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a Lucy is born in Geb
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She's going to go looking for those people now, but like, in a not-maximally-direct fashion where she also tries to stare at people with Aeon vision in the hopes of picking out someone compatible on the way. 


Using the Aeon's sight to assess compatibility is a somewhat headache-inducing task. The Aeon seems to have been far more concerned with identifying those who needed removal than potential allies, which makes it a lot easier to figure out who isn't a good pick than who is. Still, if she's willing to do enough persevering it's possible to get somewhere; both Jhoran and Staunton Vhane seem somewhat better than the median candidate, and Aravashnial is surprisingly good along some axis even if he's unexceptional among others. It seems likely that there would be better possible candidates with a wider net, but for better or worse none of them are currently in the defender's heart.



She'll bring Staunton some dinner, since it seems unlikely he wants to come in and eat with everyone else. 

"We found the Storyteller! Thanks for the help." 


"Not like I did much of anything."

He'll take the food though, it's not like she's wrong about the idea of having to go inside and wait in line in this crowd being unpleasant.


"I mean, if we didn't have your lead he'd probably have died, some cultists were going to burn him alive along with some other guys on a pile of books when we got there." 


"But you killed them first? That's something at least, burning is a terrible way to go."


"Oh, no, they had loads of alchemist's fire, I really didn't want to give them the chance to set that off before they died. So I said I worked for Areelu Vorlesh, told them off for screwing up, and gave them a whole bunch of dangerously inaccurate intel about the defenses here before shooing them." 


"And they fell for that, when there was a paladin with you? I suppose there's always a bigger idiot."


"Well, to be fair, some of them were dressed as paladins too. 'In the same kind of disguise as them, but like, better at it' wasn't that outrageous a claim to make, of itself." She sighs gustily. "I think it helped that we had Lann and Wenduag with us, and they had no idea that the Neathers are a thing." 


"I could see that. I'll admit, I had some thoughts when I first saw them too, coming out of the basement in the garrison like that. It's a good thing thing the first we saw of them was them attacking the cultists instead of some standoff."


"Hulrun wasn't too impressed with them either," she grumbles, then shakes her head. "Sorry. It bothers Seelah when I complain about him, which doesn't mean I should vent to random other paladins." 


"Thank you. The prelate has his moments, but he's never faltered in the face of demons no matter the odds. It wouldn't sit right for me to gripe about him behind his back."


"I understand. --There was a misunderstanding and he thought we were cultists until I pulled out the angel sword, so I'm less than thrilled with him right now, but like, the angel sword did not in fact have a problem with him." And she isn't thrilled with that, but she doesn't have to say that part out loud. And it's true that, of Hulrun's problems, none of them are a lack of bravery or determination! 

"Unrelated note, weird question, do you know what an Aeon is?"


"The outsiders from the astral?"


"Yeah! One showed up because Deskari did, and that was a bigger planar disturbance than usual, and Deskari killed it, but a fragment of its consciousness was still hanging on when I stumbled across it. I sort of managed to stabilize it by acting as a host, buuuuuut I'm not...really lawful enough to be a good repository long-term. I've been trying to use its vision to figure out who might be a better one? It's really not what Aeon vision is for, but you seemed like you would be, like, better than average? I can ask someone else if you say no, but I do want to try to transfer it to someone else." 


"It's hard to imagine one of the guardians of the balance wanting anything to do with me; I'm sworn to Torag's service, not whatever goals they have in mind. If you think I'm the best option, though, I'll see what I can do."


"Oh, that's a, Joran, and Aravashnial were the ones who stood out; I can ask Aravashnial, since he isn't a divine caster I'm pretty sure, and come back if he says no." 


Staunton nods, a little gruffly.


Aravashnial has decided to escape the crowds by taking to the roof, but the same search through the Aeon's eyes that revealed his compatibility also gave away his location. He's out of sight of anywhere on the ground, but for anyone who can get on the rooftop it's pretty easy to navigate to him.


Luzai sits down beside him.

“I’m sorry to bother you, but I have some very weird questions.”


"Hopefully important ones. What do you need to ask?"


"Do you know what an Aeon is? I found the last fragment of the consciousness of an Aeon that Deskari killed, and it's stable for now, but I'm probably not a good host for it long-term. I've been trying to find a better one and you're one of a few who stood out." 


"Yes, of course I'm familiar. Which dichotomy was it, one of the ones balancing life and death? Freedom and fate?"


Heeeee knows more about it than she does, eep. Time to not embarrass herself, hopefully. 

"It was about--everything being on its correct plane, I think is the best way to put it. Very emphatically against the Worldwound, and demons being on Golarion. But I could easily be missing nuance; it was very badly damaged and my connection to it is imperfect." 


"Ah, time and dimensions. What were you looking to do with it once you stopped hosting it, make it into a familiar? Even a severely injured Bythos could prove an extremely useful aid, but even in such a state you would have to be careful of your behavior to not drive it away."

He seems significantly less brusque and more engaged in the conversation now; her choice of topic has evidently caught his interest.

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