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a Lucy is born in Geb
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Huh, maybe she just caught Irabeth later in the evening than he did. He can wait patiently for her to finish; he's already prepared his spells for the day, and while second circle spells take longer to copy than cantrips it's not like he has somewhere he needs to be in a hurry today.


She finishes as promptly as can be expected. 

"Thank you!" she exclaims, hugging her spellbook to her chest and twirling in place. 


If the aeon is half as useful as he expects it to be, he'll still end up owing her a good deal.

"You're quite welcome."


Luzai Luzai will bring breakfast to Ember, howabout. 

"Sleep well?"


"Yes. I don't usually have trouble sleeping, but I had to help some other people who were having trouble."


"Oh, hm, I know some good lullabies but mostly in Garundi and Osiriani." 


"I think my mom used to sing some to me, but I don't really remember most of the words anymore."


"I'm sorry to hear that. My mama died pretty recently, and--it hurts a lot, but I know I'm very lucky to have had her as long as I did."


"I'm so sorry. That sounds like it's really hard."


"It's not good. But my brother and I made sure she was somewhere okay. So it could be a lot worse." 


"It's good that she's not hurting more too, but that doesn't mean you miss her less."

She'll hug Luzai, since she looks like she could use one.




What a good kid. 

After a while of hug, Luzai says, "We're expecting a lot of demons to attack the Defender's Heart this evening. You should probably come inside for that, at least." 


"Is there going to be room for everyone inside?"


"Yes. Not, like, comfortably, I think, with all the noncombatants indoors, but it's better to be crowded and standing-room-only for a while than to get swarmed by demons." 


Ember looks a little doubtful, but she doesn't reject the suggestion.


"...Alternately you could maybe be outdoors and helping, depending on what you and/or Soot can do."


"I can heal people and put people to sleep, and I know a few spells Soot taught me."


Thoughtful headtilt. 

"The healing and the putting people to sleep aren't spells?"


"No, I mostly just... do them, but I don't run out."


"Can you do more than one of them in the same day to the same person." 


"No, if I need to heal someone more than that I have to use a spell."


"Cool. My sister Naithrope has a friend like Soot is to you, I think! His name is Kexil. He's a songbird."


"I didn't know other people had friends like Soot. What do you think, do you want to meet them?"

"Soot says she could sing if she wanted to."


"It'd be hard to meet them right now. Me'n Villibor have a lot of brothers and sisters, but only the two of us left Geb so far. Kexil sings all the time, though. Naithrope likes to sing with him. But most people don't like to sing that much, so it's not surprising that Soot doesn't choose to." 


Soot gives a regal nod at Luzai's agreement.

"It must be great having a large family. You have so many people that care about you, and I bet it's never lonely."

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