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a Lucy is born in Geb
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"Oh, okay." 

She knows that Sarenrae is the goddess of the sun and of the Keleshite empire, but not a lot more than that. But Irabeth has better things to do than give lessons in theology that don't have direct demon-fighting applications right now. 

She goes looking for Anevia. 


Anevia isn't anywhere near as easy to find, but once Luzai starts looking for Anevia it's not long before Anevia finds her instead.

"Look who it is! Hey, Luzai, glad to see you're still holding up."


"Hi!!! I hit second circle, so I am holding up GREAT. --On an only slightly related note, Irabeth said I could let Woljif out in exchange for his help with demon stuff, and also that you had his spellbook." 


"Congrats! That's where you start getting the big guns like invisibility, right? Come with me for a moment, his stuff is stashed in one of the watch's rooms - did you just want the spellbook, or any of the other things that got confiscated?"


"--Well, I was only thinking of the spellbook, but it would probably be more in-good-faith to give him his other stuff back too. There, uh," she grimaces slightly, "isn't that much I can do to make him feel like he isn't being coerced, because he kinda is, but I can at least not be worse about it than I can help. And yeah! Invisibility specifically is illusion, which I am not great at, but I got Web from Aravashnial."


"That one's a little less useful in my line of work, but I bet you can get a lot done with it anyway."

She waves to the paladins who are currently taking the opportunity to get off their feet, and comes out with a satchel tucked into a corner. 

"Let's see, we've got his spellbook, two daggers, a scroll of knock, a skeleton key and few lockpicks, a whetstone, and some metal lubricator. I don't know if he really needs the thieves tools back but I guess it's not like it'd be hard for him to get a new set."


"We got a lot of use out of Camellia being able to pick locks, in the maze, and also this one time we were sneaking up on a group of cultists to mug them for incriminating paraphernalia with which to infiltrate the Tower of Estrod." 


"Oh, certainly. I've got a similar set myself, I'm just trying to be realistic about what this one will actually end up doing."


"Fair enough. I can at least give his daggers back, though, those are kind of immediately relevant to the demon thing." 



Anevia will give Luzai the rest of it too in case she needs another motivator; it's frankly pretty minor compared to the spellbook.

"Outside of the circles, though, everything's been going well? Not saying there definitely is or you have to share things if you don't want but I'm here if you need something, you know?"


Luzai grins at her. “Thanks. Lann and Wenduag still aren’t speaking to one another, that isn’t great, aaand Seelah is for obvious reasons less than thrilled that I persuaded Count Arendae to help out, on account of all the blasphemy. And Hulrun has decided to go on the warpath against the Desnans, which isn’t excellent. But, like, overall, I think things are going pretty well! —Oh, also, I seem to have deeply offended this one poisoned elf, which was just a weird situation all around.”

She shakes her head a little ruefully. “I guess with so many things to mention that have gone wrong it sounds a little silly to say things are going well, but I mean it.”


Huh, she definitely wasn't expecting the bit about persuading count Arendae. It would have been one thing if he was useful and she desperate, but pretty much nobody has ever accused the count of that, and she got a pretty good sense for most of Luzai's group when she was underground. They weren't a perfect team even with her involved, but her impression definitely didn't involve them not being able to handle things without her.

"Say more about the Prelate?"


"So apparently the Desnans also received a warning about the attack, but they also got the information that the attack was going to target the Wardstone specifically, aaaand apparently some of them decided to sneak in to try to do something about it, and Hulrun decided that this meant they were all demon cultists. We ran across Hulrun while Ramien was trying to talk him down from trying to kill him, I called out to him, Ramien used the opportunity to run away, Hulrun decided this meant we were demon cultists, possibly excepting Seelah who he seemed to think I was Dominating, and he was about to try to kill me when I pulled out Lariel's sword and that slowed him down enough that he didn't try to kill us that time or even later when we had Daeran. Although then afterwards Daeran said something snippy about him that qualified as blasphemy and Seelah got mad about it so I tried to distract her by asking theological questions but it turns out paladins are harder to nerdsnipe than wizards." 


"Oh dear. Of all the times for Hawkblade to be out of the city... well, with any luck there are enough actual demon cultists around for him to deal with to limit the damage. I'm glad you got out okay."

She laughs at the last term.

"Nerdsnipe! Oh, that's great, I might have to borrow that one. Beth is like Seelah that way, but there are absolutely some paladins you could get with that."


"Thank you! My sister Istraya came up with it, she's even more susceptible than I am. Who's Hawkblade?" 


"One of Hulrun's top inquisitors. He's a real stickler for rules and procedure, which is occasionally annoying when you're trying to get things done but a lifesaver when Hulrun's in a mood, especially since the Prelate trusts him pretty much implicitly. He's also pretty much the only person other than Terendelev who can reliably get Hulrun to change his mind, at least once he's already set on something, but he went out on assignment a couple of days before the attack and I don't have a clue when he'll return."


Big sigh. "And Terendelev's dead now. --Oh, not immediately important, I'd be surprised if we had a seventh-circle cleric on hand, but," she rummages in her pockets for a moment and then draws out the vial, "I managed to scrape some of her blood off the cobblestones." 


"I think the high priest in Nerosyan might be, but Jhoran's only at 6th and everyone else here is lower level than that. Good thinking, though; while diamonds are expensive, if it meant getting Terendelev back in action it'd be worth the price once the city's back in order and we can see about actually paying for things."


"Assuming they haven't reanimated her. I didn't see the body lying around and it's the obvious reason to take it." It's POSSIBLE that Mom made off with it because she anticipated Luzai would want it, but Luzai wouldn't bet on it even if offered very favorable odds. 


Anevia shivers.

"Yikes, ancient undead dragons. There's a thought I didn't need. I was thinking somebody had probably taken it as a trophy, but you're right, that would be a disaster."


"Even if they don't have that caliber of necromancer themselves, I know a lot of Blood Lords would pay out the nose for such a cadaver." 


"And with the wardstone down, the demons might even be able to get it to them. Eesh. I'll talk to Rathimus to see if there's anything obvious to be done about it."


"Commune is fifth circle, which is within our theoretical capabilities but still a significant resource expenditure...and I don't know if anyone but Joran is fifth or higher, or if Torag knows or cares about undeath particularly." 


"I don't know that one, but Rathimus is also fifth so he might have whatever resources it takes."


"Okay. --I assume that if we have any capacity for Sendings we've already used it up asking for help--"

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