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a Lucy is born in Geb
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 "Jefto is a thief and a liar, but there's no evidence he's working with the demons."


"Wait, you're locked up in here, with guys tied up watching you, for stealing? While the city is overrun with demons?"


"That's exactly what I said!"


"In their somewhat limited defense you have an obvious bias on the topic. But."


"Would you believe you're the first person not to be completely unreasonable about it?"

He grumbles for a moment, then brightens.

"Say, chief, how's about you get me out of here! A girl like you, I bet you've got big plans, and I'm sure I can help - I may not be a cultist, but I do have some magic. Whaddya say?"


"There's supposed to be a big demon attack this evening. If you'd rather be on the outside of this cell helping with that, I can certainly at least try to sell Irabeth on that."


'Fighting off a big demon attack' is a lot worse of an offer than he was hoping for, but if there is going to be an attack he'd much rather have all his knives and magic than be locked up in a cell. He could try to swing things off his looks and shadow and being locked up if the demons win, but compared to being able to cut and run it doesn't have much to recommend it.

"You won't regret giving me a chance, I swear."


"Cool. So: my putting in a good word for you is not conditional on this, and you can feel free to tell me to fuck off, until you're out of there or just in general, but," she steeples her fingers and bounces slightly, "you have magic? What kind?" 


"Oh, you know. A little bit of wizardry, and a few extra tricks to spice things up."


"What kind of tricks? Do you have Detect Fiendish Presence?" 


"Do I look like the kind of guy who gets a warm welcome from the inquisition? Nah, my stuff is more of the spooky kind; I can throw around a little darkness, and my shadow can do this!"

At his word, his shadow grows several times over, looking almost like a looming demon, and its penumbra glows an unearthly blue.

"Pretty neat, huh?"


"Oh! That's what he meant by calling demons!" she exclaims, delighted. "I'm not a fan of the inquisition either but I got it from a guy who was less worried about saying the wrong thing and getting murdered about it, you can copy it from me." 


"Well I don't exactly have my spellbook on me, but once I get it back I'll be sure to take you up on that."


"--Oh. Yeah. Sorry." 

She will...go inquire with Irabeth, then. 


Now that they have a time for the attack, Irabeth's schedule has somehow become even busier, but with Luzai in the priority lane for meetings the wait is fairly tolerable. When the previous visitor exits and Luzai is waved in, it's to the sight of a visibly tired Irabeth, though she does a passable job of projecting alertness. 

"More news?"


"Two things. One, I hit second circle this morning. Two, and not actually news, uh, I get that the Eagle Watch is supposed to enforce laws and stuff, but I think it would be cool if, like, right now, all of the people who are currently stuck in the basement were available to fight demons."


"Woljif put you up to this?"


She wobbles her hand. "I mean, I'm sure he would've given, like, another round or two, but I did make the observation independently." 


"Don't let his acting fool you - Woljif and the gang he runs with are serious criminals. Burglary, grand larceny, aggravated battery, assault with combat magic; cultists aside, the thieflings are one of the biggest problems in the city. Still, you're not wrong that I'd love to have the extra space to put people out of the way of the fighting. Do you think you can actually get him to help and not just take off?"


"Yes. He's a wizard and I have spells he doesn't." 


"Right now he doesn't have any spells, and frankly that's the way I prefer it."

She shakes her head to clear it.

"Sorry. That's not directed at you, it's just been a long few days here. I'm a little skeptical it rates up against his self preservation, but I've never really understood what drives wizards to collect spells like that in the first place. If you think you're up to the task, you've got my authorization to put him to work, but if he runs off please tell me sooner and not later."


"If he runs off I will tell you immediately. --Should I give him a spare spellbook I took off a dead cultist, with a limited selection of spells, instead of his back yet? I'd feel bad about taking it permanently, but as collateral," shrug.


"If you think he'll be more useful that way. Otherwise Anevia has his old one stashed away somewhere, so if you think you'll need it you should go talk to her. Dawnflower walk with you."


"Thanks. --Dawnflower?"


"Sarenrae. This sort of thing is more hers than Iomedae's."

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