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a Lucy is born in Geb
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“I do love all of my siblings. …But it could be for better reasons. My father decided to get a whole bunch of slave women pregnant for science. I want to get strong enough to go back and rescue everyone else.”


"That sounds like it must be scary, and I'm glad you want to help them anyway. I don't think staying there would be very good for them."


"I don't think so either. It's part of why I'm here, at the Worldwound, is because it's a good way to get stronger." Shrug. "Or die, but if you die at the Worldwound, that probably gets you lots of Good points, and then you get to go be a fluffy animal in Nirvana." 


"Dying is really bad, even if you don't go to the Abyss. I think you're right that it's worse though, all the demons I saw had suffered there horribly."


"Yeah! Being a demon seems really unpleasant. And that's assuming you even make it as far as being a demon; the attrition rate for abyssal larvae is...disturbing. Not that you're safe if you make it to being a demon. Even if you don't come out of the Worldwound and get killed by crusaders, demons kill each other all the time!" What if, instead, they did not do this, gosh. 


"They need someone to help them too, but I don't know how to do it yet and there are just so many of them."


"I know, right. It's so frustrating. And," she gestures brusquely, "from down here, it's so hard to see--whether this is an archmage-level problem, or a god-level problem, or an even higher-level problem than that--I can say, it's worthwhile to try to become as strong as I can even at risk to my own life, because if enough people do that, someone will succeed, but supposing I get lucky and make it to ninth circle alive--and then that's not strong enough to fix it? I don't have the faintest idea what separates the people who succeeded at the Starstone from the many failures, so I don't even know if it's a good bet to make--"


"I don't think it's the kind of problem that you solve by being a god. There are a lot of gods, and none of them have done anything about it. And even more than that... a lot of the issue is that the demons are scared all the time, and people have a hard time thinking or changing when they're scared. If you try and solve their problems just by being stronger than them, it'll just frighten them even more."


Luzai blows out heavily, puffing her cheeks. "I guess. It's just hasn't been solved yet, and there's been an awful long time for it to be solved, so I feel like, if I don't solve it myself, then I'm being... irresponsible, expecting someone else to solve any of it... and it's such a big problem, it seems like it'd take a really big person even be able to see the whole thing, let alone fix it."


"I think it might have to involve teaching demons how to help other demons, but that seems even harder than just helping them."


"Yeah." She folds her arms and leans back against the wall. "That sounds like something it would be easier for someone with high Wisdom to do. Which is...not me." 


Ember will hug her again.

"It might not be enough, but it's still good that you try."




"I sort of hate to ask this, but would you be willing to come inside and help defend against the demons? I--don't like killing them either, obviously, but--a lot more people are going to get hurt and die if we don't." 


"If they need my help... yes. I hope this way gets less people hurt."


"I hope so too." 

Once Ember is inside (YESSSSS) Luzai sets about making herself busy. Part of making herself busy involves finding tasks that people are willing to fob off on a (second! circle!!!) wizard who's actively soliciting them, and part of it involves running around soliciting them. 

It is in the course of the latter that she runs across an injured elf near the interior entrance to the cellar. 

"Hello, are you alright?" 


"I've had better weeks, but I will be in time."


“Today’s not great, but if you’re still here tomorrow, we do have, you know, clerics. And stuff.” She still doesn’t know specifically what’s up with Camellia or Daeran, it hasn’t exactly been a priority.


"Would that it were that easy. My wounds healed just fine, but the poison has proven rather more intransigent, and there's only so much channels help with that."


“Oh. Yeah, that checks out. I think Fiducia Rathimus is high enough circle you could get a Neutralize Poison from him but admittedly I’m not actually sure.”


"I thought the same, but almost all of his stronger spells are contracted out to the eagle's watch for aid in the defense. Perhaps I could outbid them anyway, but I would have a hard time justifying it, not when I would survive regardless. It's one of the advantages we have over humans, that our health is not worn away by age."


“Well, usually. I don’t know what’s up with the Storyteller.”


"I beg your pardon?"

The elf blinks visibly, taken aback by the apparent non-sequitur.


“…There’s a magic item specialist here called the Storyteller who is an elf and looks as wrinkly and worn-down as an old human would.”


"I couldn't say for certain without having met them, but perhaps they are one of the forlorn. Those of our kin who hail from outside Kyonin are not always so fortunate."


“What, Kyonin specifically?”

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