know?"

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"I think it makes sense for me to be careful around your mother, then, but I don't have a problem with you."

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"She's Areelu Vorlesh." 

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"So she opened the worldwound to stop something bad from happening to you? I think I really need to keep you safe, then."

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"So what happened was, I--oh boy I still haven't figured out a way to make using the first person about my situation non-confusing. But what happened was, the Sarkorian witchhunters came after us, and they killed me, and one of them used Hasten Judgment, and by the time Mom could try to resurrect me, um. I don't, actually, remember why I went to the Abyss. But the horrible demon larva I had been turned into was dead. Opening the Worldwound was...involved in her research for fixing this, somehow, I really need to actually ask her how that actually helped at some point. But the end result was--Mom grafting the soul-pieces she was able to salvage onto a living host. The 'I' that exists right now is both the person who lived in Sarkoris a hundred years ago, and the person who grew up in Geb over the past couple of decades. But, like, missing a lot of memories from the former experiential thread." 

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"So maybe if something happens it doesn't need to be another worldwound? I hope so, it's really bad."

He doesn't know how to go about helping someone who went to the abyss and got eaten but at least his fur is very soft.

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"Right. I'm not worried about random demons I might end up fighting; the thing that's spooky about the severed heads is not knowing who, why, or how." 

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"I'm very good at hiding, so if they try to do that again I'll try to catch them."

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"Thanks. ...And thanks for not freaking out about my mom situation." 

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"Thank you for telling me. I would have kept you safe anyway, obviously, but it's better to know what the stakes are."

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"Yes. ...You're very soft." 

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"I am," Moonlight Glimmer agrees proudly.

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"Would you like to meet my brother?" 

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"Each person who knows I'm here makes it a bit harder to sneak around, but if you think he won't talk about it that sounds fine."

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"Heeee already knows you exist," she clarifies, "I more or less don't have secrets from him." 

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Oh good, at least she still has one friend she's honest with.

"Then there's no problem with saying hello."

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"Villibor," she calls softly. 

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Villibor double-checks that there's no one immediately heading their way, then steps around the corner. "Hello." 

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"Villibor, this is Moonlight Glimmer, the vulpinal that Bonus Mom sent me off with. Moonlight Glimmer, this is my twin brother, Villibor." 

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"We actually have a number of half-siblings, as well, but they...haven't escaped from Geb yet."

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Moonlight Glimmer steps in between them, to minimize the number of places where people could see him from, and fades into visibility. He hasn't gotten any taller since the last time she saw him, so on all fours he doesn't even crack two feet, but with the clothes he's wearing it would be difficult to mistake him for a normal fox. He nods a greeting to VIllibor.

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"Oh no, that's adorable." 

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He is! And very soft too, can you feel his fur as he brushes your leg?

"I'm here to keep your sister safe, so please don't break my cover, but it's still safer not to assume someone invisible you notice is definitely me."


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Sooooooo soft. 

"May I pet you?" 

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"You may."

It really is a shame how most mortals don't have soft fur of their own.

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Villibor wouldn't argue with that, if it were spoken aloud. 

"Thank you for helping keep my sister safe. I have to warn you, she tries, but she can let her need to protect other people get ahead of her self-preservation at times." 

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"There are a lot of good things that are difficult to do," he agrees.

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"Yes, that's true." He would really rather Luzai have warned him before going and spilling the beans to the paladins, but he can't, really, argue that it wasn't "the right thing to do," and it's very clearly been hard on her. 

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"That was everything I specifically needed to talk about. Thanks," Luzai tells Moonlight Glimmer. 

And then, when Villibor has gone back to standing watch, she pulls out the crystal ball and begins attempting to apply her espionage lessons. 

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Where would she like to start?

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She is going to start with some low-powered-looking grunts who fled at the end of the siege last night. 

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The first one appears to be lying low in a basement somewhere, tending to their injuries; there aren’t any features recognizable enough to narrow down where. The second one seems to have made for the grey garrison and taken up a position on the first floor, while the third is with a group of cultists elsewhere in the city; if she sticks around long enough, her target eventually wanders near enough to the door that she can make out a sign reading ‘Silken Thread Atelier’ by the entrance. The fourth person she tries manages to shrug off her scry, though.

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She will put away the crystal ball and ask...Woljif, about Silken Thread Atelier. 

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“It’s a shop in the southeast of the city that did tailoring; not a lot of volume, so we figured it had to make it up on the profit margin. Had some pretty serious security too, at least for keeping out any prying eyes.”

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"Well, I don't know if that was because it was already a cultist den, or if all the security got got by the demons, but there are cultists there now." 

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Attacking cultists in general hasn't started sounding any more like an amazing life decision in the last day, but if there’s money to be had in it that’s a different story.

”So what’s the plan, chief? Are we slipping in to take them by surprise, or bringing down overwhelming force, or what?”

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"That is a good question. Seelah pointed out to me yesterday that I need to not just unilaterally make decisions, and also, the actual deal I made with you only covered last night, you aren't obligated to get involved."

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Huh, he was pretty sure that was one of those 'work with me until I say you're done to get out of jail' deals, but he's not going to make things harder on himself.

"Well, if you do want my help with it I can think of something I'd want in exchange."

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"Cool, got it." 

She...is not going to run down the rest of the charges on the crystal ball right now, they might be useful for something more specific later, and if there are any left at the end of the day then Villibor can use it to talk to Mama. 

If Anevia is between things right now then Luzai will deliver the intel she's collected; if not, she'll...find someone else in "her" group to discuss things with. Maybe Nenio. Nenio would want to talk about just science, and also definitely wouldn't hate Luzai for having Areelu Vorlesh for a mother, and those both sound really relaxing right now. 

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Anevia is doing something but can probably get to Luzai in a few minutes? She's available faster for emergencies, obviously.

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Nope, not an emergency, not especially urgent at all. Okay, she is going to talk to...whichever of Nenio, Ember, and...Camellia, she sees next. 

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She can spot Nenio and Ember at almost exactly the same time, considering they're talking to each other!

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Ooh, neat, what're they talking about?

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Nenio appears to have an eclectic array of various dishes laid out on a table, each of which is filled with brightly colored liquids. Hanging out of each container is a strip of paper, most of which have turned varying shades of red and orange.

"I don't get it. Why does the green one make the paper turn more red than the red one?"

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"What's going on?"

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"I'm doing an experiment on measuring the acidity of demon blood! I'm trying to figure out what the variation is within each species, and how different species compare to each other."

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"Oh, cool! How's that going? Which one is which?" She peers at the containers. 

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"The green ones are Babau blood, and as expected they're the most acidic of the lot. It's hard to do variation testing on them or the Brimorak since I only have three samples between them, though. The deep purple ones are from Dretches, and the yellowish set Abrikandilu. At first it looked like the samples would correlate aciditity with how powerful the demons are, but dretches appear to be more acidic than abrikandilus."

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"Hmmm. Well, my first hypothesis would be that the increased acidity relates to their Stinking Clouds somehow, but without an idea how I'm not sure how useful an area of inquiry that is..."

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"If that were true, it would also suggest that Omoxes also have unusually acidic blood. If you see one you should let me know so I can get a sample."

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"Sure. Although, man, getting a sample out of an Omox without it getting contaminated by their exterior slime sounds really hard."

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"That's true. Maybe I need to find out how to make a good aligned syringe first."

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"Would that be harder than making a good aligned anything else?"

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"I'm not sure, I've never done either."

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"I've never actually made a magic item but I've read about it. Of course, the books in my father's library didn't say much about aligning things to Good, but," shrug. 

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“Well, if you figure out how to do it you should tell me so we can go find an Omox to test it on.”

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"Probably I will find better books and that will be more efficient than figuring out myself, but yeah, will do." 

...Luzai isn't going to drink the demon blood, that would be a bad idea, but she leans in and inhales, curious if any of it smells good. 

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They don't smell like food in the same way that blood normally does, but more in the sense of being weird than inedible. The Brimorak blood has a smoky scent to it, for instance, and even long removed from the body still seems to be enticingly warm, while the Babau blood is probably best avoided as long as she dislikes acid burns in her esophagus.

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"Huh. --These smell weird. I have no idea what blood smells like to normal people, but these smell like--like the weird culinary experiments my sister Zinu would get up to when we were kids." 

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"I've never smelled your sister's culinary experiments, so I couldn't say if they smell similar to that or not."

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"They do smell different, but I don't know if I could tell them apart just by scent."

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"They don't actually smell like specific things I've smelled before," she clarifies, "it's just that...normally, blood smells like food to me; these smell like not food in the same way that mixing the wrong spices together doesn't smell like food, not the way that...paper, for example, doesn't smell like food." 

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"Many kinds of paper are edible! Most species, like humans, lack the right kind of digestive system to get much out of them, but there are exceptions."

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"--Really? I'd never heard of edible paper. I wonder why that would be a thing." 

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"Some of the ones that are made of cloth aren't at all, but it turns out that the same stuff that's used to make wood paper is in a lot of other plants that people eat. Human stomachs barely get anything out of it, but that's also true of grass and some animals eat that."

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"Well, that's true, but I don't think anybody knows what grass and paper smell like to goats." 

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"Couldn't you just ask them?"

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"--Well, I, personally, can't talk to animals, but you're right, some people can. I, personally, do not know what grass and paper smell like to goats. Can you just talk to all animals? That's really cool." 

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"Most animals. I know I can't talk to bugs, so maybe there are other kinds I can't talk to either."

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"I wonder if that's because bugs are really small, and you'd be able to talk to a really big bug, or if it's for some other reason. Either way, it's really cool." 

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"Thanks. I think you're really cool too."

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"I'm glad." 

Ember might change her mind about that, if she learned about Areelu Vorlesh...but then again, she might not. Ember gets it about demons--about it being sad when they suffer and die, too, even though they're hurting so many people. 

Maybe Ember would be okay about Mom. 

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Nenio will set about recording her experimental results, and then start cleaning up her dishes of acidic blood. It transpires that she just asked for them without explaining what she was going to use them for, which has Gemyl Hawkes moderately annoyed when he finds out, but fortunately none of them were actually corroded by the blood they were holding so it's a lot less bad than it could be.

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Yeah, that'd be pretty annoying, and in retrospect Luzai probably should have questioned where the dishes came from. 

"Do you know how to blow glass?" Luzai wonders. "Glass is better for most experimental purposes than earthenware, since clay can have contaminants in it, and you wanted to maybe make a syringe..."

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"I do not! You're right about glass usually being better, but I didn't have enough glass containers so I just prestidigitated these clean before using them."

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"Oh, I meant from the clay itself. It's less of a risk with glazed dishes, but still not none."

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"Oh, like if the clay reacted to the blood? I wouldn't expect that to reduce or increase the acidity I could measure, but it's better not to assume. I'll make a note to do some repeat testing whenever I get around to doing kinds of demon blood I didn't have on hand today."

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"I don't know for sure, but Father always made sure to use glass when he was doing any kind of experiments with blood." 

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"Do all blood lords do a lot of experiments with blood, or does the title only fit some of them? It seems like it would be limiting to all only focus on that."

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"Oh, no, I don't know where the title comes from exactly, but Father does more experiments than most of them in general, let alone involving blood, and I'm pretty sure that Blood Lords who are vampires care more about blood than Blood Lords who are, like, liches, or mummies, or still alive actually there are a few of those." 

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"Oh. Well, it's a good thing you learned from the best one then."

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"There are many things I dislike about Father but I had a largely adequate education, yes." 

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It takes a few more hours, but by lunchtime Irabeth has had time to get up, pray, and finish the most essential tasks that piled up while she was sleeping. She takes lunch in her office and opens things up for less urgent reports and requests.

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Low-priority report but Silken Thread Atelier is currently a cultist den. 

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"Do you think you can handle it, or should I plan to send a squadron when I have some people free? We've got fewer people available to patrol than I'd like, but that's all the more reason not to risk people on it and you're the only one who's seen the place."

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"...I think we can handle it." If Seelah doesn't feel comfortable coming with they can proooobably patch that gap with Ulbrig. 

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"Inheritor willing."

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Okay. Okay, Luzai, you are a BIG girl, who can do scary things EVEN WHEN THERE ISN'T A PALADIN MAKING THE SCARY GO AWAY. 

Luzai is going to TALK TO SEELAH. 

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Seelah is out on the street nearby, though still inside their newly expanded perimeter. She’s currently doing sword drills, though thankfully for the cloth wrapped wooden post bearing the brunt of her punishment she’s using a practice sword.

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Luzai is going to...loiter awkwardly nearby until Seelah looks interruptable.

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Seelah is deep enough in the zone that it takes several minutes, but eventually she turns around to take a swig of water and wipe the sweat from her brow. She starts at the sight of Luzai.

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"Hi. Sorry to intrude. Um--the Silken Thread Atelier is a cultist den, we're going there, if you don't--feel comfortable working with me, we can probably get by with Ulbrig, I'm sure there are other important things you could do--but I thought I should. Let you know." 

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Seelah cuts herself off. There’s nothing of course about it, not anymore. There are a lot of things she wants to say or do, now that she’s back face to face with Luzai, but it’s all a jumbled up mess and nothing comes out. Instead, she decides to keep the conversation centered on duty, since that’s a far safer thing to talk about.

 “I have a lot of complicated feelings about you right now, but you’re not the only one in the party that I agreed to help keep safe. I’m not going to abandon them just because I had a fight with you.”

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Nod. "I didn't want to make any assumptions. I--don't know if 'thank you' would sound patronizing or--something, but, if not, thank you." 

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"Who else is coming?"

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"Lann and Villibor and Ulbrig and Daeran and Ember." 

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And if she wasn't going and Ulbrig wasn't as reliable as hoped, that would make it all up to Camellia. Well, fortunately that's no longer a concern since after this they'll know one way or another.

"Alright. I need a few minutes to get cleaned up, but then I can go whenever."

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"Sure, okay." 

Everyone is ready to go shortly. 

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And they can set off! By now, the set of streets heading south from the Defender's heart is a familiar route, and while some of the immediate environs are unrecognizable after the recent battle the same doesn't go for the rest of their group. There's a somewhat awkward moment near the end of the navigation where they realize none of the people in their party who had actually lived in Kenabres before had been to the building before, but it only took a bit more searching to stumble upon a sign to it hopefully unobserved.

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Luzai checks if the door is locked and also if she can hear anything from inside if she presses an ear to it.

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The door is locked! She can't hear anything from within; the building seems designed to keep sound from leaking.

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Points for the “already a cultist den” hypothesis, maybe, but not very many.

...Theeeey don't currently have Camellia with them to pick locks. Hm. That may have been a mistake. 

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Nor does she have Woljif or Anevia with her. She could try breaking down the door?

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"...I don't suppose anyone happens to know how to get a door off its hinges without damaging it. Or like. Alerting the people inside." 

Nobody has any brilliant ideas. 

Sigh. "Okay, breaking the door down it is." 

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The door is too sturdy for her to break down in one go, at least without trying for a while, so she sets down her shield and goes at the door with Radiance. It takes the first two blows well enough, but at the third it starts to splinter and on the fourth in breaks entirely. The half of the door by the bolt hands up for a moment longer, but when the section still connected to the hinges swings open it slides out and then falls.

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Inside the door are a number of cultists! A doorway is not really the best place to use polearms that rely on a long swing for their full power, and some of them pretty clearly got ready in a hurry, but there's still enough people trying to makes holes in her with pointy objects that Seelah has to take a step back from the now-shattered door remnants.

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How do these packed-in cultists feel about Grease. 

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Not great!

Much more of a fan of this result is the man standing behind them, who uses his now clear lane of fire to blast Luzai with a beam of elemental ice.

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Well, he's not the only one whose line of sight is now unimpeded. 

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Yeah, that bit's less great. He doesn't go down from it but the arrow impacts are really harshing his vibe here, so he steps back out of the line of fire to gather more power.

The cultists who didn't slip on grease press their attack, hoping to kill the paladin before she can pick her her shield again.


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Yeah, no thanks. She'll just eat a few hits to grab it anyway; it's nothing she can't fix with a few lays on hands and in the worst case Daeran is there too. She snatches the shield off the ground, uses it to turn aside the next attack, and then steps forward into their faces rather than continue to back away, radiance glowing like a flare.

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She's putting them to sleep but they keep getting hit and waking back up and then she can't catch them with it again and they don't stop coming; fire sprouts from her fingers, and that at least gives them second thoughts.

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Is it possible to find an angle to hit that one guy again, or does he have to focus on the cultists who are trying to wail on Seelah. 

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He's got an angle on that guy right now! Mostly because this time it's Lann being blasted with a beam of cold.

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Well, Lann doesn't like that, but it's not going to make him miss his shots. 

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That's very annoying. Usually when he blasts archers and magic users like this they just die, but now he's been blowing through burn and all he has to show for it is arrows in his chest. He ducks back out of sight to gather more power, he's going to have to make every shot count if he's going to be hit with arrows every time he makes one.

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Taking cover from arrows is the kind of strategy Daeran likes himself, but that doesn't mean he's going to let it work. He pauses for a moment in his work of inflicting Luzai with light wounds to channel energy, and unlike most people he knows how not get the cultists with the healing too.

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She gives him a brief grin in between acidifying cultists. 

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When his third blast of ice still fails to drop the annoying archer, he decides he's had enough. He switches his focus from ice to water, armors himself in flowing liquid, and then stops hanging behind cover. The bludgeoning force of the blasts is noticeably more powerful, and it doesn't look like the archer is wearing armor anyway for the elemental advantage to matter. He'll just count on winning the artillery fight in a straight duel.

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So, hey, how does he feel about Hideous Laughter?

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It's a real rib tickler!

One of the problems about not being a real sorcerer is that his willpower is not exactly anything to write home about, and unlike their progenitors dhampir humor is pretty similar to that of other mortals. He falls to the floor in a paroxysm of laughter, and if his prone and shielded form is difficult to plug away it with arrows he's not in any condition to continue his attacks.

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If the other cultists are giving Seelah or Ulbrig any real trouble he'll switch to those while this guy isn't actively causing problems, but otherwise he'll attempt to forestall problems recurring. 

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The main thing Seelah needs help with is keeping as many of them focusing on her as she can, which him shooting them wouldn't help that much with anyway. If he has time between his shots to go after anyone heading towards the casters though that would make things safer.

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Oh, for sure. There aren't that many of those, though, between the two melee fighters holding the natural chokepoint of the door, and the grease on the other side, so mostly he's picking at the guy with the weird powers. 

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Despite - or perhaps because of - being on the ground, the water shield is enough to turn aside most of the arrows, but by the time he shakes off the laughter and is back on his feet it's almost too late to matter; with Daeran's healing, their party is still pretty much in peak condition, while the cultist numbers have been steadily dropping. In desperation, he starts channeling more power; water starts weeping from his pores in visible droplets, the rivulets running down his skin to pool at his feet, and his blasts turn from a firehose to a geyser. The first attempt takes Daeran off his feet, blasting him back ten feet and knocking him prone to the ground, but the added power is clearly not without its consequences; the cultist's face is overtaken in permanent grimace of pain, and while the jets don't have any problems hitting their targets the flow of water is clearly less efficient and contained than before.

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Luzai flings another splash of acid at him and then darts to Daeran's side with a healing potion. 

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You know what's neat, is that water emphatically does not reduce electricity resistance. Jolt still isn't very powerful, but, you know. 

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Great, with two of them out of the fight for now, he can drop the archer-

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Not drop the archer, actually, she catches the blast on her shield and deflects enough of the energy to the side that she manages to stand her ground against the water pressure.

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And then he collapses to the ground, fast asleep, and this time there's nobody close enough nearby to wake him up.

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Even if they can't really arrest him without executing him, if they can get some information out of him before he dies, that's valuable; so Luzai doesn't hesitate too much to begin binding him instead of slitting his throat. 

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The sleep only lasts so long, which means that when he wakes up it's to a girl kneeling on his back tying his hands together. He struggles to break loose, but given their respective positions he doesn't have much leverage. He also doesn't have enough degrees of freedom on his arms to aim a blast at her or the ropes, but that doesn't stop him from trying and doing a number on one of the nearby walls.

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Daeran's back on his feet and assisting, but considering his own lacking strength and injured status that mostly means hanging back ready to heal her if something happens.

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The second knot Luzai tied holds his wrists together. 

The first knot she tied was around his neck. That one she grabs hold of and pulls on once he starts getting rowdy. 

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He's got a lot of constitution, he can hold his breath for a while before it becomes a problem.

...That doesn't mean he wants to, especially when none of his efforts seem to be doing much good. He stops struggling pretty quickly.

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"Hello. Do you happen to have any information worth your life?" 

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“How should I know what information you want? I don’t even know who the abyss you people are!”

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"...Crusaders," she says, very slowly, as thought to a child lagging behind at lessons. 

(She lifts her head slightly, meets Daeran's eye, and mouths "mostly.")

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“Even the looters are calling themselves crusaders half the time, that doesn’t tell me what you went from me. Gold? Cultist bases? Books?”

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"Cultist bases," Luzai says, even though she stops and makes a very conflicted face at "books." 

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"And books," says Villibor, less conflicted. 

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"Depends on the books," Luzai equivocates. "We are actually working for Irabeth Tirabade, not random looters." 

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“I know where a bunch of cultist bases are. But I’m not an idiot, I won’t tell you where to find any of them and you won’t see hide nor hair of my books unless I get some guarentees from a Paladin first.”

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"Hey, Seelah!" very very small flinch as she remembers that she is not actually on casual terms with Seelah anymore. 

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She is not very good at bluffing but this is more talking around the truth than lying, she’s not going to be the one to show their internal problems in front of an enemy. 

“What is it?”

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"...When we...as a group...figure out what kind of deal we can offer him, he wants your word on it. Because you're a paladin." 

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“I want you to swear to your goddess that if I cooperate I’ll get to live! And no technical truth bullshit, no breaking all my limbs or locking me up and leaving me to starve or turning me over to the inquisition or anything, may your goddess strip you of your powers if you lie.”

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“We’ll talk things over.”

Once Luzai finishes securing him and Ulbrig is set on guard, she pulls Luzai aside to talk. 

“I’m not sure I can promise that. It’s going to be hard to keep him imprisoned when we don’t know the details or limitations of his power, and we definitely can’t let him go free if he can throw around that kind of firepower.”

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"If we can't let him go free then I don't think we can offer him his life," Luzai sighs in agreement. "I don't exactly regret accepting the surrender of one of Hosilla's hands, since it let us spare the earth elementals, but he did go back to the demons, and he is working for Minagho, and he could cause problems going forward." 

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“Who’s to say it has to be you making the agreement? I happen to have a scroll of alter self on me; it was intended for other purposes, but far be it from me to deprive a worthy cause. All we need is for one of us to take on your appearance, make the promise, and then take him for everything he's worth. No breaking your precious oaths, no need to leave loose ends alive; why, it's a win-win situation."

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"Absolutely not! That's goes against the entire point of giving our word!"

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"Whyever not? It wouldn't be you lying; in fact, we needn't tell a lie at all. Wasn't your Iomedae supposed to be the goddess of winning?"

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"If you let someone use your appearance to make a promise that someone has demanded from you, then you are, approximately, using that person to communicate the promise, and if you break the promise saying you weren't the one who made it is about as meaningful as saying that if you make a promise over Sending then it was actually the magic that made the promise and not you. ...I don't know if that was actually non-obvious or if you just think pissing off Seelah is fun." 

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"I won't deny that I delight in upsetting paladins, but that doesn't mean I'm not serious. I certainly haven't been foolish enough to swear any oaths to the gods, so why shouldn't I reap the advantages. If it's just Seelah's face you object to, I expect I could manage a credible imitation of my dear cousin."

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"I," she says firmly, "am not a paladin, and I am still not comfortable promising this man his life without intending to spare him." 

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"Then I'm afraid I don't have any clever ideas."

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"Hey," she tells the cultist, "we talked it over and we can't let you live, but I have a bottle of wine on me, is there anything you'd care to share in exchange for being able to die drunk instead of sober." 

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He considers the offer. 

"I can't imagine if you've found me you've missed the tower of Estrod or the Grey Garrison, but the alchemist who runs Topaz Solutions is also one of us."

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"We did know about those two, but Topaz Solutions is worth the wine." 

She's not going to untie his hands but she will help him drink. 

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He considers using his powers to throw the liquid in her face as a final act of spite, but he decides he'd prefer the satisfaction of alcohol for his last few moments to a payback that minor. It's not the best booze he's ever head, but he's also had a lot worse.

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And when he's good and soused they can kill him! Luzai is only a little bit depressed about this. 

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Pat pat. So what did all these cultists have on them, and is there any indication of whether the shop was always a cultist hideout and thus also lootable. 

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It's not really clear, especially since none of them really know who's supposed to own the place in the first place. The door wasn't broken down when they arrived, but there are a lot of possible reasons for that, and some of the cultists can't really even be said to have equipment beyond their improvised polearms in the first place.

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Oh well. Probably better to err on the side of caution, and not stealing things from innocent people, even though probably someone else will. 

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And the cultists didn't leave any informative documents lying around, one assumes. 

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Not in the open, at least. If they had a hidden safe or similar there's nobody alive who knows where it is.

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Maybe they should've paid Woljif to come along. Oh well. 

"...Does anyone here know where Topaz Solutions is?"

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A survey of those in her party who have been in Kenabres for longer than a week reveals that Ember lives on the streets, Daeran doesn't usually do his own shopping, and Seelah thinks she might have heard of it before but hasn't ever been.

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Living on the streets doesn't necessarily mean not happening to know where things are! 

Not in this case, though, apparently. 

Okay. Back to the Defender's Heart, then, probably. Maybe they'll find some giant bugs on the way and they can find out if Ember can talk to them. 

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Ember, unfortunately, cannot talk to any of the giant bugs in such a way that they talk back, or even really acknowledge that she's saying things to them. They also prove to not be susceptible to her putting them to sleep, though that one takes a few more tries before she's certain it's not just them getting lucky.

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That's a shame. 

Giant bugs are still easier to kill than demons or cultists with weird powers, though, so that's still good. Pity that they don't really have blood, though. 

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Considering that the only time that bugs ordinarily do have blood in them is when they've recently drunk it from an animal, perhaps it's for the best. All the walking forth across the city has eaten up time, but even without a functioning belfry it's probably a bit before four when they get back to the defender's heart.

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Cool. Luzai will report the Topaz Solutions thing, and they can either go there or go somewhere else if Irabeth has a somewhere else that they ought to go to. Either way they should get Camellia to also come. 

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"We'd figured it was the alchemist you'd identified at the grey garrison that was their main supplier, but considering the amount of the stuff they've had access to so far it makes sense there would be more than one. Make sure you're prepared for a lot of fire and acid; I don't know how good you two are at abjuration, but magical assistance might be helpful."

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"Neither of us is fantastic at abjuration, but neither of us is, like, terrible, at it either." Abjuration was just so useful. Nenio was crazy for thinking it was less interesting than evocation, which mostly just blows stuff up. 

Thank you, Millorn the horrible dwarf, for having Resist Energy in your spellbook. 

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"Just one mission without me and you're already missing my company? I'm flattered. Do we know what we're getting into, or are we playing things by ear here?"

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"An alchemist. Fire and acid. You know you're incredibly useful, you don't have to fish for compliments." 

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"I don't have to, no."

Camellia smiles at Luzai.

"My spells aren't optimized for that kind of fight, but they're not terrible and I have my bonded object for emergencies. Hopefully this alchemist isn't also doing illegal experiments on Gelatinous Cubes."

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“I feel like if they were we might have encountered some already but I suppose you can’t rule anything out at this point.”

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"Considering the location, yeah. I mention it because it turns out one of the alchemists on the north end of the city had an underground laboratory dedicated to it and during the attack their experiments ended up getting dumped in the sewer system, at which point they ended up popping up all over the district."

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Facepalm. "Lovely. Can I at least hope that they were going after the cultists as well?"

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"Oh yes, from what I heard they didn't discriminate. Once the attack itself is over though we'll probably still be dealing with the occasional one popping up for weeks."

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"--Wait, these things are hanging out in the sewers, yeah?" 

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"I think so. I've only heard about it third hand, though."

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"They might be coming out under the city, among the Neathers, too." 

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"There's no way they'd fit through the gap we needed to get into the maze, even if they managed to get all the way down there - I guess there might be other ways up, but if any of them were quick we would have taken them."

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"...They're oozes. Do they really have to maintain a cubical shape?"

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"I assumed they looked like cubes for a reason, but I'm not an alchemist."

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"They can have a default form and also be able to squeeze out of it. Thank you for telling me about this." 

And then Luzai is going to go off to find Lann. 

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"What's up?" 

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"Camellia says that someone was doing illegal experiments on Gelatinous Cubes and they got loose and are going to be popping up for a while until they've all been mopped up, and it occurred to me that they might also pop down, into the caves." 

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"What's a Gelationous Cube?" Lann asks carefully. 

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"It is...a kind of ooze...that is usually in the shape of a cube. And...digests things. Acidicly." 

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"No offense, but I keep hearing things that make me more concerned about wizards." 

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"D'you think I'm going to be offended by that? I ran away from home because my father was a deeply concerning wizard. I've been practicing my whole life to avoid being the concerning kind of wizard, because I knew if I didn't, I could be." And now she has a Mom who is a deeply concerning witch, but that's neither here nor there. "Although, like, this was probably an alchemist and not a wizard actually." 

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Lann shakes his head, clearly grasping the irrelevance of the wizard/alchemist distinction. "We don't get a lot of oozes in the caves, but they're not unheard of. Really annoying to kill, and most of them you can't even eat afterwards. You think we might have a problem with them?" 

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"Yeah. Would your Chief be a good person to contact, to warn about it?"

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Nod. "As good as any. If you can't contact a lot of tribes at once." 

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"I cannot, thanks." 

Okay she will...go tell Seelah about the Gelatinous Cube thing and that she's going to use magic to warn Neathholm. 

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Seelah does not really have a clear idea what those are but just the name sounds bad. 

"Is this the kind of magic thing I can't know about?"

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"You can, but I don't want to say it in public." 

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"Right. Well, if we do need to go rescue them let me know."

A day or two ago that would have gone without saying, which still hurts to think about.

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"Of course." Does Seelah think she wouldn't--Luzai has been trying so hard, to keep her in the loop about everything, even when it hurts to--

Luzai isn't going to cry in front of Seelah. She's going to find somewhere she won't be observed and Villibor can keep an eye out for that changing, and she's going to try to scry Chief Sull. 

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Having only met him in passing, it's a somewhat more difficult task to scry him than it presumably would have been for Lann or Wenduag to do the same. Since they can't cast a message through the ball, though, it's fortunate that she manages to connect the first time. The chief is in conversation with some of his fellow neathers that she doesn't recognize, talking about hunting rotations.

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Luzai will wait until either he isn't busy or the time limit on the scry gets within a few minutes of running out. 

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From the looks of things, it's probably going to have to be the latter, though she does get a solid education on how Neathers divvy up responsibilities!

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She waits for a slight lull in the conversation, then Messages, Sorry for interrupting, this is angel sword girl from earlier, thought you should know there might be Gelatinous Cubes running around soon.

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There is not really a non startling way to get suddenly magically messaged via means you didn't know existed by someone you met once. He starts visibly in the crystal ball and fails to catch the message; when he responds, it's to the air around him rather than magically whispering to her. 

"How did... what is a gelatinous cube?"

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A gelatinous cube is a kind of ooze that usually is shaped like a cube. It's carnivorous and see-through and likes pretending to be an empty corridor until someone wanders into it, then digest them. 

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That sounds terrifying. He knew demonic tricks were really bad, but somehow he hadn't expected them to be this much.

"What do we do about them?"

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Ohhhhhh boy she wasn't expecting this to get this involved. Time to...pretend she knows more than she does? In as non-misleading a way as possible? 

They're not immune to most forms of damage. She thinks. She hopes. Just be careful while walking in tight tunnels, for the next while. 

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"I'll let everyone know."

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Thank you. 

Okay. That was not as unfraught a social interaction as she had been hoping it would be. Time to just hug her brother and breathe for a hot round. 

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Villibor is not sorry for giving Luzai crap when she makes poor life choices, but, also: he is really, REALLY glad that she does all the difficult social interactions so he doesn't have to. 

Hug hug pat. 

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After a little while she feels capable of handling fraught social situations again and they can round up everyone who's heading out to Topaz Solutions, and: head out to Topaz Solutions. 

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When they arrive at the alchemy store in question, there's not much to give it away as a cultist den. It's gotten off relatively lightly when it comes to marauders, but the same goes for most of the buildings in the area, and it's been hastily boarded up to cover the holes where there once was glass. It doesn't seem like it's taking customers at the moment, though.

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"So I'm inclined to try knocking on the front door, first: is that stupid?"

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"I think that rather depends - how much do you trust the fellow we interrogated at the silken thread atelier?"

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"Mmmmmmmore than random chance...?"

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"I see what you mean. Breaking in without warning them first means they can't whip up any last minute surprises, but if we're here on false pretenses... that leaves us with the question of how much risk of unnecessarily picking a fight with an alchemist on their home turf is it worth to get the element of surprise on a hostile one?"

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Luzai knocks on the door. 

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The knock is immediately followed by the sound of movement, but it's half a minute before the response comes in the form of words. On the other side of the locked door, a man's voice calls out in reply.

"We're not open."

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"Hail Baphomet," Luzai lies. 

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"Don't even think about trying it, scum. I've got bombs, and I'm not afraid to use them."

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...Detect Fiendish Presence?

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Yep! And a strong one.

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Luzai quietly signals Camellia to pick the lock while saying out loud, "Sorry about that! We're not actually cultists, just wanted to check to make sure you weren't." 

To Seelah, very very quietly: "Detect Evil."

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"Then you can get lost, because we're still not open."

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"Yeah, got that," she says, not moving away. 

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He doesn't seem to notice the quiet clicking of the tumblers under Camellia's ministrations, but that doesn't mean he's happy about the loitering. 

"Then why are you still here?"

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"What do you mean?" 

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"It means I don't want you people sticking around."

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Camellia holds up a finger to indicate she's almost done, so Luzai only needs to keep him talking for a bit longer.

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"In case you haven't noticed, the city is under siege by demons, where is it exactly you think I have to go?"

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"Pull the other one, I know full well your friend there has his own place."

There's the sound of more movement from inside.

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And done.

Camellia twists the door handle to keep it that way and gestures Seelah forward.

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Which means that when it swings open the first thing the alchemist sees after the door suddenly opens is a paladin heading straight for him, smiting evil. He detonates a bomb in her face for her trouble, but she's shrugged off worse and still has all her lay on hands left.

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Seelah is so cool. (Ow.)

What kind of bomb was it? Was it acid? Luzai has less acid but still some. 

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Fire! The alchemist seems completely unbothered, actually, either by her spells or Villibor's or the splash damage from the bombs he's still trying to tag Seelah with, but that might be more because of the paladin in melee range with him trying to poke him full of holes. He gives ground, his fire bombs giving way to potions he swigs as he retreats from both Seelah and the fire resistant Camellia.

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Really. Is he only bothered by Seelah and Camellia. Would he like to reassess that. 

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Nope, he's fine. Whatever he's been doing to slow down Camellia and Seelah from stabbing him to death also seems to be working fine on Lann's arrows, but at least he's bothering to try dodging them.

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He's a lot harder to hit than he was just a few moments ago, but Camellia's got him backed up against a table and now all she has to do is push him along it until he gets to a wall and runs out of room to run away in-

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Which is, of course, when the table opens its mouth and bites down on her.

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A table's legs can't exactly unbalance like a human's can, but that doesn't change the fact Seelah is still exerting force on it and all four of its legs are no longer experiencing friction. It goes sliding.

It also turns out that its jaw is covered in a very sticky adhesive, and Seelah isn't having any luck dislodging it, which means she goes along for the ride. 

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And it's not even evil, so she can't smite it either - not that that would necessarily be a smart decision if she could, since that would mean cancelling the smite on the alchemist and then she wouldn't be able to put it back on after. Hopefully Camellia can handle things for a bit while she figures out how to break the grapple.

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Maybe “kill the table” is how you break the grapple. Lann is willing to give it a shot,* anyway.


*Pun intended by the author but not the character.

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It's really quite sturdy, but not nearly as much so as the alchemist himself; most of the arrows start slamming home with satisfying thunks. Seelah's sword joins them briefly before also getting stuck and leaving her twice the work; she winces, and leaves the killing it to Lann. With the creature unbalanced by the grease she manages to slip her armor free from its jaws, but the sword remains stubbornly embedded..


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No, the only real problem is that with only one opponent the Alchemist switches from fire bombs to claws of all things, and she's a lot further from immune to those. 

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Fortunately, the alchemist isn't the only one with claws!

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Quick Question - who just pissed off an alchemist and doesn't have fire resistance, heavy armor, or self healing?

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Uh oh. 

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This is gonna suck, isn't it. 

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Villibor and Luzai get off relatively lucky. They're not the main targets, so they only get caught to the tune of about 9 splash damage a bomb. Lann, on the other hand, manages to dodge the worst of the first one only to take the second one one straight to the face for more than twice that, and that much firepower to a monk of his experience is enough to leave him barely conscious.

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DEEPLY UNFORTUNATE. Since Lann can’t really do anything about it, though, and he is conscious, he’s gonna shoot the mimic again.

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Not for long! Funny thing about individual people way stronger than your party, when they want to hit things they usually succeed. How good are your fortitude saving throws to stabilize, again?

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She would love to be able to do something about that but actually she has just gotten her sword free and needs to go bail out Ulbrig, since he's not resistant to fire or capable of healing himself either. Hopefully someone else can manage it.

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Luzai is going to do the glowy sword thing and see if that helps. 

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Oh, two people injured enough by the splash damage that they could be knocked over by a stiff breeze clustered around someone dying? He doesn't mind if he does.

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Ugh, and now if he wants to heal them he has to get close too, since he's partied up with two people he can't even heal with a channel. Why did he convince himself adventuring was a good idea, again?

Oh, right.

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Luzai is just so pissed off right now. Okay, this probably won't work, but in case it does: Sleep?

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Yeah, no. Doesn't even need to make a save.

Hmm, he's running low on bombs and Ulbrig seems like a soft target, how about he focuses him down next? Then he can feed the rapier girl to the mimic and finish off the paladin, that seems like the best course of action here.

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Soft target like hell. One way or another, Ulbrig doesn't go down immediately, and now the alchemist has another set of griffon scratches across his face to contend with. 

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It's infuriating - both the fact that the paladins thought they could go after him and that this is the extent of the forces they sent. They're week, green, uncoordinated, and half of them can't even hurt him, which really feels like it ought to matter more than it has so far but just makes all the wounds they do deal as infuriating as they are painful. He steps back, unstoppers another potion vial, and throws his last bomb into Ulbrig's face as one of his last cure serious wounds takes effect. 

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The bomb does hurt! 

It does not put Ulbrig down. 

SLASH. Better look out for cat(-bird) scratch fever. 

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What the fuck is this dude made of? He's a third circle alchemist, do they all have fire resistance? Whatever. His claws might not be as large, but unlike the catboy he can hit with them; it's just a matter of focusing on him for a few moments until he drops, and then sticking the rapier girl to the floor with some adhesive spittle. Ideally it'll immobilize her for long enough for the mimic to get a grapple going, but if not it'll still get her and her rapier out of the fight so he can finally focus on the one person who's really putting on the hurt.

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He is made of GRIFFONS and SARKORIS, bitch. 

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Is it possible to land a Boneshaker on this guy?

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It is! He hasn't gotten any less superhumanly durable in the last six seconds, but unlike every other bit of magic they've used so far he very much notices it, and Villibor gets the strong impression that if Seelah weren't between them right now he would be immediately struggling to live long enough to regret it. As things stand, though, it's enough to force the alchemist to use up the last of his potions and slow his attacks on Seelah.

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Say what you will for how annoying it is that he seems able to just heal off everything they do, it's definitely a lot less convenient than lay on hands. She's still only hitting him about a third of the time now that she doesn't have anyone to flank him with, but he's got the same success rate against her, and while he has twice as many claws as she has swords Radiance does seem to hit him a lot harder. If she hadn't already used up her healing as well she might even win this from here, but as things stand it would be pretty convenient if Luzai or Villibor has another one of whatever that was.

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Yep! They did not have to plan for combat against way too many cultists at once, so he didn't fill his second-circle slots with Web, and Boneshaker is his best combat spell. 

The second one doesn't make it past this fucking guy's fucking spell resistance. The third and final one does, but doesn't do nearly as much damage as the first one. Fuck. 

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Okay this is officially dire enough to risk getting Seelah and Ulbrig with a Grease under the alchemist. 

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The first one bounces off his spell resistance, and the second he resists. It's down to a slugging match, then, and if he won't win by as much as he would like he's still going to win.

Which makes it all the more awkward when he and Seelah both slip and fall on the grease.

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Oh good. Now that it's not going to get him killed, he can go get her with a cure moderate wounds, and Camellia as well for good measure before they're both back on their feet and he needs to make a hasty withdrawal.

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It's a very near thing, but Seelah gets back to her feet at the same time that he does, and while the grease is a lot more risky for her than him she also doesn't have to retreat that far to get free. The fight is still touch and go for several more moments, but in the end the healing proves just decisive enough, and the alchemist drops about a moment before Seelah would have had to.

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That could've gone better. 

It also could've gone worse! Nobody's dead! But, like, also. 

"Lesson learned about assuming we can take arbitrary cultist targets just because they're not part of a huge group." 

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He's not gonna chide Luzai because he didn't object to the plan either. But, also, bleah. 

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It really is mysterious how everyone who dropped managed to stay stable without bleeding out, yep. 

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“I think we really need to avoid any fights on the way back. I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty much on my last legs here.”

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"Yeah. Agreed." Small shudder. 

(She is going to FIND OUT what things Moonlight Glimmer likes and use that information to display her gratitude, because, seriously.) 

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Okay, so, time to find out if this excursion was even slightly worth it. First they can search the body, then the building...probably it would have been a good idea to bring Woljif. Oh well. 

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Most of what they find on his body is extracts they can’t use; one of the problems with starting a knock down drag out fight with an alchemist in their lab is that they can use all their best stuff to try to kill you. They get their hands on a good selection of poisons, acid, and alchemist fire, not to mention a handful of tanglefoot bags, but the only genuinely valuable thing he had on his was an enchanted crossbow that he apparently never had the space to use in their fight.

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What about reagents? Alchemical paraphernalia? 

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Oh, a lot more of those. In addition to the obvious beakers and vials, he's got stocks of myrrh, quicksilver, urea, magnesium, sulphur, spirit of wine, and phosphorus, as well as a few things that seem to have been partway through an unknown distillation process.

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Hell yes. He will ignore the unidentified partway-distilled things on account of how taking those seems like a bad idea, but beakers, vials, miscellaneous ingredients, he's going to scoop those. 

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What about...information. Papers, the guy's got to have some kind of papers. 

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They're probably somewhere. Does she have any ideas to help her find them?

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Well, look through all the rooms, firstly. If there are any rooms, or any chests or drawers in rooms, that are locked, apply Camellia to the problem. Check the depths of containers against their heights for false bottoms. If that yields nothing she'll have to get slightly more creative. 

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Then she will find the store's business ledgers, a handful of import contracts, the inventory spreadsheet, and the owner's hidden store of alchemical silver, but their formula book, cash reserves, and any incriminating documents fail to turn up.

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...Okay, even she will smile a little about the alchemical silver. Next is to tap on the walls to identify hollow spots. 

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Yep, that'll do it. 

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Camellia and Luzai manage to find the alchemist's safe, hidden behind a panel held on with some adhesive rather than nails. Unsticking it is a bigger problem, but with Seelah's strength and an improvized crowbar involved they can just take out the surrounding wall instead to get a better angle at it, and without a time limit picking the following lock is mostly just a frustrating experience rather than one she could fail.

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Inside is a tidy sum of gold and silver, a notebook containing a number of formulae for extracts and other alchemical items, a few doses of fiendgore unguent, and a missive telling the recipient to be ready to take a 'special order' that happens to correspond to the day of Deskari's attack.

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Does the missive have any identifiers for the sender? Does it say anything about what the special order is?

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The writer signs the letter as Othirubo, but otherwise it doesn't contain anything particularly identifying as to what is being paid for; it seems clear that either both were already sure they knew what they were talking about, or they were worried about the mail being read en route.

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Oh well! Maybe Anevia will be able to get more out of it. 


...Does there happen to be, around here, any kind of cart, to carry away their significantly-more-licit-than-usual stolen goods in, Villibor found kind of a lot of ingredients and she doesn't reeeeaaally want to try to talk him into leaving any of it behind. 

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The shop appears to not do deliveries, and if there were ever any unattended carts lying around for use in transporting goods someone already took them, possibly to do just that.

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Yeah fair enough. 

Maaaaaaybe, if they repack everything carefully enough, they can fit everything into a number of containers that--mostly Seelah and Ulbrig, honestly--can carry?

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They have to leave most of the glassware behind, since between the internal volume and the need for careful packing it's not exactly easy to transport, but they can get most of the more valuable ingredients; everything that Topaz Solutions had a particularly large stock of was also a relatively easy ingredient to source. 

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...Villibor will accept this, but he will also hide a bunch of glassware in whatever hiding places they haven't destroyed, like a squirrel burying nuts. 

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...She's been putting it off long enough. 

"Luzai? Can we talk, for a minute?"

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“—Yeah, of course.”

Hopefully this doesn’t mean Seelah got Dominated by a hidden succubus and is now going to kill her, but if she has, well, this is how she dies.

Wait, no, Detect Magic can check for that. 

Seelah isn't Dominated! That was the expected result but better safe than sorry. 

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"I've been doing a lot of thinking, these last two days. It hurt me a lot, to learn things like that... but when I tried to see it from the goddess' view, the reason it hurt so much was that I trusted you. If we hadn't been friends, and I had just learned about what you were trying to do despite your heritage, I would have been happy to hear it. That doesn't make it not hurt, and I'm not sure we can or should go back to the way things were, but... I don't hate you, and I don't think you're a bad person.

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"...Thank you. That means a lot." Blinkblinkblink if at all possible she is not going to cry. "I--don't think I'm sorry that I didn't tell you as soon as we met, it--really would be bad if it became common knowledge, but--I should have told you sooner." Oh no she is not succeeding at preventing tears from happening. Maybe if she holds her face very still and pretends it isn't happening Seelah won't notice. "I think the point at which I should have told you is when I realized we were friends and not just allies of convenience, but--I'm not sure."

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"I'm not sure either. Maybe after the grey garrison, but that would have had problems of it's own. And I'm not going to say you have to tell Camellia, or Lann, or Daeran - I definitely wouldn't tell him, in fact - but you're not stupid, Luzai, so I think you know it's not going to stay secret forever."

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“Yeah, I know.” Sigh. “I’m definitely not telling Daeran, though, yeah. The fact that I like him doesn’t mean I’m blind to the fact that he’s an objectively terrible person. The problem with Lann is that I worry he’s too honest to keep it a secret. And Camellia…” She makes a face. “But—I’ve already messed this up once. I’m not saying it’s your job to figure out who I should tell when, but if you or Irabeth or Anevia—or Villibor—tells me I need to tell someone, then I think that’s probably correct.”

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"I'm not sure how much it'll help, not when I don't really have the same concerns here you do, but if I do see something I'll let you know."

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“Thanks. I—thought at first that I could just live as a normal crusader, and keep my secret from everyone. You’re why I realized that that was wrong.”

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Seelah laughs, a genuine smile on her face.

"Oh, that one was definitely doomed from the start. You're a lot of things, Luzai, but normal is about as far as you could possibly get from being on that list."

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"Well. Well. Okay, yes, but." 

She laughs a little, and shakes her head. 

"...I understand that things can't go back to the way they were before. But--you're still really important to me. That part isn't going to change." 

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"Friends, then. Alright, let's get back to the defender's heart, recover, and then see what we can do to help save the city."

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Luzai looks really happy and relieved when she and Seelah rejoin the group, which probably means that Seelah has decided she doesn't hate her! Excellent. Probably he should talk to Seelah about things at some point also, but like, Villibor doesn't bond to people quite as easily as his sister does, if Seelah hated him that would be annoying and inconvenient but not heart-breaking. 

But yes, let's trek back to the Defender's Heart now, and NOT GET IN ANY MORE FIGHTS TODAY.

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Their way back up through the city looks about the same as when they were headed south, unlike on previous days; either the city's demons and cultists have gone to ground after failing to take the defender's heart, or they've gotten subtler about it. 

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That is SUSPICIOUS. Villibor is going to cast Detect Fiendish Presence about it a lot. 

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As they enter the market square they'll see a number of new corpses, are a number of corpses, but neither they nor anything else Villibor sees are detectably fiendish.

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Including him, though presumably Villibor will catch sight of him with his eyes first. He's not exactly making an effort to hide.

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Ah, crap, this guy. Villibor is significantly less scared of him than Luzai is, but also unlike Luzai he doesn't feel obligated to give him the benefit of the doubt for the paladins' sake. Fuck that guy. 

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Luzai isn't thrilled to see him, but oh well, last time went okay. He isn't doing anything objectionable, right?

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Nothing visible, and they're not close enough to easily overhear what he's saying. Given that he's talking with Ramien, though, there's no guarantee of that lasting.

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He's--SHIT. Ramien has worse self-preservation than she does, fuck, why is he not running away--

They should definitely approach, then, in case intervention is required, which it might well be, because for fuck's sake. 

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Oh no. Why this. 

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"Is there truly nothing I can do to convince you to stop and focus your attention on bigger problems?"

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"I have focused on the larger problems, and now that they're dealt with you're back at the top of my list. Out of respect for the fact that you've stopped running, though, I'll repeat my first offer one more time. If you surrender and tell me where your followers have gone, I'll bring you to trial instead of executing you."

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Luzai skids to a stop between the two of them, falling to her knees and clasping her hands beseechingly.

”Prelate, please reconsider,” she begs. “He’s a cleric of a Good goddess! Surely if he were conspiring with demons she would have renounced him.”

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"Desna may herself be good, but she's not reliable, and she's perfectly happy to take on chaotic neutral clerics - with predictable results. No doubt if he continues she'll wash her hands of him eventually, but in the mean time the people he's sheltering are free to assist in taking down the city. The hands through which heaven does its work are our hands, and I have no intention of leaving mine idle when there's a job to be done."

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She grits her teeth.

”Helping demons wreck the city is Chaotic Evil, not Chaotic Neutral,” she tries. “If he were doing that, Desna wouldn’t have a choice but to drop him, surely.”

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"Don't mistake clerics for paladins. There are limits to what a cleric can do without being renounced, yes, but they are far wider than you imagine - doing evil is how you go from chaotic good to chaotic neutral in the first place. Often it's because they were tricked or misled, but Ramien isn't the first cleric of a good god to work with the demons, and he won't be the last. If he wants to make up for his mistake, his first step is to tell me what I need to know to cut the problem out at the source."

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“…I understand that it was a bad idea to try to interfere with the Wardstone, but sir, being warned of the attack in advance doesn’t mean you’re working with demons. I, also, brought a warning to the Eagle Watch the day before.”

Her knuckles go white, hoping this doesn’t backfire horribly.

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"If they hadn't sabotaged the wardstone, I wouldn't have known they were cultists and arrested them. The problem isn't that they were being fed information, it's that they fell for it and committed treason, and his is that he broke them out of prison to continue their work and sheltered them from the law."

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Fed—the attack did happen, and the Wardstone does have something wrong with it,” she says, holding onto her patience with both hands and all her teeth.

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The prelate clearly notices her frustration, but does not seem inclined to do anything differently because of it.

"The best traps are always baited with just enough truth to snare the unwitting. Perhaps even some of their number were themselves dupes, if they were a good enough patsy for their abyssal handler already, but that doesn't make the damage they caused by sabotaging the wardstone any less catastrophic a betrayal."

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"What damage did they actually do?"

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"A demonic poison or curse, I assume. I wasn't able to isolate it at the time, but the results rather speak for themself."

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"Why...do you think...it was them...and not Minagho."

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"The damage obviously predates her arrival. If they hadn't sabotaged the wardstone, the demons wouldn't have been free to cross the barrier to attack, and the likes of her wouldn't even be able to get close to it."

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...She turns to Ramien. "He sort of makes a good point, is he missing something important?"

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"The wardstone was indeed damaged prior to the attack, but not by them. It was damaged well before the attack, and they went to it because they got it into their heads that they would be able to fix it."

He shakes his head.

"I told them not to do anything reckless, but I'm not going to just stand by and let them die for trying to do the right thing when the Prelate was too stubborn to listen."

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"You're too dangerous to keep prisoner if you're not going to cooperate. If you're committed to your idiocy, then I'll have to pass judgment on you here and now."

His hand goes for the hilt of his sword.

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"For crying out loud, do you ever do anything except kill people?"

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"I have never once flinched from my duty to keep this city and its people safe."

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"I'd rather you flinched from a perception of duty that was wrong! Why would anyone, ever, tell you anything, when everyone knows that people you notice die?" she snaps. "I spent two weeks in Kenabres before things went sour, and let me tell you, if everyone in the city who was terrified of you was a cultist, the demons wouldn't have needed to show up in order to take it!"

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"And yet, need an army they did.  Make no mistake, even with this sabotage this attack has cost them nearly as dearly as it has us; if I didn't do my work, they would have taken it decades ago without the need for a demon lord's assistance."

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"No. I'm sure you kill lots and lots of demons, I'm sure you're very valuable to the war effort, but the things that you do that aren't killing demons are bad and make things worse." 

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"Cultists and their proxies are as big a problem as the demons themselves. You cannot stop one without the other."

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"Murdering Ramien for disagreeing with you does nothing about cultists." 

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"Have you not heard the man? He has confessed to breaking the cultists out of prison, not that there was any doubt, and still intends to prevent me from bringing them to justice. It is not murder to execute criminals. But I have allowed you to delay me long enough."

He draws his weapon.

"Radiant Iomedae, light of the sword, aid me in bringing Your justice to the wicked and destruction to Your foes."

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"They aren't cultists, you lunatic!" 

Lariel's sword is in her own hand almost as quickly. Does it still like Hulrun???

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Like is a pretty strong word.

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Which is enough to get back his attention. 

"Stand aside, girl, my business is not with you today."

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"No, because you're still wrong! And about to kill a guy! Not being able to leave well enough alone when other people are suffering and dying is the entire! Reason! I came to the Worldwound in the first place!" 

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Okay that is hyperbole there is also another reason which Hulrun absolutely is not allowed to know about. 

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Fortunately for Villibor's efforts to pit his miserable poker face against Hulrun's sense motive, he has quite a few more important matters drawing his attention. 

"She's right, prelate. I can't let you do this."

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Apparently they're doing this now? Camellia empowers her blade, and prepares to step in. 

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Hulrun Shappok weighs his odds. Not of victory - even with eight adventurers and a fourth circle cleric arrayed against him, that much isn't in doubt, not when the paladin and the invisible follower are the only ones strong enough to display an alignment - but of doing so without his victory denying heaven two of its champions. He is no paladin, to wield a blade of mercy, and they are strong enough to limit how much he can hold back. Count Arendae is a consummate coward - he'll flee once the fighting starts in earnest, and if then the paladin were to take an unlucky blow he and Ramien would be the only ones able to prevent her death. Add in the time to down the braver of their companions, and to chase down the fleeing cleric while dealing with any demons or cultists that saw an opportunity...

"Get out of my sight. But know this, Voyager: If you try to interfere with my work again, it won't matter in the slightest who stands in my way."

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Great let's grab Ramien and GIT. 

"Friendly reminder that you also can't help people if you're dead," she says in a high-pitched voice through clenched teeth. 

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Ramien waits until they're well out of earshot to respond.

"You're not wrong, but I didn't particularly like my other options either. He's made a few efforts over the past few days to corner me, and the cost of us both spending hours focused on tracking and evading each other instead of on demons is measured in lives."

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Luzai sighs shakily. 

"I mean, we'd all be better off if he'd focus on the demons, but if he's going to refuse to do that, I would really rather he not succeed at killing anyone on our side." 

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"You're not wrong. I've been staying around the city center, where there are the most people I can help, but at this point I think it's smarter to find somewhere further away to operate."

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"Come back to the Defender's Heart with us, I bet Irabeth can run interference long enough to smuggle you off to a discreet corner if he even does show up." She belatedly realizes she's kind of doing the thing again and looks around at the others, especially Seelah. 

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"I imagine she has rather a lot on her plate already; it would be most unkind, I think, to put her in a position where she must choose between doing what is legal and what is right.

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"She let us un-arrest Woljif for his help against the demons!"

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"I'm afraid I don't know who that is, so I couldn't say what the circumstances there are, but causing Paladins to fall is something I am willing to go out of my way to avoid. It would also make it harder for her to work with the prelate, which is rather the opposite of what I want here."

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"Fiiiiiiiine. I mean, yes, you're right, paladins falling would be very bad, if we disagree about anything it's how likely that is to happen but I'm not actually super confident I'm right about that one or anything. I just," she kicks a random street rock in disgust, "am getting very tired very fast of having to cater to that man's bad life choices." 

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Villibor pats her on the head. "Well, if it helps, I'm very proud of you for it. Thank you for handling that well enough that he didn't stab you, I think we all," especially him and Seelah, who have more context than everyone else, "can agree that that would have been very bad." 

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"Indeed. Next time you pick a fight with the Prelate you should schedule it for when we have all our spells."

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"I didn't schedule it! If anyone scheduled it, it was Ramien. Ramien, next time you decide to pick a fight with Hulrun, please call us for backup and wait until we have all our spells." 

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"I'll do my best to make sure my next such encounter takes place at the far off time of never."

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"Just to check, do you consider yourself to have been trying very hard at that so far?" 

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"Luzai I feel like you are being a bit hypocritical in terms of personal safety." 

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"Hey! It's because I'm so bad at it, that I know what being bad at it looks like from the inside!"

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"No, until now I've been trying to prioritize helping as many people as I can, which is a rather different methodology."

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"Good. ...Would it be too obvious, d'you think, to send him to your place to hide out with Aranka?" she asks Daeran. 

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"I didn't realize you were so tired of me already, that you would prepare for how I would console myself from the heartbreak once you let me go. Or were you simply planning a rendezvous there with his delightful curls yourself?"

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"Wait, what? ...Daeran, if you don't want me to suggest using your mansion as a safehouse for arbitrary persons Hulrun's pissed off at, that's fine, but I am not going to not do or suggest things just because people other than me are pretty." 

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"If we must be serious, as it happens I don't mind."

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Ramien shakes his head at Daeran's queries. 

"I'm afraid I have rather more pressing priorities at the moment than an encore anyway, but that does seem like a rather logical place to start. I'm not sure if it'll make sense for me to stay there long term, but it is a gathering place well away from the prelate."

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"An en--wait, you two have, in fact--okay, that is context I didn't have!" And also a VERY APPEALING MENTAL IMAGE, honestly, aaaaand Daeran can probably tell that she is learning something new about herself, she kind of has a very specific blush for that. 

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Ah, victory. For a moment there he'd thought his attempt hadn't landed, but no, she just needed more context to put things together. He grins at her blush.

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And Ramien sets off southward, making sure to curve a wide circle around where they last saw Hulrun.

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She wrinkles her nose at him, I see what you did there, and it's honestly pretty funny, but it's more funny if I pretend to be offended about it. 

And then! Back! To heading back to the Defender's Heart! 

Luzai offers prayers to any Good god listening that they don't run into another catastrophe on the way there. 

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Villibor isn't limiting himself to Good gods, there are plenty of Neutral ones he wouldn't object to owing a favor. 

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Whether it's due to prayers, luck, or the diligent effort by paladins on patrol, the path between the market square and the defender's heart is clear of any danger more intelligent than enormous arthropods, and even they mostly are content to live and let live with large groups.

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BLESS the arthropods for leaving well enough alone. 

Luzai shuts herself in the room that she isn't actually sharing with only Villibor right now, but nobody else is immediately using it, so she can close the door firmly and get her book out and write, Thought of something that might be kind of urgent, but like, my personal situation is fine. 

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Failing a will save doesn't feel like anything, and Luzai wouldn't have any hope of resisting her even if she didn't have enormous bonuses towards scrying on the girl. A message does sound like something, though.

"What is it?"

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Did you turn Terendelev into a terrifying undead abomination yet?

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"I didn't, but I expect I that Khorramzadeh has had one of his minions get to it by now. He took his last defeat rather personally."

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Drat. I was assuming Deskari would have you do it, since you're the strongest. Thanks anyway. ...While we're talking, this part isn't urgent, but--at some point I want you to meet Villibor. I don't have any expectation that the two of you will relate to each other in any particular way, but I want the people I love most to know each other. 

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"The strength of a ravener is based on the source material, not the caster, so Khorramzadeh didn't have much incentive and the two of us have never really gotten along. As for your brother, I'll arrange for him to get an exception from the relevant defenses, but you'll have to tell me when it's a good time."

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Yeah, not right now, just wanted to bring it up in advance. I love you. 

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"I love you too."

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She mimes kissing her mother on the cheek before she presumably cuts the scry, and then goes to help Villibor put away the various useful ingredients and make sure Anevia gets the incriminating documents and so forth. 

Also, like, they did find a whole bunch of money, it would be neat if Woljif happened to observe this and was thereby motivated to need less up-front bribery to help with future outings as applicable. 

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Woljif is a big fan of money, but he's an even bigger fan of not being persona non grata as a traitor to the local crime syndicate. 

If Luzai asks around, she'll learn that Woljif has been trying to recruit some muscle to help with an unspecified short term contract, but has been hampered by the fact that almost nobody trustworthy trusts him.

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Wow, okay. 

"You know this place is full of paladins, right," she says when she finds him, without bothering to first say "hello," or "so I heard what you were asking around about."

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"Hey, give me a little credit here. I'm not asking about anything illegal, just for some circumspection."

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“What are you asking about?”

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“Well, once I got out of lockup I decided to check in with some people I know, and it turns out while I was out of things one of the… business owners I do some work with thinks I sold out and spilled a secret they were trying to keep. It’s obviously not true, so I’d like to head over and set the record straight, but with the city as it is and everyone wound up this tightly I figured it would be smart to have some backup muscle to give people second thoughts.”

It’s pretty clear that business owners is a euphemism here, but while he’s not hiding that he seems reluctant to say out loud exactly what it’s a euphemism for.

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"Wait, are you saying the crime people have stuck around? During this?"

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"Crime is a bit of a strong word, wouldn't you say? But from what I've heard, yes."


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"Is it? I grew up in Geb, where positive energy is a crime, and technically speaking it isn't a crime when Hulrun kills somebody. I don't think the crime-not crime dichotomy is that predictive of whether things are terrible or not. Anyway, how literally do you mean muscle, like, I am a squishy wizard." 

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"Ideally there won't be any fighting at all, and if there is I plan to try running away. But I'd prefer to have someone watching my back in case I run into any demons or cultists on the way over, and because people feel a lot more confident about jumping to violence when you show up places alone."

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"I bet they do. If I tell Seelah that you're definitely innocent of the thing you're accused of, am I likely to end up embarrassed later? Because at one point I vouched for Wenduag--I don't actually know if you've met Wenduag yet--and it turned out that she had actually done worse stuff than I was aware of, so I am trying to be more careful this time. Understand that I super, super am not going to judge you for, uh, let's say, being bad at secrets, but I am definitely going to be annoyed with you if you make me lie to a paladin." 

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"I really am innocent of the thing I've heard they're upset about, but I do prefer keeping open the option to be creative about the truth when it comes to paladins."

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"Well, I won't tell Seelah you won't lie to her, then. I just don't want to be involved, I'm not going to try to break you of the habit." 

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That's fair enough, yeah. He doesn't really have enough money on him to pay for the kind of loyalty you'd need for someone to get between him and the law anyway, not for someone who wasn't desperate.

"Well, if you are interested let me know. It should be a quick trip, but I'm not going to say easy money because I could do without jinxing it."

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"If it can wait until tomorrow I'm interested. I'm so out of spells for today." 

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"In that case, I'd be happy to have you, chief!"

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The first person she goes to talk to is Villibor. Villibor decides to go ask Woljif about who, exactly, they're talking about backing him up against; Luzai goes to talk to Seelah. 

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Seelah is doing some maintenance on her gear. Radiance is a magic item and therefore mostly invincible, but it can still get dirty, and the rest of her gear is entirely breakable.

"Hey, what's up?"

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"I can't remember, did I ever tell you how I got involved with Woljif? I think I was mostly trying to elide over it at the time, because I didn't want to prejudice anyone against him, and, uh, he had been arrested for stealing, and I convinced Irabeth that having Woljif and also the guys guarding him tied up with that, instead of fighting the demons, was not the priority." 

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"I see. I guess that explains where you found him."

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"Aaaaaanyway, apparently some other crime people think he snitched on them, he says he didn't, he would like to not go alone to talk to them, it seems like it could be, uh, lower-stakes than an entrenched alchemist, I have made him no promises but figured it was at least worth bringing up." 

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"I - I guess I'm not opposed to keeping you safe, but if they're going to be committing crimes in front of me I can't just look the other way."

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"--Well, obviously! I mean, I mentioned you to Woljif, in context, I am pretty sure that if there had been going to be actual crime happening he would have said 'yeah no this is a no-paladins zone.' Actually when I heard he was asking around the first thing I said to him was 'this place is full of paladins, you are aware of that, right' and he said--well actually he said it wouldn't involve doing anything illegal, but I think if it involved looking the other way he would have instead said something else, like that there are also non-paladins. I...could be wrong. I just," she shrugs awkwardly. "I can drop it, but...I think it would be really sad if he lived his whole life as a thief because nobody who wasn't also a criminal ever reached out to him." 

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"Of course I don't want that. Do you know when you'll be going, or what it involves?"

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"Tomorrow, and no, and are you okay?"

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"I'm fine, that just... hit a little close to home."

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"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it to. Do you want a hug?"

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She can hug Luzai for a moment before continuing, and takes a moment to just be really glad they're friends again.

"You didn't do anything wrong, it's just something I have to try and work through."

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"It doesn't have to be wrong for me to want to be more sensitive to people's issues. There are--things I wouldn't say to Villibor, even--working through things takes time." 

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"It's not a secret, it just hurts a little, to be reminded of it unexpectedly. Before I became a paladin, my parents were killed in a Gnoll raid and I spent a couple of years on the streets, picking pockets and running scams. If it weren't for the paladins that came to save the city, I might still be doing it and still hurting people."

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"It's really easy for me to--feel good about managing to have figured out that, hurting people and reanimating them and stuff, was bad, while living in Geb. But--I was always comfortable growing up. I had to manage making sure the ghoul assigned as our governess didn't irretrievably turn any of my siblings against each other but I never had to worry about where my next meal was coming from, or where I was going to sleep at night. I may be, temperamentally inclined to point my philosophical musings in the right direction, but I had the luxury and slack to have philosophical musings. That is. Important for me to remember." 

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"I - I'm not saying it wasn't harder not to steal in my circumstances, but I knew it was wrong even then. It just wasn't enough to get me to stop before I got Acemi killed."

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"Got--oh no." So much hug. "I didn't even mean--there's a difference between knowing and doing. I--do you want to talk about it? I don't--want to pry, but--"

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"When she first came to Solku, I stole her helmet, thinking I could pawn it for money. She went on to help defend everyone anyway, and was killed by a blow to the head. I don't know for sure that she would have survived the rest of the fight with it on, but that would just mean the people I got killed was whoever she didn't save later on."

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Hug hug hug. "I'm really sorry. That must have been awful. I--you've done so much good. I know that doesn't--make it not--but it's also true." 

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"I don't think I can ever make it right, not really, but I hope I can help enough people that I can meet her in heaven one day without regrets."

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"Ooooooor I ask my evil mom for a couple of scrolls of Teleport and one of Resurrection." 

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"I want her back a lot. But Luzai... I know you love her, but I'm not sure I want to owe your mother anything."

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"That is totally fair." Sigh. "Well, how about this: I get strong enough to do the teleports, and we find a cleric and get them strong enough to do the Resurrection. And then get a diamond somehow, probably involving me and Villibor being seventh-circle wizards since I doubt we're going to shove the cleric ahead of us." 

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"I think I'd like that a lot."

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"Great. --How many of us d'you think it'd be safe to talk to Woljif about tomorrow at once without him feeling like he's being interrogated." 

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"Maybe three people? Nobody who's not coming with, and if the people he's meeting are criminals we probably don't want to bring too many people there either unless we're trying to make it hostile."

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"Fffffffair enough. Hmmm. There's no way Villibor is going to let me out of his sight tomorrow, so if I'm going he's going, and I've already talked to you about it...I sooooorta wanna also ask Ulbrig or maybe Camellia, just because, you know, avoiding too high ratios of squishy casters...do you think that's too much? ...Probably I shouldn't be trying to patch my tendency to take action unilaterally literally just by running everything past you, specifically."

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"Yeah, I'm not a team leader who needs to sign off on every decision either. Let's see, we probably don't want Daeran because he's very recognizable and even a layabout aristocrat is inherently threatening if you're not very high on the totem pole, and Lann and Wenduag will have a lot harder time if they end up having to fight in close quarters, like inside a building... yeah, I think your list of candidates is pretty solid."

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"Yeah. ...I wonder if Ember would sort of count as a freebie because she's, uh, a child, and also her entire personality, she is really not very threatening...I should talk to more people before considering that. Like Ulbrig, if I want to ask him to come along. I think Villibor was going to talk to Woljif about who his crime friends are to make sure we aren't looking at any more nasty surprises like today." 

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"Hey there, what brings you to brother Woljif? Some of your treasure still trapped in a locked chest, maybe?"

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"No, although I'll admit I thought wistfully of you while we were looking for it. Actually I just wanted to make sure nobody in your gang is going to be able to bomb us into oblivion if they decide they don't like our collective face." 

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"Bombs? Absolutely not, do you think we're all crazy? You start throwing heavy firepower around, and you count yourself lucky if it's just the eagles watch that comes running. No, even if we get really unlucky we're talking knives, maces, and a little magic."

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"Ah, sorry, I didn't bring up bombs because I specifically suspected we would run into that; I brought it up because that's what we did face, today, when we all ran out of spells and almost died." 

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After seeing the kind of money they'd pulled in, he'd been reconsidering his decision not to stick with their party without payment, but if that's the kind of thing it took to earn it he might have gotten the call right the first time. 

"Absolutely none of that here. I'm not saying that the people there won't know how to fight, and there might even be a few people there for added muscle, but we're talking thugs, not professional mercs. Er, you didn't hear that from me, if anyone asks I was very respectful of everything about their job."

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"Any casters besides you?"

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"A few have tricks, like being able to use darkness or shatter or a few cantrips, but last I heard nobody was past first circle on proper spells."

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Proper spells as opposed to...? No, focus. "How many do you expect will be there?"

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"It depends on how many people fled or went to ground elsewhere, as opposed to considering the main hideout the safest place to be or were scared of angering sister Kerismei. Maybe a dozen people who can fight? Probably less, honestly, but I don't want to overpromise when all my info is a week out of date."

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"Thanks. Like, seriously, I--am bad at not being weird about things, and this seems like a bad topic to be weird about."

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"Hey, don't sweat it. You're the one doing me a solid here."

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"If Luzai doesn't manage to find something intensely dangerous to stick her head into, then I, personally, will be grateful for finding her something to do that doesn't involve mortal peril or public displays of affection with Daeran." 

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"Ah, I understand what you mean. Say no more, my friend."

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Woljif is neat, and reasonably sensible. If Luzai is going to continue accumulating weird and/or disreputable people, Woljif isn't a bad one to have picked up. 

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Luzai talks to Ulbrig. And Lann, even though she mostly isn't planning to ask him to come along, just because looping him in is pretty easy and low-drama. And...maybe Ember? Probably she should, like, assemble Ulbrig and Seelah and Villibor and Woljif in one place, and have a conversation that way, before she anyone decides whether to try to also add Ember. 

(Sheeeee is honestly kind of disturbed at how much trouble she's having with "don't just assume all responsibility for decisions.") 

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That's easy enough to manage, it's not like he's moved much.

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Cool cool cool!

"So, uh! Seelah thinks we shouldn't have too many people, because, you know, we don't want to look like you're trying to intimidate them." 

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"Absolutely. Having some backup is one thing, but if I show up with a dozen people of my own that looks like I'm picking a fight or trying to take over, and then she's practically got to push back."

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"Right, and I think having both Seelah and Ulbrig is a good idea, to keep down the squishy wizard ratio, and obviously Villibor isn't going to let me poke my nose outside the defended perimeter without him present." 

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"--So that's, like, five of us, total, which is, you know, a bunch, but what I was wondering was, would Ember even count, in terms of being scary? She's very young and she manages to look younger than she is, just, due to who she is as a person." 

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"Are you crazy? You want to bring some kid to this?"

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"--She's a second-circle witch!" But, like, also, that's such a reasonable objection.

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"A witch?"

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"Yes," she says, giving him a frosty glare that brooks no further comment. 

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Ulbrig would REALLY like to get to the bottom of what is actually going on and go HOME but for now he is willing to keep his mouth shut for the moment yeah. 

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"Even if she is, someone who looks like a kid is kind of the opposite of the message I'm trying to send here, you know?"

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"Sure, makes sense." Hooray for TALKING TO PEOPLE instead of CAUSING PROBLEMS by UNILATERALLY TAKING ACTIONS. "...Do any of these people have, like, names?"

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"Yeah? Sister Kerismei is the one I've got to talk to, but we might also see Doffie or Melroun or Tavie there, I'm not sure."

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"I just feel like I shouldn't go in there saying 'who are you people, anyway,' it'd be a bad look."

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"Well, hopefully she shouldn't try to talk to you or make it a big deal, but preparation is preparation."

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"Also I am, like, empirically bad at keeping my mouth shut." 

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"Can confirm." 

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Luzai kicks him in the ankle about that, but like, just a light tap to acknowledge the hit, not the slightly harder jab that she'd deliver if he'd actually annoyed her. 

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Once they've got the details worked out, Seelah heads outside to take a shift on watch for a few hours before she turns in.

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Luzai finds a private corner, and--


"Moonlight Glimmer?"

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She pulls a severed head out of her bag. "Did you see how this happened?" 

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"No. And I didn't catch anything with detect evil, either, which means whoever did it is either not evil or stronger than anyone here."

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"I would guess the latter, given the givens." Sigh. "Thanks." 

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"I'll still keep an eye out in case they slip up next time, but be careful."

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"I will." 

She uses most of the charges on the crystal ball spying on cultists--which was what she had originally been going to do before she found the severed head in her bag--and then once it's down to the last couple charges she hands it off to Villibor so he can talk to Mama with it. 

Then she brings Anevia her reports, on the cultist stuff she was able to observe and also the ongoing severed head situation. 

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"I'm now reasonably confident nobody else here has been getting severed heads, so it's almost certainly a you thing if you had any doubts. There aren't any obvious hits for a kind of demon that would want to do this, but one of the people I talked to sounded almost familiar so I'm going to do some digging there and hope it isn't a red herring. Jhoran was able to identify the heads for me; they're definitely native to Kenabres, but not one of the people sheltering at the defender's heart so it's probably not a replacement situation."

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"I wasn't really in doubt--if it were happening to more than one person it would almost certainly get out. I almost screamed about it, the first time." 

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"Considering some of the other stuff I found out people weren't reporting? You might be surprised."

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“That’s fair. And obviously I’m not going to ask you to break anyone’s confidence but I have to admit, when you say things like that I get curious.”

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"Can you keep a secret?"

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“—Well, I sure hope so!”

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"Well, so can I."

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“Obviously! I was not in fact soliciting information, just pouting facetiously. I seriously apologize if it didn’t come across that way.”

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“Hey, I’m not angry. If I was mad- well, if I was really mad you probably wouldn’t, but if I was annoyed you would know. I understand what you’re about, it’s just not the kind of thing I can really indulge too much in my line of work.”

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“That’s fair. I’m sorry. I’ll try not to do it again.”

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"And I'll try harder not to tempt you about it."

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Wryly: "And I'll try harder not to make assumptions about how other people are going to behave." 

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"Well, I don't know how much good it'll do when other people have access to your room, but I've got you some black lead dust for your window sill. If you put a small enough line there, you can check after the fact to see if someone disturbed it."

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"Thanks. It might not help, but," shrug, "if we don't do the obvious little things, and it turned out later that they were only prepared to get around complicated magical stuff--I have absolutely met people like that." 

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"My thoughts exactly."

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Luzai takes the dust and applies it as delicately as possible to the window-sill, quietly reads Villibor in on the situation so he doesn't incidentally disturb it, and...doesn't really have anything else she needs to do today, and it's getting late. 

She's going to go hug Daeran. 

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Would you believe he's had a lot of practice getting good at that?

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She would absofuckinglutely believe that. 

"Ulbrig--unless he's crazy or lying, which is plausible--doesn't believe that the Worldwound could get all of Sarkoris, because he doesn't, really, in his heart of hearts, believe that the world outside Sarkoris exists. Obviously this is nonsense and he's going to have to either learn better or give up the lie. But it's true that a lot of people escaped before the Wound got the whole country; a lot of Sarkorian traditions survived. 

"It's been very clear, since coming to Kenabres, that the witchhunters were one of them." 

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"Now now, give us Mendevians a little credit. If there hadn't been a witch hunting tradition to import, we would have just made our own."

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"I assure you that I am not considering his predecessors a mitigating factor for Hulrun. Quite the opposite." She buries her face against his shoulder. "Fuck that guy. Those guys. Whatever." 

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"I assure you, my standards are higher than that."

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"I apologize for the grammatical ambiguity, I didn't mean you should. Someone else. Maybe a Babau." 

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"That's an excellent point. You hear all about Succubi seducing oh-so-holy crusaders, but I'm sure there are plenty of other demons out there just looking for the right inquisitor to sweep them off their feet."

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"I don't really want him to get hurt. I think the piece of people that wants the people they hate to hurt is just missing, in me. But if I wanted anyone to get hurt, I think it would be him. As it stands I think I want to petrify him and put him in a corner until the world has changed so much that he can't hurt anyone anymore." 


"But I don't know how much of that is actually about him, and how much of it is about...the person I think of, when I see him." 

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"Oh? Say more - I hate the prelate as well, but my dislike has always been rather viciously personal."

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"I...I died, once. I can't say much more than that. But my contact on the demons' side is the only reason I'm alive right now. And he reminds me of the person who killed me." Sigh. "You'd think that would have taught me better than to pick fights I can't win, but spite is a powerful motivating force." 

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"Like in that they were an inquisitor? Because if so, you'd best hope the prelate never finds out - he'd make sure it stuck the second time around."

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"...I don't actually know if they were an inquisitor, but I'm pretty sure they didn't worship Iomedae." Which is not to say that Hulrun wouldn't one hundred percent attempt to kill her if he found out her whole deal, but--well. 

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"Ah, so similar because they're both assholes."

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"Sorry, is Hulrun supposed to have other meaningful characteristics besides that?"

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"I'm sure he has at least one. If you ever figure out what it is, be sure to let me know."

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She considers this. 

"He also has boring hair," she offers. 

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"That much is true. Thank you for bestowing your wisdom."

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Luzai giggles delightedly and kisses him. 

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And he can do his best to make her forget Hulrun even exists, at least for a while.

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It's very easy to forget unpleasant things when she's with him. He makes her feel like the weight of the Worldwound doesn't rest on her shoulders. 

Which is not to say that she's a pillow princess. She's very enthusiastic, and a very quick study. 

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And what things he has to teach!

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She has more spells again, in the morning. 

She is QUIETLY RAPTUROUS about this. 

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He doesn't have anywhere near the same excitement at his own abilities having advanced, but that doesn't mean her face isn't adorable enough to watch for a few minutes while she prepares spells. 

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She kisses him again before she tears off to go find everyone who's going on the Woljif run. 

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Woljif usually has a somewhat offset sleeping cycle ideal for staying up several hours into the night. This has been rather less practical to maintain in the cell or the room where he's pitched his bedroll, but it means that when he first gets up he's not quite rested enough to prepare spells and needs another catnap, so he shows up a bit later than Luzai does.

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Which means that even with her hour of morning prayer and need to don armor, Seelah shows up before he does.

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"Seelah! New spells!!!"

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"Congratulations! The Goddess gave me one today as well, but I didn't know enough about what the options were to make a good pick so I ended up just asking for magic weapon. I think I need to talk to a more experienced paladin at some point before tomorrow morning."

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"That's probably a good idea. Fortunately there are a lot of those here!"

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"Yeah. Are there any new spells you're looking forward to casting, or just more of the old ones?"

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"Communal Protection From Evil!!!"

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Seelah is also very excited about protection from evil, it's a great spell.

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And then eventually Woljif will join them as well, his own spells prepared. 

"Is everyone ready?"

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They are outside and there is enough room for Luzai to do a little twirl without bumping into anyone. 

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Nobody who would judge her is near enough to see.

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The building Woljif leads them to is a nondescript one; on the surface, it appears to be an ordinary tailor's shop, but after exchanging a few presumably-coded sentences with the person on staff and some inscrutable byplay they're let into the back rooms, at which point Woljif leads them down a stone stairway into a relatively spacious underground room. The first thing that stands out about it, aside from the fact that it's unusually well lit and ventilated for an underground area, is that aside from the person manning the store everyone in the building is a tiefling.

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She kind of wants to have brought at least one of Lann and/or Wenduag, just to see what these people would make of them, but that impulse is unworthy on a wide variety of levels, so...no. 

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"Woljif Jefto. You've got a lot of nerve, showing your face here after what you did."


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"That's why I'm here, this is all some big misunderstanding!"


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"Most 'misunderstandings' don't result in my being out hundreds of crowns with nothing to show for it except the watch sniffing around. You sold us out, Jefto, and I don't take kindly to snitches."

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"Believe me, I get it, but it wasn't me! I mean, I was the one who ended up getting caught and jailed over this whole mess, do you really think Irabeth would imprison her own informant?"

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"For someone who claims they got arrested, there sure aren't very many bars between us right now. Unless you're trying to tell me you escaped the eagle's watch?"

She raises an eyebrow, some amusement showing despite her anger as though to mock the idea of Woljif managing that.

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"Escape nothing, I got time off for good behavior for agreeing to help fight off a demon attack. Look, you know how Irabeth is - she might be a real hardass, but she's not racist, and she keeps her word. I'm just here because she has bigger fish to fry."

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"It's true. Keeping him and the guys guarding him tied up while we were actively under siege would have been a really bad idea. It was a bad fight, and he pulled his weight." 

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Sister Kerismei still looks highly suspicious of the chain of logic, but this at least has the advantage of being possible. 

"Fine, let's say for a moment I believe you. The fact of the matter is that someone sold us out, and you're still the most likely candidate by far, but if it's not you then it's someone. So tell me, Woljif, who are you accusing?"

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"How should I know? Be reasonable here, I've been stuck behind bars for a week. I didn't even get to see how everyone else reacted, how am I supposed to-"

He shuts his mouth with a clack at a quelling look.

"Er, I mean. I'll get right on figuring that out, Sister Kerismei, just please give me some time to work?"

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"You've got a day. I suggest making use of it."

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"Yes ma'am, right away ma'am."

And he can lead the impromptu party back out of the thieflings hideout, doing his best not to let on how thoroughly screwed he is where Kerismei could possibly see.

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"Bitch," Luzai mutters once the door has closed behind them. 

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"You said it, chief."

He sighs. and shakes his head.

"Now I just have to figure out who the real culprit is, in a day. I guess it could have gone worse."

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Luzai puffs her cheeks out. "Would it have to have been someone who was there, or did more people know?"

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"Nobody else was supposed to know about it before it happened, but I guess one of them could have told someone else who told the eagle's watch instead of doing it directly."

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"Okay, um...hm. I have never tried to investigate..." a crime? An anti-crime? "...anything like this before, I have no idea how to go about it, do you have any ideas that would separate the culprit from the pack." 

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"Well-" He pauses, glancing at Seelah, and cuts himself off.

"I guess I could talk to the owner of the Ancientries and Wonders shop, but even if Frulliatros knew something I doubt he'd give me the time of day."

He could try stopping by without a paladin later, but if the golem got repaired or wasn't the only defense the guy had he'd be in for a world of trouble. 

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"Well...you could hang back, and I could talk to him."

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"I'd really appreciate that, chief."

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"Cool! I will do that, then!" 



On the way there, Luzai asks, "Did they seriously decide you did it just because you got arrested? Because, like, it seems like that would be really easy to hack, by getting someone else arrested."

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Woljif considers the virtues of different levels of honesty here.

"Well it's not that I was arrested so much as I went missing, you know? The way sister Kerismei thinks about it, if the... job goes off as planned, everyone has to give her the proper cut of the earnings, while someone who disappears has time to hide their share. Of course I didn't steal anything, but that won't stop her from making sure my days are numbered."

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"That still sounds like anyone who gets arrested is in deep trouble...but then, I guess she didn't seem especially interested in, like, fairness, or dealing in good faith." 

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"Well, if they just picked me off the street normally it probably wouldn't be as bad, but looking like you've snitched can be almost as bad as actually doing it."

He laughs at the second bit.

"No siree, chief, no Abadarans here. I think he might have a few problems with our line of work besides."

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"One assumes. What kind of question is 'if you didn't do it, who did?' What would she have done if you'd decided to point a finger then and there?"

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"Ask me for evidence, probably, and if she didn't like what she'd heard that would have been it."

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Luzai sighs and shakes her head. "Well, trying to hold people I'm pissed off with to reasonable standards didn't work--" yesterday, with Hulrun, maybe she shouldn't say that in front of Seelah "--most of the times I've tried it; I suppose nothing will be solved by bitching about this Kerismei person failing to live up to them." 

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Before long, the store in question comes into view. It's clearly seen better days, even by the standards of the city around it; all that remains of the windows is a handful of fragments clinging to the frame and shattered glass upon the nearby ground, while all the shelves are empty and half of them were overturned. In a few cases someone even seems to have tried to make off with the wood of the shelves as well, but was either satisfied with a little bit or thought better of the idea halfway through. It seems totally deserted.

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Luzai wrinkles her nose. It's less vandalized than some parts of the Gwerm mansion, but...really. 

The proprietor might not even be here. It would be safest to have left the city. 

But it's worth a try. She steps inside. 

(Not first. Seelah is first. Luzai isn't that reckless.)

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Nothing jumps out Seelah as she goes through the door, which she considers a mildly encouraging sign.

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On the inside, the place looks even more damaged than it first seemed from without. There are places where paintings once hung, now revealing bare wall. There's a pile of rocks of all things, filling up a corner of the store. There's still more debris all around, from a dozen valuable and fragile things not treated with care.

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And there's a voice coming from under a particularly solid looking collapsed shelf.

"I hear footsteps! Is someone there? A little help, please, I'm stuck."

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Ooh boy. 

Luzai rushes over the first half-dozen steps, then slows; it could be a trap. She will grab a piece of former shelving to use as a lever while Seelah approaches. 

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And with a little help from Luzai, Seelah can get the shelf back to somewhere approaching upright and stable. She frowns. It doesn't look like there's anyone under there, though there's still some more rubble to clear.

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Luzai sifts through the rubble, carefully; if anything that was left behind by looters because it was broken can be magically repaired, she doesn't want to make the situation worse. 

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Apparently some of the material is a good insulator of divination magic, because after one such piece she starts picking up a moderately powerful aura of conjuration and transmutation.

"Just a bit more, I think I felt something shift!"

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Luzai picks up a non-magical piece of rubble, and pokes the source of the magic aura with that before touching it with her actual hand. 

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"Hey, ouch, watch what you're doing there!"

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"...Sorry," she says, and unearths...

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An empty hilt, with a faintly purple gem that looks almost like an eye where a blade's cross guard might go.

"That's much better. Thanks for the the helping hand, miss?"

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"Who...are you???"

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"Finnean Dismar, of course! Master of a hundred weapons, spirit caller extraordinaire - but you can just call me Finnean. I'm with the pathfinder society."

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"Why is that an of course, how would I know your name?" she asks helplessly. That is not the most surreal part of this experience but it is the part she can immediately address. 

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"Well you seemed like the adventurer sort, and I like to think I'm pretty well known in those circles. For my uniqueness, if nothing else, there aren't a lot of people with a shapeshifting sword running around. Though, with your accent... at first I'd pegged you for a fellow Sarkorian, but now it almost sounds like some of those fellows from Nex I met?"

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"...I'm from Geb, originally, actually. I've only been in town a few weeks."

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"Ah, that would explain it! Well, I appreciate the assistance; it'd been taking longer than I expected for someone to give me a hand, and I didn't really have the leverage to do it myself."

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"Because you're a talking sword?"

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Finnean laughs.

"You've got a real sense of humor, miss. No, while my blade is certainly an exceptional specimen I'm more than just my weapon."

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Luzai turns to the rest of the party to see if any of this makes more sense to the rest of them. 

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Ulbrig is stroking his beard. "Dismar, Dismar...Dismar Stareye?"

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"I suppose so, though it's been quite a while since that really mattered for anything."  

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"Nonsense. Your clan will always be a part of you, no matter what." 

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"I mean, I guess it's not nothing, but I'm a pathfinder and an adventurer and even a crusader before I'm a stareye so it's hard to feel very attached."

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“So if you do have a humanoid body, where is it?”

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"Right here in front of you, of course."

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If he notices the hesitance in her voice, he gives no sign.

"So what brings you here anyway? Or maybe I should be asking what's been keeping everyone else? I was surprised how long it took for for someone to lend a helping hand."

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"Well there is currently a demon attack on the city." 

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"Wow, that sounds like bad news. I should probably do something about that."

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"Mmm...how long have you been here?"

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"Gosh, I've been here so long I don't even really remember anymore. I've been hanging out in this shop waiting for my next mission - the owner is an old friend of mine - but it feels like everyone's been busy enough they've forgotten me. If the city's been attacked by demons, though, now's not the time for staying idle, and it's foolish to go out adventuring on your own. Do you mind if I go with you?"

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"...Well, I don't..." 

She turns to everyone else. 

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Ulbrig, still a little put out by the lack of importance placed on clan by Finnean, shrugs. 

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"I don't see a problem with it. What can you do?"

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"I'm a phantom blade, so my best weapon is any weapon. One moment I've got a sword, the next I'm using a Glaive and then I'm pulling back my bowstring to hit someone out of reach."

As he talks, the sheath shifts as a blade and crossguard first form out of the handle before making way for a polearm shaft and blade and then curving into a bow arc; the purple gem is visible at all times, but the rest of the handle's appearance shifts with the weapon.

"Of course, I'm usually even better at working with spirits, but for some reason they don't seem to be responding recently."

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"...I bet Lann could use the help? His bow is pretty ordinary, I think." Seelah already has Radiance and Ulbrig fights with his bare, shapeshifted, hands, and she and Villibor and Woljif are casters. 

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"Who is Lann?"

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"He's a friend of ours! And a really good archer." 

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"I suppose I could show him a few tricks, then."

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"That would be cool." 

If she...picks him up...is he going to react like she did something weird. 

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Nope, nothing unusual going on here. Once in her hand he turns from a bow into a dagger, but otherwise doesn't really react to it.

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She hands him to Woljif, for the moment. She already has a magic dagger, and also it would be nice to ask the proprietor about Finnean without Finnean being right there. 

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Woljif will take a magic knife, sure. It's probably not worth the trouble of trying to pawn when it can tell the customer it's been stolen (or, kidnapped?) but it'll probably still be helpful if he gets in a fight.

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That's the idea! 

Okay. Cool. That's been resolved. What...else is there, here. Are there any secret doors? Luzai did not prepare Detect Secret Doors. 

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Woljif did! You never know when it'll come in handy.

"There's a passage under those rocks, I think."

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"Thanks," Luzai says, approaching the rocks cautiously, holding a piece of wood shaped approximately right to poke objects with. 

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On closer inspection, one of the rocks appears to be the battered head of a golem. Its glowing eyes turn to track their approach, but the rest of the body either can't or doesn't move.

"Unauthorized individuals: this store is closed. Please vacate the premises."

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"--Are you okay?"

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"You are not authorized to know this unit's status."

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"I--fair. That's fair. Hey, weird question, do you know anything about the break in?"

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"You are not authorized to access security logs."

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"Is there anything I am authorized to know...?"

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"Searching... subject is authorized to know hours of operation, manufacturer's information, return location, and sales policy."

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"I'm guessing none of that is liable to be useful," Luzai murmurs to Woljif. 

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"Not that I can think of, anyway. We could move it out of the way, but if the shop owner isn't on the other side it'd be a waste of time. Outside of that... I'm not sure who else would be authorized, but maybe we could find someone who knows how to get it to answer questions, or there's some magic solution I'm not thinking of."

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"Well, we won't know if the shop owner is on the other side without moving it." 

She tries to slide the pile all in one piece, so that the golem will be easier to repair later. 

This does not work very well. She casts Grease and tries again. That works much better. 

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As long as they're careful not to step on the grease themself, at least. Fortunately they can manage it with a minimum of slippage and the Golem not acknowledging their efforts, at least not until they get it fully out of the way of the trap door.

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"...Maybe you should stay up here," Luzai suggests slowly to Seelah once they have the trap door exposed. "I might end up lying to this guy, and I'd hate to accidentally imply that a paladin was backing me up on something that wasn't true. Plus then Woljif wouldn't be totally fucked if a demon came in." 

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She's not ecstatic about the idea of it being fine to just close her eyes and pretend something she can't countenance isn't happening, but the alternative is more her not coming along on these kind of missions than them not happening.

"If it's a trap, call me as soon as you can."

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“I will.”

She—no, she lets Ulbrig go first. THEN she climbs down the ladder, Villibor close behind her.

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The cellar below is poorly lit, the only source of illumination a pair of continual flames, but for amongst their group that's only a concern for Ulbrig. It seems to mostly consist of storage space, but there's signs of habitation as well in the bottles of alcohol and general clutter. 

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Luzai casts Light for Ulbrig’s sake. Also maybe it will get the attention of the hypothetical inhabitant.

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At first the light doesn't get a response, but as she continues into the basement and it becomes clear that she's not going to be dissuaded by the place appearing abandoned, a voice calls out to her.

"Stay away! I'm warning you, I'm armed and dangerous!"

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"Hello? Are you alright?"

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"Yes! Perfectly fine and healthy, and with enough items to send you back to the abyss!"

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"--I'm not a cultist. Or a looter. I'm working with the Eagle Watch, at the moment, running odd missions." 

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"The eagle's watch?"

His voice becomes slightly less panicky, but he clearly hasn't let his guard down and isn't willing to venture more than a glance out of cover.

"You don't look like a paladin, but you do seem less suspicious than most of the ne'er-do-wells in this town. I thought I'd already done everything you wanted from me, what are you here for now?"

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She spreads her hands. "I'm not a member of the Eagle Watch, just answering to them during the crisis. I'm a wizard. What did the Watch want from you?"

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"If you're really working for them, wouldn't you know? And why else would you be here anyway?"

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"I was doing some other stuff and a guy yelled for help from inside this place and he was...confused about his current lack of a physical body." 

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He winces slightly, and while she can't see it, that and his guilt are audible in his voice.

"Ah, something happened to Finnean? Thank you for giving him a hand. The watch business should be over and done with by now anyway, with the city's finest on the case."

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"He was fine, he just had a bookcase knocked over onto him. And after we explained that the city was under attack by demons, he wanted to come with us and help. Do you...have any idea what's up with him?"

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"He got trapped inside his blade, or something like it; whatever happened to him can't be fixed by dispels or break enchantment or heal or remove curse. He remembers most of his life, but nothing about what happened when he was captured, and he has a hard time recognizing his circumstances. If you work him through the logic, sometimes he'll realize what happened and panic over it, but eventually he calms down and just... forgets that part of the conversation ever happened."

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"That is terrifying," Luzai shudders. 

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"Isn't it just. Stuff like that's why I have no intention of going adventuring, though the way things are going even sticking around in Mendev has been too much danger for my tastes - to say nothing of all the time it's going to take me to rebuild my collection."

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She winces at that. 

"What happened? Not to impugn the Eagle's Watch, but, uh, they're...busy." She grimaces faintly. 

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"Thieves is what happened - a whole group of them, trying to loot my shop. The eagle's watch got a tip off about it happening, though, so they had me pretend to not be home to catch the criminals getting sloppy, but it wasn't enough to stop them from nearly destroying my golem and making off with my pride of my collection. Left my shop defenseless against all those looters as well, so there's probably nothing left at this point."

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"...Might depend how good you are with Mending and/or Make Whole? But, uh," faint grimace, "you're basically not wrong. The pride of your collection?"

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"The moon of the abyss. A beautiful gem and setting, I was able to trace its provenance back to one of the few jewelers of note to ever work in Alushinrya, and with how the artisan in question is now dead I'll probably never find its like again. It cost me a small fortune to obtain."

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"Well, if it's so unique, it probably won't be hard to spot, when they try and fence it." 

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"If I'm lucky. Smart odds are though they'll be fencing it outside of Kenabres, though, and even if I could prove it was rightfully mine it'd be tough forcing whatever collector bought stolen goods to give it up. Most of my hope was on the eagle's watch managing it, but if they're as busy as you say..."

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"There's a lilitu in the Grey Garrison. The situation's bad."

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"A lilitu? Are you certain it couldn't just be a succubus? Oh dear, oh dear."

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"Very certain," she says grimly. "The situation is going to be handled," if I have to wheedle a scroll of Wish out of my mother to do it, "but yeah. Busy. Who was it who actually robbed your shop, anyway, you didn't say." 

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"The thieflings. I caught of two of them casing my shop the day before, pretending they were interested in buying things way out of their price range, though from what I heard there were more of them there on the night of."

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"--Are they seriously called thieflings?"

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"I mean, I think so? I've never heard otherwise at least."

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"Wow, okay. I've never heard of crime people calling themselves a pun before. Who were the ones who were casing the place?"

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"There were two of them. One of them didn't let me see his face, but he was wrapped up in a shabby green cloak; I had to run him off after he started hovering over some aasimar-made chainmail. The other one was that scoundrel Woljif Jefto."

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"He's been a regular thorn in my side, trying to treat my shop like a museum and pawing all over the merchandise; it's not the first time I've had to run him off, or the first time he's tried to get his hands on the crescent of the abyss."

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"...Huh. I don't know that much about crime, is it normal for a thief to fixate on one object like that?"

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"When it's as valuable as this one, certainly."

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"Okay, gotcha. --Wait, if you didn't see the other guy's face, how do you know he was a tiefling?"

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"It was an easy enough matter, with horns the size of his."

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"What kind of horns?"

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"Long and straight, jutting up off his head, though I don't think they were terribly thick. Hard to be sure through the cloth, though."

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"Thanks. I'm sorry about your shop. Do you need anything? The Defender's Heart is where the Eagle Watch and various deputized adventurers are gathered, it's probably safer there." 

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"You want me to travel, with the city in the state it is? No thank you, miss, as far as I'm concerned things are too dangerous as they are, much less walking around just begging for looters to steal what little I have left."

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"It was an offer, not a request! Anyway. Glad you're doing okayish down here, at least in the sense of not having been physically attacked or anything." 

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"It could certainly be going better, but I suppose so."

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"Yeah the number of dead people in the streets is...not fantastic."

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The route back out of the cellar is just as empty as when they entered, and the main difference once they climb the ladder is that they don't need to watch out for the grease anymore.

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"How'd it go, chief? Was he willing to tell you anything?"

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“There was another guy skulking around the shop besides you. Green cloak, long straight horns.”

To Seelah: “Good news, I didn’t lie to him. Admittedly I did not mention that I already knew Woljif, but all of the things I did mention were true.”

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"I wasn't skulking - well. None of us were supposed to be out and about near the shop prior to the raid, so it's at least a start. The description doesn't narrow things down that much, though, and it's not proof of anything. Was that all he knew?"

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"He knew your gang had a pun for a name, which I didn't." 

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"You get used to it; it barely even registers as a thing to me, these days."

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Luzai has absolutely no intention of interacting with organized crime often enough or long enough to get used to it! 

"Long horns and a green cloak still narrows down the choices, right, even if it doesn't tell us who exactly?"

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"The cloak isn't really definitive, since they could have multiple sets of clothes or recolor it, but straight horns would narrow it down to Doffie, Melroun, and Tavie."

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Luzai drums her fingers against her thigh. 

"If you find out I have something because I used it to help you, do you promise not to try to steal it from me?"

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He considers it for a moment, then nods.

"If you can really help me here, I'll owe you, and I won't use it as an opportunity to rob you."

It's probably even true.

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So Luzai pulls out her mind-bogglingly expensive crystal ball. 

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It's obviously not the real article, but there are plenty of things that are made to look like crystal balls. He casts detect magic to figure out which it is.


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Iomedae's saggy tits that's a crystal ball. How - where - why -

"You're letting me use that?"

His voice comes out disbelieving, like he's waiting for her to reveal the punchline.

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It's a shame there's no way he could escape with it from here, because if he managed to liquidate this it would be more than enough to cover him getting set up in a life of luxury far beyond the thieflings reach. Somewhere in Tian Xia, maybe, or Arcadia, or even just anywhere past Galt. And it's just as much a waste to not put it to use himself; with enough time and uses, there's almost no limit to how much he could get from theft and blackmail. 

...He supposes that using it to not get bumped is kind of like using it for himself. He's never known any of them to have high willpower, but he's not exactly sure how hard this kind of thing is to resist outside of stories made to puff up the people good enough to do it.

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How long is she going to let him keep using it until they have an issue?

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Well, she's watching him, and she's going to ask interested questions about what he's looking at, and she'll try to get him back on topic if he's not spying on other thieflings. 

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That does limit things a bit, but there's still plenty he can do with that limitation. It's a shame he's not a good enough wizard to read people's minds through a scry, but such is life.

Eventually he hands the crystal ball back to her, having even been nice enough to leave a few daily charges left on it. "I'm not certain, not without another source of information, but between this and what you told me if I had to put money on it I would say it was Melroun. Getting that confirmation is still going to be tough, but... that's still much better than I was remotely expecting."

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She squirrels it back away in her bag. "Do you have any idea how to get that confirmation?"

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"Besides just pretending I'm more certain than I am and hoping he cracks under the pressure from sister Kerismei? I could try to break into Doffie and Tavie's places to make sure they don't have a green cloak."

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"Could've had one and gotten rid of it." 

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"Yeah, it's not flawless either."

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This had gotten so far out of hand. On the other hand, at what point had she had the opportunity to get off this ride, while still dealing in good faith with Woljif?

"What happens if we try the hoping he cracks under pressure plan and it doesn't work?" 

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"I cast shield and hope they don't get lucky before I run far enough to not be worth chasing, and then when I move to another city I change my name and see how long I can make it until someone identifies me?"

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"--Orrr if it comes to that you could stick with us, we're not going to let them get you." 

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"I appreciate the offer, but I really don't think that'd work. Killing people is easier than protecting them, and they're better at killing anyway."

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"We're working for Irabeth right now, do the thieflings really think messing with that is a good idea?"

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"If I can't convince her I'm not a snitch, joining the fuzz would make them more likely to go after me, not less. If I'm lucky they'd wait until after the crisis is over."

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"Obviously it's your choice. I don't want to force you into anything. But," she shrugs slightly, jostling her pack with its incredibly expensive magical contents, "there are more factors in play than you or Kerismei know about. And I won't let her hurt you if I can help it." 

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Life is totally unfair. He finally finds a rich wizard with far more money than sense whose coattails he could ride and it happens at the one moment in his life where trying that probably gets him killed. 

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind."

Once he actually considers it, it's obvious he values his life enough not to throw it away on that offer, but if he's lucky enough to get out of this without a polearm dangling over his head that's not a bridge he wants to burn lightly.

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Okay. Anything else needs done before they head back to the Crimes Hideout?

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"Could we take a moment to plan for what we're going to do if Woljif has to cut and run? I'm not saying I want to pick a fight with them, but it seems like a bad idea to go into a room where he thinks he might get in a fight and not be ready for them to decide we're with him."

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“I Grease them and we all run?”

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"That seems fine for a plan A, but I expect they have good reflexes and they're probably far enough apart you can't get all of them in one go. If they try and block us in, are we fighting to kill? What if Woljif doesn't escape, are you going to fight them for him? Are we waiting for them to make the first move, or should we start whenever it seems like they will first?"

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Luzai makes a face.

“I would really rather not kill anyone if we don’t have to, but…” gusty sigh. 

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“Realistically I don’t trust you not to fight for him if they get him, even if we tried to decide not to.”

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I just want people not to be horrible to each other, is that so much to ask???

Obviously it is.

”They’d be fighting to kill, wouldn’t they,” she asks Woljif.

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"Maybe not if they thought you weren't a threat? I don't think they'd kill you if you surrendered."

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Snort. "Not happening." 

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"Then if they attack you, they'll probably be trying to kill you."

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"Ugh. Try a fighting retreat, I guess, but nobody risk their own life to keep someone on the other side alive. But I don't want to hit first. I want..." Sigh. "If people can't just be decent to each other, I don't want it to be our fault." She flaps a hand at Woljif. "Yes, yes, I'm sure this is terribly naive of me." But it doesn't make her wrong, so. 

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It's definitely naive, but he's not going to complain about people planning to help keep him safe - and not just because they might change their mind.

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"I think that covers our bases, then."

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Luzai nods. 

The one thought that keeps going through her mind, on the way back to the hideout, is how deeply unimpressed with Kerismei she is. 

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They're expected the second time through, which means it doesn't take as long to get access to the basement again, and if Kerismei is surprised by the speed of their return she's got a good enough poker face not to show it.


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She's going to say something disdainful, which means his best option is to cut her off. She'll be annoyed about the interruption, but it's better to divert her course.

"Good news, sister, I've got your snitch."

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Kerismei raises one eyebrow in annoyance, but doesn't move to stop him.

"Go on, then. You'd better hope your evidence is convincing, Jefto."

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"It's as good as Abadar's own truth, cross my heart. Melroun's the one who crossed you."

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"What are you trying to say about me, Woljif? You've got some nerve. Why, I oughta-"

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"That's enough, Melroun." She turns back to Woljif. "Still, he does raise a good point. Melroun's been loyal to me for years, since well before you graduated from small time to join the family. Why should I possibly believe you when you say he's the traitor?"

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"That's just it, sister. He's been chafing at his position for years, building resentment. Thinks he deserves better than just being one of your subordinates - you haven't heard the things he's said behind your back, about what he'd do if he was in charge, but to hear him tell it it's always been more of a when. But that's not all - you know how you gave us all orders to lie low before the raid? Not only did he break that rule, he got caught doing it; when I stopped by the remains of the shop, I was able to get the security golem to talk to me, and guess who got caught visiting just the day before? Well, I was basically certain by then that I had the right guy, but I knew you wouldn't want to settle for just that, so I talked with some of the people working with the eagle's watch, and while they refused to confirm that a tiefling matching his description met with Irabeth, they weren't able deny it either."

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"And you can repeat every word of that in a zone of truth?"

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Not if she made him rephrase it, but he's pretty sure nothing he said is technically a lie.


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"Very well then. Melroun, Jefto, with me."

She nods to two of the more heavily armed tieflings standing guard to come with-

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And Melroun bolts for the stairs. 

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He circles around it rather than slow down or risk tripping, but it's enough for one of the tieflings not so concerned to tackle him, and before he can twist free there are more people piling on. A few moments later, Melroun's limbs are thoroughly secured.

"I suppose I only need one of them, then. Don't let Jefto leave until I'm back."

She's also pretty confident at this point, but she didn't get this far by being trivial to trick with a suggestion.

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Luzai is NOT going to comment on the enormous pile of horseshit that fell out of Woljif's mouth, in front of the people he was lying to, even though she really wants to turn to Seelah and demand, "Did you also hear that!?!?" 

She's going to remember this incident next time she's deciding whether or not to engage in Shenanigans just because she wants to convince someone that Good is a good idea. 

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"Well, that happened," Villibor mutters under his breath. 

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Seelah is also quite concerned about the sheer quantity of lies going on here that she might have accidentally implied she endorsed.

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It's a fairly tense half hour before Kerismei returns, Melroun no longer with her, to a room full of people looking at her for answers.

"He confessed, though it took a bit of... persuasion first. He's been working with the cult of Baphomet, and one of his superiors ordered him to steal the crescent of the abyss for them. That's how he managed to get his hands on the scroll for taking out the golem, and why he did it - he figured enough of us would get arrested that nobody would think to question where it ended up. He tried to spin a yarn about how he was just planning to use them so the family could make a profit, and that the one who sold us out was someone else, but when I asked him about what happened with the jewelry he thought I was stupid enough to buy that it was already gone when he went looking. No doubt his demonic handlers are quite happy right now, but-" her face pulls into a vicious grin "- he won't be sharing that triumph with them."

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She tortured him, didn't she. 

Man. Kerismei sucks. 

Like, Luzai definitely feels better about this whole operation if the guy who got thrown under a carriage is a Baphomet cultist? But that's just moral luck. And torture is bad no matter what. 

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"Say, aren't you forgetting something?"

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"What is it, Woljif?"

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"Don't you think you owe me an apology? You know, for blaming me for something I didn't do?"

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"Sorry, I suppose, for being wrong about you this time. But don't test your luck."

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"Well, that could have gone worse," Luzai says once they're out of there. 

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"Much worse. I owe you big time for that, chief."

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Well she can't exactly say she has regrets NOW, in response to THAT. 

"I was impressed that you offered to repeat what you'd said under truthspell." 

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"I was kind of counting on her making Melroun share his half before making me rephrase and repeat it, but I think none of that was technically a lie. Worst case scenario there's a chance I'd manage to resist her wand, too, though not enough I'd want to rely on it."

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"...I use technical truths sometimes and I have never done so as, uh, creatively. As that. And I've never tried one under truthspell, I have no idea how that interacts." 

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"Well the spell doesn't actually know what the truth is - it's just making sure you can't decide to lie. I've heard stories about people being so good at lying they can convince themselves of whatever and then repeat it without issue, but in real life it mostly means you can stretch the truth a little with careful phrasing and curating your thoughts to avoid being completely sure of inconvenient facts."

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"Wow, I am so deeply not going to do that." 

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"Suit yourself. I suppose it's not like you have to worry about getting dragged in for questioning anyway."

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"I'm trying really hard to avoid the problem that wizards tend to have where our cunning outstrips our wisdom and starts causing problems, and also curb my innate recklessness, and part of this involves trying to keep very clear track of what reality actually is at all times. Trying to trick myself about things sounds like," she makes a Face, "a recipe for a whole lot of bad life choices on my part." 

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Seelah smiles supportively at her.

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"Hey, I'm not judging. Your way seems to be working out pretty well for you so far, considering."

He directs a nod at her pack, where the crystal ball is once more secured.


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Luzai beams back at Seelah, then smiles sheepishly at Woljif. 

"Well. That's more a case of astonishing fortune than anything I actually did."

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Woljif laughs at the pun.

"Fair enough, fair enough."

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"...How are you doing, anyway? That was kind of a close call." 

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He considers deflecting, but it'd be pretty obvious. 

"For a few minutes there I felt like my heart was gonna jump out of my chest, and then as things dragged on it was more nervous energy. Right now relief is the big one, though."

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Nod nod. Luzai wants to at least give him a comforting handsqueeze, but they are not on any kind of casual touching terms, so...no. 

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Pretty soon they'll be back at the defender's heart, then. 

Once there it becomes obvious that someone is looking for them, but for once Villibor's the one they're after.

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What, really???

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Yes, really! An unfamiliar paladin approaches him. They don't seem to be in the best of shape, but whatever it is isn't a physical injury.

"Excuse me, would you happen to be Villibor? The, er, necromancer?"

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"Yyyyyyyyyyes," he says, eyes darting towards Seelah. He can probably physically hide behind her if he has to. 

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"Oh good." The relief on his face is palpable. "Do you know anything about a kind of flying undead that goes right through weapons and armor? I tried asking around for a Pharasmin, but it doesn't seem like any of them managed to make the treck here from their temple."

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"--I hate to say it, but that could be almost any incorporeal undead. Can you be more specific?"

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"It looked vaguely humanoid, but only just, and anyone it hit started feeling weaker and weaker until they couldn't move. Lay on Hands ended up giving it some trouble, which is how we figured out it was definitely an undead, but the only reason most of us got away is that it didn't seem to like the idea of following us out into the sunlight. I'm worried about what will happen once it turns night."

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"Was it very dark in color?" 

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"It was hard to see any details, but it blended in well enough with the darkness that I can only assume so. The other main thing we saw about it was its fingers - I remember thinking they were rather unusually long."

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"That's probably a shadow, then. They hate sunlight, they drain energy with a touch, and when they drain you enough, you die, and become one of them." 

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His face turns white. 

"One of my comrades died there - he couldn't even move his armor anymore, much less flee. Does that mean there's a second shadow there now? Or... however many other people have been killed by one by now?"

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"I'm sorry. Yes." 

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"How do we stop them, then? A priest could channel without having to land a hit I suppose, but only if they don't flee or kill him first. Do we have to take out the roof of the house?"

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Grim headshake. "I can handle it." 

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"We saw the shadow at the corner of 5th and market - ah, I'm not sure if you know where that is, it's east of the Stargazer's temple. Is there something I can do to help you with this?"

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“How badly did it get you?”

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"It only got me once - I can still wear my armor, it's just harder than it used to be."

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Headshake. “Don’t come with us. Thank you for offering, but you need to get some rest and recover.”

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“Inheritor go with you.”

He’ll make sure to report what he’s learned, in case Villibor is overestimating himself and they’re going to need to go fight a bunch more shadows before it gets dark, but he’s not about to ignore the expert’s advice here.

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"Finnean, I am deeply glad we met you before this," Villibor says, stalking deeper into the yard to look for Lann. "Magic weapons usually only do half damage to incorporeal undead but that's distinctly better than none at all." 

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Being carried around by Woljif isn’t enough to stop him from piping up when addressed. 

“Incorporeal enemies? Those are a specialty of mine.”

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"They are? Brilliant." 

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“Oh yes. There were a few times there when some shadow demon thought it could get up to it’s usual tricks, only to find out too late my blade went straight through all of its defenses.”

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"Well, this isn't a shadow demon, just a shadow undead, but the same principle applies." 

Ah. There is Lann. 

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Lann is, like, mildly surprised to be approached mainly by Villibor instead of Luzai. 

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Luzai isn't even embarrassed about that one, talking to people more than Villibor is just how the two of them specialize. 

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"Some paladins ran into a shadow--a kind of incorporeal undead--and couldn't kill it. There will be at least one more, now. One of them who survived and made it back asked me for help. I can take command of one of them," probably, "and hold it still, but it's still a safer idea to kill it from a distance if possible. This is Finnean--" he gestures to the magic dagger in Woljif's hand, "--Finnean, can you do a longbow please?"

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"Sure. With how much draw weight?"

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Lann gives the appropriate in-universe equivalent answer for a strength bonus of +3. 

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A hundred and forty pounds? He can do that, yep, and at just the right length too. 

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Lann tries drawing the bow and is visibly impressed.

“Nice work.”

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"I can also - no, wait. That isn't going to work. Unless there's a way that I can damage undead with a channel that doesn't also try to kill you two?"

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“We can stand out of range.”

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"Villibor's command magic is that long range? That's good to know, then, it sounds more reliable than smiting it and then trying to hit with a lay on hands."

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“I don’t actually know what the radius of a paladin’s channel is, you might have to approach it from a different direction for that to work.”

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"Thirty feet, same as a cleric, and I can do it twice."

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"--We should get Daeran." 

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"Right, for the channels. He's a little twiggy, though, so I'm worried they'll swarm him and die; hopefully we can get them to prioritize someone else first."

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"They're incorporeal but they can't teleport; if we keep at least one other person between him and any of them at all times...I dearly hope there aren't enough of them to swarm. The city is significantly less populated than usual and it's the daytime so they won't have spread out much, yet. Actually, that's another point: make sure we're back before dark and keep him in well-lit areas at all times." 

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"Does that work too? Non sunlight light, I mean, we could get someone to cast light on all our gear if it does."

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He makes a so-so gesture. "It's only about half as good as sunlight, but it's better than nothing."

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"I'll go see what clerics have it prepared and can spare it for us, or at least the ones strong enough it'll last until we get there."

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"Only clerics? Does Aravashnial definitely not have it prepared?"

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"Oh, I suppose he might work too? I don't know, for some reason it just feels less obviously an option - I guess part of me still thinks of asking wizards for favors as a bigger deal."

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"Hmmm. Perhaps. I have different instincts, since so many of my siblings are wizards also--we tried to do our best to take care of each other." 

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"That would make sense. Meanwhile Luzai is the first wizard I ever really got to know, and then you're the second."

She shakes her head.

"Well, I suppose there's no better time to get over it than now, I'll go talk to him too."

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"I'll find Daeran." 

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"I'm going to see if I can get my hands on any more healing potions. You can't throw them at a shadow like you can a corporeal undead, but--better safe than sorry." 

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And so it was that half an hour later Seelah had paid Rathimus enough for him to join Jhoran, Aravashnial, and Camellia in casting light on varying bits of their gear, particularly Daeran's, in the hopes that it might improve their visibility and maybe even dissuade the shadow from trying an attack on their most powerful offensive weapon.

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Okay. Time to face the shadows. 

Villibor really, really hopes there are just the two of them. 

They have the last known location, but they had better not assume they definitely won't run into them until they get there. 

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The streets around the house where the shadow was sighted certainly seem empty.

Too empty, really, even by the standards of the crisis.

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Villibor really, really wishes he had Detect Undead prepared.

Fortunately, they have a paladin, which is the next best thing.

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Sixty feet isn't that long a distance, particularly when thick barriers block it outright, but it's not nothing either. The house they're headed for has two moderately powerful evil auras, just as they expected... but the next house over has a faint aura of its own, and while the rest of the street is out of range some of the dirt looks recently disturbed.

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"...This isn't an isolated shadow," Villibor sighs, pointing to where dirt has been moved. "We have a necromancer. --A, you know, normal one, who does bad things."

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"Does that change the plan? Besides, uh, having to go take them down after."

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"Not really. Keep an eye out for zombies or skeletons or whatever, but the shadows are the main threat." 

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"Got it."

With Camellia not along for the trip, her smite is enough to make her the hardest for the shadows to hit in melee combat even with her armor accomplishing exactly nothing, and she's strong enough it'll take more to kill her than it would anyone else. She sets Radiance to glowing, and with that and the rest of her illumination active she throws open the door.

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Even the partially shuttered daylight coming in through the windows - and now, the open door - is enough to make the front room far from ideal as far as shadow resting places go, so none of them instantly fall on her.

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She'd feel happier about none of them being in the same room as her if she didn't know they could go right through the walls and floor if they wanted. As she walks, she doesn't even try to suppress the clanking of her armor - drawing their attention to her is the whole point of it.

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And Villibor identifies a shadow, and--

flings his power outwards, and tries to take control. 

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His attempt slides off like water, not imparing the shadow in the slightest as it charges straight for Seelah to try and snuff out the light she carries.

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She smites the shadow as it approaches, but even that added protection isn't enough to stop it from landing a blow on her, and she feels her strength start to leave her. She can't channel energy, not with Villibor still this close from the command attempt, but it is in melee range and her smite is active; she slams her fist into it and channels positive energy in a lay on hands.

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FUCKER. He tries AGAIN. 

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Lann doesn't wait any longer before loosing several arrows at it. 

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Lann's shots go wide, and Villibor's second attempt to control the shadow is as ill fated as the first. A second shadow comes up through the floorboards, sinking its claws into Seelah's legs and taking another chunk out of her strength.

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Daeran channels, catching both of them and also any other undead invisibly in the radius but very much not Villabor or Luzai.

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And the shadow takes another swipe at her, missing, and she drops her sword from suddenly nerveless fingers but still connects again with another lay on hands to disperse it. Hopefully the other one takes less time than that, because much more and she won't be able to move.

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The first of Lann's next two shots also misses, but the second hits dead on and despite the shadow's lack of physicality the arrow sinks into it and lodges rather than merely pass through and and disrupt its ectoplasmic flesh, drawing a shriek of rage and pain as it takes another swing at Seelah. When that also misses, it dips back below the floorboards, and out of arrow range.

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He doesn't channel; the effort would be wasted with the intervening matter between them. Instead he turns to Villibor.

"Do they heal?"

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"No." He is SO GRATEFUL to his sister's terrible boyfriend right now. 

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"Then we should take out time to flush it out rather than spread out and try to run it down. Is there any limitations on what it can go through, other than not liking the sun?"

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"No. But they're very hungry at all times, so they won't stay embedded in soil for too long. --I'm sorry, I thought I would be able to catch them faster." 

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Then they can set about exploring the house, holding doors open, and trying to smoke it out of wherever it's hiding. After about a minute of this, though, it surges out through the floor after Seelah again.

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She's still alive, but she lacks the strength to even lift her armor. Seelah falls to the ground in a clatter of metal, unable to move.

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As always, the vision that proceeds its arrival disorients him enough that he can't make any use of it - it's the most useless form of foresight he's ever heard of. It is, however, enough for him to not be totally surpised, and channel energy before it finishes Seelah off. He's not sure whether it was simply already injured or it failed to resist the energy, but the second shadow is now also dead.

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She should have just taken off the armor before she came, ugh. Now she can't even move enough to try to do that.

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"Can you do Lesser Restoration." 

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"Yes, I can do that."

Unfortunately, it doesn't take just one lesser restoration. It takes all four castings he has - and a very tense minute while he does it - to get Seelah back on her feet, and even then she's still a long way from fully healed. She can walk around without having to put down her sword or shield, but it's effortful in a way it wasn't for her before they started.

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"We need to leave. If there are any more of them and I can't take control of them--and it would be foolish to assume I could, since I failed with these two--I thought this outing was a good idea because I thought I could. Shadows are very, very lethal." 

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No more shadows confront them until they are back out in the sunlight. Unfortunately that luck doesn't extend to undead in general, because there are a number of ghouls and zombies arrayed right outside the door waiting for them the moment they walk out the front door, revealing the images of an empty street they had spied out the windows to be the result of illusion magic. At the back of the group is a gnome dressed in all black and the most stereotypical ustulavic necromancer getup imaginable.

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Villibor is from Geb where the fashions run very differently. He notices nothing whatsoever about the other necromancer's clothes. 

Can he steal control of any of these undead? 

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Oh, look, a person! Who can be talked to! That part is Luzai's job. 

"Dude, you seriously suck," she informs the necromancer. 

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He still cannot!

"It figures that you would say that; people like you would never understand. But I no longer have any need for your approval, and now I'm free to let loose my true passion of raising the undead - and there's nothing you or any of your friends will be able to do to stop me. Haste!"

Five ghouls surge forward, supernaturally swiftly.

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This time, unlike with the shadow, she's in reach to angel sword glow at them. 

"People like me? Have you met a lot of people from Geb before?"

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Daeran channels again, the light of his channel joining the dazzling ghouls, only to realize this made him a target when the ghouls headed straight past Seelah for him. He freezes in place, paralyzed by their bites.

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Hideous Laughter on the necromancer. 

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Finnean has fewer advantages over most magic bows, when facing corporeal opponents, than against the Shadows, but that's okay! A regular magic bow is pretty good! 

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The necromancer drops in paroxyms of laughter, at which point Nenio also tags him with an incessant buzzing; it's anyone's guess if it'll work on someone who's both a gnome and a wizard, but at least he's not immune.

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Seelah mutters an apology to Luzai and Villibor and channels positive energy, because she really needs to get those ghouls off of Daeran and there are a couple of zombies close enough for it to hit too. Luzai resists, but her brother does not.

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And between that and Lann's arrows, three of them drop dead. The ghouls split their attention; one of them attacks Luzai, tearing into her with its bite and claws, while the other goes for a coup de grace on Daeran only to find its head detaching from its body before it can bite out his throat.

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They were going to drop a holy smite on that necromancer, but this is actually more urgent now. A bite to its ankles drops the last ghoul; hopefully with the distraction and the cover of the body that won't give them away, but if it isn't this is the kind of thing they're hidden to prevent.

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And then the zombies are on Seelah! Thankfully only on her rather than going around her again, since she's much less able to punish that right now; only two of the blows strike true, but she can't exactly heal it off either. Her own retaliatory strikes aren't doing any better, but as long as they're mostly attacking her she's fine with that.

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Villibor likes NOTHING about this situation.

Instead of trying the thing that keeps not working, AGAIN, he’s going to Boneshaker the fucking gnomecromancer.

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That catches him just as he stands up, shaking off the laughter. It's obvious from the fact that he didn't move that it didn't land at full force, but that doesn't make him happy about it. Enjoy three rounds of supernatural fright from cause fear.

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Aw man, running away? That’s just embarrassing.

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Several of the zombies slip and fall, mostly clearing up one of Seelah's flanks. She starts in on the ones on the other end, trying to narrow their numbers enough that she can keep all the zombies in her field of view at once.

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He doesn't have a lot of spells left that'll hit a paladin, which means he just needs to do it himself. The gnome grabs his glaive and steps forwards, making a swing at Seelah that she has to block with her shield-

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And then he and all the zombies nearby him get tagged with a holy smite. It only kills about two thirds of the ones it hits, and it misses some of them because he has to be careful not to hit the evil aasimar they've got with them, but between it and the grease the necromancer goes from surrounded by a swarm of the undead to nearly alone.

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He sticks around a bit longer to try anyway, but he only manages to land one good hit on Seelah before the lack of zombies and the arrows now focusing on him remind him that discretion is the better part of valor and he takes off running with his last few moments of haste-boosted speed in the opposite direction from Villibor.

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This guy is not getting away if she can help it.

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It doesn't take him that long to get free of the sticky strings, but by then his haste has run out and it turns out that he's not very fast without it. Even Seelah's able to keep pace with his movement, and everyone else - especially Lann - is significantly faster. He tries to then stand his ground and fight, but that was a difficult enough proposition before he left his remaining zombies well behind and he just isn't that sturdy - it's not much of a challenge.

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Luzai is sorry he made them kill him, but boy howdy, did he sure make them kill him.

What’s in his spellbook?

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A lot of necromancy spells, mostly, but there's some other transmutation and illusion and conjuration in there.

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"Oh, hey, he had Eagle's Splendor!" 



Wow, Villibor really isn't doing well, he really ought to have quipped that she had more than enough Splendor already. 

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"A shame it isn't fox's cunning."

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"I know, right. I wonder why he had the one and not the other; I mean, he was a wizard too. I guess maybe he found a spellbook with only Eagle's and not Fox's in it like we just did with him but that just pushes the question back a step...I suppose he might have gotten his hands on a scroll. Sorcerers can scribe scrolls and find Eagle's specifically useful." 

Her brother CONTINUES not to say anything snide. 

"Villibor are you okay you're kind of scaring me." 

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"--Well, I almost got Seelah and/or Daeran killed, and I'm very uncomfortable about that!" 

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"I wasn't going to bring it up until we got somewhere safe to debrief, but it's probably better not to let it linger. What happened to controlling them? And what was that spell whichever of you to used on the zombies, did it just not work on shadows?"

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Sigh. "They threw it off. I thought--I knew it was something that could be thrown off, but I did not know I was so bad at it."

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"I will explain the thing with the zombies, later, in private."

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Nenio has no conception that she might not be part of that private group.

"I can't wait, I hadn't even heard of a wizard spell that worked like that."

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"Let us say, for the moment, that when I display random weird abilities, they are not necessarily wizard spells per se." 

Luzai is seriously considering introducing Nenio to her mother but, one, she isn't confident in Nenio's ability to keep a secret--or, rather, to categorize things appropriately as secret in the first place--and two, she isn't confident Nenio wouldn't just annoy Mom, and that wouldn't accomplish anything. 

Plus she is not introducing her bonus mother to her crazy science friend before her twin brother.

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"That makes sense, it looked more like a cleric spell."

Rather than press Luzai more, however, Nenio instead delves into heavily technical detail about the dozen attempts she's made so far and how spectacularly they have all thus far failed.

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There's obviously something else she's not telling, but Seelah already has a good guess as to what the explanation is going to be - albeit in broad strokes rather than particulars. The more relevant question is what Lann saw; she thinks Daeran on paralyzed before Luzai did whatever it was, and Nenio probably would have just outright said what she saw, but the neather is sometimes harder to read.

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Luzai is going to hug Villibor, because he is her brother and he clearly needs it. Then she is going to hug Daeran, because he was really, really effective, and he got bitten by ghouls, and that sucks, and she would like to counteract the negative reinforcement with some positive reinforcement. 

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He's a lot less enthusiastic about this than usual; something about nearly gruesomely dying and being raised as an undead had proven sufficient to succeed where buckets of water had failed in thoroughly grabbing his attention.

He hasn't stopped being himself, though, so he does return the hug.

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You know what? That's super valid. She will ease up on the part where she was covertly squishing her boobs on him and just. Comforting warm hug. 

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The list of people Daeran is willing to sleep with an the list of people he's willing to confide emotional vulnerability to are disjoint sets, but mostly because the latter list has exactly zero entries. He'll take the hug, but he's going to process this one on his own once he's in private.

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He will nonetheless receive hug.

“I’m guessing there isn’t any more detectable evil in the immediate vicinity.”

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“No. And I didn’t notice anything else while chasing this guy, but I wasn’t exactly scanning the buildings. I mostly think if he’d had more undead, he probably would have used them… but maybe not if there were more shadows, since the sun is still up. If there are, though, I’m not sure what we can do about it - the last pair was bad enough, and now I’m running on empty.”

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"Yeah, no." Sigh. "I'm sure if there are more shadows, we'll find out. Hopefully before there are too many more of them. Meanwhile we should head back and get some rest." 

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Back at the defender's heart, things are once again highly busy. The streets near the tavern are now home to drilling crusaders, and several other smiths seemed to have joined Jhoran Vhane is cranking out arrowheads for teams of nearby crafters to turn into bolts and arrows. At least among the fighters, there's a clear air of anticipation.

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"Is something happening?" Luzai asks someone who looks less busy than average. 

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"Why are you asking? Agnes-"

The paladin next to him looks over.

"They're clear, not cultists or disguised demons."

That seems to mollify them. "We're getting ready for the big day."

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"The big day? ...The Wardstone?"

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"Yeah, we're finally going to take the fight back to those bastards and teach them not to mess with our city."

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She assumes Anevia and Irabeth are busy, but she is going to check. 

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Irabeth is absolutely busy, but the thing she's busy with is getting everyone on the same page as to what they're doing in the upcoming attack and Luzai is part of everyone, so she can get scheduled a spot.

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Great, perfect. Is Luzai's spot soon enough that she should just wait for it or is it, like, more than an hour away, and she should do something else right now.

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It's probably going to be about half an hour, unless she tells someone that it's time sensitive - then they'll bump her up.

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No that's fine. 

Half an hour is probably enough time to get Seelah up to speed on this one specific thing. 

Luzai signals Villibor to distract Nenio and then pulls Seelah aside. 

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Hopefully this one is less of a bomb shell than the last one. She's not sure how it possibly could be more of one, but still.

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"So Mom summoned a vulpinal agathion to watch out for me, and they're the one who did the thing." 

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"Agathions are the ones from Nirvana, right?"

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"Right. She hid that she was evil while she was doing the summoning and I brought them up to speed afterwards." 

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And that eliminates her other big concern about the entire thing, that she'd be asked to keep them in the dark about who their summoner was. 

"Is there a reason for the secrecy? Beyond demons not expecting it, I mean."

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“Oh. Right. So, this whole thing started after I found a couple of severed heads in my stuff. I told Anevia and Mom about it and Mom summoned Moonlight Glimmer to, among other things, try to figure out what the fuck was up with that.”

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"Thanks. I think that's everything I need to know, then, and I don't have a problem with this kind of secret. If there's more that's strategically relevant, I'd prefer to know, but otherwise I think that's everything on my end. Could you thank them for me for the rescue?"

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Luzai thinks about that for a moment. "Mom thinks Deskari gave Terendelev's corpse to Korramzadeh to turn into a Ravener," she offers. That's probably strategically relevant. "It came up because if Terendelev weren't undead yet, it would absolutely have been worth asking her for a scroll of Resurrection." 

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"Right, thanks." She smiles wryly. "I'll add figuring out how to fight undead dragons to my to do list, then, it's probably good practice for blood lords."

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"Honestly, Dad's only sixth circle, I wouldn't be surprised if he'd be easier to beat up than Undead Terendelev. But they're both a ways off, I'm not going to worry about it too much yet unless Korramzadeh fields her sooner than I expect or Dad turns out to be behind the severed heads thing. And I'll absolutely tell Moonlight Glimmer thanks for you." 

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Then Seelah can head off to do her own preparations for the attack, including learning what her options are for spells that'll be more useful than making one weapon slightly stronger for a minute.

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And that didn't take up very much of half an hour so Luzai calls, softly, "Moonlight Glimmer?" 

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The vulpinal does not return to visibility, but he brushes lightly against her leg to indicate his location.

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"I assume you were listening when I talked to Seelah, but thanks from her for the save." 

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"I did. You should probably make Daeran gets a remove disease; I can cover you, if you want, and paladins are immune, but we don't want anyone coming back as a ghast because they got unlucky. But speaking of Daeran... he was about to die, when I had to choose which of you to save and couldn't use holy smite without hitting him too, but the ghoul suddenly died and it wasn't me or Lann or Seelah that did it. Either he was faking the paralysis for some reason and did it himself, or there's something strange going on there."

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"Yyyyyyyou didn't do that?" 

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"No. I took down the one going after you instead - my claws don't make that kind of cut anyway, and I'm not one of the Vulpinals that have learned to use weapons."

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Luzai is opening her mouth to say that she doesn't know enough about agathions to have realized it wasn't a spell-like ability when she freezes. 

"Its head came off. And Daeran had been in the room with me for a while before I found the first set of severed heads." 

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"Do you think he would dump heads in your things? I had assumed whatever it was removed the head because the ghoul was in the middle of trying to tear out his neck with its teeth, but I suppose he has had enough access to your room to leave those for you to find if he wanted to."

Moonlight Glimmer believes implicitly that there is good in all people, even the ones that Pharasma says are evil, but that doesn't mean they won't do bad or creepy things. He's known Daeran for less time than she has; he'll mostly defer to her judgment of what he's willing to do or is capable of.

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"No, it doesn't make any sense. But--" she gestures with frustration, "nothing about the situation with finding severed heads in my belongings makes sense. I'm not assuming it was him, but it's--a connection." 

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"I could imagine someone who wants to threaten you and thinks having him near you is a weakness, I suppose, but I don't know why they would tip their hand like that or would be following you around regularly enough to do it without exploiting it. If someone wanted you dead and difficult to resurrect without it being suspicious having shadows kill you would be an easy way to do it, and if they were planning to make you impossible to raise at all there wouldn't be any need to tip their hand with the heads."

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"Yes. We'll see what else we learn, in time, I suppose."

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He nods, still invisible, and then realizes and repeats his agreement aloud.

"And I'll keep a closer eye on your things next time he's in the room with you, just in case."

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...Luzai really wants to qualify that with "unless we are having sex" but she's not actually sure that's...safe. Soooooo she's just going to not ask and pretend like Moonlight Glimmer hasn't and isn't going to see anything it would be awkward for them to see. 

"Thanks," she says instead, and then goes and makes herself findable for when her turn to talk to Irabeth comes up. 

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Then presently she will be found and sent in. 

"Luzai. I had heard from reports earlier that you were going out after an undead infestation?"

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"Yeah, there were shadows. You've really gotta nip those in the bud." 

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Yep. Evil mother or not, when she heard they were setting off to deal with it themselves rather than with a dozen channelers she hadn't expected all of them to return, and her first reaction was cursing the fact that someone thought it was a good idea to wait several hours to tell her about it just because she was busy. Given that they're all back alive rather than several more shadows, though, that was clearly baseless. She makes a mental note to do less assuming the wizards from Geb don't know what they're doing with the undead - for all she knows, they're as immune to shadows as Vampires are.

"Then I'm glad to see you're fine. I imagine you've already heard, but we're planning an attack on the grey garrison tommorrow - we're about as strong now as we're going to be, and every day we delay is another day for the wardstone to get weaker. Can I count on you and your brother to join us?"

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“Of course!”

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“Good. We’re expecting a long battle, so try to pick your spells accordingly, and given the tight quarters we want to avoid as much friendly fire as possible.”

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"Right. Uh, I don't actually have a lot of experience with this kind of battle--I'm hearing, area of effect damage no, Grease and Web yes but only use them in spaces that are unambiguously enemy-only?"

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"Not unless you expect you'll be able to be very careful, at least - I'm mostly worried about things like fireball that could end up hurting crusaders a lot more than demons, not professing my newfound expertise at wizard spells."

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"Right. No fireballs. That much is very clear." She isn't third-circle yet so fireballs were off the table anyway but there is a time and a place and a person for pedantry, and it is not now and here and Irabeth. 

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She then pulls out a few small slips of stationary, and writes something on them.

"Take this to the fletchers, so they'll know to give you and Villibor your allotment. There's two more in there for Lann and Wenduag as well."

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"Gotcha." She doesn't know if it's more efficient to get them all at once or everyone individually, but at the very least Lann and Wenduag need to be not induced to interact with each other too much. 

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"Outside of that... I don't think there's anything in specific we need from you, so I'll be counting on your best judgement, but if there's something that you need to do your best let someone know and we can try."

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Nod. "Understood. And...thank you. For trusting me." 

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"You can thank me by showing I was right to."

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"I will." 


Okay, great, time to...find something else useful to do, probably. If nothing needs to be Prestidigitated or anything then she will find Nenio and discuss the possibility of pooling spells. 

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Pooling spells? Nenio's not really aware of any way to have it so that multiple people can cast from the same magical scaffold, but since you can do it with familiars it's probably not in principle impossible.

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"--No, I mean--Villibor and I share all our spells with each other, and it's more efficient than trading individual spells on individual occasions." 

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Oh. That makes sense, though it's rather less exciting.

 Nenio can show her spellbook; it's predictably very heavy on illusions, including some rather obscure ones, and misses out on several spells that are usually considered staples for both adventurers and civilian wizards trying to make a living.

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Luzai's spellbook is...

Well, less personally tailored to her own preferred school, since she's been sharing with Villibor and they have different preferred schools. 

But, also, just. Fuller. Because she's been sharing with Villibor, and, also, looting spellbooks off of cultist wizards. 

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There's a fair bit of overlap there, which makes it less effective than it could be - particularly when also Nenio completely ignores the abjuration and necromancy spells they have. Still, she's already thinking of what she's going to do with the ability to use keep watch to just skip out on sleeping entirely from here on out and something about alter self speaks to her.

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Luzai cannot fathom the mindset that doesn't snap up every spell available, even in one's dispreferred schools, but if she is ever going to make an issue of it it's not going to be the night before a major operation like retaking the Grey Garrison. 



When it gets late enough, she seeks out Daeran. 

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Seeks him out for what?

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Oh, you know, the obvious. 

...Or so she implies, but once they're in the rope trick, she pulls away. 

"Remember how I told you I still have secrets from you?" 

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"Oh, certainly."

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Luzai brings her bag with her, when she vanishes with Daeran in the evenings; she likes to prepare spells before leaving the rope trick. 

What she pulls out of her bag this time is not her spellbook. 

"Don't ask me where I got this," she says of the crystal ball, "but ever since I did, Villibor and I have been using it to scry Mama." She looks him straight in the eye. "Having a dead mother sucks. And being able to check in on her isn't the same as her not being dead, but it's better than nothing." 

She holds it out to him. 

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Daeran scoffs, his jovial mood suddenly gone. 

"I don't know why you thought this would be funny, but I find I'm not in the mood for this jape."

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Flatly: "I'm not joking." 

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His voice somehow seems to get flatter as well.

"And I have better things to do than scry shades in the boneyard."

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"In the Boneyard? That's--unusual. For adults." 

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"On the contrary. As I understand it, for souls to wait there until their trial is as normal as it comes."

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"...I thought she died years ago." 

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"She did."

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"Okay. Well. If you don't want to, I'm not going to try to argue with you. But the crystal ball is good enough that a Message will generally get through, if not necessarily on the first try, and there's a difference between talking and just looking." 

She pulls a handful of scrolls out of her bag, and sets both them and the crystal ball down. 

"I'm going to leave, for now, and be back in about an hour. Do what you like." 

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"Take your trinket with you. I have no desire to speak with someone who can't hear."

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"That's what the scrolls of Message are for! Or does Pharasma prevent that from going through, for some reason." 

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"A soul is not a petitioner until after it is judged."

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"...Is that a yes to Pharasma doing something, because Message works on, like, ghosts." 

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"That's a yes, and if there hadn't been anything preventing it I could have just done it myself."

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"Okay." She stuffs the crystal ball and the scrolls back into her bag. 

She does not leave the Rope Trick. Instead she sits down beside him. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't--realize that offering could be worse than not. Pharasma's a bitch. And before you say something snide about how that shouldn't be news, remember that I am from Geb."

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"I would rather have expected that to help your realization, not hinder it."

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"No, see, imagine if the only thing you knew about someone was that they hated Prelate Hulrun and also Iomedae. You'd probably think more highly than average of them, right?" 

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"Not on average. It's rather tragic, but with the hold that goddess has on this country most of the people that describes are demon cultists, and they're somehow worse."

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"Eeesh. Fair enough." She sighs. "No offense, but this place is fucked up." 

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"Whyever should I be offended by the truth?"

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She leans into him. 

"Want me to teach you Necril swear words? Since I inconsiderately broke the mood for other things." 

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It's not exactly enough to get him back to enthusiastic, but he's always up for being able to scandalize more people.

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That is totally reasonable she will settle for “not actively pissed off at her."

Necril has words for sex acts that are, if not impossible for living people, certainly not safe, sanitary, or respectful of anyone’s bodily integrity.

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Anyone who knows enough Necril to understand that has probably gotten at least slightly over it, but some of those sound like they could be fun to drop on someone who has tongues or comprehend languages up. 

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"...I think that I, myself, am a little too preoccupied with how useful it is to not piss people off to test that, but I won't lie, if you find out how Tongues or Comprehend Languages interact with spluching it would bring me joy to watch." 

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"I'll see what I can do."

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She laughs softly and squeezes his hand. 

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As always, time eventually slips her by and it's morning again.

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Luzai prepares her spells more grimly than she usually does, and emerges with one hand in a pocket, holding firm the hilt of her bonded knife. 

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Nobody tries to ambush her as she leaves the rope trick.

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Yeah. Not what she's worried about. 

What state are the preparations in, is there anything she can do to help. 

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There's a lot of last minute rush, as you might expect from someone putting together a large operation in a hurry, but most of the most important work was already completed by the time she woke up. She could check in with her team? See about getting her hands on any equipment she realized she needs? Or perhaps what's left to her is to hurry up and wait, that most tiresome of military rituals.

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She will...finally learn a lesson from Villibor...and make sure everyone on her team has healing potions. 

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For rather obvious reasons, neither Wenduag nor Lann have gotten their hands on any, and Seelah seems to have decided that with her own healing they'd be better held elsewhere. Camellia, on the other hand, has three and a partially-spent wand of cure light wounds, and Nenio turns out to have had two more in her pack the entire time.

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Luzai will obtain some and pass them out to Wenduag and Lann and also Ulbrig who doesn't really carry money around either at this time; Seelah is valid but if she's amenable Luzai will slip her a potion of Inflict just in case. 

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Oh yes, that sounds like a good idea. She wishes there was some way around the negative energy bit, especially if they run into any more undead in the garrison, but nobody she talked to had heard of anything.

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“I’ll let you know if I find anything out, but it won’t happen today,” Luzai sighs.

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"Yeah. With any luck, we'll win hard enough today that we won't need it. You'll have a whole bunch of armored crusaders between you and their claws this time."

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"Yep. You know, people talk about how great it is that paladins can smite evil, and it's true, but personally I think the best thing about having so many paladins is that the people on the front lines can heal themselves."

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Seelah is really quite fond of it! She still thinks the smiting wins out, though, especially before she got a cold iron sword.

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It's a little after nine by the time that everyone gets set out and marching, which means that they're on schedule to hit the garrison around eleven and in actual fact should still manage to have everything prepared for an assault by noon. They're not going to manage a full encirclement - even if the demons haven't found a way out through the underground, there are too few of them to both solidly lock down the surroundings and take the place - but flying enemies aside, they'd like to make sure as few of those currently in the garrison have a chance to blend back into the civilian population once they win, and while they aren't going to say it aloud having a defensive position solidly under their control outside will save lives if the attack becomes a rout. 

It's something of a motley crew that Irabeth has spent the last week putting together, a mixture of dozens of different units and whatever new recruits she could drum up that wouldn't just get themselves or their fellows killed, but from the looks of things it's enough that they'll have the advantage of numbers.

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Luzai's nerves are jangling, but she is going to. Stay. Calm. This is incredibly high-stakes and they did have to run away from Minagho last time, but--this is going to work. It has to work. 

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Were the wardstone still held within the Kite, they would need to force the doors - with all the bloody toll that requires, taken both from attacks on those battering down the doors and on then having to press straight into the teeth of the strongest demonic defenses. Fortunately, this is one area where the grey garrison is unlike the fortress where the wardstone originally stood; where the exterior walls of the Kite were laboriously constructed out of bricks and interlaced with metal bars, the Grey Garrison was built from solid granite, and there's nothing preventing a simple stone shape from creating a second opening in the outer wall. A handful of the cultists in the upper floors were quick enough on the uptake to reposition themselves above the new ingress with their buckets of pitch and alchemist's fire, but the repurposed stone makes a fine overhang to cover the last approach of the paladins charging in through the gap. The suppressive fire directed out at the crusader lines dies down as most of those responsible take off running towards the balconies overlooking their chosen approach so as to better support their fellows, and in the sudden drop in danger gives room for more crusaders to steadily stream in behind the vanguard.

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Luzai keeps the crusaders covered with diligent applications of the Light of Heaven--a new temporary hit point every time you've lost the last one isn't a lot, but it's very distinctly not nothing, either, and nobody else can do it. 

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The morale effect of her throwing around the light of heaven is probably a bigger deal than the direct effect on survival, but it's definitely not nothing. 

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Once they've established a beachhead large enough that it's unlikely for them to get pushed back, she gives the go-ahead for archers to start coming through to pin down the enemy's fire support as much as possible. Luzai won't be the first member of that group - Lann is the only member of her party to make the cut for the first such team - but first Wenduag and then she will be let in to join them. 

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It's much more packed than the last such battle she was a witness to, but that's true for both sides at play here, and from the looks of things the majority of those dead so far are cultists. There are more tieflings amongst their number than in the city at large, but the majority are still humans, and at least some of the corpses in question are probably actually cambions. Over to her left, there's what appears to be a hastily abandoned barricade and killzone meant to give the defenders a commanding advantage against any attackers, and from further inside the building she can hear the sound of horns blowing an alarm.

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She would really rather horns were not doing that but she's not high enough circle to do anything about it. Yet. 

She alternates between taking shots at the defenders and lighting up her own side as appropriate. 

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Fortunately for her ability to survive the second course of action, all of the channels going off are meant to heal the living, and while they don't help her they don't hurt her either. About the only one not making use of the channels is the Prelate, who simply cycles between different glowing auras as he cuts his way through the demons.

The archers aren't really the main targets here for the cultists on the balcony, but she's glowing like a torch which obviously means something important. Some crossbow bolts will start flying her way as well.

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Grease for the enemy archers.

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They're not clustered up enough for that to get more than two of them, particularly given how few of them are in his range, but it does have the advantage of temporarily getting some of their fellows to rescue them and thereby offer a larger reprieve for a few moments - between that and the fact that most of the archers weren't shooting at her in the first place, it's enough time for Luzai to get under cover for a bit.

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GOOD. He’d like to do worse. Hurt his sister, will they.

(He is going to deliberately ignore the fact that they are in a combat situation that his sister put herself in on purpose.)

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Fortunately, there's nobody reading his mind to call him out on this!

The battle continues in a similar manner for about a minute, though their advance slows as Schirs and Abrikandilus start stiffening the cultist ranks and the archers have to slow their fire to make every cold iron arrow count. 

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Then, just as he's about to finish off another demon, a dozen odd spears, arrows, and daggers lift off the ground to slam into the Prelate. Minagho suddenly fades into visibility with a mocking laugh, and tosses a fireball at the crusader lines.

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Just to check, Luzai still can’t angel-smite this bitch, right? Because she would really love to be wrong about that!

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She remains unfortunately un-smote. 

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Not for long. They had some of the better paladin archers waiting for this moment, saving their smites - they'll keep it on her even if she leaves, until she or they are dead, and while they don't have or need cold iron arrows their bows are enhanced with greater magic weapon and they're all under the affect of heroism. It won't be enough to reliably hit her, but they can give her a reason not to stick around in the open.

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You overestimate yourself. Even for an normal Lilitu, that kind of attack isn't enough to qualify as more than an annoyance, and she's hardly ordinary.

Still, it wouldn't do to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, and they obviously have some kind of plan if they bothered to show up to fight her. If there's someone actually dangerous hidden waiting in the wings, letting these idiots chip away at her could still end up mattering. She sends them another fireball, and then slips back out of their line of sight.

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Luzai really, really wishes that angel-smiting her had worked.

Everyone can have some temporary hit points and morale.

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That sets the pace of the conflict for the next few minutes. Minagho makes an appearance every so often to discourage people from clumping up to get the most out of channels and to pick off crusaders with massed telekinetic bombardment; with a particular eye to finding out how many sharp objects she can run the Prelate through with. Setting his judgments to protect against this kind of attack, in turn, resulted in his ability to take out demons dropping like a stone, and anyone less durable she sets her sights on usually dies. By the time the attackers clear the foyer of enemies about a fifth of their own number are lying dead, and they still need to take the staircases.

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Luzai REALLY wishes Terendelev weren't currently undead and they could have gotten a Resurrection and brought her along on this. That'd shut Minagho up. 

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She's about 5 circles and a diamond short of her wishes being able to accomplish things, unfortunately.

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Now then, I wonder how many of you will die taking the staircase? I've had my alchemists prepare a little surprise for when you get past the barricades, and I'm just dying to see what you think about it.

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Once they're reorganized and the archers are as suppressed as they're going to get, Irabeth waits for Minagho to duck out again and then gives the signal for Jhoran Vhane to cast wall of stone. She's not the first one up the new staircase, since that's a job reserved for people not slowed down by heavy armor, but she's not far behind them.

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She uses a telekinetic shove to launch the half-orc off the staircase. It's not nearly high enough to kill her, more's the pity, but Minagho has just about had it with them.

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Probably her armor class is too high for shooting her in the face about that to work, but it’s the thought that counts.

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Not only can he not hit her, he also wouldn't injure her if he did, which puts him well below even the level of an annoyance.

What she would like to do right now is douse their new staircase in the alchemical surprises she had ready, but none of her minotaurs are in position to throw it and trying to move heavy objects with telekinesis is far too slow for something that excitable. Instead, she can take advantage of the fact that they're mostly lined up for her right now and shoot a lightning bolt straight down the staircase, which won't kill anyone strong but should leave them injured enough that they heal up rather than take advantage of her being close to try and hit her directly, and then leave to ensure the next line of defense is actually ready for the crusaders this time.

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She could try it right now! Does she want to punch Minagho badly enough to die of strength damage or Minagho's natural attacks about it?

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The good news about the second floor is that once they make it up there aren't any more archers firing down on them, and there are fewer prepared defenses and hardpoints that they need to bypass. The bad news is that their own archers, Luzai and Villibor included, are set upon by swarms of biting locusts just as a trio of minotaurs supported by Schir and a song sorcerer slam into their front lines.

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If Luzai dies of attempting to punch Minagho then probably Mom will do things to Minagho that make her unable to pull shit on Irabeth so, like, it's not Luzai's Plan A or anything, but she is keeping it in the back of her mind. Probably Mom would keep her in a secure demiplane until the next Clone matured if she did that, though, so let's try to not have to. 

The locusts are bad but slightly less bad than they would be without Communal Protection From Evil. Luzai really, really likes that spell. 

She lights up. She doesn't know if individual locusts can be blinded, but hey, why not find out? 

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Hey, how well does that song-sorcerer hold up against Boneshaker? Speaking of spells people like. 

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The locusts have no real defense against being dazzled, which makes it all the more unfortunate that dazzling them doesn't interfere with their ability to bite people inside the cloud of insects. The boneshaker is similarly ineffective, sliding right off their spell resistance; with all the insects surrounding Villibor and the general confusion of the battle, it seems likely they didn't even notice that he tried.

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She hates, hates, hates these fucking locusts, and also crossbows at the song-sorcerer. 

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Most of her crossbow bolts aren't doing very much, but some of the other archers have the same idea, which causes the song-sorcerer to first get behind cover and then take off when the minotaurs start dying a minute later. One of the archers, meanwhile, had the idea to go for the alchemical weapons on the stairwell, and while most people get caught in at least some of the acidic or fiery splash zone - Luzai included - the insects have a much worse time.

From there, it's on to the third floor staircase, and unfortunately for the crusader plans for another bypass Minagho kept her Babau back and now has them counterspelling whatever their allied spellcasters try. With them are a number of other defenders, these ones of a higher caliber than the ones they've been cutting through so far; two succubi, a handful of incubi and vrocks, and one elven or half-elven woman with a particularly nasty looking scythe.

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...Can she trick a Babau into counterspelling cantrips. And if not, how close can she get to the demons without sacrificing the protection of the paladin shieldwall, in order to blind the fuckers with Lariel's sword. She is in favor of blinding some fuckers with Lariel's sword. 

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She can! Babaus are not known for their skill at spellcraft. Unfortunately they don't seem to be running out of dispels, no matter how many times she tries. 

As for how close she can get... maybe twenty feet off, all told, but that would involve getting close enough that safety is relative.

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Well at least if the Babaus are counterspelling her stupid cantrips they are not counterspelling anyone else's not-cantrips! ...Which would be more of a comfort if they had more casters than there were Babaus. 

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This is a problem other people are working on solving. 

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In both directions!

The battle is stuck in close quarters, which is something of a mixed blessing for both sides. On the one hand, it makes it very hard for the crusaders to make their superior numbers count, but on the other Minagho barely has any ammunition for her telekinesis. Whenever enough crusader arrows miss their targets and fail to embed in the walls, she returns fire, but instead of overwhelming offensive power her attacks are now inherently lower volume than their crusader counterparts, and in the current situation neither suggestions nor shoving around paladins is enough to change that. If they still had access to their full supply of healing, the resulting grinding victory would be a foregone conclusion, but with how much they've already used up on the attack so far things are a lot more touch and go. The inquisitors try and make the most of their own unlimited healing to counteract that, but Minagho makes a point of trying to pick them off as they cycle off the front lines and change over from resiliency or protection to healing.

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Every now and then Luzai is going to double-check to make SURE she can't angel-smite anyone. If not Minagho, maybe the Schir? No? Okay, just checking. 

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The light of heaven is very sorry, but bolts of justice are very expensive and it's kind of running on empty right now.

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Eventually, it's Staunton's turn on the front lines. He's not splendid enough to have many channels or a devastating smite, but he's still an experienced paladin in heavy armor. Unfortunately what he doesn't have is ironclad self control, because when Minagho takes the front lines herself to fight him personally something she says sets him off and he charges after her as she laughingly retreats.

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There is absolutely no way this isn't exactly what Minagho wanted. The absolute best case scenario is that this takes Minagho out of the main action long enough to make up for the loss of Staunton and Minagho did this because personal cruelty is more important to her than actual effectiveness. 

This is why you don't pick on a guy for seventy years! Not that you need a reason to not do that! You can and should just not do that

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It's probably to their benefit, on net? Minagho might be less deadly now than she was when she had her pick of ammunition, but she's still the most deadly person here by a significant margin and Staunton really isn't. The bigger concern on that score is that her leaving coincided with an alchemist joining the fight, and everyone with energy resistance has had it stripped away via dispels by now; their bombs are if anything a little weaker than the ones she most recently had the displeasure of experiencing, but in a confined space like this that only helps so much.


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Yeah. The plausible tactical detriment to their side in the long run is if Minagho comes back and Staunton doesn't. Also what's that over there?

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There's a door in the wall right there, though she has no memory of it existing when they arrived in this hallway.

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...Aaaaaand if she opens the door? 

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There's a passageway that slopes upwards and onward. 

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...Luzai will grab any of her people who aren't actively on the front lines and Git. Odds that this is a Mom shenanigan: High.

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Seelah and Ulbrig are currently busy, but everyone else can be fetched without much difficulty. Nobody outside their group seems to notice the doorway, even when she opens it.

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Luzai would love it if she had at least one melee guy available besides Camellia but oh well. 

Luzai really, really hopes this doesn't end badly. It would be such a stupid trap to fall for. 

Where does the passageway open out to?

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Invisibility. Dimension Door.


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The passageway opens up onto the third floor, in sight of the base of the wardstone. The light coming off it is noticably dimmer than it was last time she was here. There's a skeleton guard of a few cultists, but they're watching the passageway towards the fighting and don't seem to have noticed her yet.

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Lann does not require instructions to figure out that he should begin sniping them. 

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It would be very convenient if he did require instructions, since Nenio is absolutely not in position yet to hit them before they turn around - and then there's a fog cloud, thanks Villibor, that lets her get close enough to drop everyone with a color spray before they realize what's going on.

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The fog does make it slightly difficult for them to find the cultists as well, but none of them are moving and the color spray lasts long enough that nobody is able to raise an alarm with the specifics that would get people's attention from away the fight. There's nobody else visibly on guard around, leaving their way to the wardstone unobstructed.

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Which is good, because Luzai sprints over to it as soon as this is tactically reasonable, drawing the nahyndrian crystal dagger and pressing it and her forehead both to the Wardstone. 

How does she do this. 

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Just like that, apparently. The moment the blade makes contact with the wardstone, there's a feeling like a static shock that sets her arm to tingling, and then the world around her vanishes.

For a moment she might be forgiven for assuming that she was back in the hall watching the crusaders clash with the demons, but a second glance puts lie to that idea. Instead of the dark stone walls lit by everburning torches, her field of vision is ringed by blue and gold, and those fighting are not merely paladins. No, here the ones doing battle are angels - on both sides of the conflict.

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--Is it obvious which side of the angels' conflict is which? Like one side is mostly overlaying cultists and one crusaders?

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The correspondence to the fight outside isn't really close enough for that to work, but that doesn't mean they're difficult to tell apart. One side looks as she would have expected, while the other is stained in purples and reds. Not all is static, though; if she looks at some of the angels in white and gold long enough, she'll see their halo and aura slowly tick darker and darker as they clash.

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Oh no. 

Please, stop! she tries to call out to the darkened angels. Please! 

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What comes back as a response is a cacophony, yet it cannot rightly be called noise. It is a storm of agony, hatred, and betrayal, but at its heart one message carries through.

This is the truth of the wardstones, they seem to say. A great cage without even the promise of gilding, to restrain the demons by first restraining them. And just like the demons in the wound, to be an angel in the wardstones is to suffer. Every injury inflicted upon the artifacts, every demonic incursion that must be repelled, is dealt upon the angels that stand in vigil - day after day, week after week, year after year, in suffering unending. And for what? A war that cannot be won? This latest torment is the worst one yet, but it is not different in kind, and they cannot bear to endure it. They will bring an end to their torturous existence by whatever means are required.

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Oh NO. 

The Wound will be closed soon. Please, wait just a little longer!

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The politest responses to this declaration are skepticism. They have been here for seven long decades now, and if the war were to be won, it would have happened by now. They have had a front-row seat to every demonic incursion, and they show no signs of abating. Not everyone, however, is polite or lucid enough to argue their points; some rant and rave, while others continue begging for death or mock her declarations.

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Yeah she. Expected that. 

...The medium they're all communicating in isn't exactly words. Can...she...just, wrap her entire context, soul-splice and sincere allegiance to the side of good and evil science mother and all, and lob it at these people?

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Either that's not exactly how it works, or she's just unpracticed at it; even as she pushes it she can feel the ideas getting garbled up. Unsurprisingly, it's less effective than she might hope; even in the best of times, trusting Areelu Vorlesh to close the worldwound would be a hard sell, and this is not that. What's worse, even her promises don't have a schedule - for some of the angels, even enduring another year in these conditions is unimaginable.

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It's not about trust! It's about the gameboard having been changed! 

She tries again, outlining the whole thing from beginning to the present. Nobody is asking them to trust Areelu Vorlesh! But this is something different. Please. Give her a chance. 

(...If she tries to draw corruption out of the angels and into the dagger, does that help?)

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That's enough to sway one of the more lucid ones, but the rest continue their battle. 

When the blade of the knife touches the corruption, it reacts violently; the corruption attempts to mar the nahyndrian crystal, and is in turn destroyed by the greater poison within. It's not exactly a delicate tool, but it's obvious that if she was willing to carve out the corrupted angels with it it would be simplicity itself to remove it.

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She's not going to hurt the angels! Not if she can possibly help it! 

There must be something she can do to help them. ...Do the uncorrupted angels have any ideas. 

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The warriors in gold are steadfast in their duty, and when they respond, it is with none of the tumult of the red host. 

Our brethren have been ground down under the weight of their task; words alone will not suffice to turn them back, or else we would have done so. You must either find an action to show the difference or else destroy them, but do not leave them as they are! Left unchecked they will fully corrupt the wardstone, and through the bond to the other links of the chain the rest would be next.

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Okay she will kill them if she absolutely has to but she doesn't think she absolutely has to yet. 

She is aware that she is running out of time though. 

What else can she do? There must be something--


Can she put them to sleep?

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Twisting the power of the nahyndrian crystal like that is no easy feat; for all that Succubi and Lilitu prove that it can be turned to such subtle ends, the natural state of abyssal power is to dominate and crush all in your path. Still. For all that her channeling capacity holds her back when it comes to hanging high level spells, Luzai is very good at enchantments, and it's her that's in charge here - not the dagger's crystalized hatred. Slowly, carefully, and with a constant awareness that at any minute it could escape her grasp if she stops focusing... Luzai can twist the power, and unleash it as a rolling tide of unconsciousness that envelops the red warriors. Were they to try, some might perhaps still resist, but given the promise of relief from their agony none even try.

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It's an understandable mistake, under the circumstances. There's more power in the dagger than Luzai has ever handled in her life, by orders of magnitude, and it was hard getting it to do exactly what she wanted. It's entirely reasonable that she had higher priorities than efficiency and making sure she didn't waste any of it. But still.

That's a lot of unleashed power there, filling and resonating with the wardstone before surging back out via the path of least resistance, and it just so happens that the path of least resistance is straight through the very conductive Nahyndrian crystal dagger and into Luzai's body.

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Luzai startles and almost drops the dagger, little able to control the tide of energy as it spills into and through her. 

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Some of it settles within her soul, binding onto that core of power within her, but there's only so much she can integrate without tearing her soul asunder under the strain. In a matter of moments she goes from empty to overflowing, and the power doesn't show any signs of stopping - it needs to go somewhere, because if she tries to hold on to it all it won't be long before her body burns to ash.

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--Can she--give it to people? Everyone with her--and she tries to reach out farther, to those not present, Seelah, Irabeth, Anevia, the Vhane brothers--not Hulrun--

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It's more difficult to control than when she was weaving the enchantment, and with less time to do it in, but the task is an easier one. She sets about her work, streams of power radiating off her as quickly as she can manage it, but try as she might she isn't faster than the torrent and before she finishes it bursts free of her control. A pillar of golden light several feet across shoots up to the sky, blowing the roof off the garrison and then continuing for the sky. The wings from before are back, as bright as when she fought Savamalekh, and Luzai glows like a beacon alongside the wardstone, making it clear to everyone that the artifact is back in action.

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The sheer power being thrown around is also enough to rip the invisibility straight off the incredibly shocked looking elf standing over the Menhir, though he at least has enough presence of mind to ensure that the rod of cancellation in his hand doesn't make contact.

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Which completes the state of affairs for when Minagho drops everything to enter the room at speed.

"What is happening? Mortal, what did you do!"

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Oh, this feels good. 

"Kiss my ass, Minagho!" 

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If she was angry at anything they did before, it's absolutely nothing compared to the sheer rictus of hatred that engulfs her features now. It's visceral enough to surpass the lack of eyes as the most noticeable thing about her face, and when she speaks, the beauty of her voice is inaudible over the snarls of her rage.

"I'm going to make you hurt for what you've done."

Then between breaths she's next to Luzai, and a lash of her tail leaves an angry red mark on the dhampir's face.

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Luzai is still laughing. 

"Awwww, is the widdwe Lilitu feeling insecure? Good. You should be." 

Magic Missile. 

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Minagho slashes her across the chest with a claw as she goes through the motions, and by all rights that ought to be the end of it. Even if by some miracle the injury didn't break her concentration, there's nothing a hedge wizard's magic missile can do to touch her. Instead six bolts from Luzai's hand make contact with the Lilitu and hit her far harder than they have any right to.

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Incessant Buzzing.

Huh, she didn't really expect that to work.

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While our spells are working on Minagho unreasonably well let's throw in a Boneshaker. 

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And he'll surround her with three celestial aurochs, in case whatever is going wrong with her makes her weak to trampling as well.

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The boneshaker didn't just hurt, it moved her. She can't remember the last time she was this furious about a humiliation - Minagho downs two of the aurochs without even thinking about it, and then lashes out at the girl with her tail again. 

"Attend to me, now!"

If her Vrocks don't stop circling and attack now that she's given the order, she thinks, they're next on her list after this bothersome child.

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Luzai grabs the tail, this time, and tries to yank Minagho off-balance with it. 

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A third red mark appears on her hands, but the offending limb manages to slip away before her hands can close. Luzai's hands come together on nothing with a loud clap, and then a shockwave of sound bursts out to batter the demon regardless.

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She reaches a hand out towards Minagho and snaps her fingers at her. 

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It's not as powerful as the clap, but that'll work too.

Four vrocks come diving out of the sky with a screech; they wince at the proximity to the wardstone, but it doesn't seem to be back at its full strength yet and they can power through it.

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Hah. Sitting ducks, practically. 

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And all the more so when each connecting arrow acts as a lightningrod for bolts of divine energy. Their mirror images and stunning screeches help matters somewhat, but once Wenduag joins him in picking them off it’s a one-sided affair. 

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Minagho continues to tear into Luzai, but no matter how many gashes her claws tear or angry red brands her tail leaves, Luzai stays standing. 

“How is this possible? Some trick, from your pathetic crusader goddess?”

Despite the decisiveness of her chosen words, there’s real fear leaking into her voice now. Between Luzai, Villibor, and Camellia, even her incredible durability is starting to be tested.

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"You think Iomedae had anything to do with this? The problem with Evil is that you have no team cohesion. In the end, your ass is fundamentally getting kicked by the power of love." 

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“If you think I’m a big enough fool to fall for your lies-“

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She doesn’t really need that lung, does she? Well, if Minagho dies and cuts her fun short, it’ll be a learning experience.

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And the Lilitu chokes, coughing up blood. She starts retreating in earnest now, trying to escape the forbiddance around the wardstone.

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She slips, too harried even to fly, just short of safety-

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And then a man in full plate armor blocks the next blow.

”Go. Get out of here.”

Luzai can see it on his face, the sheer relief of a man who finally has an excuse to die.

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“Staunton, darling, I knew you’d see things my way.”

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"Don't do this to your brother," she begs. "He doesn't deserve it. Do you think he won't follow you? Do not drag him into the demons' den." 

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“Leave my brother out of this!”

Then he turns slightly, to look at Minagho.

”Now, my sweet, it’s time for you to get out of here. I’ll cover your retreat-”

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“There’s no need for that, you’ve bought me enough time already.”

Minagho scoops up the dwarf with one arm, and then with a gesticulation of a scroll the two vanish from the spot.

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"Lilitu can dominate people," she says aloud. "It would absolutely amuse her to force him to destroy his reputation all over again." 

...She doesn't really believe it. She saw the look in his eyes. But, and this is the critical bit, if other people believe it, it will be easier to get them to not kill Staunton for this after she has knocked some sense into him. 

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Hey, if that's the story she's going with, Camellia won't say a word against it.

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It's not long after that the crusaders make their way into the wardstone chamber. They'd already been winning, and once Minagho fled it was every demon for themselves. A few of them did get away, but the retreat was not in good order and the crusaders took a heavy toll on them as they fled.

The lack of demons in the room is a pretty good sign, but the fact that the first person they come face to face with is covered in blood and radiating a powerful evil aura is not an encouraging sign. Only the fact that one of the vanguard recognizes Luzai and the aura isn't strong enough to be Minagho herself keeps it from breaking out into a fight right then and there, and several paladins encircle her just in case.

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"Lilitu brands," Villibor mutters, 

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"--Oh, fuck that bitch!" Luzai says, disgusted. Louder: "Sorry! This is temporary, I will stop detecting evil in like an hour, I apologize for the inconvenience."

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A likely story. Someone runs off to fetch reinforcements-

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-And returns shortly after with the Prelate.

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She shows him the brands. "Minagho got me a couple of times. I barely noticed it at the time, I think they will wear off shortly." 

Hulrun being reasonable is always a long shot but she might as well give him a chance. 

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She doesn't sound like she's lying, but the story is implausible and Lilitu and Succubi are is some of the very few things that can lie to his face. That she just happened to slip away, happened to make it to the wardstone chamber, somehow defeat the demons including a Lilitu that came to defend it, and is now radiating a chaotic evil aura for entirely innocent reasons? Even if it did happen as she said and she got branded, she'd be the Lilitu's puppet right now.

Fortunately, there is one spell that covers all three bases.

"Dispel Evil."

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One of the brands disappears. She no longer detects evil. 

"I can use Lariel's sword, if that will help confirm my identity. But I'd rather not brandish a weapon without your agreement." 

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"Do it."

If this is an overcomplicated trick, it won't stand up much longer anyway, but you don't let people skip out on hard to fake gestures just because they offer.

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She pulls the sword. The light of Heaven washes over them all, soothing and strengthening. 

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“The brands probably won’t fade on their own - even strong clerics and paladins have a hard time mustering the willpower to fight them off, and if they don’t they’re permanent. I can’t spare the spells to do it myself, so until you get them cleared you’re a liability if she returns. You three,” he gestures to a trio of paladins, “keep an eye on her. If she has any sense at all she’ll get herself somewhere she can’t do any damage until then, ideally a cell.”

The rest of the are also risks until they’re dispelled as well, since Lilitus aren’t usually known to need help mind controlling people, but he’s not going to say that out loud in case Minagho is stupid or arrogant enough to think he’d fall for a gambit that unoriginal.


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If he doesn't know about the power she wielded against Minagho then Luzai isn't going to explain it in the context of why she expects to have resisted the brands. 

Every moment she doesn't see Joran Vhane itches. How long until he finds out what happened to his brother? 

But being impatient about it won't, in fact, help the situation. 

"Do you know if Seelah and Irabeth are okay?" she asks instead. 

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“As of five minutes ago they were.”

If any listening demons don’t know about the miraculous empowerment that the Inheritor gave those two, he’s not going to be the one to tell them any sooner than they’d otherwise know, and the girl will presumably hear of it in her own time.

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--It occurs to her that the fact that she directed some of the power to Staunton pretty conclusively disproves the hypothesis that he was Dominated, if her brands do in fact wear off, which she expects them to. On the other hand, nobody but her knows that she directed some of the power to Staunton! So, you know, that's. Good. 

It does sort of beg the question of how elaborate a deception she's willing to craft to protect him, though. 

Maybe instead of trying to convince anyone on the crusaders' side he didn't turn of his own free will she should just ask Mom to kidnap him and turn him into a statue or something until everyone who wants him dead has forgotten he even exists. Food for thought. 

Anyway, she's basically willing to hang out here under the extremely annoying supervision of Hulrun and/or whichever paladins he assigned to give her the stinkeye until an hour has passed since she thought grabbing Minagho's tail was a good idea. 

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Over the next hour, Luzai gets a front row seat to the hasty renovations the building is undergoing. In a rather ironic twist, a number of the demonic defenses are simply taken over wholesale; humans stopping demons from getting in and demons stopping humans getting in are rather similar tactical problems. Some of the defenses are rather less effective this way or proved useless just an hour earlier, and thus need to be rebuilt wholesale, and a lot of their effort is put to trying to ensure that the demons can't just come flying in through the now open-roof and retake the wardstone. There's no shortage of demons that can fly, and without Terendelev in the city it's a battlefield that they're inherently at a disadvantage in - especially once it gets dark. Hulrun himself heads off shortly, but the paladins follow his command and stick with her the whole time.

One of the brands vanishes at the turn of the hour, but despite her hopes the other two don't follow quickly after. There's still an angry red brand across her face, and one on her hands, that show no signs of vanishing.

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...That's really fucking annoying. 

Also she's really regretting grabbing at Minagho's tail. If she was going to touch her she should have taken the opportunity to punch her in the face, at least. 

Do any of Hulrun's goon-paladins have any idea where Jhoran Vhane is and/or if he happens to have prepared Dispel Evil today. 

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He's down on the ground floor, helping with the new defenses down there. None of her escorts are sure of what he prepared today but it's a fifth circle spell so it would have a lot of competition for his slots.

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Yeah she figured. 

"Ember, would you go ask him?"

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"I'll go see if he can help."

She wanders off downstairs, and is gone for about fifteen minutes before returning.

"He says he has a restoration, but depending on how many brands you have that much diamond dust might be expensive, and if you wanted to wait he could reserve a Harm for you tomorrow."

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"Tell him I'll wait and also thank you." 

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Ember smiles at her and heads off to do just that.

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The paladins don't exactly stop keeping an eye on her, and aren't looking to sacrifice security, but insofar as it doesn't conflict with those goals they can try and make this as painless an experience as possible.

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Yeah she appreciates that but she doesn't know them, she doesn't trust them--they take orders from Hulrun, so she actively doesn't trust them, not just she doesn't trust them because she doesn't know them--and she's not going to have delicate conversations in front of them, and she has a lot of delicate conversations to have right now. 


The Grey Garrison probably has spare paper somewhere though, right? Right. She finds paper and a reasonable desk and starts writing up her account of what happened in a basic keyword cipher. 

When she's done she hands it to Villibor and says, "Can you bring this to Anevia? And tell her how to decrypt it. It's a Z-17." 

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Okay. Anevia is presumably around somewhere. 

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She is! And for once, it's even somewhere findable instead of an 'I'll find you' scenario.

"Hey, glad to see you're doing alright. How is Luzai holding up?"

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“Minagho managed to brand her during the fight, which caused some awkwardness at first with the paladins who found us when she unexpectedly detected evil, but Hulrun got rid of one and one wore off on its own so the detecting evil problem is gone but she isn’t going to do much until tomorrow when Joran Vhane said he would prepare a Harm to get rid of the rest, because Hulrun set a couple of paladins presumably loyal to him to watch her and she, uh, does not trust anyone loyal to Hulrun very much. But she wrote up a report in cipher. I assume you’re familiar with keyword ciphers.”

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"Woah, breathe. You assume correctly, just let me grab some paper to decode it on."

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"Sorry. She's stressed out so I'm stressed out." 

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And once she gets the keyword from Villibor and decrypts it, what does the message say?

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Areelu Vorlesh (she says "Mom" but she is obviously not talking about the late Ruvina) gave her team a shortcut to the Wardstone, she took it, she touched the Nahyndrian crystal dagger (here is what Nahyndrian crystal is, here is what the Storyteller had to say about its ability to cleanse the Wardstone, here is what she saw inside the Wardstone/btw the Wardstone is made of angel volunteers). She tried talking down the corrupted angels, she tried drawing the corruption into the dagger; neither one really worked; she tried using the knife's power and her own skill with enchantment to put the corrupted angels to sleep and that worked. 

Then there was a whole bunch of backlash-power from the interaction between the dagger and the Wardstone! If Anevia noticed herself, Irabeth, and Seelah suddenly get stronger, Luzai tried to pour some of the power into them, and also the people she had with her, and that is how they beat up Minagho. 

...Unfortunately, Staunton helped Minagho escape. More unfortunately, Luzai thinks she also spilled some power into Staunton; he was a Person Luzai Was Thinking Of when she was distributing the power. She thinks Minagho may have Dominated Staunton and that even if that's not the case it's possible that if they promise Joran to treat it as though it were the case and not hurt Staunton they can keep him from running after his brother. Maybe not! She doesn't know Joran well enough to say for sure. But it seems like a possibility to explore. 

After everything settled down some it transpired that Minagho had managed to brand her, and Hulrun took one off and one wore off on its own but it would be REALLY GREAT if Joran could be prevented from learning that Staunton is gone until after he uses a Harm to take the last ones off her like he promised to do tomorrow. 

Also she lost control of the backlash-power before it could all go into people and that's why the Grey Garrison has a hole in the roof, sorry about that. 



(Also, the keyword--actually a keyphrase--is "cinnamon garlic jam")

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That would explain why she was hit too, then - it's not like she doesn't pray to Iomedae, and in battles like these she reliably does, but Iomedae had a lot of paladins and clerics and inquisitors there and it would have been odd for her to choose Anevia over them. She'd been considering seeing if it was a sign that she should try and be a cleric, but if Luzai somehow pulled it off herself that would explain why Seelah as well. 

As for dominating Staunton... he was foolish enough to go off alone with her, and despite being a relatively powerful dwarven paladin he was never particularly wise or splendid. It's not an impossible story. But Anevia has done her research in the past few days, and she knows that when they have the chance Lilitu have a strong tendency to prefer to do their corruption the hard way, both as a sign of mastery and to make it harder for their rivals to poach their subordinates. Minagho had done just that the last time she got Staunton to do her bidding, even. It's not impossible that she was pressed enough to change things up, but Anevia wouldn't put money on it, and if she knows that there's a good chance Jhoran will as well. 

"Thank you. I'll look into it."

More than the powers, though, she's mostly glad that Areelu seems to have been legit about wanting Luzai to be able to fix the wardstone. They had a backup plan, sure, but it wasn't the kind of thing you would expect to actually work.

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"You're welcome. Oh, also, Luzai didn't explicitly say this but I'm very good at reading her--is there anywhere she can spend the night that's, uh, reassuring in the hypothetical where Minagho could get at her through the brands, but not...a cell Hulrun controls." 

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"She should find a temple; most of the bigger ones are hallowed, which is pretty good as defenses go. It won't hold up to a serious effort to get at someone inside but it would be easy to notice it happened. Maybe not Iomedae's if she's worried about the Prelate, but I would be surprised if he dragged her out of there lightly."

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"I don't think she's so much worried about violence from the prelate as wanting to avoid setting a precedent of putting herself under his authority. Thanks." 

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"No problem."

Villibor's an awkward kid, but she likes him, and she thinks it's not just because of who his sister is.

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Normally Luzai would be the one running around talking to people but he totally understands why the lilitu brands would discourage her from doing that. He supposes it would be appropriate to add "having to do the talking" to his personal list of Fuck You Minagho but, honestly, he...doesn't see the point. Minagho is just too big a problem to be worth hating. It would be like hating the Eye of Abendego. He totally understands Staunton hating her...albeit not whatever more complicated thing Staunton apparently feels instead...but he just doesn't have the personal connection. 

Anyway. Time to go hover protectively over his sister. It's not that he thinks any of Hulrun's paladins are going to try anything but they don't necessarily need to try anything in order to upset her. 

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While Villibor was gone Luzai asked Nenio to please go see what there was to loot in the way of spellbooks belonging to dead cultists. 

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Nenio can do that! Unfortunately, while alchemists can learn from wizards the other way around is much harder, which limits the value of this really cool book of alchemical extract formulae she found, and according the the people who have been clearing the building the only other really impressive spellcaster they had was some kind of Deskarite sorcerer running around with a scythe. She manages to track down a copy of implant urge, but everything else is something they already had.

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Oh well. One spell is better than no spells. 

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Especially since it's an Enchantment spell, right?

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--Well she's not going to complain about that! But even if it weren't her school of choice it would still be good. Villibor gets a good-natured swat. 

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Luzai can have a hug, because she does, in fact, look stressed out, to Villibor's highly practiced eye. 

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Yeah she appreciates that. 

"Fucking Minagho," she mutters. 

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"I really feel like you shouldn't." 

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Luzai is a talented and experienced sister and can roll her eyes at Villibor and kick him in the ankle without ceasing to hug him. 

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"Curious. I didn't realize you were sexually attracted to Minagho, but I suppose that Lilitu are well known for their looks."

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"I'm not. Villibor was deliberately taking a literal interpretation of a figurative statement, because he thinks he's funny." 

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"At least this time I don't have a bucket of water." 

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"I'm hurt by the comparison. I mean, sure, we might both be blondes, but I have taste!"

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"Sorry, I didn't mean to compare you to Minagho. I mean, I don't like you, but I don't not like you that much." 

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"Normally I'd be disappointed about having clearly not tried hard enough, but under the circumstances I'll take it."

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Luzai gives a disgusted look at the brand on her hands. "Yes, please don't try hard enough to beat Minagho. That would require doing a lot of things that are boring and stupid, and it just wouldn't be worth it." 

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"I doubt she'll be content to leave it at that, anyway, so you'd have to keep at it if you didn't want it to be a temporary affair. She was furious about the humiliation, and it seems unlikely that she'll just forget that to live and let live."

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"With luck, maybe we can put her down before she has a chance." 

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"Are you planning to try to track her down? Unless you can pull that kind of power out of your hat again, I feel like going after a Lilitu in their lair is just an elaborate form of suicide. Maybe even with it, depending on what defenses and minions she has and if the wardstone was weakening her."

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"--Well, no, but like, when she shows up again, we might be able to kill her before she can accomplish anything that's, like, personally upsetting." 

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If anything that seems even more optimistic, but they did just win a fight with her, so she's not going to rain on Luzai's parade. Instead, Camellia just artfully shrugs and falls silent.

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...Luzai sighs. "I have no idea what I can even do for the rest of the day. I don't want to do anything that," she gives Hulrun's paladins a sidelong glance, "might...be considered hypothetically beneficial to Minagho... or that I would be unwilling to do in front of a stranger. And between those two categories an awful lot is ruled out." 

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She looks at Luzai like that's a silly question.

"We should be doing science."

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"...Most of the science I can think of to do right now would worry the nice paladins, but possibly that's a 'don't think about the pink camel-ghoul' situation."

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"There are pink ghouls? I thought that they didn't have the blood for it."

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"...I mean, there aren't ghouls that are blood-under-pale-skin pink, but if you have pink paint, you can put it on a ghoul." 

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"That's a good point. Well, if the paladins are going to stop us from doing any exciting experiments, you could help me figure out if there is a physical component to demonic spell resistance."

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"Sure, sounds fun." 

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"Well, if we're avoiding spooking the paladins, I, the necromancer, should probably sit out the experiment involving playing with dead bodies." 

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They're not actually very worried about that - if it was possible to do necromancy on outsiders, they would know because it would be an enormous problem. That doesn't mean they're going to encourage him, though.

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Yeah the guy who grew up in Arazni's shadow and is one hundred percent planning on doing horrible necromancy experiments on demons at a later date is not going to lean too hard on "well you can't reanimate outsiders." It just seems like a bad idea. He will go and do other things which are not that and also not under the direct supervision of anyone who answers to Hulrun. 

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And meanwhile Nenio and her new minion assistant can see if they can reproduce signs of spell resistance from any part of the corpses. It's not impossible in principle - dragonscale gear is often used in crafting spell-resistant armor, and Ulunat's shell is famously all but impossible to do magic across - but far more creatures have spell resistance when alive than have it while dead, and the common wisdom is that at least most demons are no exception.

Unfortunately for the march of progress, this common wisdom turns out to be in fact correct as far as their samples go. There's a brief moment excitement when they get started on the Vrock, but further testing of cantrips shows rates of damage more consistent with that of a merely sturdy material rather than outright spell resistance.

"That's dissapointing, but at least now we know for sure. And I'll have to make sure to test the varieties of demon we didn't get to today like Balors later."

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"And Lilitu." 

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"That seems unlikely to be any different. When we were fighting her, she didn't seem to be very spell resistant at all."

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"Oh, she was spell resistant, we were just beating it because we were jazzed up on wardstone juice."

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"Then yes, for completeness we'll want to test them. Maybe a Vavakia, Vrolikai, or Gallu too."

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"A vrolikai sounds like a good idea." Specifically, Savamelekh. 

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“Okay, I’ll make a note of it.”

Nenio has no idea who Savamalekh is but also doesn’t understand why anyone would need a personal motivation to do a science experiment.

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It's not that Luzai needs a personal motivation to do science, it's just that she happens to have one lying around anyway!

Are any of the types of demon here ones Nenio didn't get to with her blood acidity experiment?

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According to her notes she didn’t get to do a Vrock, Succubus, or Incubus last time.

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Cool, let's collect blood samples for those. 

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Between that, the earlier spell resistance trials, and some impromptu dissections and sketchings, Nenio has more than enough things in mind to keep Luzai occupied until someone decides to be responsible about not waiting until after dark to head somewhere safe or Luzai gets bored, whichever comes first.

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That's gonna be the first one, probably, Luzai would like to get to the temple of Iomedae before the sun goes down. 

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The temple of Iomedae has seen better days - even if by better days you only include'"at previous points during the demon attack.' Somehow it seems to look even more damaged than it did the last time she was in the area, and several of the surrounding buildings were outright put to the torch. Still, most of the structure hasn't collapsed and the fallen stonework seems to have been moved off the entranceway, which is something.

It's a bit less clear how suspicious the forces standing guard would have been of her intentions, but the fact that she rates a paladin escort is more than enough to get them to go along without any problems.

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Cool, great, she will find somewhere to sleep and make tomorrow happen ASAP. 

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Tomorrow does not come any faster in sidereal time, but she will nonetheless experience the sensation of waking very shortly after she goes to sleep with the sun starting to climb in the sky.

As far as she can tell, nothing happened when she was asleep.

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Great. She will...eat some form of breakfast...and when she has been fed and it is at least an hour past sunrise, she's going to see if she and her paladin escort can find Joran. 

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They can! Torag's temple is less grand than the Inheritor's, but even with Jhoran having spent the last week at the defender's heart it's in significantly better shape. Some of that is probably attributable to the efforts of the dwarf himself, who is doing repairs as they approach, but judging by the rest of the neighborhood it was also hit less hard by the cultists.


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Checks out. Torag is less, uh, loudly involved with the worldwound defense than Iomedae is. 

"Hi. I, uh, haven't prepared spells yet today, but if you need any help cleaning things, I can do that."

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"There's not much use bothering with most of it until I've got the roof back in order, but if you want to help get some of the bloodstains off the stone I wouldn't turn it down. Now, you said you had some brands you needed help with?"

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She nods and shows him.

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It's a weird situation to find himself in, really; he almost never prepares the spell. Even when he really needs to hit something in melee, his hammer works just fine without needing to bother with spell resistance; he can count on one hand the number of times he's done it before today. Still, it does the trick - both brands vanish from her skin, and any miscellaneous aches and pains go with them.

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Eee! Finally!

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Luzai indulges in glee for only a few moments before her face drops.

”There’s something you should know.”

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"What is it?"

He looks serious, but at least some of that is probably due to how as a dwarf his resting face looks serious to a lot of humans.

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Deeeeep breath. 


"Staunton left with Minagho." 

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It's not a question, as much as it's almost phrased like one.

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"--I--do not know that for certain. Lilitu can mind control people, and I'm sure Minagho, if she were mind-controlling him, would think it was funny to make him pretend she wasn't. I...don't...see any reason, for anyone to assume it was willing, and act accordingly. I mean--I'm sure some people will. But--I don't intend to hurt him, if it can possibly be avoided." 


"But, you know. If it was. I wouldn't blame him. With how people have been treating him and for how long." 

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"And then along comes someone promising that if he just changes sides for real, he'll get to leave it all behind him. I told him not to pay any mind to that crazy eyeless hag, but when does he ever listen to me?"

Jhoran sighs.

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"I told him not to do this to you, and he told me to leave you out of it, as if that was ever an option." 

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"Damn him for this, then, and damn everyone who drove him to this. I'm sorry you had to get involved in my brother's foolishness, and that you had to be the one to tell me. I'm going to have to have some words with whoever decided it was fine to keep me in the dark."

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"Well, I'll be honest, I'm an enormous busybody. I get involved in things I don't have to all the time. I...don't know whether anyone actively decided to keep you in the dark or if telling you just sorta hadn't risen to the top of anyone's priority list. Everyone's been real busy. I, for one, was mostly not doing things until I had all the brands off." Doing weird science to demons with Nenio is fun, but doesn't really count as productive activity. 

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"I'll let them make their own excuses. Thank you for the heads up, it's appreciated."

He heads off towards the garrison, where the headquarters of the city's defenders has been temporarily relocated.

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The paladins can... disperse now? She hasn't been detecting evil for a while now, and with the brands gone there's not really a reason to stay. They hadn't expected it to be this long a diversion in the first place when the Prelate commandeered them.

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Luzai is going to...hm. 

Luzai is not actually sure what to do now. 

No, wait, Luzai knows exactly what she's going to do now. She's going to leave the temple of Torag--doing this in a temple to a Good god feels vaguely wrong--and find someplace where she definitely won't be observed but also isn't breaking and entering, maybe an alleyway or something, and take out her book. 

I would like to talk in person when convenient, she writes. 

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It'll be a few minutes, but once those pass she'll feel the now-familiar sensation of a plane shift and end up in a now-familiar demiplane. There's no intermediate destination this time.

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She flings herself at her mother to CLING.

”Thank you for the shortcut,” she mumbles.

It’s not like she hasn’t been getting hugs, but Mom hugs are special, especially when the perception that your mother can keep the whole world at bay for a moment is accurate.

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"You made good use of it. I was very impressed by your enchantment."

This isn't even her motherly rose tinted goggles, either, though those are definitely still firmly attached. Doing anything subtle with Nahyndrian crystals usually takes practice.

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Beam. “It was really cool, working with the places where my studies outstrip my spell circle.”

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"I was a little more concerned about all those hits you kept letting yourself take afterwards, though. It might have worked out this time, but that's a bad habit to let yourself get into."

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"I knoooooow, that was really dumb of me, I don't know if Villibor hasn't gotten around to scolding me for it yet or if he figures the inconvenience with the brands was enough comeuppance. In my defense, though, the look on Minagho's face was really funny. Like I realize that isn't actually a worthwhile tradeoff! I will try really hard not to do it again! I kinda regret the fact that I didn't punch her in the face, because I'm never going to be stupid enough to engage with her like that again and if you're going to do something dumb it's a shame to not milk it for all it's worth, but, unfortunately, if you realize you're doing something dumb the answer is to stop doing the dumb thing and not optimize it." 

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If Luzai already knows, she's not going to belabor the point about might-have-beens. Instead, she can hug for a bit longer before going back to serious matters.

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Hug hug huuug Seshka is sure Mom missed her worse but she did miss Mom.

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Eventually, they will reach a point where Luzai has been hugged enough.

"I've been looking into those severed heads of yours, and unfortunately whoever is behind it isn't an amateur. None of the people they belonged to knew anything about what killed them, and they didn't have anything in common besides being in Kenabres relatively near you when they died. It doesn't match the MO of any of the greater demons I know to be operating at or near the wound, either, and none of the divinations I've tried have come up with anything. There's not much I expect to learn on that score until the legend lores go through, and the result there might very well be that they're strong enough to use mind blank."

She then grins sharply.

"Unfortunately for them, they weren't as thorough against more mundane investigation. I did some autopsies and vivisection, and while these people were definitely killed by the removal of their heads rather than decapitated posthumously, they were not killed by blades, claws, or any other physical implement I've heard of. The cuts are all wrong, and even where they intentionally made their work more ragged to imitate more ordinary methods they couldn't help but leave signs. I'm almost certain that it's either custom spell work or some unique supernatural ability, which puts certain limitations on the possible culprits."

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“Huh. That’s—more credence to the idea that this is connected to my father, somehow, if it doesn’t match anyone you already know about.”

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"I wouldn't expect anyone on this level to care about your father, so if it is related it's probably that getting at you to get at your father is a way to get at some third party, maybe an ally of his. I'm not too familiar with the political scene in Geb but I can put feelers out. In the meantime, though, I've also been looking into ways to make you safer from it without drawing too much attention to it."

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"Thanks. I don't know that much about Father's dealings with other Blood Lords but I do know he has some." Sigh. "On sort of the opposite side of doing something dumb and having it turn out well, I did something that I still think was basically sensible at the time but is not currently going well." 

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"When I was distributing power overflow, one of the people I got to before the roof blew up was Staunton Vhane." 

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"And now he's Minagho's newest toy. Well, if you want to reclaim what he took, the easiest way is to defeat and slay him in battle."

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"I mean, I could do that, but his brother Joran was good to me, so I'm not gonna." 

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"Then you can probably put it out of your mind for the moment. He can't continue to drain you through the connection, so unless you change your mind what he has is likely as much as he'll get."

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"Oh, I wasn't worried about that, I was worried about the part where he, you know, has power, and is," she makes a complicated hand gesture, "with Minagho." 

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"Ah, yes, he would make a rather potent tool for your newest enemy. He'll have fallen, of course, but it's not often that a paladin of his strength turns to evil of their own will. Even if he didn't have Nahyndrian power, there's no shortage of fiends who would be happy to have such a champion, and with it he'll be able to have his pick of the lot. Still, Baphomet won't take this failure lightly, and I expect her dropping in his esteem will weaken her forces by nearly as much as the dwarf strengthens them."

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"I don't know how soon it's likely to come up, but at some point can I have a scroll of Petrification or something so that I don't have to kill him?"

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"Do you expect he'll agree to it? If not, you'll have a hard time making it stick - my crafting scrolls can get you through spell resistance, but it won't do anything about their ability to fight it off. You'd want half a dozen scrolls and the time to cast them, or else curse them thoroughly ahead of time, if your plan relies on it."

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"...Well, someday I need to be able to make spells stick to Geb, but probably that's not going to be actually useful in the relevant timeframe, no." 

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"Is that a yes, you think you can talk him into it, or a no, and I should also get you a wand of bestow curse or enervation and some backups scrolls?"

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"That second one. If I could talk sense into him this wouldn't have happened."

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Then she can get a wand of enervation, only lightly used, without having to wait.

"I'll see about scribing the scrolls once I finish up the buckler, it shouldn't be much longer."

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“If you make them light enough, bucklers don’t noticeably interfere with spellcasting. Of course, they also don’t offer much protection, but I’ve been working on fitting fortification in on it to protect your vitals.”

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"--Oh, cool. Can I see it? What have you done so far?" 

It's not that Luzai doesn't appreciate the practical value of what her mother is doing it's just that that doesn't prevent her from getting nerdsniped. 

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She can see! From the weight it’s obviously made of mithral, but Areelu has done something to dull the mirror sheen until it looks like steel, and it currently only has a basic enhancement bonus.

...No, that's not true. Rather than one combined enchantment, the buckler seems to have been enchanted twice, and the second one is a lot harder to notice - the strong abjuration of the fortification is somehow hidden behind the enhancement bonus, and teasing out exactly how it works is difficult* even for Luzai. A reasonably skilled wizard would be able to reliably see the truth if they tried hard enough or used identify, but anyone just checking with detect magic is unlikely to see through the ruse.


*DC 35 Spellcraft Check.

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"Wow, this is amazing," she breathes, tracing the complex web of spell-structure attached to the metal. "Someday I'm going to be able to make things this cool. ...And, huh, that feels really different than saying that someday I'm going to be strong enough to beat up so-and-so. Better." 

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"If you put your mind to it, I have every confidence you will."

She would support Luzai no matter what hobbies she had but it's great when she shares them. Areelu can spend as long as Luzai would like answering questions and even let her watch as she continues turning the moderate fortification into a heavy fortification in slow motion without letting the enchantment expand enough to not be covered by the enhancement.

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Luzai watches carefully. She also fingers the Nahyndrian dagger, gently stimming her fingers across the subtle engravings of the hilt. What must it have looked like, when Mom made it? What did enchanting magic items with Nahyndrian crystal look like?

A matter for later. For now, she watches and learns. 

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There's a lot to learn! Not only is Areelu Vorlesh is one of the greatest item crafters on Golarion - and the second best in Avistan - and the comparison to Jhoran Vhane's work is enough to put into perspective that the dwarf is both highly talented in his craft and absolutely not anywhere in the same league as Areelu. Luzai also has her full and undivided attention, with nothing held back for reasons of secrecy, and her mother is also entirely willing to supply the reagents for Luzai to follow along and try what she's seeing for herself on another shield. Keeping an eye on what both of them are doing doesn't seem to distract her in the slightest.

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Eeeeeee this is SO COOL. 

Luzai's gaze occasionally flicks between her mother's project and the one she's doing to follow along--which isn't going to turn out anywhere near as impressive, not on her first try, obviously, but--well, they might look the same, to a casual observer, what with how much of the original version's work is hidden. 

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Then several hours later, Luzai will have a +1 mithral buckler of her own work and a +1 mithral buckler of heavy fortification to go with her wand of enervation.

"Do you want to stay to eat, or should I send you back to your brother now?"

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"Iiiiii want to but my absence might have been noticed by now...just a little longer probably won't hurt anything." 

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Then when she sets to work on cooking one of Seshka's old favorites, she'll cheat outrageously by having her mansion deliver her the ingredients pre-prepared rather than spend the time on it herself and set several of her unseen servants to working in parallel with her. This way takes much less time than it would have back when she was at 6th circle, and also means she doesn't have to confront the fact that she has no idea what to with with blood, culinarily speaking. There's presumably no shortage of demonic recipes, but if there's one thing she's never trusted her erstwhile allies on its having a sense of taste - having the mansion produce whatever kind Luzai has in mind is a much safer bet.

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Luzai takes one bite of the finished dish and stops. 




"I...is this...from...before?" 

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"Yes. It used to be one of your favorites, but I never made it as often as you would have liked because I needed to go to Iz for some of the ingredients."

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She nods slowly. 

"It's a little bit surreal, to simultaneously have the immediate reactions, 'ooh, yes, this' and 'I have never tasted this before in my life.' Seeing you for the first time after I woke up was a little bit similar, but mostly confusing. Now I know what's going on. And...it was a little different, then, too, because--" she tries to put it into words. "--Because--the memories are stronger, this time, but when it was you it was more important."

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She doesn't even try to fight the smile widening on her face, and it remains even after she returns Luzai to an out of the way spot on the streets of Kenabres and returns to her work.

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Excellent. She goes looking for Villibor. And, you know, if she meets anyone who has something helpful for her to do along the way, that's also good. 

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There is nobody who meets all three of along her route, has something she can help with, and is willing to ask someone walking down the street that they don't know to help them with it. She can make it to her brother without issue.

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Villibor is currently eating lunch in the Grey Garrison mess hall with Seelah after having spent most of the morning patrolling together. 

He looks up when his sister approaches. "Hello, where've you been?"

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"Making you this!" she says brightly, thrusting out a buckler to him. 

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...He takes it gingerly. "You made this?" 

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She is wearing one that looks mostly the same on her own arm. 

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Seelah looks it over, examining the steel* and handles.

"That looks pretty good! A little light for my tastes, but it's always good to be able to put something less stabbable between you and sharp objects. Did the forgemaster let you use his stuff again while you were over there?"

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"...Nnnnooo but it's probably best to let people assume so." 

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Seelah starts to ask why before catching on halfway through voicing the thought and then tries to finish it in a way that sounds unsuspicious, with rather middling success. 

"Er, ahem. Right. Do you want to join your brother and me on patrol after this, then? It's mostly showing the flag at this point, since most of the cultists and demons have either gone to ground or are sticking to their bases, but it's important to reassure people and make things safer for everyone who's been hunkering down instead of leaving town."

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"Sure! That sounds great." Luzai is still a squishy wizard but since nobody has invented the bicycle yet, let alone cars, this still leaves her with enough lower-body strength not to balk at extensive amounts of walking. "Also I haven't talked to you since before the assault yesterday and we should fix that." 

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"I did tell her the thing you told Anevia." 

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"Oh, good. Still." 

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Seelah blushes lightly at that.

"I have to admit, it was a little embarrassing that I couldn't tell, but thanks. It really helped a lot with the demons, and I think some of it's stuck with me."

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"Yeah! We definitely couldn't've beaten up Minagho without it." 

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Seelah is also very much in favor of Minagho being beaten up!

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Shame that she got away. Luzai isn't going to discuss how, right now. Minagho did, you know, teleport out; the fact that Staunton bought her time to is...not a necessary feature of the narrative right now. 

"Now that the immediate crisis is over, it would probably make sense to talk to Dyra and Feducia Rathimus about connecting the Neather villages to Kenabres proper." 

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"Yeah. I guess people might get a bit concerned right now if there's people coming up through the garrison, but there's probably a solution."

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"I feel like it should be possible to cut stairs, or something, into the big crack in the square..."

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"Sounds like it would be harder, what with having to also widen out the passage there and get past the rats every time, but I'm not really an expert. Maybe the neathers would think the rats are a nice evening snack."


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"I thought they might be, when we were passing through. Of course," she makes a slight face, "I'm used to lots of things more civilized nations consider gross. The entrance into the Grey Garrison is going to need to be handled one way or another, though." 

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Fortunately, it doesn't appear to be a big enough emergency to demand immediate action, so they have time to go show the flag a little first. The biggest thing they end up doing on the way out is helping a group of civilians who got stuck because the door to the basement they were sheltering was covered in rubble, but on their way back they're set upon by insects. Unlike the cultists, they don't seem to have gotten the memo to go to ground and several centipedes decide that a group of three noisy people will make a perfectly fine meal.

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Well, eat slightly higher AC than last time Luzai had to fight giant arthropods.

Or, uh, don’t, on account of that is what a tank is for.

Eat acid either way.

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The insects are no more resistant to the stuff than they were several days ago, and Luzai and Villibor are better at hitting them.

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Seelah has gotten much better at hitting insects. Pretty much every attack at this point lands, and in return even when they get lucky hits it doesn't really seem to be enough to injure her, which she appreciates. Pretty soon between the three of them all the enemies are dealt with, and they make it back the garrison in good time with no injuries to report.

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Luzai is going to try to find Feducia Rathimus and see if he has any thoughts about connecting the Neather villages to the surface. 

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It's an interesting question!

"If we're purely considering the perspective of the city, in the medium term the most efficient solution probably looks like helping them migrate to the surface. Kenabres has something of a shortage of housing right now, yes, but that's from battle damage and not space - once the city is repaired, the dynamics will go the other way around, and an infusion of hundreds of people worth of labor would go a long way towards alleviating the problem that it's not terribly likely to get as many immigrants as it used to. It would also lower friction on trade between the two populations, and if Lann and Wenduag are representative examples their combat prowess is likely more than sufficient to support them monetarily, to say nothing of the fact that they might still be able to tap into the otherwise-idle cavern ecosystem to supplement their dietary needs.

"Of course, that only covers one of the two parties involved, and if the price that Kenabres would be willing to pay for them to do it isn't enough for them to want to take the deal that limits the options. The Neathers will have some trade goods that Kenabres is likely to be willing to purchase, like mushrooms, mercenaries, or keeping the underground free of demons, but that's not enough to import much while keeping a balance of trade, and the profit margins are unlikely to be high enough to justify high initial monetary outlay to enable easy transit. The cheapest speedy option probably looks something like finding a place where the surface accessible tunnels are near a central underground location, and sinking a borehole for a pulley system. That would put pretty harsh volume limitations in place, but it might be a necessary evil."

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"That makes sense. In terms of figuring out what exactly they have to trade it would probably be a good idea to talk to their cleric of Abadar, Dyra..."

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He did not know that Abadar had chosen another cleric in Kenabres. Which, come to think of it, is probably also a lesson from the master of the First Vault that he has travel as a domain for a reason. 

"That does sound like a good place to start. Do you know where they reside?"

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"...In...the...village? I don't know which dwelling is hers specifically." 

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Well, that's less helpful than he was hoping, but at least he now knows she exists. Now he just needs to find which of their villages she lives in and where she is in said village... this is probably going to be a significant amount of time set aside, but he's paid more for less.

"Thank you. If I can verify your information, I'll deliver a finder's fee."

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It doesn't occur to Luzai that "the village" is ambiguous, because she's only been to one and it's, you know, the one Lann and Wenduag are from, the one the Shield Maze connects to, it's not going to be easier to find any other Neather villages. 

"You're welcome." 

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Then unless she has something else that he would pay to know or that she wants to pay him to consider, he'll get back to trying to put things in the temple back into some semblance of order. Their vaults are apparently untouched - the defenses having likely proven too much for the cultists to consider worth the effort, though he'll have to actually check to ensure it's not just that they want him to miss something - but the rest of the bank suffered about as much as you would expect from an institution to a lawful god whose cleric and guards were off elsewhere.

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Yeah that tracks. Luzai will go off to find something else helpful to do. 

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What her options there are depends on what she would consider a good deed, and what risks and efforts she’s willing to take in service of it. The Prelate is, of course, back on the prowl for cultists trying to slip back into hiding, but Luzai has made her opinion on his work rather clear. On the far other end of the spectrum, there are preparations being made at the Defender’s heart for a celebration tomorrow night - both due to celebrate the victory at the garrison, and that the tavern is now empty enough to host one. In between, though, there are all manner of options from helping with repairs to practicing her magic to catching up with someone she hasn’t seen recently.

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--You know, catching up with someone is probably a good idea. 

She sent Anevia a letter but that was pretty much just a one-way thing, she's going to check in to make sure she and Irabeth are doing alright. 

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Which is she looking for first? Irabeth is at the Garrison, having moved over her entire office from the Defender's Heart, but Anevia is off... somewhere and seems to have gotten it through peoples heads that they shouldn't say where just because the person asking looks like someone it would be fine to tell.

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Okay, you know what, that's fair. How about Lann, how is Lann doing. 

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"Hey," he says when he sees her. 

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"Hey. How are you doing?" 

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He gives her a half-smile. "Dealing. Patrolling helps. It's so--" he shakes his head as he cuts himself off. "That power was quite a rush." 

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"Yeah, if I'd known to expect blowback like that from the Wardstone I would've warned everyone about it." 

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He shrugs.

”It makes me feel better that I know what happened,” he admits. “People are talking about it being a miracle from Iomedae—well, mostly the part that happened to Seelah and Irabeth—and I guess that idea sort of makes me nervous. I mean, clerics I mostly understand, but someone doing something out of nowhere like that…why didn’t they do it sooner? What do they want?”

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“Hm. Awkward questions, potentially. It wouldn’t be enough for it to be Iomedae, if it was her?”

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He shrugs. “Iomedae’s supposed to be the crusader goddess, and I respect that. But I don’t really know her.”

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“Seelah and Irabeth know her.”

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“I mean, yeah, but…I don’t think paladins work that differently from clerics, so that means they know her the way Dyra knows Abadar, not the way Dyra knows me or Chief Sull or—anyway, it’s not the same thing.”

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See, the way Luzai knows her mom is more the latter, but she still feels like Iomedae is, to not-her persons, both less concerning and more trustworthy.

Anyway. She continues to chat with Lann a little longer and then goes to check that Nenio isn’t doing science to anything important.

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Nenio is doing science to the most important person in the city, namely, herself. It seems to involve... doing a headstand?

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"Hi, Nenio, what'cha learning?"

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"Making myself smarter! Since a lack of bloodflow to your brain interferes with cognition, it stands to reason that increasing how much blood goes to my brain will do the opposite."

She wobbles a bit.

"Thus far it's mostly just been lightheadedness, though."

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“Even if it made you smarter, how would you write observations down while doing a handstand?”

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"Once I prove the theory, I can find another way to stay like this, like levitating or hanging from a bar. Or maybe just get a lot of practice at using mage hand. A little inconvenience is a small price to pay for progress."

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"That's true. It doesn't seem to be working," wait hang on if she doesn't shoot down this hypothesis as thoroughly as possible maybe she can use it to distract Nenio in the future, "at the moment. You could check if someone with a Fox's Cunning or a headband" she should ask if Mom has an old headband she can loan her "shows more facial flushing." 

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Nenio starts wobbling halfway through Luzai's response, but she manages to right herself. 

"Just because more bloodflow implies more intelligence doesn't mean that more intelligence increases bloodflow - indeed, I'm hoping they're unrelated, since that would mean you could have both without them interfering. I still have another five minutes on the clock before I compare my results and see if there's a measurable effect; do you want to be my second experimental subject?"

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"No, my blood might be weird, you should get more human subjects first." 

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“That’s all the more reason for you to do it too, then, since you getting the same results or different results would both be informative!”

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“Alright, that seems fair.”

She attempts to do a handstand and fails at it.

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Oh no, an unforeseen difficulty. She can - no, not without going upright herself and ruining the experiment. Hmm. Luzai could get a chair and some cushions?

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“Maybe I should wait until you’re done, and then you can ask me questions to try to measure my intelligence.”

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Nenio can agree to that course of events, even if waiting for the right time is the closest thing she has to a dislike about science. Once her time is up, though, she gets back right-side-up, records her results, and is ready to help Luzai get to inverting herself! Luzai is plenty strong, so even if she needs Nenio's help to balance it shouldn't be an issue holding herself up. (Nenio has in fact noticed that Luzai also happens to weigh more than her due to not being completely stick thin, but she promptly forgot it).

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Villibor chooses this moment to walk in, unfortunately. 


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Brightly: "Science!"

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"Science!" Nenio cheerfully agrees, from where she's helping hold Luzai's legs vertical.

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"...What...kind of science?"

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"We're testing if we can stimulate her intelligence. You should go next!"

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"How is this supposed to...?"

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"Bloodflow to the brain!" 

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"--Alright, why not." It's not like experimenting on oneself is a bad thing for wizards to do, as long as the experiments aren't too dire. Which handstands definitely are not. 

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Then Villibor can also get help inverting himself if he needs it while Nenio goes through the same questionnaire she gave Luzai. How do the Dhampirs do on them? Do they seem to get lightheaded or dizzy?

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Villibor is definitely going to need help doing a handstand. 

Once he's there, he can report: definitely lightheaded and dizzy. Not, like, immediately, but once the blood has had a chance to do what they're doing this experiment to make the blood do, definitely. 

Both dhampirs do noticeably worse on the questionnaire when upside-down. 

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That’s a bit disappointing, especially since it matches her own experience, but Nenio doesn’t let it get to her. Disproving hypotheses is as much a part of science as proving them, and now she knows that there’s a happy medium when it comes to blood in the brain. She crosses out the plans to modify ant haul to work on the heart, and considers her next move.

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“I wonder if too much blood to the brain being bad has any connection to the thing where normal people explode on the positive energy plane.”

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"Maybe! Though I don't expect bleeding lightly from a head wound is the ideal solution, since it would either only be a temporary boost or the healing would be distracting. Maybe if I can develop a chair to bend at discrete angles, though, we can see if standing upright is a local optimum or if it's somewhat offset from that..."

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"Bleeding from the head has the problem that there's only so much blood in your body; you'd run out."

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"Exactly, which makes it not very conducive to long research sessions. It would have to be significantly more effective to be worth it."

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"Right...there's got to be research somewhere on how the Plane of Positive Energy works." 

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If there was anything in Kenabres on it, it would probably be in the Blackwing library! Which was, unfortunately, less than well treated by the cultists prior to their own arrival there and probably hasn't gotten better since. It's probably worth a look, though!

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"I don't know Father to have had anything in his library about it, but if he did, I'm sure it wasn't his own research." 

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Raiding his library would probably take a lot longer, unless Villibor has gotten strong enough to prepare Teleport recently. Nenio was able to prepare rather a lot of third circle spells today, but stabilizing fourth or fifth circle spells seems currently out of reach.

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Not today, no. But someday. Someday. 

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While Nenio is discussing the logistics of a raid on Father's library with Villibor, Luzai sneaks off. What's Camellia up to?

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Camellia is doing rapier drills! She seems frustrated about something, but it's difficult to discern what from just her facial expression.

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"Are you alright?" 

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For a moment she looks even more annoyed at the interruption, but she fights it down and her expression returns to blank neutrality an instant later.

"I'm fine."


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“…Okay, but actually though.”

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"It doesn't matter. Did you have something you needed?"

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“I was actually just coming to see how you were doing after everything that happened with the Wardstone.”

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"Like I said, I'm fine. I've hit third circle, my reflexes are faster than ever, and I can coat my blade in flames and frost or enchant it to strike true at weak points."

And if she can't draw on the power of a second spirit like her teacher said would be possible for a shaman of her strength, well, that's nobody's business but hers. The old bat was probably exaggerating.

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“Oh, awesome! Third circle is great, right?”

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That's safer ground, at least. 

"Yes. Magic Vestment, Fly, Stone Shape, Bestow Curse, Dispel Magic... there are a number of options that might prove useful, though I can't have more than three a day just yet."

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“Fly! Flying is going to be amazing.”

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“Especially if we end up falling down any more ravines. Are there any spells you’re looking forwards to?”

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"So many! Someday I'm going to be able to Teleport!"

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She had meant more immediately, but that's just as good a diversion onto safer topics. 

"It's a pity we're at the one place in the world that kind of transportation is most limited, then, but at least it can be flown across, and even you poor benighted wizards will be able to learn how eventually." Her sentence ends with a smirk, but it's undercut by her next words. "Would you like to try?"

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"I'd love to!" 

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Then she can pull a feather out of her pouch, and with a short chant and gesture Luzai has five minutes of flight!


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This is so much fun! Luzai cannot do it for herself just yet but she will be able to in the future! 

Camellia is cool. Hopefully in the future Luzai will be able to get her to open up a bit more about what her problems are so that Luzai can help with them, but enh, it's not like she's one to talk about keeping secrets. 

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Traveling through the sky is rather effortless, even when she moves at twice her running pace, and she can pick up yet more speed in swoops and dives as long as she's willing to climb first.

Eventually all good things come to an end, and in this case it takes the form of Luzai slowly drifting down from the sky. Hopefully she was either less than 120 feet up or prepared feather fall, since otherwise this might be a little painful for her.


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Less than 120 feet up. She does know how Fly works. 

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Then she will land safely, and on the street where she can walk off instead of having to shimmy down from a roof. 

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She giggles and twirls and all but skips away from her landing site. 

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It's kind of weird to see someone skipping down the road like that, especially considering everything, but probably not a demonic kind of weird? They aren't known for their skipping, and there aren't as many demons out and about today. Luzai's performance gets some wary peeks out of shuttered windows from people still trying to hide their presence, but even the most paranoid don't go further than that.

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And some people aren't paranoid at all! Daeran falls into step alongside her as she passes a corner.

"Something exciting? Other than magic, I mean, as adorable as you get about it." He glances at the buckler on her arm, then back to her eyes with only a brief pit stop along the way. "I don't think gear would produce that specific response, but I prefer all my adornment thoroughly impractical."

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"Camellia cast Fly on me! I don't have that one yet but oh it is going to be excellent when I do." 

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"And here I have to live with the indignity of being unable to fly on my own power unless I want to be angelic about it, or at least turn into a mist. Between that and the shapeshifting it's enough to make a man feel like he has entirely the wrong sort of magic."

Daeran considers that for a moment, and then considers that this is the whole point of being wealthy.

"On the other hand, while I have a certain fondness for wine I can't say it extends to mere sour grapes. Perhaps I ought to get a scroll, and give you a demonstration of what a third dimension adds to things?"

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"I'm not sure the rope trick has enough space and if I do anything of the sort anywhere my brother might see he'll be very justifiably mad at me, but I'm theoretically intrigued." 

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"A little birdie told me that some handsome debonair - and a few crusaders and adventurers, I suppose - cleared out the largest demon infestation in the city and put the rest of them on the run. Something tells me that we can find some space, especially if you're willing to scandalize people other than your brother."

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"I would prefer not to scandalize people other than my brother--I mean, in that specific way, I'm happy to scandalize people in other ways--but do go on." 

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"Well, if you've always wanted to do it on holy ground the Abadaran church has always told me that everything has a price. And by their own rules, with how little other demands there are on their space right now, it would probably even be a low price at that."

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"That sounds like the kind of fantasy you develop if you grow up with holy ground available," she snorts. "I only had unholy ground, and I'm pretty sure the ghoul priests were fuckin' on the regular in the temples of Urgathoa and Kabriri anyway." 

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A slight pity, but the holy ground he really wants to do it on is Iomedae's and that would be a tad impractical now even if she was interested.

"Then unless you want to take it to the skies, I can see about finding a room with a high enough ceiling to make it interesting."

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She kisses him about it. 

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He's not quite out of tricks to show off on that score.

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"You know, with the fighting over, I might actually have a second-circle spell free at the end of the day." 

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"Why, it would be quite a shame to let it go to waste."

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"Indeed." She kisses him on the nose. "Although I think it's going to have to wait until evening, I'd hate to get ambushed by a babau and want the slot." 

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Then he can - regretfully, and making sure to show it - be persuaded to wait.

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He is so adorable about this whole thing. 

Luzai continues miscellaneously making herself useful throughout the day. When evening falls, though, calling in her raincheck with Daeran is delayed by the fact that someone is throwing a party at the Defender's Heart, which is deeply, deeply valid of them. 

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They weren't exactly waiting on her approval, but some of them do seem to appreciate it! She might not be the hero of the hour like commander Tirabade, but plenty of them remember her own participation and the ones that don't can still mostly recognize a fellow crusader when they see one. Someone seems to have paid for food and alcohol to go around, but if she wants a larger selection she's probably going to have to talk to Gemyl Hawkes about it.

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Seelah is one of those people enjoying it! She's drinking and chatting with two humans and a halfling Luzai has never met before, but if she wanders into Seelah's field of vision she can get an enthusiastic wave over.

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Lucy sits down with her own drink and grins at them. 

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"I'm glad you could make it! Luzai, this is the league of the inspiring cart - the knight over there is Elan, this is Jannah, and the halfling over there is Curl. League, this is the wizard girl I've been telling you about."

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"I keep telling you Seelah, stop calling us that! I'm a proud member of the Houndhearts!"

Despite his words, however, he's still smiling - they seem to have had this conversation before, possibly several times, and his annoyance is a friendly sort.

"It's good to meet you, though. Seelah is a good judge of character, and not just because of the goddess' help, so you come highly reccomended."

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"Seelah is great, and I'm honored by her trust. So who are you guys, like, individually, as opposed to as a League?"

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"Well, Elan's already sort of introduced himself, so I guess I'm next. Jannah Aldori, Eagle's Watch." The half elven woman rubs the back of her head. "I joined up a few days before the attack, so it's been a bit of an eventful introduction."

"And I'm Rivni, but you can call me Curl - pretty much everyone does." The halfling seems to hesitate for a moment, but presses on quickly enough that she could be misinterpreting it if it wasn't for what he follows it up with. "I'm with the condemned. Not for murder, or anything, but when I got caught stealing it was this or the mines."

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"Wow, that's fucked up. I'm sorry it happened to you." 

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That will earn her a smile from Seelah!

"That's a good attitude to have. A lot of the crusaders I talk too look down on the condemned, but they're risking their lives as much as everyone else. Some of them could use a few good deeds before they meet the judge, sure, but there's also people like Curl where their heart is already in the right place."

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"I'm not saying I'm in favor of penal crusade service at all, but the attitude people take is the part that really disgusts me. I really hate it when people could be decent to one another at no cost whatsoever and instead just go, 'nah.'"

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That gets an audible agreement from both Jannah and Seelah, and Elan nods slightly. 

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"Speaking of, we were just talking about what everyone was planning to do once we finish dealing with the stragglers. Curl is probably going to have to rejoin his unit, though hopefully it'll be a bit before he has to do anything when it's this under strength, and I'm probably going to go give Elan a hand on his next trip into the wound. Luzai, Jannah, do either of you have plans?

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Luzai considers this. 

"I plan to...do what Irabeth tells me?" she hazards. "Obviously I'd like to see if anyone has found any more cultist spellbooks that have spells I don't have. But basically no." 

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"I meant once the crisis is over, not like right this minute. Obviously I'm not going to go run off and not help finish up!"

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"Hey, we could always use more people in the Eagle's Watch, and it's not like we're going to stop following her any time soon. Are you thinking of joining? I'd offer you a recommendation, but I feel like this last week probably speaks for itself."

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Luzai nods. 

"That might be the best thing to do. I was, uh, trying to figure out what group of crusaders to try to join, before all this happened. Having come up all the way from Geb with little idea of what 'fight at the Worldwound' actually involves, besides, you know, ultimately killing demons."

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"I definitely look forward to getting to know you better, then!"

With the obligatory serious matters handled, the conversation moves to that favorite pastime of soldiers everywhere: gossiping. Curl starts out with a commanding lead due to his story of a building code inspector who apparently considered a demon attack and her eyes being blinded by acid to be a minor concern compared to the rule of law and trekked halfway across the city to deliver her report to an astonished mayor. Neither Seelah nor Elan have anything to match that, despite the latter's best efforts involving looters carting off a barrel of water to hunker down with before finding out that the stuff had been conjured when it vanished on them half a day later. 

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Luzai could beat them all but that would be a deeply bad idea. 

Does having the best story mean everyone else buys Curl free drinks? Luzai is sort of new to this. 

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She catches on fast!

Once their throats are a bit more whetted and the other juicy gossip runs dry, the gathering turns to singing, though half them can scarcely carry a tune - and despite being significantly less inebriated than the rest, Seelah is among that category. They're happy to go along with suggestions from her too, assuming she doesn't mind them stumbling over half the lyrics, but if she doesn't have anything to recommend they can take her on a guided tour of Mendev's finest tavern songs. 

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Luzai would LOVE to hear Mendev's finest tavern songs. She is also, especially after she's gotten a couple drinks herself, willing to stand on the table and dance to a bawdy tavern song from Mechitar.

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That'll certainly get her some attention from the tavern, including a few wolf whistles, but the drinking's been going along long enough that she's not the only one making a fool of herself. 

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Elan and Jannah cajole seelah into doing a bit of dancing herself, which she accepts with good enthusiasm but refrains from imitating either half of Luzai's performance.

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Luzai claps at Seelah's dancing! It is good dancing even if it is less of a spectacle than Luzai made of herself. 

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By the time Luzai finishes preparing her spells for the next day, the breakfast crowd at the tavern is filled with an overwhelming sense of anticipation. Outrider scouts have confirmed the approach of an army from Nerosyan with the queen at the head, and news has spread through the city at the speed of rumor; several people are confidently betting that by this time tomorrow all the remaining demonic holdouts will be on the run, and are speculating about what will happen next.

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--Oh wow that makes sense but also is kind of nerve-wracking! Objectively the queen of Mendev is much less scary than Arazni but that is kind of the reference class she has for queens!

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And unlike with Arazni, she is probably not irrelevant enough to slide below this queen's notice!

Well, Luzai does at least seem to not be her first priority, for whatever that's worth. The queen met with the city's defenders and then immediately set to work using the army to clear the city of cultists and demons. It's a bit of a blunt force approach, but there's a significant advantage to having enough force you can both storm a building and block the exits without risking either, to say nothing of putting together a cordon across the city tight enough that you can actually keep areas clear once you check them.

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Cool! Cool cool. Is there anything Luzai can and/or should do to help with this. 

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She's not officially employed by the Eagle's Watch yet, so she isn't being ordered to do anything, but probably there are plenty of teams that wouldn't turn down magical support. She's not exactly a wizard out of legend just yet, but Mendev is famously poor in arcane magic and she's certainly better equipped to handle demons than her median replacement.

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She is super happy to volunteer to be magical support! 

And so is Villibor. Right? 

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...Hhhheee was going to spend some time winding down from the crisis by sticking his nose into magic theory for a while but this is actually really reasonable, sure. 

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They'll have to go through a pretty thorough vetting process to prove they're not demons or cultists, since apparently the army caught almost a dozen such looking to slip through the net by joining the search in the first hour alone, but after they come up clean enough that they'd have to be extremely powerful or lucky to be faking it they can get seconded to two of the squads in the eastern half of the city. The goal is, of course, for each team to have sufficiently overwhelming power to ensure that any fights end without either wizard needing more than cantrips, but there are simply so many hostiles in the city that at least one of their groups will probably manage to stumble on something.

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They are definitely, one hundred percent, not demons or cultists! And the vetting process is not designed to catch "secretly Areelu Vorlesh's daughter." Not needing more than cantrips would be good obviously, but so is Grease. 

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The vetting process is indeed not designed to catch Areelu Vorlesh's secret daughter, especially if she's not some horrifying demon hybrid or detectably evil. It's just not really in their hypothesis space.

Contrary to what one might expect from spy novels, sweeping a city for enemies is a long and monotonous task. Perhaps that's caused by the method they're using, though; armed soldiers surround the exits to houses and flush out anyone in any of the rooms, followed by their more magical inspectors going over the place with various detects to ensure nothing slips past. This results in each group's time being split, half filled with boredom while the other group works and half filled with tedious detail work. A number of her compatriots start slacking at the job, especially after the first few houses, but even accounting for them half assing it it seems reasonably secure as methods go.

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...Luzai is prepared to be kind of a bitch about it, if people slacking off look liable to cause problems, but...if anyone is, visibly-to-her, stealing things from the houses, being a bitch about that is much higher priority.

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...They're mostly pretty good about that, especially since they're trying to make sure everyone has at least one other person's eyes on them at all times, but there are absolutely a few people who have things go missing into their pockets when nobody can see. She's not specifically the person they're trying to hide it from, but they would rather not be seen and the efforts somewhat generalize.

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Well if she catches someone anyway she'll call them on it but she understands that she is not going to catch all of it that happens. 

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 That'll get them reprimanded by their leader, then, and get her some dirty looks from them and a few of their friends, but either they stop or get more careful about hiding it and the dislike doesn't escalate from there.

The supply of demons and cultists in Kenabres has dropped considerably in the last few days, and the cordon is really quite wide, so there are only a few she ends up running into. One place has a hidden room containing a sizable amount of Baphomite paraphernalia that either she can detect with the cantrip or will eventually be found by one of the soldiers knocking, while another has someone with undetectable alignment but unfortunately no mask dweomer that tries to channel negative when caught; the rest take off running when they approach, and either drop to arrows or become someone else's problem. (Some of the ones running might not be cultists per se, but it doesn't seem to be army policy to check very thoroughly if someone takes off when the patrol approaches).

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Personally Luzai prefers "become someone else's problem" to "drop to arrows" but she's not going to intervene about it, just be sad when people die, which is standard operating procedure (for her specifically) anyway. 

...Also if it happens to be convenient to get a glimpse of Queen Galfrey she's going to try to do that, she's actually quite curious. 

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If she's just looking for a glimpse, she can definitely manage that; the queen is making sure to both meet and be seen meeting the local notables and enough of the other survivors to leave an impression. But there's also quite a few guards hanging around nearby, so if she wants to get closer she'll probably want some approach to navigating the situation in mind even if it's just walking up.

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Nope! Queens scary. Also pretty, in this case. And she looks a lot more okay than Arazni! That's good!

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She doesn't look completely unruffled, but the impression she gives is of someone hard at work fixing things, and certainly not anywhere near as depressing as Arazni on a good day; people seem rather cheered by talking with her.


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Villibor's team finishes up their section about fifteen minutes after hers did, though they ended up in relatively different parts of the city than hers did; there's still an active cordon up at the north end of the city near the kite, but the plan there seems to be concentrating veteran forces and not dragging in as many auxiliaries as possible.

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And Luzai does not count as a veteran yet. She'll have to work on that, but there are no shortcuts to putting in the time. 

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Well, that and a question of trust; they might have brought in a 5th circle cleric they weren't familiar with to help, but an equivalent strength wizard would be a harder sell.

Outside of that, the city is... probably mostly safe? Give the state of the sewers and caves in Kenabres there's no telling how many people ended up there, and between that possibility and more hideouts there are still a lot of soldiers in the streets, but even compared to yesterday the civilian population seems a lot less worried about being out and about. It's not just that the battle is won, it's that people know it's won.

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Which is perhaps why when the word starts getting around that there's going to be a celebration and important announcement, it hits a populace that is at least somewhat enthusiastic about it. The fact that the crown will be supplying free alcohol cinches things for many of the rest, proving once again the usefulness of Caydenites when it comes to managing the public relations; as afternoon turns into evening and a stage starts to be set up in the middle of the city, people start filtering in to get a good spot well before anyone is actually ready to get started.

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Luzai will definitely be there but Villibor is going to take the opportunity to hide in their room with books. Her poor introvert of a brother.

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Unless she shows up really early she's not going to get one of the good seats, but somewhere with lines of sight to the stage is entirely doable. 

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The speech doesn't start off especially remarkable. Queen Galfrey's delivery is good, and she knows how to make her voice carry enough that Luzai doesn't have much difficulty making it out, but if Luzai has listened to or read enough speeches before the content will be fairly familiar even with different words. She congratulates Kenabres on their resilience, praises the bravery of the defenders that stood by when hope seemed lost, and talks up the magnitude of the victory that has been won, albeit at bitter cost. She's building to something, though, and judging by the anticipation building in the rest of the crowd Luzai isn't the only one that's noticed.

"But we cannot rest on our laurels - though we have driven back the enemy in disarray, in time they will reorganize, and seek to bring down our fair country once more. So we shall not simply let them! We will take the fight to them once more, and remind them of why all the hordes of the abyss have not taken Mendev! I hereby declare the fifth Mendevia crusade underway, and appoint Knight Commander Irabeth Tirabade, chosen of Iomedae, to lead it to victory!"

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--Wow okay! 

Luzai does not regret the fact that all the attention for the Wardstone Incident fell on the paladins, but. She really hopes Irabeth is okay with this? What did Irabeth tell Queen Galfrey about the whole situation? Luzai would prefer it if the crusader queen did not know about her secret evil mom but if she in fact has no idea what's going on and honestly thinks Iomedae was behind the Incident things could get awkward. 

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If the queen knows anything about Luzai's parentage, she's not broadcasting it to the world in her speech! Instead she introduces some more of the people who will be helping run the crusade, and encourages the people of Kenabres to join up. It's a pretty good sell, but it's presumably made easier by the fact that lots of them no longer have a home to go back to. And then it's time to celebrate! The food isn't free like the alcohol, but there is lots of it available, and music and dancing for people who are interested.

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Luzai is not feeling much like partying right now. 

If possible she'd like to find Anevia; if not...she'll go hug her brother. 

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Anevia seems to be helping Irabeth fend off the veritable surge of well-wishers and brownosers who seem to have decided that they really need to talk to the next knight commander; if she had a way to get them some space, it might help, but if she's just looking for a private moment it seems hard to arrange around the dozens of other people who all really want that too.

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Yeah no checks out. She'll--actually she'll see if Seelah is available.

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Seelah is available! She also had her five minutes of fame from the Grey Garrison, but compared to the new knight commander she barely seems to rate and is quite grateful for it. She's got a drink of some kind in her hand and is listening appreciatively to one of the musicians.

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"Seelah! How are you doing."

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"I'm excited! I was thinking about what I'd be doing next, and after last week just manning the border and waiting for the next big attack didn't really appeal. Not that it's unimportant, or anything, but I'd much rather stop them before they start going after innocent people, and if we move the borders far enough in even throwing the wardstone again won't let them get at a city."

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"I'm excited but also nervous. I mean, obviously being proactive about dealing with the demons is more appealing than being reactive, but--dealing with queens is a little scary." Half-shrug and small self-deprecating smile. "I mean, this one is, you know, a paladin, and alive, so that's a huge improvement, but."

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"Brr, now I'm imagining the demons trying to kill her to raise her as an undead. At least she'd make them regret it if they tried it."

Left unsaid is how well that strategy apparently worked out for Terendelev.

"Let's talk about something less gloomy. Where do you think the crusade is going to go? A lot of people are talking about heading straight for Iz, or even the Threshold itself, but I'm betting they plan to swing for Yathscar first."

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"Good question. I mean, Drezen's the obvious first step, right, considering..." Staunton fucking off with Minagho at the Wardstone battle. 

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"That would be kind of poetic. I doubt Aponavicus will give it up without a fight, but better him than Khorramzadeh anyway - swords I can handle."

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Nod. Luzai should do more research on high-profile demonic commanders, and by "research" she mostly means "ask Mom." Not that she couldn't find out common-knowledge stuff about them easily enough without, but Mom might know juicy details and secret weaknesses that are not public knowledge, and it's good to generate requests that are Definitely From Her And Not A Paladin. 

"Well, I don't think there are any strategically important points that'll be taken without a fight."

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"True, we'd probably have them already otherwise. To easy fights, then!"

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"To easy fights! And unexpected advantages."

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The next morning, while the newly declared crusade makes preparations to head out, a visibly wrung out Daeran comes looking for Luzai. He seems to have cleaned up at some point between the drinking and the present, but he's clearly not happy about something and it's probably not just the headache his restoration didn't entirely managed to banish.

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"--You don't look great, did something happen?"

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"What hasn't happened?"

He looks like badly he wants to flop somewhere, but he's stymied by the lack of good options nearby.


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"The Terrasque hasn't surfaced." 

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“If anything, that would be a relief at this point. Tell me, do I look like a paladin to you? Or maybe a glory addled fool excited to be gutted by a demon?”

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"Well, with your hair and eyes, you sorta do, but I'd've thought your infamy would set anyone straight on that front."

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“And yet you’re looking at the newest member of the Crusade leadership, for some godsforsaken reason. If they really needed a beautiful blond to fill by cousin’s shoes, couldn’t they have found someone dumb enough to actually want it? I haven’t the slightest talent or interest in it.”

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"No offense, but if you can't say no, why didn't this happen a long time ago?"

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“It’s because of the crusade,” he responds mournfully. “Back during the second one, she called the assembly and got them to agree to suspend certain privileges during a crusade out of wartime necessity, including expanding the crown’s right to draw on their forces. Promised some nonsense about how it was a temporary measure necessary to win the war, but I guess they didn’t realize she would just declare another one whenever she wanted to do it again.

”Or maybe they just fell for it outright. You wouldn’t believe how many of my peers profess their certainty that the church of Iomedae is going to close the wound any year now, even with a century of evidence to the contrary.”

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"Well, I'm sorry to hear it. I mean, I'm not going to lie, I enjoy having you around, but I wouldn't try to force you into anything about it."

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"I suppose there's at least one silver lining to this affair. I shall have to be so useless that they stop inviting me to meetings if I want any spare time to enjoy it, but I think that should at least be in my skillset."

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She covers a giggle. "Or I could get myself invited to the meetings and we could scandalize them." 

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"Do you think you could pull that off? I think we'd only have one shot at it, but if we timed it properly it might be worth it anyway..."

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“I have a crystal ball! It could work!”

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"In that case, I await your successful infiltration with bated breath."

He's still moping, but his bad mood seems to have lifted noticeably.

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She hugs him. Hug is not as good as flop but it is better than nothing. 

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Definitely better than nothing.

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Despite the declaration and the haste at which they set to work, heading out on campaign doesn't exactly happen quickly. There's enough time for Luzai and Villibor to get their things together, buy replacements for anything they used up and destroyed (or at least, anything still available after the army quartermasters and everyone else stocking up gets through), and get Luzai's position in the Eagle's watch formally sorted out. The logistics of everything there is a bit of a mess with both Tirabades too busy to catch all their plates and all their most capable living subordinates split between helping arrange the crusade and frantically preparing to hand off their duties in Kenabres to anyone sticking around, but they're also very low on manpower and the temporary head of hiring seems very enthused about her candidacy. Since she doesn't have relevant experience for the handover and isn't one of the people Irabeth tapped to help with the crusade organization, can they put her to work on inventory?

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Sure! She can do whatever's helpful. Inventorying crusade supplies isn't exactly the same as anything she learned to do while under her father's thumb but it's close enough for some of the experience to transfer. (She does not say that last part out loud.)

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It's not simply busywork, but it's hardly beyond her abilities, especially considering the Eagle's Watch supplies are only disorganized by dint of a very chaotic week and a number of their people dying rather than having never had good records in the first place. She's also able to locate a few things that aren't in the manifests, but almost all of those bottom out in an acquisition she can get someone to attest to. Depending on the degree of her perfectionism she might not be satisfied with her work by the time they set off marching north along the banks of the West Sellen, but everyone else who checks in seems pleased with what she's managed.

The first two days of the campaign go well. Most of the fighting is done by cavalry detachments running down fleeing cultists, so there's not much she personally has to do there, but her spellcasting is in high demand even as the army itself steadily makes ground north, and . The only dark spot is the news of a petty necromancer trying to take advantage of everyone setting out to fight in order to sack a town a few miles north of Kenabres, and according to the rumor mill that got dealt with quickly enough by a cleric who was in the area.

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Are you free now, or should I try sending you again some other time like later this evening? I have news about your little problem.

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I'm free for the next hour or so; if this will take longer it should wait. 

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Could she get it done in an hour... maybe. But she doesn't want to cut things that short.

I'll pick you up later this evening, then.

Once Luzai finishes up her tasks for the day and returns to her tent, there's an innocuous paper on her bedroll that reads 'tear when ready.'

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She checks in with Wilbur so he'll deflect if anyone comes looking for her, then returns to the tent and tears the paper. 

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And then a tiny little bat hidden in the folds of her tent will flutter down to her hand, at which point the Illureshi plane shifts them both back to a familiar demiplane.

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It hasn't even been a week but that's still entirely too long. She waves off the bound outsider and then scoops up Luzai into a hug.

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Hug!!! The irony of transitioning between crusading against the Worldwound and hugging Areelu Vorlesh is not lost on Seshka but fortunately she does not care actually. 

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Eventually her grip loosens, though she's probably not going to be the first to unhug here.

"Do you want to talk about your week and how you've been, or should I get right to what I've found out? I don't expect that it's urgent on the scale of minutes or hours."

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"I would love to talk about my week but that is also not urgent on a scale of minutes or hours if you'd rather get the other thing off your chest."

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She's mostly worried it will spoil the mood, so since Luzai isn't in a rush she'll spend a bit of time listening to the goings-on in her daughter's life first. It won't do either of them any good to put it off indefinitely, though, so once they finish the obvious subjects she stop stalling.

"The good news is I figured out what was going on, and it's not targeting you specifically. The bad news is that there's a good chance it'll try a repeat, and a vulpinal absolutely isn't enough to keep you safe from it. It turns out you're not the only one in that crusade of yours with a dark secret."

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She considers this. 


"Camellia or Daeran?"

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"Daeran. As far as I can tell none of Camellia's secrets are a danger to you, but your count got his powers from a pact with a rather secretive entity, and it reacts violently to anything that it thinks will risk its privacy. Not from the lower planes, surprisingly; it's a colony lifeform of some sort."

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“…And it thinks I risk its privacy? I mean, empirically yes, I suppose, but I wouldn’t‘be if it hadn’t spooked me.”

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"It doesn't appear to have the best judgment for such things, or at least some reason for operating on a hair trigger. Once I knew to go looking, there are rather a lot of mysterious deaths by beheading around Arendae, and more who got spooked around him like you did but reacted by getting out. It's a wonder even Mendev hasn't noticed the problem."

She hums thoughtfully.

"I expect he entered into the pact willingly - the level of empowerment doesn't make sense without it, and there are fewer limitations on what powerful entities are able to do without reprisal if they act through mortals. But there's willingness and there's willingness."

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“…Yeah. What do you know about how his mother died?”

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"She was killed by a Lilitu about two decades ago, along with his father, some Iomedaean preists, and a number of servants. Nobody central to the incident left a skull intact enough to interrogate, unfortunately, so I'm not sure if the Lilitu was drawn in by the deal or he made it as a result of it; it seems unlikely they were unrelated."

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"I've heard rumors that the Lilitu was found suspiciously headless."

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"Yes. It's not a guarentee, but it's definitely suggestive that the deal came first and the demon got too close. The bigger problem is that if it can kill a Lilitu it can probably also kill anything else I send with you, so unless you're willing to stay away from him going forward I ought to get rid of it first. Would using one of the crusade's spies to bait it interfere with what you're trying to accomplish there?"

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“As in, sacrificing the life of someone who is working for the crusade? …Not if you Raise them after, I guess. Otherwise yes.”

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Probably not, then. It'd be more convenient than finding a demon or cultist she can use as a patsy, but she can think of plenty of other uses for that kind of money and she'd rather put in another hour's work to avoid spending it. 

"I'll keep that in mind."

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"Still. If this is going to be a pattern with your boytoys, perhaps I ought to do some preemptive spying on all your future conquests."

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"Mooooooom, I haven't had any other boytoys, you can't draw a pattern from one example, that's not how science works!"